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From australia. Has to do with calls for a full probe into the origins of the pandemic. Either thanks for joining us this is r. T. International. Where we will start with a quick update on the latest coronavirus figures globally the total number of infections is now above 4400000 more than 298000 lives have been lost and more than 1600000 people have. Now with the summer fast approaching the European Union starting to emerge from the spring nightmare of coronavirus with countries taking their 1st steps toward some kind of normality server including germany have already begun the process of reopening borders with direct neighbors but this might all prove too little for the vital Tourism Sector which has been brought to its knees by the pandemic that is peter oliver explains. Even in the midst of the corona pandemic many europeans are thinking about Summer Holidays but the word from brussels is that those wanting a getaway may well get their wish we are helping europe interest get back on track of all staying healthy and safe we propose a common european approach to manage for them remain a difficult 2020 Summer Season while preparing for a more sustainable and digital tourism eco system in the future the plan is fairly straightforward Member States will open up their borders gradually eventually allowing people to go on their holidays germany will lift border controls with looks in denmark in the coming weeks with the plan to do the same with france austria and switzerland next month but that still leaves a number of other Member States including those bordering germany with no timetable in place for the ultimate goal. To restore free travel in europe from june and that is what were aiming for that requires the action will be on the same level as we have these days we have thousands of new infections every day now with hundreds this dizzy hoffa went on to explain that how this develops would be dependent on the situation with the virus something thats been viewed with caution by the chancellor but when it comes to tourism Foreign Ministers must seems relatively or big we can surely ease the travel warning for europe sooner than for other western nations assuming the positive trend in several countries hold steady talk of tourism comes during troubled times for the travel industry Holiday Companies are pleading with the government says when it comes to whats next for them mine below my firm has been around for 21 years if nothing changes i will have to file for bankruptcy in 3 months its not fair to make. We have 11000 travel bureaus in germany where all earning no money at the moment however we want help from the Government Support funds where not only us as travel dural see them that is but also promoters can get their targets the customers can get their money back and we our commission and we need immediate not through paypal aid. The plan is hopeful but ultimately dependent on covert cases being on the contrary which is not an easy task when you look at 2 of europes main tourism destinations being spain and italy 2 of the hardest hit by corona and even if sun seekers are packing the beaches its not going to make up for losses already sustained but what it does provide is a glimmer of hope for an industry thats already being pushed to its limit by the virus peter all of our r. T. Burley. Journalist and commentator Thomas Fassbender believes that despite the risks of a 2nd wave its still better to open borders to try avoid a devastating blow bill economic crisis. Testing unchartered waters theres no object of authority that can tell us this is the right time and others the bad timing it is time to do something to open up if only the door collect experience with the virus with the coming of a 2nd wave we see now what happens in china there are the 1st signals of a 2nd wave but there is no way other than to test if you go with the scientists logic we also have to stay inside until we have a vaccine this will kill our economy our social lives our societies so that there is no alternative then try and be ready to restrict again partially reach the locally they see it as as equally a top down and the bottom up in the shit the e. U. Was basically absent during the lockdown pew it was a very very poor performance by brussels the nation states took the initiative with closing the borders and now it is about lifting the restrictions lifting the lockdown of the e. U. Tries to or get in the drivers seat again i do not see it discriminatory approach by the side of brussels i would rather say they tried to do as much as possible to avoid discriminatory situations but we in reality are of course people who wish which was very carefully where they go and where they drive when they cross the border. The facemask becoming a key line of defense during this Health Crisis for some the covering of mouth is actually proving more of a curse than a cure for deaf people face coverings mean they cant read lips and therefore understand speech and thats why u. K. Charity is urging other ways to communicate so no sectors of society feel even more isolated. The move to advise people to wear face coverings will create new challenges for 12000000 people across the u. K. Who have some form of human loss many of these people rely on the crude into communicate and this will be unavoidably impeded by face coverings this has the potential to create further isolation and monster knowledge in my gentle Life Community of people. One firm in the United States has come up with an Innovative Solution making masks with a clear window to enable lip reading but the British Charity says they are not available in the new europe needs to come up with other ideas also the masks would be useful to help personnel as they dont provide protection from fluid droppers. We talked to florence to ask whos been suffering from progressive hearing loss since the age of 6 shes an entrepreneur and graphics designer who runs our own company her parents allowed to attend a Normal School and instead of sign language she learned lip reading but the new reality of life at present is causing her more problems the most. I am a successful free house out of my own company designing and making. Films and t. V. Shows because it is a busy frantic with a lot of pressure to get the details right and its all about asking the right questions communicating to john to my hearing us thanks im speeding. And hearing aids and creating to communicate. Most people have no idea how. This could have it i really struck. Out on mind and how if my disability thanks a face must become a nice guy. Just to have. To off peak time. To take my pants away. To maybe have a couple quite a few meetings. Because its being different from everyone else. I want people. To change. Out of that i seem to keep i dont shy away because to be trying to communicate i want to show off i also want to be. This thing. Because. I just quickly and shut myself off from. You know. Im not reading understanding. Why keep reading to communicate with people. I cant sign on to see me to. Be the place to be with everyone not being able to be. Me at this time. U. S. Pressure on china is rising senator graham a longtime opponent of beijing has put forward the coded 19 accountability act this is a law that it casts would give donald trump the ability to put new sanctions on china im convinced that without cheneys communist Party Deception the virus would not be here in the United States china refuses to allow the International Community to go into the war hung allowed to investigate they refused to allow investigators to study how this outbreak started this hard hidden piece of legislation will sanction china until they cooperated with investigators china immediately spoke up crying the bill may work with the bill introduced by several u. S. Senators absolutely neglects fact they want to start the investigation with a presumption of guilt to shift their responsibility on china for the failure and incompetence in the fight against the epidemic this is not possible we express our resolute protest in my r. P. Meetings i think some fairness for all of the United States sometimes like a. Paper tiger and then they just are pretending to be high and makes track nice scare insects son off and they dont meet here it suits strong china so i think this scene is very very obvious. Now day in america there are all 80000 people die and in a future there will be more so this is a this is true theyve failed to protect people and they you want to shift is a risk with me so thats why they just dont want to make china to be their school books and i think its the equal copyright australia seems to be in the anti china chorus coming from the United States down under there are lots of calls for a probe into china so far the United States has only gotten warnings. Of retribution from beijing but australia has already started to feel chinas wrath china has suspended beef imports from australia plus china is now threatening an 80 percent tariff on a struggling and barley imports both sides than the tensions are a factor in these dramatic trade moves it will have 3 chinese customs found that multiple batches of beef products exported to china by certain Australian Companies violated the inspection and quarantine agreed by chinese and Australian Authorities in order to protect the health and safety of chinese consumers china has decided to suspend taking import declarations for meat brought from forest trail and companies. I think we have to be careful not to draw lines between these 2 things its an end to dumping issue from the chinese perspective they certainly havent raised this connected to any other is she its another big story were disappointed with the wards but theres no reason for me to think based on the way that theyre approaching it that i could draw that conclusion the media has been quick to recall recent remarks from a chinese official i think in the long term if the mood is going from bad to worse maybe ordinary people say why should we drink australian wine or eat australian beef and action or not china is australias largest export market jobs and livelihoods are on the line australia is calling for trade talks as well as an investigation into the origins of the corona virus the media now accuses china of waging a trade war amid the pandemic now australian beef may simply not be up to Chinese Standards however many interpret this as china reminding the world that it does not take accusations and sanctions lightly and its capable of striking back if china that didnt stop the. Conflict or single malts. Where is worse d so thats all while china keep to restrain to australia its a different austria here trying only to ship used to. It its d very disappointing for Chinese People also. To promote United States courts so thats why now we just have to do something to spot. Us secretary of state my pump has taken a whistle stop trip to israel on his 1st International Visit during the pandemic and on wednesday he touched down in the country and met with both Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his new Ruling Coalition partner benny gantz on post ship gained much more attention than usual due to an almost complete lack of protective equipment and the fact that the journey itself seemed nonessential i guess the of picks up the story. A pair of gloves cost 50. 00 said a mosque is about a dollar but getting in the plane in the middle of a pandemic and flying harf way across the world just so you can stand there and smile that your good friend tell him what a great guy he is and look into his eyes smile some more. Its priceless. And kind of cheesy youre a great partner you share information unlike some other countries the trend of your skin and height that information now i know what youre thinking could be of just who would have saved millions of dollars and potentially even loves but here is the counter question would netanyahu. Have felt quite as keast if he had just cool of course it wouldnt which is the point cmon they violated almost every safety precaution out there just just to stand there without mosques and tell each other how nice they are and how much they missed each other and miss looking into each others eyes how glad they are that the ayatollah isnt there to spoil the movement do Something Else plague norwegian which is unremitting aggression in turkey during this pandemic the iranians using using the ayatollah as the regimes resources to foment terror crossed the world when the people of iran are struggling so mightily kind of a false equivalence i mean the coronavirus is killing hundreds of israelis and their own well iran isnt iran is trying to survive a terrible pandemic under sanctions that the private of essential medical supplies but cmon these days when the merican and an israeli get together in small instead logan hard into each others eyes and the rainy and somewhere get screwed up. Especially interesting coming from a person who has himself how to weaponize the virus against the iranian people by imposing sanctions and increasing those sanctions during the corona virus pompei o. Has a very close relationship with the Israeli Regime and of course we we have the deal of the century. We have the increasing difficulties that the Israeli Regime is facing at home because of netanyahu was legal problems and the issue of forming a government and of course the virus has caused a lot of difficulty inside israel itself as usual people like pompei or are trying to scapegoat iran for all of their own shortcomings and their own deficiencies in addition compare reportedly discussed israels plans to alex a huge part of what remains of palestines west Bank Territory as well as ease rails business dealings with china which may prepare sat and i still know what you think it could have just cool its important for a number of reasons that we do this face to face face to face and with a smile and long stares into each others eyes while telling each other how nice they are to hell with pandemics and viruses in danger sometimes 2 grown men who like each other just have to do what they have to do. Still ahead for you with the ad industry plunged into crisis by the pandemic advertisers turn from t. V. The internet in a bid to keep the money flowing story and more after a short break. The world is driven by a dream shaped by one person. Thinks. We dare to ask. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy to confront a shouldnt let it be an arms race. Spearing dramatic developments only mostly im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Welcome back with much of the world in lockdown to combat the spread of corona virus some Safety Measures proving to be more difficult than others here in russia stuff and volunteers from orphanages and hospices are going to extraordinary lengths to try to protect the vulnerable. Only new york tuesday leaving aside the facility in a family ensures minimal contact of course the surgeons life is much safer for any person. Maurice rice reps i didnt know vice and till the day they brought him to me that was when we 1st met him and i went through the files of all the children that could be taken and vice to grab my attention than your own a stock in all of us is a very cheerful roit his fragile bones so a lot of care is required in moving him around hes a special diet through a tube in a few days a hospice and over his bad equipment and other necessities i had to learn many new skills ive never even changed diapers in anyone. In the us now tell you an idea for a long time for years ive been working with them at the education center. Mash some nearby mango is a sub arts crew. The quality of communication has gotten worse not all the children have phones. Children that end up an orphan and all have a story to tell it teaches them to distrust others they have a hard time for men lost in relationships which is important for their future life the mentor brings the child peace of the world they communicate face to face showing that they are not alone and have someone to rely on this is very important for the boss their children and those who care for them. Weve now been living for 3 weeks and everything is going very well fassie is opening up in a whole new way i cant imagine taking vassie back to the hospice maybe it is hope and damage caused designed so that something would change in the life of children who have never had a home. Yeah but as an industry is often hardest hit during any crisis and this one is no exception despite millions of people being stuck at home or watching t. V. During the pandemic ad revenues are actually in freefall tasha sweet reports from los angeles. Some of the biggest advertisers for Television Networks are cutting their existing deals pepsi General Motors Dominos Pizza General Mills are just some of the Major Companies looking to take advantage of an out in their contracts as of may 1st companies have the option of canceling up to 50 percent of their 3rd quarter ad revenue spending and now ad buyers are estimating that up to 1500000000. 00 in commitments could in fact be cancelled insiders say this out if you will has always been in contracts but taking advantage of it is almost unheard of but the future of the pandemic a known owners of the Major Networks are concerned over what the future spending could look like all the revenue for long term ads are down the last minute opportunity buying when Companies Purchase ads closer to the air date is also reportedly low viacom c. B. S. Chief executive bob baucus calling Quarterly Earnings on a call this week quote not pretty amc networks caution in ad revenue could drop about 30 percent but its not to see these companies in key ad categories like automotive pharmaceutical food and beverage arent spending some are taking their business elsewhere like facebook and google mexican food chain topola is just one of many looking to shift their ad dollars into streaming videos on social media chris brandt to police chief marketing officer saying weve seen a lot of great returns with facebook and instagram serial jayanta General Mills also transferring some of their t. V. Advertising investments into digital video and ecommerce well some of these Companies Set up their ad contracts with networks well in advance its certainly not business as usual during this pandemic as of right now fox is the only Major Network to release its fall lineup the future of ad spending could decline or shift all depending on how the economy reacts to the effects from the corona virus. But with a base for you in half an hour appreciate staying with r. T. International the forget you can stay informed through other channels has a website article com plenty more stories available there with our various social Media Channels but want to keep it old school and stay with a lot of broadcasts while the studios here in moscow weve got them in london and washington d. C. Stay with us. We go to work so you straight home. You know. If. You give away or you to hear you correctly you can keep the procedure would you if you could have at. Least. The dakota somewhere in the telescope that doesnt choose one. Or 2 sure means ladies included still just. Generally cute name you couldnt use it theres a long. Long time to get a sleep if you dont let her produce for you pledged. To give food to capitol hill hopefully im sure you know this new book my handgun ban you from me why is that a good thing for to do you know for the slow mo question but also acknowledge that. Good food descriptions sound up to tell using even for the owners so how to choose just had Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out much food may not be as healthy as people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in her. They had auto immune disorders allergies we are actually creating these problems is a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets less treats the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making it a 1000000000. 00 on it and theres no reason to do that research. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Keisel a show for community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By a. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a made of the shallowness. I am max kaiser this is the kaiser report you know stacy back in the 1970 s. I recall subliminal advertising was illegal in l. A. Soft drink companies would run an image so fast on the commercial of somebody you know in a desert you know hydrated and this was when buying it your own conscious mind and this was deemed illegal and some were taboo but you know we live in today where all all communication is supplemental internet tax the sub conscious and the unconscious in the form of me miss were talking means in this episode because means carry ideas thousands of words that might take from your mind in a speech it filters it down to one powerful image of course you know 1st ill start with what is that mean just asking google what is a mean noun an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non genetic means especially imitation of humorous image video piece of text that is copied often with slight variations in spread rapidly by Internet Users so its obviously a play on the word gina and james are the information that are passed from one generation to another through sexual population right but is passed through intellectual cop

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