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Themselves going to quarantine to. Get to know that. We are. There so strange times will try and guide you through it best we can hide their money is kevin owen here they are to International World news center with his 30 minute live update for you from moscow and theres the fallout from the coronavirus continues to sink in it seems tonight the contingency plans are not stopping Financial Markets from plunging Worldwide Americas dow jones index has dropped another 10 percent within moments of wall street opening up on monday earlier i discussed was driving markets to the brink of collapse then right now with our senior correspondent. Well the zuni one way this is going and it is going down look at yourself in a matter of weeks the Dow Jones Industrial average this is this is an average of many major corporations so an index of their stocks the average it is plunged to levels that we saw that the world was out in 2070 so over the course of a few weeks weve raced all economic progress made over the last 3 years and this is still early days yet i mean the pandemic in the United States it is predicted to get much much worse essentially what were seeing is the equivalent of a run on banks so if a bunch of people right on by scene are trying to get their money out this is what investors are doing now with the stock markets with the stock markets in the United States and. Their reaction has been so far to come out and say theyre obviously trying to avoid inciting panic theyre trying to calm everyone down and theyre pulling money out of thin air billions and billions 700000000000 that they announced in Financial Measures which is quantity of easy which is a bailout which is its essentially printing money pulling it out of thin air and giving it to bags the whole point of this is to keep keep banks running what is a bank to bank has money what does it do with this money doesnt sit in it it gives it outs and gives it gives it out to you youre a business youre a mortgage owner you get all this money and heres the bag it has hardly any left suddenly all these. Debtors all these that is come to the bank and say look we want our money back the bag doesnt have any money i mean youve got all the money you pay every month you pay every month the situation were in now is the entire industry is collapsing while manufacturing italy is on lockdown and the banks rule exposed to this so nobodys paying the banks of the bow of the banks can pay the eventual. You know the people who invest that money in a bag how this is affected markets around the world 1st it was china they shut everything down and this was you know this was the 1st wooden bell because this would this is a knock on effect the entire World Economy is interconnected a small bag somewhere in chicago has ultimately an interest in keeping things running in china because see it own stock in apple apple produces its phones in china so then surely theres no phones being produced in china. New for new phones being sold so the bank takes a loss ultimately its all a knock on effect and with genius across the entire world more quantitative easing and rate cuts theyre going to keep rates of this is this is to stimulate borat to stimulate bags to give out more loans on top of loans that are being paid back so that we can at least pretend that things are going on as as usual we have these fiscal measures out there and theyre very powerful i mean the sum total as well over 800000000000. 00 from our forward this is it is sort of kick in the ball down the road. All this money the more that a trillion if the if the 800. 00 a printer to get more than a trillion dollars that people are going to have to pay back this is banks this is ultimately borrowers that are going to have to pay back all this huge amount of money but theres no alternative. Is to watch the entire thing crash and burn and the europeans especially worried about it we support our companies we support the small and Medium Enterprises and above all we support people we support them in their jobs we support them with their income losses so right now the focus is on strengthening our economies and investing what ever is necessary to have the economy going on further the future looks very blue. Because you will have hundreds hundreds of millions of people all around the world sitting at home without jobs and entire interests industries at a standstill but everyone has to eat you know their loans to pay there are responsibilities that must be attended so its anyones guess how this is going to go. As a senator packwood uncharted territory indeed is now also just talked about this with great guest economist Richard Wolfe whos here with us last hour he thinks come for this is slipping in governments and its going to spell a major disaster he says that the Great Depression. The collapse of the markets today down 10 percent roughly here in the United States in new york city where im sitting it is a clear very profound statement that the entire Investment Community which is not the small people who have a few shares im talking about the people who manage Pension Funds who manage bank what follows and so on have a massive loss of confidence in the government of the United States or in the private economy to get out of this disaster after a cut in the Interest Rate last week and even bigger double the size cut this week and the announcement of stimulus plans we do not see a recovery a turnaround we see that these are interpreted as signs that this situation is out of control and i think you see that in the Business Community you see it in the mass of the working class you see it in average people everywhere are we are out of stock in our supermarkets we are experiencing the kind of meltdown that you associate with events like the Great Depression of the 1000 birds. Is sobering as it were the World Health Organization has announced that the global death toll from the corona virus has no overtaken china is that was ground 0 of course for the deadly outbreak. In the past week we have seen a rapid discoloration of cases of course 19 more cases and does have no been reported in the rest of the word than in china here according to latest estimates deadly cases from around the rest of the world have no excel or a to pass to china by 600 or so of course thats almost like comparing apples and pears worth knowing while approximately 16000 more people have been infected around the globe compared to the total number in china where the Virus Outbreak was 1st reported. On monday beijing announced it was sending additional experts to help tackle the pandemic in italy the 1st team arrived in rome last week with tons of medical aid including masks and respirators and it was so welcome by italy to its been reported that italys e. U. Allies have refused to help saying the reason being they need to stockpile essential for their own citizens are heard from of or all of just in britain who told me europe can learn a lot from china. Its team that has been sent to. 3 the same team or has tackled the situation in china which means that new york carrying a lot of experience big being in the middle of the epicenter so i think what were all playing is really to implement those warning and we get especially when your team is not receiving a level of support you need europe we can get european country is going to be in faction in any and our meetings when situation like that are going to some all you need to be amused to learn from the you instead are left by other countries for example or you know joining our own quality being managed is really well so if we can not learn from those experiences or video or the earned or the cost of humanity and cost of economic crisis. For me other countries not merely follow that and try to replicate insights in there that we get benefit out of it and the spread of coke over 19 is taken its toll on the Decision Makers to their own human after all the people who run these countries for the sickness striking down many in the corridors of power the growing number of lawmakers falling ill is causing concern though about how effectively governments will be able to coordinate their responses to the break now. There are far more politicians who have been infected than you would have by statistical chance politicians are overrepresented in the number of pay for the being diagnosed. And. For it. So news and headlines come in ever about it in all the uncertainty and unknown of this is of course easy to get anxious worked up so we thought wed get a sound out on it we spoke to celebrate his living in philosophy about the pandemic he did like in the crisis toward toms naro but also emphasized to the need for Meaningful International solidarity and in the day helping each other out a bit. In previous cases people were thinking just about isolation and so on until one day i sure hope we are becoming aware that we kept cool in the unite that coordinate that way we are all the entire humanity in we stayed in the same boat the big loser i think will be but he sadly nationality racist and there wont be in our country to isolate itself until of course we need to get an inch and all day when for example take europe we should act in a united through a shell pink tribe or we could rate them straight in mosques what they would eat what their bodies need and go on and so on i think that. In this sense we should be shaping reality in that we do over military operation we should be im not here appealing to some kind of abstract sense to actually debate it keeping our interest in germany now. They will get an Even Stronger probably epidemic and go on and to want so it cant think obviously that it is something that demanded from us but if sadly if we think as a national know it. Will get better we step back and reflect what this our mole go through life how should we change it because we should be aware of why and think it cannot grasp let me just go on galilee and in talk to the month it will be over baby in this epidemic. In the fall that if the day me get out of out that it will articulate about what it was i think that even when things go well that it doesnt. It will not beat the same normality. We leave now well get to change oh mode of life. Here russia let me have take whats happening here the never confirm coronavirus cases has reached nearly 100 nance mused just an employee last affects me as well i cant go home either from wednesday the governments going to use a ban on all foreign nationals and in the country tailor made the 1st is a case about them which is the double quarter as in central moscow for us with more on the new measures that have been introduced. Well russias corona virus infections have jumped to 93. 00 people only 7 of which were actually infected within the borders of russia the vast majority came from abroad and the whole situation has really set off alarm bells with officials moscows now banned public gatherings of more than 50 people until april 10th schools and universities will also be closed by the end of the week for about just under a month but students will be able to continue their studies over the internet now russias also decided to close its border with neighboring bella ruse to halt the spread of the virus as for russian nationals returning from the u. S. And europe theyll be confined to self quarantine for 14 days president putins also already ordered the creation of a new group within the state council to address a nationwide mobilization against the spread of the corona virus and starting tomorrow special volunteers will be sent to all of russias virus stricken regions to help the most vulnerable the elderly to get through this difficult time but most of all moscow wants to make sure that a panic doesnt occur and its assuring everyone that they need to stay calm. Now in a mood to reduce public come to 2 states in the style it will suspend usual activity when it comes to roadside breath and drug test by police this is new in itself to cope with 1000 infections spiked over the weekend. This is and has been made to minimize co through 6 to queensland believes over and the community the Police Commissioner in consultation with the minister for Emergency Services has determined Police Officers may decide it is not reasonable to undertake stationary. And in the current climate. Current has run 370. 00 cases a coronavirus 5 of them have been deadly all citizens returning from abroad must go to self isolation for a period of 14 days but also restrictions on foreign travelers coming from china south korea iran and italy well lets go live to jennifer de marsay legal analyst peter cook is a former u. K. Police officer get their thoughts on it as if theres not enough to think about with everything going on at the moment of course it is affecting people here but have to deal with strained people bring about life resuscitate them except for one of the police also hospitals also prisons but jennifer 1st of all the drug on the road making people safe the Australian Forces they were worried they could be facing some kind of maybe legal challenge or voice versa or even for the Police Officer catching something or maybe giving it to the person theyre resuscitated how much of a worry is it and should we be worried about it suppose we should. Absolutely i mean we have to be worried about everything thats going on right now but to say that were just going to stop utilizing breathalyzer tests is absolutely ridiculous australia was the 4th country on planet earth in terms of high auto. Alcohol related auto accidents and thats just behind the United States and a couple others but 30 percent of deaths on on the road in australia were caused by drunk driving and so to deny that to not have breathalyzers to not have prevented of measures is only going to make it less safe for australian civilians i mean look at the resources the funds that australia has for Public Health and safety especially in this there can be other measures and 2020 technology is advanced enough where you can either find different kind of brought their lies or devices or or have ones that can be disposable you get a lot of a little bit more funding for local Law Enforcement so that we can keep everybody safe you know but how do you get run resuscitating thats a physical one a one thing isnt it do you protect yourself that some is dying on the street that you have got covert 19 or not. Youre a policeman you want to do your job youre a driver a paramedic you want to do your job you literally dont know what youre putting him out for and if you like him how can you protect yourself about that you can see where people are concerned i spose. Absolutely but resuscitation when were talking about that thats a totally different thing than doing breathalyzer tests on generic individuals were not going to want to put Law Enforcement or Police Officers in danger for recess or taping people thats a different story and i think that each country has to be very vigilant on how to do that and how to go about protecting their own Law Enforcement their Police Officers from this especially if it comes to resuscitation which again is a different story from breathalyzer you know i just think its a kind of comes into the whole thing people you know Police Officers people paramedics try to do the best lookout for people this will one on one contact but yeah back to the drug and breath test as per this story. What do you do then peter is the technology around it where you dont have to get that involved people have their breath all new except for to test them for drugs and for drink. I believe they use similar quitman to the equipment used in the u. K. And sabean missed there is no real reason why with a bit of thought that can be made effectively sayf for both parties theres no need for contacts. By the Police Officer with something that then the motorist puts in their mouth the whole point of the swabs for drugs is that. Contaminated so you know theyre sterile. And likewise once theyre done with a bit of thought incompetence theres no reason why that should come into contact with the Police Officer what do we know youre the New South Wales police force theyve suspended this until further notice these breath and drug tests and also Queensland Police so what are they seeing that were not seeing here obviously of our are seeing some indication in some of the reports or. And pick picked up some bits and pieces that suggest it may be more than just a health issue that they may be struggling with resources. I know some states in australia. Are in a similar position not not so bad as the u. K. Forces the u. K. Police forces may struggle to do routine tasks at the best of times and theyre talking about what are we going to do as a contingency if we suddenly get a shed load of stuff to do the to do with the virus what are we going to knock off the list that were not going to be doing anymore and so theres some indication in some of the reports that its something to do with obviously a different issue. Its. Yes it is a danger to the public put the vast majority of drink drivers on any particular night dont go on to get involved in a fatal accident but we know what rio though a lot of them do actually know that people are quarantined sit in oh maybe have a drink or 2 want to go in the car they get themselves with food whatever whatever whatever and total war is if theyre not being tested and tested for alcohol and drugs then the fatality rate could go up with crashes if theyre in these particular areas where the police are doing in this trailer. For sure that would be my concern the terrence effect of see him Police Officers on the streets doing stuff is going to be lost. You know we dont know whats going to happen in the future it doesnt sound like something thats going to be years and years and years is going to be from them so that impacts the limit seats but youve got so why all the pros and cons of doing not doing bottom line though is a cop can only do one thing at once and if they need it for what is considered the priority of stuff theyre not going to be that you have anything else one thing to be prudent one thing to be too cautious about these things talking about the drink and drugs to be a liberal because they want to chat for a bit more what the paramedics if you were advising or few if you were a paramedic tonight lets not advise anyone but if you were yourself what would you do if you try to do your daily job theres a car crash for instance you have to give resuscitation to somebody what you do these days i wonder. I mean that is going to be more difficult you know peter actually brought up a very good point and thats that over the last few years and im not sure the statistics in the u. K. Or in australia but i know in the United States especially in the Previous Administration there was a demonization of Law Enforcement of Police Officers certainly not in the top of this ration but there was before and that led to a lot of funding loss for Police Officers or local Law Enforcement so when a situation like this where it comes to 1st responders to our Law Enforcement our Police Forces we need to make sure every country especially now needs to be putting their funding and back into that needs to be reevaluating their budget needs to be helping our 1st responders our Law Enforcement because thats where people are going to melt down unfortunately we dont want people to riot or to go crazy at all we want people to be calm but thats just not and. Should not be you know at all the turn of so thats one thing that countries need to be vigilant if youre a legal expert would do would do paramedics because people prison officers restraining somebody would do you would would which is the legal laws. Well the legal and of course every country is going to be different but that is difficult i mean were looking at a new kind of era here so we would be talking about negligence the the 1st responders anybody that could get sick because of their job they could absolutely bring suit for negligence by the government making them work especially if they work for government for for local Law Enforcement Something Like that and so we might be looking at some negligence cases some severe negligence wrongful death absolutely those are some of the 1st ones that would pop into my head and so its going to be a matter of what are you going to make people do at some point governments local Law Enforcement local governments might have to start to amend some some contracts and to state that you know now you can volunteer whether you feel safe to come in or not thats up to you but then again we could be looking at at another problem where we lose a lot of our 1st responders and our Police Officers who rightfully choose to stay home because they have a family or Something Else so putting your life on the line is certainly going to take a new meeting and i know theres been talks in the United States at least about the National Guard or maybe domestic military just at least to help keep the peace and to help fill in those gaps and you so you did. As a prison officer repairmen to go over a number as opposed to the calls if you see. Those to forgive you in the world but to america will come to people for the u. K. You saw that at the minute but would the families of these people say the very words because they dont know what happens then their employers what happens. You know we always had a head of state that had a saying in the legal circles here which is that you can always sue for anything at any time the question is can you win and were looking at something thats unprecedented this is a new virus this is a new all these quarantines and lock downs and so its just a matter of if they sue it certainly they can sue they could sue either for wrongful death for negligence as i stated before but then the government can come in well they knew the risks they had an option to stay at home they opted out. Options not do their job but you know that would be a tough case for the government to win because they have to go to their job they need to get money theyre hoping that its going to pass but if this is something thats temporary if theres a if theres a set of light that is going to end then then thats thats something to keep in mind and to figure out how we can fit through this while protecting our 1st responders in any time peter last were with you very different the u. K. Of course not as litigious so we say but anyway these are very difficult times you solve the front like many times you career in the past but put yourself you also now the paramedics work you know 1st responders were going to change the way they go about their jobs. Almost definitely not theres a strong vocation amongst the Emergency Services they dont think of themselves they put the interest of others before themselves Police Officers go involved in all sorts of situations arresting someone. Creating some sort of threat so theres theyre not going to have time to dress up in various p. P. A. They just go on with their stuff they have a little bit more time and well you know have tons of basic p. P. A. Because that is sort of par their job but they deal with far far more dangerous. Viruses and infections and things. Coronavirus would appear to be at the moment and so we need to keep this in proportion in the u. K. The employer has an absolute responsibility. To all that is reasonable pot reasonably possible to keep their employees safe from injury or illness when dont work obviously reasonably practicable is something that the courts would decide im concerned that there are gaps in the contingency provision that were hearing about in the u. K. For instance i hear about offices being provided with one small but bottle of Hand Sanitizer well how long is that going to last i do with hundreds of people in a day and secondly its nonalcohol. Version which we understand is not effective against viruses so you know that said there are things that could or should have been done better books bear in mind the high risk categories paper with allied Health Conditions the age you know 60 plus of age range there are not so lots of place offices and paramedics that folded i was a high risk areas and i would expect the Police Forces looking at any high risk that ive got put in them temporarily of the office i know a lot of people the general public watching this watching around the world were a Law Enforcement youre a paramedic whatever they are very grateful these doctors and people who work and they put themselves on the front line. For u. K. Police officer jennifer to give us the legal view of the wisconsin thank you guys stay safe as well yourselves keep washing your hands as they keep saying lets not panic too much and takes me on the program appreciate it tonight thank you. Weve run out of time thank you for watching as well as 28 hoffman its supposed to leaven in the evening or mosco bottoms kevin i would keep up to speed with those headlines dot com and our various social media people of l. Z. And next if you want to get out International Special cross talk focusing on coronavirus if youre in the u. K. Youve got your own programs and have a good evening. So it seems wrong. But ill just dont call. Me. Yet to see how it does they come at it. And in detroit equals betrayal. When some find themselves worlds apart. Just of the common ground

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