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About a mass famine last year citing conflicts and natural disasters but the virus has further strains of global food systems the executive director of the world fruit food program says quote this is a perfect storm where looking out widespread famine of biblical proportions at least 265000000 people in the developing world may soon experience widespread hunger if things dont change jessie. Walbridge you know where you came at me with this this morning i really didnt know i was caught off guard i really was i didnt realize that our food was in such danger worldwide and that there were so many people in danger worldwide and then you had the coronavirus to it which complicates matters further. Really came back to me. Were going to have to talk here about an entire cultural train. But this corona. As well as the food shortage is going to cause us as human beings to have to change our way of living on this planet i think theres no other way around it you know im going to tell you how i feel i i view the earth as a living entity the planet itself and we are on this planet we are nothing more than we feed off the planet were like the wood tech we contribute nothing we just take take take from this entity this living thing called the earth well maybe we should look at the corona virus maybe the earth is telling us stop it. You gotta live different name and with the food with the food shortage we have now out there this is going to be a disaster waiting to happen people starving to death on the planet earth its good to require bruges cultural change that we start eating differently were all going to have to start moving towards vegetarianism because one of the big problems is meat through all of this stuff and were going to have to change as a society as a culture as human beings or were going to receive the blowback of the results of all this remember this human beings are parasites on the earth they only produce one thing one thing a mad as plastic and plastic as a pro and conduit yes plastics good on one hand but why is the earth and the oceans throwing it back at us on the other hand you know so were the parasites on this planet and we better start treating the planet better or the planets going to shake us off like a tick would tick or a flea on a dog and jesse you know food supply was there not limited to the developing world in fact supply chain disruptions from the pandemic are now apparent right here in the United States some of the countrys largest food processor. Plants have been ordered by states to temporary league clothes as thousands of workers test positive for the Novel Coronavirus including tyson foods smithfield and j. B. S. All meat producers but President Donald Trump has announced plans to require plants to stay open citing the defense production act after tyson foods announced that millions of pounds of meat were expected to disappear from store shelves and less operations continue so far at least one large chicken Processing Company was forced to reportedly killed 2000000 birds due to workers shortages pig and cattle farmers are also considering euthanizing herds due to supply chain interruptions even potato farmers and i dont know have been forced to deal with having too many crops on hand one farm is reportedly giving away 2000000 potatoes so they dont go to waste just a lot of people are worried that were going to run out of food here in the United States but experts say thats incredibly unlikely the main problem is that we just cant seem to get food from the factories or the farms out to the people how can the supply chain possibly break in such a high tech interconnected world. Will break easy wed restaurants are ordering anything because restaurants started feeding everyone lets face it in the United States of america the Restaurant Business is huge. Everybody the whole meal and what this virus is done its really caused us to go back in our houses and Start Cooking again for ourselves and start producing for ourselves and this just shows you the major impact that it has when restaurants are not sitting people down for 3 meals a day thats where theres food thats why theres over abundance of it its still in the stores pretty well but i think this is a cause a direct effect of blowback from restaurants not being open and there are various. Not being able to serve their food now weve got this glut in an overabundance of food but why dont they just give it away. Better to give it away than destroy it hail to the potato farmers i mean if you cant sell what give it away dont let it go to just waste there is hungry people out there obviously and so the point is we just try to get ahold of the situation were going to go through these hard times but theyve assured us were not going to run out of food and i tend to believe thats true but i tend to believe were going to waste a lot of food and a lot of food is going to be destroyed that could have been. But the coronavirus stop that from happening because of the restaurants or to asian. Yeah absolutely the u. S. Department of agriculture has now been criticized for letting millions of pounds of American Produce rot as millions of americans struggle to put food on the table did a lot of wages at least 40 percent of the country is a Fresh Produce is typically air marked for the Food Service Industry but with demand for restaurants plummeting as you just said growers say that theyre left with no choice but to leave crops to decaying in the field the u. S. D. A. Has failed here its job is to buy and distribute food crops to schools food banks and communities in need but its been way too slow to react what do you think about this disaster. Well again you know our current president news of ministration was completely slow to react to this pandemic so since they didnt believe the pandemic was real why would they react to the food situation theyve been mapped in everything unless its on trumps front vision right in front of his face and he cares about it he could care less about anything else until it comes up and bites him on the you know what and well this is beyond the you know what so he has to Pay Attention to it because its of of major. World proportion going on how could they have overlooked their spare and how could it have been normal last november or december even before that and there was no place in the big excuse was the rock obama left the shelves empty well excuse me you have 3 years to fill up the shelves youre up for reelection you cant blame obama anymore donald trump it sits on your shoulders now except the boy and the problem. The u. S. Based Multinational Corporation tyson foods has been very vocal about being forced to shut down due to worker illnesses tyson has a history of worker abuse including denying workers bathroom breaks and on this show jesse weve previously talked about the allegations by workers who say they were forced to limit liquid intake and wear diapers on the job due to poor working conditions the company has since devalued to do better but so far at least 6 tyson workers have died from the corona virus and hundreds more have tested positive its likely they will have those test results since will have better numbers workers say the company put them at risk by failing to tell them about sick employees and by not implementing safeguards early on but tyson is not the only company thats treated essential workers poorly low wage workers are constantly told that theyre not important enough to earn a living wage yet here they are providing the public with food and other Important Services if this is a good society to reevaluate how we treat the labor force what will. Exactly 0 the the low workers these are the people that nobody pays attention to where would we be without them i brought up the other show a week ago about the garbage man and scenes like that where would we be without them wed be lost without them and that brings me to the. Point im going to make another point here and shock. Everybody talks about minimum wage id like to see a maximum wage where you can only make 1000000. 00 a month 12000000 a year everybody that cant live on a 1000000. 00 a month maybe we ought to bring the Capital Punishment back because you know what were doing dogs and anything beyond that there is no job that to me you work you earn a 1000000. 00 a month i used to run the jackhammer theres not a harder job in the world and yet i didnt get paid like that youre telling me somebody pushing a pencil deserves more that matter well enough on that tirade but again its showing us right now essential these workers are twice about when you knock some low wage worker because without them youre trouble. You may be on to something with the maximum wage especially during this pandemic when you see the rich getting richer and poor people still trying to figure out whether theyre even getting those loans they were promised so i dont think its a terrible idea now in other news a Police Departments in california have been citing and arresting people for watching the sunset going surfing or having picnics on the beach in violation of the states stay at home orders for violations carry fines of up to 1000 dollars 6 months in jail or both people are getting fed up weve now seen protests across several u. S. Cities now on one hand some of the protesters are putting Public Health at risk this is dangerous theyre not Wearing Masks theyre not following social distancing recommendations but on the other hand just the unemployment rates are soaring to unprecedented levels people want to go back to work especially since Financial Aid is lacking and going to people who dont even need it in some cases so in your opinion where is the line between protecting Public Health Civil Liberties and authoritarian government. Well i got a lot of questions here and throw him out there 1st and foremost to marty knowledge the government cannot put you under house arrest. The constitution of the United States of america does not allow that unless you declare martial law d and that means the military takes over the constitution is suspended now in california theyre arresting people for going out looking at sunsets and all that i would question california is what are you doing about the homeless then are you arresting all them too and putting them in jail because youve got a Homeless Population in california thats bursting up the walls and you can bet theyve got nowhere to run and hide theyre out there together they cant go home because theyre homeless thus the name so i think again the government cant what we have going on right now is like a volunteer martial law we are volunteer in to follow the expertise of our lawmakers who are asking us to stay at home we need to do that but it is not they shouldnt be a resting people for going out looking at a sunset arresting people because theres more than 10 people at the beach thats ridiculous because if youre arresting people arent you contributing to the problem youre now going to put them in the area and youre not going to have your 6th division aria. You know the end doesnt just it doesnt justify itself finding Something Better to do police in california that in for something as ridiculous as that its time for a quick break when we return jeff if its down with jan bryant to talk about congresss plan to save the u. S. Economy during the global kobe 1000. 00 pandemic. The war. 30 years ago the berlin wall fell the cold war had essentially come to an end the fall of this cold war symbol was heralded as a new spring of nations and the end of communism decades on what is the legacy of this historic event the promises of 1909 been fulfilled. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military and the decision lotos sheltered lives every thing came to a complete. The day that i was very struck you if you hold a shot of what theyd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and you grab my arm and he write me with his berthing area if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished and be offended by hand and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our violent male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats a man or woman. The world is driven by shaped by one person with those words. In a day or thinks. We dare to ask. Hard just. To do what. The world according to shush. Im pleased to welcome back gen briony host of the congressional bush pod cast she joins me today to discuss the coronavirus aid relief and Economic Security act thats quite a mouthful john thank you as i said before we went on the air i want to thank you because you allow me not to keep track of congress because you do such a great job of it so all i got to do is bring you on to learn what congress is doing or not doing as it might be but anyway Congress Passed the pairs act to address the economic fallout d from the coronavirus 19 pandemic but many people still havent seen any Financial Aid based on what you read in the pages of that bill will the average or poor americans finally get their hands on the aid the congress promised mum. Well 1st of a cue for having me back i always love doing your show so after you read the cares act there it really depends on what kind of aid youre talking about so some people were sent stimulus checks and i know that those are being held up in the mail because trump wanted to have his name on them but they will arrive i have no doubt about that same with the Unemployment Benefits people are having trouble signing up for that but i myself have been on unemployment and i know once youre in the system the checks do arrive so im confident about that the one thing though is that theyve been promised Small Businesses in particular have been promised these loans that are forgivable and the program is good but the problem is that the funding is limited and even though its designed it was supposed to be designed to be for Small Businesses big businesses have access to it and theyre draining it and so people are going to be left out of that system so its really a mixed bag it depends on what youre looking for. Ok now people need hope right now and before we dive into all the rest of the problems out there. What congress is response to the outbreak. Some of the positives tell us some of the positives that have come out of this act if there are any sure oh yes theres definitely positives because what were looking at is a firehose of money and so some of that 1st search is going to end up where its needed so theres a significant amount of money thats going to be directed specifically for hospitals theres like theres services now for the elderly theyre going to be able to get taxpayer provided food delivery so that they dont have to leave the house theres also rules that can help a lot of us so for instance Insurance Companies are going to be required to pay for testing for not only covered 1000 but also the antibodies to see if weve had it before. Theres a posin Student Loans you dont have to make payments until september 30th and my favorite thing about this is that the unemployment expansion provisions are really strong its a legit well funded safety net thats going to help millions of people so theres definitely good things in the cares act to balance out all the bat. Ok now the federal response to the crisis highlights just how bad the economic inequality is in america why are the wealthy companies and people getting Financial Aid before the very poor counterpart. Well i think its the nature of the fact that big businesses have many avenues for getting cash so they have ones that already existed they can go to the banks theyre big customers they can get loans quite easily they have stock Market Access thats how they can raise capital and then Congress Gave them even more avenues for cash so they can get these direct loans now from the Treasury Department from the Federal Reserve the Federal Reserve ones have very few restrictions and also the big businesses like i said have access to the Small Business loans and the reason that thats possible is they defined a Small Business as a business with fewer than 500 employees per physical location and so that loophole the location thing it allows stores like like restaurants like fogo to check out fancy steak houses all over the country but each individual store has less than 500. 00 employees and so that big business has access to the Small Business funds and thats why its running out of money as quickly as it is and so because the big businesses have all these avenues for cash and a few ones that are available for smaller less wealthy people have less cash and are limited its kind of the same thing that happens in society in general the wealthy have more access to cash we dont and so a lot of people are getting left out but theres a loophole in there that needs to be closed to make that better. Well you kind of touched on it the big banks of also played favorites by letting wealthy clients of course. They can they can. They cut the line to receive Paycheck Program loans and in the 1st round of voters if the funding was very unfair will this practice stop now from the banks or your figure will. No not at all because you know what can congress came back and put more money in the Small Business fund but they didnt prohibit any banking behavior instead what congress decided to do their solution was to require 20 percent of the new money to flow through Smaller Banks but even a small bank can prioritize their wealthiest customers and 80 percent of the money can still flow through big banks and theyre still legally allowed to decide in what order to submit applications and so that behavior it can still continue and i think that it will. Now some paid sick leave policies a been expanded but what about the people whove simply lost their jobs will congressional aide truly help. I think it really well like i was pleasantly surprised with how strong the unemployment provisions are they also say they expanded it because usually you have to kind of work for a company to have access to it but now sole proprietors and and people that are like lift drivers and who are drivers theres a lot more people that have access to unemployment than had it before and my favorite thing about it is that the program goes through the end of the year but it can be extended without congress doing anything so they also made it so that you dont like unlike with the payment per Paycheck Protection Program the Small Business loans Congress Needs to keep coming back to refill the money thats not the case with unemployment so this isnt one thats just going to disappear so yes people that lose their jobs and even their businesses there is a safety net and it is a good one and i think those people will be ok. Now in some parts of the country people are protesting the quarantine by defying. The fighting social distance rules in your opinion worse the line between personal Freedom Public safety and other for your authoritarian government excuse me ill get that out. Isnt about the question. For me though the line for me is i look at the new rules and i say is this scientifically necessary to maintain Public Safety so for instance mandating that people stay 6 feet apart because its sneezing distance that makes sense to me it feels ok however telling people that yes you can go to home depot but you cant buy flowers while youre in there that has nothing to do its safety thats crossing the line thats not ok and so thats thats my line but what i think we have to be really careful about is when we find out one of these new rules is considered necessary to begin with but the new data tells us that its not we have to make sure that these rules are rescinded and so i think its also very important as we go forward to be communicating with our members of congress when we see that line being crossed because i do have concerns that were going to put rules in place and never take them back and so thats the line that im going to be looking for. Now congress is given an immunity for Asian Companies that make medical equipment such as masks to shield them from lawsuits is there a credible reason for doing this. Well i think for the mats that there was because we had companies that were making masks that were meant for construction and they were then sending those masks to the hospitals when we realized that we had very few masks available now the problem is that construction masks and medical masks are made differently and tested differently the constructions ones are not tested to make sure that water cant get in and so since all of this is being transmitted through water droplets that was a situation where we didnt want these companies being public being punished for a truly good deed so i think the mask one is appropriate however Mitch Mcconnell is saying its a Senate Republican priority to get more companies munity and outside of this mask situation immunity from lawsuits is not appropriate especially as we move into a phase where we need to trust that businesses are cleaning properly and social distancing and having all these new policies so we need them afraid of lawsuits to make sure that they do the right thing and so for masks specifically yes theres a reason for other Companies Know this so you really have to look at a case by case. Now jen before we. Are there any Silver Lining is there any hope for us getting back on track in the future. Yes my hope and rests in election 2020 i love that it is an Election Year which means that we have the entire house of representatives up for firing and a 3rd of the senate and im just feeling that this botched response to cope at 19 i mean the the unequal treatment of the wealthy and us regular people is so obvious even to the people that are only kind of paying attention that im hoping that maybe this is the year that we take more seriously our responsibility to elect good people to congress and the opportunity is right in front of us its less than 6 months away so i guess of course theres hope we have control in a democracy and hopefully we. Are a drag were out of tar i want to thank you again for coming on and helping nurse with all this congressional stuff look forward to having your back again well have you back especially before the election happens thank you wonderful thank you. Thanks for watching send us your comments on social media for a chance to be featured next week as always will be covering more stories ignored by the corporate media. And as always people remember when the government lawyers the truth does indeed become a trader space vigilant now more than ever the war. Machine. We go to work. Straight home. Time after time called parisian to repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important to excel or transition to sustainable transport sustainability space where man at a more equitable and sustainable well. They claim their production is completely hamas. Because the models and not. Companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is Something Else this must be going to an even and i need much. This is the move you missed me didnt anyone and im stunned seem them to be based on just good looks so when and. 30 years ago the berlin wall fell the cold war had essentially come to an end the fall of this cold war symbol was heralded as a new spring of nations and the end of communism decades on what is the legacy of this historic event the promises of 1909 been fulfilled. The world is driven by a dream shaped by. Thinks. We dare to ask. If you watch a lot of cable news channels youre seeing a lot of living rooms lately because we are social distancing and until the situation stabilizes they dont want us coming to the studio in washington so hello from rhode island where i live and where the astute of you are may surmise that barber shops have not been deemed essential businesses and sadly there are other businesses that right now even in this crisis are trying to rip you

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