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After the worlds longest loss but it seems few have been ready to rush outside. Its. Very very sleepy just. Be. A sport despite as you can see there are so many. Good morning live from internationals world news h. Q. Here in moscow its kevin 0 in with you for the next half hour to take you through the main stories of the last 7 days as reported by us to you so 1st then were going to start with covert 19 think is it was a week just gone where the world reached another grim milestone the total number of infections now standing at more than 4100000. 00 the virus has claimed more than 283000 lives in terms of recoveries over 1400000 people have managed to conquer the disease to. You know. They just here from russia the total number of infections is no climbed above 200000 with again a record amount of daily new cases logged sunday its now the 5th most affected country in the world and as one of the highest rates of new infections in europe officials put much of the spike down to an increase in mass testing giving a fuller picture of the spread of infections at the moment russia has carried out more than 5400000 tests which is the worlds 2nd highest. Lately we have increasingly multiplies the number of attacks and the number of positive cases has increased accordingly we see from the dynamics by the dynamics of positive cases doesnt indicate directly at the growth of the contagion but it indicates firstly that the broad number of tasks and diagnosis of infection peoples. Moscow is russias outbreak hotspot in accounts for more than half of all the countrys cases from choose day itll be obligatory for people to wear masks and gloves in Public Places and the stay at home regime has been extended until the end of the month some less affected regions outside of moscow meantime might soon start to gradually relax their restrictions russias Health Watchdog presented a 3 step plan to president putin earlier this week but he warned of the dangers against rushing ahead with easing the lockdown. We see that the situation with the spread of corona virus in each of the regions is different as ive already said in one region tough justified preventative measures need to be maintained or even toughened and in others its possible to plan to ease that move justified but thats only possible based on the opinion of scientists specialists and taking into account all factors and possible risks i emphasize again we must not run ahead of ourselves any negligence or haste can cause a breakdown or roll back the price of the slightest mistake is the safety lives and health of our people. Because the numbers dont reveal the extent of the very deep personal grief suffered by some families already arties online so as epidemic has been hearing from people who suffered tragic losses early on in the outbreak when it was still unclear what was happening. I want to go home when will you pick me up and those were his last words. I was such a skeptic i had so much bravado about the coronavirus i was taking a suburban train to moscow it was the last working week i had to deliver 8 movies i have a studio session and i have a studio we both fell ill as for me i have the health of an ox i know i feel sick and i dont remember what a High Temperature looks like a 38 up to 39 degrees celsius then i realize that this cold with 90 and things was rio the chief medical officer said hes taken my husband under his personal responsibility everything will be taken care of of course everything will be all right as there was a potion the entry road to moscow got to be run out of times he was gone. The whole family fell ill my children and i lived or lived with my parents there were 5 of us together and both my dad and mom felt war simultaneously almost at the same time unfortunately i had a phone call on the 6th of april as the doctor himself told me the time and the day of my fathers death and offered his condolences. He had been in hospital for 11 days right it was his 11th day on a ventilator yes he passed away on the 6th of april at 8 40 pm when i was emotional because of it i was wondering if you knew about my mom. They just marked their 45th wedding anniversary this year im so ashamed that until their final days i kept saying i didnt have health a strong as my parents my mom for example could go to the Research Institute she worked at go to the university she was a professor at the b. To me all the department and give a lecture there then she went home cooked a meal and did some cleaning the she picked up her grandchildren to look after them i couldnt understand how one person was able to do all that. Great and your father was a physicist wasnt he here yes he was a famous russian and so had laser physicists and experimental physicist his work wasnt just the go his discovery still has a practical use today my parents did a lot and its a shame they could have done much more change. Instead of i waited until the very last moment hoping they would call me and tell me there had been a mistake it can be true as i said he was really young daniel was so neat and tidy and he understood by this was a very dangerous which is in fact did everything and we always sanitized our hands of this even when we traveled from the airport by taxi with doesnt back to the car with alcohol through i cant understand how this happened correct. Your god did he have a chronic diseases because of you. Know you have nothing at all you probably had. Its hard examined 3 years ago but hes too young for Heart Disease and yes just 40 years old did he have diabetes no nose for existing conditions he was an absolutely healthy young man and yes. People are like was that support you fear nothing with them various side. People honey you can always rely on them. And then by that but suddenly one of those walls come. In i dont know what will happen to me next. World leaders pledged almost 7 and a half 1000000000 euro to Fund Development of a Coronavirus Vaccine at a Video Conference on monday falling just slightly short than of the target set by the European Commission which organized the fundraiser with more who stepped up to the plate and who didnt even show up his a europe correspondent peter oliver. Mondays online psalmist ended with a presentation hosted by European Commission president on the line and which they said how much these nations were going to be giving and why this was an important joint cooperation honestly the presentation looked a little bit like a cross between a telephone and the results section of the euro vision song contest but instead of order issuing points to various different nations well they were issuing pledges of in some cases hundreds of millions of year 0 the overarching message though coming out from what the World Leaders had to say was that this has to be a joint effort internationally and at no stage can it turn into an arms race we have to join forces pull our money and our minds to kick start work on vaccines diagnostics and treatments against coronavirus so the sun when the vaccine is ready yet has to be for the worldwide public good it has to belong to us all the race to discover the vaccine to defeat this virus is not a competition between countries but the most urgent shared endeavor of our lifetimes its humanity against the virus we have a common vision. People 1st everywhere one of those nations not taking part was the United States of America Donald trumps america 1st policy doesnt really sit all that well alongside International Cooperation the us president has said that hes confident in his country discovering a vaccine to the coronavirus we are very confident that were going to have a vaccine at the end of the year by the end of the year have a vaccine its not just the u. S. President expressing that sense of it senior u. S. Officials as well have said theyre not sure about getting involved in a cooperative effort to find a covert 19 vaccine saying that the commercial implications the geo political implications of having such a vaccine. Might not be worth sharing Biomedical Research has long been a focus of theft especially by the Chinese Government and vaccines and treatments for the coronavirus so todays holy grail putting aside the commercial value there would be great you political significance to being the 1st to develop a treatment or vaccine we will use all the tools we have to safeguard American Research also not present on that video call with russias president Vladimir Putins russia has said they support this Global Initiative but are supporting it only as an observer so far that may change as things develop down the line but for those that did take part they said they said that overarching message was that its only through International Cooperation that we can find a solution to the coronavirus that works for all nations around the planet. Italy started getting its 1st taste of life after lockdown as measures slowly began being raised last monday workers and Small Business owners to raise awareness of just how dire peoples finances are worsened by the 2 months of confinement. Was. Desperate to try and get their livelihoods back on track they demanded being allowed to reopen their businesses and appealed for leaders to grant tax breaks to prevent the vital venetian tourism and Food Industries from collapsing italy was the 1st nation to impose strict measures as coronavirus took hold in what was europes 1st flashpoint is currently 3rd in the world when it comes to the number of deaths even so 4000000 italians headed back to work last monday while others got their 1st prolonged period out in the fresh air in 2 months but many others were no rushes one resident who lives on the adriatic coast showed us. People of walking on the beach there are still not that large to stay in big groups but its just people who knows each other at least so im walking. Riding on my bike secure although as you can see there are no cars on the road you see on the few good thinks these slow down i mean really bored to sort of clear interest but. After 45 days of lockdown as far as you can see hes did everything hes closed were still able to open our day our Economic Activities your copters birthday today is that he has to push for more. People walking on the beach at this point despite as you can see there are no so many. The numbers to funny all aspects of this pandemic are frankly staggering with livelihoods and industries almost unrecognizable from just a few weeks ago in the United States record unemployment is no worse than the Great Depression nearly a century ago as caleb maupin explains the latest numbers confirm that we are at Great Depression levels at this point 20500000 jobs have been lost and that brings the official Unemployment Rate to about 15 percent now this essentially represents an entire decade of jobs lost basically all the jobs gained sense the 2008 financial meltdown have gone away now donald trump is speaking up and saying he should not be blamed for this this is not his fault this is us President Donald Trump here its totally expected theres no surprise Everybody Knows that somebody said oh look at this well you know even the democrats are blaming me for that those jobs will all be back it up be back very soon now we have heard at least one democrat voice that has blames donald trump take a listen. This is president trumps economic legacy cracks in the economy as a result of his trade wars and tax cuts have now spread wide open as a result of his ignorance and incompetence so whos the hardest hit well jobs have been significantly lost among hospitality workers as well as leisure retail workers and professional and Business Services but the interesting thing about those statistics is they dont include a lot of workers in the United States many have written about how in the usa we have more or less a gig economy where we have workers without contract workers that are independent contractors theyre not officially counted among the unemployed when they stop getting work for for example like goober drivers and many others in this good economy they dont you know get factored into those unemployment statistics so the actual rate of job loss and income loss is significantly higher now Silicon Valley has been pretty badly hit many tech giants have apparently laid off workers and. Has at this point reduced its staff by 14 percent and we have the opportunity to talk to some americans about these numbers and about the unemployment and the economic toll of the coded 1000 pandemic heres what we heard they have an obligation to themselves the company to keep it going to be cant afford to pay people when people arent spending money. Its its said that trickle down effect you have money to spend it is boost the economy if theres no money coming down to peoples pockets and that spend it so how do you expect to pay your place now a total of 33000000. 00 americans have filed to receive Unemployment Benefits sense mid march and around the country we are seeing these protests calling for the opening up and lifting of restrictions the ante lockdown protests however many people look at those anti lockdown protesters that are calling for the lifting of Health Regulations and saying that by. Gathering in big groups by by being loud and assembling and being in close proximity to each other theyre probably making the Health Measures that caused these these regulations in the lock down to be put into effect theyre probably making the Health Situation worse so quite a bad situation economically in addition to the Ongoing Health effects of the pandemic give us midnight 17 year Old International live with the kevin 0 in thanks for your time watching today head will tons of tough now of course but this weekend just gone many nations i remember the defeat of a deadly enemy and a time for even greater suffering but guess who is picking up the part they played in ending the 2nd world war well tell you when the weekly. After the short break. All that sugar has created. Excess body fat in the majority of people worldwide and that impairs immunity and therefore makes us more vulnerable to infection and during this period when were more isolated in our all. We. Want to eat more sugar thats really the worst thing people can do to janets coming in is clearly is is just very clear that its those the. Symptoms of over the comorbidities its those individuals that are coming into the hospitals its those individuals that are stuck. And its ultimately because they. Have all of this regulation theyre formidable. On saturday russia marks the 75th anniversary of victory day remembering the key moment when soviet troops captured berlin forcing the nazis into surrender other countries who force have been marking the triumph of fascism too although the white house seems to have a somewhat distorted memory of who did what these days on may the 8945 american Great Britain had victory over the nazis americas spirit will always win in the end thats what happens. The 2nd world war was the 20th centurys darkest chapter more than 80000000 lives were lost while the us and britain suffered over 800000 deaths the soviet union bore the brunt of the casualties with their own 26000000 killed as the borders were close 1500000 soviet troops took part in the battle for berlin launched an april 945 the red army camp to the german capital in may follow allied nations broke the nazi machine over on the western front but made the 8 it was over the 3rd reich had fallen the nazis surrendered. Along the way most countries have given a little patriotic polish than to their recollection of the war effort but more more than a few people are furious at the moment of the white house and the way its white washing the facts absolutely false it was the soviet union that defeated nazi germany now the u. S. And u. K. Throughout most of world war 2 the u. S. And u. K. Face just 10 german divisions combined the soviets along fired more than 200 german divisions the white house is trying to rewrite history u. S. Propaganda in steroids at least respect history the u. S. S. R. Conquered berlin and ended the war after losing almost 30000000 lives dont they normally have p traders so we should take his cranes after him only the u. S. And Great Britain get to houston to work not sure of this ignorance arrogance but both hugely disrespectful and regardless what anyone thinks of the former soviet union the reality it was they who took berlin and it was they who lost more of the country man than any other nation the only place where usa wins w. W. 2. The Russian Foreign ministry serious in the white house tweet saying it was serious dialogue with washington of the continued attempts distorts and downplay the soviet unions role in the war for me was to put much of jack interest simply to make the director of the new play studies institute say perpetuating historical ignorance is a reckless move they have barrack and version of events that is bad i think it was sort of projecting back from the present time where the United States is the leader of all progressive humanity standing up for human rights democracy etc etc and they are retroactively projecting that view of american dominance onto history including onto the 2nd world war our attitude toward the show be it union even in the depths of the 1st cold war was far more careful and floor more respectable bad it is toward post communist russia problem though is what it says about current attitudes we are there is a very strong sense from the american establishment that they can simply dictate terms to the rest of the world and they have an almost cavalier reckless added to toward insulting other countries and i think doing so almost really deliberately show that were in charge you are not we can do what we want you can object but who cares and i think thats the dangerous part of that kind of attitude which unfortunately permeates so much of our policy donald trump. Is a complete ignoramus when it comes to understanding history. Man has no knowledge of history at all so the fact that he would repeat one of the fundamental myths about world war 2 is not shocking but the problem is that this is what most americans are taught in the schools and in the media does this says these idiotic things as a distraction. And in knows now that politically hes a very deep trouble that the facade that is for the up about competence and great economy has now been shredded and so hes got to find some other way to distract and he looks for scapegoats and hes trying to distract peoples attention away from the real situation and so as part of what this new calls for strategist gesture toward china. The fact that he doesnt know the role of russia played on world war 2 is seen as pathetic so its very important to struggle for not and not corrupted u. S. History. British scientists revealed this week that the corona virus may have spread around the world last year sometime the thing between october and december the conclusions come from a genetic study of some pools for more than 7000 people whove been infected and with france being one of the worst hit countries that country to special attention from the medical community and this is a mom who appears to be the countrys so called patient 0 he was diagnosed with a corona virus a month before the 1st official cases are registered in france he talked to through his story. Around december 20th i got a dry cough and sometime later a fever my temperature rose to over 40 celsius my wife told me to call an ambulance in winter i usually do fall ill with flu but this time it was different i was taken to the nearest hospital the medics told me youll have to be put on a ventilator that was because i could hardly breathe i had been coughing up blood and my chest was aching as if i had been stabbed with a knife while i was in hospital i couldnt walk or sit up straight i was lying down all the time i was given a c. T. Scan they took me from the intensive care unit to the Radiology Department 3 or 4 times because they couldnt understand anything they told me there was nothing on your x. Rays nothing the doctor said i cant discharge you while you were coughing up blood on the 4th day after i started treatment i asked if i could leave the hospital the doctor warned that if something went wrong i would have to return at home i kept taking medicine for coughing 10 days later i only had a light cough they told me you must have had a serious lung infection back in december nobody had heard of covert 19 in china it all began around mid january i learned i had coronavirus only 10 days after i left the hospital in france the outbreak started at the beginning of march and i caught the virus in december to me its unbelievable 2 months apart the doctor called me and said mr amar you were lucky thats true because today this virus has spread everywhere. So what a year its been so far 20 twentieths a little bit but never written off a lot of people have of the lives of painted by coronavirus either much needed some a holiday looks more and more unlikely in the week that the french president chipped in he told people they probably wont be able to travel abroad or even around europe shiela do been sick a correspondent in france and we wonder if well ever be able to get away anytime soon. You know theres really nothing quite like a Summer Holiday colorful cocktails to her and good books to read and of course. It doesnt get much better than that except this year we may be staying put. Limits Major International travel even during the Summer Holidays. Ok well thats not so bad europe has pretty much everything youd want from beaches and mountains to historical cities and of course there are plenty of countries to choose from. Sorry hold on what do you mean were not going to be traveling much in europe either. You dont hold people study among europeans depending on how the epidemic evolved so we may have to introduce even more limits right so well as you know france is also a great destination a huge country with so much to explore. Critic at the moment we can go further than a 100 kilometers ok paris it is just. Festivals concerts and sporting events have all been canceled until at least the end of july while the opening dates for launch museums cinemas restaurants etc still on ice meaning there may be little else to do but to admire the citys gorgeous architecture and perhaps a picnic outside it by the river but of course thats a socially responsible distance dont forget if you were thinking that that would be enough to make paris worth a visit you may hit another brick wall if youre travelling from outside the e. U. Open border area so thats the shingle all the u. K. And there are quarantine measures in place 14 days in fact meaning youd be spending your 2 week break alone and staring at 4 walls so for this summer its with love from paris i wish you were here but dont show others to ski arty paris. Take a shot at worst places to be stuck in a well as the way things panned these last 7 days as reported by us here in moscow through these tricky times our team of course continue to keep you posted from our studios and teams around the world as well as our social media online we dont thank you as well for taking the time to check in with us through all this however you do it so for now for me kevin you stay safe and well and a very good morning from russia. We go to work some straight home. Some years ago there was a Global Solidarity to annihilate the scourge of fascism from near the soviet union in its western allies prevailed against nazi germany today such Global Solidarity is sadly missing in face of the current pandemic in what blocks this very necessary solidarity. Ready ready ready ready ready all

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