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Billy learning a lot about Scottish History len says what a great show alex i was so disappointed that the march in our boat was cancelled to us you really cheered me up and now with us the author of pandemic century dr mark holick sperm to his view of the coming few really this is what he had to say that there is something old about the spars the way it seems to be a very subtle virus a very wily parrs if you think about a good strategy for a virus to spread while worldwide is actually not to make many people sick right in darwinian terms a virus will succeed if it gets stronger controls the best way it can do that is the spread of the radar by not causing overt illness so thats what its doing and today he joins me from west london dr holly. History im interested in particular in the sure the Economic Impact of the pandemic through history do we have something to teach us about the likely economic consequences of this medical and human disaster. Well yes and so if you look to you know the spanish influenza pandemic that occurred just as over 100 years ago quite uncanny the historical timings that occurred during world war so of course of the completely different economic and geopolitical situation nonetheless we know that the Economic Impacts of the pandemic were profound and depressed g. D. P. Substantially not just in the u. K. And europe but in the United States and north america but interestingly because the pandemic and this is true im afraid of all pandemics they tend to take out not just people but they tend to sort of remove the unhealthiest and the least able members of the population what that means afterwards is theres a kind of bounce back in terms of people who are left you know tend to be more healthy and robust so what you kind of lose economically you make up for in the same savings on health costs later so could that be said rather of callous and capitation that some of the less productive people be removed could that really of been behind the government tinkling where for at least contemplating the socalled help the military strategy isnt really in the and Government People who think quite as callously as that on those that much more a case of just lack of Clear Thinking and charting a way forward i think its more is more a case of the government realizing well i think 1st they didnt really have a plan i think thats the 1st thing thats become clear the 2nd thing is although we were told repeatedly by Boris Johnson that he was following the signs the famous quote. What we now know is the science there was conflicting scientific opinion and he chose to listen to one scientific advisors who i think there is evidence was swayed by the idea that the mistake they really made this important to understand alex is all the month leong that had been done up to now was based on an influenza pandemic ok that was the template for their response and influenza we know is very very difficult to stop it spreading once once you know it is a threat is probably already here i dont that was not true of coronavirus current of viruses a different virus and spreads differently and there was an opportunity which we missed to. Stop at much more vigorously the borders but after it got in we could have imposed you much more testing and chase down those contacts in the contacts of the contacts if wed done that i think we would have seen much lower rates of infection and hospitalizations. More in the german model so that wasnt done so that left us with little choice but to sort of muddle along and i think its quite possible that they flirted with this herd immunity i think were still flattered with i think weve got a defacto herd immunity strategy because if i step outside my front door in london i can still see lots of people walking too close to one another job is a bit peculiar running right up close to people ignoring whether theyre elderly or not that is that the fact of unity strategy and finally dr who. Will anything ever be the same again. Well listen i this is a really tough conversation that im having with my daughter now i think it is very very challenging and i think this is a big difference in 1900 so the 918 pandemic is why did known by historians as the forgotten pandemic because although many millions of people died worldwide it didnt have the sort of profound impact that we think this pandemic is and is already having i think it will simply because its going to calls such a Major Economic depression for that fact alone i think it will be well remembered dr holland smiles from west london thank you very much indeed thank you alex. So one of the Economic Impact of this pandemic if forced to europe were thought to smallest country dr stephanie for believe the university of malta dr fabry motor has been praised by the World Health Organization for his efforts to contain the pandemic. Succeeding and is that situation likely to continue im very proud to say that the world her to organization has raised more and more that are up till now and can be seen as a best practice case study in terms of managing to spend them ik our Health System has always been and still is impeccable and we have an extremely talented health stuff the priority at the moment is difficult of the society so the priority is flattening the curve as much as possible so we need to think long term if women is to flatten the cave in the long term we will be able to reestablish our economy in a more efficient way faster so we think long term i think there is a win win situation between the economy and social well being a doctor from the e. U. And other maltese economists this week of published a major report called our joe which looks forward to the best poly sci prescriptions to take more to have the elsewhere in europe out of the covert crisis what was your aim behind the publication of that report and what its major recommendations which over the past 2 weeks together with the theme of young economists weve been working really hard to review the local context we have interviewed various stakeholders social partners Business Leaders and we also did our Consumer Survey to take stock of the Current Situation for the present situation we are saying that there should be 4 way we should address 4 is the fiscal delete get the. Administrative and the more nitty the fiscal we are proposing additional measures such as tax credits to companies who do not lay off workers and additional government revenue from for example to tax to cover for deeds incentives tax on single use plastic sedation the taxes on Plastic Packaging sweetened products and so on. With regard to the legal measures we are saying that certain aspects of the law should be covered to cater for the Current Situation like for example the Employment Law the Companies Act which respect to liquidation and. Vincy and the Financial Crime review then we are proposing for the Current Situation. Administrative measures we are saying that the government may become be more efficient by deploying. Human resources from departments that are not so busy at the moment to other departments that are very busy with respect to implementing the incentives put forward by government finally we are saying that. There are a specter of want to policy which we should also look at now you might tell me want to policy in more than it is in the hands of the e c b but to the more the Development Bank plays an Important Role in this and you are saying that there could be schemes that promoted the Green Economy digitalisation and promoting startups as will then we have a set of measures post go over it for immediately postschool that we are saying that there should be discussions ongoing us from now to establish a Recovery Plan for when the economy can janetta starts the discussions should take place between the main stakeholders and also government. Thinking from the perspective of europe smallest country no continent what do you think really european. In central bank promising the sort d of scale of economic bazookas which will meet the scale of this crisis yes so up till now. The crisis affected the Different Countries in the e. U. And that print way and it hit us abruptly so the individual countries had no option but basically to implement their individual incentives when you take stock of these incentives they are more or less coherent so they target funds to Civil Protection to health care and to address liquidity issues in the meantime the European Central bank was asking for their command ations from the individual countries to offer a holistic plan and 500000000000 package was launched last fish could have there been more incentives and when looking at countries like italy i think their protests have been more incentives with regards to solidarity good to have done more maybe yes however there when you consider the fact that the e. U. Is made up of Different Countries with different economic visions in the way different characteristics same sex at all i think that it takes longer to come with a holistic plan to identify a holistic plan or to get day. However i believe that a more proactive and the fish interest forms is required from from the e. U. In general at the moment we are proposing to companies to revamp we are just there Contingency Planning just in case Something Like this would happen and i think that a new level we need to do the same we need to he had just our Contingency Planning so that got for a bit of the crisis happens maybe not to the sextant we would be much more ready to. Adjust according to dr stephanie for brief from malta thank you very much and thank you very much alex thank you. Joins us after the break but ill speak to professor David Blanchflower of Dartmouth College of the likely policy of the sponsor of both the Federal Reserve and the bank of england well let me the scale of the crisis join us then. Has changed american lives but pharmaceutical companies have a miraculous solution. Based drugs the people who are chronic pain patients believe that their opiate prescription is working for them in the remedy be certain to. Price that they pay closer dependency and addiction to opiates to long term use that really isnt scientifically justified and ill study actually suggest that. The long term effects may not just be the absence of benefit but actually that they may be causing long term. Damage. Dont. Receive the relief from the c im fine it can be seizures usually they dont believe its enough. To take the safe cool shots walk to sit next dont. Give a solution safety feature. Is likely. Professor they were blanched well as a former member of the Monetary Policy committee of the bank of england i speak to a leading in french and critic of the weakness of policy response to the Great Recession of 10 years ago how does he assess the likely policy response on both sides of the atlantic to the cover called the crisis is it going to meet the scale of the americas and say that joins me from florida professor David Blanchflower you prefer a trenchant critic of the weakness of policy response over the last 10 years to the Great Recession and out of your do that for a long unemployment underemployment and high levels whats your assessment thus far of the policy response in the United States and the United Kingdom it to the great pandemic. Well i think the only word i can use is exemplary in the sense that they absolutely go off it and so i guess i would say that in 2008 eventually policy make is to slowly through the kitchen sink at it what we see in the last month is policy making through the kitchen at it so theyve reacted very quickly i mean in the u. K. The several trenches thats going on in the us as well but i think about the original part of your question i dont think the economists were in very good shape to take the shock that was coming and that was because of very bad policy austerity policy that that you thought about and you and i both oppose for a very long time and just think in the end i and the United Kingdom the real wages at the start of this pandemic in march 2023 percent lower than they were in 2008 so yes we have seen a fantastically rapid enormous response but the economy is themselves were much weaker than they shouldnt be. If policy its been appropriate post 2008 so yes theyve they learned their lesson this time and i was teaching my class that yesterday about how appalling it was in 2008 so theyve learned that lesson but times are looking pretty tough and i certainly think the United States looks like the Unemployment Rate already is about 20 percent maybe that close to in canada as well so this is this is a very very sharp tough town but they have done well conditional on the fact that for 20 years they terribly so the numbers are coming falling from the treasury in the bank of england in the u. K. And from the fed and from the federal government and the United States looks pretty impressive there is a danger of the the best laid schemes of mice and men going to have to go live because already we see sharply rising unemployment in the United States and we see Small Businesses in the United Kingdom say they cant see where the money is because its not reach them. Well i think i would have think thats part of it i mean in a sense the scale of the problem the starting point was weak and the speed that this thing is come with has meant that the scale of the response is unprecedented but i think the way you asked the question unprecedented but not enough so theres a very awful picture we seeing in San Antonio Texas where a food bank in texas opened a couple couple of days ago and there were 10000 cars lined up at the huge park it looked like a dealership and then a 4 mile line of cars trying to get food people keep the money hasnt come despite the fact that we say the government has responded people havent got the money to get food i mean theres just a series of surveys going out now around the world asking people if you had a if you lost your job today and you lost reagan which many have how long could you laugh with the money that youve got the answer is about 2 weeks willing to go the people say a couple of weeks or so so now whats happened is ok this money is coming. In the u. S. The iris started to put money out yesterday but many people probably wont get any money until the full well the theres the problem yeah the response is high but wheres the money well how my going to pay the bill how am i going to pay my rent how am i going to pay for the food so i think these are 2 issues were going to see how are people going to pay their rent and and how and how are they going to get food and you rightly say how the Small Business going to survive i mean estimates in the United States are despite all of this and this maybe of this may be too much but the estimates ive seen suggest that perhaps half the restaurants in the United States because of all this mostly Small Business its a basic going to close. So its impossible that the spite of the monsoonal human misery being cold caused by covert 19. Human mentally caused by a prolonged depression would be even greater well that could be selling so i mean i think theres a policy response that we can look at and obviously this the likelihood is that may well be long term damage done i think the answer though is then this pressure in various countries in austria and in the end in the u. S. Weve seeing every day this pressure to open this pressure to open the economy because you say as you rightly just suggested the danger from the account from what happened to the economy is so substantial but the danger of opening too soon and spreading the virus and killing more more people is is is great i think perhaps we should go back to the original ways that its up in 2008 the world was unprepared for a financial crisis. In 2020 they were unprepared for basically a Health Crisis and so now were playing catch up and all the responses that weve seen which i thought were exemplary but thats not going to be enough theyre probably going to do the same thing next month and the month afterwards and some of the things that we think around thinkable is that over the decade or so the world policymakers have been utterly unprepared they havent had stocks of macs and downs and and in 2008 they wonder whether banks were going to fail and i remember talking to you when you were the 1st minute we thought a bit about where are the Shovel Ready Projects or if you need to do something where are they whats the list the things that youve got and so the answer is the history of preparedness and theres a huge implications of banks failing on people and now this huge implications on the economy of the health of a Health Crisis that the policy makers were unprepared for and the what the other thing we should talk about in the way that theres going to be distributional consequences who are the ones who lose the most and the answer is the young the least educated the ones with the lowest incomes and the ones that hurt last time the same ones are going to be hurt this time and the boom didnt help them that much so if there is a sustained economic response to the scale of this human crisis can we avoid too much damage to the the fabric can grow for the one of the colonies. Well hopefully i mean obviously youre trying to buy time to isolate this virus youre trying to. Stay at home waters are protected in time to get. The vaccine the reality of free Market Economics the 1st time you dont realize you have to give up your plan is from mike tyson quote is when you get punched in the face so youve been punched in the face and you need to respond and you may need to respond for a long time and that and the question is will the policymakers understand that youve got to keep going because they didnt understand in 2010 and press apply to this enormous human misery on a planetary scale and out of this economic crisis on a global scale is it possible that the right policy prescriptions that the economy which a marriage is would have some beneficial aspects to it pretty tough to be really positive right now but i think there are going to be long term adjustments but the problem is we need we need to have a plan for the post pandemic and we dont know what that is its going to hit us very hard so i think the answer is that yeah fundamental changes may come but we dont have a plan but weve been punched in the face and its going to be hard to work out exactly what that is i suspect there will be long term fundamental change to the economy and were going to have to have resources ready for potentially the next pandemic that is as you know a Guiding Light for policymakers across the planet dani what would that be right in your message to policymakers and to lastly want to be allowed to meet the scale of this crisis. You know that you know youre not taught over the years i guess we i guess i like the great soccer analogy right get your retaliation in 1st get ready to the only issue right now is to do too little i mean i just think as i said you throw the kitchen sink at the thing lets get in there and do everything at the scale of this shock is so immense because remember i think the other thing is that i look back i remember gordon brown once told me he wrote a great book he told me that that we had always seem elated what would happen if a single bank failed so each of the countries a thought about you know what if r. B. S. What is the bank of america and he said we are not the mistake we made was not to think about what happened when the Global Banking system failed and i think the big thing here is that people seem to be thinking too much on the on a single country level if you ask me quest about germany but germany has to remember that austria and sweden and new zealand then australia and india and so this is a global this is a Global Crisis and i think that the only thing i would say to people is the only issue i think youre going to do with the not there or not its really hard to think that doing too much with be a fix to this get money to the people that moneys the people as fast that you can and keep bringing it to them and then eventually we can get back to that we can get back to the reality of the logic would be supposin scotland was invaded by the vikings or something or other what would you do you will say well we cant be with them because you know its going to take a while to get the parliament together and you know this is this think of it all as being on a war setting get ready go its not its not on your mark get that its like red light green light go thats what i would say the people go 1st so theyre banned from florida thank you very much indeed. Court. For much of the 20th century the the great economic debate was between the and humans of 2 totaling economists and john miller came from a Milton Friedman then i have here been so i can tell you that a struggle for policy domination at least in the liberal democracies for most of the setting of the 2nd half of the 20th century. Let alone in fact leads to a great economist actually agreed on one thing they agreed to could be an economic event so cataclysmic the end justified an economic and Monetary Policy despond some government way outside the normal parameters the covert crisis and such an event and this on the level of response from governments is going to determine the Economic Future basically and Less Government some prefer to open up the Printing Presses and beyond the experience of fevers experience them recession will indeed term them to depression and its going to be on the scale of the response and thats coordination worldwide that would make the difference between recession and depression and will make the difference between prolonged economic misery to add to the human miserably the world is already experiencing and so awful to speed on myself and all of the sure its good bye for now and well see you next week. Thinking of getting a new puppy once we got in her shell from where i was i didnt know what to do he was trapped in this tiny little wired coach be going near the crate with the wall just. Freaking out and she will want to spray him anywhere near. Breeding dogs or caged in inhumane conditions on puppy phone i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the fonder they have no protection. Its ok you. Know its ok. Across the us cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows on at stores most of the puppies are coming from this large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a Group Businesses are involved like ogling mom santa there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial rating for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural worms and industries that have nothing to do with dogs dont buy dog. Welcoming our viewers from around the world live from Central London this is a u. K. Acting Prime Minister dominic robb is expected to announce another 3 weeks of lock down place where it comes as labor leaders secure stoma pushes the government for an exit strategy which sources say doesnt exist. Young adults could be the 1st to be released from lockdown in a bit to boost the economy according to researchers. The government is true a view one of those from black and ethnic minority groups have been junior thing to buy the parts that says dozens from britains Filipino Community working on the front line died from the disease i was speaking to a filipino clinical matron. And said there is more than 250000 people of bridges to to volunteer a Charity Sector since the beginning of the outbreak according to the latest figures. Acting Prime Minister dominic rob is to chair a cobra meeting today where hes expected to confirm a prolonging of the restrictions says labor leader secures stomach demands that the government provide an exit strategy for the current lock down which government sources say doesnt exist shut it was daschle joins me live for more on all of this no light at the end of the tunnel concerning the lock down well in short no it really seems like this is a lock down in the long haul as ministers already expected to announce a 3 week extension to these lockdown measures so normality really could be a long way off and it comes after dominic rob the foreign secretary of course the man standing in deputizing for the Prime Minister to chat a Cabinet Meeting remotely today is also chairing a cobra meeting with leaders of the devolved nations 2 of which scotland and Northern Ireland have already. Announced the extension of their lockdown measures so all indications really suggests that the United Kingdom will be following suit and not seeing an extension in an official capacity and thats because really it does seem like from the experts on the data that the lockdown measures are by and large working quite well so the government doesnt really want to diminish any of that progress that has been made thus far not in the least until we are past the peak of the virus and just yesterday matt hancock the house secretary said that only be lifted the lockdown measures will only be lifted when its safe to do so we cannot let up in our efforts we cannot let go of the hard work thats been done so far this shared sacrifice and i know its a sacrifice is starting to work but we will not lift these measures until it is safe to do so everyone who stays at home is doing their bit protecting the n. H. S. And saving lives well today he also stresses the government is quite pleased with how the public have been reacting to this crisis saying that unbelievably large volumes of people scores of the public have been abiding by the rules only just a few breaches and thats why at this point its too soon the government doesnt want to put that good effort to waste now opposition parties they have really biological grier with the governments position and standing on all of this saying that they do support an extension of these measures but what they want to know is what happens next and the nearly appointed leader of the labor party secure starmer hes suggesting that the government needs to release an exit strategy to these lockdown measures we do need an exit strategy and we do need the government to start setting that out now weve got to keep the trust of the public were asking a lot of the public. Of course the governments policy has always been led by the medical and science experts many of which saying that if we relax the measures too soon we could see a result of resurgence in the transmission of the disease and today with even heard from a leading scientist to the government who says that the social distancing measures that 2 metres apart may have to continue in place indefinitely until a vaccine is readily made available now this is why this is exactly why the government doesnt want to try and water down these policies these messages just yet saying still maintaining that government 9 that staying at home protects the n. H. S. And ultimately saves lives but if we want to have a clue about what could happen in long into the future we only have to look across the channel to other european models and see what kind of relaxation measures theyve been put in place so potentially we could see up and down the country maybe schools going back into business potentially those that havent seen the height of the outbreak not like london or indeed the government could also do it based on a demographic potentially younger more fit of people able to go about their lives slightly more freely all of this will be up for discussion but todays message message really is that its too soon to discuss any doctor measures that will be alleviated shadier thank you so much for all of that well Research Suggests that the Younger Generation could be the 1st to be released from lockdown as they risk from coronavirus researches from or at university of claim that those aged between 20 and 30 the dont live with their parents could be set free to prevent the country from a recession and this would mean a run 4200000 people returning to normality figures show that around 2600000. 00 young adults work within the private sector and could help boost the economy and days is just an extra 13000000000. 00 pounds could be generated each year by saving just hauffe of Young Private Sector Workers from unemployment. In the next hour ill be joined by one of the researches behind that study. The government is to investigate why those from britains black and ethnic minorities have been unduly affected by coronavirus it comes as a person of a church in oxford raise concerns after 2 Filipino Health care workers in his congregation died from the virus over the weekend Oscar King Jr ill but rico worked as porters John Radcliffe hospital in oxford they or 2 of at least 23 Filipino Health care workers to have died from the disease since the outbreak began almost 20000 filipinos work in the n. H. S. And Community Health sector making them an integrity pillar of Britains Health service well to discuss this further im joined by clinical matron who until very recently worked in the n. H. S. Frances fernando francis thank you for joining us today. I would have to be good to talk to you now this outbreak will be devastating for many different communities but perhaps even more so for you and your filipino colleagues is it because so many are working on the front line against the virus. I think thats. Probably the major reason why a lot of my colleagues. Are working and yes we mostly work us from atlanta parent how it works you know so its us as you mentioned there are estimated to be. Trained nurses forking indentures but also there are the factors to look at that we go unmet needs to really. Investigate one of those factors that come to your mind because we do know about the shortage of protective equipment of your colleagues filipinos themselves being exposed to the lack of protection perhaps more than others or any idea on that yeah so ive heard from my colleagues and friends who are still working in them its just us us from whence. They are sometimes up to improvise. The in advocacy of the provision of p. B. S. Or lack of p. B. S. Due to supply or. The liberty problem so they are working are another big they are protected very well so has it got this problems in the percentage of those who have died it is quite stunning isnt it in the Filipino Community yes it be so are we have aids and for fortunately 8 nurses recently and thats nearly our 50 percent of all the nurses in there are just about due to quit 19 so thats a very High Percentage considering that were only around 2 percent of the book and just workforce but when it comes to the nursing workforce we are seconds behind into and the numbers working from then are just and then the top and numbers you mentioned number 23 have their workers from the philippines to guide their working then adjust or in social care so again compared with the overall mortality in the for having just stuff thats again nearly 45 percent but not spare the rod to say a lot of filipino couples husbands and wives will work in the same sector so that for not only exposing each other but of course the rest of the family yes thats correct so why dont you know my colleagues are married who are. You know nurses themselves or healthcare workers busy or those who work in the same industry have their industry theres one example of we had system or who is married to us or what this is to or all of them busy. It was a good omen but also her husband at the moment said auntie you. Thought it was for the use of us into care so thats just one or the being that a state that. Dont you know that you know for the filipinos really that do provide such an important part. In the community and indeed the n. H. S. Is is there a Group Representing you as such. Yes so there was a rocor give the Nurses Association in the u. K. To pass an 18 well unfortunately the group as this plan did so i was one of the far big offices and i was the Vice President for external affairs it took us unaided but we are trying to establish the filipino Nurses Association this is before theyve been buried a start said we are we are operating with energy single and workforce racial equality and thats led by god here who used a National Director so thats interesting francis because of your initiative do you feel comfortable now that you might get some Additional Support by the government the Health Service that to to help your particular Community Deal with this major major crisis yes yes so ive been tweeting and mostly on my twitter page of method to that account so i know my concerns i have had some email conversations that youve got to sort of may and also be the end just leaders and so through my networks and so and so professor surrounds who use the chairwoman of the chief nursing officers and by sort of group by me and by sort of group has emailed me back to say she will raise their concerns i braced for her silence and said well maybe so we must part of the group. And all these concerns that they have. As im sure many many reporting and what youre doing best of luck what you and your fellow colleagues filipinos are doing to tackle this crisis francis for now and i thank you very much for joining us here not better much for having me thank you well lets have a look at the latest figures here in the country of 100000 people in britain of not tested positive for corona virus a further 861 coded 900 patients have died over the past 24 years now 24 hours i should say now that means that across the nation over 13000 people have certainly lost their lives. Well across the world more than 2000000 have now tested positive for. Teen and according to Johns Hopkins university ive on 138 files and. Sadly died from the illness how about a hoff a 1000000 have now recovered. Still to come up with this new legal and scheme with all the modern to have early abortions but critics say the coronavirus knock down could make it impossible for some to access the service. And more than 250000. 00 people the rights to a child the census since the beginning all feet break according to the latest figures. Being as. Able. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. To direct. What is truth what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or inmate in the shallowness. Downing street has once again undermined its commitment to maintaining the current brics a transition period in spite of the coronavirus and demick number 10 and said the u. K. Will neither ask for an extension or accept one from the e. U. Should have brussels asked for it downing street said that extending the implementation period would prolong Business Uncertainty the transition period is due to end in december this year trade talks between britain and the block are said to carry on video call throughout the pandemic. More than 250000 people have registered at charity centers to help those most vulnerable since the beginning of the outbreak according to the latest figures aunties has this report we are all human we always stick to the single mom alys says its. Equal in humanity or your brother in faith so this is the principle we working while we are all together we are all human and we should all get care to look after each other when it became clear that tougher measures were needed across the u. K. To battle the coronavirus pandemic the government was quick to announce packages that would help those in need last week i set out to destroy office in the budget. I promised to do what really takes. Me through this crisis but some of that money cant come fast enough to some while others are falling through the cracks of the system including the most vulnerable because of back more volunteers have popped up all over the country to step in and help reach the most vulnerable much like this initiative in north london we try to get people really whole are in need in much need now the elderly people disabled People Special needs people and somewhat of an isolated people who do go outside so we got more volunteers and we do. Parcel of food you said its not for everybody but were going to do it again and again but while the work of volunteers hasnt entirely gone unnoticed by those in power think this crisis has already proved it is such a thing as society the groups working on the volunteer front lines say they struggle with doing their work due to a shortage of protective gear but the need for their help is too great well obviously we are trying to keep. As much as possible but obviously theres a huge amount of need in every community we have found all sorts of people have moved into this part of area brint and the food. That were giving them including me is obviously helping any time of need with the country on lockdown with no end in sight those working in the sector calling on the government to recognize volunteer groups ascii workers to and fund them so that they can get on with the crucial work of preventing people from falling through the gaps last week a raft of measures to help charities was announced but many voiced concerns it didnt go far enough i think in reality weve all been caught by surprise by the scale of the pandemic and the extent of the Economic Health care and social impact of it so whilst the government has put in some measures to assist charities deal with the immediate stuffing ramifications and its put out some packages to support charities with the fund raising initiatives i think a lot more will need to be done particularly to try and make the work more impactful but while the uncertainty of covered and indeed the length of the lockdown continues those we met say they dont plan to stop until everyone has received the help that they need. And. A scheme has been done to allow women. To have early abortions in response to travel restrictions although abortion is now legal in Northern Ireland there are as yet no services in the country as a result women were forced to travel to the republic of ireland or britain for terminations but lockdown measures have rendered this impossible the new scheme launched by informing choices n. I. Means that women will not be able to get the 1st Abortion Pill from a local clinic and later ones can be taken at home for groups such as alliance for choice of one that the lockdown creates more complex issues they say that has women have to leave the house to access the service will be difficult for those who are vulnerable for example those in abusive relationships may no longer have a reason to leave home or to discuss this further ill be joined in the next hour by Emma Campbell from alliance for choice. The u. N. Childrens fund is one of a possible resurgence of measles due to the pandemic according to unicef millions of children are at risk of missing their vaccines that follows World Health Organization guidelines issued in late march saying immunization should be perspire and measles is easily preventable according to w h o targets at least 95 percent of people need to be vaccinated but many countries could fall short of that target if measures continue we heard from robin and the chief of immunization at unicef he says any vaccine delays must be temporary. These 100 insist 17000000. 00 children and that be estimated are going to miss out on measles vaccination but with the next several months are. Those children that would miss out on because planned Mosque Campaigns have been rescheduled or or temporarily suspended why have they been temporarily suspended because we do not want our delivery of immunization. To contribute to the spread of called it so we recommended a temporary suspension of these Mosque Campaign in addition to campaigns routine delivery of Immunization Services are also being employed so in addition to me those children are not getting vaccines for other duties or that duty of protests is polio and so on busy so you know this our statement gives a snapshot into a much Bigger Program that that we have in immunization. Aside from measles as a whole list of diseases that could reappear thankfully polio and cholera. Pups across the country are in crisis after being shut down for almost a month to settle down a month level and knowledge posted a video showing a sad sight was. Was. Was. Kegs a big ticket down the drain according to some estimates 50000000 pints will go to waste if the lockdown continues through the summer we heard from the man in that video if it comes to who explained why he had to dump his supplies. The problem is that we had beer. That was it was opened and you just know that that day we just gave vent to dad in our cellars so we had to pour it down the drain just to be able to dispose of it in that short period time that was 50 to 50 gallons of sort of big the rest of the data and our salaries were looking at almost a 1000 gallons a day here and that obviously replicate across the country just wouldnt be feasible to be against the war system in the short term we can certainly look at. Paying our bills and people that i will float for probably about 6 times but weve been well established a fair number here as ive worked since the age of 15 and that was 33 years ago and theres help that there havent been paid in for the long arduous want to stab a 7 quite good cash flow so theyll fit in really really struggle with british pumps and key tourist sites close normally busy side saw looking deserted the chairman of the campaign for real i only can turn up but he said many businesses wont make it through the crisis. But when you get through these prices start to see. The pump some but not all of them are probably going to reopen initially so we could see if anything else of the pumps available in an area d we could see come of some of the baker independent pubs not reopening because its just not fun and she thought before that we could see some of the bigger run pump businesses shots in because again licensees just make the business. Because of the you know the hates theyve still got the day they did for. Their shop and then some of the dont really think that the government its getting to to businesses in this country doesnt apply to all of the pubs especially those big ups in more expensive parts who have rights but use they dont. They dont qualify for some of the great relief on. Business rates really that the government has given to Small Businesses so only expect a sub a lot of not so. Mad hancocks announcement of a green badge of honor for carers has been met with skepticism online with critics saying those working in the sector need more practical help if one of the announcement by the home secretary 2 weeks ago that normal british n. H. S. Frontline staff these visas were to expire before october would be granted a free one year extension but the scheme doesnt extend to the care sector in which over 100000. 00 of normally e. U. Nationals work in the u. K. Those applying to have visas extended face fees of over 2000 pounds from a 10 dashed hopes todays that would be no changes to the governments immigration bill which comes as a lead letter sent on saturday queues number 10 of an imbalanced approach to the needs of the n. H. S. Compared to social care. Of directors of Adult Social Services said help to social care felt like an afterthought and that the delivery of p. P. P. To adult care providers had been shambolic the government has since announced increase support for the sector with more testing and improvements to the delivery system. Despite the ever rising global coronavirus death toll of a half a 1000000 people have recovered from the virus of the modern average spoke to some people who have made it through. Are still well i feel saw a lot and you lushly to feel what a way are its source so scary because you dont know ways. I dont know wait a bit and the harder i did to be. Fail almost like it was something to be ashamed of. People. Scared of what was going to harm to me and yet instance just awful fiona is now recovering from a suspected case of cambridge 19 but she like many in the u. K. May never know if her symptoms were indeed coded as testing has been limited to hospitals and for frontline staff while most people infected will have little to no symptoms those who do can experience a loss of smell High Temperature continuous cough and a spirit tree problems but while many are now familiar with the symptoms not everyone knows about the Recovery Process after a severe infection with coronavirus it affects your lungs they will take time for your lung symptoms to improve particularly the shortness of breath so taking activity people might feel fatigued also there is the general aching and weariness of the body which again will take some weeks to recover but generally the Energy Levels or pick up 2 to 3 weeks down the line while the government struggles to roll out testing to frontline staff its unclear how long it will be before its available to the general public and for many that are currently experiencing covert symptoms the advice is usually the same stay at home the antibiotic site. Finished on sunday. And so today i still dont have strain for not stool pain in my lungs. But im not better than what i was. 3 weeks ago definitely so had 2 ambulances caught. In the space of a week and profound lence has refused to take him to hospital and truth here of maybe i didnt have it and then i would be reamed out be infected in hospital so they would take me to hospital recovery may take a while but those that have been through it all. Hoping that at least that maybe an light at the end of the tunnel well i always be close to 0 but that doesnt seem to be the case because Boris Johnson other people i was watching harvey do you she was close to a man was negative so i dont know its just. Its really difficult to know what because it would be Immunity Task and so it sort of you know hopefully we can start to get back to normal life you know when you grew up in unity because i dont know what to do i know the jurys still out on whether having had the virus makes you immune off the reports of repeated infections with so many uncertainties one thing is for sure the 10s of thousands who are recovering or who have recovered from corona virus are currently relieved that they are a statistic with a positive outcome Martin Andrews r t u k london and thats it for the moment more news in half an hour. Dont spoil your team with. The loony p. C. Dont buy the can the c. D. s usually the police want. To take the shit cool shots walk next you dont. Give us an emotional safety feature and you move on to the sort of the. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is on off and spearing Dramatic Development only closely im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. This in full bus the one business show you cant afford to miss im french born washington coming up airlines are getting a massive bailout from the u. S. Government but what does it mean for the struggling industry

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