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Either working or watching out international this monday morning where its just gone 9 oclock here in the russian capital now President Trump has lashed act against democrat politicians for supporting the idea of Defunding Police departments in the wake of George Floyds death the brutal killing of the black man by officers sparked nationwide protests and on saturday the mayor of minneapolis which has been at the epicenter of the Current Protest Movement was booed for refusing to cut spending on your own for some. I think i was yes yes yes yes yes no not anderson arent getting operations just. I understand that the culture in part because we just have to radically shaped correct Everything Everything now before you correct you with your stories still have a vision of the court meant. To. Get rid of Police Officers that are city right ill tell the truth and i dont agree with that ok you dont agree on what went. Well in washington the call to defund the police was painted next to a black lives matter on the street that leads to the white house and the slogan is increasingly being adopted across the u. S. Or standards in San Francisco mayors are planning to reduce their Police Budgets several City Council Members in minneapolis and new york called for the dismantling and reform of their Police Department something has been promoted by progressive democrats. I will never call sign up on funding our Police Department that continues to brutalize us and i will never ever stop saying not only do we need this in the best brinkleys the way they grow completely dismantle the minneapolis Police Department. But one that i am actively engaged in in advocacy for is the reduction of really truly talking about the reduction of our n. Y. P. D. Budget and defunding a 6000000000. 00 n. Y. P. D. Budget that that costs us books in the hands of our children some us cities have a plans on how they will read direct the money from Police Budgets and also angele scopes will face cuts of up to 150000000. 00 instead of an increase that was promised earlier the San Francisco Police Budget cuts will be reallocated to social. Grams that benefit black communities and new yorks mayor promised to divert n. Y. P. D. Funds to youth and social services where u. S. Police budgets have tripled over the past 4 decades reaching 115000000000. 00 a year however according to the latest poll the majority of americans do not support any cuts we hear we heard differing opinions on the matter from a former n. Y. P. D. Commander and also the head of the houston Police Officers you. Im not for funding Police Departments all the way but im quite sure especially given that spending like in this recession that were in and they cant find some way of cypriot some of that money and we are like a 20 year kid check that we have crime going down so if they really let me it was so many Police Offices if crime stories or not. Based on find then do we pull the money and resources back and put it back into the police to put that number one issue we d need to do is be more forceful in who now approaching now will now cops who are a little like the catholic bill lloyd bank. 18 dont place every complaint shooting there is no way that that person should have been patrolling defunding the police is an extremely dangerous idea i think it makes for a popular hash tag on twitter and you have a lot of hollywood elites that are jumping in on this and i think youve actually seen it in our major cities across the United States wed be defining Police Departments for years most large cities do not have in our officers are extremely understaffed and as a result youve seen crime actually go up in all these major cities and now were going to employment up near 40000000 youre only going to see crime numbers skyrocket i think that over the last 6 years there have been a constant drumbeat in the United States of anti Police Rhetoric and false narratives and i think that most people think officers are just going out there to shoot people left and right and that theres a systemic racism within Police Departments but the statistics dont bear that out the facts dont bear that out in fact there was a study done in 2015 at the university of maryland and Michigan State university the found there was no racial bias in any of the shootings and in fact in over 99 percent of the time when Police Officers shot that person had a weapon we cannot afford to defund the police right now or we want to ask people on the streets of minneapolis if they support the idea of defunding and dismantling the police. Its not so much a white vs black thing its kind of like everyone versus the police its not really white people that were coming from a situation is like just the Police Brutality here pretty much this that that idea of dismantling the police was a fringe idea just just a couple of weeks ago and now its its almost mainstream. I keep fiction about something that that letter lennon said which was that there are. Decades where nothing happens and there are recent decades happen and i think this is a reaper a decade happening i dont agree with dismantling the police because things will get out of control you need to police i mean you just got to leave out the bad ones. But within the Current Administration riding a wave of disapproval of back to his handling of feith and black lives not some movement on the Global Pandemic the democratic president ial nominee joe biden has taken a significant lead donald trump in the latest polls however bidens remarks about the tricky issue of. Difficult questions is kind of mopping explains. The streets are full of activists marching against Police Brutality racism and the mistreatment of africanamericans and donald trump is becoming a target for some of that anger duis harsh rhetoric against protesters that are found out oh oh i think this president. Says the president is a racist as a member of. That the president is a dangerous human being who would be a dictator talk show is being a racist that is what hes doing right kate elections are approaching in november and trumps democratic challenger joe biden was Vice President to americas 1st africanamerican president is taking quite a different approach to the protesters i wont traffic in fear and division i wont fan the flames of hate. Ill seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plague our country not use them for political gain but how much of an alternative is biden really. To cure the person coming out of. Players of the heart is a very different thing so its a question of where the police shoot people not if they shoot them at all furthermore joe biden is certainly reaching out to George Floyds family expressing sympathy but people will recall his own series of racial gaffes. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talons white kids. If you have a problem figuring out where youre from a or tromp and you aint black. You got to recognize that kid were in a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger. Well for. The record you are back in case hes also been called out by police for making statements hinting that all officers might be racist. Heres a quote that certainly does not go over well as about the attitude of the country we want our kids to repeat do we really think is as good as we can make as a nation i dont think the vast majority of people think that there probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of people out there than just not very good people. But thats not who we are that sounds like a lot of no good americans out there not the best choice of rhetoric the whiteness of joe bidens inner circle has been widely criticized despite the fact that he took the lead in the primaries mainly due to africanamerican supporters joe biden will be the only serious contender challenging donald trump in the november elections democrats have got to be asking themselves is a guy like joe biden really the best hope for unseating the donald democratic strategists are scrambling to make it happen but it might be harder than they think hey look muffin artsy new york human rights activists and john my baracoa believes that even if biden does win in november it wont bring about may to change the lives of black people in the u. S. The least be very close to the old Joe Biden Joe biden has a checkered history when it comes to Race Relations as many people know joe biden was the primary author of the 1994 crime bill of the resulted in. Significant repression of africanamericans in the United States of america so the election of a joe biden is not going to have any Significant Impact on africanamericans the Obama Administration for 8 years that administration didnt see fit to engage in any kind of prosecution of killer cops even though that was happening across the country so. Obama and Joe Biden Donald trump. All of these individuals who represent concentrated power in the u. S. Are representing the same interests the only ones who thought that the u. S. Had a mask of a commitment to do to democracy human rights. Were people who were fundamentally naive who know you as a fish can never stand before the International Community and printed in to be a defender of human rights they have been exposed for ever and that is a good thing. Now germany has been caught by surprise ive heard reports that the u. S. Plans to control 110000 troops from the country washington hasnt given any official explanation although a senior german minister did say that current relations with washington and. If it comes to do drill of some of the u. S. Troops we will take note of this we are close partners in the Transatlantic Alliance but it is complicated. The plans show that the trump of ministration is neglecting Elementary Task of leadership to bind Coalition Partners into Decision Making processes while relations between the 2 nato allies have become somewhat strained of late the pair have clashed on a number of issues including trade defense spending and also Foreign Policy and last month Angela Merkel declined to trumps invitation to a g 7 meeting in washington citing the pandemic meanwhile the white house has said it still committed to working with germany on mutual defense and other issues the president of the geo Political Company your accountant Pierre Emmanuel common believes things that the u. S. Is punishing germany with its troop withdrawal over recent disagreements. The United States on li it takes decision according to its own priorities of National Interest and. The opinion of our niece and i cure europeans the secondary but its also saw. Poverty in missys to germany because. More and more disagreements between the United States and germany. Speech should be bold to the job but its got priorities germany doesnt want to cut its economic ties to china as the United States who would like to do so weve probably all saw between United States and show money and saudi spoke about it in terms of communication also a sign about. Donor turkeys not a very happy river position of germany. Without a nicer to come after the break for you we are joined by the former often foreign minister cameron nice to discuss the future of economies in a media opposed when covering plan and why it seems to have less support than expected thats all to come just after the break. You cant be both with yeah you know what. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person or those with. No dares thinks. We dare to ask. Again welcome back chancellor Angela Merkel has acknowledged germany faces its worst economic crisis since the 2nd world war would still come after the country announced a stimulus package to help boost the economy which has been devastated by the pandemic. These are high when were freezing the worst economic slump in the history of the federal republic of germany did number of 7000000 part time workers alone shows the difficult Economic Situation we are in and therefore it is necessary to tee courageous steps to get out of this crisis meanwhile a wider stimulus package for the u. Is not receiving overwhelming support several temperaments arent happy with the blocks planned 750000000000 Euro Recovery Fund according to the plan the commission will borrow the money from the International Capital markets and then distribute it in grants and loans the amount for a member state will be determined by population g. D. P. Per capital and unemployment rates before the pandemic plans come in for criticism for not taking into account the current Economic Situation. The commissions proposal would mean that austria would have to contribute nearly 2 percent of its g. D. P. That would be twice as much as in the past for us but some acceptable the proposal published by the commission was for several including the size of the recovery find though the share of grants exceeded our expectations. Ok were joined now to discuss this a bit further by karen nice or shes the former Australian Foreign minister and youre very welcome and thanks for giving us your time this morning austria as we were talking there is among the socalled frugal 4 countries resisting this bailout plan why is that when these clear to many people that hard hit countries in europe particularly in Southern Europe need all the help they can get. Well good morning from my side as well a huge. Debate is might have to set it one is about what should be given in terms of laws to be repaid and lots of cranston to the Event Results in any reap. And as long as the fundamental issues in london for us and the commission. We are at the beginning of negotiations these will have to be accomplished at the latest by september. And to then we will see what the final outcome in terms of who gets what and as you said its the socalled southern countries that have been hit before homes by austerity programs by the euro crisis of trying to jam. The gaps that each and every critique was hit somehow that the Central European countries that. Its more than just. Qantas that theyre heavily hit such as italy and spain because of ticket prices youre just on the worst hit countries though that do need the money i know you said there that many. Some countries would like to see them take on loans rather than grants but those countries do have huge debts already mean how could they take on further loans whats wrong with giving them grants yeah youre fully right and mean that this debate what should be loans which would be grants is one thing the other topic is of course there was a lot on the law and President European Commission when and its the plan has also all. Started to talk once again about texting by economists and saw a new system of checks in which in the end will of course hit the National Text because somewhere the texas will have to be taken and it cannot be invaded just on the Super National level so i would sit down many many question marks left and the big. Is your is all chorused how can you will bring law cohesion into the European Union sanctioning and the fact president of france and angloamerican chancellor of germany have to send to it such a common rescue plan is the core of forest targeting the it is very essential issue of how candy you move out of that quagmire. Do you think overall this pandemic has increased divisions in the u. Or is there still scope for bringing to bring everybody together. And. The fact that. Everybody moved into the lockdown in a different way and unfortunately once again also now with the past 1012 days we have been seeing how many countries decided in a unilateral ethic at most in a bilateral the way how to move out after lock down helped or handle the Summer Season for tourism a tear drop it only illustrates the fact that there is not dick ordination that should be dealt there people are our skin and theres apparently very loud little stimulus stimulus and man National Governments to Work Together here in the in a more efficient way and were speaking about. Drill sinks such as tourism if i may say because its not to be compared now was the migration crisis of 2015 but we see whether it was 2015 whether its to date theres an absence of chord in the nation. Do you think the worst is now behind this or do thir a 2nd wave. Im somehow. Intrigued by the fact that if i if i may be a bit ironic why rather choose seems like the new form of theology we have so many woods off salt. Its impossible i would see for a clock commentator right now in some atlanta 20 to see what would be to situation the house and tear institution in october november we have different voices you have viral just to see and know there will not be any how politicians will dry in the warning and see below where we might see a 2nd lock down. If i look at it simply from a human point of fuel right now by moving out of this. Nearly 10 weeks of parenting for many people. You cant tell them be aware there is a 2nd wave sometimes in october or november people are have no trust right now to restart and trust you cant buy you cant buy trust by a huge rescue plan like the one we have just been discussing trust has to be direct in order yes i can restart my business i can restart my University Studies i can rebuild my activities in what whatever and if we discuss right now at the same time a 2nd wave i seem to this is simply too much for most. Do you think there will be a review of how all countries the you have tackled the coronavirus and is there a chance that there could be some consensus on how to deal with a potential 2nd wave because what weve seen is that many countries have have dealt with the crisis how they thought would best suit their own country theyve dealt with it individually and there hasnt been an e. U. Policy to deal with corona virus do you think that could change anything to pandemic. We had 10 damage finance in every national gather mant also about how to have it on a cordon need to level these plans to exist and. So i its simply makes you wonder why i was not more cooperation on a Civil Servant level and on a political level as well you costs that there will be pandemics everybody knew it and plans have been there concerns the United States justice well to the same extent as its old school thought each and every government on the planet because we knew about it it was not a typical black swarm it was there to 2 happen one day and what we havent learnt right now how to handle it. I dont know whether we will improve our work at our ordination to such an extent that by october or november in case something new shows up we will handle it better than we see it really right now was this morning of the lockdown. Where the commission had been asking please let us handle there together in a common ordinary that way even that moving out of lockdown would just cop parent. Dremiel burnout going into the lockdown in march and still we see. Theres not enough coordination its still a big problem isnt it from many many countries. On a broader point what about e. U. Relations with china because china has come in for an awful lot of stick over the fact that its been where the virus originated to many people thought that china could perhaps do more to prevent it from spreading around the world i just wanted to get your view on where you thought a huge china relations are at the moment when they get worse or better is this just a tricky period that theyll get 3. Well it took 2 European Union wider wired to understand that there is no such thing as harmony in International Relations and with regard to china in bringing to plant in mind teens. And new title was coined for the relation between the e. U. China it was called is a systemic russian rival china is not anymore to mourn us are no in which we will Grow Together in harmony but its a its a compact its a rival and we have seen over the last year over the past year many topics where. There was i would see a little bit of more assertive nass from the european side of saying no to certain chinese efforts in terms of taking all the strategic infrastructure and still there are many weisss was in the European Union you have countries like greece hungary the grace show which are very prone which are very Old School Chinese to a very still Chinese Corporation same holds true for its elite where a tremendous chinese investments are for a scene was in the memorandum of understanding that was that went into force in 2019 so there are many different voices also on that one cannot say that the European Union is speaking here with one wise or not on that topic. In foster chambre you presidency that would be taken over by germany as of the 1st of july it was foreseen to have it in a very important e. U. China summit there had been one for quite some time and top of the list was in westmount protection Climate Change corporation etc. But. That summit was cancelled which i will say is a bit unfortunate because it would have given an opportunity for all involved to all not only to eat but to really check the jammed up where our lives and where our clients dissent that the service also attention and its always better to meet and at least identify certain things instead of consul in so for whatever reason i have no idea the summit was told. Its a long journey to missed yeah ok well look discussions will continue a near date we can hope at least karen very nice to talk youre going to have to leave it there thanks for your time this morning there is karen i still feel not Austrian Foreign minister we appreciate it thank you. And thank you for watching today were back again with more news from headlines and hope. When else truths seem wrong. But all wrong just dont. Get me wrong get to shape out just days after. And in detroit was betrayed. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area russia. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so of added 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on the story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again

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