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Happening and were going to be all over this and that story is going to be coming up in just a little bit but were going to begin with new video from fort pierce florida that shows a Police Officer beating a man in the face repeatedly the man was picked up by police earlier because he was found unconscious on the street and somebody reported it police did not arrest him instead they take him to a hospital and this scene which we warn some of you might find disturbing then ensues here it is. Ok watch you could see the officer hitting the man while he sits in that chair. Yeah with a flurry of fists to the face previously the officer seen punching and slapping the man repeatedly as well that was one of the pieces of video that we want to show you ok heres a. You need to know about this the officer has been removed from the department he has now been arrested along with a fellow officer by the way but heres what else you need to know the man that he struck in the face was drunk. And repeatedly that man was insulting and threatening the officers even using racial slurs against the officers who are africanamericans so yes that officer has now been charged because he completely lost his composure in that moment when he assaulted and punched repeatedly the suspect but theres Something Else he did or Something Else according to his own police chief he also lied about the incident in his official incident report not explaining why the man ended up injured which now brings us to this case and this is a case of a buffalo protester who according to an official Police Report tripped and fell. There you see this 75 year old man hes a peace activist hes approaching the Police Officer when he just suddenly trips and falls lets watch it again ok youre going to see as the elderly man just trips and falls watch yes he just tripped and fell. Nowhere on the report do police admit to pushing or striking the man so this is again part of the problem part of this nuance that were going to be talking about im left to ask what did you see what did you see in that video by the way there are also protests in london today that seem to show some protesters losing their composure and attacking police so here the protesters lose their composure some of these Police Officers are simply doing their jobs. These are not easy times to unravel that really is so much to unpack here. All of this is the Memorial Service for george floyd is now underway and we are there live as well covering it for you because its what we do here on the news with rick sanchez because we remain committed to the promise that weve made that its time to do news again. You want questions weve got questions even the ones we think youll be asking them are oh the tide is turning against on ruly cops but will we take it too far russia develops a brand new code 19 drug what are the prospects and how is the n. F. L. Reacting to the large scale protests in this country. Former m. P. George galloway and also Charles Marino hes a former secret service supervisory agent my thanks to both of you gentlemen i started the show today by showing a video where a Police Officer came to the defense of his fellow africanamerican Police Officers while some drunk who again was essentially using the n. Word against them and threatening all 3 officers the officer no doubt lost his composure but machinery no i think i want to begin with you at what point do we start to separate the difference between abuses cases involving Police Officers or can we. Yes thanks rick yeah no i think we can i mean you cleese officers are are trained very clearly on the use of force and those requirements always require the officer to remain composed not to lose their patience against words that may be hurled at them but always to use the minimum amount of force necessary to gain compliance to a lawful order so if you see anything that goes overboard youre going to see officers start to be held to account. In a lot more stricter terms than what may have happened previously there are 2 things George Galloway that seem becoming seem to me that become president more often than not in these cases its not so much the act its what happens during and after the act when a Police Report is written which seems complete fiction compared to what we see on the video and be fellow officers who never stop the person or later describe their supervisors what really happened isnt that as big a part of the problem i think thats. Yeah i mean i think thats what makes it systematic and dots the difference between a random single our saw of a policeman losing the composure if you think how many people are convicted on the warrant of Police Officers in court and now you discover the systematic lying has been openly exposed by video coverage and thats the problem now everyone has a video camera almost everyone and the lies are exposed make you question how many other lies the film all the more spoken and core and sent a man to prison but its the crisis that we. Yes its not only the person who kills them on the responsible are guilty also his fellow officers who do nothing to stop it are the very least accomplices before the fact and thats why youve now got 4 officers on trial in minneapolis rather than just one although in the beginning of course the one going to be any on trial at all help us understand officer marino what is it about the police psyche that prevents them if im using the right word from reporting their peers or fellow officers what causes that. I mean its a great question rick i think were going to see here is it all starts at training i was always taught my career it always goes back to training and were going to have to train and handsome make changes so that Police Officers understand that theyre not only responsible for their own actions but also the actions of their colleagues and yeah and they really do need to Pay Attention to this and as the other guest said any in our. Is malfeasance and so if its wrong for them to do its also going to be wrong for a colleague to do and now with one force member of the microscope that theyre under there are going to be reforms coming and i think theres going to be greater involvement communities in overall policing strategies and training and budgets because of all of this theres a part of this george that seems to me like we put an awful lot on Police Officers these days i mean theyre the ultimate arbiters they break up fights in schools today they get called to Grocery Stores because somebody is acting up one of them was called to a gym recently because somebody followed a fellow player during a basketball game you know i think i think some of this is were just asking cops to be the arbiters of everything in our society im not sure theyre equipped to do that george. Well we do need police and nobody needs them more than the poor and the working people they need them because they cannot hire private security or live in gated communities so we need to have police but we need to trust them and the loss of trust in this last few weeks has been phenomenal and it has spread right across the globe here in london we dont have enough police not well enough lou. But we have seen the thin blue line stretched to breaking point right in the center of london in front of our eyes this very weekend George Galloway and former secret Service Agent Charles Marino interesting really smart conversation my thanks to both of you we could go on for quite a long time and i think we will at some point again thank you very much gentlemen. One of the places where these protests have been most heated is right here in our Nations Capital from where we are presently bringing you this newscast washington d. C. Well though in the last few days the protests have been lets say less heated for. Following this situation for issues joining us now i believe just right outside the white house. Maybe if you disclose your ok it should for us and get us started and set the scene. I assure you we are right outside the white house were actually where ive been covering this all last week and then coming into this week last week were where were at here is you can actually see its on 14th of r. C. B. 16th street here where black live matter was painted last friday morning and actually now over the weekend youll be able to see the new thing that everybody is talking about as you had mentioned before there were talking about defunding the police that was written all along here over the weekend you can see from the police so what is defunding the police and how would it work well according to these those that actually want to see this done its as simple as it sounds and sort of funding a Police Department a big chunk of a Citys Department budget would go towards communities in particular ones where much of the policing occurs but does this mean actually dismantling the police altogether well completely dismantling the police is on the more radical side of the spectrum rick but since the death of george floyd its actually gaining major traction however dismantling and even Defunding Police on a large scale hasnt been done before so its a little tough to say what a 27000 report actually found and focus on a couple of weeks back in 2014 through 2015 when the new york Police Department pulled back on quote proactive policing meaning no aggressive enforcement now the report found that there were 2100 fewer crime complaints as you mentioned now a majority of the Minneapolis City Council say that they support disbanding the citys Police Department this move just days after minnesota launched a civil rights investigation after george boys death listen here. Archimedes to our citys toxic relationship to Police Departments. Policing as we know it. Actually. Yeah right now one of the bad things is actually that minneapolis any county is actually getting a lot of pushback present on a trampling on the citys mayor yes it is latest meeting this year has seen the lowest prime numbers in our countrys recorded history and now the radical left democrats want to defund and abandon our police sorry i want law and order now sunday and a hapless marriage make a prey was booed by protesters after saying that he doesnt support abolishing the Police Department gather on the subject he told local n. B. C. Affiliate kare quote i will work with lettuce lee with chief are a dime go in a long slide Community Leaders communities towards deep structural reform and addressing systemic racism and Police Culture ready to dig in and act more Community Led Public Safety strategies on behalf of our city but i do not support abolishing the minneapolis Police Department now the cofounder of black lives matter says that the defunding of the police means reducing the ability for Law Enforcement to have resources you know in those resources actually being held to you know having to. Defunding police means reducing the ability for Law Enforcement to have resources to harm communities adding quote its about reinvesting those dollars into black communities communities that they have been deeply deep in the visit from now in particular supporters want money put back into social services for Mental Health Domestic Violence and homelessness and so police are the 1st responders to all 3 but also schools hospitals housing and food in these communities as well now again rick this hasnt happened before we havent seen a city completely get rid of their Police Departments but we also have more 9 leaders coming out actually we have attorney general bill barr calling the idea to defund the Police Dangerous and wrong you also have lawmakers like House Speaker nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer actually punting questions on defunding the police away and actually more talking about Police Reform but rick you know when you talk about Defunding Police this was. Kind of pie in the sky idea weeks ago what now people are actually really talking about it but as far as it is it being still a pie in the sky idea you know whos to say whats going to happen in days and even weeks from now because before no one was even talking about this but after having covered the protests all week rick i will tell you another big change here is we had these giant walls you can see behind me erected comment directly in front of the white house on behind us is that 16th street where we showed you those black lives matter letters but here you can see now that protesters have put up signs as far as black lives matter along with defunding the police in front of the white house for the news or congress of rick sanchez im fair inference are very fair and just to be clear and maybe as well to be fair the democrats just put out their plan for policing and nowhere on there doesnt mention anything about Defunding Police right. Exactly you know and actually i got a speaker on nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer they were asked about this totally dodged the question card just thought that was important to the story thank you for and appreciate it. And this is the news of rick sanchez and youre watching our special coverage we welcome all of you around the world including those all on portable d. V. D. Yeah well be right back. Something you. Oh yeah. Notion of story even the. Way i know you want to. Play. The questions. Number. And lists as the same and bring all the. Just dead. Remains in question. Im a journalist its all i know being a truth teller people say i make among comparable good uses like a jackhammer good drill down to find the truth news with rick sanchez because its time to do news again and question more. I like it when the hosts ask a question for the guests and then actually listens to the yes answer and then react to that thats a folks Dennis Miller here ive got a new show. You know there is some extremely promising news today thats coming out of russia that might save tens of thousands of lives but let me explain it to you this way when patients get really sick from covert 19 and in many cases when those patients get so sick that they die its because their long simply arent working anymore regardless of the ventilator in the respirators they just cant breathe anymore because of this bizarre thing thats going on inside their bodies its described as a weird and unexplainable storm that takes over their body in fact theres actually a name for this its called side so kin storm side token begin to see by the way in case you want to google it well today. Scientists working for a company in russia have apparently come up with a medication that prevents that from happening that thing that takes over your lungs here with more on this breakthrough story as our Team Correspondent natasha suite. One shot can mean the difference between going into the emergency room or having a swift recovery from the crown of virus russian scientists have registered a new drug that may help to alleviate the harshest complications caused by cope at 19 including lung failure lovely mob is now the 2nd medication to receive state approval giving doctors more options when it comes to tackling the virus researchers behind the drug say theyre ahead of schedule as its already been going through clinical testing for 2 and a half years look still persist because it purportedly sort of dismissing this drug was originally designed with what are they werent sure whats going on our colleagues or our in what she was talking to your girl my 19th my mother also brittanys begin your story is but it is difficult im going to get over it its a very sort of. Developers say no side effects have been found during their studies and theyre hoping to make this available in hospitals as early as july. There are no one now again because they say you know that molecule was developed in our lab and while designing us molecule here boys are very interesting parts of it which is normal and we can talk a lot about them but the bottom line is that the molecule is you dont know what it knows what it is how you do it and one way the drug works is a little different from other similar drugs out there in the world no it doesnt and hospitals arent wasting any time hoping to get their hands on the new drug as soon as possible you know the answer to this problem we already have and i dont large number of orders for this year a number of that i will be in the hospital about a lot and in moscow coben 1000 survivors are forming a support force armed with antibodies many who can and are donating blood to crown of our 1st patients in need of help pavlov is given blood for the 1st time after overcoming the coronavirus is and i know that there are many people in hospitals hospitals are overcrowded. The coronavirus disease too affects people differently in terms of severity some people have it in a much more severe form than i had much so if i can help why not and well not every coach in 1905 or is able to give blood doctors say so far roughly 300 transfusions have been done in russias capital plasma has been collected from about 600 donors so far reporting for the news with Rick Sanchez Natasha sweets r. T. Meanwhile tensions between Nuclear Powers india and china are easing as the 2 countries agree to peacefully resolve a territorial dispute one that weve been telling you about but some thought could possibly lead to serious friction between these 2 countries mega remember these are 2 countries that have Nuclear Missiles arties mile of each picks up the story from here. When 2 world powers share one of the planets longest disputed land borders problems can arise since a war broke out between india and china in 1962 the neighbors have lived in relative peace but minor conflicts linked to territory have happened through the years most recently a flare up between india and china began last month in the himalayas Chinese State media accused india of illegally constructing defense facilities across the border into chinese territory while indeed media reported that Chinese Forces had entered indian territory. Thousands of soldiers from both sides have been deployed to the highly disputed la dockery gin and tensions hit a high in early may when a brief skirmish left some troops with minor injuries after talks this weekend though both countries say that theyve agreed to peacefully resolve the situation heres china spokes person. Currently the overall situation along the border is stable and controllable and there are full fledged mechanisms on border related issues communication through diplomatic and military channels and committed to handling the issue in a proper manner. A statement from indias ministry of external affairs echoed the sentiment saying both sides agreed to peacefully resolve the situation in the border area in accordance with various Bilateral Agreements and keeping in view the agreement between the leaders that peace and tranquillity in the india china Border Regions is essential for the Overall Development of bilateral relations while analysts say that neither side wants to see an escalation in tensions posturing will continue india has started to build more infrastructure on its side of the border meanwhile has peace talks took place over the weekend thousands of chinese troops were involved in a Major Military drill with officials saying they could be deployed to the disputed region within hours india is well aware that it does not match chinas economic or military strength but that doesnt mean that china does not want the issue resolved the 2 countries are close trading partners and any escalation in tensions would be detrimental for china in the International Diplomatic arena ultimately peace benefits the 2 neighbors while a war could take them into uncharted territories where everyone involved loses for news with rick sanchez im alex my love it well we have been telling you in the past here have steve christakis and i about this certain commissioner in the world of the n. F. L. That d would be the national no fun league. Oh sorry football league. A bit of a dolt and every time he opens his mouth we all are just amazed by how a guy like that can end up in such a position of power many many think you shouldnt have anything against not personally i know of course Roger Goodell he always puts his foot is about he doesnt seem to to translate to most people properly what hes thinking or seem come across as genuine and of course the most recently hes been in the news because dozens of n. F. L. Stars came out last week you know calling for the n. F. L. To condemn racism and we know the whole college captain exupery theyve obviously blackballed him from the league just for peacefully kneeling to protest against racial inequality in Police Brutality so now that the stars of the enough are saying hey were going to unite were not going to put up with this anymore we want you to take a stance and so Roger Goodell heard that in 24 hours later here is what the commissioner said check it out. We did National Football league condemn racism in the systematic compression black people. We the National Football league we were wrong for not listening to the players earlier and encourage them to speak out peacefully protests. Ended up peacefully protest it took about exactly what capron it did exactly that by the way that was just 22nd clip of a minute long apology or statement he made he never once mentioned which was the least he could do is mention colic operative saying he didnt even do that but lets explain this to our viewers because a lot of them are watching us and India Pakistan and different parts of the world where they dont even understand the n. F. L. Or the hell column kaepernick is so lets put this in perspective for you a guy who played in the n. F. L. Who is one of the finest quarterbacks in the last couple years went to a super bowl with his team then protested by taking a need during the National Anthem to show he was upset about what this guy just did minnesota and for doing that hes been blacklisted and has not been allowed to play football again so by taking that money it cost him upwards of 30. 00 to 40000000. 00 hell never be able to play football again most likely most likely thats the public the punishment that they gave him for that so do you there is to apologize to the guy to apologize and say well we should have listened to the players well obviously you didnt because you didnt mention his name now its not a very sincere thing to do after 4 years of this now and then all the son 24 he probably wont even came up with this if he didnt get pressured by the dozens of stars who made that video to ask them to condemn them and he went on to say im listening im reaching out to players who have raised their voices so he he didnt say if hes going to talk to captain explicitly or eric reid or any of the other players who supported the peaceful protests nearly do any of them but he did say hes going to listen to that now so itll be interesting to see what they do if we have a season when it starts we already have players like Adrian Peterson running back for the redskins came out and said he was he said we will all be kneeling during the anthem now so ill see well see what happens and of course the president noted states will be there too and anybody who hates black after you know what interests in the enough around midnight last night his favorite timelessly get on their knees i think that its. So i dont get. To go on but donald trump the president of the United States did come out on twitter last night and say could it be even remotely possible that in Roger Goodells rather interesting statement of peace and reconciliation he was intimating that it would now be ok for the players to kneel or not stand for the National Anthem thereby disrespecting the country and our flag which we all know its not about that but hes trying to change an energy you know what trump hates more than kaepernick the n. F. L. And that goes back a long way when the n. F. L. Said no you cant have a team and we dont want you anywhere near this league very good point and hes always hated them for that is a vendetta look it up not look it up thats for news thanks steve im rick sanchez stay safe stay connected stay on portable t. V. You can download it by the way and will be here again if you. Guys are one for my guide to financial survival this is and on a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. Thats right these hedge funds are simply not accountable and were just. Totally destabilize the Global Economy you need to protect yourself and get informed as. We go to work. Straight home. You. Hello welcome to redacted tonight this is the show where americans in america covering American News are called foreign agents good moves good news folks i know you were worried that everyone is suffering during this pandemic were lonely were scared and if i have to teach my mother how to use zoom one more time im going to throw her out a window not the real her but the laptop with her on it so she sees it as it goes down and smashes into the ground and maybe that will stick with her for a bit but no its not true not everybody is having a rough time so people are doing only well all americas billionaires have seen their wealth increased by 12. 5 percent during the lockdown period the institute for policy studies released a study thursday showing that in the 8 weeks

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