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A luxury item. As some nations have begun to reopen their economies a surge in cope and 19 cases has followed we take a spin around the globe and see which hot spots are seeing a coronavirus comeback plus we analyze how markets have reacted in the wake of the outbreak but could there be a darker horizon ahead and later the u. S. Is no stranger to surging gun sales but how much has the pandemic driven the sector we have so much to get to so lets dive right in. And we lead the program with renewed concerns about a 2nd wave of corona virus infections as the World Health Organization reported a Record Number of new cases sunday. Yesterday more than 180000 new cases of quoted would be pulled to. Easily the most you know single day so far. More than 8800000 cases 7 now been reported to joe and more than 465000 people have lost their lives some countries are continuing to see about getting increasing cases and as some countries that have successfully selfless transmission are now seeing an absolutely. Open theres websites and economies. There as we just heard this marks the largest daily increase since the start of the outbreak according to the w. H. O. Brazil had the highest increase in new cases followed by the United States and india the w. H. O. Director general also spoke about the need to maintain measures to limit the spread of the virus while the world attempts to resume some sort of normalcy we continue to urge all countries to double down on the fundamental Public Health measures that we know work. Finding interesting suspected cases would i usually kidding pull the sequel tracy. Contacts woods and protecting his workers would the same time these measures can only be fixed if each and every individual takes to measure stuff. To protect themselves and others. With these increased numbers coming as economies continue to reopen or at least enter a new phase of the reopening process lets take a global look at the spread of the virus with our chief correspondent sorry to have injured so theres been a lot going on around the world you know in france the millions of students are actually returning in School Germany is scrambling to contain an outbreak in one of the countrys largest pork Processing Plant and Health Officials in south korea announced that theyre battling a 2nd wave of the virus and in india people in desperate need of treatment are being turned away due to overload in hospital capacities while good news coming out of new york city as about 300000 workers are expected to return to work next monday as the city begins a new phase of reopening and a look at the numbers here is where we are globally the u. S. Still has the most cases followed by followed by brazil russia india and do you k. And the u. S. Accounts for 20 percent of new global cases around the world now the big difference between this list where it lists the cases around the world is another list which is new cases that are coming around the world now the only difference between here and im going to have them put the new list up here right now which is going to give you a comparison of the top cases versus the u. S. Cases coming up going to them do that right now see if you could compare if not well go to back to it later but the difference between those 2. You list is that the u. K. Is on this list with the number of cases blood with new cases coming out of that country theyre no longer there instead chile has joined the list with new cases and right here there you go so u. K. Is no longer on the list instead we have a chilly day in the u. S. Still has the most cases it was a result but overnight u. S. Went up on the list followed by india russia and chile and brand 5 states in the u. S. Have actually also reached a new milestone here in the u. S. With seeing their highest 7 day average now in california in california the number of people hospitalized is the highest its been since to pandemic and on sunday the had the most new cases in a single day which is why we also saw california mandating that everyone wear a mask in public and then there is florida that that on saturday reported the most in a single day that that state has also seen in fact miamis mayor Just Announced that his city would not be moving into its 3rd phase of reopening because of the increase in new cases and then we have texas which which saw a 37 percent increase of when you compare new cases compared to just 2 weeks ago in arizona which Health Officials are also warning could become the new take center of the pandemic which were to reach 85 percent of capacity of their i. C. U. Patients and hospitals lastly South Carolina broke its record with new cases reported on saturday now this same 5 states that have the Record Number of new cases well theyre also open way before the flood and occur and before that enough testing and tracing infrastructure in place but in the case well california is just a little bit different of course. The increase is contributed to the reopening of businesses way too early but theres also new outbreaks in Nursing Homes but california has a lot more testing so more testing more cases of course then theres another trend going on right here in the us the rising percentage of people who are testing positive for the virus a lot younger than before you know going from about a 65 in april to now theyre under 30 now in some states which has been linked to younger people going out to restaurants bars and attending lots of parties without social distancing so although younger people tend to recover a much better and are mostly asymptomatic by theres also a problem because once the younger people they become infected then they go home to their family members and then they infect the older population then you get older people get the complication and and thats when the hospitals theys go up but as of now brand the recent rise of cases among young adults could actually lower this raid that is until young people go to infect others then thats a completely different story brand correspondent sorry temperature thanks so much for keeping us up to date. Despite a Record Number of kota virus cases u. S. Equities are in the green so lets take a look at whats driving games with slogans this c. E. O. Of Transformative Research cohost christi i thank you both so much for joining us today christy i want to start here were seeing the largest single day increase in global quota virus case on sunday according to w. H. O. But apparently the International Financial market doesnt seem to even be worried whats going on here. Well so i just mention this uptake in case it seemed worldwide comes as many of the previous restrictions and quarantine orders have now been lifted so the markets are being really biased now and surging on the hope and optimism the slightest hint of a good news at the slightest hint of reopening but its not really reacting to any new bad news as it should. And most of it is due to Central Bank Policy and this seemingly unlimited amount of stimulus being poured into the market daily the fed Balance Sheet from 4 shelling and dollars and march to 7 point 2 trillion just last week acting like a big we keeping everything afloat so for traders its actually kind of difficult to short to try to see him get going toe to toe with the fed now the market has completely decoupled from reality and this thump this 40 percent rally from the march lows is really not supported its coming out of the us Economic Health is at a low point with millions of people out of work and bankruptcy is likely to continue as the businesses cant fully real thin and disposable income is getting tight and i mean it really is a perfect recipe for the complete destruction of the middle class noto but i wonder if some of that up here because we just saw Jeremy Grantham the investor who called the last 3 financial bubbles come out and say that this 4th bubble is the real mccoy and that Long Exposure should be at 0 and he actually said if you can muster it less than 0 what do you think of that do you agree it what you make of this statement. Well 2 things i respect your me tremendously ive worked with him for years but hes always about 2 to 3 years early thats how germany works remember he came out and said in 2006 we were in a bubble you actually were in a bubble remember a bubble is just simply went higher prices create higher prices so we are in a bubble in the sense that you know weve never had stimulus like this weve never had fed money weve never had 1200. 00 checks sent to people but if you look at history and jeremy will be the 1st one to tell you this is in the event driven bear market over the last 200 years and jeremy has a bet been around i believe for 189 years you have these event driven markets to dive and they bounce back and weve had many of them weve had world wars weve had you know pandemics weve this is happened before the market is not disruptive from reality im sorry the market is doing exactly what the market has done for 200 years remember were a Measurement System looking up 24 months the stock market is not todays economy the stock market is valuing 24 months 18 to 24 months in the future and they are betting on a sharp recovery and you know why because youve never had just much money where i just watch stimulus we never had the the Federal Reserve say the worst Case Scenario cant happen were not going to let it you had all of the other and you have you know a bear market to a bull market in 3 days whats unusual about that kristie what do you make of this talk of a 4th bubble where do you see as you agree with. I think we are literally at its really difficult to call the top of the bubble when its going to burst because hes right higher prices does just continue to drive higher prices and as we just said the feds money is just going to be a constant booming so even if investors think that this is a completely decoupled from reality its really really difficult to go short because you never know when the just the inject my stimulus inject my policy and youre just going to meaning the market like what a lets lets not forget this. Senators are going to have the vote in Election Year are they going to not send more money are they not going to do more unemployment and we see more money in april that any month in the history of the United States can you believe it so yes fiscal monetary stimulus is the oxygen and Interest Rates are the gravity of Financial Markets and it seems like dollar funding pressures of actually eased off and the health of the dollar has actually kind of been restored at this point is this going to last or are we waiting for the other shoe to drop a some would say. Well. You learn a long time ago like i want to want is for the dollar to go down Something Else has to go up right because its a theyre going to change so when the dollar goes down in theory thats good for Francis Energy because now were going to have higher prices because it takes more dollars to buy 50. 00 a barrel of oil right now we are still the clean assured in a dirty laundry number one number 2 theres no question that down the road were going to have issues about how much debt we have but the 3rd issue is youve got to do that in comparison to everybody else if you look at the euro you look at japan in a 25 year you know essentially recession slash depression china who else is going to have 85 percent of the worlds transactions and be able to have liquidity of 25. 00 trillion dollars a day nobody so until somebody can do that and china wants to do it of course but you know i want to look like like counted i want to look like you are going to happen all right so you know the issue here is that yeah its like its like you know capitalism its a really horrible system except when you compare it to everybody else and were sort of in that same situation right now so when you know flattery will get you nowhere around here but i do have a quick question for what youve got who are continuing to see lots of strength in tech during the pandemic the nasdaq is on a 7 day winning streak what are you telling your subscribers right now to look for when it comes to big tech. Well in essence what has happened is we put a microscope on top of all business processes and a company like look at the auto dealers they you said i would only dollar stomach people want to test drive cars now theyve completely changed their Business Model all companies who are going to survive are going to have to become this digital budget but a little business process underlying everything they do and so the Technology Companies that enable that everything from a company like fastly which has just been on a tear recently which. Starting to you know talk about it and recommend because there is no alternative now you know we used to say tina there is no alternative to stocks now there is tina for digital out of an automation of your business there is no alternative if you dont have it youre going to be out of business and everybody understands that from the very top to the very bottom and that means you have to own microsoft you have to own you know docu sign you have to own companies that you know crowd strike to prevent you have to own all those to v. P. N. Fortnight you have to have that it because theres no alternative and oh by the way theyre selling for 25. 00 to 30. 00 times their revenues but their writers are growing 30 to 40 percent so youve got to discount that back and look you know a lot of them are too expensive we are buying some lower priced ones that have the same glide path but were paying 5 times told them to submit the Transformative Research cohost christi i would say we do this all day thank you so much for that expert analysis. Thank you. And time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return the u. S. Is no stranger to surging gun sales but how much of the pandemic driven the say we have indepth analysis coming up and as we go to break here the numbers at the close. We go to work you straight home. Well heres the funny thing about that in this economy in america is that when a rich person falls on debt credit pulls or credit you know they are all money they cost and 0 or negative in the case of many people they get paid to borrow money as we saw with jamie dimon and j. P. Morgan what a poor person or a disadvantaged person or typically a minority person or particularly a black person is drawing credit theyre charged 2025304050 percent 60 percent of payday loan thats 2000 percent. He said he had to quit. For good and the. Other the. One. But on the better side going to quickly and so that means. Instead of. The Emotional Learning to. Go if it was to leave the korean missiles in the course. Of his just located or forgot. To mention that. Soldier the boot shes wearing. Which so so looks like to move the opposing opinion with you im going to show stuff in the summer watching the police force sort of us hold. And welcome back while the crowd of virus pandemic has wreaked havoc across multiple industries some have seen an increase in sales over the last 3 months at the beginning we saw p. P. Eat cleaning supplies and even toilet paper become incredibly hard to find and as home orders continued hair dye hair cutting shears and electric hair clippers started flying off the shelves as a trim became necessary but a number of other industry has seen a surge in sales amid the pandemic expense want has been following the numbers and filed this report. Or gun sales this year have been absolutely surging in fact to the 2nd highest level ever on record in the u. S. Now the last time we saw a massive surge in gun sales was in 2013 that was right after the reelection of president barack obama and after the Sandy Hook School shooting. But what makes 2020 different than 2013 is not only have we seen the 2nd largest surge in gun sales in u. S. History but a 2nd surge has begun just this month so lets take a look at this the 1st search took place at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns at the same time that millions of americans began raiding stores grabbing up toilet paper and Hand Sanitizer in fact grabbing all that they could carry millions of other americans began buying huge numbers of handguns shot guns and ammo americans bought about 2000000 guns in march according to a New York Times analysis of federal data it was the 2nd busiest month ever for gun sales trailing only january of 2013 just after president Barack Obamas reelection and the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School according to Monthly Sales figures from the f. B. I. In many states estimated sales doubled in march compared with february in utah they nearly tripled and take a look at this in michigan which had one of the most strict responses to the lock down numbers there also triple the International Firearms Specialist Academy website saw a 50 percent rise in people taking Online Training courses during the pandemic the classes teach gun Safety Standards and how to identify specific gun models now none of this is too surprising considering the fact that in the United States anytime there is some kind of major of them that stokes fear and concern among the public including about fear of their neighbors or fear of government overreach we suddenly see a surge in gun sales its not terribly uncommon but again what makes this situation different is that while we did see a big surge in gun sales in the 1st part of this year as a result of the pandemic those numbers had begun to drop in april and may and then right around june began to spike again this time over protests 2 things here seem to trigger the latest violence spree one the protests which devolve from peaceful to violent in some places. As store fronts were destroyed and secondly warnings from President Trump that he would deploy the National Guard into the streets to put down protests calls from people across the political spectrum online many times came back to a simple statement looks like its time to buy a gun during the last week of may firearm sales were up 78 percent over 21000. 00 while the f. B. I. Data for gun sales in june obviously has not been released gun stores are reporting massive numbers of sales including one store owner alone saying 9 millimeter and 45 caliber handguns have been sold by the hundreds as well as Home Protection shotguns and sales of a r 15 rifles have skyrocketed to the point where just keeping in the tory in the stores is a huge problem one other Important Note here many people think that when we see these surges in gun buy across the country its because you have gun owners who are going out and hoarding guns or buying up large amounts of guns to add to their collection or a cache of guns in their homes but thats not necessarily the case this year in fact one Gun Store Owner says that 60 to 70 percent of all sales at his gun store are not from repeat buyers but from 1st time gun owners. And lets go ahead and bring in boom bust cohost ben swan to discuss this further now ben you actually kind of touched on it a little bit about government overreach on concerns and that nature but why does a pandemic spur gun sales i mean what do you see as the rationale here. Yeah i think its the same reason that people will run out and grab a bunch of toilet paper right why why would someone do that well because the fear is that were going to run out and that if the government locks things down i wont have access to be able to protect my family with getting them the things that they need what part of that fear also realized and what if it goes even further than that what if people attempt to take from me what ive collected what if there is food rationing thats taking place and someone comes to take from me so there is a especially american idea here that says i have to protect myself and i have to protect my family because i cant count on someone else whether its police or government to do so and gun sales spike when that happens you know how do these sales spikes due to social unrest which you touched on later in your piece there compared to previous situations that we saw in say ferguson missouri or baltimore maryland just a few years ago. You know its i think its different for a couple of reasons number one whats made this particular set of protests so i think starkly different than what weve seen in the past is the fact that they came on the tail end of these lock downs which weve never experienced before so you literally had months sprint where people were not allowed to leave their homes and felt like there was already a certain amount of government overreach and government control being pushed on to them then you see the protests that taking place that whats fascinating about this is that the people who are calling to go ahead and buy guns come from both sides there are protesters who say we need to be armed because drums talking about sit in the National Guard to stop us and then you have people on the other side who say hey police right now theres talk of defunding policing getting rid of police do protesters think theyre going to come to my home and destroy my home and so you have both sides literally arming themselves because no one is sure where the actual order in Society Comes from and whenever there is fear of a lack of order in society more people say then i will have to create order on my own now been there was a time when the gun lobby and specifically the National Rifle association what kind of stoke sales as these types of situations would happen when you would see a mass shooting or when you would see not necessarily pandemic of a social unrest you would see these kind of but it appears over the last few years and i want to say specifically since the shooting at the moment Douglas High School in florida theyve kind of been very very quiet why is that. Yeah i think theres a couple of reasons for that are i mentioned in the piece of the last time we saw this major surge in sales would go back to 2013 president obama was reelected the sandy hook shooting took place and then there was talk at that time of banning air 50 rifles and we saw this huge surge in gun purchases and ammo purchases because people were rushing out to go ahead and buy these weapons before they became illegal because it was also said dont worry well ban new purchases anything that you already own is already grandfathered in so you had a huge spike of people going out and buying these what has changed though i think is that over the past couple of years weve had more of these incidents and yet the legislation has not come so i dont think people necessarily feel that same fear whats different here is we have never had to shut down because of a pandemic as for the n. R. A. I think that they have really gotten beat up since 20122013 have taken a more low profile position because the news and the p. R. That theyve gotten has been horrible for them. Spence one thanks so much for breaking all this down for us. My pleasure. And finally Virgin Galactic announced monday it has entered a partnership with nasa to develop a program intended to push for private missions to the International Space station the Richard Branson backed Space Exploration Company Issued a series of tweets saying it would work with the Johnson Space center to identify those who would buy private missions as well as developing training packages for would be space travelers now this is not the 1st partnership between the 2 entities Virgin Galactic entered an agreement with nasa in may to develop aircraft for potential civilian use nasa has of course been working with private companies in recent years just last month elon musks space x. Ended the agencys 9 year hiatus of manned space flight by delivering 2 astronauts to the i assess on the news of Virgin Galactic partnership the companys stock shot up as much as 15 per cent at points throughout the day and thats it for this time you can catch boom bust on demand on the brand new portable t. V. s about on smartphones through google play in the Apple App Store by searching portable t. V. Or you can simply go to portable dot t. V. For more information see you next time. To 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area russia. What is it suddenly about the sad. China sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. Whats needed National Well thats not of it when even if its a blessing thats only see it is possible to prevent. Her from the regular morgue you know youre talking about going to move into iraq. Which a source i q herbalists lucifer mr delicious that in the guise that im just playing. It is not my achievement mr davies are fine if you have plans for conceit. And carried out by the people themselves if how they would produce or even floor it with the idea of making a film like this probably be branded as crazy. How was the sentiment during the war the soviets were brave heroic resisting the nazis thats going to change of course after the world once the cold war begins. The building that hollywood is a free place with is strictly. Business and the other side is. Out with on hollywood is a call to dream anything which i thinks true. Its a propaganda film. I. 8 know. With police. Quarantine and. Of the virus in that community. Many Small Businesses to the brink of. Increasing numbers not reopening their doors even though. This was our only job for 3 months weve been continuing with the money we had and i cannot continue because we would risk going into more debt. To the blocks apparent negligence

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