Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20240712

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Hello and welcome to crossfire where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle the spiral downwards depending on who you believe in the media the civil unrest in america is the result of systematic racism this explains protests and rioting but does it the commanding heights controlling the Financial System the media and the Business World are loath to admit it its the economy stupid for them race always trumps class. To discuss this and more im joined by my guest Jason Nichols in l. The cut city is a professor of africanamerican studies and in new york we cross to Margaret Kimberly she is the editor and senior columnist at the black gender report as well as the author of the book prejudicial black america and the president s all right cross up rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it ok lets 1st go to margaret here in my introduction i said that race always trumps class and if you look at Mainstream Media particularly the liberal media that is the message you get over and over and over again now were remarkably we actually are still in the middle. A pandemic. Tens of millions of people have lost their job weve seen 2 acts of congress and the inaction of a president the people that have the most money are protected and now we have this horrific death of george lloyd which i think it was very i was very pleased that there was a universal virtually universal reaction to this this is this was an atrocity but that seems so long ago when we think of the problem of the riots and continued protests and the actions of the president here but the messages are always on race and i think thats misguided because at the end of the day this is a class issue it always is a class of go ahead well you know in the end you as a race determine what class one is in we cant say theres no clean dividing line in this country and floyds death is something that happens every day to a black person by the way every day to 3 people in this country an average of 3 People Killed by the police and racism is a big part of that so this story begins with racism and racism thats practiced all the time mostly against black people but i think the reaction to it as you say they were both in was universal and i think the protests obviously were sparked by his chilling but i think they are sustained and growing because of anger about many things in this country people are suffering people are struggling it is something that is almost for been to talk about its not an issue in politics the Corporate Media doesnt say anything about it we already had an economy that was not doing as well as we were told when we speak of jobs growth its low wage were. Its getting work its all its not anything that its not moving which were so people were already struggling and now more than 30000000 are unemployed as a result of the pandemic any shutdowns of the current teens so i think there are people who are angry about a lot and while the killing of this man was the spark and there would be im sure a reaction across the country but it has sustained in small mentum because of the insecurity that people feel and the anger they have which is rarely. Now in it because i mean as we spoke right before this recording is that you know i think all across the country obviously this was a catalyst theres no doubt about that ok. But you know that the phrase i cant breathe and i think that that that that goes across race because i think what the media does in the Political Classes they dont want to talk about the structural deficiencies of the economy why they are there so many low paid jobs again for example again this is a direct this one to the democrats why are so many cities so badly run and run down ok and taking responsibility for that is well so is jason i guess im going to throw to you what i said in the introduction about systematic racism that does and does. Race always trump a class in american politics. Well again you know i would echo everything that m. R. Who just said i think she said a very eloquently in terms of race and class intersecting of course theres no question that there are poor white people and that you have outliers of a well to do black people but i would also add when we connected to the unrest that weve seen i dont know a black man and i know poor black people i know working class that are middle class and i know very well to do black people and i dont know. One africanamerican man who doesnt have a story about an encounter with the police so some of this actually does transcend class when i go out you know i generally im not wearing a shirt and tie and you know one would think i used theyve you know i would age out of certain encounters with the police and you know in my early fortys and you see george ford was 46 walter scott was in his fiftys so again this is something that for black men seems to transcend age it seems to transcend class so i think a lot of people you know when they saw george floyd they saw their fathers you know women you know washing say women i should say partners saw their their partners their husbands enjoy floyd and we cant forget that these are things are happening to black women as well with Briana Taylor and you know many of the other cases of black women who have suffered at the hands of police so i think that while we can talk about the class impact of course theres been a serious impact more on working class communities and while we talk about george floyd we shouldnt necessarily think that these are the George Floyd Protests these george floyd was just the straw that broke the camels back if you look at what the police were doing in york city they were going around during this pandemic and in the village and in the wealthy white or areas they were handed out masks you know when you went you know north of 96th street into you know upper manhattan and into the rocks they were punching people in the face so i think a lot of people you know in arresting them so i think there was an explosion that was going to happen. And you know you can talk also you mention the democratic control of cities and i think that you know there is a valid point that. You know some democrats have failed in their marriage rid of cities however and a lot of the citys mares are blocks its we think its be very transparent but then in some cases even the Police Chiefs are black but what im saying is a lot of this is systemic and when you have a system it doesnt necessarily White Supremacy a systemic some dont necessarily its not about whos at the head of the system in addition the states like of course in the Baltimore Area but the state is run by a Republican City there and dont. Depend on the state when we dont get the senate races and we go to market right now and then if we get it if its so literally black and white a lot about broken americans participate in the political process in this systematic racism i mean you know Police Chiefs and counselors and all kinds of things like this and then they need they need then it becomes very political because and you have i think in the state of washington you know its basically its ok to write its ok to destroy property but not much and in a certain level i think all of us kind of agree with that but what if you destroying property of a person of color that started a business thats their whole life its that you know thats it and then it goes right back to an economic issue go ahead yeah well this you know the Political Leadership though our own status mean even the black mayors the democrat here in new york city we have the liberal bill de blasio liberal mayor. But they often go back on the same pro status meant troops when Something Like this happened so over the weekend too there were 2 incidents of Police Vehicles driving into a crowd of protesters and the blasio he backtracked later but it 1st he descended the police he said if youre tat least youre attacking everyone. He made statements in favor of them in the police state. Despite all his genuflecting thats another issue but most of these mayors are pro establishment and they work within the system that the larger system that as we just talked about doesnt work for anybody so they and the do i believe republicans and democrats that also is not always not such a clean dividing line blasio has gotten in trouble for taking Campaign Money from anybody from everybody so we see in new york politicians like our mayor bill de blasio who markets themselves as a liberal that was his whole Campaign Slogan the tale of 2 cities he was going to do better for working people in so forth he made a big deal about having an interracial family but when this these demonstrations started he turned into the status mint all the titian again very proclivities even after police broke into a crowd 2 instances of that he defended them then he had to backtrack now theres a curfew. Last night you had a curfew in new york you have to be inside by 888 pm or we can be arrested so a lot of these labels. Democratic politicians are not any thing that we can say is really let lets talk about labels here jason what is the difference between prosthetics and protesting and rioting and looting because i see the liberal media really and you know its. Basically peaceful protesting but then theres tons of footage of extreme violence and looting and destruction i mean it seems to me that theyre trying to reinvent language in a normal well in ways that basically everythings fine and everyones just doing what theyre doing now you cant ever get responsibility yourself or heads were not i think that there definitely needs to drop the stench. In between destruction of property and violence. The president named for example when his were proper marks he needed to violate the altar cations and one where he said that this man had been beaten within an inch of his life. But neglects to say is that that man ran out into the middle of the street with a samurai sward you know and got beat up and you know while thats a tragic 6 encounter its not this you know helpless person or this person just standing in front of their business he went out he engaged the protesters with a weapon and you know caught them you know the short end of the stick. I do think that there is a difference between you know an uprising which is whenever there is an oppressive authoritarian force and people have a political response to that whether its organized or disorganized that is an uprising thats literally the definition of a not right when you look at whats happening for many people and thats not all of the people who are out there because there are some people who are doing this for their own purposes but the majority other people who are out there are i think even the ones who are engaging in destruction of property are carrying out an uprise again that im going to get to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion on race and class state with our. Analysis so seems wrong. But all wrong just dont call. Me ill get to see her out. Just being educated and gains from it equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. There was a clip of she will be more use to you. But its always a good story to more on the late. But not you know. The media what happens today they put us in a movie at the curb put up by a swiss a little dash of the book at her to the court that at the day i. Do they take yes. Yes. Welcome back to crossed up were all things are considered to mind you were discussing race and class. Mother let me go back to you i mean we were talking about in the 1st part of the program the difference when protesting in writing and there are so many different motives people may have i mean i dont think people were thinking and i hope people werent that you mr floyd when they were stealing night he shoots ok i hope thats not the case but i have i have to agree with jason when hes talking about uprising but then again that means something to different people is well ok and what i think one of the saddest things thats poisoned our politics is it all busts and i think the media does this it was we have preconceived ideas about other people about where theyre from way they look and this is kind of neat jerk reaction and you know what it is its fear on all sides and i think that is whats really sad here and i will not back away that this is a class issue because there is so much pressure on the middle class the middle class is been decimated and whats really sad and i think this is actually proven is that since the Civil Rights Movement so many people of color were able to move into the middle class and how that great would be the dream that we all have about middle class america because it was a middle class country its no longer a middle class country it is an underclass and a. Very very small a small group of very powerful rich people that have congress in their pocket do you agree or disagree but lets absolutely true living wage work has been decimated in this country as something that black people depended upon to be able to buy homes and send their kids to college all of those markers that we think of as being middle class which is a kind of amorphous. Term that it makes you feel good president and makes you feel you thats your cause. But its the people at the top who you mentioned who are responsible for this destruction the finance capitalists decided that we didnt need to make anything in america anymore. And so these manufacturing jobs disappeared their whole portions of this country im a midwestern are by birth and. Yes and every time i visit family in the midwest in ohio and other states it looks worse and worse and worse. And so now we have but its never acknowledged its never talked about politicians dont mention it because they rely on people who give them money they dont care a Corporate Media they dont care they are rather elite institutions they dont have any connections with working people they dont cover working people who have a labor beat any more. So we have these people who are treated as if they dont exist and i also think that and its not uncommon actually for protest to begin over some very bright his issue people have well founded righteous indignation but it sets off a lot of emotions there people who. You know the not the heads for lack of a better term who will take advantage just because people are out into the streets and inspires. Positive a lot mostly positive i would say. A lot of negative too but i think we have to remember this all started with great injustice and everyone should be working to stop this system that put 2000000 people in jail george fluid was arrested because of a 20. 00 bill that was allegedly counterfeit that puts people in jail and americans love to talk about human rights everywhere else in the world but you cant have 2000000. 00 people in jail and talk about human rights abuses everywhere else so i think there has to be a discussion about all of this all of these things that we talk about when people are needs are acknowledged i think. And when people institutions like the police are kept in check i think so much of what weve been discussing can be you know jason money looting abhorrence and or to any and doing to macys fine they got their insurance theyre all covered ok its the Small Businesses and its the mom and pops at it and are breaking for me here but you know when people bring up the issue of looting i think about a different kind of looting ok i think about the looting of the middle class for 40 years ok and i really find it really rich when it comes to media figures and hollywood types of ok when they opine on what theyre basically less thoughts in my opinion they met they dont add any its all birds you signally but you know the media it and i go back to is it you know if they if its race race race race everythings races but you know what is it it hurts everyone when you have when you hollow out the middle class again the middle class in my mind is a place for all and thats where we find our great strength ok and when you poll that out it hurts everyone here and again the media covers this looting thats going. We in this stimulus bailout just another huge transfer well upwards and now we have we basically have a civil war or a revolution against the working people from the top down do you agree with that or now so i agree with with many elements of what you said. First of all i do agree with something you said earlier and that is that middle class is kind of this you know and i maybe as margaret said it is a more focused and may not even exist i think it was the playwright August Wilson who said if you cant quit your job today and live at the same standard of living for 2 years then your core and you know i know me you know i it you know im live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood but if i would have who was my my Employment Today you know next month im scrambling you know to me and 3 months on you know probably out of my year so i think that there is. You know this this idea that theres this middle class and 80 percent of americans or those 85 percent i believe of americans identify as middle class now you want to tell us there are a lot of poor people because we demonize poverty itself that you know that theyre like im poor you know there was. A middle class there was a joke by 4. The great comedian eddie murphy where he talked about everybody was poor neighborhood but if you can afford to get that ice cream you know to me and you know the other kids ruined your got ice cream your moms all welfare you know when they all lived in the same community you know i mean they are had pretty much the same Family Structure you know everybody was poor but because you couldnt afford ice cream that day you know all of a sudden you were somehow worse you know do you think i lived in a Small Community outside of denver colorado. It was lily white but the same issue of club the same exact may apply right there margaret and mary ok in again you know losing your job poverty its a shameful element of American Culture here but you know you know if youre told you cant work you cant go to work you cant murder living for yourself and your family then then again i criticize the structural deficiencies of the economy if youre telling people you cant go to work then you better you have to compensate them ok but no thats not what the 1200. 00 check or whatever you know thats going to pay off debt thats not going to put food on the table here how can the absence of any interest in the in the concerns of the conditions of the middle class and working people i find of corinth and theres nothing out there to change it because were all focused on race race breaks go ahead mark youre like well there are if. Youre lucky if you know and its black people who suffer the most because youre less likely to have Family Wealth to have assets were more likely to spend upon a salary and if anything happens to that sound we are in very very deep trouble and the fact that they do not believe the Political Class the people who go through the motions of opposing each other that they decided 1200. 00 was the maximum for any anyone in this country regardless of circumstance it tells you where we stand the minimum wage hasnt gone up for years and the democrats the 1st 2 years obama was in office and democrats controlled everything they didnt do anything about it either so we are living in this Dystopian Nightmare where we are told that our problems dont exist theyre not acknowledged theyre not talked about policy People Campaign for office pretending that they care. About this and then they wonder why only half the public bother to show up tomorrow in the state of california in the state of california at local politicians are almost 0 universally elected on health care for single payer and when they get the power i mean its the peoples republic of california for gods sake and they still wont do it they still did all they did to do it and then when they get power oh we dont have the money and that is the myth that has been exploded this endemic and this crisis theres tons of money when you want something ok but if youre going to give people a step up across the board to middle class they just deny jason last 30 seconds go to you im sorry but well the only thing that i want to say is and its adding to what marc rich has stated and that is that there is a difference between being american middle class and being black american middle class i think that those are 2 very different constructions for example in boston massachusetts the media Household Income or the median Household Net Worth is 2 147000. 00 for africanamericans in that same area its 8. 00 so again you see the stark difference where people are or worse you know what they have in their wallet versus people who have homes you know Home Ownership 40 percent for africanamericans were at a rather of a 50 year low right now 40 percent for africanamerican 70 percent for a reason are almost out of time and i am not going to contest anything you said but you know im really tired of rich white liberals saying well at least im not racist ok and then that this cleans their conscience addressing the structural economic problems of the United States and affect all people thats all the time we have here on a great market and i want to thank jason for being on our program when i think our viewers are watching us here. Nixon remember. According to several sources felice in the United States kills from 2 to 4 people every day. Had his hand. With said i was there when the 1st one of my being arrested for players fun for me and. That is just their little world to establish they developed just us against them and. How long culture 02525 years has been forced or had to shoot someone quoting you know. There is a corruption inside of the police while they think all sure is. We go to work so you stay home for. America was never great was founded on the rapes in the murder. Nothing changed so we said all response to these situations that we dealing with. People get shot every other day she is just sad people kill each other blacks are killing children. How. Soon is just no way that people are going to just sit back and allow children to be shot down law enforcement. This country doesnt work for us it doesnt function for us. This is cant be happening in america we call from the streets we got to deal with this is the reason i have to ride like this is the reason. When all the troops seem wrong. But all. Just dont hold. Me to be forget to stamp out these days to come to educate and gain from it because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Welcoming our viewers from around the world live from Central London this is r. T. U. K. Bet h. S. Track and trace systems wont be fully operational until september or october according to a Senior Health figure thats as the police are reportedly considering developing their own system but number 10 says this card company ill be joined by former Police Superintendent. These chief negotiator heads out to the u. K. Government and accuses number 10 of storing progress on breaks at trade talks ill be talking to a former m. E. P. Equality watchdog launches an inquiry into what it says is entrenched racism against britains minorities as its black lives matter protests continue in the capital of the said time in a week we hear from a Charity Supporting minority communities. And this is conviction for obstructing police after refusing 23. 00 requests to get out if a car is overturned to 12 lack of evidence. The track and trace system for preventing a 2nd wave of coronavirus wont be fully operational until september or october according to a Senior Health Service Figure thats just by the ski being rolled out by the government on monday r t u k should it ever Study Reports its only been 2 weeks since this we were out a test track increased appreciate. The world beating but the only thing wild the thing about the scheme seems to be the flaws really you know the World Health Organization right at the test test test we fell down we didnt you know as much as we should have done we were told testing was a proof. And now weve been so testing is that everyone took awhile to get to the numbers that we needed to be were still not there yet and this is another example of that you know we was to have it open really. What we were told now were being told september not because of t. V. Issues those t. V. Issues were supposed to be in the trial but it wasnt really want to be. And so the way test interest is supposed to walk is to fast test the people who are displaying symptoms and if they test positive the next stage is trace 25000 contact traces up and down the country have been hired to get in touch with infected people and ask about who theyve been in close proximity with then all of those people will also be told to stay at home for 14 days whether they fell ill or not the problem is it seems thousands of suspected cases are not getting the message the 1st few days the system went live there around 4 and a half 1000 new cases of cope with 19 of those less than half were contacted by n. H. S. Traces all selfrighteous and on the web site i think all of those because into context theyre actually thought to be 8000 new cases of 19 every single day the primary factor in the fight against the pandemic is to keep the on the below one and the government says the testing tray scheme is the way to do it but there are just those in the trace element of the test want to and not yet its sort of cruising altitude for this but the number of tests is going to carry on going up and our ability to use the test weve got is going to carry on going up and this is going to carry on for quite some time before we get to the point i think that were all satisfied the government claims its met it selfimposed target of 200000 tests per day but even thats not enough according to save the government scientific experts in order for the scheme to whack 80 percent of contacts need to isolate within 2 days the problem is that the town around time for test results. Its longer than that 40 hour when day so that to be effective you have to get peoples close contacts i said within 48 hours the test results themselves take 48 hours to come back that is going to be impossible not to call the man that replaced him as house secretary says the program is lacking wow i didnt vote for it johnson promises that technically we turn around within 24 hours by the end of june and thats because theyre inseparable had. The may have already met its biggest one public trust trait to say an average score that gives them the details of 2. 5 of the people say to expect that number is much more like that the government says it is civic duty to comply but with rules relaxed and interpreted in various ways people simply wont tell themselves if theyve done the comings and bent the rules public trust in agreement is a lot of money. You know theres be errors made all the way through this whole outrage from the beginning to the way we are now this is some concern whos actually really is a private company and that leads to the government themselves and how do you might be so it seems unsurprising some people may not want to snitch on their friends but campaign is a warning thats also a privacy matter at stake here to the n. H. S. Privacy notice for the program says it gathers information including names addresses dates back as well as symptoms of individuals and those theyve been in contact with and that data will be stored for 20 is available to anyone in a role in the kopechne 1000 response the schemes already had to ditch the track elements of the program the noted app the government was trialing in may on the isle of wight to some very mixed reviews and coupled with the governments brad habits of announcing targets and missing them and criticism that the scheme was rushed forward to move attention from the dome that coming scandal could mean that testing trace might be dead on arrival chad. Exactly r. T. U. K. London. The report suggests the police are considering developing their own a track and trace system for the possibility has been stymied by number 10 concerns were raised that the government system would shut down entire stations or jeopardize undercover officers the police had hoped offices who would test test positive would give their contacts to a separate police tracer not an n. H. S. One but the government is rejecting this duty to discuss this are now joined by former metropolitan Police Superintendent and chair of basis o. C. A. The royal oak of new i thank you for joining us why would the price need their own Contact Tracing system if the system is already complicated enough as it is you know about that you have to take into account some Specialist Operations going terrorists in organized crime or there are you know high profile cases that you cannot compromise information by giving it to an independent trip tracking traced closely so i think there needs to be some sort of compromise im getting certain specialized tracking trace officers. Are independent of the met but not easily compromised. Making sure that you know its for probes and it also looking at the ramifications the police can shut down due to an outbreak can they that mean theyre already short staffed as it is. Absolutely and so far the numbers of kept up quite stable of them thought they would have been a lot more sickness but fortunately its kept quite stable but yeah going by that track and trace system if someone you know units who are even a Police Station and you know that person been in touch with say half of their Response Team you know you might lose 1015 officer possibly and you know depending on how frequent off this touched on other units it could have massive implications for certain baro command units and other specialist units who are already strapped for employers know because of austerity and you know theyre trying to build but in numbers and that was the solution that they were what do you think. Well i think there needs to be some form of understanding of the operational imperative i know it is subject to risk because you know if anyone gets really ill and you know there is that possibility they could litigate it because the government or the commissioner or a chief constable because weve seen in america where certain people are im suing their local governor or mayor or chief or department because you know that their next of kin or their sabir is gone down hand with corona so you know theyve got to understand the operational maze especially its a high profile incident or high profile crime and so you know its going to be just the not contacts and with any talk about the context as well a word you think we will see a rise in crime. Well but youre already seeing a rise in crime you know violent crime. Im profoundly cross border cant you know im drug offenses on the increase and of course we are seeing Domestic Violence and there is other offenses in the home and of Course Online grooming on the increase and for online offenses are increasing significantly so you know unfortunately crime is is on the increase and then were coming into the some appearance i recall that the silly season where things go horribly wrong at times you know and it spills out the street so it were in for a challenge and a loss you want to lose a lot of schools to try and trace they were logan thank you very much indeed for joining us well they use chief negotiator Michel Barnier has hit out at the u. K. Government accusing it of storing progress on the brakes a trade talks it follows the conclusion of the latest round of discussions with r. T. You can easily joins me now for more on this hi there isa say talks are not very smoothly are they know of course weve been seeing of course during the length of this covert 19 pandemic the inability of people to hold those talks face to face but they have been taking place virtually and weve just seen the end of the 4th round of the gauche ations between the e. U. And the u. K. However things arent progressing at any place that would be acceptable to either side really and weve been hearing from the chief negotiator Michel Barnier whos quite clear as to where he believes the blame lies we must stick to our commitments we want to move forward. We engaged in this negotiation and debate is usually the joint political dictator ration that clearly sets out the terms of our future but. This document the document is a very bore into full non quitters. Including english. It is not difficult to read it. We can reach it if i wish. And if the corporation was negotiated with Prime Minister of johnson. Yet round after round our british counterparts seek to distance themselves from this common basis now mr barney i believes that the u. K. Rollback from their commitments in both the Withdrawal Agreement which is legally binding and the political declaration which is another issue which seems to be a Sticking Point between both sides is the question of the end of the transition period now the european side have offered to extend it beyond december 31st of this year but downing street have repeatedly stated that they wont be seeking an extension to that transition period which has led some observers to believe that the u. K. Would be perfectly happy with a no deal out weve also been hearing from so david frost hes the u. K. s chief negotiator when it comes to those breaks it talks and hes also been lamenting the fact that you discovered 19 these negotiations have had to take place surely. We have just completed our 4th full negotiating round with the e. U. Again by Video Conference it was a little shorter than usual and more restricted in scope we continue to discuss the full range of issues including the most difficult ones progress remains limited but our talks have been positive in tone negotiations will continue and we remain committed to a successful outcome we are now at an important moment for these talks we are close to reaching the limits of what we can achieve through the formats of remote formal rounds if we are to make progress it is clear that we must intensify and accelerate our work now or perhaps we could see some face to face talks taking place as of course locked down measures are eased and perhaps we could be seeing politicians sitting down in a room and knocking Heads Together but before that in june the 19th were going to be seeing a Virtual Summit and it wont just be the negotiators taking place will be seeing vandelay and and also the u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson taking part in those talks and hoping that progress can be made thats a key word isnt a hoping thank you very much and it was just this i am now joined by former independent m. E. P. A. Andrew. For more of the ramifications of the rex it talks andrew then so Michael Bonnie it was pretty scathing with his words earlier its not a great sign of progress is it no i think it is really pretty its pretty useless but only 8 people in this blame game we knew he was going to start the blame game to try and cover his tracks but its very difficult for people looking at to know who is responsible. I think the problem we weve got a major problem im going to explain that number and then ill give you a potential solution the problem as i said is that the negotiations have been put in the hands of a small Minority Group a powerful group that really been hell bent on trying to punish the u. K. For leaving and knowing full well if they didnt give britain a tough time others would leave and that was well known through shown by shortly after the referendum but then the french president made it very clear that we must be of there to take appropriate action stop other people leaving but really looking at objectively britain has been offered to assume a trade deal that the e. U. Have already offered to bikes of canada and japan but are using the excuse that we cant have those same terms because were too close and that is really a disingenuous argument and doesnt stack up well ok so i understand you think were heading towards a no dale it could be but i think this is where the solution comes i think the most powerful voice in europe will start to come into play Angela Merkel because she will bring home a bit of common sense should say and make sure because the real harm will be also to germany and europe in a no deal so anticipate that Angela Merkel will be the peacemaker and really try and bring about a common sense because there are a number of people even other foreign any piece in the parliament who are really unhappy how Michel Barnier was conducting matters and wanted in place so i think it plays into the hand of merkel coming in and trying to bring together a deal but if anyone whos ever seen the e. U. In play will know that this is a normal tactics they will run things to the to the 11th hour you know blame everyone else but the e. U. Is a very powerful Organization Look as. The whole staff would call an empath and say lets also that under the us have a look at the point of view this and the u. K. Government is ignoring the promises that its made and its almost as though whitehall is deliberately derailing the talks so is it a case of is this a sort of a no deal by stealth i think anyone who looked at that little declaration it was so full of it and its an ambiguity you can examine a coach out or sit through it so anyone can use it as an excuse thats one of the side has an on it it im not into that but the bottom line is they dont want to give us a similar deal that theyve offered to canada or japan because if they are very fearful that a very strong and independent u. K. Will encourage others to leave i dont agree with i mean dont get me wrong im not anti europe on been in business in europe for over 20 years and we should continue im not happy being controlled by an undemocratic organization like the you were given that they are at your air expense then how do you see the next round of talks panning out i think youll see merkel put real pressure on it and i think by the bucket by mere stays will have tremendous pressure put on him to start conduct himself in a different way otherwise we will be forced to have to leave is large and you think i mean if you for example said you have a desire on buying a house but suddenly the seller said oh you can have it double the market value youll be forced to walk away but the problem i dont have problem is that under the people didnt actually vote for no deal breck said no did they not know lets get it straight i mean thats not i think a fair argument what they voted to leave the e. U. That meant leaving the control of the e. U. Thats what they voted for and that in so that if that meant leaving the jurisdiction and the common Union Members thats what we vote and we must all know that referendum whether wed like to or not we must honor it because thats really important it undercut thank you very much indeed for your thoughts i thank you very much like. So you got in the south. The u. K. Supports you what starts a probe into what he calls a Structural Racism in British Society we hear from a Charity Supporting minority communities. Is youll be via reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Tyson nation the whole community. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Maybe in the shallows. Seemed wrong but all wrong just dont call. Me lol but you get to shape out these days he comes to advocate and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Welcome back britains equality watchdog is launching an inquiry into what it calls the countrys structural race inequality highlighted by the coronavirus pandemic the equality and Human Rights Commission says urgent action must be taken to address imbalances across housing employment education and the Justice System it comes after the government promised a review of equal inequalities in virus infection and death rates across areas like gender ethnicity employment and geography but the watchdog has accused number set of not engaging with minorities over the impact of the lockdown in areas such as Domestic Abuse or the good economy will each r. C. Chair david isaacs said tackling race inequality benefit society as a whole now is a once in a generational but unity to tackle longstanding entrenched racial inequalities we intend to use our stock to tory powers to address the loss of lives and livelihoods of people from different ethnic minorities only by taking focused action to tackle race inequality across britain we become a fact country in which every individual can reach their full potential everyone must live and Work Together in order to create a stronger economy and a Cohesive Society where all this comes as protesters in london bristol and manchester gathered to taken me in solidarity with george freud a black man killed by police in the us last month its the surge of black lives matter protests in the capital this week with thousands marching from my heart to Parliament Square on wednesday. Or for more of this im joined by Equality Campaign cruelly a low day currently thank you for joining me to what extent do you agree with the h r c that the u. K. Is structurally racist. I think there seems to be at the moment in history area around the question of race. Driven by oversea covariate and whats happened recently around george floyd in america. The commission was formed out of the community. Commission for racial equality. One might wonder where theyve been for the last 20 years. Yes there are problems in relation to racism in this country but to simply. Heighten the polls fear is a particular young peoples fear is that were living through some kind of. Heavily racist i think is as dangerous dimensions that is where were actually represents a society in a way that actually i think is inaccurate theres certainly racism in housing in terms of problems in the employment market but theres also a lot of things thats changed in British Society for the better and id like to think that for example policing whilst there have been many. Deaths even in this country at the hands of. Police in acrimonious circumstances i wouldnt quite what happens in america what happens here and i think thats in the data that were looking at the wider implications and whats going to change it like a society and also government actions need to change. I think certainly the question of how the government has approached. The public health. Review in terms of it seems to be much more critical report about race rather than actually looking through the prism of. Health emergency. There are serious aspects of that review that i think havent gone far enough in terms of for example the question of p. P. D. Health stuff the question of relationships around occupations. Exposed to. Cope with situations. In. Supermarkets in transport and i think that there are areas where the government can actually have an impact in terms of making improvements but on the broader question of race certainly. The employment market remains a big problem the question of policing i think has changed but we still are subject to incidents like the markets are going to say. Which raises questions about the relationships between communities in the case you also have issues around the question of innocent d. N. A. The fact that so many young people in recent years had their d. N. A. I actually taken transposed into databases that we dont have access to probably so i put it like that they could just interject and also question in terms of the process and also use looking about the police the ongoing presence in the u. K. And elsewhere this is put all these agendas a racially the racial issues on the agenda but do you think it will actually help the cause if the protests that we saw end up spreading coronavirus. In relation to. Democratic rights and the question of lock down this is a fine balance and i would not like to see corona being used as an excuse to reduce rights of assembly which are fundamental to democratic societies but at the same time i think we have to be sensible in relation to the question of transmitting the virus i would like to be a Police Officer at this time having to make those kind of judgments just very difficult as i said i would if i if you would also be directly i think the right process trumps even the Health Emergency because. That where injustice is prevail that were able to give expression a position to those injustices and a kindly alighting thank you very much indeed for your thoughts. Ok thank you. Now a nurse is conviction for failing to follow Police Instructions has been quashed the incident was filmed showing the n. H. S. Worker being physically removed from her car protesting that she done nothing wrong. Ok you understand youve never actually. A 3 shots 300 actually. 300. If. You and i got 2019 police surrounded by me but its thank you tried what is good both of you killed over to drop off a friend in south London Police arrested then 47 year old miss bennett for failing to get out of her vehicle after being asked 23. 00 times actually with police suspecting there was something suspicious on side the police handcuffed and discredited her to the Police Station charged with obstructing a true sense especially those found in have gone miss bennett was suspended from her job or is fined 900. 00 pounds for taking too long to respond to Police Instructions conviction was course last month due to lack of evidence. When they are bennett told me the ordeal has had a big emotional and financial impact. It was their approach they did a hard stop which is was something that took me completely back and also some of the officers room plain clothes so i didnt actually recognize them as being the place where the Police Treatment of ethnic minorities in the us is something obviously that were reading are highlighted by george fords death what are your thoughts on that and to me theres not really much difference between whats happening in the usa to whats happening in london these problems have been going on in london for centuries. You know relatives of this very few black young males i know that have never been harassed or wrongly stopped and searched by the place so i think it is it is a global problem and its not just happening in america and like to say its definitely here in the u. K. So what impact has your experience had on your work well im as a nurse you cant you know as and as my record needs to be cleaned so i was suspended from my job and that caused serious problems. Obviously financially also there is no longer any of this very little legal aid nouns i had to find the whole trial so financially its had a huge impact on me emotionally its had a huge impact to me so i was actually physically. Hit by one of the officers if they think they said it was force was necessary however i disagree what is at the top of the hour. I know team no crowd. No shots no. Action just felt. When i was trapped no the 1st one. Which your thirst for action

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