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In a. U. S. National intelligence authorities and this is important have rejected the conspiracy but many inside the white house including the president have still played it up sans real evidence critics charge what the white house is doing is deflating or deflecting attention away from the fact that the u. S. Has a response to covert 19 fares well poorly compared to that of most developed countries including south korea and now even italy. But the u. S. Dealings with china are not confined to a war of words between washington and beijing c. Theres also this last week the United States sent b. 52 bombers into the South China Sea as a show of force in the region and then over the weekend 2 more u. S. Navy ships were sent to patrol the South China Sea the u. S. And the u. S. And cesar chavez are both being assigned to patrol the area off the coast of malaysia where the u. S. Accuses china would stealing the countrys oil supply china argues look the region is part of the South China Sea which belong to them they say historically and now they china is threatening the United States to leave what they call their backyard but with all of that going on theres now Something Else theres another conflict that involves china and this one has to do with another potential Nuclear Superpower so what i want to do is i want to go to the map and i want to show you this border clash that seems to be developing here are take a look at this map because it shows what this story really is confined to the border between india and china all the way through here and then through here and then through here taking away butan in nepal which is an independent border right that stretches for about 2000 miles and for decades now nobody seems to have been able to figure it out who really owns what with all due respect to the indians who are watching us in the government and the chinese who are watching us in the government who are going to argue their turf let me just try to explain to you as i give you this story that there are 2 versions of this map. This has led to clashes between indian soldiers and chinese soldiers on the ground right here in these border areas in fact ive got a video i want to show you take a look at this bizarre video this incident right here let me get out of the way and lets go ahead and play it now this took place about 3 years ago in an area called la dock where the brawl broke out between the soldiers protecting their turf and the other soldiers see i mean theyre literally having like a giant brouhaha fisticuffs 150 on each side or so so i want to show you another map now because this kind of helps us better understand the situation as we bring it in here it is. You see in the area around x. I kin which is just right here see that area pointing to right there that land is controlled by china sea its on the china side so china says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us and heres the opposite down here this area here called pradesh this area here apparently pradesh the region is own by india because theyre arguing look this is on our turf our terrain however china claims that. So this weekend there was yet another border clash involving in this case as were being told 150 soldiers from each side it happened this one happened right here by the way in this little area between these 2 countries which is also the border between china and india and there were told that the soldiers attacked each other with fists with stones and once again it appeared to be more of a brawl all out brawl between both sides then a military style incursion still given the global sensitivities and the fact that both of these countries both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on the story for you today right here on the news. Rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. Heres our list of the questions that youll be asking tomorrow what is behind all the china conflicts including the latest with india the opening of the u. S. Begins but which states are doing what and why is russia angry at the United States as it celebrates victory day like never before. Lets get right to it with china once again leading our coverage as another border conflicts makes headlines this time its a border conflict with india which is important because of the well the sheer mass of each countrys military joining us now George Galloway hes a former british m. P. It seems like were talking a lot about china these days i dont know if thats the intent or just happenstance george whats your take on this. Well i was a big comic opera as you just showed the 3 year old brawl and this brawl at the weekend was very similar they were literally punching each other and throwing stones at each other but no show was filed another 3 years ago no this time in fact no shot has been fired across the border for decades but once upon a time china and india for a full scale war over of the very piece of land over the very border theres been a lot of Musical Chairs rake since then back then when there really was a chinese indian war believe on not the United States was on the side of china because india was on the side of the then soviet union sort china and america have long had a pro park. Policy whilst russia has long had a pro india policy now that seoul changed and so if there was a conflict between india and china you could be sure that the United States would be on the side of india this time so it was a bit handbags at dawn as we say over here there was no blood drawn at least by led but you never can tell this could get very very ugly indeed it seems though like china is just constantly in the headlines whether its this or whether its the you know South China Sea conflict or whether its a war or dispute about tariffs with the United States and now we add to that number 4 which is the white house accusing china of cooking up the covert 19 in some wool hand factory what do you make of suddenly china being so preeminent in the conflicts in criticisms around the world george. Seems like only yesterday it was russia that was the constant bane in the in the argument the boom in the throw of the United States at least of the democrats and the congress but its what you call in boston ball a full court press its all over the place its the South China Sea its the india china board are its the trade war its the call big 90 and the key point that you made earlier in your wonderful introduction was the United States intelligence says this story about the wood is baloney and so did the chief stuff of the United States armed forces he said it was baloney but baloney is constantly proctored by the president and the secretary of state strange days indeed rick well good stuff as usual George Galloway for giving us the perspective on this story ever History Lesson i find that fascinating as usual george its always a pleasure to talk to you thank you again my friend. Doris decided to go ahead with its may day parade despite concerns over social distancing russia on the other hand chose to do it in such a way as to respect the social distancing protocols somewhat somewhat mysteriously or as they say in a completely different fashion now these are countries by the way both valorous and russia who along with others once made up the soviet union who lost 27000000 people during world war 2 it is to say the very least a big deal to them this whole victory day which is why they oughter this day like very few others still do and it is also why they become angry when their sacrifice is not recognized which by the way also happened and were going to tell you about that but lets begin our coverage with shop of oliver. On may 9th a man rushes celebrating victory day. This you see a significant. Difference in the batteries can. Be patriotic but it does. Take. It. So they have it if i say. That. It. Is going to 70 made it in every Single Family in the former soviet union was an. Active duty military and they wind it up it was done by the red on there. Is a. Break. As it might at least yet is an exception as they come under fire that it. Was great and it was separations they set up been postponed but instead to the airport 8 is taking place right now as russia is celebrating the 75th anniversary of victory in the 2nd world war 75 aircraft 20 helicopters and head to 5 planes in our. Red square where its. Traditionally the day parades are headed by the Worlds Largest helicopter the m. I. 26. 00 congo carrier its also called the cow it befalls a variety of Missions Including transportation evacuation and 5 fighting missions its now surrounded by 4 m. I. A. s multiple helicopters as a helicopter groups include the k a 52. 00 alligators and finally there are 5 m i 28. 00 nights hunt is next for the 1st time in 5 yeahs and modernised a 50 raiders surveillance and guidance complex with that round and 10 is being displayed followed by the 3 ops. Saluki massive illusion 76 aircraft capable of delivering more than 40 tons of cargo to any kornel the world and next you can hear them the us 395 long range of strategic bombers part of Nuclear Deterrence forces theyre called bears and based in angles in so right of region carol. Thats why it is that time aircraft theyve arrived where its every also located in different regions of central russia not only near moscow. Obviously every 2nd. Of the way. And here we can see a refuting attempt in the air a beautiful graceful long range see you 160 city to go may called the white swan is being revealed by the 7 to 8 airplane now were waiting for makes it one interceptors with the dagger Hypersonic Missile system binny a space jets can reach heights of 25 kilometers or 15 and a half miles the dogger or kin shall missile and russian is a hypersonic aviation Missile System carried by these jets the missiles capable of hitting all kind of air defense and Missile Defense systems and now here is the future of the Russian Military aviation the feel strange aeration su 57 finds has absolutely fantastic machines that attracts peoples interest all over the world thanks to their technology hopefully this year the Russian Military will receive at least one of them we can now see a special flight grouping called a toxically wing its composed of 10 various aircraft and he is now 2 of the worlds best advice sixteens the Russian Knights and the swifts their demonstration ephor mation called the diamond the aircraft flying s. Are very low altitude very slowly and the distance between them is so short so that requires truly great skills by the pilots and finally there are the 6 s u 25 close support jets lycee. The skies with the russian flag arrow displays are now taking place not only more square but in all major russian cities overall 600. 00 aerial vehicles are taking pause who have taken part in todays of the Day Celebrations throughout the country as you probably know traditionally owns the day people all around russia participate in the socalled regiments munch carrying portraits of that relatives who for all live through that wall so these here because of the coronavirus concerns the physical presence of people in the streets is not possible but its been decided that the emotional regiment will take place anywhere they see it later on today at 7 oclock in the evening after observing a minute of silence people throughout the country will open their windows all go out on the balcony with portraits and systems their heroes only wring their memory and expressing their gratitude for that enormous victory that save the country and gave all of us an opportunity to live out all of us see. This is the news of the treasure watching our special coverage were so glad that youre there and well be right back. Join me every 1st day on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to get off of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see that. A reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way for you. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the death. Or remain in the shallowness. There is a lot being said today on this victory day about who did what during world war 2 but russia once again as other countries are taking umbrage over the fact that in mentions from the us and the white house 2 countries were recognized the soldiers who fought on behalf of the u. K. And the soldiers who fought on behalf of the United States leaving out so many other countries including russia who once again at least as far as what the soviet union was concerned lost some 2x7w2x7w people during that war joining us now is a former member of the Scottish Parliament Tommy Sheridan to give us his perspective on this there is theres always some consternation when world war 2 is mentioned and for some reason certain countries are left out and more obvious or more often than not it is russia what say if you about this case. Rick you sometimes wonder if it is malayan or just ignorance on the behalf of washington couldnt wait because you look at the lakes of trump and pains and you hang your head in frustration and reach the level of ignorance that emanates from of these individuals nor nation nor army gave more to the defeat of the nazi forces of. The new russia and the red army you have mentioned the 27000000 russians and not us in many quarters consider that to be an underestimate 27000000 russians who lost their laves in the bottle against hitler but everyone knew us soldier that die in the 2nd war war it is Red Army Soldiers die in the 2nd world war you have the 5 best article 5 anyone with any semblance of historical accuracy and dignity we have to accept operation barbarossa was published biggest mistake because you opened the front with the story union the battle of stalingrad the bottle of cost the biggest kind but all in the history of the one who knows where she bottles that desk fitted hapless fascist hauritz the western front less recent was it opened up into inventing for before the space their promises that were given to that sort of union by john channel and roosevelt years before but front was an organ though and were the same it was opened up. Box or the army had already been. Jealous red river fuel us or the us and youd keep youd be home in creating great fully the men but women dying in the 2nd world war at the edges and well to feel to get a sense. That the men and women of russia and particularly. Of the rain. Spirit lead marshall by general. Very few people could make an argument as able and as passionately as Tommy Sheridan well done sir we thank you for that. As you may know some restrictions were lifted this past week in california and a handful of beaches reopened but many did see a tragedy in the making of veteran surfer rides his final wave after getting killed by a shark attack in Northern California that everyone is now talking about what happened what kind of shark was it how did this happen or to correspond to the pasha suite has a story. 26 year old ben kelly was an avid surfer for most of his life when he wasnt in the water he was working in his small santa cruz business customising surfboards friends say he liked encouraging others to enjoy the ocean he was very genuine i dont know just very intentional with every conversation but on saturday kelly gets into the water for the last time the neighborhood kind of started chattering on line and someone had said that it was a shark attack the Santa Cruz County Coroners Office identified the victim of saturdays shark attack as kelly he was surfing just outside of santa cruz around 130 in the afternoon the attack reportedly happened within 100 yards offshore a witness was able to flag down a lifeguard but got my attention was there was a very very large jar. Finn and it came out it was came out of the water and then there was like a feeding frenzy and all this activity and then as soon as it started it disappeared on his website kelly explains he began shaping surfboards as a boy because it gave him a creative outlets while fueling his love for surfing and now friends in the surfing community alike are mourning his loss. When you do pursue a career as a surfboard shaper its not a get rich scheme you do it because you love you and you love something and you love the market. Shark attacks are extremely rare and the last death in the area occurred in 2004 champion says theyve had encounters but nothing even close to what happened this past weekend we had bites. But weve never had such tragedy a local drum photographer says he observed dozens of great white sharks recently counted 15 on saturday while swimming and surfing was allowed in the area the beaches were closed to visitors but as a precaution authorities closed the water one mile north and south until thursday reporting for the news with rick sanchez to talk to sweet archie hey thanks so much natasha its about much of the United States is getting ready to shift into reopening bode to be honest with you its kind of a bit of a mess some states are opening partially some are opening barely several printing almost completely for going to truck those for you throughout the week as it happens with course part of the show greenstein is joining us now at the map to show us were trying to explain or maybe better said try to figure out whos doing what well rick more than half the states have already started some level of reopening of their economies and there are 2 main things going on here right stay at home orders and restrictions on businesses and one being lifted doesnt necessarily mean that the other is as well in some states their home orders have expired but nonwork gatherings are still restricted and in many states where nonessential businesses are. Back up people still have to wear facial coverings or stay 6 feet apart so lets take a closer look and lets start in the northwest washington and oregon in both of these states a stay at home order is still in effect so state parks have reopened but other than that both the states are pretty much shut down restaurants bars nightclubs barber shops all closed but what in washington whats interesting is that individual counties can actually request that they be exempt for the statewide stay at home order if the county has fewer than 75000 people and no new cases for 3 weeks now wyoming actually has no stay at home order but public gatherings have been limited to 10 people and they will continue to be until may 15th when the States Economic opening will begin the governor says that he anticipates that bars and restaurants can start Table Service again soon but with only 6 people per table thats coming friday may 15th now also may 15th arizona who does have a stay at home order will actually have that order lifted and starting today restaurants in arizona will be able to offer dine in services again but people will be sitting 6 feet apart now in texas the stay at home order has already been lifted and the state has slowly been reopening certain businesses that began last friday but again there are still some restrictions for example in movie theaters you have to practice social distancing now in minnesota on the other hand a stay at home order is still in place right barber shop salons still closed but exactly one week ago all Retail Businesses in minnesota started to offer curbside pick up and delivery that something they were just started to be allowed to do now lets go to new york which has been hit hardest in the United States and were nonessential businesses have been ordered to stay closed until friday now in new york city which accounts for more than half of the states confirmed cases police have really been strictly enforcing social distancing in some areas and sometimes actually arresting people for simply not Wearing Masks and in terms of really opening up of that state. New york as part of this Regional Coalition connecticut pennsylvania delaware rhode island new jersey massachusetts all of these states have actually formed a task force to coordinate on their strategy of reopening their economies these 68 until then though remain shut down for now for example in new jersey theyre actually under a stay at home order with no specific and brick back to you so its all a question of lets open now and cross our fingers and hope that the numbers dont increase but thats going to be the big question right michel it certainly seems so especially if we continue counting the way that cases are being counted in this country if states start to reopening one can only assume that cases are going to start increasing and if they increase that theyre going to do a double quotes and maybe theyll change the rules again this is nuts but well follow and were glad that we have you there to do it for us all week long good job michel good explanation being thats our news im rick sanchez please stay safe stay connected with us on portable t. V. Dont hold it if you dont have a voice just for. Right here or its. The world is driven by a dream shaped by one percent of those pretty. Diverse thinks. We here to ask. You. When you do you think you could only get you to grow if you could. Get a clue into someones nigellas come to this group you want. Them to sure these meetings at least with this is. Just a cute name you can use if the person. On the floor. Or curtis or you pushed. Through the couple. Of money and companion from you my siblings or to do your job or. Hey folks get this miller plus one today welcomes the delightful boat eric she has a great rock on tour one of the sweetest friends i have in the world were going to talk about 10 walk talk about a project she has coming up in the fall but female pilots in world war 2 shes producing this one well talk about john barry. Lee more well talk about the great Blake Edwards all of that with one of the sweetest women and world but very great up to this on Dennis Miller plus one. Hey folks welcome to Dennis Miller plus one and what a joy for me i miss my friend and her her bows but john corbett but that

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