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A suspect who was africanamerican stories already making headlines all over the world and and then he with what appears to be his full weight pressing down on the suspects neck while the suspect is on the ground and handcuffed with this is say the officer held his knee on the suspects neck despite pleadings from the suspect and from bystanders for their part the officers are heard on the video suggesting that they tried to put the suspect in the cruiser but they were unable to do so. Also as we look at this image. Its important to note that the reason that this suspect is being arrested is because a merchant called police accusing him the suspect now identified as george floyd who you see right there with the officers knee on his neck of trying to pay with a 20. 00 bill that the merchant believes was counterfeit so thats what started all of this ok what i want to do now for you strange show you part of the actual video and look this goes on for quite some time ive watched it many many times and its tough to look at and the reason i find it tough to look at and i think the reason even though im not showing you the whole thing youre going to find it tough to look at is because it seems on its face the feeling you get as you watch it is that its cruel but its just extremely cruel to see a man suffering like that but if the officer is holding his need down on floyds neck we can repeatedly hear and its clear that we hear him saying many many many times i cant breathe i cant breathe sir i cant breathe he says it let me play part of this video for you so you could hear yourself. And you could almost see the officer right you could you could almost see him there taking the weight off of his ankle and applying it on the suspects neck they held him down for a process of approximately 5 minutes thats according to witnesses thats according to Police Officials who have come out today. And now its also important to note i think this is important that the maneuver that is the maneuver that is being used by the Police Officer with his knee on floyds neck that you just saw right there and said no way sanction by any Police Procedure and thats why when the when the police chief of minneapolis saw this video that we just showed you he saw the entire thing obviously many times he immediately called the f. B. I. And turned over the investigation to the f. B. I. And to the state bureau of criminal apprehension said within hours all 4 Police Officers on the scene were fired still as you might imagine the anger look at this frustrations in the air touched off by this incident it remains palpable thousands of people interestingly both black and white some sad some angry came to the area from where where where where mr floyd lost his life and theyre there to protest many of them ask why this type of incident continues to occur time after time in america where more often than not the suspect or the victim is africanamerican. Were going to drill down on this for you on what police did and also what they failed to do here on the news of rick sanchez where we believe its time to do news again. 5 minutes after the hour of 5 pm on the east coast of the United States of america and here is our list of the questions we think you will be asking tomorrow d why would no one in a uniform recognize a suspect in the process of dying a major space x. Launch cancel whats next and what kind of nasa astronaut tell us about why it was scrubbed and how it. And this launch is. So lets begin now with the question that Many Americans continue to ask themselves why does this keep happening why do we continually have to report on incidents that seem to depict Law Enforcement officers in america treating africanamerican suspects suspects differently than they would treat other suspects and where in cases like this one this one in minneapolis that i just showed you that treatment often results in the suspects death. We have an explanation coming up here of what police may have done wrong maybe what they should have done right but we want to start now with the facts of the story 1st and here to bring you that is our 2 correspondent michelle greenstock. Hundreds of people packing the streets of minneapolis Holding Signs that say black lives who matter least responding with tear gas. The spark to these protests was the death of a man named george floyd which occurred as a Police Officer handcuffed floyd pinned him to the ground and kept his knee on it for at least 7 minutes in a video that made the rounds on social media and in the news floyd can be heard saying i cant breathe officer and begging dont kill me the. Bystanders tell the officer to let floyd briefing hes not responsive right now hes not even moving and check his polls but the officer keeps his body weight on floyds neck until he stops moving and for at least. A way because he could breathe he couldnt breathe. Well floyd died in Police Custody its unclear at this point if lloyd die due to suffocation choking or Something Else the Police Statement however says that floyd appeared to be suffering medical distress and that he died after being transported to the hospital for now the medical Examiners Office says that autopsy results are quote pending further testing and investigation minneapolis mayor jacob phrase stated that the incident does not reflect the values of the Police Department as for the 4 officers involved in floyds death they were at 1st relieved of duty status with pay but as the. Mayor then announced they had been fired i believe what i saw and what i saw was wrong at every level no charges have been filed against the 4 officer its employees family said they want them charged with murder for the news or they can chose Michelle Greenstein are here all right so there you have it joining us now is overtired u. S. Marshal matthew fog marshall thanks so much for joining us sir we appreciate you sharing your expertise with us which is really important right now lets start with this so i heard the i watch the video many times you probably have to and i heard the officer say that they tried to put him in the cruiser but they were on able to put them in the cruiser does that explain what they did then by holding him down in the way that they did can you make us understand that or make sense of that for us. Right rick ive been to the next the federal Law Enforcement training cynical george ive trained but Law Enforcement officers around prince ive been on the job 30 years theres no place in our training where. You didnt take your knee and put it on smythe neck you can subdue them you can hold them down but to put your knee on and neck that way this guy. You saw if he did in a man is saying i cant breathe it just takes me back there and god in new york hes saying i cant work and the guy used a choke hold i was out more about a week on this particular. This thing that he did put its new on the neck there is nothing we have that allows that so we write. But then the fact that that man is saying i cant breathe you know it really bothers me is that the im also still of the round and watch this they knew id see them but i didnt mind but didnt want to have to stand in that film but he wanted down and man let up but he didnt say it because he didnt want other people to feel like they will week so no theres no theres nothing to not training that allows that and what happens is it just shows that disregard for life. Procedures how we should be doing things and what happens is a lot of times hes also going to job they get all the training and i always say yes but you know i like training this is how we do it here i have 2 questions left for you the 1st one is explain to us what they should have done ok you have a large suspect maybe hes physical but a lot of people are but cant get him into the cruiser what are you supposed to do that. You hold him down like they were doing and you try to talk to somebody this wasnt like you but somebody had a gun or something and sometimes you want to have to you know youve got to have some type of compensation and sort of mitigate the circumstance down to where the person gets up if you walk when you get off the vehicle to get out the car it was like that man was really. You know resisting so hes pulled away so the problem is the problem is that neither me on the net but youre saying having him down is not a problem putting your knee out of his neck for 5 minutes thats the problem. When hes saying i cannot breathe when the moment he said i cant breathe he also should have let off of his neck should have back the way he kept saying to the point that way to make him say i cant breathe now even if they say for some reason or another daddy that particular one cause this was for us that something this was still her behavior that its nothing less than an assault and it should have been it should be aggravated assault and the police should have jobs these officers right away because in a commanding environment the only way you can keep control and you have to have swift action it doesnt mean necessarily going to be the victim which they should be but the bottom line is it should be swift action ok should have been shot but there is i mean considering the history of these types of things this is swift action within hours they were fired within less than a half hour the police keep called the f. B. I. And told them to investigate and now there it looks like the into the this is different than other cases weve seen though isnt it marshall. I dont know if i can say is different correct i said new york reminded me of the same thing the case in baltimore what a man will say he was injured and also has just grown to want to sing or when i would get in these cases where people tell you theyre being how youre hurting me and also dont care so i think what happens here is thats what everybody is looking at the man told him many times i cant breathe youre hurting be and also just didnt care at all doing what you did excellent conversation thanks for your expertise thanks for sharing that information whether where preshared at marshall. And you know this is the news with rex sanchez where we bring you the story sure out today every day whether youre watching us on regular t. V. Or on the portable t. V. Were so glad youre there and were going to be right back. And then. Tower read out read i turn on the t. V. On the about the world of whats happened in the around me i see shows on the screens but in last every day because the fake news near is said steady state 02 maybe cooling his clock believed enough prisoners would harm after blair britpop britain cooled list of make it out plainly off that in this war but i found a network that will question science great news that space civil strife Climate Change stop it will be a cool simplied lists all the mainstream wants to do was keep us quiet here watch the right you cant keep a silenced critical point these cold perspective questions inside direct we dont take sides we walk the dog our t. V. America of means real talk. You cannot be both with the yeah youre right. Im holland cook i invite you to climb with me above the main stream media empire and from that higher fantods to glimpse the big picture question more. We welcome you back take a look at that picture thats a live picture youre looking at right now they should just be if you want minutes well see that hatch get open and you hear what theyre describing members can start to make their way finally going to be able to get these astronauts out of there theyve been studied here now for about an hour give or take they scrubbed a large but theyre still there point out were going to whats it like for these guys stuck in that capsule were going to talk to somebody who sat in that chair theres hes an astronaut hes going to tell us what its like to be in there wondering when theyre going to get you out maybe not and were looking forward to that conversation but in the meantime what i want to do is i want to i want to bring you up to date on whats going on with the space x. What is it a lot of you are wondering why is it so different from other launches that weve seen in the past is that a company is a part of the government well why does now suddenly rely on space x. To do what it used to do here with answers is our key correspondent natasha sweet. 2101 believe the final liftoff well countries have launched into space space x. Is the 1st private company to follow this endeavor since 1961 russia the u. S. And china have launched people into orbit in that order and now space x. Is following welcome everybody to hawthorne headquarters of Space Exploration technologies elon musk founded space x. In 2000 to the original goal of the company was to lower costs involved in space transportation with musk said in science on the colonization of mars but space x. Has also developed several launch vehicles and the dragon spacecraft by 28 team space x. Had over 100 launches and 12000000000 dollars in contract revenue both from commercial and government customers including nasa and the department of defense in 2012 nasa specifically awarded space x. A further developmental contract to. A human rated dragon used to transport astronauts to the i assess and return them safely to earth we are once again launching american astronauts on american rockets from american soil and this is a big moment time its been 9 years since weve had this opportunity a trip to go down in history but it is truly a privilege to to be a part of this to be able to witness the stork moment and to see where this short journey ultimately takes us in 2008 space x. Was the 1st privately funded liquid fueled rocket to reach orbit in 2010 it was the 1st private company in a large orbit and recover a spacecraft and in 2012 it was the 1st private company to send a spacecraft to the u. S. Census in 2015 the falcon 9 was the 1st landing of an orbital rockets 1st stage on land and in 2016 the 1st landing of an orbital rocket on an ocean platform space x. Broke another record being the 1st reef light of a commercial cargo spacecraft in 2017 space x. Successfully conducted its 1st test flight of a dragon crew capsule a year ago sending the capsule minus the crew to the space station the return capsule was accidentally destroyed during ground testing further delaying the astronaut launch space x. Has been using falcon 9 rocket to launch cargo to the space station in the companys original dragon capsule since 2012 reporter for the news with rick sanchez natasha suites r t lets do this now lets go back to those astronauts i think we have the image of them this is a live picture that were getting by the way from nasa bob behnken doug hartley you should be able to see them now if we still have that shot. Coming up. Ok its not out here but youre saying its there. Oh ok there it is ok got it there it is sorry i could see it with everything by me right so any moment now you see that theyre going to remove them from the capsule who are these guys 1st of all and then how do they get out of there are 2 parts to the story weve got an astronaut is going to take us through the exit and we also right now have a story by tony chavez explaining who these 2 gentlemen bob behnken and doug hartley really are here it is. Sciri way to live when the last Space Shuttle atlantis blasted off for the final time from Cape Canaveral on july 8th 2011 it was piloted by nasa astronaut doug hurley since then the only way to the space station for astronauts has been on russian rockets launched from kazakstan now nearly a decade later hurley is one of the 2 test pilots for space x. s historical flight you would have never thought you know after we landed it landed back in 2011 then you know 9 years later we would be where we are in some ways he along with air force colonel bob behnken will be the 1st humans to launch to the space station from american soil in nearly a decade its really interesting to try to think about the role that will play in history as we go forward but i think for both doug and i and i think we said this a lot of times is that were going to focus on our role in history kind of after weve successfully accomplished the Mission Early in banking or much more than copilot stow their classmates that are in space flyers and friends for 2 decades that here also married to veteran space flyers as well meeting their wives in the nasa astronaut class of 2000 now today theyll soar from the same pad where atlantis closed out the Shuttle Program in 2011 the last home launch for nasa astronauts well hurley will be in charge of the launch of the landing bangun a mechanical engineer with 6 spacewalks on his resume will oversee rendezvoused and docking at the International Space station and i think there are just so many technical factors and things that we need to focus on to make sure that we pull this off that our place and history or you know even trying to put our names in the same sentences as as the folks who have come before us. It seems pretty mature until until weve till weve pulled it off. While space x. s dragon crew capsule and its escape system have already been demonstrated in play with mannequins experts say there are no guarantees. Meantime only 3 countries have launched people into orbit since 1961 russia the u. S. And china space x. However will be the 1st private company reporting for the news with rick sanchez trying to teach others are. Ok we have an opportunity now to do some kind of special that is former International Space station commander leroy chiao and were so glad that we have im here because of whats going on right there there is the walkway that theyre going to try and remove the astronauts from these 2 poor guys have been sitting there for quite some time they were i why did take so long to get them out of there after theyve scrubbed this launch. You know and ive been through a lot of steps before on my 3rd Shuttle Mission we scripted a number of times and it just takes time to see to be able and you know make it you know make sure that its seated for that person. And actually get these guys out so you know theres a lot of you have to do you have to see if theres any kind of a fuel leak. You know you have to go through proper procedures. And then and only then can the person our own have to hash in your meanwhile your hand well in that i mean youre youre not in account you know i might be a little bit warm especially in the summertime in florida but to have it happen we cool in garments so they are able to control their temperatures to a large degree and you know theyve been throughout this training and you said that you know wait it seems to me that most of us and the folks who are watching us right now you can go through all the training in the world but i would start to become claustrophobic if i was sitting on my back like these 2 guys are right there waiting for such interminable amount of time just to do anything how do you avoid that how do you avoid the frustration the claustrophobia. Well you cant be the least bit claustrophobic can be an astronaut spacecraft can be pretty small russian soyuz is even smaller than the dragon and so you know its a pretty tiny spacecraft i got a teacher that they could fly at on a russian soyuz up and down from my International Space Station Mission during training their simulator gets you know basically the sleep spacecraft but theres a large store into the side you know on a store so its easy to get in and out of the simulator and so when you do in the sim the door is always open right so you can always look at it when i got into the actual vehicle and there wasnt a door i got into that corner and thats the copilot seat and i like whoa this thing is small but you cannot be the least bit claustrophobic if you want to be an astronaut or lets talk about the big news today we were all excited i think the whole world was excited for the 1st time in almost a decade we were going to have a launch from the United States and this was going to be a quasi governmental commercial launch pretty cool stuff but at the last minute i heard him say look we need another 10 minutes to be able to clear that weather and it sounds like they just werent able to get off explain to us what how that process was and that decision was made. Sure there are weather criteria for the watches especially lodges with humans on board theyre more stringent than other watches because the weather not only has to be good right at the cape where youre watching in the case where youve got action items on board or youre concerned about the weather down range that is you know over the path of a rocket is going to be carrying spacecraft nasa going to see if they have to do a launch abort or if theres a rocket and the capsule separation is going to come down in the water and the weather a lot of that half of the recovery ships and helicopters are they have to be able to get to the crew and save him and so you know its not just whether the cape of course youre also concerned about might mean that was one of the big issues a day like being you know that you want is lightning to strike your vehicle after watches and not intellectual systems and were trying to so you know a number of different rajshri experience you know as we look at these images once again im im kind of amazed ive been watching these guys for the better part of an hour now sitting over here whats going through these 2 astronauts minds right now either sitting there on their back for what going on 2 or 3 hours now. While they know the process you know they understand they know that its going through a large abort this is this is what happens is what it takes an incident a while vehicle and where we have to make it make sure that its ok for the ground personnel to approach and get him out you know basically open a hatch and and help them one strap and get them out how perilous how dangerous is this flight this launch i should say. This launch i mean everything is has been checked vetted nasa has been looking over say 6 children the whole way i myself in fact was a member of the space x. To see if through the development of this tracking spacecraft and so you know every member of the panel that i was a member we all looked at everything and we were briefed and you know intimately all the issues that have come up over the years and how theyve been solved and every day some people will go im having said all that any time you fly on a brand new vehicle when theyre its and theyre in or a spacecraft is going to be risky because its never home and so you know there is some extra risk on a 1st rate anything including this one what about the fact that its commercial were down to 30 seconds but this is not nasa or the government putting this together this is a bunch of private guys you trust him. Absolutely i mean you know and you know. If its commercial youre going to be seen or frankly because these guys if the if they lose the bugle because of carelessness and you know what theyre going to the business right now well you know its in any way its actually safer i mean look at commercial products like exercise equipment bicycles you know really i mean you name it its got to be c. Companies to go bankrupt thank you very much you just gave us the headline for this story commercial is safer than governmental wow. Leroy always a pleasure earlier i got an a smart man we appreciate your time wow my pleasure thank you what a day what a story thats our news thanks so much for being with us we try to take you through that launch as it happened wish we could have but unfortunately nature decided to have its way if youre watching us on portable t. V. Were glad youre there well see you when its time to do news again on which. 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