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And iraq now committed to reduce the number of american troops in that country can we really expect that to happen though and if it does is it going to create a power vacuum in that region all right its time to move through news i. Q. Today marks the 21st consecutive day of nationwide protests following the death of george floyd over in minneapolis minnesota but now a Deadly Police shooting involving a black man in atlanta is triggering even more demonstrations all of this as new congressional legislation is being introduced to address Police Tactics across this country fronsac is outside of capitol hill with more on these developments there. Now and also in that building behind me Senate Republicans theyre getting ready to push out a package thats going to be all about policing. And what Police Officers can and cannot do now this is all coming forward from the only africanamerican republican in the Senate Senator tim scott of South Carolina which President Donald Trump has signaled his support for many of the items in this bill that has many of these same goals as a democratic bill coming out of congress now the bill is one of the most extensive overhauls to policing from republicans where would create a National Database of officers who have been in use of force incidents would require Police Officers to wear body cameras restrict people using chokeholds by actually Holding Back Federal funding to Police Jurisdictions that continue to allow it along with deeming lynching a federal hate crime now one of the things that democrats say the bill does not have in there but actually that their piece of legislation does have is the ability for those injured by Law Enforcement to sue for any damages now senator scott says that is a line gone too far and has suggested instead a decertification process for any officer involved in misconduct we should all want to follow the lead as a relates to making sure that we get something accomplished and that the pieces of legislation that are for show to see if we can actually get a result and make our streets safer for Law Enforcement officers and the communities that they serve. Now and all of the senate is expected to roll up their bill this coming wednesday the House Judiciary Committee is expected to roll out their bill as well this week and house lawmakers will be returning next week to vote on that bill miller and what about the latest on the deadly avalanche of Police Shooting over the weekend. Right so this week the Atlanta Police department they released the images of the 2 officers that were involved in that Fatal Shooting of 27 year old ray shard brooks youre going to see them here on your screen you have officer garrett rolf the man who fired those fatal shots in his back hes been fired officer Devon Bronson he has been placed on administrative duty and Atlanta Police chief erica shields she read. Dying after serving less than 4 years and her position now we want to warn our viewers that the video that youre about to see could be disturbing to some and you do have that the Surveillance Video friday evening of the 2 officers responding to a complaint that a man was sleeping in a car outside a wendys blocking the drive through lane now what started out as a civil conversation with brooks quickly escalated into a scuffle on the ground with brooks grabbing a taser from one of those officers and at one point aiming it at the officers as he ran away thats when officer role fired the fatal shots in his back now brooks death ignited a fresh new protest saturday and sunday which were starting to die down actually following the protest over the death of george floyd with angry protesters setting fire to a wendys where brooks was killed monday morning the family of brooks along with the familys lawyers spoke at a News Conference about how the shooting of brooks almost resulted in the death of more in the crowded wendys parking lot listen here. A witness today. Which was hit by one of. His kids were in the car. A couple feet up and we would have had another loss of life. Now and all of that News Conference ended with the family all crying together leaving the room with their lawyer going back to that podium saying quote i dont know what more America Needs to see ill probably be back here soon defending another case now the death of ray sharpe brooks has been ruled a homicide now and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation Continues to investigate the death of brooks reporting outside of Congress Fair and fronsac r. T. And coming up in just a few minutes were going to discuss this very topic in more detail with our panel guest so youre going to stick around for that and then over to new york where the state governor and the mayor of new york city are trading verbal jabs over so. Distancing rules during this pandemic the governor calling out local officials telling them quote do your job but he did tension comes amid renewed calls to crack down on the citys police force are to his Trinity Chavez reports new York Governor Andrew Cuomo a member of the law as you know are going head to head after hundreds of people were seen gathering outside of new york city bars and restaurants over the weekend failing to social does and not wearing face coverage now the governor is threatening to shutdown the city once again before has even fully reopened hes also calling on the merits reform the n. Y. P. D. Before april 2021 as the Police Brutality and Racial Injustice protests continue throughout the state the road to reopening hitting a bit of a snag over the weekend hundreds of people seen crowding along the streets of manhattan by leading social distancing guidelines and not wearing face coverings this is not Rocket Science on this extent if you have large gatherings of people who are not socially distance who are not weary man you will have an increased spread in the vipers this state receiving 25000 complaints the governor singling out manhattan and the hamptons as problem areas and demanded local officials to do their job and crackdown on violators enforce the law you have large gatherings that are in violation of the law. This will most probably lead to a spread of the virus do your job and in force. If you do not and this continues we would have no sure. But to take action mayor bill de blasio firing back saying that imprisoning people isnt the answer as city spokesperson said in his statement we must balance safety with peoples need to reopen their businesses we had social distancing investors out all weekend distributing masks and encouraging people to disperse after making their purchases this as Police Brutality and injustice protests continue for the 20th consecutive day throughout the state. Governor cuomo doubling down to calling on the mayor to reform the n. Y. P. D. By 2021 saying that if hes not up to the task city council can do it now new york city mayor bill de blasio is expected to address these matters further as press conference that was scheduled today but all his events were canceled after he woke up feeling ill this morning and this is the 1st time a city leader has not conducted a Coronavirus Briefing during the week today in more than 100. 00 days reporting in the work trinity each others are to be. The United States and iraq could be on the verge of a landmark decision to withdraw u. S. Troops from that country altogether but with the resurgence of isis still a possibility many are skeptical about whether iraq is able to handle the threat on its own or turn to the u. S. For possibly more support arties rachel weapons is joining us now to discuss the latest events there so rachel is there a chance that we could see an end to u. S. Troop presence there in iraq well there is a chance now its been more than 17 years since the u. S. 1st invaded iraq and they appear more hopeful now been ever that u. S. Troops could finally we have a country now this was actually discussed in a joint statement between both to us in iraq and which they said the 2 countries recognize that in light of significant progress towards eliminating the isis threat over the coming months the u. S. Would continue reducing forces from iraq and discuss with the government of iraq the status of remaining forces as both countries turn their focus towards developing a bilateral security relationship based on strong mutual interest. Now notably the statement went on to say that the u. S. Is not requesting Permanent Military presence in the country which is actually the exact opposite of what we saw back in 2008 when the countries made an agreement under the Obama Administration yet and what about isis i mean what does that mean for them right well its interesting because when it comes to isis the u. S. Has said recently that their only reason for being in iraq is because they want to defeat isis but at the same time the group didnt rise to power until after the u. S. Had already been occupying iraq for more than a decade but now theyre coming back and saying our wait a 2nd lets pull back as long as theres not a resurgence of isis and its interesting because as weve seen reports have said that the group has been ramping up attacks in parts of iraq over the last year and they go on to say that both the frequency and character of the attacks have been steadily increasing and there is data that suggests that the Islamic State is moving skilled fighters to the area from syria to stoke a new insurgency and we seem to see more support for isis when the citizens of iraq are unhappy with their government but at the same time the Iraqi Government has the full support of the u. S. So if there are any changes made in that government to make the citizens happy then that could receive backlash from the u. S. And they could want to have a bigger role in the country what about the neighboring countries and the citizens there arent they a little bit concerned if the u. S. Were to finally leave iraq well there is still an ongoing conflict between turkey and the Kurdish Forces and now when it comes to the kurds the u. S. Sees them as one of their strongest allies in the fight against isis but turkey sees them as the real terrorist threat in the region so much so that turkey actually launched a new Bombing Campaign on monday in which it struck more than 80 kurdish targets in Northern Iraq now the cherokee claims it is responding to attacks on its army bases but iraq has responded by saying the bombings were provocative and claiming they actually targeted a refugee camp and there are also concerns for relations with iran because the u. S. Has repeatedly. Accused iran of having too much influence in the Iraqi Government and when the u. S. Killed irans top military general by airstrike earlier this year they did so in iraq and it sparked mass protests so there are still a lot of questions about exactly what u. S. Influence in the country would look like moving forward and if an end to u. S. Troop presence would also mean an end to u. S. Bombings all right rachel levin thank you so much for that update thank you. And go over 1000. 00 continues to spread around the world cases now topping 8000000. 00 worldwide with about 434000 reported deaths the u. S. Still leading the way with about 2000000. 00 cases and 115000 deaths and since most of the country reopened just a few weeks ago more than 20 states are now reporting an increase in corona virus infections resulting in a surge in hospitalizations some states though attribute the rise in cases to ramped up efforts in testing. And meantime china has locked down more than 10 neighborhoods in beijing following a new corona Virus Outbreak there beijings hospital began mass testing thousands of people after china confirmed 49 new cases traced back to a host wholesale market the market was shut down along with several other markets in that area as well as area schools strict quarantine measures are in place now in the district of hi done. And then over to brazil where the largest cemetery in latin america sao paulos vs formosa is digging up hundreds of graves to make room for more coronavirus victims brazil has recorded more than 43000 deaths due to cope in 18 and is now the country with the 2nd most confirmed cases now topping 867000 more than 5000 people have died in the city of sao paulo alone since the beginning of this pandemic. And protests nationwide continue over the Police Killing of george floyd and now calls to defund police. Continue to be heard is this a plausible idea and does the media have a say in it were going to discuss that with our panel and remember to keep up with all the latest news and anything you might have missed on this broadcast make sure you download portable t. V. The new app you can watch there 24 sevenths we will be back in just 2 minutes. Its called the feel we go from here you go. Everywhere in the world should experience fleas and you get it on the old the old. The old according to gesture. Welcome to my world come along for the rock. Sing the horrors that arise the money in the evil. Corporate criminals who express countless lives to add just one more dollar to their millions. They threaten they bribe theyll do anything to keep their crimes in the door when the people theyve heard are demanding justice their stories need to be told on americas lawyer. Oh yeah oh. Take a bite. We go to work so you can stay home. Yeah the corporate parasites in power today might think their troll will continue forever whether theyre right or wrong we have to keep fighting question. Why protests continue were following the death of george floyd weeks now and tensions rising yet again after another black man was shot and killed by police to land just a few days ago this as calls to defund the police echo from new york to california meanwhile criticism of the media come from all sides of this debate so joining us from both sides of this debate civil rights attorney and radio talker Robert Patillo and republican congressional candidate for district 7 in maryland miss kim clay sick are joining us now. Ladies and gents thank you for being with us so kim i will go to you 1st as a politician youve been Monitoring Monitoring all the tapping across this country and in your city of baltimore you have been very vocal on these matters on social media it would appear to me that that you want folks to stop these riots and stop these calls for defunding the police and focus on steps to actually fix the systematic problems so what does that look like to you. Absolutely thanks for having summer station i guess my mind this is a bipartisan issue i think we can all come together on this scott i think is putting a great bill forward in the senate and i would love to see what the house prints together i believe everyones talking about basically the same thing i dont know any bill that watched that video of george floyd being killed and thought you know what the police deserve another shot we should you know do anything about it i think everybody was appalled and disturbed and we want to fix the system but at the same time you know i was here during the riots in 2013 in baltimore after the friday gray and we had millions of dollars upwards poured into the pen or supported where those riots happened and thats fortunately that money still hasnt touched the ground in 2020 and that was federal funds that was sent this way and thats why im running for office but at the same time you know we talk a lot about what we can do or what we should do we continue to. This can down the road weve got to do something defining the police in my opinion its not the way to go sure we should do an audit we should understand why some police have so much overtime i get it in the baltimore we spend a lot of money on our Police Departments but our police have a lot to do you know just last year we had 340. 00 murders this year were projected to do even more we had 56 murders in the last 42 days so you know we hear a lot about the rights in the protests and the Police Involved shootings but we dont hear about all the crimes that the murders and homicides are going on you know every day here in the city and i think thats goes for across the country so hopefully we can get together and actually do something this time around yeah and robert what about to you as an attorney is defunding the police the way to go or are folks conflating defund with abolish the police. I think they are and lets take lee. Case for example when we talk about being from the police is about taking what we did for a portion about a resource of their given towards hard alarm for Law Enforcement and put it towards areas of social work and other and other methods of helping people so in the rich are the rich or brutes case its somebody there who have to deal with addiction issues who loved it will already have related issues instead of people with guns then maybe mr brooks is still alive its not about funding it is about making sure that youre putting the resources where they can best be used we dont need Police Officers with guns at hand coast patrol and school yards looking for troops who dont need every domestic dispute or every Traffic Violation to be ahead by police lets make sure that we are allowing Law Enforcement handles or who can lets say the heart crime of murder so property crimes and then find other institutions there are better suited to handle their situation we dont need to reply respond to every situation in this country would. That thats certainly a fair statement what about speaking as a democrat when people are maybe i should shouldnt say nitpicking but they are kind of nitpicking at the term defund the police i mean is that where words should matter it should they not be calling it defund. I think we get caught into the new show of the branding of it or what its one pay newsgroup or people protest protesting they should call it into a look at the actual underlying policy then of course youre going to get the wrong impression what we are talking about is making sure that were allocating Public Resources where they can be used and the best situation think about how many domestic disputes you need to send a counselor in to talk to both parties not so much going to have coats pepper spray planes or a gun and stick it does not make sense the way we do Law Enforcement so if we are still in the 15th century we are in a country where we dont beat people but thats what when some people oh please i was of the able to research way to walk and thats why you see the escalation if you give somebody a stick theyre going to use the stick so its good to have them care its. Fair enough that sounds like both of you can agree on that one and cam b. L. M. Has has become more than just a slogan and some argue it has become a Political Party in and of itself how do you view it. Well i think so i think they are you know have a political agenda i dont fault them for it but i have to push back a little bit on what robert was saying you know sending some people in without guns i know here in Baltimore City on saturday we had a Police Involved shooting but the Police Officer was shot and the suspect was arrested without injury i think what it comes down so it when you were poor to some of these places and and you know this was just a crowd disturbing a neighborhood you dont know if people have weapons on themselves and so a lot of times we do have to send in police with weapons to be able to protect themselves so i think it would be really hard to understand what we said in certain situations as far as the wendys in atlanta i have to question why didnt anyone at wendys just go outside and asked a gentleman to move his car i guess that was the only place for you because he didnt call in that situation like robert says you dont have to call the police every single time i think sometimes we didnt do that and we jumped the gun. But as far as black last matter i understand they have most to do i get it theyre making a lot of noise weve heard this noise on the floor you know theyre talking about moving confederate stats years ill tell you in baltimore 2 years ago we did remove our combat our statues but it doesnt it hasnt done anything to change whats going on around us and so you know if you can get out there and talk about black last matter but you dont turn around and go vote or you know do something getting out of your community then youre really working against yourself but its not very productive you know thats making a lot of sense robert what are your thoughts on. Well i think what youre saying is the Natural Evolution of movements with all this the tea party into growth in 12 to 14 it started off with people who are just angry about something and then they go to into a Political Movement and then well in 8 years they took over the entire Republican Party so what were saying is the same people who are in the market right now if you are 18 right now when Trayvon Martin died you were about 8 years old so youve been going through these Police Shootings Trayvon Martin all chance to really stand. And Terrence Crozier again and again and again throughout your entire high school and College Years and these people are ready for action is not about anymore talking is not about what blue ribbon commissions they were actual legislation and that is what a movement evolved into a Political Party lets remember when the civil rights people were organizing it marching from the thirtys all the way through the 1950 s. The only ones that movement became a political machine of the story l. B. J. That they were able to push through civil rights and before Voting Rights of the 5 fair housing public accommodation title 7 title thats where the civil rights legislation that we call the civil rights movements all of the Natural Evolution d of that movement finding out that we have to get out of the streets and get into the air to hold the power of the march we had of the atlantic this morning we marched from the federal courthouse to the capitol and then we went to the State Capitol and lobby lawmakers to change the laws that georgia and that is how you have all the movement that is a great observation good points there last question to both of you can 1st do you feel that the media has fairly covered all of these nationwide protests. Well i guess it depends on what side youre on i guess you know for me not really again i live in a city where we had 56 murders in the past 2 days and you know i would love for the people to understand and hear about those homicides just as they do of the others you know we cant lose sight of that we have a lot of problems going on in this country and it doesnt always involve the police you know we have a lot of work to do robber and give you the last word. The difference is i know its been a long time in baltimore also and i really do commend him on the work that shes doing there but there are special oh screw it would be the government it was the person who was committing the et you give up your rights to the government you cannot fight the government you cannot run from the government you can you cannot protect yourself from the government thats why you there that special level of scrutiny where your at the under color the color of law you are paying for the gun that shoots youre paying for the salary of the Police Officer who shoots you and thats why thats why you theres this level been around and i think what has to happen who maintain a focus on the legislative agenda that will create real change that you know i will leave it right there robert to tell and cam clay sec thank you both for expanding on these very important topics with us today. Well. Other news from around the world a Russian Court has found a former u. S. Marine guilty of espionage and has sentenced him to 16 years in prison todays ruling comes 18 months after paul whelans arrest in a Moscow Hotel Room after he accepted a u. S. B. Device from an undercover f. S. B. Officer prosecutors allege the flash drive contained information related to members of the Russian Secret Service wieland is a national of 4 Different Countries and his attorney described the trial as a sham detention that hes already been subject to which is your. You know ive been told told these closely since i write here was that she would. Destroy these proceedings is a mockery of justice and today just for. Israel is moving forward with construction on an annex portion of the west bank on sunday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the government had approved plans to construct a new settlement in the Golan Heights and adding insult to injury mainly to the Muslim Community and the country of syria who claim part of the land is theirs the settlement is being named after a us President Donald Trump on march 25th president officially recognized the Golan Heights as part of israel. Are going to have a lot more news coming up for you in the 5 oclock hour protesters in california are demanding answers after the hanging death of Robert Fuller this while the black lives Matter Movement continues nationwide and do americans really need to hear from hollywood stars about Police Brutality were going to discuss that next with our friend larry king with all that and more coming up at 5 so come back for that but thats it for right now make sure you keep up with everything in question at all times by downloading our brand new free app called portable t. V. Theyre 24 sevenths pretty good looking at both checking out the pairs that you follow me on. What are at many watching and ill see you back here at 5 oclock question what. We are witnessing the rise of a new secular religion and its called coke is them at the moment in a short history its goal is to end racism by well everything is now considered racist the believers in this cult demand obedience insult criticism who are really never told how racism is to be a radical even or how it helps serve the interests of working people of all hopes. The simple things workshops hymns and petersburg up public spaces where adults with learning disabilities can engage on equal terms with creative activities like graphics sewing ceramics. Cookery and joinery. Just living with this shit whats it you know because. You know black justice what did you give one case a couple of them because. The underlying idea of the workshop is a calendar of happiness which they feel thrilled to find joy in the Little Things of. God are sick i guess. Im just me but. What. Come along for. The world according to cheshire. Today we did. Police reform and changing attitudes about race in American Culture we also reveal the latest from the just sagar sit tight show starts now. The war. High in Brigida Santos for our top story today we turn to the Minneapolis City Council which has announced a veto proof of plans to dismantle the citys police force after nearly 2 weeks of protests over the Police Killing of george floyd the council has not released the details of its plan yet and there are still many hoops to jump through but its a start officers will reportedly remain on the streets until the plan is finalized but chokeholds and neck restraints have now been banned Minneapolis City Council says its going to rebuild Public Safety through a Community Based approach some ideas they have proposed include deploying the Fire Department to handle Drug Overdose calls and health care and social Service Professionals to deal with mental

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