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While backing down from one of the nations biggest media conglomerates just got bigger were going to break down which company has now swallowed up Spanish Language Network Univision so much to get to on this very busy day so lets get started and we begin where else but with the very latest on the coronavirus as that surge of new cases is rising outside of china were also seeing markets react very strongly kristie is the latest on that coming up in just a 2nd but right now lets take a look at the boom of new cases in south korea as well as iran lets start in south korea where virtually all of the new cases are connected to a megachurch about 200000 people in fact about 60 percent of all south koreas cases of the coronavirus or link to the church of jesus where it apparently a 61 year old woman began transmitting that virus its not clear how she became infected but now south korean officials have announced that they will test all 215000 members of that church south koreas number of confirmed infections has risen to 893 the largest number outside of china meanwhile iran is claiming that only 12 people. Have died from the virus in that country that claim though goes directly against a claim being made by a local leader in coombe who says that as many as 50 people have actually died in that city alone this is a rons Deputy Health minister has confirmed that he too has contract in the corona virus and has quarantined himself listen. I wanted to inform you that i am going to run a virus positive i had a fever yesterday my initial tests turned out that of late. Myself you know since last night i was told a few minutes ago that the final test was. Well all of this as the World Health Organization is warning countries that the coronavirus is literally knocking at their door. But i said yes they should get i mean the not just wanted out of my case and i was going to try to get assuming that you dont go down the road what are you going to get me just content if you will have. And you know that. People were going to be replaced because women should lose some of that sort. Or for his part President Trump is now asking congress for 2400000000. 00 to battle the coronavirus and to help coal markets the president says the u. S. Has its situation under control. I think its going to be under control and i think i can speak for our country for our country is. Under control but again we do business with a lot of other countries we take care we work with other countries who are in other countries to be happy healthy and well theyve got to be happy healthy and well its very simple and so lets see how it all works but i think its going to work for. All the down the as n. P. R. Now both in negative territory for the year as Financial Markets are realizing that this particular crisis is likely to have a longer shelf life than what many thought was the case a couple weeks ago right now were about 3 percent down today for the for the week and doesnt look like were in oversold territory yet as there isnt enough panic because a total market capitulation after the bloodbath monday president have decided to come around and pump the markets suggesting that stocks have bottomed out and investors should come in and buy the debt it looks like the algos picked up on the tweet and started buying early in the morning but then sellers start to flood the markets again as investors do leverage forcing the indexes to get out there early market gains and turning negative breaking back below key Technical Support levels now the Energy Sector saying to more than a 4 year low and u. S. 10 year yields fell to 1. 32 percent breaking prior lows and sinking the entire Banking Sector health care remains to be somewhat of a bright spot as boston based modern ship an experimental Coronavirus Vaccine to u. S. Government researchers for initial trials utilizes m r n a Technology Platforms that directs messenger cells in the body to make proteins to fight the disease the m r n a approach can produce vaccines faster and for less money than traditional methods if found to be effective youve talked about this before so now we sit after day 2. 00 of this sell off we go into tomorrow day 3 if we see another big day of selloffs is that when the real panic will begin do you think that is probably when you see a market and thats what weve always been talking about like now is not the time to go in and buy the dip as apparently president and larry kudlow seems to think. Right now its not the bottom and anyone whos trying to catch the bottom catch a falling knife so to speak that is pretty much a waste of time and thats going to cause more bloodshed later on because right now you want to see panic sell you want to see every single hour go full blown panic and thats when you see market capitulation at the end of the day total panic sells 0 buy today in the middle of the day when we saw the market drop to the afternoon lows we did see some buying interest there that means people arent scared yet you want to see that fear factor really and when you really truly believe that there is no hope left thats when you see capitulation happen yeah absolutely well the bring in our guest with the latest on the market sell off time and hes the editor of the logical investor well see how logical he feels about this because weve been saying john that the market has been for lack of a better term maybe this is christies term a little bubble this is with all the fed money pouring in valuations across the board but now the fed is actually pulling back and attempting to stem the free liquidity that weve been enjoying for some time at the same time the break is ravaging supply chains killing off manufacturing and production with that part of the story makes the most sense to be creating a lot of this panic and yet it hasnt happened in the past when we knew there was going to be market disruption now it seems to be almost oddly timed your thoughts. You think its huge that its all culminating at this point and even youve got you know really strong strong dollar that i would add to that as well so you know you had markets rising and you had earnings starting to taper off some but it didnt seem really that big of a deal and stack coronavirus on top of it and that really you know solidified that stumble into something so much bigger and so markets are really reacting that huge you know a couple 1000 points over a couple of days is massive and the previous person said i dont think that were done yet so we got in the gold and silver e. T. F. For a while back ago and those have done well for us but i think theres still more to go now weve seen news that the virus has spread to italy and france so does these regions have the necessary tools to combat the destruction. They think its monetary arm is widely exhausted by now so could this push them into a cyclical downturn. So unfortunately they have shot a lot of their best bullets that were in their gun because you know now theyre down to 0 and even negative Interest Rates and so thats thats not a good sign they always can pull a rabbit out of their pocket you know i mean they they can do things that are little bit more nontraditional like what so its all end in japan have done whereas they do you know go out into the market and buy stocks and so there are other things that they can do but their ability to lower Interest Rates has really been limited and so i think that really wouldnt touch most european stocks even with some stimulus. You know from the e. C. B. And with a 10 foot pole there are probably some opportunities like in the british pound and maybe a little bit later the euro but not many european stocks i would to right now weve only got one in our portfolio what about asian beings because right now theyre bracing for bad loans to spike as Business Activity is kind of dying from these quarantines what effect do you think these balloons in nonperforming loans have on the economy and how much bad debt can these banks tolerate before they implode will they need especially in china you know the peoples bank of china the p. B. s c. To intervene again. Well and it could be obviously these things usually get worse before they get better so i would expect to see that and you might even see some Smaller Banks you know fold the Central Banks and governments would want to trust support at least some of its bigger banks so i wouldnt focus on banks that went to japan because theyre so debt laden but in china some of the biggest banks like China Construction Bank for instance would be one that might eventually be worth getting into high dividend yield. So if youre a little bit more fiscally responsible and theyre just enormous so they may be looking at that way but right now i think its probably not the time to even get into them and right now only 30 percent of Small Businesses in china are back to work but that number is improving many manufacturers are still struggling to source labor but these are Getting Better day by day right now it seems so it looks like things are kind of in an upswing so why is the u. S. Equity market reacting more now when its supply chain actually recovering Getting Better than before when china was on a full blown lockdown. Yes so there are some conflicting reports that really differ from what the Chinese Government says so thats part of the problem and then the other part of the problem which is even bigger is that now its come from china to europe and so now weve got 2 big trading partners that we do a ton of business with and theres you know theres grown infections in both places and i think thats really why its starting to have a huge effect on our markets at this point in time and we may not see an end in sight just yet i have heard from people who are sourcing products out of china that 2 things are happening and one is theres these enormous delays and to that even for the factories that are getting back to work now were hearing that the governments kind of coopted some of those factories and say well if youre going to create Hand Sanitizer instead youre going to create facemasks instead. Is there any way to work around that i mean i understand that china has this massive labor force but if they cant get back to work is there any place that manufacturing can shift to in the short term for instance mexico that have a lot of the killer the us set up for a long time but really havent been active in a long time last work. Yeah i dont think there will be able to switch switch gears very easily and i think this will they is going to last longer ive seen reports that some say that they want to get back to work until like mid august at the earliest so theyre still out of their population is not getting back to work just yet john hyman editor of the logic on last i thank you so much. Thank you. Bigger isnt always better and after years of consolidation banks have gotten too complacent and too reliant on size scale and beach and no longer see the need to innovate so 2 this creates an opening for fin tech to come in and disrupt their entire Business Model by offering a seamless Digital Financial experience from their core platform attack by nature has better access to consumer data than any bank and have uniquely intimate relationship with their customers facebook captures your social life instagram provides documentation apple fries are streaming and Storage Services and google is where you go to search for things you want to buy so how can banks possibly compete with that newfound tech startup have harnessed these consumer Access Points and are rising to challenge specific tasks and services big banking provides but cheaper more convenient and better shattering the entire big bag model examples of this include cryptocurrency for payment robin hood for trading wealth fund for managing your ira lending tree for loans and more the latest success is british then Tech Revolution as a hits a 5500000000. 00 valuation after its series d. Led by t. C. B. Resolute has more than 10000000. 00 customers by offering Money Management tools and undercut a traditional banks when it comes to money transfers and f. X. The new funding will go towards expansion overseas as it sets its sights on america later this year and the one thing that all of us left out is one of resolutes core business aspects is want to see something that america has neglected to address in the godhra to address the big name glad to address it as well i mean obviously crypto currency in the original recording was created specifically for the purpose of working around biggs peer to peer transactions it has not fulfilled that promise but what it has done is demonstrated i think you as you pointed out the fact that technology has moved far beyond her bags are there like this huge steam liner its very difficult to turn that ship and to readjust even in their. Adoption of crypto theyre keeping the old model of banking theyre just trying to throw in a little fun tech to make themselves seem like theyre doing more exactly what we didnt see it was that google and apple even though they control all their information theyre also looking to become the new bank and the new Payment Method as well with google pay apple pay and maybe well see Facebook Like coming out this year with their Lee Radziwill and thats the goal of the libor project right now they were project Leader Association is all about saying were going to become a bank the problem is they keep running into problems of the regulators who say we know what youre doing zuckerberg youre trying to create a bank get around it hes going to have some challenges. Time now for a quick break but i am there because when we come back one of the nations biggest media conglomerates trying to get bigger well tell you which company has swallowed up Spanish Language Network Univision or as our guest will say one of his and as we had to break here the numbers of the clips. Seem wrong. Just dont. Get to shape out the attic. And it. Equals betrayal. When something you find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks on the population of tens of stories and forced to flee their homes come up with straight and put these attacks was a p. R. You see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of the streets in belfast i think more than 100 innocent civilians with that as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and the take rates which the collusion was involved in some of those cases that killers would lead to be named to the enemy getting i think it went to do very very top i think. That was. All the patients you know on the go ahead. Welcome back with the stock market recording 2 days of steep drops Financial Markets have ratcheted up bets that the Federal Reserve will be pressed to cut Interest Rates to cushion a feared hit to Economic Growth a lot of the centers around fears over the coronavirus but at least one official was warning against expecting the central bank to overreact to short term market moves so it helps to sort all of this out author of fed up and former fed insider then yell de Martino Daniel thanks for being here so what is your initial afternoon yeah whats your initial thought here as the markets are seeing consecutive days in the red. Well like i think the fed is trying its best to talk a very strong game and to provide a united front at a master was out being fairly hawkish yesterday saying that there was no need for a rate cut rich clarity vice chair on the board reiterated that. It stands today that the economy continues to be in a good place but i think that theres an air of naivete about fed comments right now simply because you cannot ignore whats going on with the coronavirus or even go so far as to say that the United States is not going to be affected that the United States economy is not going to be affected by the coronavirus given that were a huge resource for tourism tourism and travel here and were not just saying you know travel closing out of china were also seeing conferences being canceled in cannes koon in spain clearly part of italy is in shutdown mode right now so i think that you have to start looking not at whats going to happen in the manufacturing supply chain in the United States this is not a repeat of the trade war you need to start focusing on the majority of the u. S. Economy which is our Services Economy now top u. S. Central Bank Officials have signaled repeatedly that they see no need to cut rates further any time soon because they see the American Economy is performing well so to speak and its too soon to judge the risk from the coronavirus so will this possibly change the feds position. Well look i think that again fed officials can be is strong and is adamant as they want the market has begun to price in rate cuts and as long as there is a majority as long as there is a 6670 percent chance of a rate cut being priced into the market since Alan Greenspan was in office in 1987 the fed has yet to defy the demands of the markets so they can talk as mean of a game as they want i dont see them backing off of Market Expectations disappointing a market especially when youre starting to see this kind of volatility and anxiety being seen in not just the stock market but the bond market with the 10 year benchmark treasury yield at an all time record low today but when they finally decide do decide to step in and do something about it will it be too little too late. I dont think that we can necessarily know that i think that the fed might should have been preemptive when we started to see or at least speak more dovish late when we started to see how bad things could get there was quite a few mentions of the coronavirus in the recently released minutes but again there is a massive theres a huge economics conference going on in washington d. C. Right now and its clear that policymakers at the fed have decided to maintain a tough line even as the markets begin to go into this kind of panicky mode yeah and to this point there is lets face it theres only a little bit of evidence here a little of all really that the coronavirus were actually did us growth it seems like its more a fear than a reality at this point will go all economists have begun predicting some of the many ways that the coronavirus will affect it Goldman Sachs on sunday cut its estimate for 1st quarter Gross Domestic Product growth from 1. 00 to 1. 00 from 1. 4 percent because of disruption to supply chains you mentioned supply chains are going to go through a week like the one that were having right now do we expect those projections to be cut even more. I think they do i think i think that this is not this is not akin to the trade war on steroids this is not something that is limited to the supply chain or to the industrial recession that is ongoing in the United States thats a good way a polite way of saying that the damage from the coronavirus is going to be contained to the 11 percent of the u. S. Economy that is manufacturing look Chinese Tourists may only account for 4 percent of travelers to the United States but they account for 11 percent of what is spent on behalf of tourists when they visit here so this along with other disruptions to Services Much more so then to manufacturing again is what is going to trigger fairly quickly trigger job losses in sectors that employ quite a few americans this is not specific and or isolated to the supply chain. Now in the u. S. Treasury market the yield on the 30 year bond which is often viewed as a proxy for growth at the stations that tumbled to a record low of around 1. 81 percent and the 2 year note slipped below one and a quarter percent to the lowest in nearly 3 years so how should the fed respond to this news. Well look i think that bond yields right now are telling us one that there is positive yield to be had here in the United States so its considered to be definitely a safe haven flow but i think that there is more to it than that i think that the market would not be pricing in 3. 00 rate cuts by the end of. Me going out 12 months 3 rate cuts in the next 12 months if it didnt foresee a rising cost ability probability of recession coming to us shores remember that the Service Economy went into contraction for the 1st time since own 9 in the latest reading that we had when it came to new orders thats a forward looking indicator and last i checked 09 we were just coming out of recession former fed and some other danielle did more to nobu thanks so much. Thank you. When it comes to media it seems like there are endless choices but the truth is that at the top there are only a few companies that own virtually all broadcast and cable and that wall of consolidation just got a little smaller on tuesday with the announcement that for light led by foreign biocon c. E. O. Wade davis has now purchased the largest spanish Media Broadcast network in the u. S. Or talk about univision here for lie along with Searchlight Capital Partners just by more than half of univision for around 10000000000. 00 so during the summer this doesnt argue producer roxanna solo did that here so you have a dream isnt just the largest Spanish Language network in the u. S. Certainly its also one of the Fastest Growing right way davis is going to take over as the c. E. O. Of that network as soon as this deal is done what does that mean for universal moving forward do you think so as you said wade de vries will take over towards the end of the year one of the earliest close vote this really means is that they want according to they increase advertising profiting and also the digital presence so remember. That competitor Telemundo Univision completely its owned by n. B. C. And b c its owned by comcast and comcast has the biggest and strongest platform comparatively recent so this is heading towards now is also consolidation between univision and televisa which is another huge Television Network in mexico televisa now still owns about 36 percent of univision so how will that affect the content sharing between these 2 companies well the new owners of the evening we should recognize that the mexican t. V. Has been a key success key to the companys success feedin spanish original content like he said to share his story with the univision dating back many years ago and this deep in strategic relationship today has. You know brought up the content that you need. So this is where its heading not like. They would wait navies once. Said to keep feeding you need as long as they wanted so so speak it away davis you know his time viacom was really kind of punctuated by his purchase of pluto t. V. For viacom and that was a it was a big coup and in part because of the streaming service that it brought to it univision doesnt necessarily have a strong streaming presence right now i think thats an understatement right so its part of the strategy that as he takes it over is to say we have to become as as univision in our partnership with television that we have to become a stronger competitor in terms of the streaming wars and what with what is the universe streaming Service Look Like well if you think about it has been for sale since 2017 they tried to sell it to discovery and that just failed and also they try to attempt to be public you know i. P. O. Company that failed too so what hes writing trying to do is bring in that do you tell presence. To that market to nowadays because traditional you need the chinese then most nontraditional Media Company but they dont they dont have too much presence online thats basically what theyre trying to they have to obviously build out that presence in the some facet right as they move forward in terms of mexico itself what does that market like in terms of trying to bring in the streaming technology is there but mexico is obviously one thing univision is different than mexico right it is it is primarily focused on the southwest part of United States the southeast part of the United States california areas where we see those large hispanic mostly mexican populations in the United States so last word here in terms of the streaming need is that market ready or the underserved when it comes to streaming well if we think about it United States its now. Even there yet with you know we should know thats why does guy bought that company what happens he makes it makes a great thing you steal in the face of the traditional media kompany you know regular broadcast from 9 to 7 or you know like regular broadcast not as much as the presence or to reduce the rocks it was a little thank so much. Yes it is back releasing its latest album map of the soul 7 and is on course for its 4th number one album on the billboard 200. 00 charts now within hours of the release map of the soul had already topped i tunes top charts in at least 91 different regions and swept up all of the top 20 spots on the u. S. I tunes top songs chart on the heels of the success big hits entertainment the record label behind the boy band is taking the Company Public to sing j. P. Morgan and n. H. L. Investment and others to be the book runners of the i. P. O. This i. P. O. Could be one of the largest in the year as the countrys Entertainment Industry with a total valuation expected to be about 5000000000. 00 the company is aiming to raise about 1000000000. 00 the sale of about 20 percent stake in the 2nd half of 2020 big entertainment reported operating profit of over 80000000. 29 with Top Line Sales nearly doubling of 25000000. 00 for reference this is more than the combined earnings of the countrys top 3 biggest Music Management companies. Thats it for this time you can go to blue must on demand on the brand importable t. V. App available on smartphones through google play and the apple apps are by searching portable t. V. Or stream mystere t. V. Vidal in the form of t. V. Ads on apple t. V. And online at www dot tv orrible t. V. Will be available on more devices very soon and as always you can check this out at youtube dot com slash or do you see what your next quote. This is later systematic. Not hard at least not for. Sale. At united arab. Emirates no no no not. In a way at all of them ok if there. Was not a master plan a little like the battle they have made over the last 3 advocate lives that it will be. The one that has. Given people. Who give their no matter. What the one who are. Not those they need the whole corn dog for. The man now let out on asia. And the United States president ial candidates debate the future of the u. S. And the world max kaiser and Stacy Herbert dig into the burning questions of this election cycle one topic every week wealth tax student debt trade wars corporate money universal basic. And more catch up with whats front running this sunday exclusively on r. T. Is youll be a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being that. Direct. What is true wants is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. But as well as slams us sanctions as a weapon of mass destruction and a mouse form of warfare where the president trying threatening to impose further restrictions on the countrys oil sector. The last Us Democratic t. V. Debate before the critical super tuesday vote seems front runner Bernie Sanders ramadan by opponents over his remarks praising cubas literacy programs under castro. Also this hour greek police resort to tear gas as anger over government plans to build new migrant camps on the islands of last post and boil over

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