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A 15. 00 big people smoke this one bigger 2nd sweetie you can find these drugs in any city in the United States to all along as you want to get it about do. I make money. And thats what i do every day. Basically a lot of drugs come in from south america or mexico this or any other countries you know that they can funnel them in the throat and every time its sold it stepped on or cut or it gets less and less and less powerful so by the time it gets to the street level and certain towns its nowhere near as potent as it was when it was certainly you know just brought in the trafficking goes on all the time and there are so many different ways people putting it in there an s. And a condom putting it in that wooden figure that might be a souvenir you can cut it in half hollowed out fill it with a baggie of cocaine or whatever and then seal it back up varnish it as a souvenir from wherever you went to people having it run for them by you. Whats called a meal so you have somebody running it in so the person whos buying it as somebody whos basically going to get in trouble for trafficking it in on a plane or whatever so a lot of this right in that way and again it gets stepped on more and more and more as as it goes but the thing is you cant stop it as long as people want it i mean now people in america are taking tide. Laundry detergent in back in the 1950 s. They started glu i mean they still do that but anything that changes your perception and its such a problem all the time and it isnt always just the drugs are going to mess you up its that its all the Dangerous Things that go on around. The violence because this is money its business and if you mess with it you can get. Marijuana is probably the least offensive its going to affect people different ways some people get paranoid like the guy was stopped 6 times at one stop sign some people get just getting giggly and happy and hungry. Cocaine gives you a great burst of energy and you just you just feel powerful and you can do anything in your confidence goes up and all of that i could understand why people would take cocaine but other people take downers like i used to buy quail is a cancer medication to stop pain so people take way lubes. You just. You go on and you just you just tired you just zone out heroin has that same effect and i always wondered about heroin why do why would you take. Something that takes you so far out but i knew somebody took heroin i asked and they said because when you take heroin. You have no problem everythings ok. You just sit in the corner and draw on yourself and maybe you dont worry about anything and everything is just fine everythings ok and again it all goes back to changing your mental and emotional state why do people do this and its the change their mental state theyre not happy. Theres drugs everywhere. If you would walk into it most bars and just ask if you want some heroin you want some cocaine it was some crack you want anything like that you want pills for money you got it youll find people pretty quickly. Its ubiquitous its its everywhere you know. I can get issue i can get anything. Telling you that i do this like you know me all got for it i dont so drug because of my daughter no im not hustling for our house so for myself i mess with legit bars people in order to people understand me because you know i mean i know sure tew im not like that. Im trying to improve on how much of a boss i could be. Remember i told you here some lose the 1st rule never underestimate the 2nd remember that every action there will be a reaction. Will allow the never let you barely know what you want free number 12 the only me who should be free it is good. They saying that they have a lot to do all of gangs thats what they are but i wouldnt own up blab of the Gang Activity they give them a as youngest saying. That i know not really will last and they get. Why they try to find the family cuz i live album. To follow what the mother is so they get hope going to some of the way there because they want to fam they want they want some way away they feel like they love soul they go out in the street that when you get into a gang you feel like the pot a sign that. A lot of times to with oh thats what be the proud of that they dont have no food. They dont have no room for whats happening so thats what they. Had no schools where so they want to steal they dont kill the chap you dont have drugs will we got a drug epidemic so weird though i lot of young people pop on the pills pablum pills take my so thats got a lot to do for this web a take. They me some more positive all they need more men more men to come out so i show them show them and what they dont show them out us out just show them how to get up and go get a job mama want to get a job versus stand that want to go on holiday me more leave this to get out there theyre happy now. Systems crush people. Individuals are not made to fight against systems even a company even a City Government if you roll want to make a movie world you have to make new people the same people that do the old stuff cannot make a new Tribes Mission unless they change their mind and their hearts so thats what we mean we call it evolution over revolution see evolution takes over no period of time decades or centuries so the human being has to evolve in order to make a better world. I dont rather. They feel that they. Are there you from among with a macuser who hes robbs ok ok so shallow munis hansei gone there and. You know hes trying to make a way for myself the. B u r want to be am i know is that its a good place to start. Or edge race that is it what is race me she want everything in a. Snag as accurate as accurate what you would guess would be nice of Human Dignity riches have a certain amount of money there and always have that be a certain amount of money i mean rich the way that will i mean you have to have everything got to be like you know. Everything no kind need there can be no mistake it is a lot of money and no take care my daughter. So would you tell me what youre year the way you think he will get there its. Doesnt is it he would does it just to have rush for money or by want to extra money and keep gaining money every minute of the day but i mean what i mean you can go to joe right thus the only thing that you know i mean is the only thing thats the only thing that is basically. An away this is that the only thing in the way here i love us is in the grave. You said you daughter to it daughter so if you was in jail you just did leave your daughter in the shes like the biggest piece of the puzzle you know machine wrong i mean if one day i mean theres nothing i can do i mean i thought a lot if i do die shes wont be smart a lot of. Ok shes used she knows to lie she knows a lot as you say she knows enough now to live her life what else she for the rest of her what i mean she got our hmong game right now you work for the game right now theres a 100 other cast of the same mentality you had i do the same thing that youre trying to do the same way trying to do it you feel me in all you all came with me i know you feel he will be the one that when im not mad at you for that you know youve got to let you go if youre the game saying to you is you need to flip the game. This was some of my crew this is one of my god this is hes serving a life plus 20 in a maximum security prison underneath the ground hes on something this called no human contact this is my main see big team he was big too while he was gunned down this was a he was one of my personal bodyguards he had the kind of leave the city to really not combat this is one of my dad he was like one of my pitbulls he was one of my 5 this is a little now and he ended up fighting this guy and the guy got the drop on pulled out a 380 in shadow one time and he was paralyzed from the neck down but all of these guys all here except for 2. This was me you know in this was me you know saying so this is me will i 19 this was me id like 21 i was known as crazy 2 because one is that i was known for carrying big you know weapons and i one was a sawed off shotgun which is a little bit on realistic to carry on a day to day basis because just so big i needed for people to think that i was going to go as far as anybody would take me its funny because im known as dr. But if you google crazy to my face is going to come in is same like it was something that was good to get into you know we were popular people knew all of these things are things that happen to us at a young age and so i hade a chance to live the life. As old a person at a young age i actually carried these pictures or went with me because you know sometimes i have to be reminded you know that i was given a 2nd chance. Is it real or is that. Stay or should i go now. Is it real or is it fake thats the question of our any. At any given time if we cant really do anything actually america is the only country in the world where you can kill people outside of war and legally get away with. All of the fire crawls still beriah all the trouble here is very frail the point is its hollow playing the k. K. K. Exists because america wants it to exist they are the biggest terrorist group to ever operate in this country and theyre dead to me theyre worse also than the people who destroyed the World Trade Centers of the scroll while. Most of the cases that deal with involved drugs ballance and things of that nature and that because the money is the purpose of the drug business youve got a lot of individuals who are compromise as a result for example of a correctional officer of most charge were bringing drugs into the facility these paid by individuals on the street to bring the drugs in and other contraband into into the system he was arrested as a result of a wide path and thats in the state court you also have the federal system which is more feared by those who on the street involved in criminal behavior because in the federal system they have a great deal more of best. Asians as opposed to just to be cops running around kids and a guy when the street so they have the wives have to have the competence to informants with the federal cases the penalties also far greater and so most individuals are fearful becoming involved in the in the federal system well theres a lot of injustice in the system to get it right and so you do have a lot of innocent people who happened to be convicted after being given their due process sometimes unfortunately that conviction comes as a result of illegal prosecutorial work or Police Actions and in baltimore we have seen recently a number of Police Officers who were involved in criminal behavior that led to other people being convicted and sent to prison it is a big problem because the community loses in the little trust they have in the system so they definitely work was the test. Of how good a Police Officer you all that is how many arrests youve made and if you can before a gun in the large amount narcotics death even the better there is in a sense of arrest people even if theyre not guilty. Since freddie gray a few years ago we have seen somewhat of a reversal of that because the officers feeling is the head they themselves could be prosecuted for making a rest that they deemed legitimate and so where the officers many of them used to be proactive many of them now just sitting back put in an 8 hours and go on home and so when you see its kind of a retrenchment in terms of the rest when it comes to drugs in the guns they get pats on the back and so those arrests always combs didnt always. So if you know that most of the people in this neighborhood who are dealing drugs are black and thats just happens to be a fact because of the arrest records it would be silly to say im going to ignore that because i dont want to be racially prejudiced and so its always the its always like what can you see if you stop somebody who any has gotta be you know a trunk full of heroin hes going to be probably Armed Dangerous and really not want to be going to jail for this very well might want to kill you they may be very well armed better armed than you are so you may have a 45 and hes got an a k 47. 00 Assault Rifle that could. Blow your car apart. You cant get rid of anything thats illegal anything that is made illegal just its still out there to be purchased. Chances are if theres 20 cars going its probably a shooting it could be a bar fight thats really gotten out of hand but if youre seeing that many cars there could be a shooting and knifing. Anywhere but into any time so that when you produce all of this is without a higher risk is more likely to happen to you to somebody else you can have anybody which can recognize which is so fascinating if you have anybody right because they cant but if you if you hustlin and you want to corner is amazing to rob you like who you get is where the media were while these 2 towns are you are you really are where you got the know what they want. So i was you. I was 1819 you know me and my gang we did our thing im saying. I was more muscle i was in the. State of mind because my masters leslie but it came to a place to where my crew is gone. Im really in this you feel me to a place to where you know i had to decide what i wanted and what will give me what i wanted and then was able and do it it was only give me so i got not the next you feel me its also my robby the next time you know me to my money was down there always at a place. Oh i mean you shouldnt you feel me ive taken 2 different paths to get there you know im saying one has had a risky one has low risk you know you do me so my thing is for you you need to find a path of least resistance you know im saying this will get you where you want to be without this much risk is the last thing you want to be im on the going out of you. I started hanging with some of these guys when i was life 15 playing basketball you know down in the projects lafayette cause the in an area. Projects the real problem was is that when you surround yourself with people who. Put everybody is kind i think in some crazy stuff it doesnt seem as common normalizes the years sanity because everybody else is thinking the same thing we were comparing guns will come a gun you go were going to go on youve got this i got the desert eagle today nothing man i got the glock this was the laser dot it is so it normalize the insanity with somebody would say maybe this is crazy we will say was crazy like not this is tuesday so i will good parents that was positive parents that was in you know the church but then when i went to school so for 8 hours i dealt with people they didnt think that way and then when i left home from school i dealt with the more i was there so we. In the projects you know we count our here you know some i say some men which you look at you know what you look at mitt to be honest with you for me everybody looked at it is more protection you dont really want to come to a gun fight with a knife we will put the gun down if the next mayor was going put the gun so theres kind of like the mentality that we had with this so it may have been some of the gang some other crews out there some of the neighborhoods here in baltimore it was split east baltimore west off the muscle and i hate guys you know up in there are you. Male is seems to that the game has definitely changed rule has been money for use paypal over everything so as long as im making paper. Today girl is pregnant the so too to the children best of the middle school you know saying i can do certain things and i ask them im like i dont you know tell me what your number is they say whats your number is what you mean and i said tell me when you get to this number as a drug deal when you al he is slinging whatever money you whatever you dont want to make your paper streets tell me when you get today are you going to quit like is it 10000 dollars 15000 dollars 50000 dollars 100000 what is your exit point because see if you dont that means you dont have no exit play that means that you wait for the jump the stick go boys or youre waiting for somebody to you know extract you out of this so that means you have a way to get locked up or get killed. So that definitely means something definitely just you know all of us a little fresh to so they are even had a tape out yet this was definitely a crime scene the shooting. Home i would to school with with a college where hes a doctor he makes more anyhow so you know he hustle. I mean if it comes down to the paper thats i mean theres a job that can get you the paper you want this you dont have to hustle but you have to hustle to get that job before meeting he grew up in a family like we did when the college ate raman noodles every day fill me with his resident c. M. E. Work his way up. To 50 a year is freely gee i made more incivility i dont know that but you want to double that heres where most of us would make mistakes are right you flip to eat the day if you make 2 and if it 1000 a year you get nothing in the year that was a bad investment those who are us with this is the problem gamble or are you you dont lose out on us there will be a hustler and make it and this was in my destination im just scared this is what i care for like this one was ever so crazy so based on here let like you let life happen to you you take basic loading grab ahold of life you their life have you basically how you described the coming to me you read in a wave thats a bad place to be in bro you ran away but you knew going to sad to know what you could this at was making money if you got nothing at in the day you know if your whole life is a gamble you know to me in youre always looking at it for the next big lick to get the flip you know me like you know flipping into nothing thats a dozen number if youre a hustler you will make someone but thats the corner mistake of a hustler is you just live for the moment. And that ended a room you that you had in the day you live it with nothing like it in the flesh you dont have last seen you but youre never happy youre still saying you can never jump out and you cant you can never achieve happiness that way to be his you never have nothing you always you always slip and you always slip into you always on your next you always look for your next lick you feel me you know you never to a place where you can say lets go on vacation you feel me lets go lay on the beach cant do that because guess what you always in the most you always a flip you came that you can think about i wanted to ask what it is just like i got to stay in place where. I dont want to go nowhere and live nowhere i have this is the base why like i want to be in pics were and you could have. Just as hard legally its. Some kind a way i can make they drug life into it legit and thats what i know nobodys hunching anything like it just being what i was in so you know as im talking about forget the drugs like drug 1st of all drugs destroy them all right drugs do we have family members in the community so forget the drugs but doesnt help in that theyll be you or nobody else this is who i am this is what i need to do this for what im on my way to i lost 40 cats from im 40 or 40 years old i lost 40 cats from the time i was 12 till now gone you know me some have big money so i was a lot of he was a lot of close close friend right my thing where you sang in the herds down a 0 because you cant trust him because you could you can make a decision today say im not it right make me aggravated and do what i want i like what im saying like. To do what you want when i dont want to be. Yes as you are there in the street you know. Im still wont get the house and the gangs or whatever but im normally git so why i. Keep going on and keep going thats all. I being you know for life ringback ringback. Why not. Make peace you leave me if you can call me will get you one for you we want to. Thank you. For joining me a call back but even the right one. Using your new one i love the sound we would all be here. Why for. Why were. Doing. This 30 minutes there where youre think youre going to do great things. We go to work so you stream whole. Show seemed wrong. Roles just dont hold. Any belief yet to say how this thing because as a kid and in detroit equals a trail. When something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Of no was a clip of shoulder or useless book or. The new my its always at the back i was of the authorial mold in the late. Not something you know you didnt see me to. Take with us the mood at the court. In the capital. City they say yes. Yes well. Max foster this is the kind of the report is it real or is that fake should i stay or should i go now is it real or is it fake thats the question of our state. And stacked in starts. While that is actually a very genuine question is wrestling real or fake this was on the digital spy they asked and the answer yes it is real and it is fake so i want to you

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