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Police in minneapolis has now turned into a National Protest movement in different u. S. Cities demonstrators are taking to the streets and in some cases these protests have turned violent we begin in Minneapolis Police where in 7 strangers have been clashing for more than 2 days now with opportunistic looters taking advantage of the situation late last night in memphis. Angry residents there took to the streets to demand justice and to ask for investigations not just in George Floyds case but for many in their own city civil rights activists say memphis has a spree of Police Incidents that remain unresolved and in los angeles angry demonstrators took to bypasses in some cases attacking Police Vehicles as they approached leaving several people injured. If there is a kernel of hope or at least a difference in how past cases of police abuse have been handled compared to this case the timeliness of the reaction in years past in cases like baltimore and ferguson and miami and Los Angeles Police officers would have called for and been granted long exhaustive time consuming investigations while the officers were put on leave with pay or demoted to a desk job in this case the f. B. I. Was called immediately and the officers were fired from their jobs within hours of the incident still both the anger and the fires smolder. So were going to be bringing you details of what. Is happening in those cases with analysis and were also going to drill down right here on the news the rick sanchez where we believe its time to do news again. Theres a list of the questions we think youll be asking them are ok in america handle racial disturbances while at the same time handling an epidemic why are the citizens of hoeing kong once again taking to the streets and why was a car bomb detonated just north of india in kashmir. Were going to take you to all of that but really begin tonight with discord throughout america the death of george floyd is causing citizens to outwardly question authority and all of this is happening at a time when america is coming to grips with the worst health an economic crisis perhaps in our nations history it is to say the very least a very unfortunate very untimely combination of events so we have 2 reports and we have a bevy of guests we begin with r t correspondent Michelle Greenstein reporting on the situation in minneapolis where this incident began. Wednesday the 2nd street day of protests against Police Violence in minneapolis minnesota people gather and hold signs reading justice for george and prosecute the police. Protests were sparked by the death of George Clooney who was heard crying out i cant grieve until you lost consciousness on being held down with a needle in his neck by a Minneapolis Police this man was murdered by police. And not only should they be fired which they are they should be equally prosecuted but you know what were not. Not the only problem they follow though. So i can protect marco and other. Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets from the rooftops. As the canisters explode and tear gas clouds fill the intersections demonstrators try and document the clashes with their phones. Autozone target and dollar tree all came under assault by both protesters seeking vengeance and eventually looters. The demonstrations carried on into the night with protesters conducting sit ins on city streets with impromptu chance like this one. Thursday morning the destruction of the night before looms in the air part of the auto zone store is still burning and so is the target building. As the afternoon sets in crowds start to cumulate again. As for the 4 officers involved in floyds death they have been fired the protesters say they will continue disrupting business as usual. Until the officers are charged with murder for the news of the rick sanchez Michelle Greenstein r. T. And its not just minneapolis another American City feeling the brunt of the death of george floyd at the hands of police in memphis tennessee where hundreds of protesters there shut down streets in order to demonstrate against their own Police Department which they say has been interesting residents for years. To. Come. Up that scene is from. The knowledge to this let me take you to los angeles in los angeles residents took to the highways and the underpasses blocking traffic taking on Police Cruisers and holding vigils and very loud demonstrations to angrily protest the death of george floyd who died thousands of miles away here now with more on that story from los angeles correspondent natasha sweet. Tensions are mounting between police and those calling for justice in George Floyds debt several 100 protesters blocked traffic on the one freeway near Downtown Los Angeles wednesday shocking images reveal to california Highway Patrol vehicles were attacked protesters are surrounding one vehicle smashing in the windows one protester climbs onto the cars hood taking a hard fall as the officer drives off you can see the man is covered in blood as he lays on the ground unconscious he is treated and taken to the hospital by an ambulance a 2nd Police Vehicle seen also has its windows smashed in by protesters activists who gathered near city hall marching through the streets just before getting onto the one freeway blocking the flow of cars Officials Say traffic on the expressway was much lighter than normal as a result of california state home orders for the crown of virus pandemic just before 630. 00 the crowd moved off the freeway back onto the street. Downtown into the evening some protesters were seen and burning an American Flag upside down carrying the remains toward a row of officers the los angeles protests came just hours after l. A. Police chief Michael Moore issued a statement condemning the video of floyds death as incredibly disturbing reporting for the news of her Sanchez Natasha suites r. T. All right this is an important discussion that were about to bring you that has to do with much of what is being discussed right now in america and dining room tables and kitchen tables all over our country joining us now is ed martin he is the author of the conservative case for trump and Robert Patillo who is a radio show host and a civil rights attorney thank you gentlemen for joining us. Maybe we should start with this can we stipulate among the 3 of us that what we saw on video happened to george floyd seems like an abuse of power by a Police Officer yes sir do you agree. Yes sir yeah i think i totally agree i think all and i think all men and women of every color stripe age location should agree with that what we saw was a man suffering and then he died and i mean this is a devastating moment and so i think it thank you for starting with that rick thats not acceptable behavior it makes me sick to see it and i dont think he should anybody republican conservative liberal democrat lets lets agree on that i agree ok good then maybe we should talk about the other issue and maybe that thats is important as well and that is the fact that unlike cases that ive covered as a reporter many times Baltimore Ferguson miami l. A. I go way back ive never seen a police chief act as fast as this police chief acted in both a involving the f. B. I. Right away and firing the officers within hours of the incidents can we stipulate that that was probably a good thing and i think. I think i want you to yes. Because what it will do. I think the reason that we have is that we have right now because we have seen a complacency in the prosecutorial apartment and not arresting these individuals in charge of them from the get go if you or i or me also. We go to jail they figure out Everything Else later these men are still walking the streets not arrested is that reason for these. People so robert i think what im hearing you say to be fair is yes this is the fastest that any municipality has ever acted in punishing 4 Police Officers but they didnt go far enough because we didnt wally want them fired we wanted them prosecuted on the spot thats what im hearing you say correct. Any other citizen who calls it the unjustified homicide of the other individual you let them go through the criminal Justice System you do not allow somebody to. Go home point well made well defended im going to let you speak take it away. Well listen i you know you mentioned Rick Ferguson i was too. For the Missouri Republican party when ferguson the great tragedy happened that young boy who died it was a tragedy every death we should stop and say how did this happen but in that case the officer was vilified and the and the situation was much more complicated i agree the images we saw of what that officer did on the neck of that young man and he died is horrendous after that i do sink we have are having protests about concerns and injustice we need to be careful to conflate them with this situation i do say did i we ask our officers to be on the front line i dont think it excuses any behavior but i dont know the whole story and i guess i think they should have been suspended immediately and then get to the bottom is what it did she may have found that out quick enough but the riots and the burning of buildings and endangering other lives based on concerns this issue of the members of the police force or fire people of color this was not a white on black this was a bad cop situation if thats the facts look at robert let me let me bring you back into this discussion i think this is an important discussion would you make america everybody whos watching us and by the way we have viewers right now all over the world millions of people are going to hear the sound of your voice would you help the world and the rest of us understand what it is that gut level frustration d that you feel as an africanamerican that is being unjust help us understand that help us understand put it to me put us in the shoes of these people we see on the streets protesting who are just curious. What we have witnessed in the return we see one of these situations or man who was murdered by his own government. There is a video there are. Thousands of cases there are video months of law schools getting all home from the library of its only hood of a police car i had in chicago. Leaving court as a. Police officer after leaving court also includes officers so below frustration youre saying its. This is emblematic of what other people are going through that were going to a whole so reform or criminal Justice System so all this was was a spark this was that catalyst to get people out to say its not about this its about everything thats happened to me in my house in my life and everything that ive seen before i think thats what im hearing you say good arguments on both sides look bad robert great conversation i hope more americans have conversations like the one that we just shared my thanks to both of you. This is the news of direction shows lots going on. And were going to try and get you through it and were trying to make sense of all of it for you right here whether youre watching us on cable regular t. V. Or on the portable Television App if you dont have it get it so you can take it with you wherever you go were not like the other guys and well be right back. Something for you your sports. An ocean of stories even the news. Can overwhelm. Your way i know you want to. Bring you the bad. Play. The questions. Number. And lists as such and bring you all in so just get. If drug. In question. Im a journalist its all i know being a truth teller people say i make among come from good news is like a jackhammer good drill down and they find the truth news with rick sanchez because its time to do news again and question more. I like it when the hosts ask a question for the guests and then actually listens to the guests answer and then react to that thats a folks that are still are here ive got a new show. Hey welcome back im rick sanchez turning now to the corona virus pandemic this is not exactly a badge of honor its actually more like a Scarlet Letter the United States of america has at the milestone the virus claiming more than 100000 lives this is all 50 states are now trying to ease restrictions but in many states were starting to see the numbers go up. And knowledge of the battle brewing what a new york where the governor is trying to get young people there who seem to feel like this pandemic doesnt quite affect them to where mass as the governor says no mask no service here with the latest on the history of each other. Today the nation mourning the loss of more than 100000. 00 lives in a matter of months were running out of space at all the fuel. The death toll showing how vicious the virus has been making it one of the worst Public Health emergencies in history. A young. Korean 3 and you cant deny the virus has significantly slowed the state start to lift restrictions the number of new coronavirus cases is rising across the country at least 14 states reporting an increase of new code in 1000 infections hard hit northeastern states though reporting a decrease in both new cases and in deaths in recent days as officials consciously work to reopen states in phases but now officials are facing new challenges as young people around the country the primary age group still not wearing face masks but we can all follow my friends throwing killjoy the over the bridge but hard hit new york cracking down Governor Andrew Cuomo announcing a new executive order that will allow private store owners to refuse service to people who are not wearing face masks were giving the store owners the right to say if youre not wearing a mask you cant commit for weeks new york was the epicenter of the outbreak but now the state on a downward trajectory the numbers of hospitalizations in new cases and deaths dropping to their lowest levels not seen since march however the governor said 74 people still died on wednesday this is always painful. And were going to be watching this number to see how far down it actually goes meantime in new york city the region that. Counts for more than 55 percent of the total number of infections in the state still on pas so you have bill de blasio now predicting the hardest hit city could begin a phased restart sometime in june but has not announced a specific date and we do not mean flicking a switch and suddenly everythings where it was again of course not we have to make sure this virus isnt checked weve come a long way were not going to blow it now while the mayor said the city must reopen in phases officials are still trying to come up with plans that would allow Public Transportation writers just socially distance during their commute and uphill challenge for americas dentist city reporting in new york Trinity Chavez our team. All week long we here have been bringing you the very latest on a skirmish between china and india in that kashmir region region where its actually china India Pakistan as well the areas called the doc there it is see it so now there is more coming out of kashmir i want to show you so take a look at this video see that right there thats a car bomb being exploded by Indian Security forces right in the heart of kashmir and they had found that if they hadnt detected that it would have gone off and people would have died many and it would have been quite an incident thank god the police detected it were able to stamp it out 40 kilograms were identified in the neutralized and was neutralized in the car thats the police chargen for their own the blow it up what was this car doing there though why wasnt there i mean we know the regions that near boiling point already between this feud between china and india where the chinese have said 8028000 soldiers into india and theyre not just sending them to theyre camping out there but is there Something Else going on now that would push pakistan into this conflict so again youve got china youve got pakistan youve got india and then youve got the kashmir region which in and of itself is. Serious and Fertile Ground for confrontations all right lets go to michael maloof. Former pentagon official hes known for years that this is one of those areas that could become. A real problem. Michael would you help us at least try to understand how these 3 forces come together and what the fear should be for the world if not here in the United States or the area has well thanks for having me on but the area has been in contention for quite some time for years and years between India Pakistan and as well as china its all disputed area in kashmir its predominantly muslim predominately and and its for that reason that pakistan has always weighed in and thats why were thinking this were seeing now once again that. Islamic groups are beginning to take advantage of the world condition and starting to make a move at this point to to cause greater tensions in the region 1st of all and pakistan appears to be still behind it with chinas blessing which is intriguing and you have china and pakistan working together to regain some of the disputed territories which has been under and ministration of india for years and years and india last let me im sorry i was just thinking as you were saying that for the sake of the viewer pardon me for interrupting you. So you have india you have china and you have pakistan and were really forgetting the 4th element here which is our country the United States because correct me if im wrong but the United States at this point at least the rhetoric im hearing from our state department is we will do anything to hurt or bury china in any way we can thereby if this were a chess match i would put that right on the side of india correct so the United States and india are teaming up against china who which is aligned with pakistan well. That is correct but right now politically it appears that the United States doesnt want to take any a precipitous action against pakistan knowing that its sponsoring these terrorist groups under their Intelligence Services the i. S. I. Because the stand is delivering the taleban to the table to work out a negotiated settlement in afghanistan and the United States does not want to do anything for now thats going to upset that apple cart so india is a always on alert there they are they apparently have very good intelligence to against these kinds of of intrusions and sabotage attempts like like you just witnessed with the i. E. D. They were able to catch it on time so lets talk a minute about whats going on and i think sometimes its better if we just go to the map and were able to show it so people can actually see the borders there you have parts of pakistan down here you have this region of india right here behind my hand and then you have china across this border right here and this is the area where the chinese troops have for some reason take it upon themselves to go into india a 1000 of a and theyve set up encampments weve been trying to figure this out all week there we see it i dont know if you can see your t. V. But there they are in their heart up there on the ground theyve got encampments there why would they do that. Well there there also taking advantage of their situation there again its a disputed area the chinese are on the move theres no question about it from hong kong to taiwan to the east and south china seas we see a much more aggressive communist party on the move right now and this is one of those disputed areas and thats been in dispute for years between china and india so and and india by the way is so korea with trying to deal with its own coronavirus problem pakistan probably felt this was a good time to make a make a move and china is doing the same thing but its been ok so theyve visited disputed since 1907 right after world war 2 but it wasnt it hasnt been since like the middle of a mighty 93 that weve actually seen this kind of conflict of situation between these countries what is 1st of all why is this territory still disputed and what does that mean who gets to administrate it is it india in this region it is right. Yeah india is a minister now but the population majority of the population has shifted over time to predominantly muslim in the kashmir area and they want to go with pakistan and pakistan wants them china has its own interests further north as you point out on the map and thats also disputed between them and india and i dont see this thing getting out of control but theyre taking it theyre going to try to they do this every once in a while and pakistan continues to use its. Leverage and control over terrorist groups to try and upset india and try to come to better terms and india last year took some drastic action inside of kashmir jehmu and. Limited further their civil rights and their liberties and within those provinces and they were very upset about that so thing actually and in the suburbs actually in violation of its own constitution final question is india going into a part me is china being aggressive with india because it hates modi who is a friend of donald trump is this new this this this this this antipathy between india and china. No no it goes way back to fact they actually had they actually had a military conflict i think it was in 62 you know predominantly over the basically the same territory theres also question over tibet so now this thing goes on for running away they have troops massed on either side and it doesnt look like theres an end to it even though the u. N. Is trying to do something but no one they want to be doing things on a bilateral basis so many players so many problems so many interests such a conflict. Michel of yes as usual thanks for being our expert thanks for taking us through this complicated situation in this in this region so thats our news thanks so much for being with us just. Take us with you wherever you go by down downloading the. International memorial the wards are now open for entries the media professionals are eligible whether youre a freelance journalist media or part of the global news to participate published works in video. Go to award dot com and to now. Join me every. Time im sure ill be speaking to the world. Im show business ill see you then. Part of something is better than 100 percent of nothing and so losing money is part of the Money Laundering model as a model of Business Model and we look at these unicorns these startups and Silicon Valley like the ones you mentioned we work. There. We were list. Theyre all losing money exponentially so many after a. While maybe the model is to lose money and so theres laundering the Money Laundering the money. 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