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We have the unified deployment of virus we. Developed you know the china the virus mutations we saw have not affected Drug Development or the preparation of antibodies in vaccine so at present all the work is under control so we are actively observing the degree of the virus mutation and we are actively pursuing Scientific Research projects that. Go outside of china south Korea Remains the 2nd worst hit country and as of friday they are reporting the nother jump in infections across europe the containment strategy has been focused on isolating patients in areas where outbreaks have been spotted italy of course remains the site of europes biggest outbreak and the number of infections there have increased from dozens of daily cases to hundreds there are now over 3800 infections in italy 577 in germany and 423 in france a 5th patient has died from the virus in spain as the number of reported cases there has jumped to 102 though all of the victims so far in spain are in that high risk category meanwhile in iran the government is warning that it may use force to stop people from traveling between cities in order to contain the spread of the virus this is the number of cases in iran has jumped to 4700. 17 deaths have been added to the number of our deaths at least 124 patients have died up until today noon as a result of the coping 1000 disease there have been a total of 1413 infected patients in tehran as. And here in the u. S. The number of cases are increasing as well confirmed cases in Washington State have risen to 70 in new york city Officials Say over 2700 residents are under quarantine and they are being monitored for symptoms 2700 by the way are just being monitored they are not confirmed cases in new york state there are only 22 confirmed cases in fact and in San Francisco officials have placed a hold on the west coast based cruise ship the grand princess amid an outbreak on board friday President Trump signed an 8300000000 dollar emergency spending bill to combat coronavirus. 8. 3000000000. Thats and were seeing. It in the know where. We take care of it we have figures on the ship things are happening on the ship people are being tested. And i just spoke to the governor of california gavin newsom had a good conversation with both were going to the ship to get. Close to 5000 people so. Were doing testing this b. And then interestingly on fox business friday morning trouble ministration chief Economic Advisor larry kudlow indicated that the Trump Administration may be considering using quote targeted stimulus to help individuals or groups affected by the virus but exactly who those groups are or individuals might be is unclear. What has thought out sharply over the past month continuance grind lower and its a serious supply shock such as the assassination of a sound solomonic by. The u. S. Shut down of almost the entire libyan production and the us tightening sanctions on Venezuela Oil prices are now trading well 7 below 50. 00 prices tanked an additional 10 percent friday after russia opposed opecs proposed production cuts going to dish 1500000. 00 Barrels Per Day to stabilize prices the Saudi Oil Minister prince abdullah sees solomon is quoted having said that today will be a full day after talks ended with no agreement on current or further production cuts note that this is the 1st time in 6 years that opec talks have ended in vienna without a deal opec has 0 intention of pursing deeper because without russia and now analysts are worried that the results could be devastating for that well market oil could swiftly drop 15 percent to the high 30. 00 in that scenario now 50. 00 as we had mentioned before was the critical level and which it really starts to her for Energy Companies this is where they start to not be able to service their debt triggering a tsunami of bankruptcies among small producers and Oil Field Service with the trading at 41. 00 handled the u. S. Oil sector is in the stages of shakeout in order to survive many of them make Cap Companies will have to resort to merging with the competition. It is a mess right now and so many Different Levels but if you look also look at this latest story of possible price gouging theres a big concern about amazon if you go on amazon right now you can find things like pure ill and facemasks i think is going for 212. 00 ounce bottles for 145. 00 because because of the shortage or pure out enough people you think titos alcohol instead yeah and remember you can always just use soap wash your hands thats another way to do it as well you know airlines speaking of places that need to be cleaned airlines are being hit hard by the coronavirus as many cancel or even reassess their travel plans because theyre afraid of the virus spreading course one of their amount is they ok has that story. Coronavirus now severely impacting travel specifically the Airline Industry and both domestic and internet. Travelers and it could cost the Airline Industry billions of dollars multiple airlines had already cancelled flights to china including American Delta united new fans and British Airways but as a virus appeared in more countries airlines extended waivers to regions experiencing the worst outbreaks according to the International Air transport association this is the 1st decline global air travel has seen since 2009 during the big financial crisis airlines could be losing up to 113000000000 dollars in revenue if the coronavirus continues amid travel fears British Airline fly be collapsed leaving passengers stranded all fly b. Flights are canceled please do not go to the airport as your flight be flight will not be operating customers should find their own way home by making alternative travel arrangements via other airlines rail or coach operators and hong kongs Cathay Pacific airways announced its closing its vancouver cabin crew base cutting 147 crew members. Aviation analyst Jamie Fancher saying many big airlines are prepared for a worst Case Scenarios while Smaller Airlines could suffer a lot of the american carriers in the larger carriers around the world after the financial crisis of 2008 they had really tighten their belts and they consolidated however some of the smaller carriers that may not have the deep pockets in the economic cushion that the larger curious have you may see them starting to falter struggle and even become casualties of this entire process situation the Economic Impact on the Aviation Industry will not be as severe. But as of right now if he does not get under control it could cost the industry up to 113000000000. 00 is the prediction where you could even go higher could be lower if they can get it under control Airline Waivers could extend through may as some carriers are waving. Fees for changes and cancellation for both international and domestic flights heres whats happening to these carriers Spirit Airlines on the year down 45. 5 percent American Airlines down over 44 percent united down 41 percent all Delta Airlines down just over 23 percent on the year china eastern down 21 percent in a report to the securities and Exchange Commission Southwest Airlines estimates its 1st quarter 2020 operating revenues to be negatively impacted dropping its 1st quarter revenue between 2300000000. 00 earlier this week President Trump met with Airline Industry c. E. O. s putting a positive spin and noting the positive impact on people staying home and in the country in a certain way you can see and hear about it. And there are certain extent automatically shut down but its affecting the airline business. As you would a lot of people are staying in the country and theyre shopping using our hotels in this country so from that standpoint i think probably has a positive impact not only is Leisure Travel now cancelled but some Business Travel as well where some of the Worlds Largest conferences have been postponed or even canceled including St Petersburg Economic Forum on the worlds biggest mobile phone show mobile World Congress in barcelona the 2020 summer olympics in tokyo japan could be next and watch for what its going to. Move more conservative minded probably but im watching things. About you. I wouldnt i wouldnt travel just for personal reasons that were like i have a daughter in san diego and i was going to go visit her. But now if we go i probably shouldnt go parents and mine in their ninetys that im sort of have to keep an eye on so ill probably do that trip and i was. Go visit him but hes lives in seattle and i dont think i want to go to ground 0 for. Museums like the louvre in paris and Tokyo Disneyland are temporarily shut down while many cruises are not accepting cancellations Many Airlines are offering one way tickets as low as 20. 00 but many are saying that simply is not enough reporting for boom bust ceremony test r. T. The turbulent week on wall street continues as a 50 bed cut earlier did nothing to restore confidence to the market about 9 trillion dollars has been wiped off of global stocks in 9 days and the 10 year has now tumbled below point 7 percent for the 1st time ever a safe haven is hard to come by as investors pile into gold which is on track for its best week since 2008 and big question is once again breaking out above 1000 so lets see how we end up this week. Over in moscow the most traded down for the week as more cases of the coronavirus popped up within the country the government has cancelled the St Petersburg international Economic Forum as a precaution now with oil prices so low russias reliance on oil for its economic wellbeing is coming into focus once again as a slowdown in china is expected to deliver a 10000000000. 00 hit to russias exports for 2020 now over in shanghai the shanghai composite was up 5. 4 percent for the week as Manufacturing Activity in the mainland continues to pick up an ongoing rally in chinese stock market as well as Army Exchange rate over the last week is fanning speculation that china could become a new safe haven for investors with other Major Economies now reeling from the outbreak outstanding chinese bonds held by foreigners rose to 280000000000 in february and the u. S. D. In the japanese yen which were traditionally safe haven currencies have now succumbed to selling pressures while the arm became point 73 percent against the dollar as the outbreak continues to grow outside of china now over in hong kong the hang seng is flat up less than one percent as the i. M. F. Announced a 50000000000. 00 aid package to combat the virus Global Central Bank easing also help to guide equities higher as the local government continues to support businesses with a 2300000000. 00 lifeline over to japan though the nikkei was down 1. 8 percent tragi heavy losses on wall street and staging a repeat of last weeks bloodbath another diplomatic spat has a rupture between japan and south korea after tokyo said that it would quarantine all passengers arriving from the country which has the highest number of coven 1000. 00 cases outside of china now in response seoul has now halted visa waiver is and suspended existing visas for all japanese travelers. Over an india the sensex had a nasty week crashing 3. 3 percent as regulatory cards on yes bank triggered a crisis of confidence among domestic investors that state bank of india was directed to bail out the troubled lender leading to questions now surrounding the stability of the indian Financial System down in australia the r. B. A. Cut its rate by 25. 00 bits 2. 5 percent a new record low but despite this the aztecs is down 3. 5 percent for the week with almost every sector posting heavy losses and finally in south africa the all shares is down as a country come from the 1st case of coronavirus now over a ban for the rest of america and Europe Kristie thank you for that well over in europe lets just start here it was to say the least a very rough week thanks to not just the corona virus fears but this week the actual spread of the virus the corona virus is spreading quickly across europe with italy resorting to emergency measures through plans to close schools and universities potentially setting a precedent really for the entire rest of europe now in france the cac is down in germany the dax is down as well as in the u. K. With the footsie all of them down and one of the big fears right now in europe is that there is a tremendous strain right now on the european credit markets in fact that strain is the highest its been in 4 years the concern is that European Companies might now default on their bonds meanwhile on thursday the u. K. Low cost Airline Flight be collapsed in part because of the lack of travel from the coronavirus the Company Abruptly ended operations and grounded all flights now in fairness that company was already in bad financial shape but the downturn in travel because of the virus was simply too much lets go to south america now the evil vesper in brazil is down for the week in a big reason for this or Oil Prices Oil is down to 45. 00 a barrel and that result in stocks like us being down 9 percent over to the americas now where in mexico to be in these down and in the u. S. In the u. S. It is been a wild week my. U. S. Markets were up 1300. 00 points it was a record for the largest single day increase but tuesday markets dropped 700. 00 points after the fed indicated that it would help with a half percentage point rate cut that actually sent markets down over concerns that things might be worse than 1st thought that all wednesday we saw the markets jump back up nearly 1200 points it looked like a rally was underway and maybe the markets had found the bottom that was the idea and by the way Health Care Stocks were up on wednesday as well because of Bernie Sanders loss during the super tuesday. Votes around the country a lot of people looked at that and said well medicare for all wont happen therefore health care was up the market swings that were not done yet because on thursday markets dropped another 700 points or so and then on friday down by almost another 1000 points again a wild week in the americas thats just north of canada the ts x. They are down this week as well as kind of his main stock index was also extremely harmed in the Energy Sector the ts xs energy group fell 2. 89 points or 2. 6 percent while the Financial Sector slipped 6. 20 points or 2 percent now the big question looming over next week have markets actually found the bottom or will we continue to see markets fall that is this weeks market walk. Time now for quite frank but hang on because im going to turn final hiking your body what does it mean to you fasting and economics to kick and body into Better Health but how to get home break it all down and i get it right here the numbers at the cloud. And were going to fulfill repeated promises possible to the people you know weve all but the. Very rare bertha that you want to 1st. Know. As the Great American buxom ahmed ali once said he who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life risk averse is one thing that is not from being a key member of the mit Blackjack Team to investing in promising migrant into print. But what is a risk and how do you know if its worth taking. Its not quite meditating on a mountain top but every week we are taking a look at the issue of biohacking the effort to alter our minds or train even trick our bodies into becoming more efficient one of the big ways that we can bio hacker bodies is through nootropics and inner minute fasting so intimate in fasting is the. By which a person fast for a number of hours in order to encourage the body to burn fat storage it is not starvation it is really the process of tricking your body into efficiency as for nootropics that is a Cognitive Technology this includes certain food supplements or drugs that are taken to improve memory learning focus mood concentration motivation and attention all of which i need a little more of each day pretty basic stuff here and while its commonly referred to as biohacking this is really just about bio efficiency so joining us now to discuss is Geoffrey Wood the c. E. O. And cofounder of h b m in the my saying that right h b m in a different way to say that every. Minute stands for Health Via Modern Nutrition so you got it perfectly ok there you go so you know some of our viewers might remember you as we certainly do from the shark tank t. V. Show you were pitching your company at the time when you were sharing ideas about intermittent fasting and about nootropics a lot of people would you say were not familiar with this including kind of this idea of fixing human health and performance to dieting and fasting is it strange to you that only 3 or 4 years after your appearance on shark tank that so many more people really across the world are familiar with these ideas. Its not surprising a sense that thats essentially what we predicted. And i think if you look at the whole evolution of the science and the evidence piling up it wasnt surprising to see where that trend laid i think im pleasantly surprised by the fact that its gone from something that was. Yes fairly nice to know you have hollywood a list celebrities to performance athletes to diet in unfastening the highest search google trends so in some sense its going faster than planned which is really surprising and pleasantly surprising because we care about ultimately improving Health Outcomes and Health Performance so its overall good for society and our population that these trends are actually the same into the mainstream and i guess could you just break it down for our viewers where you see the difference lies between actual nootropics and perhaps adaptive because its 2 very similar subcategories. When people ask about specific definitions i sometimes left because these are very arbitrary distinctions in an overall class of compounds right at the end of the day what i think about is that were a system primarily were off the mice and human system and our Central Nervous system our brains and these are all orally ingestible compounds. Be called adapt the genes which are often tentacles plant molecules that control mood controlling zaya tea which sometimes have an overlap with nootropics which are a much more of a classic called him an answer so to keep it simple they describe classes of orally ingestible compounds. The genes tend to be more plant focused. Little bit more holistic in flavor who nootropics are sometimes more than that ik a little bit more rigorous in terms of the Clinical Trials that have been done on Healthy Human volunteers ok so jeffrey so lets talk about intermittent fasting a little bit so im i actually do in a minute fasting i use it im certainly not the poster child for theyve only been doing it for about a month now but ive been trying to explain it to people it is very different because i think the question that comes up so often is people say why would you starve yourself and its very different than your body going into starvation can you give people just kind of a quick overview of how it works and why its useful beneficial. Yeah in amman fastings village is a thoughtful pause in consumption so in our community which weve started for almost 5 years ago now we have one of the largest in a minute fast and communities people often ask is this the sort of eating are just popularized eating disorders and my quick answer is that well the standard western diet which is driving 3 quarters of us to be overweight and obese and one 3rd of americans to be. Diabetic thats actually disordered eating so im just really reflecting the script saying that its actually and session really consistent to have thoughtful pass in consumption so again what does that mean in practice well there are different routines or protocols interment fasting so something as simple as. Skipping breakfast and having a later lunch an earlier dinner 168 or 16 hour eating window 8 or 16 hour fasting window eating window is a very common 1st step in intimate fasting and then people get more sophisticated or want to really ramp up fat and bring their own fat getting taking ptosis thats where people start doing one meal a day or multiple day fasting and i would say that as you get into longer and longer fast definitely consult a primary Care Practitioner or understand the literature before you start doing a little bit more extreme activities in this kind of make sense you want expect to run a marathon off of the couch in a week and theres a similar adaptation in terms of fasting yeah well i love thoughtful pause and consumption can apply to a lot more than just food jeffrey. Thanks so much for your insight. Thank you. Its a sort of. More human mind stored. To be downloaded into any. Place but if youre stuck with the story you dont. As alter carbon kicks off season 2 on netflix you cant help but wonder if 300 years from now we have conquered death with digital immortality futurism former labor m. P. Dr ian pearson said that over the next few decades we will start to see the blurring of lines between human and Machine Technology for things like retina implants and chips are already here and by 2050 he believes that we will achieve cold electronic immortality sounds a lot like stacks so of course this will be only available to the ultra rich in the foreseeable future summer to the mets depicted in altered carbon and in order to live long enough to see that future the ultra wealthy population of today is spearheading the longevity industry now this includes spending thousands of dollars on young blood transfusions which yes it is exactly as it sounds to transfuse someone younger healthier blood into your own body which patients have reported renewed focus better memory improved appearance a muscle tone they are also spending up to 200002. 00 crowd generally freeze their brains and body at death in the hopes that they will be resuscitated in the future once Technology Catches up some pay extra to have their brain scanned at death loaded into a digital consciousness in the future now something a space those whove signed up for these Services Include amazons jeff bezos pay pals Peter Thiel Google sergey brin new media stars dimitri is tough and oracles larry ellison. While the idea of very wealthy people taking blood from young people and living forever on it thats an old term its called being a vampire but and i am i have to live for ever stop thats a idea there is something to that i think you could take some of those people and interspersed them with the idea of a vampire not that im saying theyre vampires but you know what im saying yeah it could be pretty interesting and then the idea of going to. Freeze our brain freeze your brain and put it into a robot later its basically like having a stack right i guess you wouldnt you couldnt have a soul though how does a bird as i could transfer the soul get transferred into the body thats what season 3 will. So now youve got to catch up with all the carbon right thats over this time you can catch a boom bust on the man of the brand new portable t. V. App its available on smartphones to google play in the Apple App Store just by searching portable t. V. Or you can stream us to your t. V. By downloading portable t. V. App on apple t. V. And online at portable t. V. Dot com and you can also find our crime virus tiger on the part one t. V. App where you can get the latest news and information about spread of the virus and as always check it out on you tube dot com 5 i must. Say next time. Time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability and a more equitable and sustainable well. They claim that production is completely hamas. Its because. Companies want us to feel good about products while the damage is being done far away this is Something Else this is going to mean and i need much. Since i moved. It used to be didnt. Seem to be based on just. 2 minutes. Im going to fulfill the repeated promises apologise to the people and come on you know weve all but be. Ready for a. Pretty good bertha now you want to 1st crack that. Nut. Ball 5 be. My ya. Feel. Oh please. Please yes to all this is on the move to. Los. Tear gas is fired on the border between turkey and greece as tensions continue to mount. Persist in trying to get to europe. Dozens of people are trapped under the rubble of a hotel in china which is reportedly housing suspected drone a virus. Meanwhile the World Health Organization warns its too early to hope for an end to the outbreak by summer. And spanish students condemned plans to give parents the final say on whether children should take Sex Education classes we debate parental veto. Proof the world. Good quality age appropriate relationships extrication

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