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International. Have you with us and several countries in the last 24 hours have declared an emergency in response to the 1000 pandemic spain joined neighboring european nations which are struggling with containment measures the u. S. Has limited travel restrictions also affect military personnel there according to the pentagon while has also announced that the u. S. Is stepping up its risk level and response. To unleash the full power of the federal government that this effort today i am officially declaring a national emergency. 2 very big words. The action i am taking will open up access to up to 50000000000. 00 of. Very importantly very important. A large amount of money for states and territories that look at all of these in our shared fight against this disease. President trump has ordered us Energy Officials to purchase large amounts of oil to fill up the nations emergency reserve after the biggest price crash in years has also spotted an opportunity to boost sales for the Pharmaceuticals Industry at home due to the pandemic but his push to buy american could hit consumers in the pocket heres arties done quarter with commentary. Its too little too late for Donald Trumps ban on european visitors panic has already set in and hordes of coronavirus doomsday preppers are already raiding supermarket shelves. Corona virus has already spread to well over 100 countries and territories worldwide pandemic according to the u. N. It doesnt care about your race creed or class even millionaires like tom hanks and his wife announced they have fallen ill and while chinas all but got its own coronavirus situation under control washington still putting most of the blame for everything and anything connected to the pandemic on china the one virus that began at the end of last year you called it the womb on Virus Chinese Communist Party you said that this is where the virus started china has unleashed this plague on the entire world through their dishonesty and their lack of transparency and corruption it is rather than using the best practices this outbreak and well i was covered up youd think theyd understand that being the origin of a. Pandemic was out of beijings control but while washington continues to throw shade its forgotten one Crucial Point pretty much all u. S. Antibiotics vitamin c. Pills 1st aid supplies are supplied by Chinese Companies americas basically pharmaceutically dependent on china if china banned the experts of drugs the us would sink into the hell of a Novel Coronavirus at the demick and thats given washington more than just the coronavirus to panic about i think its been clear for a while now that we are far too reliant on china for Domestic Production especially for essential products there we rely on and of course our medical supply chain is at the very top of that list the corona Virus Outbreak has made clear we must combat americas supply chain vulnerabilities and dependence on china and critical sectors of our economy the Coronavirus Crisis puts into sharp focus the unacceptable dependence of the u. S. On china for critical medicines and their ingredients by American Trend has gained new traction as a result trumps trade advisories even suggesting a change in federal law that would force the feds to buy from American Companies if we have strong buy american procurement that will establish a robust base level of demand that provides the appropriate incentives for our pharmaceutical manufacturers to invest and locate domestically worried yet with all of big pharma profit making schemes in the past the outrageous lifelong cost of hiv treatment in the u. S. Spiking the prices of insulin it doesnt take an economist to wonder how the already high price of drugs might skyrocket the disruption of the supply chain is what drives the work that we have all you know short many of these production of items not maybe the product itself but maybe a component of the product thats very basic and anyway come to United States to get more you know manufacture so clearly it underlines how vulnerable we are as a. 1st rule country you know in china to produce these basic products so while you and i see the coronavirus pandemic as a tragedy of world significance big business will try every which way to turn it into a profit making extravaganza for themselves of course whenever theres a crisis someone is always there to make some money off it come on you know now youre going to start seeing people going to be at home so you get to see netflix go up or other you know online it watching platforms hulu or whatever the case might be and same thing with medications. Global stock markets recovered slightly on friday after suffering their biggest drop in 30 years and saw the worlds 500. 00 wealthiest people collectively lose nearly 444000000000. 00 in net worth as for others with plenty of money in the bank it seems that they are more than willing to use their cash to keep the coronavirus at bay. You know. If. Youre putting extra resources into recruiting and lead educators able to provide interim private tutoring as demand is high this is driving up to their salaries and tuition prices. You know. Members who are traveling commercial at using to book elite services a day are boards not your typical for us. For example private terminals chicken customs and security members can request for the jetty to be cleared so they minimize the interactions with all their best injures on their way to their seat. Because the ration tends to be very effective into any virus i see the super rich will be less effective than the rest of us simply because they have the means to us all and much more to rise to much more. Large scale plagues United States charges people die. Thousands of dollars for corona virus tests and surely doesnt have enough tests to go around for some reason they have tests available for the bridge just before and at the same time as so many people are worried about whether or not theyre going to have to miss work a chat for if theyre going to do childcare because so many schools are closing all these problems meanwhile you have people spending millions of dollars to go abroad to go to private islands to go to. Private doctors things that the vast majority of people 10 office or and i do think it will continue to polarize society because this is a vast unequality inequality that hasnt been seen in. And its just continuing to get worse. The sollie has taken to the streets of the british capital to get some firsthand insight into how the Restaurant Industry is coping with cope with 1000. London is one of the worlds top food capitals with eateries offering cuisine from every country you can imagine chinese an italian food are among the more popular choices but as with almost every other aspect of everyday life coronavirus has disrupted the Restaurant Industry google trends data shows that interest in the secrecy and has plummeted since the crisis began from the beginning of the year interest in chinese food has fallen by 33 percent globally by 34 percent in the u. K. This restaurant and so whose famous chinatown was once thriving in crowded now the tables are empty. We already know why repeat the restaurant. For example if a week you need to queue our own to face him a nice if we can do you have to queue our own for 30 minutes and waste all the right reasons either since 1st case from the u. K. We immediately have to come so late for all of us to to leave the reference and maybe one weeks later since the color of our. We lost our own think to return. Until no wrong maybe 6 weeks we lost our wrong 68 percent over that our normal business i would no lock down you but we still lost a lot of business and italian restaurants tell the same sad story as italy has been on the forefront of the fight with coronavirus interest has plunged by 24 percent globally by 10 percent in the case and again thats had a devastating impact as businesses which did a brisk trade in pieces and passed is now struggling to get by the people who dont know how to stop these things so the only way home. In the business i go down down down i dont know how were going to reach the end of the month i dont know how. We how we dont know. Were not working enough to keep it open every day in the morning in the beginning of the week in the morning most of the week we have clothes we feel we. Saw now the weather is strange and were supposed to get busy there is nothing as you can see there where i sit on the launch i mean the one i see. In the launch doesnt about up and we are in the standalone these reserving story is one of the main street between. Us where. There is nothing new so struggling the people are scared to stay around you know we all slum that is what they make of the corona juice anxiety love italian food but they dont get. Any telly and restaurant no more so what they want to do the display was people are afraid to being around people so your drive of 400 years didnt have you notice recently that the business is quiet. One is going down and down because people are scared they are scared of hearing chinatown you can see this weekend nobodys here and then like months ago full of people here would put you off eating at restaurants until you think its. Actually a different. Thing. I think if you. Think that people can have success with it its just sad. When it just turns. The slightly ok and so on here when were hungry will get a ritual thats probably every day as more countries inevitably go to war with 19 in the u. K. Faces the prospect of in italy style complete looks and maybe more than just the once popular italian and chinese restaurants that see the trade devastated east the. U. S. Military has. Infirmed of a barrage of rockets have hit a base housing american and other Coalition Troops near baghdad in the 2nd such attack on the facility this week a spokesperson said on saturday that 3 Coalition Personnel and a 2 iraqi soldiers were wounded in the incident the 1st bombardment which hit camp at taji on wednesday left 2 American Service personnel and one british soldier dead that triggered retaliatory u. S. Airstrikes against an iranian linked shia militia but according to the iraqi authorities 5 regular military personnel and one civilian were killed baghdad says that there will be consequences for relations with washington. The u. S. Bombing of Government Security and civilian headquarters undermines counterterrorism efforts and disrupt the agreement between iraq and the Global Coalition the pentagon claims it was targeting the iran backed the tayyiba hezbollah militia with the aim of taking out 5 of the groups weapons storage facilities. In response to this attack on an iraqi base that Host Coalition forces supporting the iraqi fight against isis we carried out pursue defensive strikes to degrade and destroy it vance conventional weapons that have been provided to keep his ball up by there are any and backers we are in iraq to support the people of iraq in their fight against isis however we always reserve the right to defend our forces whenever theyre attacked or threaten. Iraqs president said the strikes which also badly damaged an airport being a built in the holy city of karbala mounted to a violation of his countrys sovereignty also suggested that such attacks by undermining the iraqi state could risk an ice or resurgence the u. S. Reprisal was also met with anger in the capital baghdad. And i think ahead on our ability about it we condemned the attacks on popular move through society and the rock iraq has become a war zone for internal and external wars american the run the fighting one of them threatens to be out there and ultimately iraqis are the ones who for victim. Schools are being settled between america and around and it is happening on our soil it violates our sovereignty it while its our right now we are calling for the United Nations to intervene. But. I am surprised that the government is ignoring such actions if you condemn both sides iran and america their actions violate iraqs sovereignty which has become a joke among countries in the region and around the world middle east expert our risk told us that despite Donald Trumps anti interventionist a Campaign Promises u. S. Troops are not likely to withdraw from iraq any time soon. From the beginning trial just looking about the necessity to withdrawal from the endless wars he attempted to draw down the troop presence in syria and theres no maybe a little taller than it appears that he wants to leave there but iraq is the one place in the middle east which trump has not spoken about troop withdrawals or troop reduction and i think a lot of that may be used related to the oil you know iraq is very well restructuring iraq is a special case for him and. With that in mind i think that he will try as much as possible to keep the american troops in iraq but it is expected that the americans will face more and more of these attacks because the bombings of a lot bases or the iraqi actions dont be to up to target these groups from launching more attacks are going to kill american bases. Defying a ban on Mass Gatherings aimed added contending the coronavirus hundreds of yellow vest activists were out protesting in the french capital on saturday it is their 70 of consecutive week of antigovernment demonstrations and their latest rally has seen some scuffles with police. On friday the french government banned all gatherings exceeding 100 people in order to prevent the spread of a deadly virus that has not stopped this weeks protests though with demonstrators saying that they want president micron to realize they have not gone away around 2000 Police Officers have been deployed to disperse the activists rally comes a day before french voters head to the polls on sunday to vote in local elections which are still going ahead despite the health crisis. Another whistleblower is calling out the International Chemical weapons watchdog it is now the 4th person in a matter of months all casting doubt on the o. P. C. W. s investigation into the alleged 2800 chemical attack in syrias duma the Anonymous Employee describes an atmosphere of fear theyre. Working in the organization has been knowing open and the cause of the professional shame when i became aware of how a key elements of the organization was and clearly continues to be mismanaged im one of many who was stunned and frightened into silence by the reality of how the organization operates the threats of personal harm is not an illusion or else many others would have spoken out by now to other former experts earlier came forward to denounce the o. P. C. Report on an alleged chemical attack in syria where the organization found the government guilty of using chemical weapons against its own civilians the former employees said that they took part in the investigation on the ground they claimed evidence there suggested the attack could not have been conducted as described in the report. Mining its conclusions others have claimed you tack may have been staged. Denies the accusations insisting there is no evidence to support those claims in february a 3rd person came forward accusing the organization of attempting to smear the former employees the latest whistleblower has now strongly criticised the o. P. C. Behavior. The mistreatment of 2 highly regarded and accomplished professionals can only be described as a parents i fully support their endeavors. Russia is now calling on the watchdog not to not be so hasty in dismissing the claims. Of particular interest is the fact that this whistleblower unlike the other 3 whistleblowers is possibly a current employee at the o. P. C. W. Technical secretariat and is watching this unfolding mess in the hague 1st hand we hope that the mounting criticism of the technical secretariat from the people concerned over the o. P. C. W. s health will not be left unheeded with for with the lord to become increasingly difficult for them to say that they are growing sick sector and of course we would hope maybe even more worst of wars would come out at this time this is a classic problem powerful entities and especially if they are linked to the Us Government and they think that oh were being protected by you know powerful entity so that we need to go on law on and you know 8 lets just hope that there is more integrity and more that the integrity that the 4 whistleblowers have share on let us hope that they can muster more people with that kind of integrity again and to fix this organization which is really needed in the world. And what is described as frances worst ever child sex abuse scandal a retired surgeon has gone on trial accused of abusing hundreds of children many alleged victims have come forward including the doctors 2 nieces. I think when he arrived in the joins our cost but all the authorities i dont know at what level were already aware of this and no one intervened to prevent him from being recruited to some. If its not his family who revealed the less chronic problem its the little 5 Year Old Girl who was raped in her own garden shed light on one of the biggest sexual predators one of the biggest pedophiles in french criminal history. The socalled baltimore could he acknowledges deviant behavior and he doesnt dispute the possession of child pornography but he denies acts of penetration to prevent his paedophilia from getting out he locked himself up cut all social ties its only obsession with his collection of images and this need to put his fantasies on paper. To swedish nurses who say they were denied jobs as midwives because of their religious beliefs have failed to get their case heard by the European Court of human rights it declined to take up the case saying sweden had acted lawfully. The court observed this weekend provides nationwide Abortion Services and therefore has a positive obligation to organize his Health System to ensure that the effective exercise of freedom of conscience of Health Professionals does not prevent the provision of such Services Nurses retrained as midwives but refused to carry out abortions because of their Christian Faith swedish law requires midwives to carry out the procedure women had already lost several Court Battles against the authority saying that they suffered discrimination but their case is dividing opinion. It is not a human rights since stuff to refuse to provide care this is an important decision that in the long term will help to protect Womens Health who i do good quality care and to be treated to his respect when seeking an abortion we are very disappointed by the courts decision not to take up the cases medical professionals should be able to work without being forced to choose between their deeply held convictions and their careers i think that the owner of a hospital has every right to hire or fire somebody bed is a will is not willing to do something that they want that person to provide so for example somebody owns a hospital they can say i want every doctor here to be willing to provide an abortion and theres only higher doctors rule and provide an abortion but the idea that the government should step in and tell bad hospital owner that he cant hire who he wants and that people cant act according to convention could do their convictions is just a basic violation of personal sovereignty if you as a person have a conviction that life is precious and worthy of protection and that to be saved and that you are doing the job because you believe just that then the procession should make accommodation for that there are many medics around the world less and indeed just as these midwives themselves say who went into the profession who chooses profession because that all about life that all about saving life not about ending life and the very nature of abortion ends life. And it doesnt for mel be back with more news this is our team international. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see that. As a nation from which to us an investor. Should i say shes a model for from the forward to the trip to improve. On that because you know to try to accomplish. Problems. Just because the global world was going to have to focus needs it you know why would you ah just of us have played office for movies in this part of the family and youre fighting with the folks looking up. The left coast about 4 to 6 months because of the south. Max kaiser this is the kaiser report the pandemic Edition Special times require special reporting of course because report has been anticipating so much of whats going down around the world stop a big surprise for those of you who have been watching us for so many years is that right stacy max it is a continuation of the pandemic and the Pandemic Response of the pandemic situation we also have the oil wars going on allegedly some oil wars we have russia versus saudi arabia the price crash you know it kind of started with when the opec plus when they met you know saudi arabia essentially and russia and russia decided not to cut any production based on the decline in demand out of china and elsewhere but also right after that saudi arabia offered up to a 10. 00 discount per barrel just because i guess. Theyd been solomon got a little bit upset and threw a temper tantrum so thats what happened there but you know that seismic sell off a 30 percent and then followed by a like 101213 percent rise and boom bust and boom bust i thought this was an interesting tweet to kind of look at the whole situation is from royce we went to the last episode and he was so prescient about this pandemic situation when he predicted sort of a pandemic basically that negative rates were signaling that he predicted that last june or july he says i think we have just witnessed the end of the petrodollar system non us countries will soon see a new unit of account medium of exchange and store of value a new Bretton Woods that will not be decided in america or by americans right well all the key players thats a study for the. Are involved right now saudi arabia russia and United States so the petro dollar of course was established in the early 1907 days with america and saudi arabia when america defaulted on its sovereign debt remember Richard Nixon defaulted on the dollar just halted on the treasury market and we went on the petro Dollar Standard because america had to close the gold window can no longer fulfill its obligations to its creditors this was the beginning of the petro dollar era and the beginning of all things everywhere being priced in dollars oil is being priced in dollars all commodities are priced in dollars they gave america the us empire of debt it gave america the World Reserve currency it gave america whats called senioritis which is basically they get a cut over every transaction ever done anywhere in the world every coil trend if japan wants to buy own oil that the buy dollars 1st and then buy oil for example so they have to give america a commission they get a cut thats a huge source of revenue for america now with saudi arabia and the us have been at loggerheads now for a couple of years that relationship has been strained and so saudi arabia as i think youre correct they threw a hissy fit they said were going to just want the price down by 10. 00 for oil because our cost production is not even 3. 00 a barrel and so i think they thought everyone would just step in line but then russia said whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on a 2nd they looked at the numbers and i said wait a minute our cost of production is actually higher its like 7. 00 but america has 50. 00 so and we have no debt the saudi kingdom has a huge amount of debt and we have a lot of gold we can actually participate in this global geopolitical oil poker game

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