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Bench. As. It is. This is archie international my names union oneill 30. Views start. And we begin with breaking news on the program what was supposed to be moves between peace between the u. S. And the taliban appears to be unraveling this witness that the u. S. Has conducted under a strike against the Islamist Group in Afghanistans Helmand province thats reports emerge of deadly taliban attacks overnight which killed more than 20 Afghan Soldiers and Police Officers correspondent joins us now been following developments were seeing these fatalities only a few days ago were talking about this supposed peace deal and then only last night donald trump was trying to convince the world of the talibans ready to stop the violence here thats correct before the long tramp was on a phone call with the leader of the taliban this is the organization banned in russia and so many other countries as terrys hes also the groups chief negotiator but i thought it was a 35 conversation in some way it was a historic moment in direct contact between a u. S. Leader and a senior taliban and heres donald trump talking about. We had a very good conversation with the leader of the taliban. Theyre looking to get this and were looking to get it and we had a good. They want to seize the violence. Talking about ceasing the violence theres this resurgence not actually mean these attacks and were hearing you know 20 day death the much vaunted peace deal its unlikely to prevent further bloodshed in the us than any time soon we did hear didnt we official saying that this might happen and that might happen but very little was said that theres going to be an optic in atomics you know of course bloodshed didnt stop unfortunately we can see that and you have to remember that the taliban is. The only problem again a crisis is very complex one what does that mean there are many sides and parties involved and what is desperately needed for peace is to see all these sides on the same page and we dont see that why because taliban is not cooperating and we see the that the of danny government is not cooperating either rejected the talibans request to release 5000 combat and Political Prisoners something that was promised to these groups by washington and was set in concrete in that accord that you mentioned that was signed on saturday but so they are expecting they are calm but brother is to be released soon but the government doesnt seem to agree and here is the government. There is no commitment to release 5000. 00 prisoners i have shared this with dr college and this is the right and the decision of the people of afghanistan chef they have requested it it could be included in the agenda of the enter an afghan talks but it cannot be a prerequisite for talks. This is the direct link this is the opposite direct conflict with what taliban expects and what washington is expecting and you have to remember that that deal was praised and welcomed by so many not only dont trump as a victorious one here is made to achieve. A comprehensive cease fire be achieved this is for peace. So what we can see is that the situation on the ground in afghanistan is get more and more dramatic its a skill late in the beilenson skeleton and eve this is a victory i dont want to defeat should look like thanks very much bring this right up the dates on those deadly attacks in afghanistan and. Well lets say delve a little bit further into this story im happy to say we can bring all live to the program journalist and geo political analyst run the job and welcome days of supposed that progress and just the week 2 hours were hearing from our correspondent but scheduled prisoner swap now we have this how undermining our weapons these attacks to the peace. I think that the end of the day to the u. S. Which is a sponsible to get this deal implemented not the families that is north of the u. S. It was equipment by the u. S. Government that it would make sure that the 5000. 00 prisoners of gunpowder bombs there would be released and in a return bond would at least 1000. 00 of them soldiers so i think americans really have to put their foot on the to secure situation they would have to pressurize to the actual going to government to implement this deal because i have got the government does not have a control in much of a gun is on 7 more than 70 percent that is going toward by Afghan Taliban they are the reality and as of us a suggested might well be asserted that this deal is a good boy and by the ground realities and the good old really please do tell bones are told in military force they will have no since the americans have fear to deal with the Afghan Taliban military elite so theyre followed negotiated settlement as the only way out. Of gone almost knocked out of hospitals i think. Americans are complicating the situation there the bigger trouble right now is the it doesnt offer sure were going to government which is a controversial elected there were hardly 15 percent of the votes endorse that actions have also been disputed because the his contained a beloved sink that those elections were federal and so in the broader picture i think if the situation persist this deal could possibly deal but the fact of the matter is look and i can leave afghanistan therefore i think there will have to implement this deal over the past almost 2 decades job that weve heard the term peace talks reaching a final phase before how can we are we going to see the prospect of peace kicked on the road delayed even more that the people of afghanistan that been waiting so long for something concrete is not out of their grasp. Bumpy road to peace there would be certainly problems there would be certainly it seems as we have seen today when we have seen attacks from both of the Afghan Government soldiers also from the u. S. Soldiers and more particularly lethal attacks from the Afghan Taliban is against agus of gun soldiers so in that context technically the peace deal is all of the deal because the the understanding was that did would be the duction in ones deal was more ceasefire so i think that now as as we speak of probably american needs to put your own house in order particularly talking with russia were going to government as to why they are not implementing the this prisoner survive which is the business where it is very important because once the prison slaps happens then the next step is that deal will be in crawford on dialogue which means all the Political Parties all that region at a new growth. Above the ship of the next government no buck to start has also been under pressure from the u. S. Behind the scene from arab leaders of there have been reports suggesting that pakistan is being asked this should pressure on taleban to accept new terms and conditions of a should get a government that is going to govern should be accepted for the next 20 years that is something next to impossible american needs to understand that the good old delicti in afghanistan are together different bonds are not listening to pakistan de vere the world believes that is the case java thanks very much for giving us a lot of back row and into some of the scene a sweeping seeing overnight in Afghanistan Job at rana geo political expert and journalist. Moving on another headline the growing migrant standoff between greece and turkey has seen top ranking e. U. Officials visit the border brussels is pledging to deploy Additional Forces and provide millions of euro in aid to athens praising it for being europes shield the visit comes a few days after turkey lifted border restrictions which have been preventing a migrant influx to europe tens of thousands have been trying for days to get across or to charlotte drove along the border to see firsthand. Come further down south was still on the greek so i did the border with turkey where newtown called fairies and i just want you to get a sense of the action thats happening all around us were just outside the town hall the local Mayors Office and it looks like people are gathering here in the anticipation of going to war to the Turkish Border and forming some kind of human chain tonight to ensure that there are no illegal crossings from turkey we know that since saturday more than 24000 people have attempted to cross the border but were hoping to speak to the local mad to find out how he in his town are going to deal with that. So we didnt get to speak to them he wasnt hit tonight but we did get to speak to many of the people who were taking part in that they sachin and they all seemed to be pretty tense knew the mood was full of tension in fact one guy said to me you can feel it. Everybody is here tonight because we want to help greece protect its borders from any kind of illegal migration we see people from bangladesh afghanistan anywhere from places that have nothing to do with war and they come to our country essentially the e. U. We think europe should change its stance and contribute to send a strong message to turkey the largest political policies of previous years that these people to enter our country without carrying any permit documents was in a very big mistake and created issues of inequality greece is not alone it is a european country but europe should support it because until now greece is not going supported weve left the town to hold now were driving out towards the front here in the hope of getting a sense of whats going to happen along the border overnight to get a sense of what this human chain to protect the green. Borders from anybody trying to cross illegally its going to be blind so were just coming up to a checkpoint now where theyre stopping us. Yes. We have to turn around ok so were being told we have to turn around we cant go any further. Not far out from faris we spoke the greek on me in what looks like Illegal Migrants on the side of the road. Weve had a chat with the offices they said we cant film but they have confirmed that they found the 2 Illegal Immigrants trying to cross the software we are in the script land behind and they told us that 2 individuals from afghanistan to receive an update from the volunteers who are not securing the greek food and the affair is a video showing the migrants camped out on the border. As we were trying to film. We were stopped this my cameraman being scooped it up by well looks like a military person out to the border. So just an update on that situation all thats been smooth but we have moved away from the border because of see we dont want to create more tension with the security personnel that are there but it gives you a sense of how much tension there is here given the fact that the volunteers are out willing to be in the middle of nowhere in the way to secure their borders the fact that we were told not to come anywhere near the pool. Now the greek Prime Minister said this week that his country wouldnt be blackmailed by said that they would do Everything Possible to stop an invasion of migrants crossing the border illegally im not exactly we seeing in towns like this that ability for people to take up their own noms and to go to the ball which is to push text greece for anybody trying to cross even ski auti in ferris. Or ride having stateside with a super tuesday results are currently coming in the Democratic Partys biggest test reveals who voters want as their u. S. President ial pick 14 states are deciding in the most significant one day barometer of where things are heading for the county thats so far former Vice President joe biden has taken 9 states while progressive senator Bernie Sanders has talked the polls in 3 the biggest prize over there in the west coast california which has the most delegates up for grabs voting still in fact underway there sunders currently leads now before super tuesday got underway 2 contenders dropped and purging their supporters to not get behind joe biden i am ending my campaign and endorsing joe biden i am looking for a president who will draw out what is best in each of us and im encouraging everybody who is part of my cue to join me because we have found that leaders in Vice President soon to be president. March 3rd 2020. I will be casting my ballot for joe biden. A Common Thread throughout the scrum both so far to get the democratic nomination is for the rivals to take a Bernie Sanders came up and breaks down not aspect of the campaign. Its been a long winter for the democrats theyve been feeling the cold burn oh you know we know you believe. In god you know here youre right in the her body. Was in the but now as the spring rolls in the party has descended into panic i think its a little late to stop and i think thats the problem the game it is pretty much over reading last night about the fall of france in the summer of 1940 and then general reno closer to churchill and says its over can either coronavirus or Bernie Sanders be stopped totally transform society with firing squads dungeons torture and exile so hes been pretty clear thats what he supports morning standards but stopping the burning machine is not an easy task after all most rank and file democrats more or less agree with his policies so heres how the operation has moved forward. The reds are coming trigger those cold war terrorists socialism is a threat to American Freedom see that hammer and sickle and be afraid be very very afraid i believe if castro and in the reds had won the cold war there would be executions in central park and i might have been one of the ones getting executed and certain other people would be there cheering lets not forget that Bernie Sanders once praised cubas achievements in terms of literacy and health care were very opposed to be authoritarian they tour of cuba but you know its unfair to simply say everything goes but you know when fidel castro came into office you know what he did he had a Massive Literacy Program is not a bad thing after 4 years of looking on in horror as sean cozied up to dictator. We need a president who will be extremely clear in standing against regimes that violate human rights abroad we cant risk nominating someone who doesnt recognize this fidel castro and if a dog can see forced labor camps religious repression widespread poverty firing squads and the murder of thousands of his own people. Lets talk about his Literacy Program but most millennial dont even remember the cold war communism doesnt really scare them and socialism certainly doesnt so time for plan b. Now Bernie Sanders is accused of splitting an already weak and fractured Democratic Party why we would risk this extraordinary opportunity by nominating somebody who has a tendency to divide their own side is beyond me furthermore sanders is accused of having views that just wont fly in a general election the face of the democratic policy might be sponsoring things thats absolutely nothing but your votes but this narrative doesnt seem to work either. So now Bernie Sanders is accused of being a russian plot to undermine american democracy this claim is repeated by other president ial candidates as well as Robert Obrien the National Security advisor and his sources are named though these reports that they want Bernie Sanders to get elected president thats no surprise he had a motive and moscow and it turns out that in fact Bernie Sanders once even visited russia you know years ago back when it was called the soviet union yeah thats pretty old news scraping the barrel lets go on to plan b. Time to unite behind joe candidates are dropping out perhaps a bit prematurely and putting their Energy Behind joe biden has come up a little bit and i dont know whats happened barely i think theyre trying to take it away from i dont know if thats fair but i guess its politics when you get right down to it whats fair why throw in the towel so early well theyve got to do everything in their power to defeat Bernie Sanders and 2016 leaked emails revealed by wiki leaks show that the d. N. C. Went guns blazing to end his bid for the white house now will they be so lucky the 2nd time caleb mop and archie new york will among the reaction weve been getting to this has been from new York City Council hopeful. Just backing up what it was saying she thinks that the Democratic Partys National Committee is doing all it can to do real saunders chances. Democrats everybody falls in line they line up so perfectly everybody drops out. And you know throws their way to support biden so you know in that in that respect you sort of see how you know the democratic parties are coalescing and micromanaging every way that they can support biden. And you know i see it you know Bernie Sanders he said the system was rigged you can see how its being rigged against him former democratic chair donna brazil got into a Heated Exchange after a suggestion that the Democratic Convention would be rigged against say the hell out of our race i get sick and tired and for people to use russian talking points to so division among americans that is stupid so rather go to hell that is completely absurd i mean this is the same donna brazil who would pass questions to Hillary Clinton so hillary would have you know an unfair advantage in the debates against her instanter so i mean that this is completely absurd and its actually really really infuriating because what it is is you know its really the Democratic Party trying to cover their tracks and really not so well in the fact that theyre really working against you know Bernie Sanders who really essentially you know a real contender and possibly the front runner. Nation scramble to stem the spread of coronavirus and his home the hygiene message here in russia there are so far 6 confirmed cases dozens are in quarantine on her supervision our Senior Correspondent out goes d of who has just completed 2 weeks of self isolation of home following a trip to hong kong though he told us what the experience was like about the other measures russia is taking to keep infections at bay. One of the things you could do you realize as a bearded man is you just look silly in a face mask but this is my only souvenir from hong kong my trip to hong kong and i was only there for a few days while i was there there were hardly any infections or in the weeks since but coming back to moscow the medics here really didnt care so youre treated like anyone else and our 1st taste of what was to come was still in the play when a lady came aboard and this is while we were still in the plane having landed she took all our measurements are temperatures and she was in full has makin so we walked past passport control into the baggage area and that is where the real Party Started i mean there were dozens and dozens of medics in full hazmat get covered head to toe taking down everything about us what we did who we were with where we were this is all part of a huge russian effort to make sure that the 1000 virus didnt gain a foothold here the monitoring of the epidemiological situation was organized from the initial days of this complex situation additional measures were taken to strengthen sanitary in quarantine control at checkpoints across the russian border 6 new cases of corona virus infections were recorded join the monitoring period in all cases a full range of necessary and see epidemic measures was organized which prevented the subsequent spread of the infection. When they 1st mentioned quarantine i thought it be like a mini vacation you get to sit at home and as it turns out it isnt after all so he calls throughout the day starting in the morning for medics asking how youre feeling when there are any symptoms cough or whatever you also had visited by police and medics just to check up on you to make sure that you were still at home i mean eventually out of sheer boredom with the terms of the quarantine agreement that i signed at the airport and the penalties are pretty severe so for example if if you leave the house to go to the shop which you can then you just leave and nothing nothing happens well that starts a fire and potentially Community Service if you leave the house or apartment the Quarantine Zone and you infect someone adds up to a year in jail a year in jail if you infect someone and they go on to die that is up to 5 years in prison which is a pretty severe punishment. A lot of fear i would say panic would around the world and in russia as well which is which isnt being helped by the fact that theres a lot of misinformation misleading information on the internet for example one russian sub Security Company for example was identified the messages being repeated online that is spreading misinformation and there are people out there that are you know enjoying this. Good to have some bad news there really want to say to people i care about i beg you to spread this information as much as possible if our thore does do not want to inform us about this well have to inform each of these leaked information that there are 20000 patients with coronavirus mosque which was massive dont go to crowded places take care of the child there and stock up on what you know fortunately its sad that shops will be empty this information is more than reliable i must devote. The end of the day its just common sense. For the advise that you read on the internet and breaded for example followed vies that you hear from doctors wash your hands regularly dont touch your face as a bit of personal advice that i can give you if youve got a trip lined up in the immediate future to a place where theres been an outbreak dont go the korean team isnt worth it. Or we got word face from a molecular biologist and also asked him if the levels of public anxiety are in step with the real risks. The panic is one thing but purpose is another but also panic is about not being able to control things but there are really little feelings each of us can do to minimize the risk to himself and the risk to others and we all hear about those things that one can do repeatedly so there is no reason to panic here but there are actually things that can be done the most important thing you need to do at that stage is 1st tracing the contacts 1st actually test team having reliable tests that tell you whether the person is actually infected and then tracing hes or her contacts. It out as are a lot but a hard hitting watch next chronicling a largely unspoken about topic in the u. S. Military invisible war begins in a moment. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. These policymakers are grown accustomed to the idea that every single problem can be solved with money printing why cant we solve the coronavirus of money printing the market now is starting to scratch just had a little bit and saying wait a minute thats insane so therefore valuations look like theyre going to be marked down already in correction territory on these markets down 10 percent are we going to have to bear market valuations down 20 percent probably i think the likelihood is extremely high a 50 to 60 percent drop thats probably a 10 to 20 percent probability. Time after time so were going underground as well communist china claim success at dealing with coronavirus major nations like britain by post 20 sturdy cope with record low hospital bed numbers coming out of the show this tragedy now is for us will coronavirus catalyze a repeat of the 28 with the economic crisis we checked the temperature of wall street with sky Bridge Capital founder and former white house director of communications to these government chief and his u. K. Media continues to completely ignore the plight of jailed and tortured publisher judy innocent in the london jail what should you do if you want to blow the whistle on your workplace in britain. We speak to whistleblowing advisor. Plus who is the british senior Civil Servant who sensationally resigned over an edge to bullying by Boris Johnson the time secretary pretty patel herself disgraced over links to the Israeli Government we speak to a Home Office Minister who dealt with windrush scandal permanent secretary so if it were up im now planning to take the government to court all of them all coming up in todays going on the ground but 1st lets go straight to the patient that Corporate Media is most concerned about when it comes to coronavirus wall street joining me now is the former White House Communications director and the founder of sky bridge cow

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