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Undercutting whats good for supermarket its not good for the global economy. Street. To. Street. Mr childers. 66th street like hes. Recently. Oklahoma in the heart of america one of the most deeply afflicted states in the opioids addiction crisis oklahoma might change the course of history. For the 1st time in the United States a doctor will be sued by the state for 2nd degree murder for over prescribing opioids hears the accused that to reconnect calls. A Family Doctor for over 22 years shes now suspected of being a prescription murderer. The judge has to ascertain if there is enough material to go to trial. The plaintiffs in the room have lost a child a brother a friend from an opioid overdose. Dr nichols was their doctor she was the one prescribing the trucks. Let him serve unbox im an attorney at Oklahoma City i practice crippled events ive got a Police Officer at and ive been a prosecutor and ive been a judge ive been here all my life born and raised in oklahoma. Provide the hard to the Oil Production were right on the edge of were cowboys are the and so weve got a lot of people in here that are hard working people and its a pretty peaceful city as far as that goes. In box knows these roads inside out and is on. 1st name terms with the local people all his career hes descended this community but today the clients have changed before i was having people from more the Poverty Level people all walks of life i have lawyers i have doctors children that become addicted to the opiates now its every level in every area of life is for is for the low income high in. All of what effected by the opiate use. He represents several families from this town everyone has lost a relative deceased of a cardiac arrest following a painkiller overdose drugs prescribed by dr nichols. But for not figuring. This Oklahoma City lawyer has never seen a case like this a new victim wants to press charges. You can see you can see you. Have a seat and that marshall has been raising her 2 children alone since her husband died of a painkiller overdose my math shows thats 99. 00 per day that she would prescribe. And he passed away about my 2nd. One in 20122012. He was a fireman she works in education counselor a regular family all it took was back surgery to turn everything over in a few months her husband became addicted to the painkillers prescribed by dr nichols of course once you have that surgery its never quite the same and then they get some other treatment anyhow and you know its a matter issues with just on the judge just injuries it from being to having such a physical job and i think it just snowballed you know he persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she did those after dose after dose after dose and really became. His drug dealer. More drugs than regular drug dealers off the street would prescribe shes doing it in the name of medicine. According to her doctor nichols would swiftly see patients without any physical exam a few dollars for a prescription her husband would have been prescribed 100. 00 pills a day 3000. 00 a month the doctor should have been the response well course and theyre trained and thats what their job is is to make sure theyre treating you in a healthy manner and theyre doing whats best for you and not whats going to bring harm to you. It happens to just your next door neighbor to your uncle miltie firefighters here comma city Police Officer to your School Teacher to your you know its a its not a its not a disease that is specific it could hit anybody. How come opioids invaded america pain has become a market and the idea of not suffering even likely is a good thing in drug stores that look like fast food anyone can shop for pain killers physical or psychological a painkiller exists for almost any reason. Imagine facing the day with less chronic osteoarthritis page. Imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. Imagine with less pain and amongst the pain killers on prescriptions are the opioids usually prescribed for back aches or headaches 2000000 americans are addicted to these pills for a reason that most ignore their opium based. Im jason b. Minute and i am the chair of psychiatry at Oklahoma State universitys center for Health Sciences our oath is essentially 1st do no harm and i think that thats one of the biggest problems is that doctors dont realize that by per. Scribing opioids that they could doing more harm than good and weve seen that in a lot of a lot of cases what were they originally prescribed for well historically the uses been for what we call cancer pain cancer does a lot of horrible things street your body and can cause a lot of pain nowadays its used for a lot of Different Things these pills a cool. Content are found to know other drugs that are legally sold on the market share the same component a powerful narcotic heroin and sometimes they are a 1000 times more concentrated. The opioid compound comes from a plant called the opium poppy and these plants are really grown mostly in asia and then theyre imported by Drug Companies into the United States but what we do with the pills is we take the good parts of the flour that you would smoke and we concentrate them in a little pill. And so the pills are much more potent than smoking ever was but in the United States we outlawed the smoking of opium in the early 1900 if you get a 3 day per script theres a 13 percent chance that youll be taking those opioids a year later so whether its a few prescriptions or a few pills its a very small amount that it takes to get addicted. To the left a lethal dosage of heroin to the right its a quick lived to opium samples. To date you know something for your pain talk to your doctor. To be able to not feel pain has become a tacit agreement between doctor and patient this is what price. These drugs a ticking bombs whos aware of that fact did dr nichols know. A wrongful death lawsuit was filed today against a midwest city dr Ragan Nichols is already accused are prescribing a massive amount of opioids to 5 patients who later died when i heard that there was 4 other deaths that. Good leaving the midwest city ducky dr im homeless tonight 3000000 jobs davis im just reading and listening to the jury just raising as many times and stuff and he. Was very happy she got a rest question on t. V. Oh very happy that that went on there or it was said was this is healthy daughter i mean did she harm i didnt know any internet i met a man why america should surrender men and manage to. A met. You. Mean these are navy have spent their entire life in this house this is where their daughter chelsea was born 21 years ago here also that she passed away at the painkiller overdose in 2013 their story is one of an analgesic Burden Family hiding in the secret and shame of addiction. Shes headed for back surgeries dr nichols was nice this doctor for 7 years she was the 1st to fall into the opioids trap when i 1st started seeing her i thought she was going to be ok and she was giving me Pain Medicine to help my back but as the years go by course your body gets used to that medicine so that it doesnt work you know you used to take one pain you know and now you have to say 2 or 3 pain pills because the pain is so bad. So it just increase and its just a vicious cycle because you know youve got to have the medicine but you know you dont want to have to take that much medicine but you cant i could work and do my job if i didnt have medicine. Lisa had her own addiction what she didnt know is that her daughter was doing the same thing for 3 years chelsea had diabetes which causes muscular pains it was her time to consult with dr nichols. Night i asked her about the quantity of medicine she was given her and her response to me was chelsea was an adult that she could talk to me about chelseas medical but she could talk to me about chelseas diabetes but she wouldnt talk to me about. The medication that she was i did trust her maybe money feeder to do it maybe just that the love of money maybe gets worse because i know that when she chose to be a doctor i had on it and she chose to want to help people. Aha no team no crowd. No shots. To actually use a belt. You know whether its true or no 1st. Point show your thirst for action. Tough and i need them on the phone in the highest amount of sway or both assume. Bandicoot so smooth to get on the plaza this way got to dog and so hard not to think im going to dissipate this moment the look like they power and i dont think this telethon if. This is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his way to. The floor of the sea without his will to support it a whole movie about a box with a hold on the. You know targeting china is off the ground game. Momentum some say china must paper that well others claim is an existential Security Threat to the washington world still others say washington can see we live in the world. And we met dr nichols almost a year ago i think she has a very good heart she wants to help people maybe a little awkward but shes got a really sweet heart my names tommy adler im in a criminal defense attorney here in Oklahoma City we represent dr Ragan Nichols or i really like her very much. Doctors lose patients all the time. To accuse a doctor of overacting and reckless disregard for her patients when we believe that she was genuinely attempting to care for them. Is a big step for the government that say. That exposes doctors to a lot of risk newsgroup troubled people these patients were abusing the things that they had access to. It wasnt the amounts that dr nichols prescribed these people that killed them it was the amounts that they decided to take. Her line of defense is set to shift away the shadow of responsibilities dr nichols was an irreproachable professional who was duped by drug addicts and she never had any awareness that her patients were facing any danger whatsoever nowadays in Oklahoma City addiction can be seen at every corner. I think america got here because we are the most medicated. We are a country of fast food quick fixes now now and now you feel bad heres a pill her heres a pill. Function heres a pill all those things are right there at a doctors. Good painter mines if that were alive. He went to the center as a patient since then hes become the head of the facility in order to save. Everyone here has to learn to live without pain killers this private ranch 30 places a year it receives 40 requests a day at 21 years old kyle is in rehab for the 1st time to. Sub brother. Im good well cool man are you feeling. All right ran. In here and then well good will get everything started. Right after you guys. Are. Has been to college and hes the father of a little boy. But 4 years ago he became addicted to opioids and then heroin. Writes opiates heroin and oxycontin anything else you know. And this is the 1st treatment on right all right are you feeling very emotional. The motion of everybody shes waiting for her boy to come back. Its going to take kalb out 30 days for you to really begin to see a change. So as life and death man theres only 3 ways out of this which is get sober which is what i pray for you on the 2nd one is is prison if youre lucky 31 is the bury. I dont know how else to say it but on them right and i cant do the similar as. Our own so much rather not see how. Them who are for at this moment i dont know. Really would be out of you who are who. Are all good here. Kyle has 90 days to learn to live without opioids. How it feels toward my mum my body is a lot. My thought process its slow. For just about a lot of pain or in the. South emotions and me its just i cant keep my emotions in one place and you know on top of. Her i just are of the little bit. For our friends and for all of us for us and. After that. William our friends kind of stuck together in. Were doing these pills and it was just blocking out so much pain or so stressed out and. Fighting back tears every day i think thats how i wanted something it was just blocking out that pain. And the feel good it and for good it. Actually helped me out with a lot of things depend on it. I was that was my girl you know that was my love and then. Just this last year like too many tell me about things of loss for family and that wasnt enough that wasnt enough to write or change. Mentally in my head i have gotten close to suicide. In all these pills are created monsters. I dont think that they should be legal. Just like tobacco addiction the dangers of opioids have been hidden it is taken 20 years for the government to take action for financial reasons. In my office while the lawsuit against her do for my. Knowledge and so full on and janssen pharmaceuticals. In putting this lawsuit together. We believe these companies are culpable for the tragic heartbreaking number of oklahomans who have become addicted or who have died as a result of the opioid up in. Demick in our state. Hes the Oklahoma Attorney general and the 1st one in his country to go to battle. My counter is publicly accusing pharmaceutical companies of having caused this epidemic and. He wanted to prove that he and his team have been investigating for more than a year. Yes my name is regina whitten im an attorney here in Oklahoma City and my time is model burrage i am my lawyer in oklahoma. General hunter hired my law firm Whitman Burrage to represent the state of oklahoma and try to recoup all of the costs that the state has incurred because of the Opioid Epidemic we need this person is a. Case. And. I think were going to be able to prove that 80 percent of all the crime in the state of oklahoma is directly caused by this Opioid Epidemic in our prisons are over feel because of that loss of productivity of taxpaying citizens costs the state money but im anxious to get this 1st this 1st battle started. What they did to this country. Is from. Their estimates bring the cost of the epidemic to 7000000000. 00 in oklahoma. This is story cool hearing will take place in a few days. Today reggie which will explain his motivations to a group of students for this struggle is a personal one. Partner reiji has been involved in the opioid addiction the opioid crossus ever since the death of his son brian and i had a nice that also related to drugs and so when the attorney general talked about representing the state. In this case. I think he knew that we both had family members and because of the epidemic. Were going to talk to the Incoming Freshman athletes at the university of oklahoma im going to tell on. A story about my son brandon. That the power of addiction and how dangerous it is and maybe. Save somebodys life. I think i got a chance to shake almost everybodys hand when you came in i was trying to figure out what sport you are its hard to guess every sport from your you know your size but thank you guys for coming. So let me introduce you to my co speaker tonight this is brandon. And ran is not here today and ill tell you why later this is me when i was at o. U. And i had this young son and also when i had more hair. Ran i was a cute little kid brand his plan was to go to college and play football which he did. He ended up playing on a National Championship Football Team never got in any kind of trouble in the drug that brought him down as an opioid and it did not come from the streets it came from a pharmacy i just told him stop using those pills and i found out its not that easy i found out its like telling a diabetic to use more willpower and stop needing insulin you cant do that thats crazy. I never told him about addiction i never warned him. And so now i i have survivor guilt now but im living with it so i started a foundation called fighting addiction through education because i think education is the key to this problem when i tell this story at schools it gets so quiet you could hear a pin drop and theyre not really interested in me theyre interested in brandon they i show pictures of him he was one of them hes just ordinary kid and if an ordinary kid like brandon can end up getting hooked they could and that is the truth these pills the big pharma sells. Theyre essentially heroin pills most people dont know that these opioids are essentially the same as here thats the key telling patients that theyre not addictive thats the killer literally thank you guys for being a good audience and im hoping some of the information ive shared with you today. Might help you in a good way. Richie sun never managed to clinch. Is someone responsible for his misery. Pharmaceutical. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see if. Markets are collective outcome of all interaction by human right markets its a human construct all the interaction from a by humans in the market create our future reality and from negative Interest Rates are now telling us that were heading into a time where negative time flows are going backwards in time. You cannot be lonely with the app you like. It. Was in the future it was. Welcoming our viewers from around the world live from Central London this is our to u. K. U. K. Health secretary matt hancock announces the governments test and Trace Program which she says its the publics civic duty to play ill be talking to medical expert dr david bull shortly. Quite frankly id look right. Into that is a very good use of time from a supporter johnson rejects calls for an inquiry into his chief advisor and lock down visits and as those on parliaments most powerful committee accuse him of undermining public trust. President Vladimir Putin says the worst Case Scenario has been averted in the russian capital as the moscow mayor says shops will slowly begin to reopen in june. The report blames u. K. Health services privatisation for the on going failures to get protective kit to medics and carers treating patients on the front line. And also the care homes in london they revealed to be hit by the virus twice as hard as other regions says one post drives through visits to enable residents to meet with their families. To be met hancock has launched the governments test and trace virus strategy which he says its the public civic duty to follow and sell to Prime Minister Boris Johnson defended his chief advisor Dominic Cummings and that lockdown trip to durham during a heated 90 Minute Exchange with the powerful Liaison Committee which he shot it was dashed he has all the latest so shut it firstly test and trace is finally launched absolutely another key and out 6 spent just in the last few minutes coming from the house secretary and really he has announced the rollout of the test and trade system and england will be launching as of tomorrow and heres whats its a very important milestone in date. Today we formally launch n. H. S. Test and trace this is an incredibly important milestone for the country and it just test and trace means we can start to replace the National Lockdown with individual isolation for those whove been in contact with the virus and local action where its necessary to respond to a flare up the concept is simple 1st through testing we hunt down the virus finding out who is infected right now and i use we very deliberately because we all have our part to play this is a National Effort and we all have a role. If you have symptoms you must isolate immediately and get yourself a test yesterday 2013 people tested positive and the next step is that through Contact Tracing like detectives the n. H. S. Clinician from n. H. S. Test and trace and the person whos tested positive Work Together to identify the possible movements of the virus well for a start in the primary today committed to presenting this adding that it would be steadily Getting Better to becoming world. Its also had a testing time in a Committee Meeting and this is a yes absolutely alice a farce johnson faced the Parliamentary Committee its notorious for being a very very tough meeting in New Westminster in fact so grueling that Boris Johnson has yet to appear before her and before today hes apparently missed 2 of the sessions since becoming the Prime Minister that is something that he was told off for earlier today it was quite a martin session though for the Prime Minister of course top of the agenda was all about Dominic Cummings the Prime Ministers right hand man we know that downing street really quite eager to start off the oxygen from this story Boris Johnson really having to ride it out but hes stuck with this line from 2 days ago that he believes Dominic Cummings acted reasonably legally and with integrity and doesnt think that inquiry inquiry would be a good use of official time at this stage though he did face a really gruelling session today. Why have you not invited the cabinet secretary to conduct its own independent inquiry in order to give you independent advice quite frankly ive not certain right now that an inquiry into that matter is a very good use of issue time working flat out on credit cards i actually think that youve been quite brief but even the that you can appear to sacrifice a credibility in. Your own government just to stand by your man youve done something never seen done in the 20 years ive been in the house somehow managed to make a nice and condemnation and indignation over your hundley officer cummings a lot of what was written and said over saturday and sunday was false in respect of my visor it wasnt corrected when you see ford has been well ill call a p. T. I am sorry so the pain as i say the anguish and the heartbreak of so many people in this country as Prime Minister he said this number of the allegations that i made about dominick rings were false you were within 6 hours east see the evidence to prove. Make i you know i dont want to get to know mr is a simple question you have your answer did you see the evidence i dont want to go into much more either ive said is it or requestion did you see the evidence i will if you please i would say yes i did the reason youre not giving people a straight answer is because you are trying to protect the mic coming to the east central im going to melt just a fudgy things unclear i think just because you are trying not to incriminate Dominic Cummings i think my choices are the choice of the british people i want us all to make it at and that is a as far as we possibly can to live outside the Party Political point scoring and to put the National Interest 1st. So the key sentiment and question really is whether this public anger will transcend into a public readed readiness to flout these lockdown measures of course many among the public will really be questioning if Dominic Cummings one of the men behind these rules can break the mold or at least bend them then why cant they also interpret these lockdown measures in their own respective ways the harshest comments of the day coming from pete which are arguing that Boris Johnson is sacrificing the credibility of the government to defend Dominic Cummings Boris Johnson in response really quite eager to try and say to m. P. s this is not the time for Party Politics now is the time to really move on from this saga really the more uncomfortable part not just about dominant comments but also much more in a wider capacity of the governments entire strategy was really scrutinize including p p testing track and trace and of course looking ahead of lifting the lockdown measures monday of course is the date in the diary for schools at least primary schools to reopen for some years for some School Children more shops to reopen nonessential shops and on june 15th is the date for retail to open many saying its too soon we also heard from the Education Committee chairman he said theyll be a decade of education poverty or is johnson hitting back saying that the do all in their power to level up and they leave the social injustice moving forward but on the main issue of the day when it comes to dominate cummings is really trying to detract away from him seems like he was facing a bit of a spanish inquisition he is going to stand by his right hand man when it comes to tomorrow and launching the test and Trace Program much of that relies on the Public Trust Public trust of course being something us up in the yeah especially considering that cummings himself might have broken it and indeed Boris Johnson for defending him. Thank you very much for that world to discuss all this further im not joined by dr and full of bricks m. E. P. Dr dave the bull david good to see you hello very good evening to you well what do you make testin trace the initiative has now been launched been announced of course the government dropped the tracking aspect after the wasnt ready now is this initiative simply too late to or can it work as weve seen in south korea well i think its worth saying right at the beginning that i think the British Public have been absolutely incredible the government asked them to do something very very difficult theyve done it amazingly its been 10 weeks and as you say in the number of new cases and the number of deaths of coronavirus are now dropping now clearly its always going to be easy to put people into lockdown that any is to get out of that lockdown and so the test and trace is a really good example of one of the ways that we can do that the question is why didnt we do this and also weve got a situation now i think the government is very keen to push this out now because obviously it detracts from the fact that the whole dominic coming sorry is very much the central news story at the moment i thought was very interesting in that Liaison Committee is that actually the Prime Minister was our last. When you get a positive result and you get a call from someone to say look youve been in contact with someone with coronavirus and they are then told to isolate is that advisory or is it compulsory and i think your correspondent is quite right because the public are now saying hang on a minute you told us to do one thing dominic commenting seems to be doing quite another and i think the key message here with the test and traces we have to abide by it because if we do that we can get out of lockdown faster we have to abide by it its our civic duty according to government but as youre alluding to public trust now has been undermined you as a doctor when you see patients will you see your colleagues all embracing this is a yes we must do it will the public support it david i think thats a very difficult question to answer and i think only time will tell i think you also have to sort of balance a number of things 1st of course is the medical impact what we have to do is to protect the n. H. S. Which i think weve done weve seen those cases coming down we didnt really need to use the nightingale hospitals unless there is a 2nd page and that is a very good thing but of course people have been furloughed many s. M. s just simply arent working there isnt this self Employment Benefit will run out shortly and of course people are desperate to get back to work and i think theres also another thing weve talked about before which is Peoples Mental Health i think for many people being isolated particularly if youre in a tower block in an urban area its been incredibly tough so i think if we can all stick together just you know for a bit longer and try to ease that lockdown if youre given a phone call to say look youve been in contact with someone with corona virus then you need to isolate and then of course you need to get the test now there are other things going on as well which have really important the Antibody Test i said before that is a game changer once that is up and running if we can show that youve got antibodies to this that youve been previously infected with you can then go back into the working environment and there are other things coming on stream as well you heard also today randi. One of the drugs thats now been approved which shortens the duration of coronavirus so i really hope as a medic and as a former politician that were beginning to see the end of what has been a very difficult saga you talk about progress you talk about things that we can in effect look forward to but as a doctor this cummings control the sea could be very serious isnt it couldnt it because we know members of the public have been flouting the rules over the bank holiday specifically mentioning cummings as an excuse and that could mean perhaps leading to a 2nd wave of the virus sooner than we think because people are going to get complacent or indeed just relaxed about all of this now yeah i think youre absolutely right i think people are now beginning to say hang on a minute we did everything we could to maintain that you know what the government told us to do weve protected the n. H. S. And it seems theres one rule for Dominic Cummings and quite another rule for us and so why should we abide by it i would actually caution as well just as someone who is a former politician it strikes me that also the timing of this is very unusual because of course the transition period if we are to extend that transition period that has to be done by the end of next month now we know there is a huge political effort going involved here to ensure that we do extend the transition period and today i saw a lesser it popped up from Michel Barnier saying that he was willing to talk about compromising and extending the transition period for another 2 years so there are many factors at play here but i think the key message to the public is that youve done an amazing job bear with us stick with it and we will get out of this lockdown today the bull thank you very much for being with us today. Lets take a look at how corona virus is impacting the 4 nations of the United Kingdom according to government figures there be more than 37000 deaths across the u. K. N. H. S. England has reported 183 hospital since yesterday the scottish 1st minister announced for the 13 deaths across all settings wales has reported 11 northern and. Scottish politicians are calling for an urgent Public Inquiry into scotlands approach to care homes during the outbreak the 1st minister faced questions over rushed to discharge patients without testing back in march the welsh Rabbit Service says patients are becoming more. Crew members when they also face must says hostility has been on the rise with some facing physical assault. As being. The number of its Freight Companies are set to go bust despite. The Freight Transport Association predicts that while firms may have survived a crisis period many will fail in the coming months. Take a look at the numbers more than 5600000 people have been infected this is according to Hopkins University which data over 2300000 recoveries have been made in the over 351000. Square and has become a point of political divide in the us comes as joe biden hit back at president he was mocked for wearing a moscow memorial day and swedens for the chief. Support of the countrys policy has made a dramatic u. Turn thinks that sweden should have imposed restrictions that it was wrong to shut down. Still to come to this. President Vladimir Putin says the worst case of parson already has been averted in the russian capital today a form of course one of the moscow. Homes of london the revealed to be hit by the virus twice as often as other regions we hear from the church all independent countries. We go to work. Straight home. And ill show it still seemed wrong quite old roles just dont hold. Any new world beliefs yet to shape our disdain for the conflict as a kid and in games from an equals betrayal. When some many find themselves worlds apart when shes to look for common ground. Part of something is better than nothing and so losing money is part of the Money Laundering model as a model of Business Model and we look at these unicorns these startups and Silicon Valley like the ones you mentioned we work. Wayfair. Theyre all losing money exponentially so many after a. While maybe the model is to lose money and so theres laundering the Money Laundering the money. During the meeting with president Vladimir Putin has said the worst case pandemic has been averted in the russian capital thats the shops will slowly begin to reopen in moscow next month on he goes you donna. Moscow is starting to get back to normality indeed a lot of news took the most a message is about in an online Video Conference and essentially now most local authorities here in the russian capital they have rolled out the table that a plot a least step plan and you very short term measures as to how the russian capital will be getting back to normality it is indeed as you mentioned it implies the opening of the nonsense still is also gradually reopening natural ux to a lot of people having well slowly to open them and let people walk in that their hooks and stocks reopen businesses that do not imply a close human contact like for instance the dry cleaners but perhaps even more importantly now moss who is ready to help the region because for instance the russian capital has a source of dissent in new coal but in 1000 cases compadre 2 weeks ago more people are being released from hospitals than admit to them so now that i know that there are a few of patients here on the mall not that medics will see time on their hands they are ready to share their knowledge to ostend their knowledge to other regions of russia was defective by now already most of the leading specialists i mean via Video Conferences they have been doing sending us with that colleagues elsewhere in russia explaining in teaching the posse on their experience as to how to be safe people with code 90 and becoming a couple of days the russian capital also said its specialists to other countries then will travel to their excuse and the russian regions of. Where they will be there where they will be saving patients for instance like doug just on what the lot of a region to region and so on and so forth so this is what is happening in russia. While most. Investors rush is now looking for a. Capital and its ready to deliver. A report has blamed privatisation for the ongoing failures to get protective kit to medics and care is treating coronavirus patients on the front line while the government insists the situation is improving campaigners say a simplified accountable supply chain is desperately needed because he reports the british governments handling of the cove in 1000 crisis has come in for sharp criticism especially given the country has the highest death toll in europe 2nd only to the usa globally while measures Virus Testing and the seeming hypocrisy of those who put the strategy together of all with on the mark possibly the most controversial has been the ability or inability to source personal protective equipment for those on the front line i think its been its been a real tragedy but more than a tragedy its been a scandal because what weve seen time and time again is that the government. Is you know actually undermining the very organisation the n. H. S. And helped get out as many as 200 n. H. S. And Health Care Staff of believed to have died with the virus across hospitals and other settings with relatives claiming a lack of kids and even the British Medical Association backing those doctors who refuse to work without it now reported lay the blame with the Health Service the supply chain and in particular the privatisation of the 70000000000 pounds procurement process the study by we own its a Public Ownership Advocacy Group says that the break up of the chain into as many as 11 out for contracts means financial inefficiency and the backdrop to this is that the government has been. That in and privatizing our n. H. S. For over 10 years you know the n. H. S. Doesnt have the level of funding that it needs and the kind of them that preventing that we see in places like germany and run according to the report the government could task Civil Servants with sourcing the kit for the Health Service directly from private Companies Instead the Government Asks private companies which selects and suppliers who in turn select those firms making specific items like gallons or mosques as well as those who deliver the kits and h. S. Trusts of even told not to source their kit but to go through the centralized system and while supporters of privatization say competition saves money the report estimates that the middlemen cost 190000000 pounds in fees alone and there have been high profile examples of system breakdown take those 400000 gallons from turkey an aria plane went to collect all were found to be below medical standard and useless for frontline staff but despite the obvious issues the government has previously defended its approach to pick him its of p. P. I can announce that we have now signed contracts to manufacture 2000000000 items of p. P. Here in the u. K. I set a National Challenge and im absolutely delighted that lord dighton has stepped up and is helping us to deliver against it around the world weve signed deals with over 100 new suppliers including agreeing contracts for a further 3700000000 gloves. Well we continue to improve the logistics and work hard to get everyone the p. P. That they need these new supplies mean that were not simply keeping up with demand we are now able to begin to replenish our stock we asked of the problem for health and social care for direct response to the reports on the impact of privatisation on the process but it didnt get back to us but we do know that profit and efficiency thinking. Saving very much about people live and. Have been prioritized over people so you know the job of the Health Service is to make sure that we can all be healthy that we can be had or. You have to plan ahead you have to have an emergency stop have to be ready for a pandemic the government hasnt been ready inquiry into the coronavirus sponsors expected to cover the scientific advice and the political Decision Making at every stage of the pandemic but campaigners believe a more fundamental review into the close relationship between private companies and government is paramount if oversight and accountability are to be achieved especially given that the end result in this case is a life or death issue a sally r t u k that. The coronavirus death rate in homes in the capital is twice as high as in other regions in england the office for National Statistics has revealed that there have been 4. 00 related deaths in london per 100 beds contrast with just over 3 per 100 in the north east and north west and that falls to below 3 across the west and east midlands east of england yorkshire and the southeast the lowest number has been in the southwest just under 2 fatalities per 100. 00 which are of independent care group my pension told me that its proof that care home should have been treated in a similar way to the Health Service something thats reflected on the general dentist. Bits across england you know there are the same out in different parts of the country that are shows in london is particularly shocking to show those figures and also reflects i think what happened generally about kobe lumbers hardest perspective thats why in my view weve got to be very very careful about these in the lockdown that we do not get a 2nd spike london hardest hit but didnt cope very well but why is that why couldnt it handle this crisis. Well i think it was down to the fact that unfortunately in social care we were was 2nd in the front line along the n. H. S. In the n. H. S. Quite rightly was held up to be top priority but care homes should be very close to that because social care has been ignored for many for far too long and thats the reason i believe that the figures are worse than they they could have been if. Councils are struggling to pay for mounting costs of coronaviruses analysis by the labor party claims that extra money isnt going to the areas that need it most because deprivation wasnt included in the calculation labor held virus hotspots such as Sunderland Mosley and moses sign and sheffield lost out on millions in funding when taken as a percentage of total Funding Councils including mosley blackpool and South Tyneside all lost out and over 30 percent of their budget in Additional Support but richer mostly tory run councils benefited from the calculation with authority such as working im assigned over 80 percent of its budget in additional funds to fight the virus the government says its funding was allocated differently to address different needs when leader of Sunderland City Council Graham Miller said that with dealt additional Funding Councils would have to make tough choices in order to balance their books. 1. 6000000000 of the 1st tranche that came to all local authorities and england was incorporated deprivation and need within the formula to determine how much she got so some noland got 10600000 pounds and the 2nd tranche of 1600000000 the government changed the formula without telling us they just changed the formula to remove that deprivation in need and some deal of deceived 7600000 pounds and as youve already pointed out it meant a substantial amount of money in the 10s of millions of pounds going through. Our Northern Councils in england to ritual shier councils in the south of england and it was terribly unfair and it absolutely was not giving the local authorities what they needed what impact is this having on daily life and something well on daily life life goes on at the moment bill what it means for the came so however is that whilst we have received 18200000 out of the government and that period and all money is welcome i always accept money weve also had to look at what the cost of the council offer dealing with the call that 1000 places and currently were setting it soar to 1900000 pounds for sunderland which means ive got a 23700000 pound black hole and mike budget which we have to find a way of closing if the government does not on the rich pledge which is what d Boris Johnson gave at the start when he said deliver the chaos and we will supply you with the money though the government needs to remember the pledge to give us what was needed and they havent given us anything like what was needed j. And thats all for this aisle colleagues of america will take over the top of the from all of us it was goodbye. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to heal some air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area russia. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on the story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. A. Couple he said. Just said. That. Is not a minimal but most of the most companies you know i think it was as if they please

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