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To return it. To him but. Its R T International live from moscow just after 2 in the afternoon here a warm welcome wherever youre tuning in from. The e. U. Is in talks with an american pharmaceutical giant by securing enough doses of an antiviral drug thats licensed to treat covert 19 it comes after the Us Government earlier swooped in and bought up the entire Global Supply of ram disappear stockpiling 3 months worth and leaving nothing left for anyone else its sparked worldwide anger on alarm for leaving countries vulnerable and in danger in lives charlotte dubin ski reports e. U. And other countries across the world have been left scrambling in the wake of this announcement that the u. S. Essentially brought up the entire world supply of this he antiviral drug in the fight against the 19 it means that they wont be able to get their hands on it because the u. S. Government sees stocks that havent yet been manufactured thats how far ahead the u. S. Has to buy this particular drug that questions are being raised as to what will other countries do in the meantime particularly if the u. S. Keeps using its might in its money to be able to buy stocks of p. Drugs like this President Trump has struck an amazing deal to ensure americans have access to the 1st authorized therapeutic for khalid 19 to the extent possible one to ensure that any american patient who needs from this severe can get it well the e. U. Is do you realize we know that some governments like the u. K. Government the German Government say theyve gotten nothing reserves of this drug for the next few months but the problem is does the u. S. Keep using its money to buy these drugs and if so what other countries do and some are saying that this action by the u. S. Puts clinical supplies across the world at risk they say that it is an unfair move by the u. S. And will have a massive impact on those countries that really need to get hold of this drug we want to cooperate because the best come from the whole world is that we Work Together by attempting to compete i think we alternately undermine all of our strategies. I have never seen anything like that but a company chooses to sell their stock to only one country its very strange and quite inappropriate right now we have enough to make it through the summer if the intake of patients is as it is now if the 2nd wave comes we may be challenged of course its not the 1st time that the us is pulled a stunt like this put america 1st which of course is one of trumps slogans at the beginning of the curve in 1000. 00 pandemic there was a huge fear at the description of the us hijacking facemasks basically having facemasks that we need to be delivered to one country being rerouted to the us supplies that and then move recently there was the for 0 after it emerged that the us thought that it was going to have 1st dibs on any big 19 vaccine that was created in the feature that was going to be from a French Pharmaceutical Company the french government was furious about patents stepped in and since then sanofi that company has backed down and said that they will be equal access to all the World Health Organization is also being expressing its concerns about this move by the us which is apparently around 500000 doses thats half a 1000000 doses it will clarify these with us so that we have a distorted global market. Speaks really to the need for some principles of equity and of for Global Solidarity if were to to solve this collective problem because as long as a virus is circulating on one continent or in one country that has also just this decision she would buy up this antiviral drug is like his critics who also said that donald trump hasnt dealt with this situation well but he has not managed to beat 19 pandemic but we do know though is given that we are just months away from a president ial. In november in the u. S. That every vote right now i can count and that is exactly what donald trump may be hoping for with this announcement. Although hes clear the world is not out of the woods yet many countries are seeing clusters of new Coronavirus Infections the World Health Organization is now warning that some nations may have to reinstate lockdowns a Spokes Person talk to us about the balance of getting on with her lives but also staying healthy. But it tends breaks going on and in most continents of the world in the United States in latin america weve got a number of countries signalman breaks but weve also the very large banks in india in pakistan and also in africa or in south africa so all around the world every continent is faced with a large amount of virus and a very large threat so i think theres sometimes people are thinking. That that side of the health of the economy the 2 go hand in hand you know if youre not healthy if youre sick you cant you cant work so youve lost your financial means on the on that if you dont have a job you may become ill through lack of activity lack of money so weve got to do the 2 together but the key word is be safe we know what stops is the social distancing the handwashing the aid sure enough to get your mouth nose and eyes to see these things work things have worked in other countries. Well in the United States the worst affected country theres been an acceleration of infections in 40 art of the 50 states dealy cases in texas alone of troubled over the past fortnight and the states ruling buckets re Opening Program ordering all bars to close reducing restaurant capacity as well bar owners in fact are furious at seemingly being singled out theyre filing a lawsuit against the governor. Im. Far too many people are starving too many people are ready to just put a bullet in their head because their time their livelihoods are dying their business if they worked hard for over their kids at home or they dont have anybody else our Families Matter just far lives matter. You know for the issues we need to be. It is were close to protect the public good and we need the public to come help us we need government aid we were the 1st businesses to close the pier going to be the last businesses to reopen. Im at the end of the day i dont think the closures are really going to college at all especially given the fact that golf courses are still open restaurants are still of the prime time. Another story thats got a lot of people talking today the future of an ancient monument in turkey is out the center of a political raw over the president s desire to turn it into a mosque fia in istanbul being a museum for almost a century but before that it was an Orthodox Christian camp the true old for several centuries its an imposing unesco World Heritage sites on the dole for thousands of tourists. A decision is on hold for now it but turkeys main administrative body is expected to decide on the building status in 15 days you know scorsese its illegal to change a Cultural Heritage monument status without their permission given that its been a christian and muslim place of worship over the centuries the Eastern Orthodox Church leader is warning that the move could turn millions of christians against islam theyre not the only ones concerned either. The United States future change in the status of the ideas of fear is diminishing the legacy of this remarkable building and its unsurpassed ability to serve humanity as a much needed bridge between those who have differing faith traditions and cultures there has to be a must not be allowed to be devastated with universal character and turned into a place of worship with a ticket a gallon and president to do on our attempting to do today it revives and reignites fanatical nationalized and religious sentiment a symbol of tolerance and diversity this place must remain open to all. However turkish leadership is not helping at being told what to do insisting its got the right to make decisions about its own buildings a president ial Spokesman Says that turning the museum into a mosque would not damage its cultural meaning and visitors would still be welcome here some of the reaction we heard from people in turkey. As far as im concerned its best for it to stay in museum because there is a blue mosque 100 meters across the white its best for me to see is a museum i hope that it will be open soon and Almighty Allah will allow us to pray here as soon as possible but frankly i see it is a necessary tourism revenues are already all over the place because of tens of thousands of people come here every month to worship and by doing Something Like this creating an artificial agenda theres nothing logical theres no right to me. Trying to revive the ottoman empire. We can see that it was all good movements that hes making and within this framework of good he would like to see also a bridge will more years so if you are. To go before he at the short period and in this way he thinks that he will have Popular Support the question over yourself. Is not an issue. Between disagree government and 30. Because years of fear is something that belongs to humanity many of jerks also into a key believe it that it should remain a World Heritage and also as such as a museum it gives a lot so her financial room support the mayor over of wish them well jim out in saying that we dont need another mosque he said that we should that we should leave it as it is and we still do to be or close to it. I dont know and hes adamant he wants to agree with my list past for his own benefit. Lets bring you on the program now to south america where people across colombia are pressuring for 7 soldiers to face mux m m jail time after they admitted kidnapping and raping a young indigenous girl there is a strong reaction on the line to with colombians concerned the man will not face tough justice its the 2nd such attack to come to light in recent weeks and has led to protests in the capital over whats seen as a rape culture in colombias military. If you. Dont know. What that. Well this is whats known the 12 Year Old Girl who was attacked by soldiers whod been sent to enforce measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus shed gone missing from her home in the rural north before being found at school day later and taken to hospital the soldiers face up to 30 years in jail. Much high level of condemnation to what the Vice President saying colombia must be merciless with sexual abusers the army says its got a 0 tolerance approach to such crimes in the military a colombian human rights advisor we spoke to sees the horrifying assaults which sometimes result in murder are part of an entrenched problem. We know you didnt mean the scene i would say that the problem of famine side in the indigenous communities is not new it is this is jameco long term problem of the National Indigenous organisation of colombia shows that over 300 women were raped by representatives of various armed factions in the conflict area from what we know in apparently we are not aware of all the violent key says i believe it is a structural problem primarily because of the existing systemic racism this is a problem which directly affects women indigenous boys and girls prosecutors brought charges of sexual coercion however for those who know the law this was not the charge that should have been brought forward because it is this if the girl consented to the rape furthermore the convicts were just sent to a military camp instead of being sent to prison. For most of this is R T International still a troll may want u. S. Troops all its of afghanistan. With congress on his homes the armed forces puddles move to keep soldiers there partly over anonymous claims that russia is paying militants to kill american troops will get it. After the shortest of. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see if. I know to no crow. No shots. Actually just felt. No just. Points your thirst for action. Unilateral police stations of occupied territory is evil under International Law this is exactly what Israel Intends to do when it comes to the west bank on this edition of the program we discussed flying israel is doing this International Reaction and the state of the policy. 17 minutes into the Program Welcome back the french president s move swiftly to appoint a new Prime Minister just a couple of hours after the government resigned in anticipation of an expected reshuffle the new premier is cast ticks a Civil Servants who coordinated the reopening all fronts following the corona virus locked on caustics will shape a new cabinet. Present mccraw meanwhile says that the new team will help lead frances reconstruction hes trying to win back voters to his centrist party after sizeable losses in last weeks municipal elections and also to bolster d his reelection bid mccall is vowing to chart a new course in the final 2 years of his presidency. His counterpart in the us Donald Trumps run into a hurdle in bringing american troops back from afghanistan the Congress Armed Services committee has put a block on the withdrawal by approving a new amendment to the National Defense bill it targets the trumpet ministrations plan to its roll more than 4000 troops from afghanistan by this autumn the move would reduce the number of troops to the lowest number since the start of the war in afghanistan back in 2001 but any american exit depends on the us taliban peace process. This is about American Leadership we prevent terrorism we prevent a civil war in afghanistan and we also send a clear message of keeping our commitments this is an amendment is just basically an attempt to tie our hands and limit our United States ability to respond to threats around the world we clearly need more oversight over what the president is doing in afghanistan were talking about 20000. 00 plus u. S. Soldiers who have been injured in combat there were talking about 2300 u. S. Soldiers men and women who have died on the combat field of afghanistan and for what for the ability for the taliban to be as strong today as they were 18 years ago to have as much control of the country as they did 18 years ago having said all of that you just alluded to it i have to say its amazing to listen to lawmakers right now you have the chance to bring those soldiers home from afghanistan you decide to keep them in harms way keep them on a battlefield where more of them will die. Well theres another element up play the puzzle also also the assessment as to whether any state has provided incentives to the taliban to attack u. S. Troops or its allies over the last 2 years the New York Times has been reporting that russia paid buddies to militants to kill american soldiers in afghanistan heres our taste killer blood and. What makes of bombshell news story outrageous accusations unnamed sources throw russias name into the headline and youve got all the ingredients necessary to drive us media and political elites why out the bombshell report tonight outbred one official told n. B. C. That quote American Service members died as a result of russian payments to the taliban it doesnt matter that u. S. President donald trump says that based on the evidence hes seen this story is just a hoax the intelligence people didnt even many of them didnt believe it happened at all i think its a hoax and i think its a hoax by the newspapers and the democrats that russia has made clear that these claims are simply not true what is russias word compared to Anonymous Sources lack of evidence aside democrats have pounced at the opportunity to roll out their long discredited narrative of trump russia collusion and helsinki time to put in his word over our own intelligence agencies because of putin strong denial now the kremlin is once again denying reports russia offered a bounty to kill americans in afghanistan if these reports are true would trump side with putin yet again now theres many people who wont believe trump or russia but will insist that the New York Times is a credible source well what about u. S. Intelligence officials not only will they not confirm the reports but theyve issued Harsh Criticism of how the report was presented the ex compromised and disrupted critical interagency work to collect assess and ascribe culpability on. Never heard this and its disgusting how you continue to politicize intelligence you clearly dont understand how a role intel gets verified leaks of partial information to reporters from Anonymous Sources is dying just because people like you manipulated for political guy trump says its fake news russia says its fake news the Us Intelligence community will not back it up its just an unsourced claim from an anti trump anti russian newspaper with a record of getting things wrong on both topics but that has not stopped the democrats from treating it like its undisputed fact seems clear from what the intelligence is real so are they providing any evidence to back up their claims no theyre rolling out images of soldiers killed in afghanistan and grieving families in syria so something should be done. That is shawn gregg why are her son was 24 years old when he was killed in afghanistan last summer families grieving in our country tonight the times also reporting that officials are looking at an april 2019 Taliban Attack that killed 3 marines now c. N. N. Cannot confirm that any deaths in combat in afghanistan can definitively be traced back to this alleged russian plot cranking up the emotional volume and blame doesnt make the story true at this point the New York Times is now saying that they have evidence that criminal elements in afghanistan not the taliban received some kind of financial payment not a bounty so this somehow proves theyre probably correct well nope thats a technique called moving the goalposts its often used by people back pedaling away from unproven allegations this speaks to an ugly reality of mainstream American Media propaganda declare that trump is bad and russia is also bad and then you can accuse them of almost anything and many people will believe that no evidence necessary listen to this language it referred to analysts kuku did from other intelligence that the transfers were most likely part of the Bounty Program if there was a law that was provided if there was a law against bad journalism these people would be arrested if you read this or any story regarding this and you ask yourself what do i know what do i know now what do i suspect out not what what hunch is or isnt but what do i know you know nothing thats the part of this which is just phenomenal to me. Israel has postponed its planned next ation of parts of the west bank they plan target date of july the 1st passed without any announcement of what is planned one n. P. C. S. Advance because the border lines are yet to be decided upon with the us the annexation of the Jordan Valley which would surround palestinian controlled turf was proposed by Benjamin Netanyahu last he got a boost in january from Donald Trumps peace plan which recognize the jewish settlements israeli territory infuriating the palestinians throwing warnings from abroad that the final layout of the border plans has never been published your middle east correspondent a list. This is donald trump square in israel named after one of the biggest fans of Benjamin Netanyahu swiss bank and Exchange Plans its also a landmark for demonstrations just a few days ago a group of vandals spalt with paint in its water creating the image of blood and painted the words and makes a sham will cost lives on the ground however the chorus of those against an extension is widening with your wit declaring it as a beagle. An exception would put in jeopardy the progress that israel has made in improving relationships with the arab and muslim world i profoundly hope that the next nation does not go ahead. This is not just about the legal assessment of iraqs ation that we believe is contrary to International Law we still sticks a negotiating the 2 state solution we would checks unilateral border ships and we will not recognize them either. Lets not pretend we do not know the plans we are doing they were thin possible so that this does not happen diplomatically they are joined by thousands of protesters around the world to crying the annexation. Humanitarian organizations are also warning of dire consequences if you implement this eric station coursing through to most serious violation of International Law grievously harming the prospect of a 2 state solution and that got the possibilities of it and you will of negotiations go on these really got. Its an exception class going against the worldwide condemnation tel aviv decided to simply ride out the storm by delaying the annexation. Book or anything and related to the battle against the coronavirus will wait for the days after the virus that behind the scene israel continues to map out the land grab it with its closest ally you have been the greatest friend that israel has ever had in the white house with so time is ticking for both israel and its spare mr feins in the white house watching faces mounting pressure and pope. The new head of the november elections parts of palestine and europe will watch on as rival candidate joe biden who is pro israel has spoken out against an extension for now the west bank holds its. Important extended report next but for younger viewers invisible war it tells the harling story of rape among soldiers in the u. S. Military. Thanks for watching and im going to leave on this. We go to work. Straight home. We want to experience think they want to know where this is headed and their very name i am there when i stand the begin to get rid of what they dont want rapidly and theyre putting themselves together and theyre hoarding very slowly this pandemic is making them be even more careful and they will continue to be careful and they may im sure in at least a decade i dont know a generation of more solid partnerships. But. I think the men that we attract to the military you know weve got a the army of one you know beyond

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