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Thousands of children that hes being at the exploited to. A warm welcome to you youre watching R T International with me because erin and we start this hour with breaking news from syria turkey is carrying out an ass strike on the syrian army in northeast syria follows the death of 22 turkish soldiers in italy a profits and this comes amid a dramatic escalation in the battle for control of the countrys last Opposition Strongholds well bring you more details on our breaking news story throughout the hour. Investigative outlets project veritas has gained a reputation for landing Mainstream Media in hot water and this time its a. B. C. News one of its veteran reporters has been secretly recorded slamming is both is and the world of t. V. News in general. I think that always. Going to be. Able to. Be recognized. A. B. C. News was quick to respond the network that any action that damages its reputation for impartiality harms not just a v. C. News but also the individuals involved the network has suspended the correspondent for an unknown period of time and said hell be kept away from political coverage upon his return however project very task believes the real reason for the punishment was the facts the reporter lifted the veil on his own political views the substance of things. Like this it might make a difference it was not there to really believe and i think this is something thats a problem it just shows how like you know. The media is added to toward socialism is just complete attack towards a very evil they dont want anything to do with it he just meant health care bringing in corporations so he didnt hes not an actual you know hes not a marxist you know like me he was just saying we need some reforms and that that apparently is too radical or at least the label socialist but i mean you know the label label i think is the problem what theyre really afraid of because they know how popular its getting. While i b c news is going through some tough times one of its rival spokes news is celebrating the highest viewership in its entire history and thats also partially thanks to president trumps state of the union address. Or fox easily wins the gold for highest primetime ratings with 3 and a half 1000000 viewers tuning in and miss and d. C. Sits in 2nd with 1780000 while c. N. N. Completes the park with a little over a 1000000 viewers so while we give you all these numbers as well because if we compare the figures to february last year it appears c. N. N. Has lost a view as to the cheering of 3 percent and imus n. B. C. Is down 9 percent joe gail again believes the loss of support has a lot to do with the network says saunders bias which is not such well with socialists in the country. The republicans they already saw it as n. B. C. C. N. N. I miss you and b c as the liberal media they didnt even know lets all of us liberal technically. But then you have when they start attacking the leftist candidate bernie the only leftist candidate whos running was most popular one then the whole left the people the press observed beginning to lose faith in the media as well so the only people who are really for m. S. N. B. C. Are like the upper class a bush was here the people are the urban elites as they call them the most the upper middle class. Types in the cities because you know i dont hear anyone in everyday life saying anything good about imus n. B. C. Or and b. B. C. Or c. N. N. The main network thats been the nicest to have sanders is fox and thats probably because fox thinks that bernie is the easiest to beat which is ironic because its the complete opposite hes the one who crowd will be trump and you saw Chris Matthews apologizing for calling bernie attributing bernies victory in nevada to the nazi victory over france 940. 00 youre seeing some of them taking some steps back and doing that because theyre just losing popularity drastically. When next week is super tuesday when u. S. Democrats in 14 states choose their preferred candidate for president but with the latest polls showing Bernie Sanders leading in 9 of those states his rivals are crying foul they like to think that is all part of a clever kremlin strategy that of course a look at whether the russians have been rumbled. Good news comrades our agent Bernie Sanders is doing better than we expected in the primaries are planned to have 2 agents fight over the presidency Operation Hammer and sickle is a go but we have one problem some in the Democratic Party establishment are becoming savvy to our strategy Vladimir Putin thinks donald trump should be president of the United States and thats why russia is helping Bernie Sanders get elected so hell lose to trump it doesnt help that just last week western media published information about our top secret operation exposing the connection between agents trump and sanders with our center in moscow as you learned tonight and today yesterday the day before is going to have were going to war help coming from learn to be a prudent move through. Your Health Provider to a new one somebody who didnt think can be from at least age and trump was able to follow orders admit nothing deny everything and make counter accusations it was highly exaggerated. And frankly i think its disgraceful and i think it was a leak from the Intelligence Committee our house version and i think that they leaked it i think probably shipley good agent sanders on the other hand really dropped the ball he panicked and that is the ugliest thing theyre doing is they are trying to cause chaos the trying to cause hatred in america its an ugly business and all of us have got to say sorry youre not going to do this in the selection and again is present in the United States. You will not interfere in our elections and the order was to deny sanders deny but he broke under pressure blowing the cover of our moscow back to bernie bros i design these people they are not part of our movement all of us remember 2016 and what we meant what we remember is efforts by russians and others to try to interfere in our election and divide us up. Im not saying thats happening but it would not shock me the center has good reason to believe agent sanders has been compromised were losing control over his actions and hes praising our strategic allies too openly you know when fidel castro came into office you know what he did he had a Massive Literacy Program its not a bad thing its only a matter of time before they discover the interview agent sanders gave to providence i mean r t what effect do you think you can have on your voters it was so close here in iowa well i just hope that people take a hard look at the real issues impacting their lives to make matters worse we may have a mole in our midst how else could the footage have been leaked remember when the comrades recruited sanders at the new years party of 1980 bernie spent his honeymoon and then in soviet russia i mean i think youre going to go back and forth about whos more in the tank with russia its a really hard one between barney and rob we have made too many tactical blunders as it is and western pundits are already undergoing a campaign to discredit our agent obviously we know the russians are continuing to try to choose our next president like they chose our last president the russians dont want me to be the nominee who spent a lot of money on bots on facebook and theyve been taken down say biden is a bad guy the no one rule in politics pick your opponent and putin and trump are picking their opponent the happiest person right now its about one in moscow this thing is going very well for blair we have to promise you. Probably stay up watching us right now are you doing our rivals already know too much comrade commissar i think its time to extract our agents. Present our breaking story now turkey is carrying out an asse strike on the syrian army in northeast syria north follows the death of 29. 00 turkish soldiers in italy and province according to turkish officials this comes amid a dramatic escalation in the battle for control of the countrys last opposition stronghold turkish president to egypt to one house chads an Emergency Security meeting overnight anchor also said it would no longer stop Syrian Refugees from reaching europe by land and sea. Now germanys top court has lifted a ban on commercial use in asia as the mrs but critics now for the right to die will be exploited for profits arties piece all of a takes a closer look at the ruling and the reaction its triggered. Almost 5 years after it was banned the highest court in germany has ruled that blocking assisted suicide is unconstitutional and making its ruling on wednesday the Constitutional Court in college shura said everyone has a right to live and a right to die article 217 of the german criminal code outlawed euthanasia as well as the advertising of the services what this ruling from the Constitutional Court means is that thats being overturned and not only could Companies Offer use in asia but that advertising for the day could also stop being seeing the thinking behind wednesdays court ruling is that this will allow those in extreme paying and suffering from terminal illnesses to end their lives on their terms however senior voices within Palliative Care are warning that this could perhaps only to the normalization and indeed the commodification d of suicide in society now the facilitation of suicide for the sick and tired of life is turning into a normal Service Anyone who allows you to nature will sooner or later make it compulsory to die especially in this society is economize design as knowledge of experience across all other countries shows that supply creates demand immediately following the ruling politicians are asking what situations this will be allowed in also what the commercial implications would be for companies wanting to get involved in the euthanasia business i want clear rules about when medical assistance in particular is allowed and when commercial offerings are excluded i asked people here in berlin what their thoughts are on the ruling aware that this is right for germany its not a commercial thing dying it its something that needs care security it needs. Yes professionalism i think there are certain things that you cannot put to sale to people like its not a busy. Before i dont want to commit suicide but im suffering i want to end my life you cannot do that to pay for it seems to me there was very bad incentives there if for example that advertising was actually targets people who were already having a hard time it could lead to people considering suicide more strongly i dont disagree with the physician assisted suicide just because like there are certain aspects that are beneficial for it but in terms of the advertising i could go either way like a really it depends on who is in control of that promoting this kind of fings for me the progress currently within a year of belgium the netherlands looks a book and switzerland all allow assisted dying but with germany set to joy in the. That what is one of the most sensitive of subjects could be set to become a Business Opportunity piece for all of. My story this generation a lot of opinion so we put the debase. We would be extremely worried about any commercialization or run of the process or into a promotion that would lead to many fine reports of people feeling that their lives were not worth living and actually ending them prematurely youre posing. As a business issue or a Business Model but you dont as he is only on what he questions the person i was going to die and theyve dispersed and hes not asking for it there should be any euthanasia but were talking about a very different thing here decision was a commercial assisted suicide this isnt a louse commercial provide us to provide suicide assistance like make gods of suicides is sort of the objects tool to talking about mcdonalds giving suicide to assistance some people do not want to wait with their dying till theyre finally suffering too much and they want to keep the addicted t. By deceit ruling from the Constitutional Court it is possible for persons to ask a professional to give a proper medically exists that suicide and i think death is a great game this. Is and it is perfectly normal for people who have a terminal diagnosis to feel suicidal what we should be doing is trying to find ways to assist those people in getting through that period and actually living their lives rather than promoting assisted suicide and. You talk about suicide in the media then many people that would not otherwise commit suicide do in fact commit suicide and this is why every report in the media of suicide always shows people where they can go where they can find help and the media try to minimize reports of suicide and so if we see commercial advertising we will see many people seeing that as an easy way out. The British Government says its not in the Public Interest to release research on gangs they groom victims for sex we have the details on the story and plenty more coming up after this short break. Seem wrong. Just dont all. Get to shape out. And engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. In london Julian Assange standing trial on whether he will be extradited to the u. S. To face espionage charges the stakes could not be higher. Even life is on the line freedom of speech is also on trial so you wouldnt know the street you. Are. Welcome back not just to remind you were bringing you a breaking news story this hour turkey is carrying out an asse strike on the syrian army in northeast syria follows the death of 29. 00 turkish soldiers in italy a province according to turkish officials now this comes amid a dramatic escalation in the battle for control of the countrys last opposition stronghold the turkish president the one has chaired an Emergency Security meeting overnight ankara has also said it would no longer stop Syrian Refugees from reaching europe by land and sea or bring you more details on our breaking news story as it comes in. The u. K. Government is withholding research on gangs that groom victims for sex it was commissioned after a spate of Child Exploitation scandals heres how the home office explained his decision not to release the findings we recognize that this topic in general and any insight and learning matters of strong Public Interest although it does not necessarily follow that it is in the Public Interest to disclose any specific information relating to it or survivors of the abuse at the hands of british grooming gangs have accused officials of inaction and empty promises we spoke to one of them. I bet miami church when i was 1st he was 24 years old and he was known to. Be a very dangerous person. Mentally physically and sexually and also into committing crimes as well and thats another part the expletives that many sell and be subject to so i went to the police when i was 16 and it happened unfortunately but again i went to the police when i think about 27 years old and i didnt feel to parse it again so i contacted journalists from a newspaper and i told him everything that happened and i gave the last edition you know pieces of evidence to prove what happened and he pushed my story in august 2013 and it was actually because of that where the criminal investigation into that we start. From 19000 suspected victims of Child Sexual Exploitation were reportedly identified by local authorities in 2018 to 19 thats a huge increase on 5 years earlier now be u. K. Government has vowed to take action to prevent such crimes from happening and investigation into the problem of grooming gangs was announced by a sergeant javid when he was british home secretary and 2018 he pledged he would not let cultural or political sensitivities get in the way the victim so the decision not to publish the popes findings leaves them with many unanswered questions. I think its a disgusting decision and it is definitely in the publics interest you have thousands of children that are being abused exploited. Im going to cry these are sexual acts and we want to know why this is. Still happening a why these people are being allowed to get away with it theres clearly something in that report that the government doesnt want us to know about because if they didnt want us there was no we should they just release it so the fact that theyre making excuses and things like weak excuses well to say its not a dowry chest so the fact that now google men its a well actually were not even good at least the standings. You know i think is a real blow to us as victims but weve requested comment from the u. K. Home office and of yet to receive a reply like a reaction from Child Protection activist tony bugel and she said the decision to it will undermine trust in politicians. This report was promised. And again they found them and just think that theyre making excuses and all theyve done is they have gone back on the word that they gave to victims of these crimes its a combination of Political Correctness i think its a cultural sensitivities i think its fear of what they believe grace is and people in this country dont trust politicians anymore without being able to see whats going on we dont know if were being lied to again and that has to stop it and the Political Correctness of having this this we fear a backlash wont you know what we fear goes being right. The greek island of being paralyzed for 2nd day due to do due to a general strike it was called as part of local opposition to the governments latest plans to create new refugee camps there or people joined a march chanting slogans against the Current Situation existing countless ponce currently holds around 20000 like wins although it was any design for 3000 only this week several rallies against the building of more migrant cant turn violent the government said extra police there but the move only made islanders more angry. That the fight continues nothing is over struggling to prevent the construction of any closed or open prison last night was a big win for the people of course who repelled the landing of the governments repression forces on the island of lesbos terrorizing us want to work they serve and try to police to repress their own struggle to continue with war and no close to the hotspot or anywhere the government managed to unite all the people of los abuse against its always see which would great a large warehouse of refuge in migrant prisoners. Who demand that no new campus constructed on the island the immediate removal of the existing camps. Closure of the morea camp receive guarding of borders and the regulation of n. G. O. S our lives have been destroyed. On wednesday violence erupted as protesters rallied near a military camp on les pauls islands by trying to attack Police Officers with stones and sless local media reports say on the same day around 60 people were injured mostly police the greek government says there is only one solution. But there is no alternative to the governments plans to build a closed structures to accommodate refugees and migrants from a greek any notice marius thinks athens needs to redouble its efforts to deal with the migrant influx. The majority of. Migrants in lesbos are not Asylum Seekers they. Are grounds what the people in ireland say is that the government should save guard the borders of the. True or north with the examination of the asylum applications and also the government has to start. With a little decision from the European Court of human rights says that any person. In the area of the then government has the rights to deport them immediately so i think the government has to be more active on the issue of the port patients. In mind now of our breaking news story this hour turkey is carrying out an asse strike on the syrian army in northeast syria follows the death of 29. 00 turkish soldiers in italy a province according to turkish officials and this comes amid a dramatic escalation in the battle for control of the countrys last opposition stronghold the turkish president has chided Emergency Security meeting overnight and also said it would no longer stop Syrian Refugees from reaching europe by land and sea we have more on our breaking news story at the top of the hour with you that. Thats also brought. Us to. The nature. Of the. Structures today decided to show. Some french and hope that. President ial candidates debate the future of the u. S. And the world. Every week. Student. Money. Gail elderly women are. Going along. And theres another machine i would not. Can if you had a way out or was more great if the. Last one of the most let you kill would like to validate that way it was a lastly a book at large that allowed that to be. The one that i was. Given to go to to. Give the newly married couple what the how do we are all our devious with alice are. Annoying me behold my dog. Why do men not well known as your son i think youre smart just an honest one. Who. Welcome to the alex salmon sure we examine the dramatic changes taking place in irish politics this months elections are sion cinemas as the most Popular Party in the public of ireland however and the balance of parliament to still not clear what type of government will emerge today we speak to 2 key commentators on what the short election result means for the future of ireland nourse unsaid. This is a monumental shake up of politics in the republic of ireland for nearly a century the 2 big parties phin a foil and finish the dominated no one really thought that should frame will be on the brink of being in government in both parts of the on the violent she could be in government in the south theyre already in government in the north and that fundamentally changes the outlook on irish politics both north and south of the border i think to the political system in the republic its been a huge shock. I think its delayed it merely political journalist just because its so interesting and it kind of so overturns most of the expected outcomes that were predicted at the beginning but 1st to to your tweets emails and messages are now well received show on the topic of the coronavirus more have says this time you covered is sensitive topic it occupies a kind of Public Opinion of course we all worry about the spread of this School Pandemic i hope Scientists Research find a suitable vaccine as soon as possible thanks for this interesting episode gary says pretty sure a lesson over the next 2 weeks in china if the figures are correct jill says my mother nearly died of flu in 1957 and a sponsor to which margaret says i was 9 years old when i was extremely ill with the asian flu my mother phoned me unconscious in bed have had the flu see times and each time still very ill susan says excellent informative presentation thank you and finally and says great show as always thank you to you all for your messages im glad you find the show to be so informative now the irish Election Results came as a bolt from the blue to the long established participant guild and for the foil they have dominated irish politics since independence a century ago but no longer a party it was a pariah only a few years ago because of its links with i. E. Violence emerged under the new leadership of made in the mcdonald to become islands most Popular Party this is a prospectus mill mcdonnell set it when she became party leader the war is over and there is no. Purchase no sentiment at tolo told that i. C. That wishes for a return to any form of Political Violence will i think it would be a very very foolish person and a truly food dish government that would gamble or that would take the necessary risks with all of that i believe the Peace Process is robust i believe that certain irish nationalism is growing in confidence is very much at ease and happy with the general momentum and direction of political traffic i am conscious that some of our unionist brothers and sisters are perhaps not as secure or happy

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