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Male come to the white house with. A cup yes we can go there receiving that he heard during years and still the white house sold out when he exits that building he could make a lot of money and i found it. A bit disturbing. I think he shared with the world much more than. People thought he should have sharon so thats one impression another impression was that. The book is very long on detail short of reflection so its all about dialogues its all about he said he is such a. Human presence. But is only a little reflection about the momentous changes to happen a within the United States within the city of washington i want to add that almost every self respecting american politician or our official has a book or few under his or her ballot but what this is indeed so striking about this particular. Book is that it comes at a very high stakes time for the United States the pandemic is not over yet the economy still bogged down the products are still going on the actions are 4 months away that still feel like a suspense thriller to you im talking about the events in america or is it already you know a fully fledged disaster movie or a catastrophe movie because the United States after all still is the worlds number one and number 2 Nuclear Superpower and the restraints on the use of those weapons i didnt. Lose a convergence of crises in the United States that has a clearly a political crisis that. Has started. And digitally started immediately after the. Previous president ial election has not just drunk its deprogrammed so you have that political crisis you have a social crisis crisis very much fuelled by crass inequality you know b. R. S. You also have an ideological crisis liberalism. Has been going to be fanciful very. Surprisingly for the rebels themselves that conservatism is on the rise they call that populist whatever. And then of course there is a Foreign Policy crisis this basically means that. The United States. Is done with making the world look like the United States and it has to adjust to the outside world so you have to redress you have the flip flip the coin response your foreign Foreign Policy in a big weight and thats whats happening its its its Interesting Times but as always living in Interesting Times maybe a little bit too much fun and im sure with a with me that bolton paints a picture of a very chaotic very impulsive administration trumping ministration in his in his book where everything is. Decided in a haphazard south serving manner with very little deference to National Interests and what i wanted to ask if thats just trump or do you think thats a fitting matter for for the political america as a whole because he mentioned that this crisis in the range in age with trunk chomp. To a large extent is a reaction to the forces that are fighting him well long before a dollar trump became a household name really now states and the world over. Washington ceased to be a city that. Tended toward the compromised by partisanship National Interest people talked about gridlock in congress for years people talked about. Their rights the radicals in both parties so this unraveling. In a pretty solid. Bipartisan centrist approach to politics most domestic and foreign predates trump thats for sure so theres something about the. President the white house is about the president the white house the president the president style this is something the rest of the white house actually have to adapt you about its not just there you look at other. Washington. People talk about the state department that. Some people are so. Paralyzed to have. Any department you take. General whatever problems of justice you have those issues need be not as much concentrated as they are going to the white house because of cigarettes but still thats thats thats thats the impression that a lot of observers close observers from washington d. C. Now both ends named peeve with trump is that he doesnt have any grand strategy and that he doesnt listen to experts and i wonder if thats if that makes so much of a difference in the american context because toms predecessor president obama was a very studious man he had the Largest National Security Council on the records he supposedly many people believe had great vision and yeah dad did not prevent from major disaster as miscalculations and on the african continent in the European Affairs etc trying to his credit hasnt done any of that so does the expertise really matter and is that only a matter of trumps times or is it that more continuous problem as far as the United States is concerned no i think as usual theres an element of. Both i think that president obama was some way perhaps the most intellectual leader that the United States has had recently and yet president obama and that is very evident from his very long interview. Trikes you as a much more long very much a person who. Rejected by the elites in washington he was too intellectual here was to respond without elites and many of his actions all rather his inaction places like libya places like syria. Where reasons for a very strike and criticism that obama was subjected to people who started talking about obama being. Eased out of the middle east who you know look at stuff which does not really square very well with reality so. Listening to experts yeah a leader would would need to listen to experts but a leader. Should not be should not allow himself to be led by by by the nose by the experts mr cannon you still seem to have a lot of respect and empathy for president obama as i hear people do but respectfully the office of the presidency of the United States thats for sure hes going to satisfy him as a loner somebody who could you know. Realize hes great vision but if you actually look at their making some of their recent russian gate scandal its pretty avid and that it was driven primarily by the obama people and these people went on c. N. N. Saying one thing and this same day in closed hearings they would Say Something completely op. I mean trump is often accused of being a liar and its true that hes very casual in his speech but dont you think that there is a different kind of deception with the Obama Administration intellectual moral ethical deception that. You know sometimes since its even more painful than you know seeing somebody whos just bragging about his achievements. Well you know. Frankly. Very much of one. I do not take sides and the american domestic strives around here and we are just analyzing and i mean. Yeah absolutely to me theyre all american politicians deception is. All well theyre only are you not because a lot of you have to deceive you have you because you are more in the Public Domain if youre on the United States thats the political culture than you are in some other collector you know and then did you see them in your place in is one art but when you are publicly claiming something against another major power and denying the same thing in closed hearings thats thats lying full stall thats not you know trump mooned some assumptions or mistaking some facts and hes thats actually a very deliberate effort. This. Is someone who is really direct. Who is very you doesnt care about Political Correctness but christie is is a must in public politics. You know the United States more broadly in the west thats a more you cannot. Cannot. Achieve anything unless you have practiced it to a very fine degree. And i will tell you that since the us they say as a country of lawyers you always have to watch your town you always have to watch what youre saying so you need be saying is there any you heard him on the only television her language when you were in the los hearings but dont tally it but i mean we know from recent revelations that people like susan rice were publicly lying through their teeth i mean like its there is no it adding temper taishan they were stating one thing in public and out of thing absolutely different thing. You know look i dont look for morals in public. Anywhere but. You know and im a not well enough one analyst and as a foreign analyst i look at these guys and what i see is that hearing their nation are. Thats the degree. Of vehemence. And degree of hatred. Each other those 2 camps is just nominal we never had anything like that in the United States since the civil war. So that is that is a very. Im not engaged in shocking what im thinking is that to me suggests that the country is going through its most severe political crisis. Maybe in a 100 years i agree with you its a very septic shock and i think its its an example of throwing the baby out with the bathwater bad turning lets take a very short break now i will continue this conversation after a few moments. You cannot be both with the yeah you want. Some rumors assumed. Search is going to be named chris mccomb you may be a member you. Remember the justin stuff forever uploaded to get in your show that oh. And how to cut is a very international community. Meeting yesterday the trick is only to tell. You this is a good idea to keep it as the study says if they do indeed. Theres a push for them at the world food used to look at the brazil so there nuchal spirit of cooperation in im told to go is everything produced polluted with the forms of t. V. With the above the. 5 i have i was affected all day but i decided not to fake if this life would make a dent the few that. Are. Welcome back to well the parliament me trade training director of the Carnegie Moscow Center i miss the training just before the break we were talking about boltons book. One of the most. Cynical i thing as searches in the book was that mr trump was so straightforward and so dump that the president of this country of logic and putin can play him like a female and the funniest part of this all is that mr bolton himself that hands up providing the music for playing because obviously any intelligence i would assume would last to have such an intimate portrait of a president to hopefully many pilate and use it or exploit it in their dealings with the person. Well i dont think you can actually exploit. That but i think what you can do is you can understand a little bit better how those guys are dealing when no one is watching and of course you do not need to take a book trace really opens book is a political book and its a political bombshell its something that. Was set off the best time in terms of politics in terms of the money you also was going to make on the book the book lies. Deceit and the tricks your take everything its based now you will. Call this this is this is an interesting critter cruel. First evidence about whats going on now speaking about. The russian president s ability to play a fiddle i think there is an interesting fact or assertion at least in that book that. President putin allegedly told mr bolton that back in 2014 when the ukraine crisis was at its peak that president obama promised putin to limit the damage to the u. S. Russia relations if russia wouldnt go beyond crimea and that conversation between put in a vault and reportedly took place in samarra for 2018 when the miller investigation was still ongoing and i thought that it was very curious because it puts all the allegations against truong it makes all the allegations against trump look like a childs play because if true some think with to come out something similar with to come out from trumps ears from times mouth rather he would be accused of treason do you find they believe a bowl and if so why do you think the russian president would spill the beans at such a sensitive. The moment well president bush was not spilling the beans he was talking privately to high official of the United States the kremlin doesnt leak mr putin said. Yes mr putin said it publicly that she will mark. The information that his colleagues share with him privately thats thats a matter of principle with president so i dont think president will tell you or anyone very soon or ever what exactly was it that obama told him in 2048 now but he said to me mr cheney and just as he said present put in is not known for carelessly sharing his secrets if he does not allow himself sleep ops like that so if he did it he did it on purpose and i wonder if you think he was trying to get on to something because many of your colleagues including a big carnitas others believe that it is this this sort of trolling this sort of side of the russian president is particularly fond of releasing very Sensitive Information at an opportune moment and. Waiting to see how its received. Well i dont have a habit on 2nd guessing president. I dont know what meant. If you once he will tell you if you doesnt. Smoke is ultimately about the inner workings of a said ministration but from this little bit of information we are glimpsing something about the workings the inner workings of the bomb administration and its pretty apparent that they are common ministration allowed itself a lot of things that it later tried to prosecute the trumpet ministration for im in. General flynn says conversation of ambassador keyes flag he got a huge one to jail for that but this is something greater magnitude you know and i married essentially in gauging a grand bargain with russia well yeah this is this is just as good because you lose your political of almost all the things that youre going through maybe during your sell. Out of the game you know its a despicable disgusting but thats this political sausage just me can i ask you a specific question about the game of politics and the game of propaganda because a few days ago the New York Times came out with a front page article essentially a latching that russia is paying back to the taliban for every american soldier killed and its one thing to accuse russia you know like some hacking or you know my channel off spreading some of welcome views but its quite i thing raising of stakes when you say that russia deliberately targets then merican military personnel do you think russia has any reasons to be concerned about where its going. To reasons to be concerned about a lot of things happening right now as part of the. Election because i see this very much a lot of the. Election. Intelligence services of the United States and russia are essentially a war with each other and war is is not the word i would use like yes they are at war there may be occasional. Collaboration keeping off about terrorists tipping off each other about terrorists otherwise they are at war. You would recall that there was an incident in syria. 2018 when a still uncertain number. Called military contractors called and mercenaries allegedly belonging to the one group were washed out and the american. Military. Those guys were not supposed to be the americans are saying where they were the one where the russians of course americans were not supposed to be in the Church Already over syria. Without indication of the Syrian Government but the fact is we dont know how many people died american americans are talking about dozens or maybe a couple 100. And some of them some some people talking about the united recently i wouldnt say that talk about it was right but they did not sat they killed so Many Russians i still would be extremely shocked if the crown land and what that or russia would ask to lay off to this point im pretty sure that i dont i dont i dont know but but what is a war i talked about not 2nd guessing the president of russia i would not try to interpret the small communities that come out of. This is what no then youve got mr chan this is not what im talking about because its one thing when you are dealing through proxies as was the case in the syrian war theater but its quite a different thing to deliberately target the u. S. Military personnel if that were indeed the case one that war and a war between the 2 countries they dont react at tack on their own another countrys military. Will again i say that there isnt there was just war going on or. This is a cruel thing i know nothing about what actually happened in afghanistan and i would guess i wouldnt want to guess to me this is is this. Is this something that would tip off military conflict between russia and the United States my answer is no. Well as i said in the 28 years and i will cite another example we cant put it close to a military confrontation a military collision where the chief of the russian general staff said that if american missiles aimed at syria. Damaged. Russian military personnel then we will respond against their platforms for wish those missiles will have been launched which to me it was a perfect scenario of a russian american war and real war so we we are balancing on down fine line unfortunately and tragically thats why we are we shouldnt we shouldnt be shouldnt get ourselves into thinking that somehow we are you know to jump. Jump if you like just you know johnston. Not not aiming to harm each other now speaking about how are you going around we have only a few minutes left but i still want to ask you about this russia is often accused of trying to heal expand the american divisions and undermine american faith and its institutions is there any space left for expanding and on demining arent americans doing that have pretty good pretty well the south. Well in my view a same policy by russia would be to sit back and allow the United States let the United States at the mercy of its own devices take precautions because this is a delicate and dangerous moment but you shouldnt interfere frankly i think that those in russia who believe that this guy against that guy will would somehow benefit they are very wrong we russia does not have and will not have friends in the american Political Class just forget it theyll be a russian lobby in the United States and this confrontation with russia will continue for a very long time and the only thing you can do about it is to make sure that doesnt doesnt lead to war doesnt lead to a military collision in a violent collision im sure still a collision and finally both of us may believe that in the collapse of the soviet union and im sure you remember that saddens all 5. In their rejection of the russian people have like we were revising our history we were tearing down the statutes renaming the streets and i dont know about you but. What i when i see whats happening in the United States it reminds me a lot about what russia went through in their early 1990 s. Specifically the redefining of all over russian or in this case then merrick in the meth and it just struck me in that i was reading some of the. President obamas speeches on exceptionalism they are that day and he was specifically defining i merican exceptionalism in terms of equality and opportunity in one of the speeches he said that what makes us so special they am the world is that we give each and every man the right to pursue her measure of happiness nobody nobody can afford to say that those things today nobody can up to president obama obama say that im sure president obama can repeat his own speeches right now because you have to say that america is deeply racist country suffering from Structural Racism and my question final question to you is rather you think we are actually witnessing not only the demolition of Historical Monuments but the actual demolition of the Great American political myth. Yes and no. Im not. Sure we talked about the gross. Is this a terminal crisis no i dont. Im not just curios reinvented itself. America was started as a democracy by. Owning intellectuals and that was all right were out of god america wants to is civil war real civil war so. Does that mean the United States is unraveling no. The important thing is not just the midst. Of a methodist collapsing but i believe that over time it will be supplanted by another mosher russian of unrest but the idea of exceptionalism. Is showing central to american psyche that i do not see it. It disappearing america will never become a normal country as long as they believe that that countrys great i think thats attached very important anyway we have to leave it there thank you very much for being with us today youre welcome thank you very much not to be with you and thank you for watching i hope to see you again next week and while the part. Thanks guys or financial survival. When customers go by your disappointing. Good health well reduce american. Thats undercutting but whats good for the market is good for the global economy. 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