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Dogs to sniff out coronavirus in humans will it work details next all right its time to hear you and i. Ever since the coronavirus forced americans to stay home that obviously led to the shutdown of a lot of businesses and congress has since passed several relief measures aimed at getting americans back on their feet but after trillions of dollars got rubber stamp approvals the country as a whole is really nowhere near reopening and americans are becoming impatient with elected leaders well today the u. S. Treasury secretary and the Federal Reserve chairman were grilled by members of the Senate Banking committee wanting to know where all that money went arties Rachel Blevins has been monitoring those hearings shes joining us now with the details as a ritual how did these hearings actually play. Now well this marks the 1st time that Administration Officials were questioned on the results of that 2. 00 trillion dollar carries out and it was also the 1st time a hearing was held remotely for social distancing purposes now treasury secretary steve menuhin was questioned about a recent report which found that his department has actually spent very little of that 500000000000. 00 that was supposed to be used as loans for businesses and local governments and to that he said well theyre planning to spend it they just havent done it yet and he was also asked about accusations that the government has prioritized major corporations while smaller businesses have been left to suffer here was his Response Companies such as boeing that i had expected would need to borrow from us on a direct basis were able to borrow 25000000000. 00 in the primary markets so i would say in the best Case Scenario the markets open up and we dont need to use these facilities in the case of main street facility the municipal sicilia which we expect both to be up and running by the end of the month we expect these to have a big impact on both those markets. Now that mean Street Lending program he referred to is a 600000000000. 00 program meant to help small and midsize businesses that dont typically qualify for other programs and even though they are supposed to be up and running by june its still not clear exactly when those businesses will get the help they desperately need and also reach a receiving record unemployment how did the officials respond to concerns about americans who arent able to pay bills right weve seen more than 36000000. 00 americans file for unemployment since down began and members of the committee expressed concerns about those who are no longer collecting a paycheck but are still expected to pay rent to that Federal Reserve chair powell said that the goal right now should be to focus on getting americans back to work take a listen to what he had to say. A long periods of unemployment. Can really affect peoples ability to go back to work because they lose their networks to lose. Lose time. With the job market so i think anything that keeps people. Intact is probably. In their job but in the meantime keep them out of solvency and things like that if should be should the expansion story later or take take longer to get going its also important to note that according to the latest year for it to 44 percent of the americans who have filed for unemployment have yet to receive any benefits or have been denied altogether and did they say anything about provisions for essential workers well the senator has brought up the Service Industry workers who have remained on the job because they are considered essential but are still receiving low wages even with the higher risk at work heres what they had to say about that put their lives on the line for very low wages and their story about their paying the bill so see is that fair well mr senator i just want to thank all the essential workers whether it be the Health Care People the guys thank you thanking is great but these are these are people it isnt fair that our economy pays the essential workers so little in such work conditions. Now as for about 3 trillion dollars stimulus package that was just passed by the house the focus right now appears to be on making sure the funds from the last in this package are allocated correctly before they move on to the next one and still a lot for them to discuss obviously thank you for that update thank you. For taking a look now at the coronavirus numbers worldwide cases are now topping 4800000 what about 321000 reported deaths and here in the u. S. There are now about 1500000 cases and about 91000 deaths these are the highest confirmed numbers of any single country so far. And President Trump says the World Health Organization made several inaccurate and misleading claims about the virus and accuses the agency of moving too slowly on monday night truck tweeted the letter that he sent the agency in it he said the only way forward is if the w. H. O. Demonstrates independence from china and commits to improvements in the next 30 days heres our peter oliver with more. Lists all taking place against the backdrop of the 73rd United Nations Health Assembly taking place pops the most important one of those gatherings albeit even if this one is taking place virtually the being all the global stage and while it would seem like the perfect opportunity for nations to come together and work collectively to try and establish a vaccine to get aid to those nations that need it most what its being used for what this platform is being used for by the United States is an opportunity to point the finger of blame firmly at the World Health Organization and accuse them of essentially letting this crisis spin out of control there was a failure by this organization to obtain the information that the world needed and that failure cost many lives in an apparent attempt to conceal this outbreak at least one member state made a mockery of their transparent. Obligations with tremendous cost for the entire world u. S. President has suspended funding for the World Health Organization amid this pandemic. His critics say that hes using them essentially as a scapegoat for his own administrations failings in dealing with the covert 19 pandemic saying that if you look at the United States having the highest number of cases around the world the highest number of fatalities as well and also looking at the spiraling unemployment figures in the United States china for their part on the World Health Organization of the night vehemently these claims that are being made against them by the United States from beijings point of view theyve pledged money to countries that have been hardest hit by the coronavirus they also sent doctors and aid to africa and other developing nations china will provide 2000000000 u. S. Dollars over 2 years to help with the covert 19 response and with economic and social development in affected countries especially developing countries of the World Health Organization has said that there will be an independent inquiry into how what if they responded to the coded crisis their director general says that yes there were some things that slipped through the net but that theyve learned from them and he stood vehemently behind his organization while its also being calls for unity and a unified approach to fighting the virus from 2 of europes heaviest hitters. On a full leaf we join forces will would be dis been a damning and we need the w. We true because of its irreplaceable coordinating role and here we have the opportunity to provide a unified response to the pandemic that is free of complacency and unfounded accusations that now the country can solve this problem alone we must work together. That ratio is replaceable. And theres 3 sources to provide support to developing got 3 which must be our greatest. Weve got as strong as the weakest systems while the world Health Assembly. Choose day well be looking for more of a unified approach to fighting the fires and less of the finger pointing that we saw. Or the effects of co bad night can continue to plague low income minority communities newly released data shows a vast disproportionate burden of the illness and death among racial and ethnic minorities over in new york city are trying to be chavez has that story. Its been long suspected the corona virus has affected manhattan neighborhoods far less than other areas across it by boroughs but now we know for sure for the 1st time since the start of the corona Virus Outbreak the new York City Health department has released a breakdown by zip code showing the damaging effects kovan 1000 is having on low income and minority communities once again we see that those who are suffering the most lower income folks folks in communities of color folks in the immigrant communities the data revealing that black and hispanic new yorkers were more than twice as likely to be killed by a coven 19 than their white counterparts brooklyn queens in the bronx the boroughs with the highest number of cases hit the hardest the canarsie flatlands area brooklyn has the highest death rate with 612 for every 100000 residents followed by rockaway queens with 440 deaths for every 100000 residents burled we have a lot more resident more local residents more people that live here. I mean. Youre just here to work and according to the data the zip code covering corona queens and East Elmhurst some of the hardest hit nearly half the people who were tested for the virus tested positive. Yet another sign of the glaring error. Shall divide. But while other parts of the state are relaxing restrictions in the city its still too early public beaches being fenced off just in time for memorial day and stay at home orders remain in effect this as officials add testing sites and higher contact tracers to help identify and isolate future cases all while private Companies Race to develop a vaccine we have to make sure whatever Company Finds the vaccine right finds the pot of gold that whatever private Company Finds that. Divac seen. Be available to all people and it can be a situation where only the rich only have the privilege to get the vaccine because one company owns the right. Produce enough for everyone meantime new york city mayor bill de blasio says that he wants to create an environment without the racial or economic disparities that have been uncovered with this current data but that has been a longstanding issue that has played this. Report from home in new york trinity shabazz r. T. Then a new trade war appears to be brewing between australia and china on monday australia announced it welcomed the Global Support for an independent corona virus pandemic investigation then today china placed tariffs on around 80 percent of australian barley australias trade minister says his country doesnt want a trade war with china but is prepared to take china to the World Trade Organization over this issue. And over in chile dozens of protesters clashed with police demanding food aid amid this ongoing pandemic lockdown the lockdown has taken a toll on the countrys poorest protesters blocked the streets threw stones and firebombs at least during a Heated Exchange in response authorities fired Water Cannons at the crowd. And the texas along an owner who was jailed for keeping her business open during the outbreak has traveled to michigan to back another barber who was license got suspended for cutting hair and 77 year old barber reopen to shop for more than a week in defiance of state lockdown orders before state regulators took his license away he continues his fight to reopen it urges other Business Owners in michigan to join in. And President Trumps position confirmed that the president has been taking the and. Larry a drug known as. Trump told reporters that hes been taking the drug for a little more than a week and in the letter his doctor said we concluded the potential benefits from use outweighed the relative risks repeatedly pushed for this drug if you might recall as a potential cure for coke at 19 but the studies have proven that to be inconclusive. All right we have some breaking news out of the middle east where palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is making a major declaration a full report on that coming up and in sports regina hamm brings us the hot debate about where to showcase a statue of swedens famous Soccer Player so to keep up with the latest in case you missed anything you can download our brand new free app called portable t. V. You can watch us 247 we will be back in just 2. Ah no team no crowd. No shots no. Action just belts because. Well its true no 1st. Points your thirst for action. Im chris hedges the corporate coup detat has destroyed our Democratic Institutions the commercial media is burlesque part of the reality show president s expose the trivia blogs see on contact question more. Seeing the horrors that arise with money and evil. Corporate criminals who trash calculus lives to add just one more dollar to their millions. They threaten they bribe theyll do anything to keep their crimes in the dark but the people theyve heard are demanding justice their stories need to be told on americas lawyer. Dear you are thank you for finally changing the channel understand youre tired of networks that learn new with you. Today and that. They are not no matter what. You know me im famous for my views. And the name ready. Yours truly scottie d nell hughes. Im holland cook i invite you to climb with me of the Mainstream Media and from that higher fantasia to glimpse the big picture question more. Thanks. Chris. All right breaking news to get to this hour coming out of the middle east where the palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas just said that palestine is officially withdrawing from all agreements with israel and the u. S. So joining us now from tel aviv are very our policy where shes got more on this Major Development power what else can you tell us. When u. S. Military medic statements coming from palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas he says that israel will no longer abide by security arrangements full width and so users of the Palestinian Authority will no longer buy security arrangements with israel now until now the Palestinian Authority Security Officials and Israeli Soldiers coordinate all Security Operations in the west bank so that is being suspended with immediate effect at the same time as it is breaking off or ties with the United States now he says that he holds the United States fully responsible for all injustices towards the Palestinian People and that the United States is a key partner in israels actions against the rights of the palestinians so in that respect he says that the Palestinian Authority is cutting off all its ties with the United States as well now this is coming in response to plans these weighty side to annex its territories in the west bank this is part of the american president on our terms deal of the century it has the backing of the americans and we are hearing from the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he could go ahead with as an exemption plan any time from july 1st so certainly dramatic statements coming from the palestinian president were expecting him to spawn and i think some people will be quite a can of just how forceful and how strong those comments are. Wow pall of this is absolutely shocking news after the socalled like you said deal of the century is there anything else we should be watching is there any Movement Still happening that youll be paying attention to. Well the Israeli Government is going to be in a hurry to try and get as an Exchange Deal passed theres a lot of discussion was some call to st and one to not do to meet each at the the come soon will be Israeli Government which is a right wing government is actually the american president not you know been joe biden i mean as we the state and he would be opposed to any kind of unilateral she and ing station on the israeli side so while the cannister news will continue. On the governments range you noses will should. At least while just just stunning i am at a loss for words so the whole world is hindering on what will happen then in the november elections policy where i live for us in tel aviv thank you so much. Elsewhere around the world french president emanuel just lost the majority in the National Assembly 7 defectors from his own party broke away to create their own new group in frances lower house of parliament the new group now called ecology democracy solidarity hope to put pressure for more left leaning policies and also staying in france clashes have broken out in a paris suburb for the 2nd night in a row between officers and protesters this after the death of an 18 year old on a motorbike protesters are blaming police for his accident. At a fast moving cycle is headed toward india and bangladesh forcing authorities to evacuate millions of people while maintaining social distancing. Is expected to make landfall wednesday morning forecasters warn of extensive damage from high winds heavy rain tidal wave. And some flooding in catatonia. Is only the 2nd super cycle in recorded history that has formed over the bay of bengal. And back hair in the u. S. Officials in arizona say high winds caused a brush fire near phoenix to nearly quadrupled in size overnight 130 homes had to be evacuated luckily no structures have burned but the fire did come about 100. 00 yards from residential properties. And research is underway to see if dogs can sniff out coal bed 19 if so researchers say it could revolutionize the way the disease is being tracked heres our to correspondent john hardy with the details. We all know that dogs are used to sniff out explosives and drugs well studies are underway now to see if canines can track coben 1002 researchers at the London School of hygiene and tropical medicine Durham University and penn state or all studying of dogs can pick up the scent of the corona virus disease the British Government has poured the equivalent of more than 600000. 00 into the research in the u. K. To support years of research that weve already done and demonstrate that people who have a malaria infection have a distinctive border you are and weve shown that dogs can be trained to detect that with very High Accuracy so if this is successful we should say for kuwait 19 this could completely revolutionize the way that we are tackling this disease. He says one of the dogs a building shepherd is able to identify one of the 4 cones that contains sweat from a patient with copd 19 at penn state researchers say theyre using 8 dogs to see if the dogs can recognize the smell of covert 19 and saliva and urine samples from infected patients through technique known as odor imprinting the dogs will then be tested again to see if they can differentiate between the scent of those who are coded 1000 positive. And those who are coping 1000 negative dogs have 50 times the number of smell receptors in their noses than humans have they also have the ability to detect low levels of organic compounds linked to diseases such as Ovarian Cancer along with various bacterial infections the decision would be that these dogs are able to screen people screen large numbers of people either transportation hubs going into buildings you know we can imagine lots of places that this would be valuable and i think the 3rd thing would be is this an opportunity for dogs to screen facilities for actual virus so you have viral contamination say in a nursing home and its been cleaned and we have 2 dogs just confirm it indeed weve got that virus on whether or not dogs can sniff out the corona virus still isnt totally proven much more research and study needs to be done but its certainly a promising start in the fight to stop kobe 19 for r. T. John honey. I left head over to regina hamm sitting over at the sports h. Q. Both of you and i dog lovers talk about mans best friend right i was about to actually Say Something you know mel if there is any story that could you know preceded me im so glad it was the one with the dogs and i guess were on the same wavelength here yes the whole dont totally love that story now for your stuff here theres a very famous and kind of controversial Soccer Player in the game finding new information about the fate of his statue i have a feeling maybe he got his butt back. You might be right in that player in question is not funny but he made it hes one of the most controversial players lets put it that way to grace the pitch but he is honored in his hometown of malo sweden however after recent events the question remains of his famed statue would stay on its bronze pedestal much vandalize statue will actually remain him although do reeling from this here city council. Although the exact location was a little secretive they discuss proposals from locals on where to move the statue after it failed to be considered safe outside the citys soccer stadium the statue of the famous street has been attacked numerous times most recent in january was cut off at the ankles reason for the attack. Became part owner in a hair of the which is a Stockholm Team that is a rival of momo not really a good idea but since the attack its been roof repairs and has been held in a secret location awaiting a decision currently plays for the ac milan but has been training with hammer b. During the current of ours so that sachin might not still be safe the n. H. L. Though is looking to try and restart the season in hopes of crowning their new a stanley cup champion so on that note lets start a tuesday edition of the stand sports history with a team that won its 1st ever stanley cup championship 46 years ago one 974. 00 to be exact Philadelphia Flyers in their glory days as the broad street bullies defeated the Boston Bruins won nothing to shut out and win their 1st title they took a serious game 6 at the spectrum in philadelphia it was a 1st of 2 cups for the flyers in the seventys fast for though to 1901 and willie the ribs became the 1st africanamerican driver to pee in the indianapolis 500 hes also the 1st to have tested a formula one car doing so 986 in 2 years ago if the 20143rd running of the preakness justify one the middle jewel of the triple crown people said horse or trainer bob baffert to him both the derby and the preakness and would actually go on to take the triple crown at belmont. Speaking of winning there is a need to return to winning ways for the twins as they headed on the road to hopefully come away with the w. Against their rival Samsung Lions top of the 1st r. B. I. Single off the trans outer check in some twins up one nothing made in the transfer space Roberta Ramos sending the ball deep into right field for through on home run turns now a 4 to nothing there are rampage top of the 1st only in this time so horner right field off the bat of oh you want visitors 50. 00 read samsung and. A deep hole top of the 4th it gets worse another rb i say was you song at least under the tag 8 not the lead for the twins but i missed it a small sign of hope for the lions in rb i still like him some soup hes going to put his team on the board stillness it lies chip away at that lead with a 2 run home run by right fielder whos out and the lions make it 10. 00 to 4. 00 bombers alliance at that and around a 3rd sets of a double play but thats all she wrote folks twins right the ship and come away with a 106. 00 win hopefully bass will be back here soon for us mila will find out one day we do know at least the Belmont Stakes theyll be happening next month and itll actually all end in wrath of the triple crown in october here in the d. M. V. Area of the preakness so maybe some us will get to watch it hopefully hopefully make me a 2nd appearance in the fall so well see well see because were figure sports fans everywhere were hoping were praying and as a Philadelphia Flyers and i am very excited absolutely all right were going to get richer thank you so much ok dont go anywhere because were back at 7 pm with a lot more news including privacy activists and the a. C. L. U. Sounding the alarm about new apps designed to trace people tested who tested positive for corona virus were to talk about that and then more disturbing video is surfacing in the case of the africanamerican man in georgia shot and killed by 2 white men were going to discuss that with our panel guests that and more coming up at 7 so thats it for now im an electronic free keep up with everything portal to. The collapse of the regime has exposed yet again the unprofessionalism bias of the Corporate Media the same mediate consistently project the only play values with. Even the truth or conspicuously in the news reporting. The president s press conference from the new state Department Auditorium march 23rd 1961. I want to make a brief statement about laos. It is i think important for all americans. To understand this difficult and potentially dangerous problem. These 3 maps show the area of effective communist domination as it was last august and from december 20th to the present day at the end of march the communist control a much wider section of the country. The position of this administration has been carefully considered. And we have sought to make it just as clear as we know how to the governments concern 1st we strongly and i have at least for the goals of a neutral and independent lay out tied to no outside. Group of powers threatening no one and free from any domination by fellow americans they are far away from america but the world and. The security of Southeast Asia will be in danger if lay off loses its neutral independence i want to make it clear to the American People and all the world that all we want to play os is not

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