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Max kaiser this is the kaiser report you know weve been saying for a long time that the markets dont really exist that theyve been replaced with. Its hard to i mean i want to go into what theyve been replaced with the lets just say that they dont exist anymore how about that and then well go throw to stacey and then shes going to have some color on the stacy womacks here on kaiser report for the past 10 years we have been saying the markets are rigged they are not fair they are creating a cantillon effect they are creating moral hazard they are bailing out the very top you know 0. 01 percent of the population from their bad bets in their bad you know investments and indeed many you know some would say oh thats a Conspiracy Theory but now the guy who runs the Largest Hedge Fund in the world ray deleo has joined this side of the equation the way we look and analyze the markets he agrees with us and here again hes the most successful current Hedge Fund Manager in the world bridgewaters dalliances Capital Markets are no longer free Central Bank Balance sheets will explode dahlia said that investors should favor stocks and gold over bonds and cash because the latter offer a negative rates of return and Central Banks will print more money see hes watched the show he knows about plucky he knows about what plucky does the Balance Sheet are so it raises saying there you know what weve been saying right so in a market there is that the price in a market is supposed to represent something i supposed to represent supply and demand thats kind of what prices are all about and thats what the wealth of nations the book written by. Adam smith adam smith is all about you know. Oh its the enlightened thinking apply to economics that the invisible hand that is better than having the king tell you what the prices are the youth the people can figure out their own prices just what all the people interact and the net result will be a better price for everything for everyone right yeah a. Boat that doesnt exist anymore you have a kings now the princes the wall street titans and the private equity guys who dictate prices and to make it look you know for cosmetic purposes once they dictate a price lets say more buffett says i need the price apple to be at 350. 00 a share then algorithmically you can fill in the trades phantom trades and wash trades to get the 350. 00 to make it look like theres a market there is no more market they dont need to conspire they dont need to go like youre jay Powell Warren buffett Warren Buffett or any other powerful banker does not need to go to jay powell and say hey jay powell i need the share price of apple to be this its all digitized they could see it on the Balance Sheet the fed can see exactly where the options are where the risk is and they could just make sure that it never hits that that theres always a put option and they themselves you know affect the market by looking at the market they affect the market because they know that they cant have that price go to a certain point so the other players in the market the other investors of course then bet on the the fed chairman jay powell at the moment your own pow that he will act according to how they are observing the same data so its a feedback loop right with price control you have Authority Like in the old medieval days when they. Argue about how many angels can dance on the head of a pen and the one who had the best argument for that non discussion have the most authority so here you have a bunch of central bankers and market manipulator. Saying the price of apples should be 350. 00 and so they have the authority they have the authority to regulate actions they have authority to write the media they the authority to rake bark its so its a really grand potentate a fraud well the other thing to consider of course is that the likes of raid ballio the likes of Warren Buffett the likes of the Stanley Druckenmiller they themselves are the biggest Fund Managers in the world and they are accumulating cash instead Warren Buffett sitting on cash here rage alue saying he wouldnt do cash hes just in gold or something safe like that rather than bonds and cash because thats a negative return so i mean you destroy the markets by trying to save the markets you know psyops a use destroy the village to save the village and here theyre trying theyre trying to save the village theres trying to save the markets by destroying the markets well theyre trying to save their bonuses us for sure and doing a darn good job at it well i mean they are appointed by elected officials and they are aware that people look at the stock market our president tweets every day about what the stock market is doing and that is supposed to be some symbolism you know humans always go through cultural symbolisms and they believe this number up there on the dow jones board has something to do with them and thats what theyre looking at so here whatever the good intentions are the results are inevitably like weve seen throughout history inevitably revolutionary and possibly very a bloody one because you know that they start off well intentioned maybe but it goes so horribly wrong for everybody involved to continue to expose the Federal Reserve here is the power of attorney for blackrock to purchase assets which include stocks of course the media like c m b c does 0 reporting on this so you know its Available Online you can see the power of attorney that the fed gave to blackrock because the fed i guess can buy stocks by. Their mandates but if they appointed to blackrock which is the biggest asset manager and the world you know beyond hedge funds they have like trillions under management and they get to buy stocks on behalf of the fed and clued into who knows who their friends are they get to buy their own stocks in their own you know blackrock has a lot of e. T. F. Theyre about to buy these e. T. F. So i mean this is ultimately the sort of corruption that they warned about in the pre french revolutionary days well fans of the godfather movies will recognize the modus operandi here the godfather orders the hit man to go kill the guy who the godfather doesnt have any culpability so here jay powell is ordering blackrock to essentially ask the hitman to go and commit fraud this is obviously its the law as the what it is right there bypassing the law so not a lot of murder somebody but he did hire somebody to murder somebody and they dont get caught then according to the godfather stary of economics which now runs American Economy thats ok again its a Conspiracy Theory its being proven now however so its becoming conspiracy fact they are conspiring to rig prices and they think theyre doing it for the greater good they think that it will be for the best of everybody if the dow jones is at a certain price if the s. And p. 500. 00 is at a certain price if apple Berkshire Hathaway and these stocks are at a certain price they believe its for the best of all Big Tobacco Big Oil and buffet joint feds portfolio the us Federal Reserve bought 428000000. 00 in bonds of individual companies through mid june making investments in household names like walmart and a. T. M. T. As well as and major oil firms tobacco giant Philip Morris international and utilities subsidiary of billionaire Warren Buffetts Berkshire Hathaway Holding Company so i mean as we pointed out. Berkshire hathaway has 140000000000. 00 sitting on their Balance Sheet and somehow the taxpayer the ultimately the taxpayer backs the fed right with our good Credit Rating that backs the fed and the fed is then giving it to the rich one of the richest people in the world of course are doing it because they believe theyre acting on behalf of the greater good as every tyrant in history has done you know poll pot that the killing fields for the greater good at the time and the list goes on from there so yes jay powell is acting in the greater good Warren Buffett is allowing himself to be participating in this fraud like he allowed himself to be participating in the wells fargo fraud of which hes the greatest shareholder because of the greater good im sure so you know and importantly to look at this as well is that in the 2 1008. 00 crisis the fed also intervened it intervened with quantitative easing it intervened with free money for the banks but all those bad debts were concentrated on the banks it was the Financial Sector in particular that nearly went under in which the fed rescued but since then what weve seen what were seeing now in this latest crisis you know you know behind the scenes as a crisis in a way i mean theres the obvious pandemic but stock markets are near all time highs they they are quite volatile but theyre still near all time highs in trading at forward p. E. Ratios of like astronomic numbers its spread into the credit markets the bond markets this is where the risk now is and that is like even bigger so weve amplified the risk that we were afraid to realize the like the market mark to market situation in 2008 and so now were in 2020 and we have all this way when more risk the toxic spill that happened in 2008 we did not contain it we like let it spread out through the system so now nobody really knows like how much risk is there and were starting thats why were starting to see the fed have to take these extraordinary measures all the Central Banks around the. Most of the Central Banks around the world are having to take extraordinary measures because its now concentrated in the bond market. Other central bankers Warren Buffett are effectively playing financial russian roulette right so they have the gun and in there is one bullet of risk they spin the chamber they point it at americas head and they pull the trigger hoping that they wont blow off the americas head and that they get to keep all the free money this day and they do that every single day and then eventually like in 2008 they blow off americas hype and it will happen again and theyll say well you know we were acting in the greater good basically theyre blowing up the Financial System the Financial Sector the credit markets and the credit markets are the foundation of capitalism thus theyve destroyed capitalism perhaps unintentionally by trying to save capitalism so that has gone wrong and well see the results might take a year might take 2 years might take 10 years but this is what youre starting to see this is what youre starting to see from the biggest credit Market Participants like ray dally oh hes saying that again good intentions heres the Congress Congress passed this Paycheck Protection Program remember that down there 5 100000000000. 00 passed overnight for a rescue of Small Businesses Paycheck Protection Program didnt save enough Small Business jobs economists say the u. S. Government Flagship Program for propping up Small Businesses hurt by the coronavirus pandemic us so far failed to achieve its main goal of saving jobs according to a new Economic Analysis the u. S. Small business administrations Paycheck Protection Program part of the coronavirus rex you package known as the keris act has approved more than 500000000000 in forgivable low interest loans for Small Businesses but the p. P. P. Has not restored employment to a level that many expected for a program of that size according to the working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research coauthored by ray chatty a leading American Labor economists. A professor at Harvard University and it turns out that basically what happened is that 90 percent of the jobs that this these forgivable loans went to where to jobs that were not going to be gotten rid of anyway so it was mostly alike in the tech sector Creative Sector where these people were easily able to work from home so theyre the ones that got all these loans and therefore their suggestion was that we should have just given the money directly to the people instead of going through this like elaborate scheme of putting it through the banks and then applying for these loans to Small Business association and administration and then like the wholly a liberal sort of complex sort of complexity hiding and disguising fundamentally corrupt system and i forget where that phrase we need to destroy the village just save the village from the vietnam war howd that work out america all right going to take a break and when we come back much more coming your way. The arrest and charging of glenn maxwell. Takes a new turn what about the timing and the specific indictments what kind of defense can be expected is a deal in the cards will justice be served. Time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable prized board sustainability. A more equitable and sustainable world. They claim their production is completely harmless. Us. Companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is Something Else this. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to terry nasheed producer director of hit in colors its a 5 part document terry series thats got to be the definitive history of black america i think its a fantastic film series check it out terry quantum back to the kaiser report here is my pleasure next hour im doing well. Yeah ive got to ask him ive got to pick your brain and we ive got to help me understand whats happening with these karyns ok the carin phenomenon ive been here ive been going on social media and i see all these white women standing in parking lots or in you know the supermarket and they have like some kind of psychotic breakdown because im a black person selling a camera to them and all theyre saying is whats going on karen and they melt into a puddle of tears what is happening tell me you know a lot of these women are actually going out instigating a lot of incidents with black people because right now a lot of the Trump Supporters theyre trying to do get parts made saying systematic White Supremacy and these characters are doing their job and a lot of these care of the deadly and dangerous is that was the situation yesterday in michigan we are a carer and bumped into a black girl the mother of a girl confronted her and then the care and ultimately pulled a gun on the mother of the daughter so hes care and we trivialize that a lot with these women a very very dangerous now were starting to see today as a matter of fact in virginia one karen was charged with making a false report because she lied and said the soldier another kerim was in an incident in a parking lot where she blocked a black woman she was charged this was in jackson order so now very recently some of these karens are starting to be charged the thing is there has always been a care in phenomenon in this country go. In fact its also a lot of the racial riots that happened in this country were because white women were going around lying about all speech issues crime that a black person did not commit so this ocarroll being has been will go a long time were just now seeing it because a camera rolls and camera be ok youre a filmmaker and content creator and you go out you make films on the premise as weve discussed before is that american politics is rooted in White Supremacy and you go out and you make films and you document that story and now with these cameras and these phone cameras what youve been talking about as an artist and a filmmaker and your films suddenly is right in everybodys face true or false the absolutely true as we see now because of the corona pandemic a lot of people are panicking and the White Supremacists can not really hide their nefarious deeds anymore so a lot of the things they do now is on the up front they have to go out and just bowl of a lot and we both ways more in people in black society that were criminalize not because of anything that weve done criminalized because of inherent systematic White Supremacy people in the dominant society or just not charge which certain things that black people are charged so as we see what the code phenomena we have the social distancing laws in the state at home or is in the zone where your mask orders and we see that this these orders are usually important against black people weve seen case after case after case all over the country where groups of white people Walking Around know mess their reporting with each other but Law Enforcement will skip over them and go target a handful of black people who dont we arrest them and brutally detained as we saw with some of the uprisings out here there was a lot of looting going on out throughout the United States most of the looting was done by a lot of white people out here a lot of the fires a lot of the arson it was started by white people many people. Believe that White Police Officers were instigating a lot of things which it will be up in minnesota there were undercover cops seen starting fires now what the police and doing theyre going back weeks later to prosecute people based on the investigation and almost all the people theyre prosecuting now just happen to be black so theyre being very bleak with the Racial Disparity right now so its something that cant be denied you know ive been an observer of the Civil Rights Movement my almost my whole life im 60 years old and ive seen it and flow and ive seen achievements made and then ive seen achievements lost ive seen wealth aggregated in the black community and then wealth stolen from the black community i want to get your take on a where we are in the whole cycle of this because black lives matter its a Huge Movement all right my perception is that its a Huge Movement where does it fit into the last 50 or 60 years of the movement how would you place it terry. Well right now black people are trying to get resources this time see in the 1960 s. The people were were angling for civil rights and really into gratian because they all bet the antithesis to segregation would be interracial and integration with the problem so we have to be very careful with words segregation is just a mode of were a White Supremacy because there was no real segregation white people to go anywhere they wanted to go black people were the ones who were over and over segregated which means segregation is a code word for White Supremacy just like apartheid apartheid is a code word for White Supremacy so the antithesis to White Supremacy is supposed to be black empowerment how do you get black empowerment you heard that you have to have an economic base 1st so this is why now theres a big reparations move now the socalled lets be very clear about what black lives and. Batteries because when you talk about black cloud of matter there is deliberate confusion because you have black lives matter the movement which are people in the street saying the hey are lots matter the hash tag then you have black labs matter of the organization thats actually funded by a lot of white liberal groups and the democrats thats totally different from whats going on in the streets right now and the media likes to complain to the black clouds never organization their priority is social integration and it would you be 2 issues in immigration issues issues that actually undermine black society so this is why we have to be very clear not to complain the movement and the organization with whats going on out here back in the sixtys there was a lot of talk in the Mainstream Media and amongst politicians that the black Rights Movement the Civil Rights Movement the black Empowerment Movement was somehow a russian plot you know and. These days and then in the wake of the russia gate hoax that we all are aware of at this point again we hear this idea that the black Community America is not really unhappy theyre totally happy with everything theyre just being instigated by foreign influence russian influence in your thoughts yeah thats an old troll from the white supremacist they like to believe that ok black people are not shutting down these institutions black people are not getting these statues and things taken down like people are not rebuys in history on their own to a sage our own ego as a White Supremacy as we have to put it on another white person well its the white russia its the white communists its the russians who are behind dr king they were real big on men so there always has to be this in the various liberal white person behind the scenes in order to make the white supremacist feel better about fact that black people out here in the streets making a change even though. Hey some revolution they didnt want to believe that it was the haitians who rules up against the White Supremacy as they have to say well it was them its the overweight people doing this this white abolitionists was behind this so in the minds of a white supremacist they always have to find a white super villain behind the scenes orchestrating everything to make them go better about getting. Justice from whack people. Right and again let me kind of return to a theme here because what youre saying and your documentaries dig into this it is providing a broader context for a conceit of american politics which would come under the heading of White Supremacy ist and thats not something people want to confront and its something people would like to dismiss but these karren videos are really repugnant and confirm. This idea and quite stark terms and and i hope this starts to. You know get the dialogue to a much healthier place now you mentioned reparations there and of course this is a big topic and theres a couple of ways to look at this one idea was no taxation without reparations right so the black community could go on a tax strike and say look were going to withhold tax until we get reparations or were going to go at it that way it gets to the Economic Empowerment issue what do you think about that because if you going to do number one we definitely have a good case pagans just like native american tribes just like jews people big i cast just like a white woman recently whose father was a part of the civil war she just died a few weeks ago she was still getting checks from the civil war so they have the money when we talk about the trillions of dollars needed to start the reparations to try to him and hall and say they dont have it now when the scope of the magic least. Came up with intrusion dollars to throw at everybody so let me just there we can start with yes payments also we can stop land allotments also we can start with Business Development specifically for black people we gotta say specifically people because biden recently talked about race and we were going to talk about it but he slipped in if i talk about race is going to talk about it but native americans to see thats a backdoor trojan horse he used to undermine us 1st of all native americans they got reparations also native americans owe black people reparations based on the treaty of 866 also the native americans were many of them were slave holders so they owe because of that as well so theres all types of different ways to get these reparations payments going to foundational black americans specifically 1st way is going to be passed its right now on this topic of reparations and money and black america i dont know if youve seen isaiah jacksons new book big cohen of black america talking about because you know you and i have been talking about because you know informally for a few years now and his point is that the black community is just basically saying were just quitting and now were tired we dont want to even try anymore were just going to become self sovereign were going to embrace pickling which is a hard currency that nobody can confiscate its on confiscated all and were just going to rebuilt be using this money this currency bit coin so my question is where are you on this thinking at all is there having to have a look see in that particular volume in that room and ive seen that argument before and what we want we want the same thing they took no one would it would be our foundational work american ancestors they didnt get bitcoin they got money when they were enslaving in raping and killing our children they didnt invent going they got money chase bank was built from slave money not be a coin they use. Money to build this economy from the labor of black people so what were saying that they took we dont want to do all these side deals lets just get the same thing going to go and well start with that and then maybe later we can talk about currency and all that but lets start it all with a chair dollar bill. Right try to check for 6 trillion like you did a few weeks ago for the bankers on wall street and then you all can decide yes calling with a bill for all of those koroma packages they would your money everybody if they didnt give them big what they say you need to say are quick to fact enough all right during the shooter got to go thanks mate on the guys report my pleasure hes out there right and thats going to do it for this edition of the cause report with me max foster and Stacy Herbert like to thank our guest eric nasheed if youd like to get in touch with us on twitter its causing report until next time by all. So we were sisters in terms of. Going to memphis about. Their mother he just came up with d a ticket did you hear that. Kentucky is a very International Community it. Used to really need to. Listen to this is so sorry. For the position of the with. The brazil so their Nuclear Cooperation is on top is everything because he was the leader with the intensity do with the above that he. Son of a head level the fact of the day but i decided not to take this life. With my god and the few that. We go to work you straight home. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest on the world of Politics School does less im show business ill see you than. Well coming up to us from around the world live from Central London this is r. T. U. K. The u. K. Government is forced to defend the Prime Minister after he said care homes didnt follow procedures during the corona Virus Outbreak thats as experts claim 10 percent of infections have occurred among health and social care workers. The u. K. Government is accused of avoiding scrutiny over its coronavirus test and Trace Program following the decision to report the number of daily tests processed rather than the number of people ill be talking to a Public Health experts. The u. K. Marks the 15th anniversary of the 77 terror attack on 3 London Underground trains and a bus which killed 52 people and injured as a 700. And an advisor to the head of russias space agency has been arrested on suspicion of working for Foreign Intelligence Agency after 2 months in the job to get reaction from. The u. K. Government has defended Prime Minister Boris Johnson off to he was slammed for saying too many care homes didnt really follow the procedures doing the coronavirus pandemic care home bosses have called his remarks cowardly and clumsy and some accuse him of trying to shift the responsibility away from the government for the high death toll in care or loss u. K. Casar are they transferred out with more details on this. Either he says so a lot of people are taking issue with Prime Minister Boris Yeltsins was not lying. Absolutely the Prime Minister finally can self going head to head with care home forces after making a comment that certain care homes and followed government to see just sufficiently and those procedures which occur in places doctors prescribe of covert 19 of the accusations that the government mr johnson tried to shift responsibility for the 10s of thousands of deaths which took place in care homes away from themselves as governments and on to at those in the Capital Management system and mr johnston saying that they could have done better to follow what he said was the government guidelines put forward that one of the things that the crisis has shown is that we need to think about how we organize our social care package beto if you remember and how we make sure we look after People Better who are in a social care i think its been there was it we discovered a too many care homes didnt really follow the procedures in the way that they they could have but whether any lessons the whole time one of the most simple things is to is to fund them probably talk to another 600000000 into covert compliant care homes but will also be looking at ways to make sure that the care sector long term is properly organized and supported so that that absolutely crucial part of peoples lives is is is is properly cared for. There have been calls for johnsons apologizing refracted statements danny sheets saying that as of yet there doesnt seem to be an apology forthcoming other have been accusations in the past from cow bosses the late how to source their own p. P. Up to 90 percent of it themselves and also saying that in the past the government had told during the pandemic that they had to take in patients who hadnt been tested or had tested positive for coated 19 and guts as a result of that the virus spread because theyd been threatened with funding cuts and so they were forced into a position which made the situation worse now the issue of these comments made by johnson was raised in Parliament Earlier by the Shadow Health secretary John Ashworth who put to mr hancock that the Prime Ministers questions where that sliced thousands of families have lost their loved ones in care homes of this disease care workers themselves have died on the front line kind of understand why people are so insulted by the Prime Ministers remarks when he said too many care homes didnt really follow the procedures county appreciate the hurt as big as lead to cattle provided sedate for example describing the comment as clumsy and cowardly and county tallas there for which care homes didnt follow procedures and what these procedures were that apparently were not followed throughout this crisis care homes have done amazing work and the Prime Minister was explaining that because asymptomatic tac transmission was not known about the correct procedures were there are not known and weve been constantly learning about this virus from the start and improving procedures all the way through. Social already having been criticised for his response to the pandemic by n. H. S. Chief now it appears hes also coming under fire from cattle bosses as well as same side as an ace or ali thank you very much indeed. Well meanwhile the general manager of a Technology Assisted cab company baron katz says that the care sector needs to embrace technology to help combat the virus we need to understand that now we face a new reality the pandemic took everybody by surprise and its not only the u. K. Its a Global Impact and not only the care homes they care segment has impacted significantly because we need to take a look at those seniors and bringing more and more finance would not do that in the true impact will will come by bringing in the konami bring in new methods bringing Digital Services to secure the same years not only in the care homes but in the entire care segments i think this is where we should focus the we should take this accusation and the lack of fonts and the lack of babies aside and focus how can we adjust to the newly added the by embracing that in logic to secure those seniors in the facilities by in more patient money joy or develop the government has learned the lessons and could do better technologically with a potential 2nd wave of the virus. I didnt do you doing to adjust to the new reality they do understand and we see new all prospects that coming in embrace this acknowledgement we see not only in the u. K. We see in australia to kill. Our solutions integrated with general commoners in mourning told all that visit to the kill we see grown up with a better looks market takes the caregivers with their Logical Solutions in them a way to isolate the seniors in the avoid the infections but only by bringing in advanced technology we can bring efficient measures to keep those in us safe. The u. K. Government has denied accusations that its avoiding scrutiny over its test and Trace Program it comes as daily data on its Testing Program will now reflect the number of tests processed rather than the amount of people tested the Opposition Labor Party has criticized the decision it accuses the government of wanting to hide the fact that it never reached the target set in may of 100000 tests a day but the government has defended the move saying that under the old system repeated tests for Health Care Workers were not counted once and added that the number of tests counted would still be included in 3 key data. The department of health and social care will no longer publish the number of people tested daily anymore and will instead publish the number of daily tests processed this is because the daily people tested statistic only counts new people being tested for example someone who is tested in february and then tested again this month will only be counted once test and try statistics published weekly will still include the number of people who have been tested well meanwhile the governments own figures suggest around 2 and a half 1000000 tests made available have gone to waste. Data published by the department of health said over 10500000 tests have been made available since the crisis started though the data also revealed that just over 8000000 tests have been processed by laboratories for that suggests around a 5th of the tests were either not used or labs lacked the capabilities to process them number 10 said some home test kits are never returned but the exact proportion remains unknown while the head of the n. H. S. Test and Trace Program dido harding told the Lords Science Committee they want testing those without symptoms because it might encourage people to stop isolating too early. This is from our guidance from the c. M. O. The chief medical officer the concern is that if we test contacts between the early days of isolation and they test negative it will reinforce the view that they dont need to continue in isolation but because the period in which that you could start to show symptoms or test positive absa fish and bar is in the back of your throat to register on a test can be as long as 14 day hes a test on day 2 or 3 of isolation only tells you that you havent got the virus on day 2 or 3. Want to discuss the testing system and im joined by former Public Health director Professor John ashton john thank you very much for talking to us me 2000000 tests have been processed should we be concerned by this is the lock down is east. Yes ok so we should i mean this whole test trace situation has been a fiasco from the beginning and it continues to be and weve put very largely amounts of money into the private sector you know in into. Baroness didos outfit that shes in charge of and we dont know whats going on that the local directors of Public Health have been trying to do the job in the dark and weve seen the results of that last week unless. A lot of these tests the socalled pill or 2 tests are incomplete in the information and theyre not able to give the information down to the local level to the war below ward levels or neighborhood level that postcode data is often missing you know and what you really need is this granular level of intelligence to be able to work with the neighborhoods that you know the local level you call do this from london for the whole country this is been the weakness of the whole approach is try to run this pandemic from london also that should the government be looking at alternative testing methods like for instance a cycled lump test would that help. I think. What we need is basic reliable and safe and testing of the kind that has been going on in the hospitals but which has failed to be put in place at the Community Level we need extensive testing and tracing i just dont understand arguments that separateness starter was just putting forward you know if this is the case that youre only as good as your last test but weve never known word the virus is running at its highest levels it right down to the neighborhood level and thats what we need you know that the situation in the current homes has been because we were testing its only recently that the government has been testing and they confusion thats now being introduced yet again another layer of confusion which has happened all the time with the statistics changing the reporting to be daily just counts that test and weekly paypal we need all of that but we need it to a much lower level is it so almost as though cynically they keep changing the way in which theyre doing the counting so that everybody gets confused and that this is taken off the front pages because its so confusing even for reporters to understand for a specialist like myself to understand what are holding he says that testing those people they display symptoms might encourage people to stop isolating giving as well as testing to get the message he needs to change as well. Well the messaging from the very beginning has been political messaging its been slogans its been written by the people that run the Election Campaign in the autumn its not being considered by people who are into Risk Communication which is what they. Test because. You know we saw what happened earlier on with people making assumptions about peoples behavior we have the assumptions made that you couldnt close the schools down to serve them or you couldnt have a lockdown too soon behavioral assumptions not based on any science but based on peoples opinions conjured up out of center or do you seen 3 pubs closed eating and ive kind of virus cases do you think the u. K. Can handle an increase in demand for testing. Well i dont know is the answer i mean you know it looks as though one of the problems still is that this country cannot produce enough free agent for the tests we need to be ashamed of ourselves but the this country with one of the biggest economies in the world cant turn its turn to doing the things that need to be done and i dont know how it bodes for us after that we come out properly from the European Union at the end of it yet if we cant do is a sayings that we were so boastful about being able to compete on a world platform when we cant do simple things like producing reagent Professor John ashton thank you very much indeed for talking to us thank you. Coming up after the break. U. K. Officials pay tribute to the victims of the july the 7th london bombings on the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attack. And an advisor to the head of the Russian Space agency has been arrested on suspicion of working for a Foreign Intelligence Agency we get the reaction from moscow. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person with those words. Today or thinks. We dare to ask. What. Welcome back an advisor to the head of russias space agency ross cosmos has been arrested on suspicion of working for a Foreign Intelligence Agency Daniel Hawkins has moved from moscow. Even so front of is an acclaimed journalist in russia as well known for his reports on military technology and on space and particular hes worked at some of the top publications here in russia such as common a science and admitted misty news paper the last couple of months there youve actually been working for ross crosswalks the russian equivalent of nasa as an advisor to the director general that means you dont go as in now that has now all changed he was detained today by the f. S. B. The Russian Federal Security Service and they accuse him of passing secret classified information to foreign states that Statement Read and he gathered a pass to his representative classified information about military Technical Cooperation defense and security of the Russian Federation now arent we going to go as in his employer the head of course much has already said that this rest does not relate to his work at the space agency saying he didnt have access to any sort of classified top secret information saying that hes known such an awful several years and doesnt doubt his professionalism or his integrity beijing c is not helping manifest be with their inquiries now coming to Sun Newspaper whereabouts or for not worked previously for a number of b. S. Has cooled allegations absurd then describes him as a patriot and thats despite the fact he was actually fired from that newspaper last year over an article involving the alleged resignation of a russian official well come on a sunday itself last summer actually faced water as well because of Court Proceedings over an article that was cold war by some far off through with the sale of fighter jets from russia to egypt that article was later removed from the website after that legal action now as the day has gone on the kremlin has also made a statement to meet the press call for the president ial advisor has said that as far as the kremlin is aware the work goal of the arrest rather does not relate in any way to the journalists professional work his past journalistic work will present journalists that work. If hes charged if you found guilty of course he does face a very lengthy prison the prison sentence for treason up to 20 years in fact. Thats across the u. S. Made a Court Appearance allegedly. To discuss bail conditions hes denied all guilt so far as far as we know so this is very much a developing story to get more details of course as those Court Proceedings carry out. The president of brazil jeb are so narrow has tested positive for corona virus the president confirmed the news himself to a group of reporters earlier the 65 year old politician has long denied the importance of recommended measures against the pandemic and has repeatedly flouted social distancing rules during events more than 65000 people in brazil have died from the virus. Now at least 3 pubs in england have had to shut their doors again after customers tested positive for corona virus just days after reopening the pubs in the counties of West Yorkshire hampshire and somerset have been forced to close their doors until further notice they were among hundreds of any use that welcome customers after 3 months as lockdown measures were eased on Super Saturday staff are being tested for the virus well Health Experts are warning that the u. K. Will be hit with big outbreaks of coronavirus of crowded scenes like those witnessed at the weekend in soho in Central London reoccur the World Health Organizations code 900. 00 special envoy for europe has stressed that young people should be wary or they themselves may not become severely ill they could pass on the virus and kill others well 16 percent of britons are skeptical about a Coronavirus Vaccine and may not be willing to take it as anti facts social media pages are on the rise r. T. U. Case shall be Everest Ashley has the story. Many people across the wells all waiting patiently or impatiently for a Coronavirus Vaccine to banish that pesky farce for good and do away with lockdown social distancing and an appalling death but actually creating a vaccine may just be one headland defeat in 19 the next step could be convincing the naysayers to actually take it a survey shows as many as one in 6 britons refused nation once it becomes available with many others undecided so where is this coming from who would refuse that Golden Ticket box no life well the findings come as antivaccination sentiment rises on social media test series range from claiming vaccines could actually cause cave at 19 but they lead to infertility and even blaming bill gates for creating the entire pandemic with a 150 largest anti vaccination page on you cheap amassing about 8000000 followers since the onset of the pandemic thats while those who actually dont want to get vaccinated but 9 points more likely to get the news from social media than traditional outlets so we decided to find out if these figures are reflected on the streets of london. And you really do follow them from. You. Know think people we want. To. Be here i think about it would be fine be happy to take that vaccines have definitely over the decades and centuries. Help alleviate a lot of illnesses so i think its people like scaremongering and you know obvious some people refuse to get their children vaccinated against incumbents and so. Grateful in fact thank you for the sorts of things. I just dont know i dont know enough about it id want to read all the information 1st and work out how. And whether that was so i. Effects from it but i think on the whole good stuff a bit of a skeptic of it working but i would be skeptical trying it while it may be one in 6 across the country that would refuse a vaccination here in the capitol the public seem a lot more willing to go with the flow shut it was dashed artsy. On the stay 15 years ago a series of explosions ripped through londons transport system u. K. Officials have been paying tribute to the victims of the july the 7th bombings and a warning some few of us may find the following pictures distressing. Now a week ago while restrictions were easing d across england the government place the city of leicester under local look down on the residents of one street have been left divided by the new boundary and all the u. K. s watching andres went to leicester to talk to some of those who are walking the line. While much of the country is slowly reopening lester hasnt been so lucky with the 1st local lockdown imposed in the city to higher infection rates now this streets bow hillgrove 4. 3 miles from the center of the city is trapped in a whirlwind of computer as the boundary map created by the local council has divided neighbors literally the 450 me to st has been caught off in an urban lockdown where its now all or nothing and the locals are not happy annoyed really annoyed. Because i dont know how they dont just small a lot of places should not be almost down. In order to be honest they still think of people from the normal ive got booked a holiday i want to go to and every test we test is it having me here now what today because there we are here in lockdown yes its because i leave just only on the border im not sure when ill be able to go your spirit is showing me there you know id love to go to go to the pope show you would but you know its just going to have to go along as long as it takes the houses here on this side of the road are still in lockdown and all subjected to tight restrictions and instructed to only go out when necessary while the others here are release of the perils of the 4 walls and are free to wonder willy nilly the problem is some of the residents total know what side of the street they belong to and where the lock down boundary starts or stops and they say the line was drawn hastily leaving many in similar areas confused about restrictions ive got one daughter lives just in charge capped off over the border that she cant bring a. Daughter to say it was then mine daughter lives or 2 streets away from me and she can come and jamie and sanctions have seen stupid but be honest i dont know how they can. Do one side and not the other that dont make any sense rarely if you think about it could people crossfire you for you know i dont get it it may be some time before a complete return to normal life across england and the rest of the u. K. But here on both hill grove the residents are stuck in a lockdown limbo westminster has said the measures here will be in place for around 2 weeks and subject to constant review in the meantime the neighbors on this side of the street can wave through their windows at their reemerging davis march gantries r t u k leicester. At the top of the hour our colleagues who ask me america will be taking out the 1st sign from all the team here in london to buy. You cannot be both with the yeah you are. So small seem wrong all right all quotes just dont hold. Any new world yet to shape out of this thing becomes to add to it and in gains from it because of the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart when just to look for common ground. 2 on december the 1st 959 the world decided it needed some land with no weapons no laws no build a school or exploitation of human by human. An ideal community of free people only ever engaged in peace. School activities. Play. That its not an amazing place for amazing people. But the people who come here are really quite often. Its only after theyve lived here even for a short time that people become special. Because this is a place that changes everyone who visits. To the. City. Of the food youve been able to shoot. People

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