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A showdown between china and india yes china and india 8028000 chinese soldiers have crossed over into india the territory now let me do this let me go over to the map over here on the wall so we can show you the area that were talking about this is the region i think weve mentioned this to you before its a region called doc right its described as one of the most beautiful places on earth its magnificent google it youll freak out its so pretty but like many beautiful things everybody seems to want to part of it its being its been a disputed region now since 1947 between pakistan and india and china all holding ringback claim but its administered and this is important in this dispute its administered by india and that has generally been respected by you know all d 3 sides until until now take a look at whats going on there right now let me show you. These pictures you see these these these this is a satellite image from the Australian Policy Institute it purports to show how 802000 chinese troops have crossed the border right and seem to be camping out now or holding their ground on the indian side of the go on river valley now what youll notice is youre not seeing troops theyre actually encampments right that they have now built in this region right now exactly why the chinese troops have crossed over not exactly clear theres a lot of theories on it what is clear is this this that youre seeing right here in these satellite images man this is not sitting well with india not its military not its media look at how this situation is being described by the Network India today take a listen look closely at these pictures. There the 1st images from the High Altitude goven drivel valley in the dock the fust visual evidence of chinas force build up in a serious new standoff with india. Chinese and. Heavy duty trucks and moving machinery. Evidence that this isnt your every day standoff china plans to stretch this one out china plans to stretch this one out says the host now thats indias version chinas version is a little different saying perhaps india has been pushing the omble open the region building it up Indian Military sources say they will engage in aggressive patrolling of this area aggressive patrolling while there is also by the way theres also some reports that there are talks that have started between both countries the military officials in this area to try and somehow settle this dispute. But look theres no question that these skirmishes that have now been taking place for more than a month we told you about it from time to time not like this this is escalation the situation is escalating and the situation is happening just as relations between china and the u. S. Continue to sour as well so this certainly is the type of story d that we want to drill down on this is the news with rick sanchez where we where we literally drill down on these times of stories because we do think its time to do news again. India hong kong the South China Sea how many conflicts can beijing handle all at once where does the u. S. Rank when it comes to kobe had 19 deaths iran and venezuela ignoring u. S. Threats what if anything will the white house do about it ok we explained to you a little while ago whats happening in the dispute between china and india now lets turn to the conflict in hong kong the images especially during this coronavirus epidemic when people are supposed to stay away from each other the protesters beating people up and ravaging the city and being chased by police its kind of amazing to look at and happening because china announced new security rules for hong kong which has protesters and the u. S. Angry and irritated here to explain r. T. Correspondent alex mileage. With sirens blaring Hong Kong Police deployed Water Cannons and tear gas to disperse sometimes violent protesters no country well. A blind eye to the illegal acts that may jeopardize its National Security. It is the consensus of the International Community which allows no that volstead ongoing demonstrations in the city state of 7400000. 00 started in june last year when the Hong Kong Government introduced a bill that would have allowed the extradition of criminal suspects and fugitives to Mainland China within a week the government gave in to demonstrators and the bill was squashed but the protests continued with new demands being added to the roster chinas government has blamed outside interference for the unrest and after nearly a year of defiant actions the Chinese Government rolled out its plan to adopt laws bolstering security and public order in the semi autonomous territory defying coronavirus related social distancing bans protesters have flooded the streets to demonstrate against the proposed legislation that would ban sedition foreign interference and treason in hong kong over the weekend 180 people were arrested as writers often outnumbered and sometimes violently pushed back police in protest hotspots according to the South China Morning Post some of the demonstrators were seen waving u. S. Flags while others could be heard cursing at police and chanting hong kong independence the only way. Government Officials Say that while the draft legislation is designed to prevent frustrate and punish threats to National Security in hong kong most of the citys population and investors have little to worry about as the new law moves forward the Chinese Government seems determined to approve a law before the annual National Peoples congress concludes later this week for news with rick sanchez im alex my lil bitch all right joining us joining us right now is a former british m. P. George galloway. George im just thinking to myself my goodness with everything going on with the coronavirus pandemic you would think they would choose a different time to protest and certainly in such a physical way as that video seemed to depict whats your take on this. Well the question you us right at the beginning is the question how many conflicts can be ging hand though at the same time and thats precisely why all these questions are now being asked to see the answer how many can they handle at the same time the u. S. Has got strategic bombers and warships in the South China Sea might pompei or just visit to taiwan taiwan has now interfered in the hong kong issue the hong kong issue is well and truly back the issue of tibet will not be far behind the muslim question of the we go in the sink yang province has been raging throughout ramadan as it does every ramadan every year so theres a full court press as i put it to you before on china and its precisely to see how many of these challengers china can handle at the same time all the signs are that they will not allow this hong kong situation to run much longer and i think that right about the normal country would tolerate this level of violence amongst demonstrators least of all. In the middle of a pandemic thats quite extraordinary youre supposed to be 2 metres apart but youre actually pounding people into the ground because they disagree with your slogans disagree with your child and to the authority of the government so i think that china is going to deal toughly with this and any country of the of the name country would do the same work when it comes to conflicts and pressure you know i would suggest buyer beware i was born in cuba so i know a lot about the politics of cuba and i know a lot about the relationship between United States and cuba and what i seem to learn from that was that when you push somebody up against a corner when you continually pressure our country usually what they do is they retreat inch they go back they dont do what you want it essentially either best Case Scenario is gives you a stymie or you lose all avenues of communication with them my fear is if you push china enough eventually theyre going to do the same thing whats your take. Yes yes i mean i think thats absolutely correct and a very acute observation but in this case thats what the u. S. Wants they know that they cannot defeat china they cannot destroy china or break up they just want to slow its advance because its advanced to being the number one economy the number one armed force the number one soft power force has inexorable they just want to slow it down and the way to do that is to cause multiple fish based on anything you can to bet you we go to the muslims hong kong india china conflict the taiwan issue just set fires and have them busy putting out fires in their own country and on the borders of their own country rather than constant. Waiting on the rise and rise to the top dog position in the world you remember where your mom and your dad and my mom and my mom and my dad who probably didnt know each other told us so about setting fires and what happens when you set fires. Yes dont play with matches yeah i was brought up on the rubric and thats a point you and i have touched on before because its all very well you know sending ball mars and warships to somebody elses backyard but what if something goes wrong exactly if rule gelman a fine occident what if the more proper is pushed so far that the other side actually has to feel that has to take action in retaliation these are highly dangerous maneuvers is specially when weve got plenty of others going on in the persian gulf off the coast of venezuela and so on yeah George Galloway as usual great conversation smart conversation my thanks to you george have a wonderful day. And were so glad that youre there whether youre watching us on your regular Cable Television network or on portable t. V. The app we want you to know that were coming right back where ill be able to interview none other than larry king stay right there. I like it when the hosts ask the question for the guests and then actually listens to the guests answer and then react to that answer a folks Dennis Miller here ive got a new show. Im a journalist its all i know being a truth teller people say i make among come from good news is like a jackhammer good drill down and they find the truth Newt Gingrich because its time to do news again and question more. Listen subletting online algorithms dictate what you get to want to go to portable dot tv slash download to get killer television its completely separate im talking Award Winning comedy awesome Sports Coverage inside so fresh still tastes like raspberries on a spring day take so hot theyll burn your face off thousands of videos more added by the hour did i mention its free its yet 3 go go get it portable t. V. Be your questions birth new question. Number as stars and endless as the sea and bring you all inside distance death and. Keep driving all that remains in question. On larry king question by listening learning you know ive always said i never learned anything when i was talking its important to listen. Questioning more. Wednesday 2 veteran mass astronauts are going to blast off from a Kennedy Space center in florida it will be the inaugural flight of the space x. Dragon mission socalled Dragon Program now this could mark the beginning of a new chapter in space flight but the launch as you would imagine is not without controversy at least not where nasa is concerned heres our d. Correspondent john hardy with more on the story from florida. Recount down is on the space x. Dragon spacecraft is set to launch wednesday at 4 33 pm and historic flight piloted by 2 veteran astronauts bob behnken and doug hurley hooping gearing up for the mission for months the you know group flight of the dragon x. 2 certainly harold in a new era in human spaceflight setting the stage for generations to come it marks the 1st attempt by a private company in the u. S. To send astronauts into orbit and so far so good nasa and space x. Officials report no significant technical issues but the Stormy Weather hitting florida this week could pose a potential problem as nasa and space x. Officials are tracking the weather from florida on up the eastern seaboard of the United States and into canada and beyond we are monitoring that weather and along that we were monitoring a lot of the same things were looking at winds were looking at lightning working your perception taishan were actually looking at waves were looking at way velocity and wave height because we need to make sure that if the crew had to come down in a launch escape scenario that they would come down in a sea state that would keep them safe and that the rescue forces would be able to come in get them along with potential weather issues theres also been some controversy at nasa swirling around the abrupt resignation of douglas. Mero and nasa official in charge of the human space Flight Division who quit last week just 2 days before he was supposed to lead the launch readiness review meeting and just 9 days before the launch resignation came after he reportedly broke a rule during nasa is recent procurement of a spacecraft capable of landing humans on the moon though its still unclear what role he may have broken exactly vera was replaced by ken bowersox who was his deputy but the controversy aside all systems for now weather permitting are a go the demo 2 crew of banking in hurley will be the 1st astronaut station on the atlantic has blasted off from in 2000 a little closing out of the Shuttle Program a new early in fact was one of the 4 astronauts who arrived at the Kennedy Space center on july 4th 2011 for the final Space Shuttle flight so up they go into the Wild Blue Yonder in was expected to be a new era in human spaceflight for our t. V. John honey. Thanks a lot john lets go over to larry king now to talk about this both larry and i grew up watching the Apollo Program watching Space Programs for our country and it used to be about as american as apple pie now theyre wanting to privatize this stuff larry whats your take on this. I dont know where its all going in the midst of muskets an extraordinary guy and he put his money where his mouth is i remember rick warren is all began. The Space Program i interviewed all 7 of the original i assure arts when. You go to a launch i did yeah living in florida i did what i did one time and i thought it was amazing none of my camping ground on the rumbles birds. Really history this program Lyndon Johnson was put in charge of that i got a candidate when. When he put humphrey in charge greene Vice President told me once that he would rather have explored down door number the water than warm up in space but were driving down the river was very shaky but i think the public has lost interest and thats gonna say and. Running again to this dragon people and that the day will have an enormous trauma room on wednesday if it can go on im not too sure maybe todays youngsters will be interested where you think well i remember as a kid we all used to have these big notebooks and then we went from class to class and we kept all our stuff on it pretty lab top right and that and all i ever did was draw a rocket ships and everything and it was almost every single one of us around that time thats what we did we were into rocket ships we were into space and it was an american thing it was also a russian thing it was it was almost a global thing and you know i kind of yearn for that larry the you you were but ill tell you something the psychologist said to me once thing that changed the world and changed america the most was sputnik when russia and russia went into orbit one for we did. Yuri gagarin operators race. Or show us into this war and we went way beyond russia in our own need only said russian nationalist. Space station when they mean it the history of this has been credible when you think about it and its so sad if weve lost the use i would love to see this all succeed but i know i wont live to it but id love to see is get to mars with you there are some things that i just want on a government to be tied to it because having my government be associated with it makes me feel like its part of me with all due respect to elon musk his accomplishment doesnt seem the same as an american accomplishment he get my drift. You know course you want its pride in country right you dont feel that you dont feel the flag and you can give me my skip the rest of my skin and his own individual berries and hes got a right to the many Days National to this right but this is john merrick and now i want to believe you know im going to be i interviewed once caused a monster nationalist to get to cause. You know that very much alike rick of course theyre in their boat explorers they love adventure its very hard to separate the 2 because when once in the esurance i think theyre very brave explorers of space i wish them luck on what was needed. It goes like this anybody who goes up in space when they come back to earth the 1st thing they got to do is sit down with larry king thats the way it was and thats the way its. A med big larry appreciate it. Thats great ok with sports all over the world affected by the Global Pandemic we wanted to reach out to a legend another legend and see what is take is on the impact of coronavirus on the world of sports here is my conversation with wimbledon champion boris becker. Hey are you. Taking into account the things that were being told we have to do right now social isolation social distancing Wearing Masks how has it affected you personally. Well i am and i am as you can see i like my freedom and for me my freedom was taken away it was probably because the biggest test of my life and the 1st 2 or 3 weeks here in london in the lockdown was difficult i was going d up the walls and i just couldnt you know whats happening in the world but then on the other hand i said im healthy my my my mother still lives shes 85 shes healthy you know my kids in a safe place and so im thinking what am i complaining im living in a nice you ad. And i can go out once a day for sets or shopping i think once a day out d in the park you know yes i did stretch my morning walks d to a couple of a horse i had made but that was it so why should be i complaining and what about all the frontline work i see in the n. H. S. I mean the goal every day into how going to the hospital trying to have to wants to have this terrible disease and maybe not come home alive so i was one of the ones that i was but there is tonight in london youve gone to the need to talk and you because you paying respects all these thousands of frontline work us well all the all the people in the hospital for her little see their little little you know paycheck and saving lives and im im you know i changed my my point of view on many things that i had before so what do you say to those people who are protesting and who are angry and who are holding d up signs and saying this is all some kind of conspiracy and they want their lives back and they want everything opened back and they want to be able to go to games and go to restaurants. And i love to go to games i love to go to restaurants. And thousands of people have died you have to respect guess you have to respect that love lost once. My 1st interview with boris becker i like him days a cool guy he seems really like a you know hes a smart guy he is and hes very genuine yes yes and its a really good insight into the game so its really cool that shes joining us now obviously there he is mr the the. Sure of handsomeness himself thank you rick so what you got buddy well 1st n. H. L. Try to come back now and a couple weeks ago we were talk about n. F. L. N. B. A. You know and ill be which theyre in the works as well theres a big announcement that will be that should come tomorrow but the n. H. L. Is now saying they want to come back and theyre moving on to face 2 and they never finished their season they never finished this is just clear just like i dont forgot and they had about a month left so just like the n. B. A. Now theyre moving to phase 2 which means they can open up practice facilities and begin Small Group Workouts and phase one was the core team which began on march 12th when their season was abruptly ended like the rest of the sports world now some of the safety protocols that they released a memo today actually a to another one of these 22. 00 page memos only 6 players will be allowed in Team Facilities at one time no on ice coaching players are required to wear masks when entering exit in facilities they will not have to wear them when practicing or exercising i know youre big on that not having to wear them of course but social distancing will be enforced when players are not on the ice teams are not allowed to require players to return to their home city now this is strictly voluntary they want to make that right face to participation strictly voluntary is it all going to be in one venue its going to be like a big giant tournament so yes that was the next step so this is them going back to their their home cities where their Team Home Team plays and go into the practice facilities now this will lead ultimately to phase 3 and 4 hopefully where it would be a 24. 00 team playoff picture so weve never seen that before this will be the 1st time ever now this is how it would work so 24. 00 teams go so the top 4 seeds in each conference eastern or western make it determine to based on points percentage the other 8 teams in each conference which would be seats 5 through 12 will receive so the 1st teams received by the other teams will play best of 5 series as a play in games basically that seems 5. 00 to 12. 00 like in march madness or escalate right now the rest of this at once were down to the normal 8 versus a 16 team format it will be best of 7 have we heard anything about the n. B. A. We so the n. B. A. Is in now we spoke a few weeks ago about ambien does neither have anyone hosting. The remainder of the season and playoffs all at disney world theyre moving forward with that but there havent been any details released other than that theyre exploring the opportunity of that still to have the remainder of the n. B. A. Playoffs and season at disney world finally i understand that there was an iconic pictures it took place and we memorialize it on this day we do we do lets take a this was 55 years ago to the day mates well yeah you got you got sonny liston there getting knocked out by the great muhammad ali this was this was Sonny Liston Ali to the 1st one was in miami now that im talking to you and me love the iconic ray its amazing that was a great moment in his writing sports and we see it all the time and its and its so it speaks to all you could you could use that in other arenas for example in politics yes we could actually funny you mention that rick lets take a look at if it were in nowadays like whats going on right now youve got donald trump knock it out joe biden theyre going to go either way theyre going to go back and forth they got a bit of a good beating a democrat i do have another example well funny you said that as well lets go to the next one we got nancy pelosi speaker of the house taking out Mitch Mcconnell there and then i mean were friends but you know its all business without. The moon theres rick sanchez on the on the mat there im sorry if i down for the count for the cats had a knock out or not done well go with the knock down you like it back up but only knocked about one minute 42 seconds into the 1st rep. Had to do so love you man all right thats our news so thats your be it with of well be looking for you again when its time to do news again. And another one of our is going to. Dont. Think its still going to see it on the plaza honestly got to. Be in the distance. And i dont want anything. This is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his own way. To the floor and you can talk to the feet without a visible persuaded her to call me about a box of. What i think is this is the fans that is a constant thank. You. Markets are collective outcome of all interaction by human right markets its a human construct all interacting from a by humans in the market create our future reality and the negative Interest Rates are now telling us that were heading into the time of negative time flows are going backwards in time. And. Hello from rhode island where i live as we await the all clear to get back to the r. T. America Broadcast Center in washington and so many of us are working remotely these days that telecommuting and Video Conferencing have become 2nd nature how will technology reshape the new normal dave grave line joins us in just a few minutes but 1st were hearing so much about supply Chain Disruption lately and this is not just a pickle for manufacturers its hitting home at the Kitchen Table in a recent Virtual Senate Committee Meeting kansas republican pat roberts said people are finally realizing that food doesnt come from a store and if you will

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