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Resign after he defended Police Officers who drove their s. U. V. S into a crowd of demonstrators and. A warm welcome youre watching R T International with me. Another night of violence on cities that set ablaze amid protests spocks by the death of george floyd at the hands of police 1700 people have been arrested across the u. S. In minneapolis where floyd died police have been struggling to maintain the curfew there with officers resorting to ever more heavy handed methods. God we got to talk thats it we got to call it. We need to stand up and we need to fight for our life there is no peace entered. I. A makeshift memorial has been set up at the place where george floyd died mourners come here to pay their respects leaving flowers and messages the site has also become a place of peaceful protest against Police Brutality contrasting with the anger that is being boiling over in other parts of the city. Octavius williams who says he works in a nightclub in minneapolis where both george boyd and the Police Officer charged over his death worked as well shed his reaction with this to also happened. I knew both of them pretty well i work with floyd is where we all knew him by. I was there working the club the day his 1st day coming in back in 2000 in my plea 15 Something Like that yeah when he 1st came in he was there i was the head of security i wasnt aware i was in point it was hiring but the moment i saw him i knew i needed that guy florida who Rose Mary Jane you went this is what i mean that this guy would give you the shirt off in fact it was such a nice. Game for being such a big star he was truly in touch i was so derrick saving oh say you also worked with him in a nightclub tell us more about handle. Yes and lets be clear about this that people together its close because its not like youre working shoulder to shoulder. 6 as you sit in this hawkeye site the building at the time you dont even know whos in the squad cars they show up they stay outside they dont come indeed on the system ok. Just. Come out so we dont really do that but we are employed by the same people ok so their childrens relationship with floyd was very short because that was it except for the role that was. Shot in. The day also i did clear that up i deemed do you think they should even recognize floyds tearing their arrest. Its possible that maybe. They did i was right in that moment because you know if they can my sister recognizes you in my Business Security that usually gives you some type of insight but with that officer some type of time in level with that officer that usually helps you out in situations so you got called over. And you respect you knew enough secret you work with the measures that can help you get out. So no no officer will usually help you now are you i was going to say i dont i do not believe that there was any previous matches between these 2 and i would like to clear that up but i do not believe that so knowing both of these men how did you feel what was your reaction when you 1st saw the video. I was horrified i mean come on i mean come on that was me on every level. It was i was horrified. I knew who the office was right away that this seemed to be about i just didnt understand. What i was doing this i never knew he was to people of course Something Like that so i was absolutely shocked and horrified then i was relieved and saddened all of acting you know. Just. Decided. This is life now to Angela Haralson who is George Floyds ons and this house and 1st of all id like to say how sorry i am feel a loss how if you in the family been coping its been a nightmare on its toll the thing this senseless act has been. A nightmare and you. Get everything that i dont know i mean. I dont know how to explain it but it is traumatizing i mean im here in new york and here we are now to play and. You know enjoy it you know its scary he was here so he was like the only family i had here. And. Im still trying to cope with the fact that he is no longer here because were making so many plans to do things together and. If he would just simply. Never should have taken me. And im so sorry your personal tragedy and it has such public ramifications are you surprised by how america and the rest of the world has reacted. You know overwhelmed by the response and and how much people kia. But i think the reason why it expected people so much because everyone that was watching had a chance had the our i had to see someone guidance from your side and if you have a heart you know if you have a heart that. Youre going through your veins you cant do anything but change you because there were people there told me they wanted to reach through the t. V. To save him and you know im just so you know im overwhelmed by the response that were getting because the love and. You know im just trying to take that all in because we really like the im grieving my nephew with the world and this is something i would be doing in private so im a little. But the love i. Appreciate. I feel it and i appreciate my heart this is this such a difficult and confusing and i have a well i mean like you say time for you but is there any anything inside you that thinks that. This might be a big what happened to george might be a catalyst for change. You know weve been charlie changed but which wasnt yours. And to think hes still trying to change in the 21st century. As the real and before people used to hear him say oh we just. Were just this were just what now everybody get a chance to see that video and watch that and it doesnt matter why but i grant probably ever you come from if you have a heart you know that was. No i mean he has no right to do that to any human being you dont get to read about him. And now watch this man who was just telling me oh my nephew. Of mine more pressure was going to see it in its pocket like i got you what are you going to do about it. And he said i cant really. He said hes pleading for help and you also. And he tax money for you to protect your life i know about protecting i was going to be able to carry. Im also malco a 1st response. Been over years so i know they live there protected but im telling you right now if i would have got out more and wrote in that area and saw him there begging and probably would have died too because theres no way me being a nurse who spent a lot of years and then in the military when trying to defend my country and to protect. I would allow that man to do that so i think hes all christian standing there. And they know that you wont so no one can tell me that they dont know its too much education too much knowledge and wisdom to know that or so i would have thought that you probably would have been reading about me too. So you know youre so right. Hes coming along. So im just devastated and im trying to trick process this thing and do with the. One thing i want to know and care maybe he is a good heart and the knowledge then he was he was a perfect person you know no ones perfect and it doesnt matter about his past it doesnt matter i hear somebody talk by premedical conditions that has nothing to do but i dont care if you would said network wheelchair with one leg nobody deserves to die like that nobody. But you in your family what would know this but to watch me. Justice does that for for joe wage for those with the. So ill be convicted of murder. And is murder 3 the plan that you just told her to murder is toying with the Family College for the 1st time call it what it is thats murder. Convention being in body sister brother mother when she said mama mama that what my heart because she was yelling for my sister since we. Are just not a part. I just fell apart i would think people protesting as far afield as london and then but then you know weve seen a similar cases of whats been called Police Brutality against black people in the past why do you think george is case has resonated with so many people around the world. Its a resonate it was so many people around the world because usually in the past we heard about the end all we heard about the good news we heard about well 2 we have a look at the little specks of things but even trying for almost 9 minutes everybody is watching got to see something. They got to see it play out as much as we could for 9 minutes the man pleading for his life line on his stomach he ends. Up payment then you got the feeling to make the decision. Really commenting. Everybody got to see that without a question. The video in the can. So there is because we all got a chance to experience this tragic this horrific moment. You know that these people are protesting they say they going to continue taking to the streets. But weve also seen some people looting weve seen also minnesotas governor says it is no longer a test about george is that it is not something you would agree with. I think it is still about. And i think. The looting is damaging property we know people should be doing that in oh. I understand the anger and frustration and i understand the reason because weve been crying because for many years and nobody is listening. And Police Officers just keep getting away with it because then you know what let me do this maybe somebody will listen to me this. Is not right and please i dont advocate any violence but the reason why its taken so long for the people to spare the guy because. They were white they were like us and soundness murder in front of them. And you cant wipe them away from people like that its going to take time i do believe to calm down but they would just think. This is a tremendous thing if people dont know how to deal with it so. You know im telling you guys hold it you control im reading what theyre responding to you know there is a lot of. Strange do. You still have you have to show dont panic and joke. I want to become advocating with this but i can change it does become baywatch. And he watched it once again i was so sorry for your loss and i thank you for thank you for speaking to us in your time of grief Angela Harrison george floyd. Thank you. Ok if you have been opposed in 28 cities across the us meaning people are prohibited from being outside after 8 pm but that didnt stop the rioters reportedly 75 cities so protests spill into the streets National Guards have been called in at least 10 states meanwhile in new york city alone 30 officers have been injured in clashes with 350 people arrested. Ok. How to live he lived he thanks so much was. Cute live oak. Creek. The touch. For the last journalist to well white man reports from new york about whats been happening that and in other u. S. Cities over night. Protests began around 3 pm the beginning where we saw a series of speeches given by the local activists regarding the situation with the Police Violence and racism in the United States as the day progressed things started to get recently more and more violent we saw various crime issues between police and demonstrators and at the end of all of that go to class has made a statement jean new york has 2 and violent protests if you went out peacefully to make a point about the need for change you have been heard and change is coming in the city i have no doubt about that its time to go home so we can all move forward but those who are out there simply to create violence those who are out there to express hatred towards our Police Officers we wont tolerate that if youre out there to commit an act of violence youre going to get arrested the bless you know when to defend the Police Officers who maliciously rammed the s. U. V. Reoccurs into lines of protesters and he said you know that these protesters should have just got out of the way but the thing about motor cars and in the really quite a remarkable invention they can actually move backwards as well as forwards so i mean thats a fact thats perhaps maybe lost on the man and this outrage and outrage response from representative Alexandra Custer Cortez who wins on to criticize the mass saying that defending and making excuses for the n. Y. P. D. Running s. U. V. S into crowds was wrong violent protests also them on google around the country as they have now for days in a row despite curfews resource of a long rest breaking out yet again in countries in cities with coffee such as los angeles philadelphia. Cincinnati Portland Oregon and louisa. Kentucky protests also flared up in dallas chicago seattle Salt Lake City where a an individual and she pulled up on demonstrators and attempted to fire on them with a long bow of all things before he was tackled to the ground by demonstrators as well as clevelands weve also seen violent scenes in las vegas where police and protesters clashed along the main strip there were several very sort of violent scenes there along what is one of one of americas most iconic capitalist telescopes there has been much made about. By the establishment in this country of the i suppose its outside elements being what is to blame here is not the fact that the police have a large number of races murders amongst them is the fact that people are upset and its outside elements which of course in this apparently theres a lot of hype being made about. The new sort of radical supposed radical left brain behind this i saw members of their socialist groups intervene to actually protect Police Officers when they became isolated from. Members of the police force so this directly contradicts what is being said regardless of. The president here has just recently tweeted saying that the United States is going to designate and chief as a terrorist organization and trump is very much in favor of the National Guard being deployed and an increase in the militarization of the response to these protests the National Guard has been released in minneapolis to do the job that the democrats could do should have been used 2 days ago and they would not have been damaged in place had cooties would not have been taken over and ruined great job by the National Guard no games as we have seen a pretty desperate state of affairs over here in the states and it looks as if this violence is going to continue because have to take an exit. Aeration that obviously the officer in question here with the killing of floyd was has been arrested and charged with 3rd degree murder and manslaughter however certainly one thing the protesters protesters are saying where i was yesterday was that it was a manslaughter this was clearly a murder if you need on someones necks and 9 minutes thats thats direct thats direct murder so i doubt that well be seeing any subsiding of violence certainly seems that curfews if anything or actually encouraging violence to spread more so it remains to be seen what happens next journalist on t. V. Host ben swan told us that trump stunts on anti far could backfire. It was a lot of pressure on the president to move against in secret for some time there are a lot of people who believe that it does act as a terrorist organization i actually think its a very poor precedent because what happens is even though there are a lot of conservatives in this country who would say well thats a good thing we need to label this group but as a Terrorism Group but as soon as your guy is not an operative or and you get someone from the other side that they will then want to turn around and label any protest movement on the other side also a terrorist group the establishment of the country is not sure what to make of these protests i think a lot of it has to do with its impart a black lives matter issue its in part a response to Police Violence against unarmed black men because weve seen this over and over but i also believe the more seen this in relation to the lockdown that happened in the United States there are a lot of people who have been frustrated with the Financial System theyre frustrated with not having jobs not being able to make money theres a lot thats going on the creating frustration and then to see another blatant example of another black man killed at the hands of Police Officers and its not just one officer by the way theres video that shows 3 other officers for some time around george floyd and the fact that there were other officers in total who could have intervened and simply chose not to when protesters were saying on friday night and saturday night that their biggest frustration is that one officer has been charged but others have not been charged and they believe those officers should also be charged with murder youre seeing big coalitions of people coalescing around this particular issue which is a specific issue and import from one really to be protested but i think that there are other issues as well so i suspect we wont see at least for several days maybe even a week these these protests die down and the u. S. President s residence in washington d. C. Hasnt escaped the unrest time protest is a thing gathering outside for 2 days and clashed with secret service agents. That. Was ok. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. The police have been around for 2 hours are they doing the Russian Mission to the russian republic of oppression because more problems may how. About players that was replying to me were money to protect this is what this is about at the end of the day perhaps the protection. Was a protests have now spread beyond the u. S. Border with thousands gathering in Trafalgar Square in Central London as well as in the german capital hes correspondent in berlin piece all of a has more on the european reaction. Well theres been outrage here over the killing of george floyd that video of the black man gasping for breath as a white Police Officer knelt on his neck ignoring his pleas has been seen by many people here and thats been seen in the demonstrations and the demonstrators that have come out on to the streets of cities like berlin we saw demonstrations on saturday and on sunday where they marched from the courts but region of the city to the u. S. Embassy near the Brandenburg Gate holding up signs like silence is violence hold cops accountable and who do you call when the police murder. Emotions running high here in the german capital as well as what what has been going on in the United States. Did not do enough. And. Yet. On the old berlin wall in mauer park here in the german capital a mural depicting george floyd has gone up over the weekend that includes his words i cant breathe which he repeated over and over to the Police Officer that was kneeling on his neck at the time away from germany in denmark theres also been demonstrations in copenhagen outside of the u. S. Embassy and in belgium those words i cant breathe were seeing spray painted by a graffiti artist along the side of a brussels train theres also being thousands of people out on the streets of the british capital in london scenes outside of the house of parliament to follow the square on the u. S. Embassy there as well where we understand 5 people were arrested on sunday. Is part of that demonstration again people coming out and saying theyre outraged at the killing of george floyd and what they see as violence towards black people in the us from the police the. People being stopped in the streets and i think you could be coming down the road is what she was shes 96 to 9 years old time from miami right now back in this match at home and im just proud that here in the make here in atlanta its not just that you should. See. Well as weve heard from contributes is in the program so far who are in the United States this doesnt the violence certainly the demonstrations that are ongoing dont look like theyre going away any time soon and well be looking to european leaders particular monday to see what reaction they have to the ongoing situation in the United States as the protest in minneapolis was quite ning down on sunday police targeted several journalists at a gas station on lake street among reporters was mickael it take a year from Russian Media outlet ria novosti he was there with full members of an american t. V. Crew he told us what happened. To me when with Police Officers appeared and they just started shooting at us through the open door they didnt give any warning no nothing so they just started doing this or when we began shouting hey guys since we were just depend on it its all well and. We were also screaming like they were journalists where. They stopped shooting but nevertheless that made it went on chris and i must be asking people to come into the building. A couple want to search the mind of us to get in the car but for some reason one of the officers here down. On the ground won all that we didnt who dies so to get to the ground face down and then another Police Officer approached him with a pipe a freak and. The journalist he. Showed hes credential us and said hey im press and at that moment he got a portion of spray on on his face so the next moment the same officer suppose he. Came in my their actions just i showed my credentials and at the time breath and the same moment i also got a spray all over my face on a little over an eye on the right part of. This house happened. In several minutes and the police was gone. And thats it apparently what the Police Officer did to us it was intentional because he was told several times that we

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