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So much for joining us watching the weekly here on r. T. Another black man has died at the hands of police sparking violent unrest in the u. S. City of atlanta the citys police chief resigned after an officer fatally shot the africanamerican while he was being arrested on saturday night coming up next we have body camera footage of the incident i must warn you you may find these pictures disturbing. Well blah blah blah blah blah blah blah for most up for you. Or not there are a few threads i see what kind of drinks did yeah. Im not sure some c. Order is on i think youve had too much the trying to be dry as much as when youre going. To put hands on about. I dont know how much im not bothered. By some friday Police Received a call that a black man was sleeping in his car which was waiting in the queue at a burger drive 3 rashad brooks was breath tested and failed he then resisted arrest during the struggle to the ensued he appears to grab in offices and later point sit and fires it while fleeing is at this moment that he was shot and died later in hospital protests to set fire to the restaurant where the killing took place following the incident atlantas mayor said the officer who pulled the trigger had been sacked the other one involved was suspended while the citys police chief and quit attorney joe butler told us what he thinks will happen next the. People are going to try to argue on both sides but georgia law is quite clear you cannot use lethal force in response to nonlethal force d so i think it will fall says will be charged with murder and weve had conversations with the District Attorney in this case and hes opened an independent investigation separate and apart from the Georgia Bureau of investigation and people need to understand that Law Enforcement is not the law in georgia the law in georgia happens in courtrooms and you cannot use. You cannot use lethal force to match nonlethal force theres d a case of tennessee versus gardner United States free in court cases stands for their opposition so i think that this case is going to end up in the superior court of johnny with murder charges against both officers. We also talked with ben swann investigative journalist and cohost of all things being bussed to explain why the use of force by police sparked such outrage. In almost every case where were seeing black lives matter protests it comes down to use of force and it really seems to be the overwhelming theme that we see over and over and again so the point youre making here is its critically important that some people will say yes why dont you shouldnt lead others will say you came across a man who was asleep in a drive through and he wasnt moving his car and that when the drive through even gave him a sobriety test he resisted being handcuffed so at what point is it incumbent upon an officer to finish that arrest in to get this person behind bars how important is it to lock him up and thats where some protesters feel the use of force comes down to a common sense issue of this person did not seem to be a danger to the public he wasnt harming anyone at the time so why did you feel the need as officers and im this not necessarily my criticism but certainly the criticism of some protesters why is there a need by officers to escalate whats happening with that person. You are a new black lives matter protests have erupted in another part of america hundreds of demonstrators have come to the streets of portland to protest against racism and Police Brutality activists from the movements were chased by police who deployed tear gas its been almost 3 weeks since george ford was killed at the hands of Law Enforcement in minneapolis and cheese day the man whose death sparked nationwide riots was buried in a small private funeral in his hometown of Houston Texas earlier that day thousands paid their respects. Tuesday around 6000. 00 mourners fall past his coffin in houston the final stop in a series of memorials held in his honor around 30000. 00 was spent on a gold casket the money taken from a record breaking Fund Raising Campaign that amassed nearly 13000000. 00 fall out from floyds death provoked claims that politicians are trying to use it to score political points democrats were criticized by some for nailing for 8 minute silence in congress the length of time prosecutors say floyd was pinned under a White Police Officers name before he died. Every american should try to stand in silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds to acknowledge the pain of george floyd and the pain of racism charge enough to grieve but its much harder to do it in public its much harder with the whole world watching your incredible family his little daughter was there i want to see daddys going to change the world and i think her dad is going to change the world hopefully george is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing thats happening for our country this is a great great day. In terms of equality i just want to finish by saying to save the economy we passed several pieces of critical legislation. For this. Were going. To take credit for that. The democrats have proposed a justice in policing act which would make it easier to prosecute misconduct and require local police to report dates or on the use of force officers would also be obliged to undergo biased training chokeholds another dangerous practices would be prohibited officers would also have to wear body cameras political commentator jeff charles believes theres a clear political motivation behind the base you know what they say right i mean never let a good crisis go to waste theyre all definitely be people from both sides who are going to capitalize on what happened in georgia. To bolster their political careers it is an Election Year so its hard to tell whether or not the people really pushing for this are really wanting to affect change or if theyre posturing for november the true test of whether people really want to affect change will will occur after the election is over if this is still going to be an issue that were going to be pushing in our in our media and also at it in at a political level as well then it is possible for or positive change to come out of the beginning of the week blank lives matter protests to seize control and barricaded themselves into 6 blocks of central seattle and cooling that area the capitol hill autonomous on the move came after police retreated from the neighborhood hundreds of demonstrators led by the local council also occupied city hall. I. I think. The protesters inside called for the citys mayor to quit they accuse jenny to can of not being strict enough implementing reforms they also claim the community and not politicians should control Decision Making to be. Told is that the key demand of all costs of the all of the demonstrators there is for the police to be defunded. Meena means or i would say that i could see right now is that people are they calling for the defunding of police you know nationwide if you were to take out funding from the police and put it into communities that really need it you know for deescalation for for medical Services Hospitals education and you know the list goes on and on there really is no need for police. And the zone is a self declared commune no police or cars are allowed into the area reports suggest some inside are armed the citys mayor later defended the protesters saying they are just patriots president trumbo demanded law and order in seattle he called out those he felt are responsible saying all this happened today radical left democrat state they to trump threaten to send in the army if the local authorities dont deal with the situation but the issue of law and order is nothing new its been on the lips of both republican and democrat president s for more than 5 decades. Law and order perhaps more familiar as the popular t. V. Show you running for 3 decades already law and order. But also exactly whats triggered nationwide protests across the United States. Thats the. Law and order is the 1st responsibility of government dont send people up there that come home and talk tough on law and order and crime and then go back and vote some other way around with. The symbol of law and order a policeman on the campus and that was the moment when the ringleaders should have been taken by the scruff of the neck intro and out of the university one. By law and order i mean order for everyone weve got to reestablish respect for law respect for law and order a concept thats existed since the Founding Fathers the catch phrase that helped take Richard Nixon to the white house during mass civil unrest and race riots. Around 200 people died back then in clashes Martin Luther king was assassinated so waving in a new era for society nixon proposed an agenda in which Police Powers were about to increase in 1968 the green light was given for the use of stop and search and powers have expanded since. In new york it became infamous stops dramatically increasing under mayor Michael Bloomberg in the 2 thousands but it raised a key issue racial prejudice during the peak of the program more than half of the people stopped were black but the black community made up just over one quarter of new yorks population and 1st started at new york philadelphia this callus 7 this serving its 1st stop. As new ways to keep order were introduced laws became tougher since 190428 states have adopted some form of whats known as the 3 strike practice it meant lengthy sentences for repeat offenders even life behind bars the policy came in as the war on drugs peaked which raised further questions of racial targeting at the turn of the century more than half of all inmates serving time for drug offenses in state prisons were black 3 years ago it was still around 30 percent despite any being 13 percent of the population as a whole with both Police Powers and sentencing increased prison numbers skyrocketed there are more black people than any other racial Group Behind Bars in america something that has not changed under bill Clinton George bush or barack obama for every 100000 people in the u. S. Sentences for black people a 5 times higher than whites. So law and order it was a response to rioting like the unrest ravaging the United States from coast to coast in 2020 provoked by Police Actions it happened in los angeles in 92. 00 after the beating of rodney king by the authorities it happened after the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in ferguson a year later in baltimore with the death of freddie gray. In the last 5 years on record the number of those fatally shot by the police per 1000000 people is higher among blacks than any other ethnicity and now history is repeating itself yet another Police Related death has provoked unrest and again triggered discussion on black rights so as we look back on whats unfolded since nixon and his slogan in the sixtys donald trump has reassured the nation now saying i am your president of law and order types of bans for law and order come at a time when police in america are becoming increasingly militarized many forces now boast the kind of hardware previously only seen in frontline combat abroad on the scale of more than explains. Predator drones are a staple of u. S. Foreign policy they have been used in afghanistan pakistan bosnia serbia yemen iraq syria somalia and now minneapolis though the protesters didnt see it it was flying over their heads in order to help federal officials gain situation awareness and go reports indicate it was on armed people are angry and afraid the deployment of drones and offices to surveil protests is a gross abuse of authority and its particularly issuing when they used against americans who are protesting Law Enforcement brutality it appears that the war on terror has come home the mine resistant ambush protected vehicles built by the u. S. Military to a stand attacks in iraq have been rolling down american streets as well the 1033 Program Allows the u. S. Military to provide local Police Departments with weapons local police can order weapons like remade launchers automatic rifles and bayonets as well as body armor robots aircraft watercraft and survey one strongs these are Defense Department products deemed to be excessive old or surplus 7400000000. 00 worth of Defense Department property has been provided to over 8000. 00 different Law Enforcement agencies by the 1033 program ex new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg once referred to the new York City Police department saying i have my own army and the n. Y. P. D. The 7th largest army in the world well with lots of military equipment the n. Y. P. D. Certainly does seem like an army barack obama rolled back the program after the ferguson protests and National Outrage about the militarization of police who. 7 c are. Now back. However trump has ruled by of the program now many are asking the question why does the department of defense have so much excess gear that it needs to unload anyway the u. S. Has been involved in so many words that they become occupations and the military is as developed techniques were operating as an Occupying Army and theyve brought this home they brought the war home after they made by these things and the military you know uses some of them they become surplus or if they dont buy of them all you know the military orders a certain number and then they back out of buying some of it a lot of the stuff sitting in military warehouses and so they want to get rid of them and basically Congress Passed a law saying that these things are to be given to Police Departments so we have the ridiculous situation where small towns are being given em wraps theyre totally impractical they dont make any sense theyre terribly intimidating though. And thats part of the purpose i guess for years americans have been told that the military budget is necessary to keep them safe and protect them from bad actors around the world but its starting to look like the bad guys these weapons are intended to be used against our a lot closer to home the very people whose tax dollars pay for them it will mop and artsy new york. Tens of thousands of our status in the European Union and public anger towards its leadership over the crisis the blog baloch uses russia and china waging in this information war during the pandemic will bring to the story after the break. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to the world of politics sport im show business ill see you then. Welcome back after being a coronavirus hot spots the e. U. Is emerging from the Global Crisis and this started to point the finger of blame the block its accusing russia and china. This Information Campaign during the pandemic and the e. U. Commissions also calling on social networks not only to delete everything they think is fake but also to produce reports on the work theyve done with his brother because the. Oftentimes you hear what europeans see big headlines about disinformation and trolls and you just wonder that the russians or the chinese really have Nothing Better to do but then you read the headline again disinformation waves have heaps europe during the current virus pandemic there originating from within as well as outside their opinion disinclination in terms of the corona virus can kill we have a duty to protect our citizens by making them aware of false information and expose the ex is responsible for a gaijin in such practices some years ago europe took action it created east strata com task force which runs a website e. U. The disinfo to identify and to track this information and think news every year they get millions of euros and the blessings of top europe kratz to do their thing leading elites in europe. Were in wall street the very much of the level of progress. And so will of course. I. Wont go all of those too grim for worked all night years who want to bring forward a society you dont bring forward for 5000000000 euro for Something Like finding freight news in 2018 e. V. Disinfo targeted dutch Media Outlets largely europe skeptic outlets surprisingly enough labeling their stories fake news but which they were soon forced to correct themselves because they lied and because the lot of them bassman for the e. U. Our analysis demonstrates that you vs does enforce headlines and summaries border on descent from asian according to the east rat coms own definition of the term so they visit r. T. For example and rip a sentence entirely out of context such as this bill gates is working on deep population policies and plans for dictatorial control of World Politics thats insane you might say how could our teach say such a thing well we didnt heres the full extract and italian legislator has succeeded in taking the absolute theories of the koran epidemic to new heights by using her platform in parliament to denounce bill gates as a vaccinate and alleged globalist too so odd he like many european an italian outlets route a story about nyquil absurd theories which by an italian m. P. Evie disinfo cut out the part where an italian m. P. Said it and ignored the part where a plethora of other Media Outlets reported it and tried to frame it as if odd she said it like there was no m. P. And nazi was publishing ludicrous conspiracy theories and youd never know unless you went to check the Fact Checkers though its a stretch to call them that the creative artist came from a laboratory a recurring Conspiracy Theory that acars pro. Kremlin dissin from asian about the artificial creation of 19 a recurring program in decent from asian Conspiracy Theory naturally think ripped it out of context in that segment r. T. Was discussing how the media itself gives crazy conspiracy theories credit and by paying attention to them but really really the unsubstantiated claims that couvade nineteens lab origins up russian this information have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the would Hand Institute of uralla ji was the origin of this virus. Yes they have we dont have certainty and there is significant evidence that this came from the laboratory the statements can both be true ive made them both Administration Officials have made them theyre all true why isnt my pump a secretary of state and that lease or donald trump president of the United States why are t. Which never even made the claim because that isnt what strata come east this paid to do if they cant find anything to report about big bad russia well people above will ask questions and cut Funding European Commission didnt find the governments were as well they didnt kind of consistent ready to end to cope with 19 to clamp of the corollary crisis i think its a very dangerous and the moment the rupee in commission tries to district. The attention away from their own crisis and bring forward an enemy in which that is not a good idea i cant speak for other publications that wound up on their website but every entry fod sees either a made up allegation or a sentence completely pulled out of context and for these east strata com gets about 5000000 euros a year to 5 russian this information. Or make it up that is when they are busy targeting euro skeptics at home how many mosques or ventilators could you buy for that those medical supplies that were badly needed when the pandemic hit when tens of thousands of europeans died because of shortages when europe kratz had to have a big forgiveness were not there on time when italy needed a helping hand at the very beginning and yes for that it is right that europe as a whole office a heartfelt apology and thats why the desperate to make up anyway to blame russia or china or anything to avoid apologizing again but hats off to strata com east you ask any season or cartel banker laundering 100000 euros a week is in these easy as an idea might i propose a magical European Agency to root out and banish mulayam spirits because even if google still to exist strasbourg least knows how to conjure them up. For money. Ok that brings up today thanks staying with do stick around if you can like thomas will have all the latest for you in. The world is driven by. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. If there was a period lets call it the unique polo you know period after the end of the cold war where the u. S. And nato countries and other people sort of wanted russia to become what they described as a normal country what they meant by normal was a country that was democratic by western standards that was capitalists that was a member of u. S. Led International Rules based order established by the u. S. I think a lot of people saw that as sort of permanent 2nd class status in the u. S. Led system and i think its pretty clear that russia in particular has been pushing back on that. Johnny pain has changed Many American lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs the people who are chronic pain is and believe that theyre ok prescription is working for them on the remedy really be said to do no harm price that they pay closer dependency and addiction to opiates is the long term use that really isnt scientifically justified and our study actually suggested that the long term effects might not just be absence of benefit but actually that they might be causing long term harm. I no team no corral. No shots no. Patches help speed up. The wells track no arrests or. Points your thirst for action. Oh all right. The you. Off. Or are. The god. Here we are about 45 minutes from washington d. C. Where the white house is. And we have a home in this condition. And if theyll stay in the pot they really get me for a while. Youll see an abandoned house an abandoned house an abandoned house and then one person living there. And then use the a whole bunch abandoned house and you know this is not beirut this is not a 3rd world country no no one should have to live life there

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