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50000000000. 00 by all standards this is the largest award ever. To token amount of damages claimed as about 5700000000 if you didnt know its no surprise the trials are held behind closed doors everything takes place in utmost secrecy. Every tradition are secret i mean thats thats the purpose of an arbitration if you dont want to. Clear it as this just does come from who organizes it and who defends us. After all in the end its we the taxpayers who pay the bill. Keogh for ducasse of the office on Community Affairs all over for the. Company did it echoes through. To truly understand we need to penetrate a very violent system. Or multinationals sue our states and try to impose their laws. Can leverage your critical mistral beat up your whole. Oil price could be as short a field draw for as you see set up just trying to do. With or create towers or just emerging all countries under gold is just as this affects our most basic Rights Health the environment wages and human rights we finally reveal the incredible power of International Arbitration tribunals. Oh and. Keep. The faith. 2 in columbia along the upper east river in amazonia north american Mining Companies are prospecting for gold at the liberty on site the sacred birthplace of 7 Indigenous Peoples. But in 2009 concerned about the environment the colombian state cost the 5. 00 the zone as a natural park which ended the mining concession. I am. 2 after years of negotiation attempts with the colombian government in 2016 andres rendell c. E. O. Of the Canadian Company cozy go associated with the texan company toby mining counterattacks. He files an arbitration request i personally did not know of the option of International Arbitration where it was always heard of the world court but we you know in my time id only believe that was between 2 governments that were debating things. But the ability to take our case to the International Court of arbitration was a welcome relief for our shareholders to know that we dont have to depend on maybe some emotional sentiment by a judge in some rural location who is being pressured by his local. Mayor. To mental seek private justice he chooses to defend himself in paris with. A business lawyer specializing in arbitration disputes. But i dare me. Hello yes and yes no longer me just like right there. Listen 1st. Yours we are past the cooling off period did not result in the kind of mediation that separates and forget jeremy when one question i was thinking of was the big schooling off periods how long is that normally somewhere into the middle course. Which theres a good mating oh the 3 orbit kruegers wilkins teaches the patrician panel which still takes 2 weeks at least. I believe columbia well challenge jurisdiction of the courts. To make decision on this could come from it and then we will really move to the case yeah hopefully hopefully theyre crossing fingers theyll be productive be nice. Go see goal starts to face difficulties with this debate going on between the ministry of mines and energy and the ministry of environment we found ourselves with the good ability to work or whatever because shareholders from texas took the mining and energy motivated the company to seek. Arbitration as a way of solving this dispute of this difficulty between the colombian government as a whole and the company. Skew nipple t. Q. Died to do so those should. Move to cuba she moved into new phenomena limbo nationals need. An emotional moment of this new sometimes it is an. It is i think it was if a state school boy tween you can see it only seemed he knew cuba. A lot should have been a mature country and because columbus side be. Free trade agreements. To understand that they had to respect the agreements so that investors money would not be lost stolen. There was a lot of money a lot of effort and a lot of motivation from small investors getting together small investors to combine their resources and work under the colombian government regulation of it helped the ministry of mines by assets for the colombian people. And between keys which. Used to. Be. Safe and more of the wall done in tel aviv from teach this to me even then. I threw up in 20 these seem to fit sort out of. The known. A new area of tension in Free Trade Agreements is the introduction of private arbitration. Present in most International Trade agreements this is still is supposed to guarantee a fair impartiality to Foreign Investors that they can defend themselves against aid abuse or overly restrictive legislation. Because it would be honest you know since ones i may not do is going to. Keep. If you think you know me he says you do several these are different from all of those in the classroom it is amusing. And isnt this just. If this is with us and for most folks simply isnt. Did you feel. The need to be priests and if you want susans to be clinton assume. These arbitrators are not judges but Business Lawyers who take turns as the main arbitrator state defender or corporate defender. The connelly pain they are often seen as a true multimillionaire industry dominated by a small those eat acting in great secrecy and too often giving priority to investors. While in some cases it seems normal to compensate them is that always in the interest of the populations involved. Was. Was. When we were beginning to enter the area the northern native tribes want to true develop the might of the Southern Group who was not in the might was not on the area were motivated by n. G. O. S afforded geos named and they were voted to go against the might so they try to set up sacred sites on a map. By discussing with certain spiritual leaders that they were motivating to declare sacred sites but none of the sacred sites that they had identified are anywhere near the proposed might say. You know little piece of the n. B. A. Yet owned by you and then they did you get. They said he had better get on the local. Level more get out of this. I did and. Then yeah monday and they dont like you. On the. Way you want to put it in the lab did it and then i will see. That the baskin that. They can dig up on that wouldnt help with that one im with that you can come up with get. To. That isnt. Bad. See if you do it and so on as if it does you on the. Day that i dont know what info is good if itll be just as. It was at the initiative of the end shield guy amazonas that the natural park was created prohibiting gold mining on the entire Indian Reserve nilson ortiz a member of this ng go regularly returns to support the indians in their fight against mining is. Going to trickle see. Enjoyed your kids. Wait out. What i found. Out about yeah. So if i. Get 98 feet out. That im going this will be a man. You know when im going to be out there see i dont think about love. Or. Kind of where i wonder. If im not be now i think its higher than our. Members from africa mafias safe. To europe but once they. Leave they count speech util. Will not some of them leave your mom and i couldnt you know if this unit can get it out i mean. They sold the. Lady just all of the. Phone all. The Atlantic Alliance the bedrock of the post world war 2 Global Security order is slowly but surely unraveling more and more often washington in brussels by virtue of important Foreign Policy issues today europe has a choice to defend its interests to fade into oblivion. If. I. Sent the old this i flick fame through this t. N. T. s before did they the death the quentin and fleming wasnt nuncio meaning a flip of a loaf. But about the salmon people from above the feed flow is this one theyre saying for a bunch of this and 2 is about. Night since you this is. A duck its a city i see a posse lead i wanted to know why one ending but up way to put him out. Into the chances hes had with her last year my family but whatever form we put something we got to sort it out i you can see on our year ride by day are you thought up with us here on. The Indigenous Peoples of the forest belong to dozens of ethnic groups who share the same origin stories. In many sacred sites of this land are its living organs. Ensuring the ceremony the shoeman mentally draw is a path that connects these sites a power of healing that must remain untouched. Which you have waited to hear is that benefit from the number you just read. It and i said by this wonder about this for a lab for use as a flume didnt we threaten me if i. Got to do research. What a phone all own fish own teeth you get the image never left your folded fold it. Always to do that up for me. The indians have not always spoken with a single voice. Under a swindle promised the money and a better life of some in the Indigenous Community the elders in general refused all mining from the start but others were tempted by rentals little gifts. To. A consultation meeting is organized the tribes gather at the traditional house of the luca their meeting place. Worry because it goes complained they are making a manifesto for the colombian state to reaffirm their resistance to mining. So they are not now and i think it could affect all payments and it had to get that private and i got mine i think at the time to make a. Name out of that but what does that come of it i dont buy that i would have a headache and not got any money yeah but i dont. Feel good but i do make it if i go and then youre going to get my definitive you know. Everybody will know you. As is their mother. Almost as good as yours a. Lawyer. I think a little more going to new york and bigger but over where to go in this that if you want them all of this you are in with the i dont want this you. Know i mean that is young. But its going to. Be more they look at them. Now. I. Want to play. A little bit. Of separates the world views of the indians and miners. Seek to protect their intentional property and culture. Others think only of extracting the gold in indian soil and of the potential profits. Yeah. We were talking with jeremy and he was updating us on some of the stuff that was going on with the arbitration and that you know they were probably acting in bad faith both with in my opinion both with the 1st nations people and especially with the company on the pretext. Of you know the environment so i dont know if you have any anything extra you know we can tell them to let our partners know down there. Well i mean my opinion is that as you know and history straight if i. Do it by you when you get used. To actually. Maybe 3 why are all. Just any environmental. Chemicals extract this rock out there so stories about holding out for our korean air. Why this has nothing to do with the environment and these circumstances whatsoever this is about power and land today what i met with the socalled. Chart. I read. Too bad you dont like. This is called b. S. We can do what we want. If you stand it you solicit it. She said yes she did but we decided to park on their heads your last. Standard for tameka. Dillion because thats the biggest iron ore coal mine by in all the a copy of all south america i very positive the commies are loose my car out going to be 60. 8. Its closer to. Where we think our next trip or enough arbitration is well. Ill see cars out back and. Even if i went to trial and i see any possibility of losing it all away with this and if it takes 2 years or takes 3 years back off. Im going to list. Them for because. I know them and i know. This is the greatest and that is that in the long. Medical when you because youre new at the other thing that is some of the mess in the list that unless youre not this money just the most good rate then im one of the boys young theyve not done us for monday maybe and theres the 3030 of them but i did take the money that was there but they missed that the ice days are now this is money to say clinton was going to live in the us is that of combustibles that one of the dumbest who does this is the business in their lives. Its time to take action and to share this experience with other Indigenous Peoples. Representative of the upper east reserve one carlos press yaddo presents the manifesto to the International Forum of Indigenous Peoples organized by the bogota state. In addition to the indian populations this forum includes academics n. G. O. S and government members. Of the forums goal to support the Indigenous Peoples of south america in their right to be consulted before the adoption of all projects they concern them. More than 1000 people are present you broke it back they say. That is what i get that here. One carlos. Urges communities to organize to preserve their autonomy and resist mining and tourism projects. I mean. Out because one top area. Is. The companys idea in. The. One carlos wants to spread the word to a wider audience. To at the end. He meets markel velasquez a lawyer specializing in International Commercial law and human rights. To. Our doubt hes going to be honored to join a round out of you out as you do square. However maybe the. Meeting of the year of those German Television here. But operate on the. Grounds that the barrackers minister. In no sense. Ok no way to. Know when is it going to get on can. You song this canoe car as he is beginning in the us its got him on the road what is the secret up to all of this one could look at but our killing. Him is only that brazil get open a business this year is the opposite of having that ability to suppose its going to be put out in the sun is that was he really the. Ideal gun for my feeling kevin durant in the lead but hes. Either got the victim here or. Very concerned by the attacks of foreign multinationals against his country monaco is writing articles and preparing a book on the subject. He uses it in his former ph d. Supervisor gus van harden in toronto to discuss the upcoming trial. A specialist in International Investment law highly critical of arbitration tribunals he has regularly intervened on the International Scene sounding the alarm for years. But only in 5 of the last weeks have been like a roller coaster in colombia i mean these claim. No one i want to talk to you about that this one is a prosecco yet of ignoring case yes 16000000000 u. S. I would say 20 percent of colombias National Product budget it was quite surprising because public authorities were saying that the agreements negotiated were positive for the corn 3 and that for him best source would never start by training the corn 3 in these very moment that is what happened then why is that colombian law is not good enough for these Foreign Investors it is not the case that car loan. I think they are sheeps were trying to solve our problems were trying to become a more stable country and we have the means to do it but with these type of cases or not were forced to reach durable peace are put into question its not the 1st country to be surprised by a foreign investor claims these treaties are like a ticking time bomb for taxpayer sooner or later they so theres not a lot of public discussion of these cases not i dont like wife i have a column in the newspaper and i try to open the gate but the only thing i got from them was about her money and ignorance thats because its embarrassing to the trade department to see these treaties that they negotiated. Used against the country if youre a foreign investor and you want to leverage against the government of course you would have an interest in many cases to keep it all confidential because if you keep it confidential and the government keeps a confidential then they can do deals. To. Say. Look sit in an exit dodge let me do so we dont. Deal you know could be divinely good because its us you know i think you did. A 50 year old kid to do this what dont you see what you dont see you next that dog isnt good but you sort of know i love. Surely bond is that theres only. A dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens. Women sells their bodies on the streets many of them underage. Los Angeles Police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if youre going to exploit our child here in los angeles there were going to come as you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the l. A. 6 trade. Was it. Was. Kept. In europe people are taking to the streets to protest the lack of transparency in treaty negotiations such as the t. T. Ip treaty with the us and the seat a treaty with canada. The use of arbitration tribunals a central and totally opaque part of these treaties is a serious threat to the future of democracies. 431. May. Be very. Limited yes or not is it possible to do. Tiny little baloney block the signing of the Free Trade Agreement with canada thanks to paul men yet its minister president. 3. 5000000 loons blocked a treaty concerning 500000000 europeans a smooth european entity defies the great liberal euro its truly david against goliath. Come all of us face that want to get us back to figure for what big. As good if theres one is what do we do that if youre a genius or not if you dont. Give us. Give us big. Because previous. Dont want to sign it just. Says on those im going to join it is only. Just run through me as it examines this you know not that exam i was the 1st going is unfair i see it all chris i dont fix it its all there are. To attract Foreign Investors youre a promise canada did would integrate the International Arbitration system called dns into the treaty. The cornerstone of the system is the deterrent effect for states when a complaint is made. Womens state nationalized is a business it seizes property and the state then compensates for this expropriation. But if the state raises the minimum wage or passes an entry g. M. O. Law or prohibits disruptors it can affect a companys gains. This is an indirect expose creation since its a loss of earnings. Sufficient ground for suing a state before a private International Arbitration tribunals. Remember back in the good of the process a good idea to the strongest on our demands for a plus plus one targeted at the background of my client is on the myth that having the problems going for perform. For our numbers to smoking up. A real scandal. This indirect exposure creation written into the sea to and other treaties opens up a real pandoras box. Complaints against government measures that bother investors are likely to increase. Arbitration tribunals are a massive deterrent to the state. That it is that. Zax in there let me get these Mickey Spillane again is the glue that is the strong idea behind this we dont seem to get these big ideas soon to get you know the gong and. Skivvies the specific i think if. You like us to take on the other back into. New news i want to take them on this one on the hope is doing that. By example c. S this is enough if you know that is deceptive. She says were going to hold human was that they give us. The. Gift of a dont look you know. It dont even have one if it distresses you to hate you more this will be given me no token so matter of one example the. Do some stronger dont move on from this is you give up on the film and i saw most of us to be 3 on to the bridges in our desire to press on to be see how he does it. Would seem to me to dismiss the tech of our visit the. Air out of the brain of a massive expansion of the role of the rest of 2 us. So what happens when we introduce a couple of new traders like santa and the other big one is the Transpacific Partnership promoters are biased as have long like to say well we already have 2 or 3000 of these trainees whats a couple more teams that combine with a c. And the pain takes us from still having a minority role in the world to be calming and establishments of the institution why the Foreign Investors have their most powerful rights at the International Level of any private charter in the world most people think about trade they think about goods and services being a strange between 2 countries and the investment component the investor chomped or a trade agreement is about something very different is about establishing a special system of International Protection for foreign owned. P. Diddys youll see that as. The clue it could be a new leak over who needs even the thoughts now if you know is he going to use it and he still missing c now xenia do you see 20 you know he can see and if you dont. Do you believe the folks who would want. The we exist to commit them would have all the music so its out of leverage on the level of people. Own juices a simple quote. Youre going to see dr nick. Level unless my security and ive got to live where i was you know and i think if you think that any 12 hour delay or a wausau something prevents. The also vision barletta going to based on what the consequences. On the. Defenseless carving on it all of us trying to confront so i dont think that i was all i would say only for. Goodness of i think you are also not equal. In these arbitration tribunals multinationals impose their will most often in great secrecy. Secrecy is not only an obstacle in forming citizens it is the keystone of the whole system allowing for the most shameful arrangements. For this is what happened in germany when the swedish multinational vattenfall a large Energy Producer indirectly attacked the city of hamburg in 2009. Complaint against the federal state that remained secret for years and was unveiled thanks to a professor of International Law marcus kind of. Tradition are secret because no one prevents the parties from the go see anything and then in the public hearing they will say whatever they will say that the real negotiations will take place outside i in 2007 vattenfall obtained a Building Permit for a coal fired power station in the suburbs of hamburg. Following the 2008 elections and to petition the elected green party review the permit. The discharge of hot water into the elbe. To cool turbines threatens the aquatic fauna vattenfall would have to comply with anti pollution measures. And how did vattenfall react by immediately filing a complaint before an arbitration tribunals demanding 1400000000 euros in compensation under pressure germany secretly negotiated with fall until 2011 and suddenly one day the case was closed we only know at the end that they reached a settlement i listen this is very important the only publicly available information is that is settled. End of the story i am marcus k. F. C. Scrutinize the tribunals decision. It mentions a mysterious compromise between vattenfall and hamburg signed in a local court. And so thats what i said if they reached a settlement in front of the best record in front of them this is a piece of information that i can request and the federal government refused. But the city of hamburg sent it to. The city gave a new permit which is less restrictive than the op thats the 2nd. Button flooded one bunny button 5 wanted a change in the product and thats what they got. As unbelievable as it may sound hundreds of green party didnt impose the Environmental Standards that it considered just. I can just imagine the conversation that took place between the federal government of germany and the city of hamburg so the federal government said well look we signed this 50 we are bound by this internationally germany has International Obligations and you have to fulfill that we cant you cannot become a break International Law i mean this is also a powerful argument especially in democracies especially in countries like germany but all over the world. Even germany is caught in the trap of its treaties and gives in to blackmail. In total secrecy the state signed an agreement on march 11th 2011. That same day japan suffered the worst earthquake in its history. And especially germany. 50 year olds movement and following protests in 450 cities across the country. She moved to abandon Nuclear Power with maturity. Plans and then. To me. In. The name. I cant show you my face but im going to teach you must store in 9093 was sentenced to death. Charged with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for that week with just under 23 hours. To be. Confined within 4 gray walls. Its using. The leave difference room. Believing weird things by the way is called superstition or magical thinking believing weird things like that is not a bug in the system its a feature it comes equipped in the software of our program to try to connect things in the environment just in case theres a real connection. Its a let me. Ask i would. Take i could. Not seem. To show more than. You left clues in the. Sound you make to see what is the loosely tied. To what they do have the kook on the same village in the out. No more the focal point. I knew of those damone. Much of this news thrown in one thing from the. So would you hire to use him to do. When i mean with your house on the lawn or castle. The chancellors decision became the 13th amendment of the law on Atomic Energy when it was voted in 4 months later. The 7 oldest german plans were immediately closed among them those the bones bottle and crumble which also belong to the swedish multinational vattenfall. Immediately vattenfall challenge the legitimacy of the nuclear law at the Constitutional Court of calls with the highest court of justice in germany. But as a foreign investor vattenfall can also a tad germany in a private Arbitration Court. It had already won once it could and would try again in may 2012 it filed a new complaint in arbitration. The child takes place in washington although it essentially concerns europe. Well good morning ms young woman ill bring your history are we trishna hearing in makeshift number of a r b shlash 12th rushed role. In a mental retreat in london and fall a b ask lehmanns and the federal republic of germany s response in the interest of transparency this hearing is being streamed so that also the public can know what your personal state is for sentiment is about. You dont agree it. Is president of supreme. The arbitrator is john. And the bean a conrad defends those of germany compensation claims 4700000000 euros. As a consequence of the 13th amendment claimants lost their production licenses for the criminal plant and for the and plant there was simply withdrawn. The dispute does not concern germanys right as such face of Nuclear Energy rather this dispute concerns the manner in which germany has chosen to implement its face decision and its failure to probe to protect claimants investments in particular concerns germanys failure to pay any compensation at all. The heart and so most in those protection treaties is to provide protection against expropriation. The difficulty however when we talk about indirect expropriation is to draw the line between expropriation on the one. And legitimate governmental measures on the other. And there is no easy way to draw these lines and make this distinction. So of course one could say that the protection that in the esters enjoy under the treaty is influence how and walked the state regulates. Doesnt matter if a parliament has adopted in the war in the most democratic way. It can still violate international purgation stuff the state has undertaken in the international treaty. It is for each individual state to decide whether or not they want to sign such treaties germany is trying to do in this arbitration is strict split the fukushima disaster. To create a narrative that would be excused its wrongdoing. You can put perfume on it but the border guard here is that the international piece to govern this dispute. Legally germany cannot challenge the ratified treaty. But the swedish giant failed to meet its obligations. It did not repair its damaged power plants a great danger for the population. Claimants now see compensation for their own business failure billions for plants which were not tarrie is for their problems but apparently in. Reality a burning transfer meter is totally normal as are busting pipes also normal involved and soon of us are corroded barrels with radioactive waste. To follow have shown you a promotional video off the power plant in that video none of the events that are listed here on the slide feature and points but both of them have been standing still. Not because of focus shima not because of the moratorium not because of the 13th amendment but because of a multitude of incidents. Im pleased. To feel. Kind smigel a Nuclear Physicist from greenpeace called as an Expert Witness took a close look at all the plans failures. And here experience. As any sane was. Over the cables with the defeat of. He beason so i fully clue. On this machine transform our thoughts to dollars and even. The machines on some of the how to see. Early to be in. Any big in this is an unknown. Guns after going. To hoot. Its a. Gun it informs our live feed to link the Mainstream Media it is possible only look in the. Discounting which can also save wouldnt it if this were an infant book all through it. Thus germany is in famine or descriptions of fires quote unquote and pictures of corroded barrels quote unquote country but nothing to the ultimate determination as to whether in 2011 germany has admitted in this over trade that its decision to accelerate to phase out was not based on concerns over safety of the Nuclear Power plants but mariner on an alleged change perception of the general risk that Nuclear Energy poses to the german population that is all politics. That involves lawyer is sheltering behind the law behind strict legal language is not to recognise the multinationals responsibility. What is very clear that this group of people or many of them have been educated in a particular way they are all educated in this particular way of looking at both International Law as sort of a technical matter and at the same time thinking that giving companies as many rights. Privileges will benefit the global economy. Is a lot change in thinking about the consequences of their cases lawyers are trained in thinking about a way by the more. There is only a french for this and the french term is the. So this is what this really applies you people think in a very simple lowered this case is very controversial and has generated much public debate now why is that because its an arbitration which should never have been brought under the Energy Charter treaty and under the exit convention. The reason for it through the amendment. Was different. Actually and you are correct that is correct. If that is a public perception. How would that do legally. Into. The Investment Protection only c. T. If you are sure i make a number of assumptions i dont ask you to do anything but sure this would be because it is almost impossible hypothetical because you are. Assuming that the public is wrong and the right wrong some of the perception changes in the public how does that translate into legally introduce you to. And i was listening to the. Opening this morning. Claiming that the thirteens and meant and was a political decision and theyve said it quite often i wonder when political has become such a dirty word. It comes from the greek political us which means relating to the people to the citizens to the state. And democracy is nothing if not political it is. Government off the people by the people for the people. It has to be political thats a definition and its certainly not as he was. Refusing any political or democratic consideration multinationals consider themselves outside politics and above the law. Laws still exist. While vattenfall trial against germany is proceeding in washington the federal Constitutional Court in karlsruhe where the 1st complaint was lived gives its judgement. On the Court Declares that abandoning Nuclear Power conforms to the german constitution and that the companies affected will have to receive a financial compensation. But if i come off to prove to yours are women too young when it is sheets please describe on trade schools mr there is a form and a cure you should start. And how to also just and dozens of us from here good to even also going on commision seems to be least industrial in the tradition for the notes in the garden. The beagle and give you a foster mom gets involved in guns im not like it was all scamming was going to move i just feel even uses funds often push it. Its way in visalia. The most appreciate it only to be. Given the for. The work of. It as he was cured and. Thus must. Be nice to insurance he says if i would need this communion and this was so long it can also be humbled to be. In a. In london says the haste and the heat and extended sheets skittish to the north when he and them in the spotlight of the shocking assaults for the woman of. 40000000 onan 1st impression included all but i dont know about a nice weeks in the few commas you need out in the oil or. If i guess. It is up to the German Government to set the amount of compensation to be validated by the bundestag. In an arbitration case its very different. The amount of compensation is much higher and is set arbitrarily by Business Lawyers with no democratic legitimacy. A considerable portion of legal costs 4. 00 to 10000000. 00 is to be paid primarily by the state. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to happen and when its gone. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced. Imagine something as big as the earth is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes are wrapped and its going to tell. So very for a while right. My great grandfathers court. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace the should have. A terrible choice between now and. The Atlantic Alliance the bedrock of the post world war 2 Global Security order is slowly but surely unraveling more and more often washington in brussels by virtue of them 44 in policy issues today europe has a choice to defend its interests or fade into oblivion. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see if that. Includes seeking the system we of course we need to to criticize also the power of the companies and we need to criticize what corporate lawyers do but we also need to point our fingers at the states and have we have to really say look. States created the systems and states have the power to get rid of the system thats and even if there are colombia or peru or developing countries even if theyre mali and what have you the states have the power to get rid of the system if they chose to do so. But do they really want to governments and big business are often complicit. Divide and fall group for example had the chancellors ear she even appointed its x e e own last just of sin to be her personal advisor on energy transition. Most heads of state are ambivalent. Not even you dont consider an economy fast. Do. Not prove long. Average and to provoke transitionary key for you cannot be easy to present proof cia and dont know what style of play stay. He thought id seen their. Home after that bag was turned you know shop on it but it is just nice its real you know i know all the shame. And the walk so going hes told her mom in a duplicate bottom of their dont know ha phone complex mom he keep boss said that some on their. Own phone so you can see the minutes half an hour or so while yet. Even if you dont actually see poor who are not exist those insulted 0 most human. Leader econo highest since you know at least at that time scenario. I discern that these institutions have in their sweat demeaning us exact often are some of the names to mark out for complaint from our atia. With conflicts multiplying the power of arbitration tribunals granted and become more threatening. This time 2 populations one in the us and the other in peru where the victims of the same multinational ranko a huge polluter. Is c. E. O. I rendered a wall street financier is one of the worlds richest man. His foundry had poisoned the small town of herculaneum missouri. He is now poisoning another city in peru. The communities come together to defend themselves. Back in about 2001 i was taking a bus from one guy youll up in the Central Highlands of peru down to the Coast Capital city where my family and i lived. Before you get to the city you start to smell the city. You smell stink you smell led you see the vegetation. Begins to just sit out. And much of the rock is coated with white gravy it almost looks like calcium deposits. And we stopped the bus and i got off to stretch my legs we were taking a break there in la toyia for about 10 minutes and there were a couple kids who were walking down the street with their mother they were hacking their lungs out they were coughing really really bad as we went to the side of the smelter the smokestack is. Tons of pollution but you see its the passive contamination of whats leaking out of the holes of the smelter. Theres no filter on that theres no chimney to get it up and out of the valley. Emilia who you know you know the. Only of or main thing. We dont know and im only reasonable. If youre going to be sure to say. That. He said yeah larry. Was noisy. When the peruvian state filled in foundry dover in peru to the wrinkle group in 1997 its condition was no more polluting emissions. The company agreed to meet the new Environmental Standards but instead of investing in the site i were rendered committed tax evasion and sent the money to 2. 00 subsidiaries one in missouri and the other in the cayman islands. The city of. Which south americans call the chernobyl of the indies is ever more polluted. The. Presbyterian church would became more and more aware of the inner connections between. The u. S. Economy and in emerging economies around the world particularly around the issue of Extractive Industries and we asked the question what if there was a connection nexus connecting folks in missouri with folks in peru. Hunter farrel Mission Director for the Presbyterian Church in peru learned from pastor eleanors talk of st louis that another equally polluting dove run plant was located in herculaneum missouri. This country also belong to franco. The pastor decided to go there with peruvian archbishop federal grant o. Links i formed between the peruvian and american communities. Pastor eleanor stock had organized a meeting she invited some Environmental Health specialists from St Louis University fred mandel struggle and 2 representatives from the lower your community. We had a conversation had a meal together and talked for a couple of hours really just sharing experiences around the circle and as each person spoke to every testimony that was given from people in her kill any of the folks allowed or you would say thats the same situation were facing the same situation in our city. And the stories were the same same things that were happening same relationship with the company same kind of intimidation and threats same kind of denying that there was an issue the same Health Issues in both places and. The mobilization began to bear fruit. In 2005 researchers from the university of st louis led by professor Fernando Serrano went to peru to do the 1st blood tests on the people love love i out. It was that if. Youre looking to kill any of those means go see. Only to the. Good but at the will. Theyre also going only was there they would you. Say swallow it oh yeah. It was too. Little. And then they do this without. You know. And seal. A lot of it in also and made. It almost. The meat that is be sounds cool guys we have seen the men who are you. And at an angle. The sun that. Knows i think. Leave you didnt even know it as. You know theres. The night out. As you go in there and. And i think i mean. Yes he go through a multi that when posting about alcohol it is not the body you have alerting the reader to god i mean this you know. If you have an elegant i mean this year. It will they better theyre going to you. I think it was that. This year. There is a risk. Then ill let it get as good as a story. Or feel they must in either case i need a laugh or it is her. Fault is that it gets better now when it is looking. Good if you go 0 it is hell. And i really. Want to be your good evil and it was in a movie to see not. That i can do yet. There. Phyllis i will not i see a lot of. The. Following the blood tests done by us doctors the community is torn apart. Leaflets are distributed denouncing the misery vampires who suck the blood of peruvian children. They threaten with violence those like rosa america to fight to alert the community about heavy metal contamination. Rinko then threatened to close the factory. In. There are a lot and there were a lot of mostly by the. Dea and because of the. New operating. Government was continually assaulted by the throats of the door run company which said 4000. 00 jobs would be gone tomorrow local folks desperately needed for jobs so it became a significant issue and every time there was a threat. The rumor moves through tellings i was saying that the Company Might be closed or the approving government was going to be forcing the closure of the company folks would hit the streets. Already nurseries are you know im sure all of. You know i took it easy as you know better. Than it. Is and you did yeah. We call your. Home. On the farm. In croatia. All the doing of it only i didnt know you and you were able let me just love it if you believe it was out of the basement. When i started. Doing it this thought that one will not. Be a little you know your looks hes been. Because they may respond as i look at a little you know its a momentous time when hes on the scene your little you know somebody in the same school built whose time it was a 4 person look at something and then in the living not used to list unless you were not i would personally i dont know if i mean on the. Right. I wonder if you. Dont want to do it or if you could you know you know your. Part of town. Oh no you wont. You know what i mean maybe at their scene i dont think about it i dont many innocent grown men not me and our 4. I kind of but i wonder. If he now i think its have been. Members of the african mafia is them safe and creek passage to europe but once they. Leave they are in sleeves they count speech util. Will not some of them leave your mama and i couldnt you know if this unit can get it out if i mean. The soul of the. Lady. Home court of the united. Because the persona that i cant even use coubertin woman. Thats the Crucial Point of the book of bottom line of the book namely i think youre pretty much stuck with your looks but if you have other things that youre good at either music or running or doing intellectual work or politics then one should take advantage of ones advantages and project hours and forget about the fact that you may not be the best looking person on the wrong. Conclusions of the study are irrevocable the foundry is poisoning the citizens for reuben the health of his eldest son klein is particularly worrying. Him brooke that there was this except doesnt look at the. Program so it would look at the. Sydney go to said look were going to think that you. Knew we already know its dozens of these see it the good earth theres too much detail is a false nuisance storm of the work you just dont know were going to point out not a little of the youre kind of annoyed. If you are. 97 percent of the children had lead levels. Some as high as 30. 40 micrograms per deciliter which could be crucial children in such conditions in the us from a hospitalized here in the us. But. There are some significant cognitive disability theres some significant motor skill coordination issues children a lot or you would be losing between 1. 00 and 3. 00 i. Q. Points for every year that they lived in the city. This was the. Basic cable space i mean it outweighs it will be a moped one of these you do you got a lane but he said boy im almost since youll believe me until in order must. But he says only. Very useful in. The u. S. He immediately delhi. India. In 2009 because of the lack of investment in Environmental Standards at the site and due to Health Issues the state ordered its closure just what it was hoping for. Isnt indirect expropriation the domain of International Arbitration. Attacked the peruvian state and the trial took place in washington without the people. That being the case please invite mr hamilton to begin his oral submissions thank you. For. Their record source of course. Us. Yglesias. Us by the race marburys. Impress us. Economical as. The treaty allows an investor to bring a claim against the state either on the claimants own behalf. For its own injuries for state conduct or it may bring a claim on behalf of an enterprise that it owns and controls for loss or damage that the enterprise has suffered free trade treaties have. Our companies corporations. Local. Government groups states nations. If they feel that their profits are being undermined in any way past present or future profits. That means if local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits. They can be sued the local folks in peru have real fears a lot of doubts about the arbitration system feeling that its almost like its described as a faceless jury no one knows theyre not accountable to us we dont know who they are we dont know who got them into those positions of arbitration put the Decision Making it took it away from local community and people who would live to reap the consequences of those decisions and put it in the hands of people whom we dont even know. To give a voice to the community of love the regional archbishop. Obtained a public hearing at the Foreign Affairs committee of the us congress. The marrow and the st louis researcher Fernando Serrano were called to testify in july 2012 and we have sound Scientific Evidence of the grave threat to the people of the environment as is the studies have shown. Great concern again is the multiple exposure all of these toxic metals affecting the body and the effects. So a discussion of the economic and legal in other factors related to the relationship between the United States government emperor in to framework of the us trade for you agreement i believe i believe we must put an emphasis is we must make a priority of the hill needs and rights of the people of illinois especially the children and especially the born we had children being born with lead in their bodies and that is something that we can see theyre completely unacceptable like you know. If she would. Noisily akiko needed a political. They can equal exploded then black eagle as you then either would oh yes equal matter to put out. After hope you know that i mean. Iraq i mean us have them what a. Not yet. But that is but is this. Legal. D. N. A. That this much at this is a man that unless they look at 11. 00 of my concerns with each of the Free Trade Agreements going back to nafta with mexico which i did vote against primarily because of workers rights and because of environmental protections while on paper it looked to be very strong and robust and im wondering to the peruvian Free Trade Agreement is there a similar week this with regards to Environmental Standards and are we doing our part as a government to push on that important area. Who is lawyers over 1000 children from laos filed a lawsuit against iran or in a local court in missouri which had ordered him to compensate the people of herculaneum in 2010. This lawsuit. Attacked peru before the International Arbitration tribunals. Probably after filing the notice of intent in december of 2010. Ran directly to the court of the United States. In an effort to remove. Claims brought by children of law. From state court to federal court theyd go did that by bringing to the attention of the United States federal court the existence of a treaty dispute that case played out over a period of years and in 2016 the International Tribunal found that rental oh had failed to comply with that obligation under the treaty to waive local proceedings its a very specific requirement the interpretation of that requirement was agreed upon by peru and the United States and the tribunals found that there was a violation of that treaty requirement. The claim and go to the arbitration wrinkle was refused because of every songs but sure wrinkle can again wreak labor receive the proof you have been told that is why we do need a. Lot of curve to a boy adult the risk of. The provable remain. A symbolic victory for the peruvian state which although not condemned is still required to pay between 4. 00 to 8000000. 00 of legal costs. And while the people of herculaneum were compensated those of have received nothing and continued to breathe polluted air. My greatest hope is that people typically in the United States will recognize the cost of a wax legal system that allows corporate polluters to. Literally get away with murder. And sell. Weve got to recognize the fact that while investors have rights. No one has the right to take away the intelligence of any child and no one has the right to tribute. In a committee. In europe the well those formidable action has raised awareness. European institutions are starting to act. In march 2018 the European Court of justice invalidated a fine of 22000000 euros against slovakia imposed by an Arbitration Court judging this sentence incompatible with european law. This could serve as jurisprudence for conflicts within europe. In making this decision the European Court of justice seems to want to reaffirm its sovereignty and jurisdiction. The European Commission is also preparing a project for a Public International and Permanent Court to replace private arbitration. But we must be realistic multinationals will never relinquish the exorbitant power granted by arbitration tribunals they can count on the worlds top lawyers to defend them and remind them of past Free Trade Agreements signed by states. All the more reason for Civil Society to remain vigilant and continue to demonstrate and resist so that states dont give in to the lobbies of multinationals. To defend. The free to live states to legislate. To prison few and the environment over the womb. And to defend the interests of the people rather than the major profit corporate interests. Us. See a problem with having too many claims on nano gold is really hitting the markets in a serious way people want their gold now because they realize that the fayette money world is collapsing and then they go to get their gold and these exchanges want to call max or al b. M. A. Are saying no we dont have the gold actually. Here and so thats causing people to they want their gold even more than all the countries that repatriated their gold ever since we told germany that they dont even have the gold on their own soil then they repatriated their called now Everyone Wants to repatriate they want their gold back and style the physical price of gold is now zooming higher and the paper price soon will become a meaningless price. A dog industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens of women sells abilities on the streets many of them underage. Police reveal a taste of the. No if youre going to exploit for a child here in los angeles they were going to come over you would see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the 6 trades. I have max keiser this is the kaiser report this is day 29 now thats right weve been here in this very like action for 29 days and so far you know weve been both its a tragedy but its also very interesting because so much of what weve said over the past 10 years and if you go back to shows weve done even before the kaiser report if you go back 15 years so much of what weve been talking about for so long is now coming to the to the surface its its happening

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