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Years joe joins us from chicago joe your book was published. Before it was formation february before the 19 a cold in 1000 pandemic before the killing of george floyd you called trump a moron a cult a show a thorough tarion conmen are anathema. I mean ran against a jew think it would be this bad. No i didnt larry and you make a good point i wrote that book before the virus and before the killing obviously insurance for it and in that book i said that trump is on to be president and i said he felt fit because he cant tell the truth and hes incapable of putting the countrys interest on for his own were really seeing that play out this year obviously how do you rate his handling of the virus. I mean i wish i could say what i really want to say in spain crappy lousy larry i mean whatever their president any other president in the world would have us about a virus as killing the American People i mean think about that for 2 and a half months he didnt prepare or he ignored the intelligence he downplayed it any lied about it to the American People thats all i mean him because larry he didnt give a damn all he cares about is him sell his handling of the u. S. Military brass over the handling an issue or did you make of that walk around levy a park and the bible. It goes where it goes in my book hes a wannabe authoritarian hes a wannabe military dictator so look what he did he ordered the military here gassed Peaceful Protesters so he can take a picture of a bike with a bible hes never read in front of a church hes never been to he wants to be a dictator larry everything about him is that way he likes dictators he doesnt like democracy and he doesnt like the republic that we have why do so many people support the. Well they dont and lets be honest ive always said this i primary you know and larry i and i realized after about a month that the Republican Party is a cult these followers of his its reared leerie he didnt have true doesnt have supporters he has followers but it is a minority of the American People i think 30 to 35 percent of the American People will support him no matter what but right now if the election is this week joe biden kills him. How did he get elected. You know he got elected because the republicans 3 reasons the Republican Party was asleep at the wheel the Party Establishment ignored their base voters their base voters were screaming to be heard and the Party Establishment ignored them larry created an opening for a demagogue and so along comes true and he said i area ill build a wall ill make mexico pay for it even though it was a bunch of bull he listened to them and the rest of the Republican Party did and then he ran against Hillary Clinton who was the poster child for the status quo youre a republican right i left the Republican Party about 2 months ago because its just that my Republican Party. The Republican Party is strong right there is no penalty it is it is the trump cult larry it is its not a party youre right about that and its all about trump it is it is a party full of people who wont read there are washed Donald Trumps feet then spread ideas unishe will. 2016 voted for and 16 again not be because he wasnt hillary period but i made a mistake larry and i have been very honest about it i did not pay enough attention to what a horrible human being he was that sat me i wish i paid more attention to him back then. Are you now or democrat. No im im a man without a country look i believe in freedom and limited government in 10 days language that makes me a conservative so i disagree with the democrats on a lot of the policy but this Republican Party is not a party so i dont have a party im doing everything i can larry to help joe biden elected to help get democrats elected because i think larry that these republicans who have been able to trump their every bit as bad as trump is. Who obviously is supporting biden who are just like him to pick as a Vice President ial nominee i think the 2 candidates that would most excite everybody really would be Kamali Harris and or liz with warren i dont know theres pressure on mr biden to pick an africanamerican woman and i understand that but i think Elizabeth Warren would be a great pick too because she would excite she would look im working off her job im mad because he excites me because donald trump is an existential threat i think joe biden needs somebody with you know who will excite people. Or get weve got a book coming out in the room where it happened written by his former National Security adviser. Its supposed to be scorching what do you hear about. Well my my response larry is and again ill watch my language because i have too much respect for you screw john bolton and screw john boltons book and i hope this book never sees the light of day jumble larry john boltons country called him in january and february and john bolton didnt answer that call he could have testified under oath as to what he knows how unfit donald trump is he knows how many rules and laws donald trump broke but john bolton wouldnt testify because he wanted to sell this damn book screw the book. Wont so youve got 2 people completely in the missile. And who is still you rode the Tea Party Wave are you still a tea party or oh yeah but that very intense form you would i have talked about this before the cheap Party Movements long gone i mean it was all about the debt and the size of government and once trump became president he increased the debt faster than obama did then thats larry thats the damndest thing because all of these republicans shine who i know like ted cruz and jim jordan. And privately they cant stand trump but they dont publicly say anything about him i dont recognize these guys anymore we screamed about that when obama was president they dont say a thing about the debt with trump as president its just wrong. We have 2 problems too hes facing 2 other problems nascar and the n. F. L. Both walked away from him on a race issue the n. F. L. Almost now saying its ok to take a knee and i would imagine at the opening game of the n. F. L. Season theyll all take me. Yeah and nascar has done away with the dixie flag. He has handled the race issue even he would admit poorly has he not he sure has larry and its hurt him in the polls more than the pandemic s. When you look at the polling right now down trumps reaction to the killing of george following the fact that hes hes made us more divison have the fact that he used the military the fact that he he says dont even touch our military bases that are named after confederate soldiers hes like larry hes like a lonely old white guy assistant his room somewhere in the white house and history is just passing him by most even most republicans who larry now support black lives matter and support trying to unite the country over race donald trump is all by himself were passing him by and he says yes that why hasnt he offered some moral crusade about race he sees whats happening in the country and around the world is it have no empathy. Larry i said in my book ive never in my life seen a human being like this who is humanly incapable of empathy youve known trouble long time donald trump is incapable of putting anyone or anything ahead of himself all he cares about is himself he missing him and him about whats going on around the country right now and all i mean is so hes incapable of dealing with that and you combine all of that larry with he doesnt care and hes always had a race is spent to him and i really dont think hes a very smart man and so i just dont think she understands whats going on. What happens to the g. O. P. I think the Republican Party is dead no matter what i think it is corollary i think the Republican Party is breaking up before our eyes i think the party is going to be in the wilderness for a long long time go back to where i started the little troll war im because he listened to 80 percent of the Republican Voters out there now it was a bunch of b. S. He fed them but he listened to them they are still with him and so when trump loses theyre not with these other never trump i think the partys breaking up and i think its going to be in the world earnest for a while and hopefully a decent right center right party of eventually will replace a new gig was said for him to winnie cant be biden on personality cant be them on stature hell have to run on a major obvious radical party run against biden as a radical you see. How pathetic has somebody like newt become again newt out and just retire in that say another word talk about a guy who has sold his soul to try new congress doesnt believe a word he says about trump but hes right larry thatll trump has nothing to run on so hes going to play the old nixon playbook of law and order hes going to try to scare people thats what they do on fox news Tucker Carlson hannity and war in wrong they do what trump wants them to do and theyre trying to scare their are voters into thinking that black people and riot nurse and looters are coming after them i dont think fear is going to cut it but thats all true and yes joe always great talking to talk to you again before the election youre the best larry king thank you my friend thank you man well be right back with more politicking. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Some control for a middle class type of a night muslim are very hardworking people who want to get ahead that either have some some Health Issues or have some of how district about luck a full time job wont always pay for a place to live and missing just a months rent can get she was a victim of gunpoint if anything bad happens to any thing that just throws your budget off slightly. Better catch up real quick or youre going to have a judgment of possession against you and get addicted to anyone thats homeless is history like garbage people look at you like a monster or someone bad or you chose to be there most of the time its not the case see how it is to be pull in the worlds richest country. The peoples republic of just a nonconformist utopia or a politically correct. None the less the experiment being played out in seattle is no laughing matter the ideas of law and order and the legitimate use of force are at stake a piece of advice go visit jobs before chast physics you. Welcome back to politicking great pleasure to welcome actor and activist Kendrick Sampson is credits include h. B. O. s in secure and the vampire diaries hes cofounder of the Nonprofit Initiative build power he joins us to talk about his work in the fight for Racial Justice and the. Against the man in the white house candor joins us from los angeles with all of us have been regionally kendrick most recently in the Atlanta Shooting of a black and a bad who is on what what what should a state of mind right now. My state of my and you know especially after hearing about racial groups is that this is not you know this violence is again and its the same you know im im disheartened there were 2 black trans women killed this weekend there were 2 men from trees that theyre investigating in california black people are still being disproportionately affected back over it and it is a rough time it is a traumatizing time and its its a compound a trauma from the history of this country and and its time to end it its time to in these systems and uproot these systems and build plant and build new systems that actually care for us and im encouraged by a lot of wins that are happening of School Districts canceling their their contracts with Police Departments and minneapolis voting City Council Voting to dismantle their Police Department in different cities saying you know i think San Francisco said that they were not going to use police for nonviolent crimes there theres things that are happening all over the country we just met. Black last man to los angeles and myself representing bill power just met with the city council here in los angeles to give a special presentation on Reimagining Public Safety and defunding the police and they hurt us and they understood us and they stand with the same ideologies now we need them to take action but i but im encouraged by what the movement but at the same time im still you know working through my own trauma and and whats what were seeing if the police are an extension of us are we still racist country. Oh yeah yeah the foundation of this country is slavery and genocide its an extra couple from the systems that were built up around like slavery the policing system was built and formed from police i mean from slave catching you know the. Prison system is and jail system is the continuation of slavery under the guise of the 13th amendment. Capitalism is inextricable from anti blackness and and slave made of people and and. Seen people as property because of the color of their skin so yeah absolutely this system this system that we have the white supremacist that we have in the white house. Is a symptom of the culture that has been built here and the systems that are built here are inherently racist so absolute how do you do that how candid do you explain that the killing of george floyd has caused a much greater a bringing in the part of the world than even the killing of Martin Luther king was different now. I think george floyd was like the straw that broke the camels back you had Briana Taylor you add reed you had the land ok still before that sandra bland and countless others to me are rice and 609 here and last cant last Los Angeles County alone with your sharia law back in so many right i can go i we could spend this whole interview and the listing amount of people who have been killed by police because its still operate operates as a slave catching system to put slaves back into the prison system right and so i you know people are fed up its an Unprecedented Health crisis unprecedented unemployment unprecedented economic crisis and on top of that we still have to deal with racism and these systems that are brutalizing us before joyce floyd you see. People being brutalized by police for not wearing a mask you saw people being profiled black people being profiled for Wearing Masks so we damned if we do damned if we dont you know and i think were at a point where people are in their homes and imagining solutions imagining better because they have no choice because they are in dire situations right now and they are saying we cannot go back to the world we knew and they are fed up because we are going to be we are going to face violence and brutality from these systems regardless of if we leave our houses and not. Even stuck in our homes we are still being you know facing system that Prioritize Health care system that prioritizes profit over people that is violent and so people are fed up with the violence and theyre done with it and you have somebody whos encouraging it in the white house so were not going back is what i think were and unprecedented situation where people are saying absolutely not we are not we cannot go back the world we knew is done and were going to better youre an advocate of defunding the police congressman James Clyburn one of the true civil rights leaders said he does not support the calling to defund the Police Rather than saying restructuring Law Enforcement is a better title do you agree we dont have to agree you know angela davis who is a who is abolitionists and my president you know would agree that this system is have to end you know that the that oppressive systems are bad seeds if a bad seed bears a bad tree bears bad fruit good seed produces a good tree produces good food thats what we say in church that is true the system is a it was born from a bad seed of slave catching it is not something that can be routine heard around the edges with and reform one day people have been trying to reform policing for. It decades it hasnt worked because its the same system that weve had for centuries we need a new system if we can imagine better than this system we dont have no imagination we have such a low bar we cant have an armed not on Law Enforcement 1st responders we can have Mental Health care infrastructure this is 100000000000. 00 were talking over 10015000000000. 00 that we spend on Police Departments alone not talking about sheriffs departments and such im talking about Police Departments along right and that money could be invested in communities for preventative measures violence intervention programs actually funding our schools and having afterschool programs and counselors and nurses in our schools why do we have Police Officers who are armed in dangerous who make us less safe in our schools and and many schools you have a Huge Police Presence and no counselors nobody to deal with the trauma nobody to deal no tarsus nobody to deal with the Health Problems then we can have these systems we can actually take care of the root causes but we are as a country deciding to invest and violent systems that are oppressive and have been proven to be oppressive instead of actually investing in care and healing and wellness of our community what is what is build our. Build power is a Nonprofit Initiative. Was formed with myself and tio shawn michaels. To organize hollywood around these issues to to create safe spaces where we can imagine different where we can connect with organizers all over the country who are changing the World Community organizers and we realize how oppressive hollywood is i mean how would a has has added and aided this oppression Police Brutality and glorifying Police Violence and and producing antiblack storylines for a very long time and criminalizing and demonizing us and our minds. Helping for trying Mental Health is violent and such right. And we have to be a part of the solution and there are so many people that are they want to be a part of the solution they have these huge platforms that are creatives that can direct and produce and write and act in films and create a new world and we havent responsibility to imagine different and act on that we influence culture and politics so we wanted to organize hollywood around that to make being a part of the solution was a lie do we shot with a rubber bullet. A traumatising. Well i was sat 7 times with rubber bullets so ive had i had chunks of skin taken out to me i dont want to gross anybody out but like just a few days ago was the 1st time i was able this was a couple weeks ago that it happened to get the skin from hanging off my leg and i mean it takes the wind out of you i still have a permanent scar right here where they shot me in my chest my arm was swollen for a while where they stopped me in my arm and they shot me 5 times in my leg and my buddy had 2 bones broken in his my body being on had to bones broken his skull my assistant was beat with batons and had his shin split open. To where you could see his bone he had to get stitches just got about 2 days ago so so it is it is absolutely traumatizing what drove me forward was everybody was experiencing the same brutality that were out there peacefully demonstrating and i dont condemn anybody whos not being peaceful because these systems are so violent i dont understand why you wouldnt expect violence right but the fact is that we were peaceful right thats just a fact right and and and we were met with violence only from the l. A. P. D. Did they were the instigators and to do that and then go to the city council right now when we presented to city council it very historic you know black lives matter being invited to do a special presentation on reimagining. But safety and and the people that greeted us was a Police Officer escorted us in and a Police Officer was used to. Stand there and take our temperature before we went into the chamber why arent you why why you have staff you have medical professionals it is just another example of a waste of money that could be invested in something that actually is healing to us you can do about it what do you make of our president. I think hes trash i think hes trash human being i think he is a white supremacist he has been very blatant about showing it and i want to encourage people that our ancestors didnt ever win by working within systems that were built to oppress they were built for injustice right and so we have to think about what many countries have done when a leader is fascist and oppressive blatantly oppressive and ill equipped to handle any sort of leadership. And i have a lot of curse words that i want to add in there but im to my best to be respected but i but i think he is 8 tracks human being and theres no leadership quality in him and we need to think about how to work around the system outside of these systems in order to remove him from office not impeachment and these system the. Methods that theyve instituted and tell us the parameters that they have set for us to achieve justice because were not going to achieve it in those systems make sure that hes not an option by november he should be an option that is democracy choosing between him and another candidate any other candidate is not democracy and kendrick thanks for your time today always great seeing you you as well thank you and thank you audience for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page or tweet me at kings things and dont forget to use the politicking hash tag and thats all for this edition of politicking. Khalid al could have International Memorial awards has extended its deadline for submissions. All media professionals eligible 23 months journalist look for alternative media. Part of the global News Platform you can submit to your published works you know the video format go to award go to auntie dot com and it to know. Some control from middle. Of the night most some are very hardworking people who want to get ahead that either have some some Health Issues or have some of how this trick about luck the whole time joel moon told me hes paying for a place to live and missing just a months rent can get you a victim to gunpoint if anything bad happens to any thing that just throws your budget off slightly. You better catch up real quick or youre going to have a judgment of possession against you and get addicted to anyone thats homeless is treated like garbage people look at you like a monster or someone bad or you chose to be there most of the time its not the case see how it is to be pole in the worlds richest country. The world is driven by a dream shaped by. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. To take away then from this heard where its a 2000000000 dollar negative net Worth Company worth 400000000 and theyre issuing International Bankruptcy offering fresh deal of stock they take away the news the information the fact. Has nothing to do with the Car Rental Company it what it says is that the dollar is collapsing the dollar has entered a high burn place narry collapse and this causes people to run into things like fictitious stock markets as weve seen in zimbabwe as we see in venezuela this is whats happening in the United States right now as of today. Greetings and sell you take we are now more than 20 days into our summer of rebellion here in the United States of america in the protesting in the streets still going strong from washington d. C. To seattle to atlanta the once voiceless are now proudly and forcefully uniting in one great voice rallying against a Law Enforcement criminal Justice System thats based solely on power money and violence President Trump showed us as much in todays rose garden briefing slash 2 1020 4 campaign stump speech when after Promising Police reforms by

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