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Since the big. Day in moscow this is your r. T. International news bulletins from russias capital city welcome to the program. To democratic candidates. The us president ial nomination race ahead of socalled super tuesday it is the partys biggest voting day and people. Are throwing their weight. I am ending my campaign and endorsing joe biden. To endorse joe biden. To unite our party and our country im looking for us. What is best in each of us and im encouraging everybody who is part of my campaign to join me because we have found that leader in Vice President soon to be president. And big 24 hours ahead super tuesday is when the largest number of states head to the polls at the same time 14 to be exact more delegates are chosen on any other day or run the 3rd are up for grabs those delegates will then go on to make the final pick front and center for the democrats is a battle between former Vice President joe biden and progressive senator Bernie Sanders who is currently out in front with an 8 party delicately. While taking to twitter donald trump accuse the Democratic Party of attempting to stop their frontrunner from getting nominated again the president was referring to the nomination signed 2016 which he ses was skewed in favor of hillary clinton. Shes out all of the super tuesday votes will go to sleep each oh pardon great timing this is the real beginning of the dems taking bunning out of play no nomination again the democratic leadership is fighting hard to stop bunny than to stop drum group just dropped out of the president ial race. This is all about stopping the Democratic Partys moderate shall we say establishment wing coalesces around biden to stop any its starting to look a lot like 2016 when the same wind rallied around clinton it is to the republicans advantage to see a brokered convention a chaotic democratic race here on out so you have to wonder since saturday night and looking at a thing is internal was there actually a conversation and said listen youre young youve got a lot more forward for you in history in history in politics maybe if you help us out here make sure that our party stays our party along establishment lines you might have a place of 20 years of the wont forget you have to just think of the time how all of this is happening going into tomorrow with the biggest complaint right now about joe biden if he does not have as many delegates as Bernie Sanders does or has the popular vote behind him tomorrow is very key to getting joe bidens numbers out to at least keeping that equal race between the 2 incidentally super tuesday also marks the 1st time the controversial billionaire Mike Bloomberg will be on the ballot to let him up and has been taking a look at the choice the democrats are putting before voters and what they goal of and coming. As we enter the thick of the race for the democratic president ial nomination 3 major contenders stand out now of course the candidates are emphasizing what is different about them however they do have some things in common all 3 are white all 3 are male and all 3 are in their late seventys meet the grandads who are contending for the democratic nomination. Joe biden is 77 years old and hes the youngest to many he reminds them of an easygoing grandpa with a bad habit of forgetting peoples names please come back in less than 13 years or. Our chad thank you very much all right its christian but anyway i just heard chris i dont know i just heard chuck now hes known to get a little touchy feely with women he says thats because it was acceptable back in his time and its an old man habit that he just cant break 2. Were going to cut from you remember that awkward feeling you had when your grandfather was telling anecdotes about his rough and tough younger days well of joe biden becomes president you might as well get used to it and corn pop was a bad dude and he ran a bunch of bad boards and i did you know and back your nose day job things have changed one of the things you had to use if you use pot made your hair you had to wear a bathing cap and series up on the board would list message a master you off the board rock about the drag you off where you came off and he said ill meet you outside now sometimes the stories just get so weird to wonder if hes maintaining his sanity and go you know to do surely receive medical school if youre rich theres generally county executive county executive. I propose that we do greste slightly here we were in a situation i had a president ask me they had a cancer and shes. Now hoping to take out joe biden is former n. Y. C. Mayor Mike Bloomberg now Michael Bloomberg like many grandparents is known for his generosity. 21. 00 of those were people that i spent 100000000. 00 to help elect all of the new democrats that came in and put nancy pelosi in charge and gave the congress the ability to control this president s eyeball i got them he works really hard to be hip with the kids even knows what a meme is. With my screen i think this. Big gay ice cream is the best many suspect he may harbor some racial prejudices d. You know. And then theres Bernie Sanders the elderly socialist originally from brooklyn hes the kind of grandpa that everyone seems to be scared of can either coronavirus or Bernie Sanders be stopped they are bernie bolsheviks they are bernie brownshirts thats what they are and their revolution will result in death and misery another homewood to more or another whole accost or whatever we call the next great socialist atrocity totally transform society with firing squads dungeons torture and exile so hes been pretty clear thats what he supports many standards when i now many times Bernie Sanders family has apparently urged him to move into a retirement home but he decided to run for president instead one thing about bernie though is that despite his age its the young voters who love him the most. Not just the campaign we already both generate should know both the ridge show grass roots good now sanders critics love to point out that despite the fact that he rants and raves against billionaires hes certainly no poor man himself sure laugh all you want but its very possible that one of these 3 elderly white men could be the next president of the United States yes if donald trump fails to be reelected its all but certain hell be replaced by someone with white hair white skin and a deep voice and while that does not fit the liberal Democratic Party message about inclusion it also follows a longstanding u. S. Tradition of media list long all things helping those come to it says the big 3 democrats is a bit rich. When you deal with a party that speaks about deferred study and not by an airy gender did fluidity and demographic heterogeneity the new when young men. And then you end up with this the older rich guy they dont care about diversity they dont care anything they want to win everything about this election has been the source of great comedic relief for me that being said. I want everyone to appreciate what we have right now because we have one of the most seismic collapses the Democratic Party is about to. Enjoy now we have 2 people so you talk about between a rock and a hard place between this seller and career the Democratic Party is absolutely petrified. Moving on turkey his claiming more than 130000 Asylum Seekers have made their way into greece the Border Agency frontex earlier said its now on high alert and build a ploy extra support for athens it all stems from an intensification in fighting in syria is it a liberal vince which led turkey to claim it can no longer accommodate the refugees its borders with the e. U. Race is fiercely resisting insists it will turn back anyone attempting to enter illegally as well as crossing by many migrants have been attempting to reach greece by boats in the past day or so with a breath in making it to the eastern a genome and on monday a video emerges purportedly showing a greek coast guard vessel intimidating a dinghy full of refugees firing warning shots into the water run them and in a separate incident a child drowned off the coast of this boss when an inflatable boat overturned well this latest refugee influx is sparking Major Concerns in the e. U. As peter over explains. As the situation at the border between turkey and greece escalates the turkish president has warned to expect the number of people trying to cross to increase since the moment we open our borders the number of those who have had to europe has reached hundreds of thousands now will be more soon this number will be in millions while politicians here in germany are adamant this must not turn into the. Before we soar in 2015 even is there not i find it an acceptable the president had learned his government are not negotiating their discontent of the situation with us the European Union but instead taking it out in refugees this is not the right way in my opinion. Of it because its also with regards to turkey we see the burden that turkey is bearing by comma dating almost 4000000. 00 refugees but we must not only fill the obligations from the relevant agreement but you must also remind the turkish side that it is also fulfilling its obligations nowish and right now. In the state of the very a they are very unhappy with the turkish government accusing ankara of trying to squeeze more money out of the European Union we need to create a political solution it is clear that we must not allow ourselves to be blackmailed by turkey its a message echoed by the greeks who have suspended all asylum applications for a month athens says migrants are being used as pawns in turkeys game to exert diplomatic pressure turkeys decision to open its border with greece is directly linked to an increase in military action to its border with syria ankara says they just cant handle the number of people fleeing violence and heading towards them they blame the European Union for not living up to promises turkeys actions violate a 2016 deal with the European Union which they agreed to take millions of refugees and migrants in exchange for Financial Aid the standoff between greece and turkey has led to french president emmanuel micron offering his assistance full solidarity with greece and bulgaria france is ready to contribute to european efforts to give them rapid assistance and protect the borders we must act together to avoid a humanitarian and migration crisis the European Council president sharma shell is set to visit the border between greece and turkey. To assess the situation on the ground for himself as it continues to increasingly resemble what we saw in 2050 these are all over. Afghan police say at least 3 people helping killed 11 others wounded in an explosion near a Football Ground in the Eastern Province of cost and no one has admitted those he had carrying the attack however just a day earlier the taliban said it would really launch operations against the cobol government after president gary refused to commit to the terms of a peace deal between the United States and the islamist group. The reduction in violence has ended now an operations will continue as normal as part of the us taliban agreement on mujahedeen will not attack Foreign Forces but the operations will continue against the Kabul Administration forces i would caution everybody to think that theres going to be an absolute sation of violence in afghanistan that is probably not going to have its going to go to 0 pulling out of afghanistan is still very much Donald Trumps goal to despite monday setbacks. Were getting out we want to get out we had good meetings with the taliban and. We are going to be leaving and were going to be bringing our soldiers back home weve been there for almost 20 years its a long time weve done a great job in terms of getting rid of terrorists now its up to other countries to get rid of those terrorists and the war in afghanistan has not only been a real struggle for the us but also for its allies on the ground britains minister for veterans has expedia ated a Mental Health program to help former soldiers it recently emerged out there had been a surge in suicides among the grouping since the beginning of the year. I want to understand exactly what stage we could or should have intervened in that process its unimaginable its a tragedy for the institution the army that im so proud of where hes open and is open well we know that 14 veterans have taken their own lives in the past 2 months of the most served in a particular army unit involved in britains mission in afghanistan between 2002 and 40. I. I. I. I. I. I i. Well lets go live now to former british soldier Michael Michael is also a member of veterans for peace u. K. Michael good to see you on the program the British Defense ministries accused of turning a blind eye to veterans suicide it didnt collect data element on like say be u. S. Canada is it there for criticism and what should it have been doing d. Ready. Military spent 22000000 and Mental Health issues and then you can sort of the defense but you know youre not 50000000000 i mean d 22000000 so with a lot of money put into what we spend on weapons so when you consider the. Government present government will any government in the past. Weve put 120000 deaths due to austerity cuts to deal honestly think these people gathered on a few short years to get who would like. To know. The military means of just cytoplasm and the military just expendable items as all the and with much. And i mean you know because d the cost of moving up. The hope creates for the day that will turn a blind eye to the survival of the death of us like the criticism is justified we should point i think Mental Health program will begin next month on top of the existing Health Service treatment for p. T. S. D. And helping veterans and other issues michael how effective do you think that would likely to be. You talk about the n. H. S. I dont expect the n. H. S. To be around in its present form for much longer because the money may not letting that was just a piece of the big box the language and i use that term loosely brain so again thats just part of the sky. That i wouldnt trust any government starts at all and thats ok and the thought of former british soldier michael pike from veterans for peace you can michael thanks for your time thank you. Turning it in israels latest election is still to have been the highest in more than 2 decades this by voters having to head to the polls for unprecedented 3rd time in less than a year so far it seems embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a narrow lead and is already claiming victory now about this despite the fraud charges he faces on the line during Palestinian Peace deal reporting from tel aviv the sleeper. Were still waiting for the final results which we will expect in the next few hours but as you say the initial exit polls do put the countrys Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu some 5 parliamentary seats ahead of his main rival benny guns who is a former army chief and this is good news for the netanyahu temp but it still means that the party force at least one or 2 seats short of being able to form a Coalition Majority and in this case we might see the country headed towards a 4th election what we saw was the highest voter turnout in 21 years so certainly israelis are feeling that they want to make sure their voice is heard at the same time there were concerns that fake news around the coronavirus would also keep people at home and having said all of that there is still a sense of disillusionment i did spend part of the day at different voting stations and talking to his way these day they say that they feel disillusioned with the process some use the word disgusted and this was a sentiment that was echoed by the countrys president. It was always a day we consider to be a celebration of israeli democracy and i must say that today i feel most sense of celebration only a sense of hard shame for you the citizens of israel we dont deserve another horrible Election Campaign that deteriorates into such filth like the one that ends today. But neither of these developments seems to have taken away from the voter fatigue that still seems quite entrenched as these israelis told us. She hurts me a lot to see that weve got into this situation because it cost so much money this is a country thats trying to keep its head above the water in the congo of all economic environment. I think the situation is a disgrace i think have an election time says a lot about our connotations we have a situation where no one is willing to compromise we are forced to go to the polls again and again i believe we are heading for a fall from the action so its not about. The situation is not the best but on the other were trying to remain optimistic i would personally like to see a unity government i want to see cooperation between the parties because at the moment according to the post there are no other options. Now there were protests that were held against netanyahu before these elections because of the corruption charges he faces and whats still not clear is assuming he wins another term in office how will he even be a serving Prime Minister and at the same time face his charges in court that is something potentially the Supreme Court will need to decide upon in the coming hours we do expect the final results we dont think theyre going to be very different to the exit polls but of course as soon as we hear them up and. You know we do in fact seem to be edging closer to that i expect the next hour or 2 will be able to give you something more definitive all those results now earlier we discussed the exit polls with the stuff heads up the Palestinian National Initiative Also how that newspaper columnist and friend of the program gideon levy. It seems according to the exit polls that. Benjamin ateneo is going to be the next Prime Minister is going to continue to be the Prime Minister of israel even though he carries. Heavy criminal drug use he may be Prime Minister while the trial is going on but you know its a serious dryland i dont see how we can do both but i trust the. Skids who put this over the table there was a very important factor which is the Arab Community the palestinians who live in israel have also voted in the largest amount since a very long time because everybody feels that its cool for its happening everybody feels the risk of explosion or did everything you could. To mobilize the supporters to come and vote for him so that is. Supporting the continuation of his policy but he got a dose of the fact that the money is indicted on these for similar cases of corruption. That was seen in scandinavia but more than 2 thirds of swedens a landscape is made up of sweets of forest and its in serious danger european n. G. O. S and Scientists Say relentless harvesting is destroying the system sweden prides itself on being a part of goal of sustainable timber practices but forest campaigners claim the methods used are far from environmentally friendly. According to official reporting under d u habitats directive 1415. 00 for aspire to help since we do not have a favorable conservation status today only about 6 percent of the productive forest land in sweden is formally protected. Sweden is feeling to reach its national and International Environmental targets the potential to achieve these targets is reduced every time there is logging in a high conservation value forest act now. 14 out of the 15 habitats forest habitats in sweden are not healthy based on european reporting old natural forest. Are increasingly disappearing and just because trees are standing doesnt mean that they are healthy forests where youre going to have a heavy impact on soil productivity which is actually going to hurt foresters in the long run really destroying Ecosystem Services the ability for the forests to filter water the ability for those forests to protect the landscape from natural disasters these are things that everybody has to balance at once where the Forest Industry in in sweden but all over europe we have already what we see that there are huge differences for example. Youre about to hear approaches such they do in sweden mouse and this destroys the environment very very much in other countries such a job and even if it is already has already sweden shows that you have to rethink and propose the euro as it is now it should say. Thats how the news is shaping up for now but for right up to the minute quite literally updates this choose they are twitter page tell us you well and truly covered its worth a follow this is our to international. The world is driven by dreams shaped by. Military thinks. We fear him to ask. Why do we go to war because we view the key to Economic Growth as oil and energy we go to war is Vice President cheney said for the oil thats why they invaded iraq for the oil thats why trump says the one thing we want in syria we really dont want to go to war with russia we want to just control the oil. And the gas lines and the pipelines through afghanistan so the military is really an extension of controlling a world of energy and oil. Last. You know good golf a. Good number doing a pretty one when you. See the bible being the only tool in the book and you. See. That of all of us in the. Streets as in i guess. Simone will see. The results and i will call for you all are you going to. Find me occupied is a. Little disappointing. And so the. Most of it to you. Over syria so some of its also was you just got a shot as a. Mushroom was it a sassy op requested thank or not they have a kenyan foam uniform that. Dumpy or a button to the m. M. C. Rodolphus c m m c 2 tissue and spam the limit they call a state. Of no no youre more of like youre going to look at your through something with you in the service of the bring to the sharing of this goodness youre going to go shooting look at the ship the cream of the storm the. New. Upon the political food or the secret julia announced. This is what 4 weeks of excavation in the middle of somalia looks like a big empty hole where the team had expected to find a forgotten grave the final resting place of a general and a childhood friend of napoleon and this is the sound of disappointment alphonsus. Look at these dont. Know we dont want. Logs to bust im sure you know if its more to put your version of a dick. Lugar good at the green or you dont

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