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Say. They are just going to. Argue and was raised. Right here. Because also. I can show you my face. And im going to you my story. How did i end up in this situation. Why did i do this to myself. After 20 years of contemplating this. Crime and about wishing that it could be different. I get it now. So how is your day to day. To day. Thank you breck 2 oclock in the morning is pretty. Nice and 30 in the morning this is much. Reading about a week for Charles Schwab rockefeller. With a report has gone in america. Its read books on all the money for our new i read Steve Harveys book you know all think like real success act like success. You know Arkansas Department of correction they have tonight one more time i request to make interviews with you. They say that theyre too short of staff to allow this. So. Were going to have to tell us your story on the phone is that ok for you ok your calls system around what you. I was too young back then to really grasp the magnitude of the devastation. And the pain and all the days with calls on my family the victims family and the big the children d and they you know i think about. An 18 year old. Man after he had planned to. Rob someone at an a. T. M. Machine for the purposes of getting a bad good ready deal of 60. 00. Because after the lead its fun to pay for his cap and gown and get his. Diploma. After he had the weapon in an. After the poster truck but the backs that. I reached a little to. The drive a savage well. They had that was needed a truck grabbed the key battered. My dear the radio every day for slow motion. I was my. Damn well why you should demand what of your ship the may have the said to me at all no budget when i. Had to get to the shall i begin to feel good more as i begin to feel. 30 seconds than the time a change by allows for ever. Before i was sentenced to death i spend a lot of my time and money on a major ringback house she has always supported me and she still even today. Here was to me like guy day he was just this past. Weekend was is hard no one is the mom way all the time and i will not get angry b. Will give us an anger in her. And. She would care for a little nook this beating does. She want to stay at home. Run away from home. With someone special. This present to me. This is can spend. This one i keep and look look at. Me i had so long im nice but. This is a girl he was gone away again all the trouble name is laura rhonda mack. Hey. Hey. Hey stuff. Called around are there not. And can meet learned youre not. Going to write. Mama then. Ride with. My door so you know asked me how are you doing right now in like. Again you dont lose any. Sleep and you mentioned you do you really dont need one like me. Youll be enabling you do you. Not look pretty and when you hear you know you walk. Me. Hey you know you want to bring people back at me. And you really want to start with just one show. To show back to back. For me. Im a little bitty. One in the streets of lull you know. Somalia we talked about a long war relation is going to be a National Issue people from. Blood. Flows along to watch these weve. Got a. Little. Value going to go over it with millions. Ringback to do great. With. Its. Always. Something about the war on. Our own about. Thats what im trying to create. Leadership is get the educate people about the right or give them a victory to come to america to believe what. Is on my father. And my spirit a lot. I didnt know they could before coming to prison even though shes my cousin. If you really support it could actually be applauded the organization they want to. Move. Is made in london. The thing. Trying. Gallo you know. Pieces. Made of reference. Is actual solitary confinement. And it has everything in the everything in detail the shower to where he for his book that he re where he lay on a flat surface without a mattress. The be. Standing on mars all. Looking up to one day and the clock on the fall. Im not finding it is pretty. So what i believe i get. To. The book. To me. Join me every thursday on the alex simon short and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. Micrographs friends arent sleights im dad still you know why its our man for example theres theres fights against women or more im not white so its its its always you know the idea is that statements that directed toward a Privileged Group are interpreted differently than a statement directed toward an oppressed group and so thats kind of the whole framework and its a its a political framework thats used the result is of course focusing at least on certain kinds of minor slights and saying more rather than nor the more than we need to call attention to them but its not all slice so its a very political and its contents and. This is a story of women and women was troubled histories and complex court cases you know some of those deadly leave off who lives out there. Who were not. The person that hears the cheesiness of the day are considered the most dangerous of criminals shes in a still. All the office 23 hours of the day tell me that its not enough punishment it will give women on death row. Remember that we were. Like. I felt that i deserved to be modest like good advice ive been in the gap. Now for my whole hotness in this clime he pled guilty and received a life without the walls. But here it is im being the wife and to get. Home. She was one of the top criminal defense lawyers in america. Hes had in my body. You know george as well but in case we hear anything to detain me and ive heard this in your life do something meaningful. He did not have a fair trial at either the guilt phase or the punishment phase and what i want to happen is at the courts going to reverse everything and allow this case to start over the worst Case Scenario is that the courts are just going to look the other way. And theyre going to say yes there might have been serious error here but none of that would have made a difference and if that happens to him to be in 4 years time 5 years time kenny would be looking at execution. Thats the worst Case Scenario and thats there are people right now working in arkansas to make sure that happens. As we speak. What. And so what are you working on at have of thinking well i dont have time for you i dont have to have the. It talked about killing me. In 10 days its going to be a new year what do you see coming one day when i get my case rivers will that be 2 year it looks like its possible well ill be able to say i have right now on display in 2 different galleries well ill be able to release from the 1st time all played a role from behind these prison walls. My relationship with isabel will that be the year that we actually get married. First time fane its been it was not. Really realize how much its going to look for us to actually meet. I think youre the bell. 2006 i received a letter. She was basically writing to say hey you want to be. A hope to. Situation you know turn out for the best at least our correspondent. But when i began the speak about the idea little of creating. Some condition sure ill bother to support you and if you would happen. It was just a match it happened between. The spirit dish. The spirit and the image. With. Jeff back rectitude of it and i mean it and i mean it in a good. Image from his you think your Church Service icons are elegant as what is your vision of us on. Seumas so as you move this to play the wants of its own i bagged. Up a tele by the mohawk guy just a simple section of the show for my part the moment comes out a scream if you leave the morganza cannot money son of a professor miss him because he do. That as youll see if he can. Get in your. Case it doesnt mean you have to get beyond cars assume you are simple thumper massacres are trip more the most trim on the more teresa like you on the whole but its true true true in present time. Job lynettes a class with jane has wanted to come a hold on muscle given the last business is if its in the bin if you need the money will some. Modest amount of the 6 not if you like to have even. Say that quote and asked if i was going on the me something not what i should be asked to do suck it up. Or yes yes i had your day. And its been a. Its been a while day for me and. My. My mindset is not. Good today theyve been one of those difficult days in solitary confinement i feel like. Its going straight you know so theres a lot of emotions that im dealing with feeling like at any place in a large majority of my life you know all the goals. You just went this way. It happens sometimes you know yeah i just woke up in just like im tatted. When ive been d isolated awhile and they. Love it but theyve been among the living in complete into the bench really. It might not. But i hate it even while being in a call. They likely. Wont even explain all the ritual arms reach their base your arms before guiding that you are removing the hope that you are down a rake only. In a bad light. Of spirits lip balm. While we have all. The. Days of big date. Day if you dated who desires officially opened in one. This moment is proof of whats possible when a in b. s dream. For me to know that isabel is now in london about to witness the opening of our art event is even more sweet it do. Because i could say to her baby i told you that this mother this costs. Would go. The color. Of our 3rd car they can have. Her. Own boat when we took off at least i dont see trouble for. My other 1. 00. I make a pick and then i pointed out 0. 95 government said you can still no. On them up or sell. So im a mom in my list 2 of them are all course image of a transcendental i know of course on august. 11th he pondered the not for the covert but it is part of what i. Just. Book which was a joke. Right. To. Secure a start up protection. Is going to proceed when you walk in because you realize that the work is there you know the skill. Is the hammer and the electric chair. Yet they still arent. Good. For you. You good. Thing your stuff looks destiny here my friend ok. Is were interested this is a very special place. To look. Good good good you know were going to need more after this one ok. Joining. Us. Arkansas law allowed. They could charge kenny with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody. And he had a lawyer who had 800 other clients that one year. That lawyer had 4 other capital cases the same year he never done it complicates. And the kicker is he was a part time public defender the trial was a disaster. And 11 white one africanamerican jury convicted him a couple of murder and off he went to death row imagine living in your bathroom for the week what hes done for 23 years thank you all for coming. Back guys are Survival Guide stacey just like all the stores simply cut all the surface. Pieces so theyre really going to get them back. Oh heck no but this is a repatriation scene where we get arrested 7 years. Philip a separate kaiser report. And swarms of them so mine. Was before. Much of those who heard its a big. Name we. Were going to. Move. Move. Move she didnt look beautiful i mean its a good good. Move just like most of these girls did you found her good good good. For you to show so look why do you distribute belonging to show your story should go. To start ups to get it to need to fill it with the lid of the mist theyd say look it is its. Just not a chance just new its the mashed old truck stop the president and please introduce more to. Those we have petitions to go to school to snap them up when you look as good as the girls are with you for your supporters to your machine station shouldnt for you should cook door for the one whos doing business. Among the weeks the big stories this struggle in israel to get everyone to stick to the law done especially one alter orthodox tell him thats no a virus red zone after ignoring the advice. Was. Not part. Of the village of god not just for. Hotels. Since the law there which started in the. German officials accused

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