Ergo rape is founded on a rape in a murder. Nothing changed so we said all respond to these situations still feeling. Sad every other day she is just sad people kill each other black people kill each other so it was just no way that people are going to just sit back and allow children to shut down Law Enforcement this country doesnt work for us it doesnt function for us this is cant be happening in america. Michael brown say his name. There by one benefit. To shouldnt be. There mark be rather frightened. For 3 years you should pay as man. We miss you we love you you set off a revolution. What is whole country for his whole world. The thing about my brow was before that it had been several decades is america at uprising like that you know and we got a missed opportunity i feel like with the ferguson situation. I. Could. Look. Up. To the people of all. Races good to put. Good youve above all right the real thing. This day isnt for us this country doesnt work for us it doesnt function for us. We cant talk what a machine as a machine so you can have a real conversation about real life and feelings in what people are going through what a machine literal but. You can only. Stroller robot has got to be taken down in a polish was when they made a constitution and all this it really was a made for me. World why people dont want to live next to black people and so it created so suburbs and small little time its the fight for you so floorspace small of its existence can sell a lot of flats and this a lot of homes sold and stack poor people just back to back on top of each other. I live in the homeless which is lying to me like more of them were of his pores in the state police dont call to off their people get shot every other day cheers get shot people kill each other black people kill each other always had a gun has something almost always drug related to say most or. Black people have always been the target. He. Does says it was a cool dude you know he was serious he loved black people. You love this people enough to sacrifice and so he starts or going to ask people started to stunt is all organization to actually try to fight some of these things he says can be were no other. Than the police when allowed to. See the cop. She was something you may have is nice to see you miss you the piece she used the navy blue for want to get a few movie its up on the phone is just so shitty come for your money tree poverty creates crime scene where you get rid of poverty you get rid of crime you sample is that simple people are poor here this is one of the lowest minimum wages in the country cost and police harassment. The drug epidemic like its a lot of different factors that youre dealing with heard that. White supremacy benefits from that the capitalistic government benefits from and we see in there we start so people look at us they think body just savages on a animals what they have they dont want to do better is not that we dont have opportunity to do better. Or worse. Is a save to go here in field. Hands on your belief in god the net and something that happened last year definite possibility. No guarantees in life mr. St louis has probably more abandoned houses and any other city in america its size. People. With children they you know they move to the county they move to suburbs for better schools and for. Safer streets and all that kind of stuff. It was a man. I was looking for you is a water how you doing that to keep you fit hold. That will keep you fit. Were going to bang. Going good im going to get you to you know when we get all the stuff just good to get to all to the sound to sandwiches yeah oh sorry thats our brother. Yeah you go. His mom passed thats right hes a pretty good zoom and i do his big everything that hes a little bar worried said one of the one of the advice to me is always do. It all here sometimes you run the people that you just really glad to see when you get out here thats what i was going this one of the brothers i was really glad to see im. Sorry joe. Jones. Believe that anything that happens in a persons life is not random. And that there is a divine design behind it. Baptized a young man i was passing the church on webster grohl missouri and i bet its watching bury him and 17. And i had to do his funeral and watch his mother and his grandmother who most very close to god started speaking to me about the violence then and very young eulogize young woman who was shot in the head in broad daylight in a park and front so they did these things just kept happening these young people just kept dying who were in my sphere of influence and believe that god was speaking to me about going into the streets then and i decided then that it just made sense for me to go out where the violence is and interact and engage the best way i could. And thats what we believe one person at a time one street at a time one neighborhood at a time. National people strong feelings also after the death of my rail more people were shot more people were robbed. Its becoming more and more bad. News. Not yours. Guns you just want to. Not move you or move your money no you name of mine mine more risk of heart risk. More rest in. Love i think the rest and all the rest. Of the rock. Bands party that are missing here in this car here is insane or a rest and now its going round the rest in their grinding prestonpans notwithstanding. He made a. Move why do he was executed he was hanging around black kids and so in america if you hang around they treat you like. The truman and black people. Working. Like that. With you. And. Me. Moving. For you just want to. Play word sack. Good. Morning right back. To the car. I know how we will. Talk. After the break. If you will. But the my its always at the k. It was a. Not something. Youd see in media type of today thank you so thats the mood at the close to that. If they do catch one to the cuckoo that thats what i am. Yes. Yes. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area rush up. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. In the courts a day is a Police Officer expertly software spaces. And hes a 1st degree murder. Roach duffel bag stokley was heard saying during the pursuit she was going to kill smith. I think the end of the day hes not going to charge they dont let him walk like they let everybody else walk this man lost his life and not the last fall her loss of life not just your success thats all we are know to make sure that i dont have and. I do think the revolution the real revolution my cap and soon i think that i havent sooner than like another uprising in ferguson all thing is gone is going to look like a lot of people die and going to be a lot of bullets. But for some people in this country thats always been the reality of dion and bullets if we fight in a real way beyond the signs in the streets they yes it will change. But how. Do you. Believe that were not going to. Leave you. With. You know i dont see his car saw. Something i dont know what to leave him a was. The. Struggles with addiction i met him. Right after his son was murdered. Just a few blocks from here. And we keep coming consistently and in time were able to build real trust and have real relationships. Most of the people here are not bad people they are its not a bad situation not at all not at all. That one night. We had sort of been warned about coming up here and walking that way. So one night we were just sitting up here resting. And this dark 4 door thanks chevrolet hold up the windows were really really said 10 it real dark. And they just pulled up on us real slow. And i was sure that that night we were going to get a shot. Of the shootings these days to a place just people are driving around shooting state police cars. It was a mess. All right mable. Now weve been doing this so years now man has come on people pass our sandwiches give our water thank you thank you thank you god bless you thank you all right now. All right. That another very. Dangerous here. The. So i dont really know what to expect just to be honest with you so. Now that helicopter there is a police helicopter. We call them to get over. The look of us on what. We have what we call the the del mar divide where one part of the north of del mar is red lined and neglected in some buzy in the glens. And the other side you know you get all the services and all the opportunities that most why the americans enjoyed. Probably the scariest time was in the 1st month that we saw that walk in and this young guy came out of a building with a gun cursing me calling me all kinds of snitches and everything and i asked the group to go on ahead and they had because one of the rules is if anybody gets shot it should be me simple gunshots ringing out Late Wednesday morning the people were under lock and se one suspect was shot you know. June 7th 2017. I got a phone call from my father around 1054 that my son was dead that the counts kill him. My father said that my son ran into his room and. Said grandpa get down stay down lower ground that smoke trying to break in my father asked who was shooting and my son said i dont know grandpa i love you. He walked a couple stops inside. By the dining room and said please dont shoot please dont shoot. And they burned my son. They began their scheme shooting. Youll do was just a wonderful sober man who was so strong all right he had a relationship were all a mobile home like like opera we talk about things beyond just just protesting. And you know Police Brutality and he had a lot of compassion and a lot of heart and a lot of desires to do things greater then you know just in the 1st people stay in the Office People are also breeding them to give them advice on horses and real integrated drain. Who are into the hot tub he was shot in the bertha. I definitely do with the end up going to say says and with them enough people have more than enough motives who would have been the dearest to you. Is the hit lease. Its a hit list with names and seales name was on a hit list mine is on a hit list several of the people that was involved in his movement name is on his it lists we get daily threats from the k. K. K. And other white supremacist groups we get threats from police Law Enforcement government officials and we also got to deal with the same oppression here in our neighborhoods because we call from the streets weve got a deal where rivals is a reason i have to rally like this come. With us. And who hold the faith let us now sincerely and reverently because. I believe in god the father almighty make of him in earth and in jesus christ his only son all know what was good seen by the holy ghost born of the virgin mary so often the pontius pilot was crucified david bearing the burden you know rose moment noon be ascended into heaven sitting on the right hand. But i think it now gone poor souls of persons that we encounter as we walk the streets at night we pray to god in the name of jesus as he sometimes of those streets i just want to scream and say stop using stop soulik each other stop drinking your destroying you know i. Want to see. Less the hungry in the hurting everywhere. Bless this nation. In the name of jesus im just putting the word that im fighting for my son i want to answer this and im not going to stop until i get the. File of the person who did it i want answers why they came and. Oh job as a way the dead. First posing for turtles but our children. Are the coolest. Is the fact that we can drag down the street without the rest of us the fact that we cant see the seals because this is a food desert is no money coming into the schools no. Cereals these kids cant even take books on for homework is not enough books for them to take books on the new homework we cant get a job because im black because this country is built off of black oppression and black pain best way made people say you know what the target is. Whole wall will give you more. Clues the government we won our freedom and we won enough to not ask for. This spiral downwards depending on who you believe in the media the civil unrest in america is the result of systematic racism this explains protest and writing but does it the commanding heights controlling the Financial System media and the Business World are those to admit its the economy stupid for them all these. According to several sources felice new United States kills from 2 to 4 people every day my. Head his hands. Say what am i being arrested for. Is just there. To establish they develop the us against. 2525 years as. I have to shoot someone told me. There is a corruption inside of the families while they think all surest path. Welcoming our viewers from around the world live from Central London this is r. T. U. K. Thank the n. H. S. Track and trace system wont be fully operational until september or october according to a c. B. S. Help figure out plans as the Police Reportedly consider developing their own system but number 10 who says this cant happen. Thanks be used chief negotiator hates out of the u. K. Government and accuses number 10 of story to progress on wreck said trade talks. And the equality watchdog launches an inquiry into what it says is entrenched racism against britains monologist and as black lives matter protests continue in the capital for the 3rd time in a week we hear from an Equality Campaign i. Am. The am thank you ok to track and trace system for preventing a 2nd wave of corona virus wont be fully operational and till september or october according to a Senior Health Service Figure thats despite the scheme being rolled out by the u. K. Government on monday altie your case Shadi Everest actually reports its only been 2 weeks since this we were out a test track increased appreciation that would be world beating but the only thing wild beating about the scheme seems to be the flaws really you know the World Health Organization right at the start of test test test we fell down the stairs who we didnt test as much as we should have done we were told testing was approved in Nursing Homes and now weve been told testing is that everyone took awhile to get testing to the numbers that we needed to be were still not there yet and this is another example of that you know we was moved to have it open really by july thats what we were told. Now were being told september not because of t. V. Issues those t. V. Issues was supposed to be in the trial but it wasnt really want to do. So the way test interest is supposed to walk is to fast test the people who are displaying symptoms and if they test positive the next stage is trace 25000 contact traces up and down the country have been hired to get in touch with infected people and ask about who theyve been in close proximity with then all of those people will also be told to stay at home for 14 days whether they fell ill or not the problem is it seems thousands of suspected cases are not getting the message the 1st few days the system went live there around 4 and a hong 1000 new cases of cope with 19 of those less than harmful contracted by n. H. S. Traces all selfrighteous on the website i think all of those because into context there actually thought to be 8000 new cases of 19 every single day the primary factor in the fight against the pandemic is to keep the on the below one and the government says the testing tray scheme is the way to do it but there are just those in the trace element of the test 12 and not yet its sort of cruising altitude for this but the number of tests is going to carry on going up and our ability to use the test weve got is going to carry on going up and this is going to carry on for quite some time before we get to the point i think that were all satisfied the government claims its met it selfimposed target of 200000 tests per day but even thats not enough according to say to the government scientific experts in order for the scheme to whack 80 percent of contacts need to isolate within 2 days the problem is that the town around time for test results is longer than the 40 hour when day so that to be affective you have to get peoples close contacts isolate within 48 hours if the test results themselves take 48 hours to come back that is going to be impossible oh my god the man that replaced him is how psychiatry says. The program is working wow i mean Boris Johnson promises that technically we come around within 24 hours by the end of june and thats because theyre inseparable had. The may have already met its biggest one public trust trade to say an average score that gives them a deep down from 2. 5 on the people say to expect that number is much more like that the government says it is civic duty to comply with rules relaxed and interpreted in various ways people simply wont tell themselves if theyve done the comings and bend the rules public trust in agreement is a lot. You know theres be errors made all the way through this whole outrage from the beginning to where we are now this. Is actually really a private company and that leads to the government themselves and how do you. So it seems unsurprising some people may not want to snitch on their friends but campaign is a warning thats also a privacy matter at stake here to the n. H. S. Privacy notice for the program says it gathers information including names addresses dates as one of the symptoms of individuals and those theyve been in contact with and that data will be stored for 20 is available to anyone in a role in the covert 1000 response the schemes already had to ditch the track elements of the program the noted app the government was trialing in may on the isle of wight to some very mixed reviews and coupled with the governments brat habits of announcing targets and missing them and criticism that the scheme was rushed forward to move attention from the dome that coming scandal could mean that testing trays might be dead on arrival shut every day are to u. K. London. Well professor of life Science Innovation Michael Lewis told me that if we dont get participation at 50 to 60 percent of the population the track and trace system wont work. One message im seeing so this is going to be available september october we see another message a couple of hours ago saying its going to be out this month im just concerned that we need to get this out to students. And i were Tech Companies a company my cheek here which runs the app in the u. K. For people to work with that you used the video calls but the truth is as well get medicines were listening to 1700000 users and theyre giving me any megaphone for information and feedback they say never straight about 2 things delays we should mention or there are some restraints about not being consulted about the information thats been stored about when it come about also and if we dont get or who are willing to participate and give details on the 2. 5 contacts you mentioned in your piece earlier then were going to get upset and you have to get up takes around about 50 to 60 percent to make the hour or say is there a better system thats actually in operation in another country that we could have followed up front launched back over a stock over it on tuesday they already have 600000 users. Even catalonia a region in spain has their code out switzerland south korea singapore straighter theres lots of countries all using an act that u. S. Troops dont like to boast of thems using the decentralized approach which is where you store your data on your phone your health data you offer rather than giving your data to this big monolithic data base somewhere i dont know. Or reports suggest the police are considering developing their own track and trace system but the possibility has been stymied by number 10 concerns were raised that the government system could shut down entire stations and jeopardize undercover offices the police had hoped officers who test positive would give their contacts to a separate police trace or not an n. H. S. One but the government has rejected this but to discuss the implications i was joined by former metropolitan Police Superintendent and the chair of the National Black Police Association the royal logan he told me that one sick officer could lead to a massive shortage in any police department. 1st resort roshans like terrorism or organized crime or there are you know high profile cases that you cannot compromise information by giving it to an independent trip tracking trace person so i think there needs to be some sort of compromise and getting certain specialized tracking trace officers. Are independent of the met but its not easily compromised and making sure that you know its for a purpose cidade also looking at the ramifications the police can shut down due to an outbreak can they that mean theyre already short staffed as it is. Absolutely and so far the numbers that are kept up quite stable of them thought it would have been a lot more sickness but fortunately its kept quite stable but yeah going by that track and trace system if someone you know units who are even a Police Station and you know that person been in touch with say half of their Response Team you know you might lose 1015 officers possibly and you know depending on how frequent officers touched on other units it could have massive implications for certain baro command units and other specialist units who are already strapped for employers now because of austerity and you know theyre trying to build up their numbers. And the news chief negotiator Michel Barnier a house his hat at the u. K. Government accusing it of storing progress on the brakes at trade talks it follows the conclusion of the latest round of discussions with r. T. You case is around he joins me now for more on this very says that the talks are not going smoothly are they know despite the fact of course we are dealing with the covert 19 outbreak talks have been going on between the u. K. And the e. U. However theres been very little in the way of progress those talks taking place virtually via d video link up of just seen the end of the 4th round of negotiations and as far as Michel Barnier the chief exec negotiator is concerned the blame for that lack of pro progress lies in one place we must stick to our commitments we want to move forward we engaged in this negotiation and debate as usual the joint political dicta ration that clearly sets out the terms of our future but. This document document is a very full into full not quitters. Including english. It is not difficult to read. We can review if i wish. And if the commission. Was negotiated with Prime Minister johnson. Yet round after round our british counterparts seek to distance themselves from this common basis now mr barnier believes that the u. K. Has been rolling back on the agreements made in the Withdrawal Agreement which is legally binding and also the political declaration which isnt now another Sticking Point seems to be the question of the transition period and whether or not to extend that period beyond december or the end of december this year now the e. U. Say that they would be willing to offer an extension however downing street have repeatedly said that thats not something they are going to be seeking leaving some to worry that no deal could be on the cards and as far as the u. K. Is chief negotiators david frost is concerned talks havent been completely negative but he has lamenting the fact that they have to take place via video link we have just completed our 4th full negotiating round but the e. U. Again by Video Conference it was a little shorter than usual and more restricted in scope we continue to discuss the full range of issues including the most difficult ones progress remains limited but our talks have been positive in tone negotiations will continue and we remain committed to a successful outcome we are now at an important moment for these talks we are close to reaching the limits of what we can achieve through the formats of remote formal rounds if we are to make progress it is clear that we must intensify and accelerate our work. Now of course with the lockdown measures being eased here in the u. K. And elsewhere around the world perhaps there could be a possibility of face to face talks taking place and politicians getting in a room and knocking Heads Together to try to get some type of deal in place as for the next meeting between the different sides well june the 19th thats going to be a virtual e. U. Summit and it wont just be the negotiators were there on the laden and on the way and Boris Johnson will be attending that and so there will be hopes that by involving the higher level players paps progress can finally be pained. That keyword perhaps indeed. Or perhaps it expert professor alex to reuters thinks the latest developments shouldnt come as a surprise. Well i think the stance of the take on all along is that they would prefer no deal to what they regard as a bad deal another would see it efficient stance and sure Free Trade Agreement made it clear that any time with continued great realignment in those 2 areas i mentioned light of those environment state relations etc so i think that for the brics a 2 year old was among some negotiating table at the heart of the government. Thats the preferred option and i think breaks it economically only has a logic if you want to bury gains if you want to move away from the regulatory standards otherwise whats the point of rex i think you know strip out the stuff around take back control and identity it fundamentally speaking economically because the take government wished she would differ male model matter if they want to try to go in the United States that would mean except the u. S. Agriculture status for example which are fundamentally incompatible with e. U. Standards so its for these reasons that i think the no deal looks increasingly likely and he considered the mechanics of the negotiations as you know the government montenegrin to my place and i managed to get one. Stated that you know we have until october to produce the great legal text that would then have to be approved by every of the 27. 00 e. U. National governments and in some cases regional governments will within the space of about 3 months an unlikely Withdrawal Agreement which only required a simple qualified majority. And a new trade agreement would have to be approved unanimously any Single National government or Regional Parliament in some cases could shoot it down or impose additional demands mean spanker example is clearly a strong use over sovereignty on gibraltar. So that on the staff. There is a quality watchdog stance a private and what it calls a Structural Racism in British Society we have many Quality Campaigned on. Is your media a reflection of reality. I am in a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Directly to. What is true what is great. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. Welcome back britain is a quality watchdog is has launched an inquiry into what it calls the countrys structural race inequality highlighted by the coronavirus pandemic the equality and Human Rights Commission says urgent action must be taken to address imbalances across housing employment education and the Justice System it comes after the government promised a review of inequality is a virus infection death waits across areas like gender ethnicity employment and geography but the watchdog has accused the return of not engaging with minorities over the impact of the lockdown in areas such as the rest of the fierce political economy the age r. C. Chair david isaacs said tackling race inequality benefits society as a whole now is a once in a generational but unity to tackle longstanding entrenched racial inequalities we intend to use our stock to tory powers to address the loss of lives and livelihoods of people from different ethnic minorities only by taking focused action to tackle race inequality across britain we become a fair country in which every individual can reach their full potential everyone must live and Work Together in order to create a stronger economy and a Cohesive Society when it comes protesters in london bristol and manchester gathered to take a knee in solidarity with george floyd the black man killed by police in the u. S. Last month its the 3rd black lives out of protest in the capital this mike with thousands marching from ipart Parliament Square on wednesday and meanwhile the Health Secretary has warned against further protests citing a social distancing concerns. Like so many im appalled by the death of george floyd and i understand why people are deeply upset but were still facing a Health Crisis and coronavirus remains a real threat. And the reason that its vital that people stick to the rules this weekend is to protect themselves and their family from this horrific disease so please for the safety of your loved ones do not attend large gatherings including demonstrations of more than 6 people but a Quality Campaign a kindly on a low day thinks the governments own review is looking at race as a political issue rather than a Public Health one theres certainly racism in housing in terms of problems in the employment market but theres also a lot of things thats changed in British Society and for the better and id like to think that for example our police see. Very many. Deaths. Even in this country at the hands of. Police in acrimonious circumstances i wouldnt equate what happens in america with what happens here nothing thats in the data looking at the wider implications than what attitudes in white a society and also government actions need to change. I think certainly the question of how the government has approached. The Public Health. Review in terms of it seems to be much more up his career poor about race rather than actually looking at it through the prism of a health emergency. And there are serious aspects of that review that some i think havent gone far enough in terms of for example the question of the p. P. A. Health stuff the question of relationships around occupations exposed to. Cocreate situations in you know in. Supermarkets in transport and i think that there are areas where the government can actually have an impact in terms of making improvement. And im enjoying find the vice chair of the social policy a great race on the agenda thats Morris Mcleod morris thank you for joining us we have the most racially diverse cabinet in our history well thats really the result of the systematic racism is it. Thats to be honest when when you look in a systematic racism its its such a distraction to the individual you can you can say oh oh theres no systematic racism because that footballer gets lots of money all all those nice sexism because Margaret Thatcher is a woman no its a. Its a city argument and im afraid that takes us away from actually discuss and what we should be discussing she is fix and fix and the inequalities that ive always been. You know kind of it shone a massive lights on it and now the now whats happened in america has really brought it to the forefront so as well were going to incredible moment with go weve got such an opportunity and its really important that we dont let this just be yet another flash and pan into a ball game and they came up about the most racially diverse cabinet comes on the back of an equality as minister coming about an upset about being as being one of the best places in the world to be black what do you think i cannot on the surface sound you know. Cynical or whatever but its at such a pointless thing to say that the rapid dave. I think wisely said that its not competition it doesnt its not its not about you know that the least racist is still racist its not comparing one country sinatra its pointless there are massive problems in britain we you know with the im glad the chelsea is is is is doing this investigation but we have had so many reports that show in every aspect of life you know theres still massive discrimination in britain suddenly to say oh but weve got a diverse cabinet all you know we dont get killed you know on the streets by police as often as they do in america therefore its great to be back in britain its just its just been a. I could type she would engage with the conversation a bit better than that thats a flippant and so the things i wrote about what you said also about batting choirs as well the h. S. A. I mean what types to you have for it. You know evil is going to go into d things positively so. That im glad this happened in shouldve happened i. E. D. Is a gun clearly im worried that ends up just being another report that says stuff that we all know just like. The Public Health england report did you know didnt really tell us anything new this this report has to come out with. Him and i sions they have to have and they have to be and that they have to we have to actually move forward rather than just have another you know another poll that just tells us stuff that we know so i want to be positive. History makes me makes me tiny the slightest bit skeptical and so what can the positive line that nice i think what will help change this i mean kind of mean government led or does this change need to come from the bottom up or a joined up policy. In these to be it needs to be everything yes of course government sex laws so you have been in government really matters what happens on a local authority you know level really matters but the change comes from the ground up the idea is. You know one of the issues i think certainly with the black community with loads of marginalized communities is that when the things happen to them politics is something that happens down on top of them for once it would be wonderful if you know that the brits feel that little can lets listen to them thats thats how we get there whatever the hell secretary or you might have the Health Secretary in the saying about protest saying no more process over 6 people other people saying as you said sort of you know the while the honest and say that all the rest of it but what about the ramifications if off to the protests there is a spike in the coronavirus which means its more lockdown which affects the economy which affects the ethnic minorities base means an even bigger round rebound on the people who are on the process in the 1st place what do you want to thing with it. You know its its bigger than an effect on the economy its that its a fact communities that. Die and disproportionately from this advice and they dont say anything that wrists raised in raising the epidemic level again lightly axel having said that sexually distant. Responsible Peaceful Demonstrations absolutely absolutely this is a really important political manifesto to many young people out there as well finally fein and the like and that change cap and happen. To be honest its more important than lazing around on a beach its more important than getting football back its more important than any of those sorts of things so yes of course people need to be responsible but i dont think the Health Secretary is the sole person should be telling people that they cant demonstrate and funny that norris but not an ethnic minority communities whats a message to take away to help better understand what minorities guys from. I mean you know it feels like this is going for our i fret my life if i conversations with people its always safer or wouldnt people feel defensive if we can get beyond that if we can get beyond owner called the color me names they think im racist get beyond that and get beyond fear of not knowing german asked questions come in so it was a genuine it in a ive got all the time in the world for people coming to me of genuine inquere inquiries or genuinely trying to work out how we get some a fairer place and it fills like a hump it fills like for once people listen in im not going to be good race again that theyre actually paying attention. On and pull up to miss that so open communication is the chaos that we cite they deal day over as ours because like you very much for joining us. Now almost half the primary schools in england have chosen not to reopen for more pupils despite the governments call to allow more children to return to school u. K. Prime minister baraks johnson had advised schools in england to bring back reception year one and year 6 pupils from june the 1st as the government started a multiphase easing of the lockdown measures before this week most children had been studying online at home and schools were open only for Vulnerable Children and those of kin workers but a survey by the National Education union revealed that 44 percent of schools did not open more widely on monday in some regions such as the east of england only 50 percent of schools chose to admit more students just 37 percent in the east midlands and 32 percent in london followed suit while only 12 percent opened in the northeast and 8 percent in the northwest where department for education spokesperson says the government will continue to support those schools who havent yet been able to reopen from this week many schools have begun welcoming children from reception year one and year 6 back to the classroom as part of a phased in cautious approach to prepare for this head teachers and school staff have been doing an excellent job including putting protective measures in place and engaging with parents and children we will continue to support schools who havent yet been able to open more widely to do so as soon as possible or meanwhile scientific modeling from the university of warrick suggests the gradual reopening of schools is unlikely to result in a 2nd wave of infections the Research Also shows that reducing social distancing between adults is more likely to spark a rise in new cases well a former regional secretary at the National Union of teachers Martin Powell davis told me that one study doesnt necessarily need reopening is safe. Well thats one particular study from one particular group the research is there are other studies for example the independent social group made very clear that they felt that schools would become institutional amplified if i opened more widely but i think the real issue is whichever research or a sparrow how are we going to know and the fact is that without the testing and tracking and isolation protocols being in place then if the number starts a rise then we will not be open to keep it under control and i think that is the real concern the fact that some of the skills of not opening more widely i think speaks for itself that parents and schools do not believe what we governments are saying they do not believe that things are at this stage. Colleagues who are to america will now take over but for the team here in westminster like. A matter of more of my guide to financial survival this is. A device used by professional galley legs to earn money. Thats right these has taught are completely not accountable and were just getting more and more to them

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