Transcripts For RT Politicking 20240712

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Reaction to that now from our good friend antonio of the hour ago also the former mayor of los angeles lets start right there mayor what what was your reaction to his threat to call in the u. S. Troops. Unbelievable the language that he used ive never heard a president talk like that at least the president of United States of america and that some banana republic. Even his defense secretary. Tried to walk away from those comments and indicated that they werent considering putting troops in our cities against our people who were constitutional right to protest. And i thought as i said it was unbelievable it was it was actually quite scary. Morning i mean to make of the reaction weve had in america protests riots all of them it doesnt seem to calm down well it doesnt seem to calm down and i think when yesterday for a good part of the day i saw. Demonstrations and marches all across the country in fact it is filled me with emotion it did me with emotion that so many people of every race and creed from city across the nation protesting the murder. Africanamerican man at the hands of Law Enforcement in minneapolis. You know it it actually brought a lot of emotion to me. On the other hand some of what i saw in los angeles and other cities the looting the rioting absolutely unacceptable you know people have said. That we have to understand that people are angry yes were angry and thats why we march thats why we need to vote thats why we need to be about ive been involved since i was 15 years old larry since i was a kid taking you know started with the black Student Union united Mexican American students and i school with the farmer boycott standing up for immigrants i understand the fight for. Economic and Racial Justice the fight against racial oppression but the people that were rioting werent marching. Peacefully and importantly they were marching against racial oppression they were taking advantage of the situation and we need to stand up and say no no to that kind of behavior and yes to peaceful protest all across the country yes to fighting racial oppression Racial Discrimination discrimination of bigotry whether is against jews or mexicans or blacks or asians or whites. But we know that too often. Black men die at the hands of police too often theyre incarcerated. At levels disproportionate to their offense and disparate to what whites are often. Jailed for and we have to do something about it we absolutely do. Ok. When the l. A. Riots occurred president then president george h. W. Bush delivered an awful an Oval Office Address to the nation a trump is not known for his empathy but do you think he should deliver an Oval Office Address to the nation. You know i wouldnt trust that if he delivered an Oval Office Address that it would be one with empathy and compassion one that understood. Why people are still so angry and hurt. With whats happened in minneapolis and that and in cities across the country lets be clear it happens again and again and again and its happened you know for a very very long time now we have cell phones and people can take pictures and videos we didnt have that before but we know it happened you know i grew up on the east side of los angeles and i can tell you as a young boy we were often is terrified of Law Enforcement as we were of the gangs now a lot has changed and the vast majority of our Law Enforcement officers understand nobody is above the law not a politician not a priest or a Police Officer and i think what we all have to say coming out of whats happened in minneapolis and in cities across the country that were not going to tolerate this anymore that were going to hold people accountable that every one of us have to be accountable for our actions no matter who we are joe biden said that a trump is more interested in serving the passions of his base than the needs of the people biden also said he would try to heal racial wounds what do you make of his remarks. Well i agree with those remarks except i think they werent Strong Enough. You know donald trump has been the pied piper of White Nationalism hes condone. White nationalism in our country is divided our people on the head of a pin in a way that ive never seen a modern us president do. I think he was a Strong Enough in challenging donald trump donald trump needs to be called on the carpet for the way he talks for the way he divides for the way he pits one person against another one community against another one race against another look we need right now it is healing we need the peacemakers i tweeted on sunday morning we need we need to replicate what i saw in louisville were group of protesters all of whom are africanamerican with you know their mask on defending and insert green a white Police Officer who is about to be mopped we need the peacemakers who understand that we have to challenge racism and racial oppression and injustice in our country well at the same time bringing people together every race if there was something positive about the marches that got gave me some emotion larry is that it wasnt just like the 1960 s. You know a black march or like you know the 1990 s. A black and latino march this was everyone it was beautiful to see people understand we have we want to be the cut the country that weve always held its up out to be a country where you could start at the bottom and go to the top no matter what you look like no matter if your parents came from russia. Or mexico or africa or asia and thats what we want in our country we want to be that beacon of liberty and hope and opportunity and were not that country right now and so i think we need to Work Across Party Lines across racial lines across you know religious lines together to fight for that country larry on the political and biden has pledged to pick a woman for running mate do you have any one in mind any one youd prefer well ive already gone on record of saying that i think california senator comolli harris would be great when asked that also said that karen bass congresswoman the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus is another great candidate id like to see you know a woman as he has said he is going to pick but also somebody. From california who really understands that the golden state is the most diverse place in america a place where we revel in the fact that we come from every nation in the earth somebody who has experience with the vast diversity of california. Your current mayor who i regard said he holding the post you once held he took a knee this week during a protest over the death of the killing of floyd but hes also facing a backlash for deploying the magill guard how well has he handled this. Well look im not a monday morning quarterback i had my years larry not afraid to criticize someone criticism. Is necessary but frankly. Ive been in that job i know the heat that comes with that job and i think. Merit our saturday has conducted himself well during the kobe 19 crisis and now but ill let the monday morning quarterbacks assess him more deeply. And more broadly. Where do you think all of this is going were going to have are we going to have conventions are we going to have a well run National Action well i agree with president obama when he said you know look we need to march we need to demonstrate we need to fight and we need to vote we need to vote i guarantee you. There are many people who march ive been marching my whole life i was one of the people organizing immigrant rights marches marches against racism in the seventys eightys and early ninetys and i can tell you i spent my whole life doing that but i also know that you got a vote to change. The circumstances in which you live and so its important to me and i think important to all of us that all of those people who have been marching march to the polls in November Vote for change vote for a president who is going unite us i think that. Present you know i think that democratic nominee or soon to be joe biden. Mayor is always great seeing you thanks so much. You know its always great to see you i can tell you that every time i do i think you know i want to be like you when i grow up i really do you know youre great at what you do. And youre somebody you have a great deal or so thank you and by me back to you we thank the former mayor of Los Angeles Antonio via gore also a lot more politicking after this break. I dont know crap. Snow shots. Actually ill speak. With dr bill frist. Which your thirst for action. America was never great was founded on the rapes in the murder. Nothing changed so we said in. Response to these situations that were dealing with. People get shot every other day he is just people killing each other blacks are killing children. Still is just no way that people are going to just sit back and allow children to be shot down Law Enforcement. This country doesnt work for us it doesnt function for us. This is cant be happening in america we come from the streets weve got to deal with why this is the reason i have to rat like this is a reason. Well go back to politicking amid the federal response to nationwide protests and talk of deploying the u. S. Military and the ongoing covert 19 pandemic donald trump its all going to war against twitter. Basing that either it isnt like theyre Fact Checking thinks its wrong well that was all from here lets talk about that with joel pollak Senior Editor at large and House Counsel at Breitbart News author of the upcoming book red november well the country of red for trump or red for socialism he joins us from los angeles well talk about the book in a minute joe my previous guest the former mayor of a low gross said the thought of sending in active duty troops is a terrible idea what do you think. I think the president had to show the nation that he was prepared to restore law and order and certainly what we saw here in l. A. Over the last couple of days is with the National Guard on the streets the police were able to focus on what they do best which is on the one hand mopping up protesters who refuse to obey the rules and on the other hand talking reasonably meeting with members of the community sometimes actually joining in the protest and conducting a dialogue with people who genuinely want to have a dialogue so i think having the National Guard deployed to guard some of the roads and to keep a perimeter around some of these protests was very helpful in allowing the police to focus similarly with the military if there are places like new york city where the governor and the mayor dont want to call in the National Guard you cant have mobs of hooligans running around vandalizing stores looting the macys at its flagship location if they refuse for whatever reason it seems political to bring in the National Guard the president is still the leader of the country and has a responsibility to care for it and he could invoke the insurrection act and move in with the military the military is highly respected its not as if hes declaring war on the country hes actually trying to rescue people who have no other recourse were talking about shop owners residents people who are being terrorized by a mob essentially that has broken away from a grown out of it legitimate protests and is doing whatever they want we cant allow that. How do you rate how trump has handled this thing so far. I think its been excellent he called for the f. B. I. To get involved in the george floyd investigation right away he condemned the murder right away he got the d. O. J. Involved he did just about everything you need the president to do and most of the controversy has been the media attempting to find things to complain about but hes basically done everything right i dont think hes done anything wrong and i think hes actually taken a few actions that i dont think anyone else would have done but were totally necessary we saw here in l. A. Eric garcetti delayed and delayed before he brought in the National Guard now he says it was the right thing to do i think trump in a sense gave cover to the mayors and governors who didnt want to make that call and by trump making that call in the way he did forcefully saying that there had to be disproportionate force in the streets so that people didnt even try but i think it was the right thing joe but joe biden said that the governor the President Trump is more interested in serving the passions of his base than the needs of the people how they react to that. You know we had 2 situations in a row now where joe biden has had the opportunity to lead and to unify the country the theme of his campaign has been unity but in both of the situations with the National Emergency on the current virus back in march and now here with the riots across the country hes used both occasions to attack trumps leadership and obviously hes running for president he has to distinguish himself from trump so hes got to Say Something about how he would have done things differently with the moment to do that is not in the middle of the crisis in the middle of a crisis you bring people together you wait a few days and then you give this speech talking about how you do things to. Do you think the president to strive to bring people together drawl. I think he has i also think that hes under constant attack from the opposition and from the media so when he pushes back that becomes an issue look he has a very combative personality and thats going to rub some people the wrong way but in terms of what you want your government to do in a moment like this i think hes done the right thing. Whats your read on his attack on twitter and that whole twitter controversy well these social Media Companies control so much of our lives online and whats interesting of course this all happened before the curfews for the rioting and so forth but whats interesting is that most of us are stuck at home a lot of the stay home orders are still in place for the coronavirus so we cant really express our 1st amendment rights except online you and i are speaking online because you cant apply the 1st amendment in person we normally are so these social Media Companies control the public space and trump is saying you have to abide by the rules that public space you know in a public park everybody has the same 1st amendment rights you can regulate what people do but you cant discriminate based on content and hes saying were going to treat these social media platforms as if theyre public spaces and if twitter wants to regulate they want to decide whos right whos wrong and which opinions to promote which ones to silence then were going to treat them like a publisher theyre editorializing and if theyre editorializing they have to play by the same rules as newspapers they can say whatever they want but the counter libel people are going to be theyre going to be legally held responsible if they allow misinformation at that point what if they correct misstatements. They can do that but you have to do it in an even handed way so the problem twitter faces is that they began by correcting the president their correction had to be corrected because they got some information wrong they said that nebraska had mail in voting and it actually doesnt so they had to fix their own correction but the bigger issue is once you start correcting one side you have to correct all sides evenly i wouldnt want to do that you know in the journalistic world we do fact checks of debates and thats a lot of work its a lot of work to correct statements or misstatements you have to do the research and come up with what the right answer is and sometimes youre familiar with an issue sometimes have to start from scratch i jokingly estimated that twitter probably have to divert a 3rd of their employees to Fact Checking if thats what they decided to do a tell me about your book and its titled read november will the country vote bread for trump or red for socialism you are you do you think joe biden is a socialist. I dont think hes a socialist but hes definitely the most left wing nominee any party has fielded in the history of the United States and actually today i want morning george our whole more left wing than George Mcgovern. Yes yes George Mcgovern came out if you go for secret balloting and Union Elections i dont think joe biden would support that today joe bidens moved so far to the left that the Washington Post today said hes running what they call the revolutionary platform he started out saying hes a moderate hes not like Bernie Sanders although biden didnt actually embrace the label moderate but he cast himself as the alternative to sanders now hes talking about revolution he actually used that word himself a few days ago revolutionary policies thats right out of Bernie Sanders so hes not putting the socialist label on himself but hes adopting the rhetoric hes adopting the policies and thats because hes not sure of his own base you know even with all this unrest which i think some democrats hope to use in the election against donald trump a lot of the protesters are saying they want to hear more from biden he hasnt made the sale to them they dont feel like hes on their side enough so hes under a lot of pressure from the left and so as obama said about biden hes the most progressive candidate or hes running the most progressive platform in American History so you know obama thinks bidens to the left of mcgovern maybe you probably have a better sense of perspective and then obama does but certainly its something that people feel to be the case and thats how bidens trying to sell it himself but will the pandemic play a part in this election will laura nordo be a part of this is such a troublesome year yeah you know i was joking yesterday and said if you told me the coronavirus was going to be off the front page by next week i wouldnt you know here we are you know so who knows what were going to be talking about next week this is really a year of dramatic changes and. I remember back in 2008 talking to a pollster who quietly whispered to me that what everybody was missing in the election with all the change that was going on with the markets in turmoil financial crisis but the voters were looking forward stability and john mccain didnt really get that and so when it came to the financial crisis he suspended his campaign he ran back to washington and he looked like more instability whereas obama really stood up straight told people things were going to be ok and he just projected stability even though he didnt really have experience at running anything he looked the part and i think that was comforting to people with biden and trump i think theyre both trying to do that in different ways biden for a long time was talking about bringing the country back to normal again not talking about that so much anymore because hes under this pressure from the left but biden was trying to say we can get away from some of the disruption of the trunk some of the new changes lets get back to where we were under obama course conservatives remember obama has a very change worthier president very interested in change and breaking boundaries saying i want to get back to the principles of america that was the purpose behind his walk across the park and holding the bible in front of the church restoring the basics thats thats the civility hes talking what it what did you make of that that bible holding i think people will remember and i think it was i think it was great i can i i looked at it as almost a great fantastic i thought it was a reminder to the country that there is right and wrong thats what that symbolized to me that really have a base for right and wrong yeah boy standing in front of a burned out another country what bible do you its not the bible you who are shipped. It isnt but i dont think you have to worship that particular faith i mean i dont think compass is. No saying that hes not saying you have to be christian i mean we have a Judeo Christian tradition and were a people of let me say rather than people of the book we are people of many books and our country is based on principle thats based on words on a covenant that weve made with each other and trump says the basis for that is right and wrong right and wrong comes from somewhere and what happened to that church was wrong and i think it was comforting to people on the conservative side to know that trump was not going to be afraid of the crowd in Lafayette Park it must be large didnt like it the church didnt like it they were usually propped role come on at mit something might prompt it with respect and of course now be it what was that. The church i believe respectfully reacted wrongly and these h. I j. Yeah but if im not im not a christian so i cant really be an interpreter of christian principles but my understanding is that even if the worst person in the world were to come to the door of the church the role of the church is to embrace that person the prodigal the prodigal son the sinner who repents someone who wants to do something good is to be rewarded or at least welcomed and you dont agree with everything that person stands for or that theyve done but i think that church became a transcendent symbol its not just about that congregation in that building but when it was burning on sunday night you know it wasnt the only religious building that was attacked here in l. A. We had 2 synagogues that were vandalized by people in that protest march on saturday it was a jewish holiday and they vandalized 2 synagogues in the fairfax area so it resonated with me i didnt think you had to stand in front of a synagogue or market but i thought i saw it as more of a universal symbol of were not going to thank you for your time today thank you joe always good coming book always good seeing you his upcoming book is red november well the country vote red for trump or red for socialism its available for preorder right now and its out everywhere in july and thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page or tweet me at kings things and dont forget to use the politicking hash tag and thats all for this edition of politicking. It took millions of years of evolution to get through this place set of electability. Its become a mess. Millions of years of work to give you a brain which functions with this many. Most human beings as suffering is a magnificent much human being to. An effective machine. In 2008 there was the Global Financial crisis and the solution was not to reform the Banking System to stop the crisis from repeating again the solution was heres a bigger credit line to the worst banks in america to do the same thing but much worse and we said we predicted within 10 to 12 years there would be a repeat of the 2008 crisis but much bigger a much bigger scale something whats happening out. Of she will be no use to you. Its always ok because who. You know its an immediate. Thank you so thats the mood at the close up. Here in the capital. City they say yes. Yes. Greetings and salutations. I tell you my friends here in washington d. C. You can feel you can feel the fear on the streets its palpable its as thick as virginia humidity in august but this fear of my friends isnt coming from the thousands of protesters that have descended on the imaginal mall or Lafayette Square or the d. C. Residents navigating both the covert 19 pandemic and the black lives matter protests no no this tidal wave of fear is emanating from the marble halls of the Capitol Building and the oval shaped

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