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To discuss this and more im joined by my guest glenn these and he is an associate professor at the university of south eastern norway as well as author of russias geo Economic Strategy for a greater eurasia and in budapest we crossed the george said you know he is author of bombs for peace nato is humanitarian war on yugoslavia our gentlemen are stuck rules in effect that means you can jump a new one and i was preaching ok lets go to budapest 1st course you know for the last 3 and a half years almost warrants being called russia gate because coax there is been. Foisted upon us by the media and by the establishment primarily on the left but you know what it should be called the obama game because of what has happened with when you get my point go ahead george absolutely be the revelations during the past 2 weeks have been stunning be with us well have. The revelations about the mosque or the unmasking request which previously we have been told by James Clapper the former director of National Interest thats very rare that almost never happen and only the most senior level of the administration have access. Now it turns out that every single act yes this is the secretary in any department who has access to the un must be but even more serious was as in the famous show the post story the dog that didnt bite bark in the night which is there was no unmasking request about lee the trying issue throughout the russia hoax story which was the flint kesey act wolk it took place on december the 29th when obama issued his sanctions ruling and here is the expulsion of the diplomats. And from that moment done from december the 29th through to january the 5th there were no unlost requests so the story that we have been told which is that oh well you know who we were spying on just we are because hes a Russian Ambassador and hes a hostile actor and it was spying on him and coincidentally we picked up his conversation with flynt is untrue there were no unmasking requests and yet by january the good which is when mccabe the Deputy Director of the f. B. I. Is having a conversation with mary mccoy d it was really just as a by then but mccabe knew all about the clint just react role and was already bringing up the logan act and obama on january the 5th also knew all about the flynn gets the acro so how did they know about it there were no unmasking requests that leased the conclusion that it was flynn and flint always who was the target of the Obama Administration they were spying on flynt and who would have the authority to order this flight the f. B. I. Didnt because the f. B. I. There was no fight as a warrant on inflation because it would have known about it from the Inspector General report and he said no there was no files that warrant was in the cia this its illegal for the cia to spy on an american citizen so it had to have come from above unless it really does point to the central figure in all of this and its been obvious from the stuff that people like comi and others wouldnt have just been going around spying on the trunk campaign without authorization from somebody much more senior than if its a Counter Intelligence operation they are the white house would obviously know it here you know you dont blend ive been covering this story slavish me exhaustively for its rina have years and i have always been very careful to choose my words try and i have never invoked Obama Jurek Lee however we. Last weekend when he was talking out with his cronies on a conversation which of course was obviously fed to the media and his supreme. Lesser about how the Justice Department has called for the end of the prosecution of obama general slim and this shows a direct connection also we know that joe biden was on list but with as you know no math lins name joe everybody was doing it apparently everybody denied it also so like im very very curious here is the difference renay have 2 years we have slaved away on this program with x. And trying to understand how all the moving pieces were and now as this is unraveling this conspiracy because it was is that you have the Mainstream Media and the political establishment theres nothing to see here i mean this is so insulting to the public and this is such a disservice in journalism because isnt it i think its one of the reasons why theres so much discord in the United States about the endemic is that people have lost their trust in media and actually did lost their trust in government as well. There are so many occasions discussing it when this is a rush a hoax will eventually blow up and what time it what happened and if so what will be there are a caution now obviously. You know well what should the thread carefully because this is sort of very easily wrong can be denounced as conspiracy there is however a record of it during. This russian hoax investigation there was also argued that they did not believe in the collusion they were accused peddling conspiracy if there is so if you do believe in the Conspiracy Theory that you were a conspiracy theorist and now it has been turned a bit on obama then the same words are being used as a conspiracy i would. Very much agree with out what george said but this didnt come out of nowhere again if you go by that the Democratic Party who lost the election and there. Hadnt seen 2060 and they commissioned this report known as the still us air where all this accusation began with oh this turned out also to be all fabricated and state but nonetheless this became the source all right legend my own reasoning for this we are to do the research into you want to meet us live it real let me jump in here but before they made these spies to replace they already knew the dossier was bogus ok again we have all predicates and they actually committed to fraud on device or court ok this is what we have learned recently as well i mean no matter where you want to jump in on this conspiracy hoax its that its not going to keep dont buy that it is the revelations of came out very likely that theyve been the most damaging because on the 29th of april we learned that the documents from the f. B. I. Themselves revealed their objective is introduced out with general slater aflame of course when they were going to see him didnt tell him he was being investigated needed kone had to admit that this was very odd press and this is not how things are. And as were showing these documents. I went there on a mission which was to try to provoke a more tricksy me into their life in order to have documents suggest to me to quit or be fired and this was referred to down. This has been previously revealed in s. M. S. As between 2 f. B. I. Agents who referred to the need to take trump down and get the insurance also against them though this is not a theory or accusation this is what has already been proven and no one is that dismissing it so if these are all the facts no one is contesting it you have to ask what actually makes it a conspiracy no im not saying maybe this is all a lot of coincidences obama knew nothing about it but surely this suggests it would be a good reason to investigate what the. Obama did that abound and using this shared the state to take our political call not just this. Line i think we ran a point where i think that we have to have the. Senior members of the administration including the president the Vice President explain to us i mean go i mean im not looking for drama here ok im not i think we need to close this chapter year but we need to understand whats going on a lot of lives have been destroyed and incompetence in government institutions and in the media and big shots ok so i think we accountability is necessary here george i mean. I keep thinking about you know when when when when there was the change of the transition of power obama is on the record of warning president elect strummed about general flynn and kim jones whom i mean thats certainly not a coincidence and if it is then you know i can sell you the Brooklyn Bridge go ahead well exactly and again if you look at the timeline 2016 the f. B. I. Opens an investigation of flint what was the predicate a ridiculous story that he had attended a dinner at cambridge and he was romantically involved with a russian academic who supposedly had sinister g. O. U. Connection there was no romantic involvement he didnt go off with this. Russian academic and she was an academic youth so the f. B. I. Opens this investigation finds eventually that there was nothing that the nothing derogatory its about to close this investigation a ridiculous investigation to begin with and then. Theyre basically they get an order of dont close it now this all that came from up above this was already because this is if you look at the. January the all that will be the f. B. I. Man who want to close it by january the 3rd already in the cave is talking no no weve got to keep the. The investigation going but on the basis of what hes not no longer a russian asset the logan at that of course the logan act is so ridiculous that even they know that they cant possibly go ahead with the logan act so then they cook up this thing about getting him to lie on the record to f. B. I. Agent but even that is a fraud because he didnt lie to the f. B. I. Agents and it was a deliberate deception that was played which was the issue of the sanctions and the expulsion of the diplomats because the the in the indictment statement the defense gets referring to over he said he didnt talk about sanctions when he didnt talk about sanctions against the act didnt talk to him about sanctions he talked about the expulsion of the diplomats so flynn didnt like it he said i didnt talk about sanctions i thought about expulsion of the diplomat and could not do better and he tonty that about the United Nations Security Council vote on israel and settlements which the Obama Administration was abstaining and so i mean if you really want to get to the origins of the origins of the origins i dont know is it israel games ok no one in the media ever mentions that at all you know glenn one of the things that you know we have again you know you have the people that push this this Conspiracy Theory that there are there are references always the rule of law and traditional norms here but even as we speak right now the rule of law is being dead brigade if you have the a Justice Department dropping charges against general flynn and his trial the prosecution the defendants the lawyers full there in agreement there is no conflict with the United States government in general flynn but beth but the judge says otherwise which a week ago the Supreme Court ruled 9 to 0 been adjudged. That stature cannot change the rules of the game they cant enter a plea for the defendant ok particularly when the state has withdrawn 30 seconds before we go to the break ok well thats one of the great trying to do this here just to slow some confidence. And just use your i mean in the what about up and smile when someones got a complaint other slimness being let go is either on the left as it is up from conspiracy now. If they dont follow through on this and look up whats happened to. The husband hes the right will see this. You know larger what is correct which is it was a little less what took him down using the Security State so no matter what happens now its ok all right will. The that were going to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion or obama gate your joints stay with r. T. We go to work some straight home. Welcome to cross up where all things are considered im people about to remind you were discussing obama gate. Ok george let me go back you know budapest here one day we were talking about the the beta by general flynn might be prone to the break which is very very interesting i think i understand why judge sullivan is doing what hes doing is hes being obstructionist ok he will fail in his endeavor to change the rules of the game its only a matter of time he could actually youve been face impeachment but even if that is the course of action thats going to take a long time i think i know what this group is all about is to force trump to tar and in everyones minds you got a pardon that must mean hes guilty and thats how the public will receive it here and theyre trying to force trumps hand again it has nothing to do about that they think this individual though i do not agree with on everything he is always these before he became National Security advisor but its just a fact that this persons rights have been grossly violated here what they want so forth from the give a pardon and theyll save the big 3 because if you dont get this conviction this is patently obvious it was a Conspiracy Theory that just completely unraveled is one of the sites where george yes i agree with that that thats the goal i think in other goal is to delay this for as long as possible because the moment this trial ends and the case is thrown out flynn will speak and then we go to find out much more about wind was that obama was so obsessed with that why was it that obama targeted such a long time he will speak out this is what solomon wants to prevent so hes. Century 8 but rationally oh well well have others you know theres a miki coming in with arguments and that will have another judge coming in with an argument just to the latest on this must work to get past november because the moment flynn speaks it will be highly damaging to the democrats this is a 3 star general he has been seen. And you know attacked in an outrageous fashion hes going to speak out and this will radiate biting so i think thats what some of this osullivan is always political as a political cause. And hes now trying to save obama particularly after obama made his dramatic intervention because hes been silent all this time is to completely silent about russia gate suddenly he steps in and why does he suddenly step then because it affects a plan flynn is about to go and thread is about to speak out and obama then rushes in and issues he is socalled secret. Injunction to his his minions i think they i think the obama world has a taste of whats going to come glenn because a joe biden was asked by media friendly people i think it was i think it was c. N. N. Yes it was a. B. C. News with George Stephanopoulos he was asked a softball question about his well the reason why he asked for the unmasking of lynn and the meeting that he attended in the white house then just discussed there and joe biden bungled it ok badly ok and you can bake it in bundles it all the time here but its already planted the seed even in. The rural friendly media is that there was something afoot here and believe me the drunks arrogance were never going to let this go and for very good reason that i mean the country was in the world i mean look how its affected geopolitics this is a hoax i end. In this and it is hoaxes like a bell that you cant remain unfortunately a lot of things that happen as a result of this so i mean glenn how how does the how do we cover from this because no one in the media is good in madrid they were wrong is admitted there are more people saying theres new conspiracies that russia is going to undermine into 2020 alexion and i suppose theyll somehow say it was a russias top of the pandemic i mean given the track record of laos for years i would be surprised so i mean what is the damage done by this conspiracy that isnt round go ahead well i think you know how does this will impact elections are a great step and its going to thats why i still relevant on the 4th of january when when the f. B. I. Suggests that there was that. There was a compromise it was time to shut this down day out of their way and their leadership said no keep it open this is the same day when the obamas 1st began this. Item was there 1st you denied it course you have to retract it. Right email so so or obviously this will because he simply implicated this will obviously very much weigh into the election and im no longer the sure how they can heal or overcome discussed with discuss before no matter what happens no the other side will see it as being. Essentially and their views on the legal system and. Even some of the republicans are being cautious about going after obama because your targets president is going after the former president myself about business and thats acclaimed of us what about the main problem though is you have all those problems now with the security space which has been spent for so long in getting this income i dont know where youre going to find out you know James Clapper and the cia director john brennan go tonight about the n. S. A. Spying on americans brennan spied on the senate you have a turn in china. Well eric 1st journalists this doesnt make shame very very common to do all of this and furthermore that the journalists on who seem to have much of an interest are into this and the larger reason because of this is you know in the past unless they were very critical of the security agencies up now they have them on as guests on their t. V. Show. Just now theyre hiring them as well so the question now becomes also going to having a media will not just have disappeared just want to read whats what the events of the world are and saw them to become too close but this is your state and this is how are the problems with this polarization because if if. Theyre all going against that Trump Administration must mean theyre good and would take their side so this was happens during extreme polarization you no longer have principle politics you know we are going to suggest a shot at each other is you protect your people in fact others are and in this polarization is theres not a yet entire legal system not states has taken a big hit my in my recommendation would be to air their problems because you have you know much after you know actual the 1st gate watergate you have to erode their problems and then recovery cant just say this is gonna hurt the country lets just. Give this this nonsense to have on the news or its a very good because you know well i think that you know we could be easily accused of framing it as just being and george im touring the primary the democrats really get paid and it was really amazing that now hes got the primary. Bernie sent in so youre even you know intels says that you know that the russians are all rooting for Bernie Sanders see they did it again ok they wanted it theyve been trying to make out they tried to kneecap when they did it very. Forcible job right making you know when so early in the administration and then during the recent right mary bernie. Sanders gets ensnarled bennett ok and of course the media gleefully report this year because they dont want sanders they i mean the left you know who are all the bed in the House Republicans with it now lets most venomous and not so run against progressive all the tyrant and there was another way to meet count Bernie Sanders during their primary im just trying to pick up on a point that glenn was saying here its just not one person wanted ministration this is a this is a bad habit that is being allowed to continue go ahead yes i agree entirely and what is really going on here is very sinister i mean after all democracy is about the peaceful transition of power you lose an election you congratulate the winner and you help the winner take over the seat of power thats what happens in a democracy we had exactly the opposite that took place under obama they didnt accept the result of the election they cooked up a fraudulent florrie about russian interference and collusion between russia and trump using teligent agencies to spread this story into the media dealership denies the Incoming Administration and as you say all the administration prevent the administration from pursuing the policy it can actually run on in the election what is it that really what a democracy is not suppose and this is much more serious than war to get i mean i know trump says this everyone dismisses it much much more serious i mean theyre all you had was clowns in the white house basement. Doing nefarious things this is the head of the cia the head of the f. B. I. These other people in the government who are engaged in a conspiracy to swallow what the peoples vote they the interesting thing is and i never tire of mind our viewers of this is that that the real scandal of watergate was actually the cover of not the break ins ok and also watergate. The f. B. I. And the cia they were asked in the next administration i asked for help they said no clear were not going to get involved in your mess ok and of course the media played a responsible role glenn now we have now we have this Security State the deep state and media in locks up a step with one Political Party or one political ideology theyre all mobilized together i would actually throw in hollywood and the universities know well that maybe this is what makes it so the berry very different and i think that again i remember doing my 1st program on this after when it 1st broke ok and i said the damage this will do to institutions in the belief in democracy will be hard to underestimate and i think ive been proven my and im very proud of crosstalk for covering this so transparently for the last 3 and a half years weve got it right i very rarely pound myself on the back but this program got to write it because of guests like you go ahead. And i dont know i think its for the center is this worth an alter your fine to do this see a postmortem of 0 on top and because it imagine where we are now where elected officials if then immediately center jake in here you know if they cant have a postmortem why they lost the election in 2016 why do we think that its even possible that they will have a postmortem under this here ok because i would say theyre ideologically obsessed reason is not part of their political clout it was im sorry go ahead well this is a problem now i know to know for fact what was previously cis to be conspiracy about to have the f. B. I. Have the head of the cia that theyre all working out theyre really against on their mind you know some of the election now that we know this and this are recognized. Or what are we going to do about it was still that we see that theres an interesting phenomenon where they look to the fish if theyre trying to challenge these heads of the Security States even though they are not being true to a lot. Its still our trade as being almost treasonous you know you really are living in a fantasy land how can you not listen to this and if you ask for any evidence were going towards actually is evidence of destruction what exactly when russia. Cooperate this is this is maddening and still is just accept that if you question it they simply point out well us what they want to go to. London and others not george here in budapest i remember using a communist hungary i think long as poland this is what this sounds like this is now just a bomb its all in how we handle it will it make my guess and also and in budapest and thanks to our viewers who are watching us eat our museum next time remember. When else seems wrong we all just dont call. Me. Yet to shape out these days. And in detroit because the trail. Went on to find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. You are no fan speed youre no longer a young woman in fact you are one of the last living survivors of the not you know sas im aware of it. All you like. You can never forget mankind no auschwitz was really like to be inhaled close you would never believe it wasnt a human dont you as an operating cost for 30 years of growth and be good for a bit at all she has a lot to offer why are you sad why do i make it to work when i get out on the farm saw you know what its like ma song to her next to you so you can listen and hope for the bless god heard screams. Out in the. Breeze this is a real or operation or dying one some of the wealthier neighborhoods its been far more contained and the numbers are much lower than some of the more neighborhoods were working with going to stores now so id say theres just so d its here its all you got it is. I think its safe to say the cold in one scene will be remembered the world over as one of the most trying things of 2020 by the end of march the country hit the hardest was the United States in new york city in particular. My friend maria lives in new york have asked for its record a bit of her life during the pandemic. Hi my name is maria out and she i am talking to you. Which is a global epicenter of. Atomic so this is this is my 15 month old saw and whos playing by himself as are most of the other kids in the park and normally there wouldnt be a single patch of grass that

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