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Scape those 2 pending charges have not yet been resolved is that correct to a. Part of starting it is best 57 you recognize that dont let your statement to the police do it. When you say that. You said that you were sweeping up a little bit correct but the fact is you want to sweep to do with selling drugs correct itll blow up. For the. Night and. This could be the truth the whole youre not going to through this information names on the record. How many shows you see home or is 6 showpiece for a guy you know leaders want to do the free account for a noble good mom who couldnt. So well have. To pray. That it will be hard to tell ok since. The seating you were never able to have those showcase leaders with any specific knowledge or. I dont know if accounts are covers. Of the for our policy. Very well as a listen if you could show the other if youre caught up in it but the evidence that we had. Since you were there that is the problem that thats the problem so economically i roll but im not letting people sign my feet and made their own opinions only when there is that not what i want i want to be like no i want to see this will happen. Its a legal field by x. It as if it is a big i dont know never never when i have it im not im going to slide no im going to walk or meet. Jack hes so. Good morning theyre more certain who are who were asked to take students in this case decision. Was that students were students good bye to their consumers will yes we would all be. Jobs more assiduous resumes where you sit that you couldnt get over that last response that wasnt there was in the mall i dont know why they were late yet seem to want me to be as or so i like whenever a camera suit to the store or ever check and it will show it was not put there through the most amusing were cameras of something good yes were and were never found to be in there if not through humor from businesses family or near. There. Thats a step in. History have a nice. Break. Detective. You what will the press conference and they have hosted now for the for the rest of this is read this and that 1st arrest her again to modify your good. Self test fire earlier not. Shell casing that will balance the right oh. Its a fact isnt it you were never able to connect any of those cases with my client your meter work or out. About it for her. To get you to do more to abort the reading matter cabin heard senator shelby and i have a right as we did best here are you who want who directs the c. S. I. People said boy is our integrated personal. First of us going to be up to the responsibility to have a certain i was requested to be its a cult now in this case you have all eyes in the fire bigger under the back of the said show the problem the genesis is sure is that this thing go on. In the april 1st 2004 years correct and theres a patterson who was the part of the case no matter who the shooting is bad that happened. To Grassroots Group being involved in the same god right and that was right and you know that person for the rest and short. 5 years already producing that god 1st you off i didnt know you were bashing. Her and sat up you were horribly injured. In this case group that was right after you got arrested but i wish through our lot in that area. I was actually a part of 2 other texas folks were surprised to know that the interview with iraq took 6 in. Order. What is surprising to know that in your view did not ask you that the genesis author of the hell. You have information in was there. No theyre right this is a new report theyve got only who used to say. That was used to kill jazz was there an additional big ass one brewer that has never asked him about it saying he thought. For why. I dont hate the. Duke. Their kids i was i was that. I was that that my family members a told their kids dont hide with a lexus. Dont hang with texas. Lets is bad. Im no different than these guys. It. Is just that i had to write people. I had to write support my parole officer mr williams. I violated at least twice. He said he was not to lock me up because i was a smart kid and he met my mom he said your powers are good parents. And they dont deserve that from. You. All but. They are. Going to. Hear you all do you see an heiress and on the oil is what were. You holding arrested in a house you see as on that day yes. Only the truth and plead guilty to. The same c. S. 3rd group and you know the pool before you really did you receive provision for destroying your religion should you gratian. That are worthy of yours very depressed went. On to want to want work seen this is for you or that. You are using this picture. Is in the back. Of whore. You notices either they will be able to a proper attention. And while resentful the reporter. See it was wiring and. There was fire or you was right. When the only people who were firing at a school knew see the people who work because of the words that are identifying as genuine what about the National Person of the other person who was the other shooter jennifer whats her where in or what does it look like to. Sure where the hell are her. Identifying the chair. And the sorrows in the oceans oh on the side and he did on one of them when the street started firing. He said real when the trees and when you moved regime as they went in the middle of the street or file suit is through normal nose in and guns are passable all. The while again you see the what in the. Word wait in general was watched was going to say that it would be more big city had guns but when they do we dont see one and says they were in the. Main bar only being. One of those that are wrong. To a. Good. Morning for the mission. Your manner described and im going to respond youre going to throw your 1st its an issue i have your own were going to take please tell us after you go through the earlier break. Off. It was the only child. Stand. By and the council broke it would. Be the one of the 5. To go before. It has a little more get. People. To. Think. Youre sitting somewhere i. Can just let me see it i guess. I was on the floor somethings in my basket oh you know trying praying. Yes its time for us to die worms i was having children fever i didnt have any sense of say so smell has been the most you can put the world with you. Recently she you know sometimes the old just used to. Comment on the grounds for research. I have heard and. Push myself to the full me in the face im going to. Go. Israel media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation full community. Are you going the right way or are you being that. What she. Wants is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. For a mate in the shallows. He was on the phone with us now in. The earlier in the trial there was evidence that came out that the gun used to kill genesis recall was used 3 months earlier to her killing in a shooting incident the person who used that god was caught his name is eli haynes today the states star witness its discovered that hes texting while on the stand he texted someone saying eli is here and the response came back whats a lie doing there which leads us to conclude only one thing. Cafferty swinger testified today under the pressure of pointing the finger at my client because he knows that. Eli haynes is the true killer maker. So were going to recess that just today i would say we received what i like to call a nugget a Golden Nugget if im successful and using and implementing that nugget then im hopeful that the jury will use that bit of information in my favor in my clients favor when they deliberate as to whether or not my client committed this crime. Ladies and gentlemen let me begin by say that in a criminal trial sometimes theres a moment not only has every piece of evidence presented by the prosecution been discredited or rendered meaningless we are also shown that is there is a far more believable suspect in this killing who is not on trial here. We know that he lied on hughes the gun that killed genesis 3 months earlier and then sure to bring forward to make sure that carry swings are planned through this is false testimony. Ladies and gentlemen of the trier is a search for the truth thats why were here we want to know what really happened that night and we dont there was places and poor detective work while my dick cost to run a fingerprint analysis on the case. Who cares what it costs just doesnt have a price. The life of that 12 Year Old Girl is not equated with the price for running a simple finger protests you shouldnt tolerate an investigation that well sure whether student can compensate or laziness. That would ask you a job when you go back into that sure room ask yourself is there a reasonable possibility that splinter and order revival to protect themselves and gain an advantage with each release serious priors they were each face. If theres a reasonable possibility that they were lying and there is reasonable doubt and the ferg must be must be not guilty. Thanks. Take. Time mr prosecutor. Because this case comes down to congress when keyshawn are. There are civilians. I submit are truthful remodelled incredible based on other things of you shall we talk about youll get a needle taken the door was the drugs that you had it done and unfortunately maps are very narrow where the homicide happened these are the winds that these are with this is the map there are people from st they live down here they try to raise a few of these out there to deal pros out here. And. It should let us. Know why us here. These guys and the getting at weapons 1st weapons nearly hand im sure. You know idea that mines was never arrested with him but he never. That was taken off to say he got rid of it you know throw prudy in the earth sell it to ask again dont do all the twats. Who want to thank you for your attention once again your reasonable doubt is to use prudence digs and ask you to try her arm to network with churches in the universe youll think that it. Will. Probably want their kids to. Get up out of the back of the horrified look if. They know that i have a person that good at this well im going to explain. That im black ecstatic to the temple but its not the same text oh yes its f. O. B. In and out of basketball well ive had a really close but never. I hope im right. There so weve got so our guess is very no thats all we have because very very says theres a sanchez with. The roof or got in the back row or they really are going to. Do issues in fact before fair to good. Nobody really takes their to seriously if what. We need to coach is Something Else came close to the pairs take an easy job on earth i dont hate the. Side though. Just. Whether. They go to jail. More and i cant think i cant talk to our kids over i care quite a bit buggy and i never want to happen after. This passed away as they took half an hour and i have never seen above like that was his sisters grab my. Idea that i might. Be the old. Mom and then. Maybe one holds out her cell phone it will be confiscated and it will be flipped out. To me has been to told to the cd. Its damage you read that i reviewed you know that i think your message to this group i just want to ask the 4 person that i want to ask you questions or person you feel good for a good liberation beneficially you feel as if youve reached a point which further liberation from you and do you feel that it would be futile. Considering all of that i find that terminations the struggle is necessary because the injuries feel to grieve heard within a reasonable time. After a reasonable time through deliberations without going to clear extra. Special. Stuff but still if youre in the function you look lou most of the civic duties which you will never be pulled apart to fulfill the declaration of a mistrial in this matter your services now we are 1st. Every day i see houses the cities you respond to as soon as your easter is truly your scenario they say that even though you didnt reach for you know how hard this case even at this case proved to be so now to shore if you serious is sincere is the thanks to all of us who serve in our forces do you know really and we should everybody thats. In some. Instances like thats its a normal decision resolution. Or so charges. That in. General its a. Related. Style. You know late in the show this tragedy and the family of the victim still has. A mediately after jamir was arrested and incarcerated for the murder of genesis ring calm he was then also charged with another murder case. And that entire case the police investigated my client believed he had nothing to do with it and left him out of and now lo and behold they indict him on that murder case. Very very curious circumstances. So he has to win 2 trials in order to walk away scot free trials are risky businesses and anything can happen at a trial and even though he. Ultimate powered in one sense by the hung jury he was smart enough to know that its not a guarantee next. In the end we were able to come to a deal in which a mere pled to 20 years he would have to serve 85 percent of that time so 17 years before he can apply for parole hes been in for 3 so he gets credit for all of that so hell be out in 14 years over 36 years old so he can resume his life with his right now he has a 3 year old song he can marry you can go to college he can have a life and he ultimately decided that pleading to be responsible for the death of genesis recalling rashi clark was in his best interests. He went in an open forum took an oath to tell the truth and said i shot the bullet that killed back girl. Somewhere the truth exists. In. The sea was street blues didnt have the name the down was gone most things arent the same of room when i 1st found out only when the same thing in the lead agony used to sing explain shoes ride in on scooter around Independence Day now shes right in the heavens that shes very fall way ill give you a new way just want to see you fees if you dont have them on a new unit steady please god needed him again just to pick the best thats a good thats a close but in reality youre blessed because you find through his kingdom in this life you pass the one time. Is not up to much is because normally do not hear these need to learn to thunderstruck as in c. B. Your religion. Is how was she was the name in it go on to school way down from the scene. Each and every single game. Comes to killing spree. We see the good we got that out of. This food you just. Dont find it just more reached as much as you need to ensure. The way we do do it in this world in this close we can. Even. See. You couldnt let me think. But. Thats. Just. So we. Had to. So weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race often. Spearing Dramatic Development only mostly im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. As the u. S. Economy was booming growing numbers of people were made homeless if you can work 40 hours d a week and still not have enough to get housing everybody believes america still has the lead up to the reality of it were not financially equality and im not going to Affordable Housing or living minimum wage give many people new choice. Theres been a problem with the city knows turn to bitch and told me stay away oh miss colton consider that there is no answer because yes the records at least the most vulnerable and abandoned on the streets to become the invisible. Thousands of soldiers are put on standby as looting and theft rise around the world with food running out and further job cuts in the kobe 1000. 00 locked out. Germany could be coming the 1st Major Football League to restart in the wake of the pend a sports executive saying theyre ready to kick off as early as the 9th of may if the government gives the ok. Plus a 2nd u. S. Navy warship registers a corona Virus Outbreak with 18 sailors testing positive. And speaks to a top u. S. Investigative journalist receiving disturbing threats from the brazilian government after expose corruption by al

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