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Property and just that theres a lot today sect here you were the former governor of minnesota where george played with killed so i want to hear from you what is your reaction to these terrible events well version of my reaction 5 to these events are really this 1st and foremost as a former governor and a former mayor this is the worst situation as an elected official you could possibly could put into because its a no win situation in many ways youre between a rock and a hard place and what i mean by that is simply this no matter what decision you make someone is going to vehemently oppose it and let the world know about it so its a tough position to be and now moving forward this affects me a great deal bridgette a because of this what youre seeing on t. V. In minneapolis is my neighborhood lake street i grew up there from aig. 0 to 18 you saw it youre seeing on t. V. Right the dividing line that used to be Roosevelt High School and South High School i went to minneapolis Roosevelt High School a lot of my friends went to minneapolis South High School but that in fact the the the supermarket that my mom used to go to was right in that burned out shopping thing right there on lake street so this is very personal to me to sit and watch the neighborhood i grew up in look like a combat zone its destroyed and must be rebuilt now having said that. There is no its a tough situation because i do understand why the protests are happening i understand the frustration but violence being violent doesnt help violence violence mere merely creates more violence and people need to know that. You have a killing of george floyd also comes during a Global Pandemic now since march most americans have been ordered to stay at home except to conduct essential activities now Many Companies were forced to temporarily shut down and unfortunately others have now permanently gone out of business at least 40000000 people in america are also now unemployed but prior to the pandemic we already had a lot of problems in this country the majority of americans were one emergency away from bankruptcy we also had a Food Insecurity crisis which has only gotten worse with 54000000 americans now expected to go hungry without the help of food banks or other aid meanwhile americans are still waiting to find out whether theyll even get a loan or Unemployment Benefits due to lock down related job losses what happened to george floyd with the final ingredient in the recipe for a domestic uprising when just say i. Agree wholeheartedly with you that the the murder of george floyd was simply the match it was the lighted match to the kim bling that had been sitting there in this country waiting to explode in flames and the death of george. Was the catalyst that caused that but yes youre right you got all these people out of work theyve been stuck in their houses for 2 to 3 months now waiting and waiting for something to happen theyre scared they dont know whats going on and all of a sudden they get theres opportunity to explode and break out you can understand why theres such passion in these demonstrations people of them really in jail for 2 to 3 months which they had to be and now theyve been let out to freedom again and of course with the freedom came the expense of the killing of george floyd which has been done over and over again and again its the catalyst that caused the explosion but the fuel was there long before the death of george floyd. Yeah now over the past few days at least 67000 members of the National Guard have been deployed across 23 states to control the unrest and enforce government mandated curfews a minnesota guard member told reporter ken clip in stand were a combat unit not trained for riot control or safely handling civilians in this context soldiers up and down the ranks are scared about hurting someone and leaders are worried about soldiers suffering liability basically the National Guard says its not trained to respond with violence take a look at this video of the National Guard with the minneapolis p. D. Filmed by twitter user tanya a person. Worried about the. President from tweeted his support for the Unlimited Power of the military and threatens to invoke the insurrection act of 1807 which allows the president to deploy military troops in the u. S. For Law Enforcement purposes jesse weve got curfews on the heels of coronavirus government lock downs and now the National Guard and military vehicles are roaming the streets weve also seen military helicopters flying over protesters near the white house are we creeping towards martial law well. You know lets start look to you out of president trumps point of view. Right now hes trailing in the polls he seems to be desperate hes got the pandemic to deal with which killed his economy hes now got these demonstrations going up all over the country hes called the National Guard has been called out hes threatened to bring out the regular military i cannot believe this because that National Guard guy was right the regular military deals in violence they dont deal in crowd control theyre not trained for that and yet donald trump wants to unleash the u. S. Military on the people of america what may be leading him to this you said that martial law because if he can stir it up enough and he could cause the riots to continue which hes doing with his rhetoric hes doing it with his photo ops hes not leading hes leading us toward internal war is what hes doing and if he can make that happen while guess what he can then declare martial law and you know what happens in martial law thats a military takeover and the constitution is suspended which means people no elections this november is donald trump that desperate is he that big of a narcissist that he would put our country and a martial law just so he can stay in power i think he would. Former cia and n. S. A. Director general Michael Hayden who served under president bush and obama has been read tweeting the alarm signal a photo of the American Flag upside down according to u. S. Code the flag should never be displayed with the union down except as a signal of dire distress and instances of extreme danger to life or property do you think its trying to tell the military something with this. Well Michael Hayden was saying the flag was flipped upside down and what would that i dont know food signal anything to the military i spent 6 years in the United States navy and i never heard nothing about turning the flag upside down which was a signal that maybe i took orders from my Commanding Officer and it came down the chain of command and thats the way we operated when i was in the United States navy it didnt have nothing to do with what people were doing with the flag or didnt come to some secret code that said if the flags turned around were going to attack and kill everybody i dont know i dont know what the significance of that would be i dont know what mr hayden means by it unless things have changed that much in the military since i was there this is the 2nd time the International Community has joined a us based uprising on trumps watch 1st there was the womens march now we see this thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets of paris amsterdam and japan in solidarity with george boyd and also to protest the police abuse in their own countries as protests continue american Corporate Media if still pointing fingers at china for the ongoing unrest in hong kong Corporate Media refers to those protesters as prodemocracy heroes while referring to protesters in minnesota los angeles new york oakland and elsewhere in the United States of bugs for essentially conducting the same activities jesse whats your response to the photography. Well 1st of all bridgette out i dont think its so much our Corporate Media thats referring to the protesters as thaw goes i think there was the president of the United States who 1st referred to them as dogs it is twitter so the Corporate Media is merely following the example of our illustrious president. Donald trump because hes the one that classified them fogs and hes the one that supports the protests in hong kong and takes a different view what you have here is high popular see in its finest form if the protests are done with democracy in mind then heck with the violence to heck with the protests its all good but if the protesters done against a country that already has democracy and that may be living under the veil of b. S. Democracy and you know what i mean mare well thats a different story now and so the protests need to happen here too and protesters again should be treated equally throughout the war older. Lets now shift to Foreign Affairs in the midst of a pandemic and other domestic crises the Term Administration has been pursuing a new arms sale with saudi arabia despite prior rejections from a bipartisan majority in Congress Term vetoed congresss rejection of the saudi arms deal one year ago jesse whats your reaction to trump pursuing this in the midst of all the chaos here at home. Boy. There is my reaction you know i think donald trump has more loyalty to the saudis than he does to the United States because again its about the almighty buck here this is about the almighty dollar selling weapons making money and those weapons will be turned on the innocent people eventually so the United States will be a coconspirator conspirator even though they wont be charged with anything but thats what International Gun sales done so trumps all for violence because hes shipping out and selling out the world well those guns bring violence its that simple those guns and weapons kill people and not necessarily protesters but innocent civilians women and children when we last rockets and bombs get shot throughout the world so heres donald trump selling weapons of war at a time when war should be the last thing on americas mind its time for a break when we return jeff its down with the job for more on the civil unrest in america well be right back. The wall looking at. The spiral downward depending on who you believe in the media the civil unrest in america is the result of systematic racism this explains protest and writing but does it the commanding heights controlling the Financial System media and the Business World are loath to admit it its the economy stupid for them graze all these. I want to clear up a few old no news to you. My its always at the back i was so. Like not something you know. Immediately. They can put us in the mood at the. Smithsonians National Capital the cool thing that. Yes. He came. Up. Very building never great was founded on the rape and murder. Nothing changed so we said in. Response to these situations that were dealing with. People here is sad every day she is just sad people kill each other blood for the killing children. So it was just no way that people are going to just sit back and allow children to be shot down Law Enforcement. This country doesnt work for us it doesnt function for us. This is cant be happening in america we call from the streets weve got to deal with why this is the reason i have to ride like this is the reason. The world will be. Joining me now is a job a baracoa International Human rights activist and the mashable organizer for the black alliance for peace our john woo welcome back to the show its very good to have you right now. Thank you governor venturas my pleasure to be here now the black alliance for peace has called on the United Nations to intervene in what youve identified as a human rights crisis in the United States in what ways can the United Nations help. Well you know governor its not just about the United Nations helping but its about being consistent we say that the situation in the u. S. Is a ongoing human rights crisis and therefore if theres going to be consistency in the International Order where states are caught out for their violations we say that the human rights crisis in the u. S. The same just as that a human rights crisis that requires International Scrutiny so this d. V. S. Are ongoing issues in the u. S. They require intervention and with the Statement Issued by down from on friday where he threatened to use lethal force against protesters. To go back to the International Community once again now the protests are about george Floyd Ray Sansom Class Division and Ongoing Police brutality is there anything the media is missing in its reporting of the coverage of the protests what the media is missing as a consequence of how the issue is being your frame is that this goes well beyond just george flowing it goes well beyond some of the other very famous cases of Police Misconduct this situation is crew is is connected to the role of the lead into the system and the relationship of the police to the African American and other colonized people in this country their police are the cutting edge of state repression and until theres a different kind of relationship between the people and the police and these kinds of situations will continue to persist they the media is not going to look at it in that way they are looking at the station or elements of. Case of real santa will we have here is. A challenge for related to the structure of Society State sanctioned islands and state violence in general. Now corporate u. S. Media and even the u. S. Government expresses widespread support for the protesters in hong kong and venezuela even when the protests did ugly but the media sentiment seems different here with our government when it comes to protests organized in the United States by people of color why the high popper ashi. That that apocrypha see is reflection of a a commitment to push a certain kind of ideological position it was fine for the protesters in hong kong to engage in violence that pales in comparison to anything weve seen in the us and they were in fact cheered on because that violence. Comported with u. S. Policies to undermine china when it comes to protests in the u. S. They will focus on some minor incidents of looting to try to undermine the political morality of the issue i mentioned to suggest that the protesters have no real legitimacy and that is a fact they have a policy and we say that we need to have consistent principles of it applied to all nations in all systems. Now all over the country the protests were peaceful to begin with of course we dont see many images of the peaceful gatherings in Corporate Media and i know why violence selves and makes money do you agree with that position why Corporate Media tends to show the violence over the peace of course you know there was a same some years ago that if it bleeds it leads that was that was the media approach when it came to covering sensational events. They have no interest in peace they suggest that if all of the demonstrations remained peaceful then everything would have been fine but many people argue that if it wouldnt have been some degree of aggression the us Corporate Media will not have a cup and it would have been people marching across the country but no real political pressure being put on us authorities so this is part of the corruption of the us media that it it reduces complex questions to them was Sensational Court and in the end the American People are less informed less educated and as a consequence more able to be manipulated. Now a lot of the mooting vandalism arson and destruction of property is being blamed on outside provocative sures what role do they play in all of this look governor ventura one of the biggest fears that the it though it is have in the us is it always been this fear is the possibility of a moti racial opposition developing. One of the reasons why they kept within the uk the thing and is organizing the Poor Peoples Campaign so what they are doing now is to use propaganda to resurrect this notion of the outside agitator at this time is the outside agitator lewis fact is white and the objective is to break apart the emerging coalition of forces young white kids who are fed up with this system who are standing so short of the short of what black or latino people against a racial profiling and violence they want to break that up by using this issue of the agitator the white educator and setting the stage for more repression be indirectly is something they call the end of. Now over the years weve seen many Police Brutality videos but the Excessive Force used by the Minneapolis Police when they knew they were be even being filmed is exceptionally horrific are there laws that grant immunity to Police Officers who commit misconduct. Theres been the course have been very. Linear when it came comes to providing immunity to Police Misconduct by the federal government had ability to step in and to effect prosecute violations of the civil rights of u. S. Citizens but they have been very reluctant to do that now only under the jump jump administration but also under the Obama Administration of all the cases of killer cops doing the 8 years of the Obama Administration the only chose to prosecute one time so the message is quite clear that you have a relative impunity to engage in misconduct when it comes to the life of africanamericans and other not europeans employed people in this country now were still in the middle of a pandemic people are risking their lives to protest the broken d system what does that say about the state of affairs in the United States today the oppositional activity we see across the country in the middle what this pandemic and the configuration of that opposition. Black white latino x l g p b t q. Migrants immigrant it is a culmination of the frustration that people are feeling and the radicalization taking place in this country who is quite clear that. For the capitalist dictatorship they the rights of the people are secondary and people are angry and frustrated and the george florida case was just the trigger so you know theyre willing to come out in face of the possibility of infection in order to raise their voices in opposition to what is unfolding here in this country where he seems that no ones value as a human being is really taken seriously by the authorities and by the really elements where do we go from here how can we hear you know our nation we dont governor is going to be a very difficult the next few weeks and next few months because we are in a crisis they cannot exist and has basically collapsed we have millions of people thrown out were millions of people without health care in a a political system and a Political Class that doesnt seem to have a clue so what we have to do is recognize what we are and to support the actors on the part of all of us who are trying to organize people to envision something beyond is into engaging in struggle in order to shift power to the people and build a real democracy is committed to human rights in this country and thats going to take a horrific thats what we are going after more struck a job to thank you very much for your time its appreciated my pleasure next time. The war or the peace. Lets bring in some of. Viewers to the conversation jesse we asked people on social media how can we fix the issues that led up to the unrest this weekend jay says stop electing the same 2 parties that caused the situation well i agree with them you know ive been fighting this battle against the democrats and republicans now my entire adult life ive never voted for a democrat or republican and i agree with them completely the only way out of this is to break up the 2 party munnabhai only that we have in this country its that simple stop being lemmings and stop voting democrat republican theres other candidates out there not just their am and theyre under the same roof because theyre all own by the same corporate interests. Grandmaster demilitarize the police and the war on drugs reduce the prison population Community Oversight of the police theres much more to do but those are some ideas jeffie now 1st i go to is that the grand master jay watching my t. V. Show is that the guy from i think hes run d. M. C. While we get some great people on here what he just said if i became president id put him in charge of exactly what he said to do right there because he is dead on he is dead on in the war on drugs because the war on drugs is a miserable failure and why should government give a damn about what you want to put in your body this is a free country allegedly and the war on drugs has been a horrible because its caught what Police Forces into the minority communities when when people in the black communities hear the people hear the word were going to bring in more Law Enforcement they had for the hills or the basement because they know what theyre going to get is is going to be police bearing down on their Community Even more and the war on drugs has been a horrible thing for this entire country in its entire existence we can thank nixon for that one and i hear trump loves nixon. Thanks for watching senator comments on facebook and twitter for a chance to be featured in next weeks episode as always when we cover more stories ignored by the Corporate Media and remember when the government lies the truth yes it does it becomes a traitor stay vigilant. The war. Machine. Clings. Several sources for police in the United States killed from 2 to 4 people every day. And. One of my being arrested for me was fun for me and. Its just their little world and establish they developed just us against them. Along sure 2525 as. I read this from someone told me. There is a corruption inside of the police where the closure is. Much easier Holiday International memorial awards are now open for entries the media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist terms of media or part of the global News Platform to participate in the show published works in video all written for much go to award dot altie dot com and then to now. Hello there im an election and youre watching in question broadcasting from our to Americas National news headquarters in washington d. C. I want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world our top story america n. K. F. We begin this hour with breaking news out of buffalo new york that is where 57 Police Officers thats right 57 have just resigned in response to the Police Department suspending just 2 ops are now those

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