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Election turnout in 2 decades as voters seek to break the countrys almost year long political deadlock and deliver a working government. Busy news morning here in moscow life from art internationals World News Center in russia with kevin though and he has taken the time to watch out to say just turned one o one i mean if the next half started with this news for america the democratic race to take on donald trump in the 2020 president ial election is picking up pace but ahead the socalled super tuesday coming up or is today here at least its been far from that for 2 candidates candidates amy has suspended her nomination and that comes very soon after pete booted judge also bowed out. Well march 3rd super tuesday is the day in which 14 u. S. States and one u. S. Territory of American Samoa votes in their president ial primary and just ahead of that vote we have 2 major contenders suspending their campaigns dropping out of the race and at this point amy clothes shar and p. Are no longer in the running they are not running for president now already weve had amy clover shar endorse Joe Biden Pete buddha shes expected to do that as well lets review these dramatic developments right before the big day i lot of people predicted i wouldnt make it through that speech and then they thought i would make it through the summer and then i wouldnt make it to the debates but here i am headed into super tuesday we have come here and asking for your vote humbled by the knowledge that for so many that vote was won through strong through blood through sweat through tears and for some within living memory. Now this is interpreted by many as showing the weight of the Democratic Party throwing itself behind joe biden in an effort to stop Bernie Sanders the democratic socialist from vermont who seems to be quite popular and doing well now donald trump the u. S. President was certainly not afraid to give his analysis on social media as he always does this is what trump tweeted in response to the dramatic move. Is out will be super tuesday votes will go to sleep the job i didnt great timing this is the real beginning of the dems taking bunning out of play no nomination again. So 415. 00 delegates are at stake when voters go to the polls in 14 different us states for super tuesday to gas their vote in the democratic primary about who they would like to be the nominee of the Democratic Party to run against donald trump in november and at this point remaining in the race we have Michael Bloomberg we have u. S. U. S. Senator former Vice President joe biden and we have senator Bernie Sanders so 3 big major contenders in the race remaining people are looking ahead to march 3rd super tuesday as people all across the United States 14 different states will be voting on picking the nominee so quite an exciting turn of Events People didnt see this coming people wonder what will indeed happen when people go to the polls across the country. Will be across it next up police say at least 3 people were killed and 11 others wounded in an explosion near a Football Ground in the Eastern Province of cost no ones come forward to say that behind the attack yet but with better in the mud early a monday the taliban said it would relaunch operations against the kabul government of president gandhi refused to commit to the terms of the big peace deal was drawn up 2 days ago coming 3 know between the u. S. And the islamist group. The reduction in violence has ended now and operations will continue as normal as part of the us taliban agreement or mujahideen will not attack Foreign Forces but the operations will continue against the Kabul Administration forces so more tito packed it stipulated that kabul would release 5000 taliban members from prison in turn the group pledged to free 1000 government detainees that was supposed to pave the way for direct talks between the 2 sides but president garnier said the swap cannot be a precondition for intra afghan peace talks casting doubt on the viability of the plan for its part the us has promised to withdraw its troops from the country over the next 14 months subject to the talibans compliance with the deal and despite money setbacks it still seems to be the plan from donald trump. Were getting out we want to get out we had good meetings with the taliban. Were going to be leaving and were going to be bringing our soldiers back on weve been there for almost 20 years its a long time weve done a great job in terms of getting rid of terrorists now its up to other countries to get rid of those terrorists i would caution everybody to to think that theres going to be an absolute sation of violence in afghanistan that is probably not going to have a spring are going to go to 0 so next morning artist taylor looks at whether hopes of securing a lasting peace in afghanistan were misplaced. 18 here is 1. 00 trillion dollars over 150000. 00 dead for rough gonna start in the u. S. The road to peace has been long bloody costly but a new dawn is on the horizon and its being hailed as a victory this is for peace on the ground. The deal signed by washington and the taliban has promised to bring to a close what seemed and on the ending a war times many thought it wouldnt happen the deal has come after 18 months of pulling and tugging of head shakes and walking away but in doha the paper was finally signed and it seemed to be one of those rarest situations where in parties involved were happy well almost all because apparently someone forgot to ask the Afghan Government what its take was spoiler a lot its got a few concerns the in could barely dry it on the deal when the afghan president vetoed a he calls the release of 5000. 00 taliban militants as part of a prisoner swap you know there is no commitment to release 5000 prisoners i have shared this with dr colleagues this is the right and the decision of the people of afghanistan that they have requested it so it could be included in the agenda of the interim afghan talks but it cannot be a prerequisite for talks. Now this is not a side note to the deal it is in fact to the condition on which intra afghan peace talks will start of each other for threatens to bring this entire thing grinding to a halt president gone his reaction there shows how washington has missed the point here that signing that piece of paper is ironically the easiest part and the promising prisoners which on yours is as unhelpful as dropping demands that the taliban officially recognize gone his government are going to govern. And was not even invited to the negotiations and when they were participated not only participated. Not as a government but present at 1st because ordinary afghans and that in itself is a very significant indication of how the situation was developed president gunner said this we have been fighting. For about 80 to 90 percent of. Battles have been raised by afghan troops or very simply. Means that paula bonn or anybody else up to deal with the government so this is maybe one of the hurdles many murders down the road but lets not forget the u. S. Is an old hound pretending to be the peacemakers even when its cause the mess in the fast place and with an action just around the coup want to trump probably wouldnt be against adding to his eye make great things happen rhetoric sure has middle east deal of the central us them boom and kim jong un isnt quite ready to step away from his Nuclear Rockets but trump got his photos and it seems hes already eyeing up his next money shots be meeting personally with taliban leaders in the not too distant future. And well be. Very much hoping that they will be doing what they say theyre going to be doing they will be killing terrorists when in doubt sign a deal pose for a photo then crown jewel south victor eve others to figure out the logistics tried and tested so i ask taylor the principal on this mushtaq who spoke to me and he believes afghanistan is indeed facing enormous challenges right now. I think talking to some of your fischel is here to work nationally and internationally and even be have been in the us in a speech or probably a state of confusion no no one is in a position to really figure out how things really pan out in the east of gumby gear solve any challenges at x. Street. The past one as we were talking about the fight out in britain there is one major issue about is already 1 putting the will process up at track 2nd issue where the ballot ban had been a damning wont be talking to be up on government ronnie administration thats going to challenge the little rock that backs him up the major eat you shoot thats going to challenge what would process here are definitely challenges ahead of us and build challenge thats all c. B. S. Which gave it to jupiter died so we would get this exercise it will process. The e. U. s Border Agency from sex as its been put on high alert and will be deploying extra support to greece which has seen thousands of Asylum Seekers attempted to make their way to the country from turkey following an intensification of fighting in syrias italy province turkey now saying it can no longer accommodate millions of refugees and has opened its borders with the e. U. Greece though Standing Firm saying its unwilling to accept those newcomers and says it will turn back anyone attempting to enter the country illegally in addition to crossing the 2 countries land borders many migrants have been attempting to reach greece by boat in the past and a half over 1000 making it to the east of the gene islands controversially though monday this video you seeing it now emerging purportedly showing a greek coast guard vessel intimidating a dinghy full of refugees foreign warning shots into the water around the mosquito must that be in a separate instant as well it seems a child drowned off the coast of lesbos when an inflatable boat overturned heres a look at how the crisis has been unfolding there over the last 48 hours. Ok. 7 i. Always go to the greek territory home the rest of the day. And in my mind this is me go way of entering one country. But the very latest we have all this unfolding situation comes from the turkish lead a mistake on the president saying that at the moment as it stands hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants of cross the border from turkey towards greece or making their way into wards greece he says that will eventually become millions the doors are now open now you will have to take your share of the burden hundreds of thousands have crossed soon it will reach millions or here in germany the state of bavaria is paid expressing their well the happiness with turkey they say that is just attempting to try and squeeze more money out of the European Union and that they using this current wave of migrants and refugees says they will attempt to blackmail the European Union we need a quick political solution it is clear that we must not allow ourselves to be blackmailed by turkey thats a sentiment thats really being echoed in Greece Athens has suspended all asylum applications for the next month at least greece the greek government anyway says that turkey is using these red. G. s in migrants as pawns in an attempt to gain more diplomatic power turkeys decision to to allow their these refugees and migrants to the wards greece came in an increase in violence on their southern border with syria as fighting increases in northern syria. Turkey says they just cant handle the sheer numbers of people that are currently seeking refuge in their country but turkey that actions in opening their border like goes against the 2060 deal that they struck with the European Union in which case that turkey would accept to millions of refugees in exchange for Financial Aid now the french president stepped in saying his country is willing to provide help full solidarity with greece and bulgaria france is ready to contribute to european efforts to give them rapid assistance and protect the borders we must act together to avoid a humanitarian and migration crisis the European Council president Charles Michel is expected to visit the region very soon alongside the greek Prime Minister to assess whats going on on the ground as europe tries to get together its response to turkeys decision to open its borders to refugees and migrants in a situation which is beginning to look increasingly similar to that which we saw in 2015. Coming right now polls are close in the last hour or so in israel in whats been the highest election turnout in over 2 decades voting took place when im president in 3rd time in under a year and its early still but it seems many when it knows the could Party Looks Like it will come up short of majority just paula slee look deeper into the preliminary results. The initial exit polls do put the countrys Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with some 5 parliamentary seats ahead of his main rival the former army chief benny guns now this is certainly good news for the likud camp but it does mean that they still one seat short of a parliamentary majority so of course were going to see a lot of bickering in coalition making happening in the coming days there was a lot of concern that the voter turnout would be low this was a surprise it was the highest its been in the past 21 years and this is despite the fact that there are at least 5 and a half 1000 people who are quarantined here in israel with a coronavirus there were concerns that people will turn out to vote because of that those people voted at 16 special stations set aside especially for them and then the concern around voter fatigue that these are the 3rd elections in the space of 11 months and when i was speaking to people throughout the course of the day many did say that they felt a solution many of them said they felt disgusted and this was a word that was echoed by the countrys president when he addressed the nation. It was always a day we consider to be a celebration of israeli democracy and i must say that today i feel most sense of celebration only a sense of hard shame for you the citizens of israel we dont deserve another horrible Election Campaign that deteriorates into such filth like the one that ends today. The political stalemate has been won between the countrys ruling elite could party and the blue and white party are the guns now these 2 parties have been a can make over the past 2 elections and the only thing thats really changed since these elections today monday and the last elections that were held in september is that in november you had israeli Prime Minister indicted and in january you had the american president announce his peace deal of the same tree but neither of those developments seems to have eaten away at the sales of most israelis here. She hurts me a lot to see that weve got into this situation because it cost so much money this is a country thats trying to keep its head above the water in the current Global Economic environment. I think the situation is a disgrace i think have an elections for the 3rd time says a lot about our politicians we are in the situation where no one is willing to compromise we are forced to go to the polls again and again i believe we are heading for a force election so its not about on the one hand the situation is not the best its on the other were trying to remain optimistic i would personally like to see a unity government i want to see cooperation between the parties because at the moment according to the polls there are no other options. There were protests against netanyahu ahead of these elections at the same time as im clear that should he win how will he actually govern the country while facing criminal charges in court now he has been playing hard to hard at the same time hes announced that he will and makes the jewish settlements in the west bank and a sizable piece of land known as the Jordan Valley in the occupied west bank naturally this has dismayed our voters and weve also heard from palestinians who say that if these exit polls prove to be correct then israelis have voted for alex ation as i say we still need to hear the final results were expecting those to come out sometime on monday but certainly the early signs are that the countrys Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is going to be a very happy man yet seems so well continue to follow that one throughout the night this is new to the escalating us china media war as seen washington move to restrict chinese journalist working in america and it comes after 3 wall street journal employees were expelled from china last month going on here it goes double for correspondents across this one knew it so to say it was triggered this move by the trumpet ministration well essentially what they have done they have designated 5 chinese outlets and theyve taken them and designated as. Foreign missions this is the way he put them and essentially what it means is that 5 of them are Foreign Missions like foreign agents 4 of them are getting a cap on the number of foreign employees that they are allowed to have working for that working for them essentially the number has gone from 160 of people 160 of employees to just 100 for instance one Radio Station is now being allowed only to foreign at all times and heres how washington is justifying this move have a listen the u. S. Government is today instituting a personnel cap on certain peoples republic of china controlled state media entities in the United States because it limits the number of chinese citizens permitted to work for these organizations in the United States at any given time it is our hope that this action will spur beijing to adopt a more fat and reciprocal approach to u. S. And other Foreign Press in china so again the way youve said this is a direct response to something that china has done on its own soil so essentially what the United States are doing theyre just giving china a taste of their own medicine and the irony here though of course is that its also saying on the same breath as well as doing this that americas pushing for greater Media Freedom in china the same terms clamping down the amount of Media Freedom its going to give journeys in america absolutely so the chinese have restrictions on the number of foreign personnel working for Media Outlets there now the United States has well its also always had but now it applies to the Chinese Media and so indeed it could be very perplexing but according to my pump a. O. Theres nothing surprising there and america remains a beacon of democracy and freedom of press. Thats the greatness of our nation reporters like yourself get to ask me any questions or questions we take hundreds and hundreds of questions we talk openly we express our view yes there are questions thats how we proceed in america so this is this was obviously a response to a journalist there and its not only that particular journalist whos being surprised whos raising questions about this approach activists do that as well they disagree with the such a well characteristic that might bump a always giving to the state of Media Freedom in the United States we are uncomfortable with governments deciding what constitutes journalism or propaganda. So we get to see now a kind of tit for tat thing has been reciprocal on both sides whats china is reaction going to be if you heard me figure well again the United States are saying china has started now the chinese obviously they are unhappy the released a statement on twitter saying that they are very disappointed with such approach dont take my word for it take this. Indeed between china and the United States we have some differences but we do not think its appropriate for the United States to take steps interfering with the work of journalists coming from china. So where does the local like this is going to go on for a while because china is known to well if you are sure if you meet them with force they will meet you they will double that force and respond likewise but there the United States they have been facing some criticism for not having some clear current guidelines as to how foreign media operates or is supposed to operate under its laws for instance which Media Outlets are supposed to designate them themselves as as foreign agents as so annoying but are they are the perks of america yes r. T. America has got the same at the same had the same pill to swallow but for instance if it applies say it would be a logical assumption to make to say it applies to foreign media that are funded by foreign governments but for instance aljazeera a qatari funded outlet media outlet theyre feeling fine they are not getting this label of shame that other Media Outlets the chinese and r. T. America have been given in the past so a lot of people not a lot of people but some experts and they have been seeing they have been saying that it is a thinly veiled attempt at applying geo political pressure on certain entities and certain governments the case of watch this space next on this one thanks for brief an o. C. Goes down off in the studio a correspondent no next. Set of map showing the full extent of u. S. Military bases in africa last year as played online it follows a deadly attack on an airfield in kenya in january in which 3 americans died and raised concerns over washingtons wider mission on the continent why are they there the documents were obtained by the investigative news website the intercept and they show the locations of 29 military bases the formerly secret data also discloses the whereabouts of American Military operations in africa this is how the pentagon describes itself proclaimed light footprint there we will grow more efficient to contribute. To hire defense priorities and refocus resources to global power competition we cannot take pressure off major terrorist groups like isis and al qaeda today afrikan does that using a light and relatively low cost footprint by supporting african and International Partners who are leading these efforts. Some commentators though are questioning the United States efforts to restore stability and security in parts of africa a case in point last year there was a record high level of islamist activity that currently there are roughly 2 dozen militant groups operating in 14 countries with spike the rise in violence washington believes its a positive influence in Africa Tomorrow security demands Leadership Today were trying to make sure that we are efficient with our resources and were not depleting efforts and whatever it is doing on the african continent is complimentary. So the bottom line is the United States is not walking away from africa were committed and we remain engaged militarily claims that this is a light footprint but you know its hard for an elephant to leave a light footprint and certainly the pentagon is a giant elephant and its presence in any country is disruptive is a base of and if it comes at the same time that there is concern concentrated economic dislocation then the whole thing you stabilizes the entire country and thats what its meant to do its meant to assert u. S. Military power not Economic Growth and development as a matter of fact Economic Growth is theres an effort to destroy that and to push countries back or into almost a colonial position of the past and that is really us now is an attempt to do to restore to old colonial elations. Exactly 27 years past the hour that sit for no for me cover though here at r. T. H. Q. In moscow check it out to the cover of various social media for so much more li stories will be updated throughout the night for sure to see if the coming of 6 hours or so. For me and the rest for a good night for. This is a. Cut above. Others. I dont fire im on if you. Know most of. Us last summer buy it from the fish or the trucker watch guys or. Wrong. Just dont hold. Me. To shape out. Thats ok and in the game because the trail. Find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Im not sure if thats where were going on the ground as the u. K. E. U. Trade talks begin today to determine a post brics it future while they do nation media continues to look away from the case of arbitrarily detained julia songe which may determine the end of free speech in britain coming up on the show deputy leader of the left party in the german bundestag 7 document calls on labor leadership candidate gets accused of persecution of Julian Assange just see for himself in court what the u. N. Calls torture and arbitrary detention of the founder of wiki leaks plus forget the coronavirus well breaks it all doubts on multinational Chemical Companies catalyze mass insect extinction all this more coming up in todays going underground but 1st what was it actually like to sit in a london Court Last Week watching an alleged travesty of justice as arbitrarily detained and tortured wiki leaks founder julian the songe fought for his freedom one International Observer was the deputy leader of the left party in the german bundestag 7 doug dillon who along with 32 other m. P. s from 12 different e. U. Countries witnessed arguably the most important trial of the century so far thanks so much for coming to australia in london rather than in berlin even before the trial doctors was saying he may die at any moment what was it like in court. Terrible in many ways its just you know im really appalled about the situation and the conditions even for us International Observers i have seen so many trials swirled why

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