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Now say 135000 could die as the vision grows over keeping the country close and. It is real but it was not a reason to shut down the whole country i dont think the forum is ready. For my plan of. How to do this for the common. Good afternoon from moscow just to midday here and i think should company live from arties World News Center here its kevin owen with this 30 minute news round up for you and 1st the covert 900 figures as they stand this hour controlled infections around the world of no exceeded 3700000 the number of lives lost also continues its troubling rise is currently more than 258000 but the number of people who have recovered 2 from the illness is also soaring 1200000 people are well again. In todays developments president putin is set to chair meeting later on possible ways to lift the lockdown here in russia the National Norm working period currently runs till next monday may the 11th people hear of the promise that restrictions might be eased if the situations improve by then but the country continues to see sharp daily rises in registered infections russia is no the 5th most affected country and has the highest rate of new infections in europe but just to deaths though currently remain low at 1451. 00. The numbers of course dont reveal the extent of the very deep personal grief suffered by families atis online series epidemic has been hearing from people who suffered tragic losses earlier only a break but it was still unclear what exactly was happening. I want to go home when will you pick me up and those were his last words. I was such a skeptic i had so much bravado about the coronavirus i was taking a suburban train to moscow it was the last working week i had to deliver 8 movies i have a studio session and i have a studio we both fell ill as for me i have the health of an ox i now feel sick and i dont remember what a High Temperature looks like by 38 up to 39 degrees celsius then i realized that this coffee of 90 and things was rio the chief medical officer said hes taken my husband under his personal responsibility everything will be taken care of of course everything will be all right as there was a potion the entry road to moscow i got to call we run out of times hes gone. The whole family fell ill my children and i live or lived with my parents there were 5 of us together and both my dad and mom felt war simultaneously almost at the same time unfortunately i had a phone call on the 6th of april and the doctor himself told me the time and the day of my fathers death and offered his condolences. He had been in hospital for 11 days right it was his 11th day on a ventilator yes he passed away on the 6th of april at 8 40 pm when i was emotional because of it i was wondering if you knew about my mom. They just mark their 45th wedding anniversary this year im so ashamed that until their final days i kept saying i didnt have health a strong as my parents my mom for example could go to the Research Institute she worked at go to the university she was a professor at the b. To me all the department and give a lecture there then she went home and cooked a meal and did some cleaning the she picked up her grandchildren to look after them i couldnt understand how one person was able to do all that. Great and your father was a physicist wasnt he here yes he was a famous russian and so with laser physicists and experimental physicist his work wasnt just theory all his discoveries still have practical use today my parents did a lot and its a shame they could have done much more change. Instead of i waited until the very last moment hoping they would call me and tell me there had been a mistake can be true as i said he was really young daniel was so neat and tidy and he understood by this was a very dangerous thing which is a fact of everything and we always sanitized our hands even when we traveled from the airport by taxi late doesnt the fact of the car with alcohol over 30 i cant understand how this happened to correct. Your did he have a chronic diseases because of you. Know youre nothing at all you probably had his heart examined to. Years ago but hes too young for Heart Disease yet just 40 years old did he have diabetes now knows riggs think conditions he was an absolutely healthy young man yes. People are like was that support you fear nothing with them by your side. Or the people honey you can always rely on. And then i did but suddenly one of those was. I dont know what will happen to me next. Britain has europes worst death rate for corona virus more than 30000. 00 have died there which is now more than italy and puts the u. K. 2nd only to the United States in terms of lives lost but the foreign secretary says its too early to make International Comparisons i dont think well get a real verdict on how well countries have done until the pandemic is over in particularly until weve got comprehensive International Data on all cause mortality but i think theres 2 points id make about the way the u. K. Has approached things there are different ways of counting deaths as we know weve had that debate in this country we now published data includes all deaths in all settings and not all countries do that the government has long been criticized for its handling of the break including making sure hospitals get the staff the protection of equipment theyve been desperately needing and while the National Health service struggles with severe shortages an investigation by Britains Guardian newspaper now has revealed an n. H. S. Procurement official has tried to profit from the deadly pandemic by setting up a private personal protective equipment. Well you do want to work with. Crocodile and. Well guardian report revealed that the Online Business selling p. P. Was set up in mid april while the Coronavirus Crisis in britain was worsening the Company Allegedly marketed safety kit to the n. H. S. As well as the private sector selling a range of equipment including fake shields and smart visors the Health Official behind the enterprise claims his involvement was fully disclosed to his n. H. S. Superiors but seems there no investigating whether theres been a potential conflict of interest there would take any potential conflicts of interest extremely seriously and as soon as we became aware of these allegations an internal investigation was started David Singleton should be flogged his n. H. S. Colleagues said dion and he is still an f. P. P. For profit David Singleton mostly says job over this he was redirecting p. P. T. That the n. H. S. Needed and did so for his own personal gain this must lead to a criminal investigation absolutely despicable to profit from a pandemic costing thousands of lives lost unnecessarily juta the p. P. A. Shortage theyve been singleton you truly have blood on your hands earlier i discussed the revelation of the p. P. Shortage with British Health policy analyst and former trust chairman roy lilly. Morris fight i mean clearly what he was doing was profiting profiteering really from an appalling situation where it was widely known theres a world shortage to p. P. And certainly in the u. K. Weve struggled to buy enough p. P. On the World Markets to make it safe for us frontline nurses and doctors to go to work so what on earth this guy was thinking of other than his own wallet i dont know he said despicable if all these allegations are true its a despicable way to go at iraq yami says this nie was disclosed but now we hear the bosses look at know at whether theres a conflict of interest ok but as we go into this now that aside for a minute how where you are the National Health service is getting or with this p. P. There is such a huge cry for it is there more available now it seems to be settling down i wouldnt say that there are no should use at all there are there are. Patchy and i understand right now theres a shortage of glucks particularly in primary care with hindsight after this some of such early days yet you know no one knows how long this is going to go on especially as britain is going away from the e. U. So we should be stocks of this stuff kept for all contingencies in the future you think. I think weve learned a terrible lesson over this and you know hospitals and one of the biggest employers in most areas and they have the biggest influence on the local Health Economies i cant believe we cant make mass than gowns and gloves at a competitive rate when you discount you know the cost of shipping stuff around the world cost of procurement we must be able to fight locally that money should go back into the local healthy economy and help get britain back on its feet again. Elsewhere scientist mapping the United States coronavirus mortality rate of almost doubled their forecasts predicting now that a total of 135000. 00 americans could be lost to the virus by early august as physical distancing measures a relaxed. These projections are considerably higher than previous estimates rip presents and the combined effects of model updates and former incorporates in the effect of changes in mobility and social distancing policies into transmission dynamics the grim forecast comes as an ice rink in washington d. C. And a car park in brooklyn have been turned into temporary morgues to date the u. S. Is by far the country hardest hit by covert 19 the pandemic claimed more than 70000 lives there with confirmed cases exceeding 1200000 despite that the u. S. President has urged states to open their doors for business. While sharing their impatience protesters in a number of locations eager to get the lockdown lifted just seeing here this is a rally in North Carolina there are however that said still plenty of people where e about loosening up too soon as r. T. Americas foreign friends that reports now. Stay at home safer at home lock down all things weve heard to flatten the coronavirus pandemic curve but now after weeks of doing just that states are flipping the switch from closed to open for the 1st time in weeks restaurants bars and casinos in montana are back in business but with precautions easily we have. For them as we want to limit their number of touches just about every item or individual a caregiver on a man for our. Very things as well as possible. And the same precautions are seen on the opposite side of the country as florida opens their restaurants but theyre only allowed a 25 percent capacity weve been here for the past 4 and a half days gearing up for make sure that were ready you know sanitizing things making sure that everybody knew the process of what were going to do to open accordingly and make sure that everybody is get safe you know from the food to the service after chatting down. At your local restaurant you havent been to in weeks now you can walk in off on the beach and some states like florida texas and South Carolina all seeing visitors again also giving beachgoers the green light President Donald Trump i really believe you can go to parks you can go to beaches you keep it you know you keep the spread you keep you stay away a certain amount and i really think the public has been incredible some know not feeling the same i dont think the forum is ready. But. I suspect it might. Have to do this using i was pleased about it while some states are continuing their phase one reopen other states are just fighting to be considered like massachusetts where hundreds gathered at the state capital calling for the bay state to reopen the virus was real it is real but it was not a reason to shut down the whole country to shut down and shut people in but one area of the country isnt dealing with an open or closed conflict its more life and death in parts of arizona and new mexico the Navajo Nation is the largest reservation in the country bigger than West Virginia but it has more covert 1000. 00 infections per capita just behind the 2 hardest hit States New York and new jersey with the death toll as of monday night 73. 00 more than 2300. 00 infected despite Congress Passing a more than 8000000000. 00 kovan 1000. 00 relief bill the Navajo Nations are getting help at a snails pace and washington ferran fronsac r. T. The editorial director of reactionary times dot com told me liftin long term measures should not be too hasty. You have to take a commonsense approach to it the politicians there in the local areas have to take the you know the measures that are best suited for the climate currently right where they are where they are and if we bring it in in phases where these restaurants are allowing 25 percent capacity then it goes up to 50 percent capacity its not like were going to go ahead and restart the n. B. A. The n. H. L. Major League Baseball and were going to have 60000. 00 people gathering include confined you know confined conditions its not going to be that way i mean will there be a spike will there be additional cases of course theres going to be but its ducks in a spike you know by a factor of 10 or by a factor of 20 or by any of these other numbers that the fear mongers are trying to go ahead and put out there to try to keep people in doors americans by nature are not going to allow themselves to be kept indoors forever this is a its International Lawyer from moscow with me kevin owen here today heard that coming up tracing the origins of the coronavirus not only of the white u. S. Military chiefs on a different page over the evidence theres also a discrepancy among washingtons International Intelligence allies to talk about this with that. Yes. Which is. The extortionist private equity job is a recorded Game Changing record breaking losses as Berkshire Hathaway a company goes belly up. In the United States top general says its still not known whether the corona virus originated in a wet market in china or from a lab or elsewhere that the News Conference he also reaffirmed the official view that the virus was probably natural and not made thats an old slow with recent repeated remarks from President Trump and secretary of state might pump a 0 who insist china is to blame one way or another its not the only discrepancy there is kind of explains. Theories pushed by u. S. Officials claiming that somehow the virus originated in a laboratory in han are not getting supported by key u. S. Allies its now emerged that new Data Collected by the United States canada new Zealand Australia and the United Kingdom the countries that make up the socalled 5 eyes is shedding doubt on the idea that the virus originated in a laboratory we think its highly unlikely it was an accident it is highly likely it was naturally occurring and that the human infection was from natural human and animal interaction the 5 eyes is an alliance set up to share top secret data this weekend australias Daily Telegraph published what it called a 15 page leaked dasi a compiled by the 5 eyes that was supposed to back up claims that the virus originated in a laboratory now the report gathered a lot of attention but intelligence officials were quick to point out that it was based on gathered news reports not actual evidence my instinct is that it was a tool for building a counter narrative and applying pressure to china so its the intent behind it thats most important so possibly open source leads with a classification slapped on it the Australian Government backs the idea that the virus originated in chinas Fresh Produce markets we cant rule out any of these arrangements thats why i said the other day but the most likely has been in a wild life with market despite what is being said by other investigators u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei o claims he knows something that they dont have in you saying anything that gives you high confidence that it originated in that will help the lab where theres enormous effort us that thats where the spigot turn has a history of infecting the world now the World Health Organization is running that received and he did her specific it was from the Us Government releasing to the port of origin to virus so. From our perspective to destroy main specular. If Chinese Media is calling my campaign you insane while top intelligence sources are saying these claims just dont add up without presenting any evidence u. S. Officials are sticking to their story even though its a pretty wild one trump has completely totally blown the response to a coronavirus us cases are shooting through the roof. The death load is projected to double over the next few months the government has shown itself to be absolutely helpless and raining and this this pandemic and trump is facing a Serious Problems when it comes to the upcoming election so hes very worried desperate he needs to why divert attention from his own his own awful record so therefore hes looking for an enemy and he seems in the thanks hes found one in in china trump is has been unable to marshal any evidence at all so yeah its very dangerous the 2 sides are are very angry with one another and no one knows where and where it will lead and so therefore the other countries are you worried therefore and are hoping to sort of do so lower the temperature troposphere shows no sign of doing so. Frances Health Emergency status is on course to be extended to july the 10th following a senate vote which reduced the expected time from by a fortnight Prime Minister early addressed Parliament Criticism of the handling of the crisis there. I do believe that eventually you will be able to look at in detail how our Health Care System has adapted to the crisis but preparing the easing of the lockdown is even more difficult than deciding on the lockdown we have to control the pandemic without any effective treatment without a vaccine without collective immunity so its a difficult job the practicalities of the ongoing state of Health Emergency are unclear but france is gearing towards opening up again soon physical distancing aids are appearing in Public Places like the circles they have been placed at french train stations to try to keep commuters apart once restrictions are eased next week but there is confusion and concern over how much and how quickly things can start getting back to normal. Explains next. Days away from starting to look down and form says government has come in for some heavy criticism growing anxiety over the plans came to a head when the senate rejected that. No one can say if you will have enough masks next week to protect all french people that vote though was largely symbolic as the government has enough support in the National Assembly to pass it some look down exit strategy but senators are not the only ones raising concerns. More than 300 mez just from the greater paris region have penned an open letter to the president urging him to delay sending pupils back to school. Something must be done its not a question of stopping everything until september its not possible but in any case the deadline is unrealistic in terms of may 11th at best we might be able to open something which again wont be the school. So we need time because the situation is different from school to school some municipalities have large numbers of people and its not possible for others another important point how teachers will be involved in almost everything must be done to her gently and thats the problem common sense tells us that we need to do everything gradually some regions are taking action into their own hands with officials insisting that they will not reopen best schools next week. The public transport industries also worried a Group Representing more the 90 percent of rural firms say that they dont have the means to ensure safe journeys for all passengers arguing that they lack both me to. The real means and personnel to ensure that everyone traveling respects the new government regulations we consider its our obligation to inform you about so highly elevated risk of public disorder that could lead to a halt to public transport which is however essential for the exit from the lock down and the recovery of Economic Activity rail unions a back those concerns describing government plans to ease the lockdown as irresponsible its also clear that the voice for not just Wearing Masks but also respecting social distancing rules hasnt fully sunk in with the public. And if that wasnt enough the government is also being criticised for its new fake news busting website unveiled last week to combat pandemic this information but its roiling journalists across the french media landscape who want to square up what overstepping the mark after the government has now taken the site down. In a perilous democracy or freedom of the class is a condition of democratic exercise thats not up to the executive to tell us how we should read the press to select what they see as good or bad enough for me the government insists its on the right path to bringing the country out of lockdown saying that even though confinement was necessary that the social and Economic Cost was colossal and Economic Life must resume quickly leading some to wonder whether the leaders priorities are shifting too hastily from the Nations Health to its finances charlotte even ski auti paris a 2nd we need to go around the world in brief for the middle east through this dramatic video of a massive fire consuming afore. The 8 storey residential building in the United Arab Emirates looks terrific no casualties reported there but at least 7 people were treated for minor injuries not yet known what caused the blaze which led to the evacuation of some 250 families. In jerusalem the western wall was reopened to worshippers on tuesday israeli authorities have started easing the countrys coronavirus lockdown there because rumors were nevertheless set up at the religious jewish site which visit is being required to wear protective masks and respect physical distancing. Says it is the mother of invention so they say heres how the dutch are trying out social distance dining. Area being placed in small greenhouses served by staff and t. P. A. With meals delivered on planks of wood and the countrys cafes were forced to close in the middle of march because a coronavirus hospitality course one of the hardest Industries Good luck to them. Thats the way things are looking so far this wednesday the 6 of may from moscow here at our table continue to keep you fully posted from a studio around the world our social media and r. T. Dot com im kevin knowing saying thank you for watching to stay safe and well and have a good day. Time after time called her ration to repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important. Transitions to sustainable transport sustainability explain over man not a more equitable and sustainable way. They claim their production is completely hamas. It. Companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away theres a 2nd eldest going to. Be doomed any minute and im stunned. Understood this is going in the. Same wrong. Were all just all. Get to shape out. And in. The trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Choose to look for common ground. Its. Going on the ground of the Boris Johnson government plan really

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