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Broadcasting live from our studios this is r t international. Sean thomas. To have you with us couldnt believe it messed up my own name all right former Army Intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning is attempted suicide in her jail cell her lawyers say according to the reports she was found still breathing by a guard and rushed to the hospital she is said to be fighting for her life Chelsea Manning is being held in detention now for refusing to testify before a grand jury regarding wiki leaks and Julian Assange she leaked hundreds of thousands of classified documents to wiki leaks while serving in the u. S. Army and spent 7 years in prison manning was called to testify in the wiki leaks case but said at last may that she would rather starve to death were following the situation of course well keep you updated if we get more information. Meantime the World Health Organization has declared that the corona virus can now be labeled as pandemic in the past 2 weeks the number of cases of corbett 19 outside china has increases surged to unfold. And the number of our fixed countries has tripled we have that for the med be our system and that quoted 19 can be contacted are used as a pandemic. Now the number of infections has topped more than 118000 across the globe with more than 4000 deaths corona virus has spread to 114 countries with numbers growing up by the day in the race and to find a vaccine for the virus scientists in london are now on the lookout for human guinea pigs to in fact for money in the 1st test of its kind. We can announce that we have commenced the development of the worlds 1st commercial human coronavirus challenge study model also known as control human infection model we are pleased to be able to try and assist in the battle against coded 19. The study will in fact 24. 00 people with 2 strains of corona virus similar to covert 1000. 00 but causing milder symptoms as scientists try to develop a vaccine against the outbreak volunteers will be paid as much as 3 and a half 1000 pounds but only visits from doctors will break up their 2 weeks in isolation we asked londoners if they would be tempted to take part. No alcohol and if i was younger. But im one of those so dont you one second to kick the bucket say. You know. I havent looked for months and i really need some money. Oh i dont know then 1000. Too much. Into my so i mean i wont die from it but i hope that im not even tightly complaints to the statistics behind it is true anyway oh why not if i get infected twice to get twice as much at the age of 71. 00. Because i have Health Conditions why would i if you have no. Real thing they actually took you to kiss now seriously now. You know if you know people. Think were going to be changed do you think if youre healthy and. Be a danger people here i would. Think. Theyre safe house for my son whos much younger. But. I think in the beginning i thought people were over i think something on the stand like how serious it was but when i heard like schools were being closed how many people thats when i realized ok this is actually serious it doesnt serve my fitness scaremongering. For most people to sentence a more like until yesterday i was thinking people were. Today im starting to see and i said ive got to take it by seriously course you have to like. Be taken care of it didnt like wash your hands and stuff but otherwise i feel its. Yeah its just too much i dont know who spoke to viral or just about the chances of finding a vaccine in a timely fashion. Many vaccines or drugs that it is recommended to buy to be special and in the folder to eat globally have to be tested being 1st demanding more and then anything and demonstrated that they are saved sort of coronaviruses they dont claim to be tested in airing in will and dearest the i was maybe close to the 19th so this means that this vaccine if it is successful it would have no protection against the cold 19 anything that is tested in a volunteer to convict somebody raised however based on the Animal Studies the overall risk would be meaningless and the hope is that if that state policy is reasonable that destruction would be deployed in the next which is a broad scale testing me just face to. A high profile right wing german politician appears to be the latest victim of Violent Attacks on lawmakers in the country because faster from the alternative for Germany Party had his car destroyed by arson in berlin arties peter oliver reports now on the worrying trend. This street is the scene of what is potentially the latest in a growing number of politically motivated crimes in germany this time its all the politician nicholas faced go up in flames last night a car caught fire in charlotte and borke the firefighters extinguished the blaze but could not save the car because of the suspicion of a possible political motivation we are handing the investigation over to a specialist unit yesterday morning. The Police Called told me that my car had been. Set on fire 2 in the morning and. Force really damaged faced as a member of the European Parliament for the anti immigration alternative that Germany Party hes pretty adamant of who he thinks is behind the its not the 1st conflict of this kind of arson attacks this is really the signature. Of the anti far and therefore its pretty clear of though they havent really up to now they have claimed this arson attack yet but its clear that theres a stance on t. V. For a. F. P. As a party have a polarizing effect on german Public Opinion their anti immigrant stance and deliberately provocative statements from so members has seen them rising in the polls and slammed by their rivals party which tolerates far right extremists and lets call a spade a spade nazis and monitoring. The a. F. D. Is a racist and nationalist a military state party. Party which is openly nationalist they are against foreigners and they have members who are close to being fascists cochairman of the even appealed to all journalists and politicians to tone down their rhetoric against the party after a rise in the number of violent incidents. Whenever a car set on fire or. The apartment or house of. Attacked you can be sure this is an attack against. They tried to they tried to bully not only us but also people of whom. You know who are letting their apartments to members of the in a democracy you have to come to terms even with members of parties which you do not support its not just politicians from controversial parties that are facing up to the prospect of attacking germany 2019 so well over a 1000 politically motivated attacks on politicians with a recent poll of the country saying a large number of them had been insulted assaulted or simply threatened with quite a few saying they being beaten. In 2015 independent mayor of cologne henriette ereka narrowly survived an assassination attempt by is then a full of extremists who stabbed her in the neck the day before the election the attack was motivated by wreckers pro refugee stance last june senior politician of all to live was shot dead at his home in central germany a far right nationalist with possible links to a. F. P. Is facing trial for his murder the government has called for an increase in security for politicians serving the public who are increasingly finding themselves in the line of fire. To americans and one british soldier have been killed and at least 12 injured in a rocket attack on an iraqi air base near baghdad is also reported that American Forces have retaliated with a strike on iraq emotion near the Syrian Border near as well. We are hearing from the u. S. Coalition forces in iraq that at least 15 katyusha rockets were fired on a military base to the north of baghdad that houses American Military personnel 2 american soldiers and one of bushs service men have been killed we are hearing that between 10 and 12 people have been wounded and are being treated for their injuries now the following video purports to show the moment of the attack but it is and they were fired from our summer resort our mark more. Of our garden and now the attack happened at 7 50 in the evening local time when stay as of yet no ones came to sponsibility for the attack on the military base which is north of baghdad and which howellss the u. S. Led Coalition Forces the vehicle that launched the rockets has been found an investigation has been launched now we are hearing of strikes that are happening in the iraqi province and in the syrian area of become ill near the border it is not certain whether these are tell you a true tax for the strikes on the air base but it certainly does seem that way at the moment at the same time this is the latest attack after a series of attacks in recent months to hit you and coalition sites in iraq just this past tuesday the americans announce that they were deploying Missile Defense systems for the bench ality of such occurrences happening at the same time we can tell you that tensions in the region and particularly in iraq have been increasing ever since the assassination of a top in reining in general because some saudi money so a short time ago and since then weve seen these tensions escalate. Over more of this im now joined live by middle east expert paul hiro thanks for being with us here on our international. So American Military outpost they have been. Targeted frequently in the past few months who could be behind this latest rash of attacks against American Forces well there is no evidence of it but it seems like iran is probably behind the recent rash attacks iran you know the identify that they were going to retaliate against the United States in the week. General slow manis killing in you know such nation in early january so. Its your signature trademark and weapon of iran so all in all indicators point to or now we have reports that the u. S. Has retaliated in syria in terms of the military sponsor and the International Law do you think u. S. Forces have the right to carry out attacks on other countries soil. Well if its a defensive nature i think that any country has a right to carry its act on others its defensive in nature so there would hopefully be some type of intelligence behind the attack that happened in syria and i believe it is also you know how he she interacted well i think thats pretty standard and you know thats also to be expected from the United States i dont know if a lot of other countries would have the capacity to do such a tactic but that is it is fairly its to be expected now do you think that the deaths of these soldiers could lead it to something bigger i mean the u. S. Is not known for sitting back when things like this happen. Well absolutely i think when ron retaliated the 1st time around after the death of the gentleman and there were no u. S. Casualties in terms of deaths you know there was a lot of traumatic brain injury but it was no actual death i think this may change the equation right now present from providers and you know our you know crashing economy so this is going to be something that is also going to take his attention and require some type of response this also could be used over the political side this also could be used as a distractor for coronavirus and for the crashing a continent thats something that politicians often do is turn to military action to distract from domestic problems is very common so we do know that the u. S. Has just boosted its Missile Defense capacity in iraq. Could just possibly be a reaction to that move. Certainly yeah this is the Iraqi Government and parliament are in agreement that they would rather see the you know u. S. Missile capabilities people search but the Iraqi Government has allowed and permitted the United States to stay and in its advisory capacity and he didnt play against isis you know what you know remnants there are that the parliament on the other hand has the secluded you signed a 9 nonbinding Resolution Group requesting the United States troops who move from the country but its actually at the discretion of the record permits ministration so this is something that i think certainly. You know the defense Missile Defense system is something that they are looking at and saying its a catalyst for more aggression its also something that russia probably isnt too happy about neither you know just having those capabilities in the area with russia being a white around syria thats probably something its not something that theyre interested in seeing in the region all right very interesting to hear your thoughts you know just when you think things are starting to wind down they always ramp up again in the middle east paul here of middle east expert thanks for being with us here on our international thank you have you know. Right turkeys a president has ripped to greece over its migrant policy comparing the country to the nazis that is not sitting well with some in europe well bring the full story next youre watching. Seems wrong. Just dont. Let me. Get to shape out these days become active. And engaged because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. What is the difference between embarrassing gaffes and elder abuse joe biden certainly excels at the former and maybe is the big name of the latter we are told mention of Mental Health is limits to what degree is the public the right to know. We have to realize we are all living on a small fragile spaceship together and its really no different than a bunch of people in a harsh environment trying to rely on each other to survive we we are interconnected on this planet we rely on each other or do around the world to survive as a species. Welcome back this is our International Line from moscow now former Army Intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning has attempted suicide in her jail cell or her lawyer say according to the report she was found still breathing by a guard and rushed to the hospital she is now said to be fighting for her life we can now cross live to daniel was our whos a journalist and author thanks for being with us here on this short notice it is a bizarre development. Why would you think Chelsea Manning is trying to kill herself is this her only option or her only way out of prison at this point or i think so sure shes being held definitely in prison shes being fined a 1000. 00 a day for refusing to to cooperate with a grand jury that is investigating Julian Assange. The government has made it quite clear that she was that it will not let up in the persecution of manning so this really is the only way out its romack because all barack obama commuted her sentence before leaving office and yet the Justice Department is carrying out a campaign a vengeance. Put her back in prison with no escape essentially. We know that this is not the 1st time Chelsea Manning has attempted suicide. She is in prison presumably she is being watched how was she able to make this 2nd attempt that i have no information about whatsoever i have no idea. Now what does this mean for the governments ongoing case in which the leaks i mean will this put things on hold indefinitely or will they press forward. Its really unclear i mean. The the the u. S. Is determined to get its hands on Julian Assange as well see if the British Court does go along with his with his extradition but certainly if he is unable to testify im willing to testify that certainly deprives them of a of an important witness. Its not clear what the u. S. Is looking for in the case so its really not clear what what Chelsea Manning can tell the prosecutors. Now how might this affect ongoing extradition cases against in london we know separately theres a different battle going on there. Well i think the way i think it should affect it goes like this i think it. Says something about the kind of conditions that assad could expect if he is ever if he is extradited returned to the united United States i mean he essentially is going to face life in prison could be a clamp of the maximum maximum security prison solitary confinement treated extremely in humanely and i think will be placed the same kind of you know in your situation as Chelsea Manning so i think that her attempted suicide certainly dramatized. The the punitive nature of this entire investigation and it speaks volumes of whats in store for. The British Court goes along with with the u. S. Which i very much hope it wont. Daniel is our german journalist and author thanks for being with us a very serious topic we should point out to our viewers that suicide is a very serious and should not be speculated on if people are needing help and there are local numbers that you can call to try and find help thanks for being with us and helping us sort through this. The turkish president has courted controversy after comparing the approaches to the migrant crisis by the greek authorities to the nazis. There is no difference between what the nazis did and these images from the greek. Greece has taken steps to reinforce its border with turkey installing barbed wire as migrants have continued to try and cross the frontier despite tear gas being fired from both sides over the weekend the comparison comes as turkey and the e. U. Have been talking about reviewing a 4 year old a deal and at stemming the refugee flow to europe meanwhile the austrian chancellor has had some tough words for turkey. Because. I would like to think greece are doing everything to defend europes external borders this is an attack by turkey the turkish president one is abusing refugees is abusing money grants exploiting this suffering and using them as a weapon against the European Union middle east expert. Believes that the turkish leader is using the migrants as leverage. Turkey is left alone in this region why because turkey wants to have its say in the middle east and the mediterranean part of. Africa but turkey has no no ally with him turkey is part of nato and it wants the nato countries to support him but the nato countries said were never going to support you because youre giving the tension everywhere so he knows that that the nato countries and the European Countries will not support him so he has a one big leverage over the European Union its the crisis and he wants to put the poor so the nice advantage in order to lead opened the door and lead the go to europe in order to get the european backs confronting russia and confronting other countries and specially greece. Joe biden who heads the pack in the race to clinch the Democratic Party nomination after the former u. S. Vice president chalked a big wins in the latest round of the primaries for all those who have been knocked down all those have been counted lets be sure this is your brain. Just go read you really. Do this. Now are very much alive. Biden won in mississippi michigan missouri and idaho 3 of these are delegate rich states which rival Bernie Sanders picked up in 2016 that has led to biden being presented by much of the media as the candidate best placed to be donald trump in november despite some notable gaffes on the way hes kilmartin has unique commentary. The race for the democratic nomination is down to 2 horses and its pretty clear where the bets are going there on joe biden the good guy its a time for us to beat all trump and it became very clear to me that joe biden is the right person to do that hes the nicest person i think ive ever met but he is just a good guy and why not have a good guy in the white house after all for the past 3 years the media has been working very hard to convince everyone that pure evil has overtaken the u. S. Presidency but it doesnt take very deep digging to discover that you can rub off joe bidens good guy shine take a look at how he insulted Detroit Assembly plant worker who questioned his views on gun rights. He also has hinted that he believes that race and intellectual ability are somehow connected poor kids are just as brady just as towns white kids on top of that he is known to just make things up and say things on the fly that have absolutely no connection to reality we choose unity over division we choose science over fiction we choose truth over facts and a lot of ways joe biden sounds an awful lot like donald trump lets see if americans can tell them apart i bet youre as bright as you are good looking. Thats actually joe biden surprise we choose truth over facts. I was actually joe biden also poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids by the way. And actually biden and youre a lying dog faced pony soldier. Thats got to be true and actually biden also the narrative is supposed to be that donald trump is a big mean bully and joe biden is a lovable adorable grandpa with good intentions and hes supposed to be way better than that wild eyed radical Bernie Sanders except dont you remember how recently everyone was bashing joe biden i just think by. It is declining i dont think he has the energy and he has been a skilled debater we saw him with sarah palin weve seen him in the past the question is does he still have his job and destroy native and is he how sure are busy can you imagine that man in a president ial did buy with donald trump and theres not enough popcorn in the world to do is how subtly biden inserts obama into every possible answer having significant mental faculties issues is everyone ok with biden being president of the United States when hes having difficulty remembering the name of you know politicians that hed be dealing with on a regular basis but now we are told that opposition to joe biden is a russian plot the kremlins english language media aim to influence americans on the home tough activity promotes conspiracy theories targeting biden one lording trumps efforts to investigate a political opponent predicted detroit will win a 2nd term claimed that biden is called to be unraveling on some eyes that allegations of corruption are doing real damage to his president ial bid now the race is getting heated as the field has narrowed so the question is now will joe biden be able to keep that good guy image when its time to start taking shots at Bernie Sanders. R. T. New york former new York City Council candidate marni believes biden success is not really that spontaneous. In the beginning of this whole race i mean biden was coming forth then you know you know the Democratic Party says to everybody youre going to do this everybody obeys the Corporate Media also starts to say all this negative noise about barry i think whats happening now is very interesting this is usually what the Democratic Party does is they pick their annoying to one and they do everything to rig the entire environment theyre annoyed to get it it gets all the support and looks like there is sort of a white horse that coming to save the American People to see this kind of work is straight is they really are close to judge bloomberg everybody kinds of everybody falls in line to support biden whos kind of the chosen one i think when you when you have so much of that norways its very hard for the American Public to kind of see that. Mourners and 30 minutes and 30 seconds this is our International Stay with us. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics or business im show business ill see of. Course allowed but i stand here who once said that compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world he understands it turns it he doesnt pay so this is a remarkable quote from my stein and it has so much to do with todays stock market volatility and the coronavirus all working at the same time and showing what compound interest is all. Markets believe

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