Into place we hear from a russian pediatric surgeon and w. H. O. Advice. For me this is a test a few managed to already we are for the most important lesson for us is to rebuild the Health Care System. Is joining us here with your global News Headlines this is r. T. International. And we start with an overview of the covert 19 pandemic the number of confirmed cases worldwide is now more than 600000 up 20 percent in the past 24 hours the virus has claimed more than 27000 lives so far 133000 people have recovered. Well lets turn 1st to the u. K. Where the government has been ramping up its coronavirus containment measures police have been given new powers and of deploying drones to ensure that citizens stick to the rules and stay home. And coming up now is a video message posted by police in the county of darby ship it urges people to avoid all nonessential movement that includes walking the dog in the pig district or going for a long hike and instagram as of being singled out theyre told not to go out of their way to get a good selfie. As governments around the world come up with new ways of fighting the pandemic there are fears that things might never get back to normal takes a look at how the global lockdown could change our lives. This pandemic will and already is changing us society i dont mean the economy or social distancing i mean privacy freedoms these are now a danger to our health this isnt about judgment condemnation or endorsement this is a Global Health crisis many lives are at stake and desperate times call for Desperate Measures but look and see whats happening before our very own eyes troops and Armored Vehicles on the streets of western cities droon patrolling cities and ordering civilians to return to their homes. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah nationwide lockdowns police and troops detaining civilians for violating curfews a lot in the middle east or china but in europe and italy alone more than 100000 people have been charged for violating the law down drones monitor citizens from above where they walk their dogs where they pog where they congregate robots robots patrolled streets governments telling neighbors and friends and family to report each other if they find out someone violated quarantine we have created an online report in porto where people can submit a form to advise of and a gathering that are not in it here is with the guidance and easy to demand on one on one all of this was completely unimaginable a few months ago but its all about. Stopping the virus at whatever cost in the fight against this senator in crisis it is paramount that we anticipate the spread of the pandemic and its likely peak in each country in israel they started tracking peoples movements with their phones to catch those violating quarantine or to warn people whove been either someone who was infected in america in europe in russia theyre talking about doing the same thing mobile phones have been turned into tracking devices for our own good they say its hard to argue with that and personally for the duration of the crisis i dont mind my question isnt when this will end this total control my question is will it head and the European Data protection supervisor of stresses that such developments usually do not contain the possibility to step back when the emergencies go how often the governments or police give up powers you dont need me to answer that you know full well yourself were all afraid were all confused and worried for our loved ones fear has gripped world our society because of that we have given up without complaint our freedoms to our governments for our own good im not here to judge im only stating the obvious with the hope that when this nightmare is over and that fear passes will get our freedoms back. Italy has recorded almost a 1000 covert 9000 deaths in just a single day thats the highest figure since the start of the outbreak hospitals there are under huge strain with admissions continuing to soar and intensive care unit in the northern italian city of brashear is now running at 5 times capacity we heard from a doctor there who said that the medics have an improvised just to save lives. Of hospitals at the forefront of many aspects of treatment and intensive therapy we have suddenly found ourselves having to invent new treatments and use new machinery that we would have never used in normal condition about 2 thirds of the patients spend a long period in intensive care the number of beds has to be consciously increased because there are always more people coming in than being d discharged i spent 13 to 14 hours a day here at the hospital my colleagues have tripled their duties and are working night shifts to cope with the influx of patients. In the new reality of self isolation millions of white Collar Workers they get to do their jobs remotely but for most Blue Collar Workers thats just not an option including Delivery Services and unions in europe of raise concerns about the safety of their staff r. T. Charlotte do pinsky has more. Just a few weeks ago they were deemed unskilled workers im talking about the people who stack supermarket shelves or deliver our groceries books clothes and gadgets now as coded 900 forces us to hunker down in our homes they have become alongside Health Professionals some of the most essential workers of our time without those people we wouldnt be able to run as a nation we wouldnt have an economy and people wont be able to cook food on the table we just various clutches tissue. Rolls of hula rolls weve always done. In getting these products out. Just like doctors and nurses who are fighting a war against this virus delivery ringback drivers are also putting themselves on the front line and potentially at risk of be lying if i wasnt if i was saying that it wasnt theory. Especially with Everything Else in the media well weve got to see implemented lots of protective measures and social distancing to make sure that theyre not out as much risks and that with some minimised as these new key workers are ensuring essential and a non essential deliveries many of those who once considered important stuck at home either an able to be economically active or at best working remotely the french and british governments are amongst those that have offered to cover a significant proportion of the wages for people who cant be in their place of work during the lockdown unions warned that this led to a feeling of inequality. There is an impression of an equality between blue and white Collar Workers Truck Drivers delivery and postal workers those in trade and management many employees are in the front line mostly women and the working class and like the executives who shouldered when they didnt leave for their holiday homes this is causing more and more anger theres also concern that work is only possible if your so called white Collar Worker so if you tend ball work as a salesperson in a clothes shop its pretty impossible right now to continue that type of employment now these roles are often based on short term always 0 hours contracts meaning employers dont have to keep them on when they need to tighten their belts give flu the already per carious nature of such work if containment measures become the new norm while a vaccine is being sought could promote working itself why didnt economic inequality challenged even ski. Paris. We go reaction to the story from political commentator cliff member of a market analyst craig a. Big really is to to our economy is i dont throw away were out of this in the next few months this is obviously our present situation in iraq and we are facing like this for a moment are its the train obviousness which is really really vulnerable to these kinds of shocks and you know the longer they become i dont think. Ive gotten better because of the way you go on same way and hopefully. Governments can come together to support their citizens or the next few months or years right now through this pandemic what were seeing is one of the benefits of being a white Collar Worker is that in. Cases are nuts not all cases but in many cases the ability to work from home is much easier than maybe even offices previously envisaged now that weve been forced into the situation what were learning the more i think what it continue to learn over the coming weeks is once you have the infrastructure in place at home and now many people will have the infrastructure in place its actually watch more simple than what we previously envisaged. Well here in russia for corona virus corona virus patient has now died he was a 56 year old cancer survivor with just one lung russia now has more than 1200. 00 confirmed cases so contain the spread of the virus starting from today restaurants cafes and shops will be closing their doors only supermarkets and pharmacies remain open food another deliveries are still permitted though public parks are being closed president putin earlier announced a week long paid holiday phenomenon essential workers which starts monday we discuss the pandemic and russias response with Leonid Rochelle who is the countrys top pediatric surgeon and an expert at the World Health Organization photoshop told us that this crisis is a test for humanity. Oh. Sure humanity has endured other terrible epidemics both the plague and cholera before this one weve had 3 other types of corona virus this is another one and will not last forever this is a new virus it will also pass but with was lost this is the question. With. The hype the fear mongering for russia emphasize is not very relevant the situation in russia is not so tragic the media will not be able to ask collate the cas to russia i support the measures if a quarantine was imposed factories and transport would stop and this would cause a collapse that is worse than the virus. That is good that you know im not a fortune teller in a best case 2 or 3 months. For me this is a test a few manity how ready we are for up and down economy if i were an examiner looking at what is happening in need to leave spain and other countries i would give a c. Minus great the most important lesson for us is to rebuild the Healthcare System we must be prepared for serious disasters we must be prepared for serious pandemics we must be prepared for serious terrorist attacks we must be prepared for everything and above all our Health Care System must be prepared. Because in the us of being a king is the stockpiling medication for themselves and for their families will take a closer look at that story when i return. I am. Join me every thursday on the Alex Salmonds show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see that. Welcome back the u. S. Has the most 9000 cases in the will now exceeding 104000. 85000 yesterday or the 1500 americans have died of the virus ventilate is short supply and President Trump is with the automotive john General Motors to produce the devices for corona virus patients the accuse the company of the time it said that fast action was needed to save lives we want officials across the country said that the situation in hospitals is desperate but the reports from miami. And i do 5 masks weve talked so much about over the past few weeks surgical gloves and of course ventilators among other things running out in fact as weve seen and continue to hear about medical professionals from florida to New York New York to california expressing their frustration about not having enough people ease the gallons the gloves the face mask the ventilators will eventually run out as they continue to be besieged by new coronavirus cases theres been the contention between the governors of various states and president and other federal officials about adequate supplies being delivered by the federal government to the various states. That are available as of now i sit in here is someone who is a confirmed orders for millions of pieces of gear evaporate in front of us. And i cant tell you how frustrating it is you know we know other orders that are outstanding. Are probably quote unquote confirmed but weve literally got to the point where the basic position is until the until the thing shows up here in the coming. It doesnt exist. But im telling you people are spending hours and hours and hours trying to get this stuff here in new york there really seems to be at this point as far as a so overall issue disconnect between Governor Cuomo scarman yesterday during his press availability that the states hospitals are now stocked up on p. P. S. And the head of new York State Nursing Association basically the Union Representing all the nurses and says that the governor is wrong that nurses are having a release their equipment because of the ongoing shortages so while that debate continues so does this ongoing fight for more ventilators some doctors in the u. S. Have reportedly started to stockpile medication for themselves and for the families thats according to pharmacy regulators in several states and the restrictions of being imposed on just how much medication one person can buy we heard from 2 pharmacy Board Members about the crisis initial scripts the pharmacists reported to us were filled for large quantities therefore it was the prescriptions were written for 180 tablets with 6 refills for the physicians and members of their families or a pharmacy promulgated a new rule. Pharmacists from dispensing more than a 14 day supply we just wanted to. Tell the pharmacies what they you know give guidance to them for dispensing the medication so that there would not be shortages for patients who are being treated for things like lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis and that needed to medication theres no huge demand for drugs that are considered possible treatments for covert 19 however none of them of course have been officially approved for that purpose the commonly used to treat malaria lupus and other diseases the pharmacy Board Members again say that hoarding of drugs could cost patients lives. Cant presume what the doctors are thinking but certainly the article that came out that the drug has shown some promise with the treatment and maybe perhaps even with prophylaxis the coke at 19 virus i think is what informing their decisions if theyre being prescribed in large quantities and dispensed that way it could certainly have an impact on another patients as well it could also impact if there is proven to be that it is a treatment. Doctors around the world are warning of an emerging mental Health Crisis they say that mass anxiety over the pandemic could have lasting consequences for many people and some socalled therapists are looking to cash in on peoples fears lets bring in dr Ashley Frawley whos a senior lecturer in sociology and social policy Swans University over in the u. K. Thanks so much for joining us dr 1st of all youve written an article i know about socalled expert sports exploiting the heightened sense of fear that that exists right now who exactly are you talking about here who are taking advantage. So my Research Really looks at what i call therapeutic entrepreneurs so people whose bread and butter so to speak is the sort of advocating around the social problems that they claim are you know the biggest problem facing us and i started to notice as the 1000. 00 crisis was growing and that many advocacy groups were claiming that it was a mental Health Crisis as big as or even bigger than the Health Crisis itself and so i noticed you know even just on facebook the advertisements you know because i do this kind of research i get a lot of like therapy advertisement mr directed at me and one of them was saying anxious about the state of the world you know talk to it online counsellor and i just i went you know click through you know just 70. 00 a week you can talk to somebody about your anxieties about coronavirus and there is hypnotherapist d that are mindfulness practitioners offering guided meditation to Frontline Health workers introductory offers on. Meditation apps things like that so ive noticed that there is this move to sort of redefine this situation which is definitely quite anxiety inducing but to redefine that not only as its normal to feel anxiety but also that that anxiety is a kind of illness so it becomes normal to be ill and in need of professional intervention like you sort of notice this is well the lot of services being offered the question is there a genuine problem with Mental Health at the moment and if so you know what should we be concerned about. Well certainly for people who have preexisting Mental Health conditions being locked inside your home is not going to be particularly good people who are homeless also tend to experience higher rates of Mental Health problems and obviously that is a serious issue but what ive noticed is this tendency to see every day anxieties and uncertainty is that are you know people are going to feel right now to see that as a Mental Health problem that im not so sure that its helpful to medicalize our anxieties because if you define something as a medical problem then the solution is medical if you define something as a social problem then the solution is social so you know we need to get creative about trying to connect with each other and things like that and this is not something that you can pay for over the internet or over the phone its something that you have to share with other people and all lot of people are doing that absolutely but theres this tendency to kind of medical eyes our fears medical as our anxieties and antics sort of cash in on that and you know the long term effects of that are quite profound because particularly in the United States for instance theyve relaxed some of the restrictions around prescribing so you can prescribe psychotropic medications without seeing a patient face to face now some of that absolutely is necessary you know people will need to be able to access drugs however if these are new prescriptions around the sorts of anxieties that were experiencing now even profound kind of uncertainty and anxiety and difficulty well after that you have to think about how difficult it is to actually come off of these kinds of medications and so with that you have to think not only about trying to make things easier for people now but also thinking long term if we were lax these kinds of restrictions theres also a relaxed restriction in our ground in the u. K. Around being able to section people on Mental Health grounds again may be necessary in an emergency situation but after that how long will it take for p. Well to get their cases reviewed so its an important thing to think about you know to be careful about medicalizing our everyday fears yes there are serious people with serious Mental Health issues but there are also theres also just a wide range of emotion that just exists in the population thats maybe not something that needs to be professionally treated you talked about the increase in the use of psychotropic medications also a number of drugs sort of rumored to be beneficial in treating the symptoms of the 90 no cure of course as yet to the pharmaceutical companies are taking advantage of this so they cashing in. Im not entirely sure in terms of the sort of physical treatments for for coronavirus i mean i think its necessary probably you know what things are moving very very quickly and its very hard to go through the faces that are necessary but i definitely know that looking at past crises and there has been a tendency for pharmaceutical companies to see them as. As psychological problems particularly in china theres this tendency that are growing tendency to medicalize every day anger and frustration and when you know when workers get laid off and you know fire and factories shut down theres a tendency to kind of medical as individual lives their anger and frustration because thats a very kind of dangerous sentiment you know if people come together there and and see their anger in a social sense they may you know band together maybe take over the factory or Something Like that and so theres you know theres a lot of sociological research that looks at the way that that medical association of that frustration and anger individualize is and on top of that becomes this boon for this enormous psycho psychological industry cycle pharmaceutical industry and you know its worth a huge amount of money in china and its growing annually and the crisis is definitely and exploited and has been exploited previously but truly great to speak with you really appreciate you coming on thanks for your time to actually really my guest senior lecturer in sociology and social policy of Swans University thank you again that brings you right up to date with r. T. International keeping you right across the new developments in this global Coronavirus Crisis ill be back with the now from out. Of her. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to happen and when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced. Imagine something as big as the earth is going to cause tidal waves or earthquakes volcanoes erupt and its going to help. So very for a while right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so youd have wallace those should have. A terrible life between now and. Thats the Crucial Point of the book at bottom line of the book namely i think youre pretty much stuck with your logs but if you have other things that youre good at either music or running or doing intellectual work or politics then one should take advantage of ones advantages and project hours and forget about the fact that you may not be the best looking person on the block. Trade and investment of become magic spells to conjugate economic development. Most people think about trade they think about the goods and services being exchanged between countries and the investment chapter of a trade agreement as a pow something very different but wont when investment leads to toxic manufacturing that destroys secret sites all ruins the environment. That means local communities that are being poisoned if they object if they do anything that the company feels is interrupting their profits they can be sued no nationals of the fuel in the whole nation still a little arse is trying to use i. D. s to stop tour of the white from implementing new tobacco regulations aimed at cutting domestic smoking rates a 4 inch company sued egypt because egypt resists minimum wage democratic choice over trump cool which will join us as we try to fund dont want to. This is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss im sorry i want to fail in washington coming up Congress Passes a massive to droop trillion dollar stimulus package will break down how markets are reacting to the new u. S. Automaker General Motors look to save them cash and avoid layoffs amid the coronavirus pandemic lauren fix the car coach tells us what we had to get or what could be coming for the ah

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