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Helped by transfusions of blood plasma from former victims r t visits one of the russian hospitals taking part. And u. K. Universities cut rents as students lose their part time jobs but its fear the reductions are nowhere near enough. While we try to because of government legislation we have to pay full price people to fill the 27. 00 list still they get it if they dont pay a penny. Welcome to the weekly here on R T International where we bring you the latest Headline News at the top stories from the past week lets bring you up to speed with the latest figures on kobe had 19 the Global Pandemic is still raging with the krona virus about to pass a new grim milestone of 3000000 cases worldwide more than 875000 people have fully recovered the number of fatalities has now passed 206000. I. The u. S. Has been hardest hit by the pandemic with almost 1000000 cases and 55000 deaths job losses in the wake of the outbreak have sparked widespread protests in the 4000000 have filed for Unemployment Benefits in the last week alone with Small Businesses suffering particularly hard as artist and reports. With the United States as the global epicenter of the pandemic protests have broken out against the lockdown measures the National Guard has been deployed to keep order i am 7 on my. Am to go back to her tent the fire but. The economic collapse act our enemy at this point one in 3 americans cannot pay their bills half of all low income americans have lost jobs or wages these are the worst numbers since the Great Depression my employer let have us go and those who have are struggling to have that are working or struggle because they dont have the other half of what im looking to help me with friends and family members that i know that have been impacted by this and i are in. Their businesses on the verge of cant sustain this very long hours and i have friends and neighbors know these businesses theyre dotting theyre dying theres a lot of businesses that will not be able to reopen the big corporations are not ready to lend a hand they are scrambling to protect their profits not their employees 4000000 Hotel Workers are expected to lose their jobs in the coming months furthermore the hotel chain known as mariya is expected to furlough tens of thousands of workers the same goes for the employees of General Electric and dreams will not come true where the thousands of employees of walt disney were expecting a furlough in florida however the government says it will protect those who are losing their jobs millions of american sacrifice their jobs in order to battle the virus and save the lives of our fellow citizens where have a solemn duty to ensure these unemployed americans regain their jobs and their livelihoods the major corporations are tapping into government relief money intended to help Small Businesses meanwhile the 4 biggest banks in america have been hit by. Lawsuit saying that theyre giving unfair priority to big corporations and not providing loans to the Small Businesses that desperately need help the issue with with big chains getting funding that was was message to as being for a Small Business outing understand what that means a company thats doing tens of millions or hundreds of millions a year in revenue and is going to be 1st in line with a big bank when it comes time to apply for one of these things and if youre a little guy you know chances are youre going to the back row i like government has been apologetic i was pleased to see that shake shack to return to the money and tend to this money was not for big Public Companies that have access to capital and many see the big corporations as putting the needs of their employees last and manipulating the system in order to protect themselves however they dont turn to helping the little guy soon the coronavirus pandemic could be a catalyst for a violent backlash the corporations you know they really shouldnt be getting anything a lot of the Big Companies before this occurred theyre loading up on cash theres a dash for cash there are flat a lot of these companies are fraught with cash you know those who have the correct connections here with the trouble ministration theyll do quite well i mean a good example are the airlines the airlines are getting 50000000000. 00 the big corporations are are are quite well taken care of and you know its the folks in the middle its the middle class is a Small Business theyre the ones who are paid for it and well see what happens in terms of the visions of the country in a country by this is a disaster and its only going to get worse in the United States is this is an administrative disaster a special platform to inform on people violating the lockdown in new york city and has been suspended after it was bombarded with means and print posts. Now its as simple as taking a photo all youve got to do is take a photo and put the location with it and bearing send a photo like this and we will make sure that if forced from comes right away. To report all suspected distancing activities to friends the new York Ministry of social plane the. Reports theres 99000 for. Start flooding theyre reporting text number was this fix. Here and russia more than 6000. 00 new covered 1000. 00 cases have been registered in the last 24 hours as brings the total number in the country to more than 80000. 00 a month 7000 have recovered but the virus has claimed 747 lives here meanwhile russian medical staff are exploring new ways to help coronavirus patients or cover one thing that appears to be working is blood transfusions several patients were discharged from a moscow hospital after they received blood plasma from people whod recovered from cope at 19. Talk to some of those donating their blood. Plenty of russian hospitals have been. Partially to treat those who have fallen sick with culvert 19 but right now weve come not to where the patients are but those who have been cured have come to donate their blood plasma blood plasma with crucial antibodies that will help those who are right now perhaps in Critical Condition are battling the new disease. My friend you had coronavirus and recovered was asked for a blood test because doctors need blood plasma from those he successfully recovered from the virus and i decided to drain my blood because i also got over the coronavirus and wanted to help. How did you play out jevon the symptoms of the one. Yes i had symptoms it went by the book at 1st i had a fever followed by a cough. Would you believe it so of significance which youre doing here right now. The conversion of the from oh yes as far as i understand this will help the doctors they save this blood plasma transfused it will help critically ill people. But rule blood plasma can be used for treatment just yet 1st it has to be processed all potential bacteria and other viruses that is in there they have to be destroyed and it happens here. Well you have 10 to 15 people donating plasma today we dont know how much russia will need as we dont know how huge the peak of the pandemic will be but based on what is expected in moscow what is happening now we will need 202250 donations a day and thats just for moscow plasma has already showed its effectiveness we have seen the 1st recoveries however more time is needed to say if the effect is proven. So how were you examined before this procedure on august they took a blood test for making an discharge me from hospital. Well they say they are expecting you back in 2 weeks time yes theres no if theyre expecting me then of course ill go back. To the jewels but it would stick in cities all the pandemic we were doing 20. 00 to 30. 00 tests a day at the institute now were doing 2500. 00 tests every day. So if a covert 19 is indeed the invisible enemy as they say this right here is the front line of the civil resistance. France remains one of the worst hit nations in europe with more than 161000 cases and 22000 deaths that spite a nationwide lockdown residents in some of pariss poorest suburbs have clashed with police on the streets. In this northern suburb of the capital tensions were high in this week when a motorcyclist was injured after a collision with an Unmarked Police car fireworks were directed at officers who responded with tear gas protests spilled into neighboring areas where the mortality rate from the virus is among the highest in the country. As the details. What we found out in the last few days is how inequality in if you will poor means that if you have 19 youre more likely to suffer as a result and even die lets take send song to me which is one of the tourist northern suburbs of france its one of frances smallest departments and now new figures from frances it is dicks agency all see shows that also has one of the highest mortality rate from cope with 19 in all of france this Health Crisis throws a harsh light on the territorial inequalities of which the and habitants. Are victims this is an area that synonymous with poverty the people who are working or working as delivery drivers or cashiers in shops or home help or care home workers meaning that they are more likely to come into contact with more people which means their move risk of catching 19. Areas describe whats going on in this department in france as being akin to a social emergency. And sounded the alarm over sense on the people are starving im shocked that in a country as wealthy as ours the authorities do not provide better support but also exacerbating the situation in. Fact it is an area that also has a lot of shantytowns a habitate by rumor communities. Also by immigrants in these areas that have cramped conditions this quarter one charity medicine is concerned that the residents here could face their own epidemic. We are facing double Health Crisis in the slums because one cruel virus restamp people have big problems to get access to health care and also because the bees x. Axis toward to access to toilets are not yet efficient in all the shanty towns well of course people can Access Medical care like the charity work that meds and demand is doing but even when they do access that they are facing an uphill struggle is a twelvemonth as some of the fewest intensive care beds in the whole of the country so if you need access to an i. C. U. To intensive care it will be less likely that youll be able to get that the lockdown in france has been very strict in that is difficult for many people but if youre living in a school in cramped conditions in a shanty town then it really must be pretty unbearable and the fear is that 19 the pandemic isnt just widening inequality in areas like same song to me its actually pushing people into their graves. Over in italy the number of coronavirus cases has now surpassed 195000 more than 26000 people have died but the nation spirits have also been cheered by some remarkable recovery is on wednesday a 100 year old woman was discharged from hospital in northeastern sicily after beating coke at 19 shes one of a number of italians and terence who have beaten the odds are in the pandemic. But those who recover have terrifying stories to tell jim pair a couple already was put in intensive care after contracting kovan 19 and he told us what happened to him. A little bit of war in the beginning i viewed it as negative positive when the situation worse than i realised that the coronavirus. Is truly a monster and thats when the fear and terror started i quickly went into respect to treat crisis but doctors informed me that they would have to interview me at this point i told my wife it was 2 am terrified we were both terrified thank god that this doctor sort of obligated me to be integrated because if we waited another day it could have been too late from when the doctor arrived telling me that she was going to interview me i felt i was unconscious after 5 minutes and in these 5 minutes i had so much fear she told me it can take more than a month but i got better in 7 days the most vivid sight that i can recall was when they removed the troops the doctor told me look now you have to start breathing on your own so he removed the tube and said cough a few times and start breathing and i started breathing and thats how another life for me started. Their weekly continues after this short break. Financial guy i dont buy any im on if you. Think the flight. As of last summer buying from the future trucker watch kaiser. Welcome back you can universities have cut runs for students many of whom have lost their jobs and are finding it increasingly hard to pay their way but for many its nowhere near enough as are 2 Saudia Edwards dashed explains. Universities up and down the country would normally be very busy especially considering that the final is just kicking off but amid the Coronavirus Crisis the change of scenery couldnt be starker were not down began thousands of students jumped on the 1st train back home to their parents but many are still left cooped up inside their halls of residence with universities still demanding they cough up bryant many are now refusing well theres no purpose for the us to be on campus and the universities and the starters so you paying your full rent which you are paid for everything to be a person but nothings available and in a time where most jews are 0 contracts and theyve lost their jobs now on the radio for duran they using all of their Student Loans theyve got no money for food or drink George Graham a tailor is a 1st year law undergraduate at the university of sussex who lost his job in a bar and is now relying on dribbling savings to survive and he isnt alone people whove lost jobs under the law and will not cover. Students. Well many students including international ones are trapped in single rooms on campus and most cant return home because that would flout the governments lockdown measures and ive also got asked so i have part the shielding advice so for me ive got this issue of contention of by financially i can actually afford the rent so i could either risk being financially in trouble all i could risk breaking the law of the creative virus bill and also risking my health your policies are encouraging. Students to gridlock their own is a Public Health problem some universities have allowed students who have left campus to cancel their contracts or receive concessions on their rent and those left behind say the policy is grossly unfair although theyre physically not used in the very best occupying their way with their items so what is the difference why are we. To university because of government legislation and we have to pay full price for people who left before the 27th all this stuff is still here they get they dont or they dont pay a penny we do appreciate this is an extremely unsettling time for us students on campus and we wish that time at sussex could be different we hope that our students know we will continue to do everything we can to respond to their needs its not just about money with experts warning that the covert 19 pandemic could have profound and potentially huge impact on Mental Health students who are left in the dark could be the last head those extremists. Are not seeing a doctor and seeing a new one but im not for going on 6 weeks or seeing friends for 6 weeks my room is maybe 3 or 4 metres long and 123 metres wide and extend my life a law students i do worry for the ones who are in a hole was completely by themselves elsewhere those withholding payments have got results the university of london changed its policies so students no longer have to pay rent and can keep their belongings in storage for 25. 00 pounds a week while other universities including nukes have also taken some action as part of our plan to support students through covert 19 like us so university has taken the decision to offer reduced accommodation to many of our students and University Managed accommodation. We appreciate this is a very challenging time for our community and we hope our decision to waive accommodation payments helps ease the financial burden for our students but for some that simply doesnt go far enough the people who are up to 25 percent of those very tempting for people to do the up and stand up. And not going straight puts those in a position that it feels like a cynical attempt to split so it was against each other to group the structure the whole way ask them is just to be humane and just recognise the situation that were in is your reputation is your money worth more than your reputation because there will be years to come of this and you must theyll just settle the Legal University nobody wants to shout to edward stash d r t u k a london. The British Medical Association warns that doctors lives are being put at risk by dangerously low levels of protective equipment more than 100. 00 u. K. Health workers have reportedly already died of corona virus but the government has so far confirmed only 69. 00 deaths amid the shortage is the National Health service the n. H. S. Has controversially changed its guidelines now advising medics to reuse gowns and aprons doctors say thats extremely dangerous and goes against all safety advice its prompted the unions to call for an independent inquiry into the governments policy on protective equipment. The n. H. S. Confederation and the Doctors Union say they will now support medics who refuse to work without adequate protection we discussed all of that with dr anna hemming an n. H. S. Commentator or lightly. I think its a very personal thing that each doctor or nurse is an individual and they have feelings about age how they do their job and we all have a and want to help and care for people says to me at the moment that was seen have to protect your workforce and there are people that are going to work that have maybe children already his with asthma that theyre living with and theyre concerned how can you lose tons of equipment from turkey i mean anybody who buys anything or amazon and knows that you can trace track where your water is i mean just to say holy has that. Just undermines the culture that these trust policies happen its important i mean this equipment is lifesaving equipment for the front line if we run out then we get ourselves into some very very deep waters meanwhile Britains Health secretary has vehemently denied claims that medical staff are being gagged insisting they are free to raise any concerns during the pandemic thats after an n. H. S. Trusts issued new social media guidelines to staff with a list of topics to avoid it asked them to refrain from tweeting about political issues including shortages of protective equipment and testing kits but saf are encouraged to praise the n. H. S. As hard work and volunteering initiatives Mental Health campaigner Terence Oshea says the response in the u. K. Has been botched. Its not a couple instance that guidelines were issued by probably a Mental Health trust in the United Kingdom with the worst reputation and the worst relationship between workers and management. It just exacerbates nor where they. Poor situation well i think if we look at the response to the corona Virus Outbreak in the u. K. Its playing ball sht. Perhaps one of the reasons why the u. K. Has been so slight simply acts so the combined a virus is because the and i. Can see some red coats all saying its its reputation in the reputation of ministers before clinical concerns and scifi issues transparency is a must if we all to stop this dreadful outbreak. Here at r. T. Were cutting back on personnel in an effort to help fight the spread of the corona virus so were signing off for the night but ill be back tomorrow and you can always have to our website in the meantime for up to the minute risp orts keep well wherever you may be. The world is driven by a dream shaped by. The day or thinks. We should ask. Green collapse of Global Energy markets are in disarray over production low demand and lots of storage has witnessed some prices going to negative territory this is not just because of the pandemic this is the result of disaster policies the Energy Market may never recover. Granted plane has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs its not the people who are chronic pain and believe that their prescription is working for them in the remedy be certain to do no price at the. Worse or dependency and addiction to opiates is the long term use that really isnt scientifically justified and our study actually suggested that the long term effects may not just be absence of benefit but actually that they may because they want to. Control. Our i. Was told. On july 14th. He actually hasnt. Worked. Out and im also. Going to the store and. Thats when everything how. I go. To the clothes that. Were happening. I hear. Shots came from their. Empty. Soon after the murder of my daughter jenna says jim youre more trains often running so. Jeffrey either be. Themselves. For an accomplice or. It was picked up about a month and a half after all of that and he was picked up on gun charges that were linked to the murder. Why dont you like to tell us that like. A crime scene. And i was. All day i was on i dont want to. Go i was the people who put you out there and one much said one person im not just saying to people im saying a lot of people and you know the c. D. C. The cameras are on the cameras here they have scanner is a little store camera is of all days had cameras everywhere and i was another right on this is that you know what happened a 12 Year Old Girl was accidentally shot. And she died

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