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Joining us here with your global news update this is r. T. International. Ok here are the latest figures in the kobe 19 pandemic more than 789000 cases of now being confirmed globally an increase of almost 10 percent in the last 24 hours more than 38000 people have lost their lives 166000 have recovered. The Global Movement is gathering pace calling on landlords to stop charging rent for housing during the Ongoing Health crisis and one multibillion euro has latched onto the idea is refusing to pay rent on the stores in germany because of the current lockdown politicians are furious into other explains. A stay at home to save lives is being the all encompassing mantra of this pandemic but for those that cant work from home well it has meant losing their jobs for some and having to rely on state benefits for one of the Worlds Largest sports money factor is its made them well refusing to pay rent for some of the stores theyve been forced to close off what adi da says done and its drawing fire from the German Government its indecent and then acceptable it financially strong firms now just stop paying their rents the brand pay for their 3. 00 strike design made over 3000000000. 00 in profits last year and theyre being accused of trying to save a quick buck in times of crisis with so many european leaders saying theyre not going to buy the dust product ever again bodied us responded by saying they werent the only ones but that appropriate arrangements had been made and that smaller landlords would get their money theyre not the only ones to be sure clothing giant h. And m. As well as german giant stores like soft or medium are have also announced that they would be either suspending all delaying the pagan reds in the future by the way these are the last pair vida to swivel by such a shame that a Global Corporation with 3200000000 in profits in 2019 is exploiting overprotecting tenants existence. But what about the private renter and landlord slightly more than half of the people in germany own a home last week the German Government promised well over 800000000000 euro in emergency funds to tackle the financial fallout from corona virus one of the big pieces of legislation is that all the victims will be suspended from april until september of this year with the option of actually extended not until july of 2021 something which is pleased the unions politicians must send a clear signal the home must be safe but where this leaves landlords is well a little off in the air renters must pay if they can but what happens when or if they cant thats one charted territory one would presume that then it falls to loans of some kind from the hundreds of billions that have been put forward by anglo merkels government but just how one goes about getting one of these loans how much will be made available nobody really knows just yet what were seeing is that as governments are trying to stop the actual spread of the coronavirus theyre also trying to insulate business and Financial Systems from infection of their own kind peter all of a party girl in. Many governments around the world are now faced with a tradeoff between saving their economies and stopping the virus as arties i guess the of reports finding a good outcome thats almost impossible. Whatever they do there is theres going to be people who when the dust settles who come out and say what if we had done things differently and the only oncet for that will be that there was no good choice the odds why some tools to quarantine and some tools to keep society of business who put these cones cool laughs we cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself were not going to let the cure be worse than the problem i dont want to see it id like to avoid it but i wouldnt be surprised if we saw 100000 deaths let me explain the 2 different approaches the countries are taking the 1st one the lockdown these clues will business to introduce quarantine shut everything down and limited the spread of the infection the 2nd is to try and stay open let people would recommend that they stay at home but you make them you let the infection spread and take a look at the look down 1st many if not most of the population will get infected eventually but its happening gradually there are enough hospital beds enough ventilators you you save thousands of lives so a small percent of people die but the Economic Impact is huge just for example lets say one trillion dollars is lost thats a lot of taxes thats a lot of business thats going bankrupt the cost of giving millions of people Unemployment Benefits obviously the humane thing to do is to lock down but its not an easy choice the survivors when they see the bill will be shocked their childrens children will still be paying for it indeed a Regional State finance minister in germany seen the numbers choose to take his own life rather than leave with the cost that germany is paying his main concern was whether he could manage to fulfill the huge expectations. Of the population especially in terms of Financial Aid he clearly couldnt see any way out he was desperate and so he left us thats as shocked us has shocked me now look at what Many American states do it or sweden which is staying open there living everyone in fixed each other this isnt going to look good in a few weeks hospitals will be flooded and people will be dying not because you can save them but because there arent enough hospital beds enough doctors enough equipment people with utterly treatable illnesses will also be dying because all the beds of form because everyones busy treating the infected yet result is that many more people a likely go in to die but the economic damage on paper will be much smaller although we have no way idea how it will pan out lets just say for example its 200000000000. 00 what governments around the world the doing is theyre facing this choice shut everything down and save as many lives as possible but the survivors start off much poorer and take decades to undo this damage or keep everything open literally lead people who didnt have to die die just so that the survivors the economy can keep going so this list burden future generations look at texas where the lieutenant government is claiming that the elderly a ready to sacrifice their lives for the economy no one reached out to me and said as a senior citizen. Are you willing to take a chance on your survival in exchange for keeping of the america that all america loves for your children and grandchildren its an ugly choice either way no one can predict how bad this is going to get how how room all our economic models are how long it will take the. Recover or how many lives are going to be sacrificed so that the dow jones index still. Pharmaceutical firms around the world are now in a race against time to develop a covert 19 vaccine. Went to meet the director of one such company here in russia. Before you start coming up with a vaccine you need to find something similar in all strains of the virus and only based on that a vaccine can be created to identify one or several similarities hundreds of strains of the virus should be analyzed. I havent seen whats wrong with it why is it hard to create one because even if you create a vaccine strain of the virus it still can in to change its parts wild strains of the virus so the solution you have now wont be effective in half a year or same as with no flu similar but not really the flu doesnt take this fast. When china presented 30. 00 to 60. 00 strains of the virus identified during 2 months of the epidemic these strains already contained 149. 00 mutations we conclude that so far we dont have a medication with convincing positive effects against coded 19 all we have now is and fragmentary data which are collected from specific clinics but just aggregate information and signal their progress what solution may be effective the problem with this kind of data is that clinics have to thewe patients so Statistical Analysis is impossible so the point of the quarantine is not to prevent infection itself but to prevent this is jewish and when everyone gets infected simple to use the right indeed almost everyone will be infected sooner or later. Russia has registered 302 new coronavirus cases in just the past 24 hours that brings the total now to more than 2317 people have died and partial lockdown has been imposed in moscow a large parts of the country president putin addressed the nation on monday urging people to stay at home i thought we were. Special focus should be on the elderly who are in the risk group today explanatory work is very important here everyone people over 65 and their families should know that people in this age group must stay home now they must be told if you want to stay healthy and alive you must stay home we care about you please care about yourselves too. So far russia has stopped short of a total lockdown as seen elsewhere in the world here in the capital starting from yesterday people are only allowed to leave their homes with absolutely necessary that includes taking out the trash buying food or going to work if their job is deemed to be essential walking the dog is also permitted rif anational went to find out how one moscow families are adapting to this new reality. 4 generations of one family whole self isolating together in a 4 room apartment 6 adults 2 teenagers and 3 young children. But it does feel a bit crowded here. As you can see live go zone even when you are cooped up indoors for this family that means keep doing all the things you love best as much as you can self isolation does not have to be boring. And the other kids has some concerns that. All of us stay home its always good when the families hope but when to use to that normally all of us a whole when the weekend no we have to work study and self organize but not everyone is good at it just cant wake up some people early. And know like of course shes absolutely met. With. The schools may be closed but that doesnt mean its time to relax all universities colleges and schools and mosques have moved on line so to keep studying all you need is a good internet connection. Me well. Keeping people online is the job of their dad andrei he works at one of moscows biggest providers nowadays remotely and says they are fully prepared for the new reality. But dont think efficiency will follow loss its still possible to work from home because our company is people like to call it now is digital most important thing is to have Remote Access working and i think its going to be fine to come. Will happily. With people unable to go to work the selfemployed i remain the most vulnerable anna runs her own business together with her sister. Just because i work in the creative sector. And then die under damus fear will just stop working this worries me even more than the fact that they can also get sick im a photographer and they call and work from home i need to interact with people self is a lesion just impossible is what they do ludmer is 79 has more than ready to handle the challenges ahead. Back in the soviet union we had a saying when the party says do it the calm small replies yes and today we have to follow the same principle if the government says it has to be done that has to be done people say western democracy is the thing to strive for thats how we have to live but this is a big problem when we see the democracies can unite in theory they are doing that but in reality each stands for itself. Ludden remembers how his daughter in law courts swine flu back in 2009 he believes called the 19 is no worse than that and the world will survive. Good. She got sick with swine flu it was a very worrying time back then we didnt see such a big panic. Everyone is gathered in the kitchen listening to president putins address to the nation this is just one of many russian families and families worldwide who decided to self isolate before even any requests from authorities and an official lockdown hoping it will help stop the virus spreading and understanding only uniting their efforts can counter this global threat russian are safe from moscow and please stay healthy. President s trump and putin have agreed to Work Together to counter the covert 19 that story after the break. The world is driven by shaped. Thinks. We. Ask. Just taking all the alternative all. Because i say the stage so the. Cold real choice binary choice and only choice is. The best binary thing is not a chance for the arab states to slow to provide a new architecture revive the cold ted and start negotiations with. Israel they dont invited to negotiate to think about whats being put on the table. In the United States have agreed to Work Together to counter the Global Health crisis. Spoke by phone and discuss the economic fallout. In china sent several plane loads of medical aid to the states and speaking outside the white house the u. S. President voiced his appreciation. I have to say weve had great relationships with a lot of countries. China sent us some stuff which was terrific russia said to us a very very large plane load of things medical equipment which was very nice other countries said just say things that i was very surprised and very happily surprised we learned a lot were learning a lot new york now has more confirmed cases of covert 19 that the city in the world Empire State Building has been let up in the colors of an ambulance in honor of from line medics and his reports from the pick up. The situation in new york worsening by the hour the state accounting for more than a 3rd of coronavirus cases in the country hospitals being pushed to the brink ive never felt so or. Physically and emotionally burdened in my own life ive never felt so deeply sad and distraught with more than 59000 confirmed cases in new york and more than 8500 hospitalized officials are scrambling to deal with the influx of patients at the hospital itself there overrun with patients you know your message last night broke a record we handle 6500 calls central park now a Field Hospital with 68 hospital beds but Officials Say the worst is yet to come take a look at this screen video it shows teams setting up a makeshift morgue outside of Bellevue Hospital hospital in queens the bureau with the most coronavirus cases in the city possibly hit the hardest well hurst hospital has hit capacity and theres about 545 beds in here and theyre all filled with cold the patients the u. S. Navy ship comfort finally arriving in new york a quick get the 1000 hospital beds and 1200 medical personnel to vessel is sorely needed to help the Coronavirus Fight in new york as the city remains. The epicenter of the outbreak in the u. S. The idea here with the corps of engineers with thema. And with the state and local officials is to work in collaboration so that we can provide skilled medical professionals. To take some pressure off the local and state health care system. Without with our Army Professionals as the contagion continues to strain the capacities of hospitals and brick and mortar facilities new york remains on lockdown we put in place the new York Pause Program today i am going to extend it to april 15th the directive that nonessential state workforce continue to work from home the c. D. C. Also issuing a travel advisory for new York New Jersey and connecticut Rhode Island National guard was door knocking homes mandating all new york visitors south korean teen this is not a lock there it is a travel advisory to be implemented by the states meantime President Trump has extended social distancing guidelines through april 30th reporting in new york Trinity Chavez r. T. Hundreds of people in mexico have blocked checkpoints on the u. S. Border the over fears of infected americans entering the country mexico has around 1900 cases compare that to more than 160000 situated north of the border protestors blocks lanes with vehicles and held up signs telling us visitors to stay at home and to visit the saying anyone entering mexico should 1st be tested for the Novel Coronavirus we heard from one of those campaign is as a luis and this. The decisions of law of the border with the United States was due to clearly 19 we call on the Mexican Government to take more responsible measures arrivals from the us need to be conscientious and stay at home to prevent mexico from descending into chaos we will monitor the government to check it takes necessary actions but if it doesnt we will come block the border again. There are u. S. Citizens who come to mexico to buy our products on a large scale like rice we ask americans not to come to mexico they will leave us without our essential they must not come or tensions will grow and we as citizens will need to take measures stay at home dont come to mexico we wont be able to cope with a pandemic. In the chinese city of new hand where the covert 19 outbreak began life is starting to return to normal there been no new cases registered in the past week and doctors brought into the city in january returning home restrictions on movement are gradually being lifted across china alone factories and businesses to reopen the number of active cases has been in steady decline since february he spoke to john ross senior fellow at the chung young instituted Renmin University in china he says that countries need to learn from chinas experience of tackling the virus. Situation is gradually getting back i wouldnt call normal. But it is less abnormal what people dont understand is that the outbreak in western europe and in Knight States is much much worse than the one in china because this is its not very meaningful to make comparison absolute numbers when chinas population is some much bigger than that of other countries its more than 4 times the case of the size of nightstands population 23. 00 times the size of italys population that means that for example that when you have the same number of cases in italy and in china this actually means the situation is 23 times as bad in italy and intensity of the situation in the United States in terms of the population is 10 times as bad as the situation in china and this is because theyre not taking the extreme the rigorous measures they make a mosque wearing compulsory theyre allowing people to go out and if you do this the number of cases will continue right then and alter allow people stay at home and put in place a tremendous infrastructure youve got to learn your god deliver essential medical supplies so it needs an all out social mobilization and the fact that china was correct and im trying to say so far throughout western europe and throughout the United States a number of cases of religion very fast. Appreciate you staying with us here on our to International Join me for updates on the corona virus pandemic in just over 30 minutes. I cant show you my face but im going to teach you must. In 9093 this man was sentenced to death. They could charge kenny with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for that week but hes done it for 23 years. I doubt that id be very good to be. Confined within 4 gray walls hed find so using hard to turn all to help him to leave destroying. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to happen and when its gone. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced. Imagine something as big as the earth is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes erupt and its going to help. So very for a while right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace the should have. A terrible life between now and the. Slogan see the blue of them so a moon. Roof a bit of us whove looked before. Much of those who herds of food you. See him we will. We who will go. Move. Move. Move shouldnt. Look to. Move slow most of these girls do feel good goof. Dont go to shows look the new issue new money to show you to move to the issue go. To start ups to get the 2 needed so they were the little one wished theyd say look it is a. Contentious not just chance to just meet them ashton try to strip the president on please introduce her to. Those who have produced you dont listen to snoop or come up with new because those are the girls who. Are in this who push to you should solutions shouldnt be you should cook door for the one whos doing. The micrographs sions arent sleights and dad sed you know whites are men for example theres their sites against women or more on nonwhite so its its its always you know the idea is that statements that directed toward a Privileged Group are interpreted differently than a statement directed toward an oppressed group and so thats kind of the whole framework and its a its a political framework thats used the result is of course theyre focusing at least on certain kinds of minor slights and say more rather than a northern door then we need to call attention to them but its not all slice so its a very political in this country. U. S. Equity markets are starting the week up as oil plunges this is one business show you cant afford to miss and washington coming up its been a wild month for oil as the 12. 00 punch of the coronavirus in a price war have dropped costs to recent lows we take a broader look at the price of petro and what the future may hold plus the market volatility continues to hover around 10 year highs and stocks have been swinging in the wake of the pandemic we bring you some expert analysis on International Markets in trading in these Turbulent Times with a packed show today so lets dive right in. And as the number of cases of coronavirus worldwide eclipses 750000 with more than 35000 deaths the United States has become the epicenter of the pandemic with more confirmed cases than anywhere else in the world on sunday despite hopes of returning to the u. S. Economy to normal by easter u. S. President donald trump announced the extension of social distancing guidelines through the end of april. To peak in death rate is likely to hit in 2 weeks nothing would be worse than declaring victory before the victory is one. That would be the greatest loss civil

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