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On basis of more money printing right thats i think a very interesting point to delve into in other words in 2008 weve said you know that actually the Global Economy stopped because the credit froze they bailed out the creditors a 3rd of the debtors and those creditors simply took all that money and bought really expensive property around the world and expensive art pieces but the economy itself the real economy died and its dead were living in just like the famous gamer who took the pacman game all the way to the end after gaming for 15 hours and then you just see the raw source code at the underneath the pacman game we saw the body im the economy that it was actually a simulation nothing was going on and people would not accept that to be true but the coronavirus now has proven this point because even though all supply alone supply lines are choked and deliveries of. Critical parts are not happening stocks are still stable or going higher because its fed by cheap money right its all cheap money that cheap money is is created out of nothing to create the simulation going and so its just electrons the cost of electrons are virtually 0 and thats all that is behind this cheap money and so the simulation continues and this in this simulation people are buying apartments in new york for 200000000 dollars you know jeff bezos is buying a yacht for 400000000. 00 thats that this all part of the simulation in the 2nd half we speak to Peter Mccormack who is just recently in venezuela and you might find shelves empty there youre also finding shelves empty here but the fact is you know stock markets are are continue to be at all time highs it seems like everything is booming in singapore and hong kong and china they have no toilet issue there was a story of somebody robbing a shop a supermarket in order to just get some some toilet tissue so this is the same so this is no different than whats happening in venezuela a different cause perhaps but at the end of the day were in the same situation and at the end of the day for the ordinary person you know i hearken back to famous essay written by Dmitri Orloff back must be now 12 or 13 years ago 20062006 he wrote something called the collapse gap and you saying the soviet union and United States are similar they both bankrupt of themselves with military budgets the soviet union collapsed and we know the story of that and the us would collapse at some point well i would say you know its basically true except that instead of the us collapsing its really the globe the globe collapsing everyone has followed this neoliberal capitals model of money printing but no profits no jobs no growth no health. Mortality death rates you know thats the collapse that were suffering now for the same reason weve bankrupted our. Solves with the Energy Industry to feed the pentagon which is now running out of energy just like the roman roman legions asuncion when the denarius coin became worthless the roman empire collapsed and of course as the roman empire collapsed they ran out of ideas people are running out of ideas the only idea they have is more and more printing as you had pointed out in your tweets and of course janet yellen stepped in and basically agreed with you by saying yellen says fed purchases of stocks and Corporate Bonds could help in a downturn so of quantitative easing and printing money and buying treasuries and other aaa government bonds well then were going to start buying corporate junk again like here we have nature fighting back we have antarctica at 68 degrees for the 1st time in recorded history we have these coronaviruses these sort of bad inspired deadly viruses that have been emerging over the past 20 years ebola sorry smears. 19 so it seems like no matter what like we get more and more elated and more and more like you know the stock markets just go higher and higher and it has to fight back nature is fighting back harder and harder right there a lot of people on wall street rooting for a coronavirus wipe out of half the worlds population because that would prompt Central Banks to print ever more money and force their stock portfolios higher and it is so gross and disgusting the incentives for this economy have become and quite perverse and disgusting and theres janet yellen who is reinforcing the idea that we live in a in a neo monarchy we live in a royal courts where those who janet yellen z are friends of janet are friends of jay powell the current fed chairman get unlimited bailouts for just because theyre friends of jay powell for doing for being a friend of jay powell they get unlimited credit as their percentages. There what also is living. A peasant we live in a global peasantry and if youre not a friend of jay powell you are a peasant well exactly i did ask in a tweet to that could help who she was saying it could help she didnt specify who and of course it will help the people behind the moats the people who are have pulled up the drawbridge since 1991 since they went off the Gold Standard since theres no honest metric and you know again tying it into this coronavirus of course nobodys talking about the big situation america is a lot of these people who end up in hospital its a 20 percent of those who get hit by corona virus have to go to hospital and the average stay is like 10 days to 3 weeks. Thats going to cost you half a 1000000. 00 here in america most americans have about 400. 00 in savings so what is going to happen here. Forget the fact that most of these hospitals in america dont even have medical masks anymore because theyre all made in china those masks are made in china and china is keeping it for themselves here we have a situation where the anybody who gets sick. How is that going to unfold where people will be too afraid to go to the hospital so theyre going to continue Walking Around the supermarket looking for toilet tissue right you know people say that Northern Europe is essentially capitalism with a strong welfare state and thats the model in america is capitalism mixed with a death cult and thats the difference you know we worship death so we make medical attention in. Care so inaccessible that we glorify and deify death its a death cult in america thats what thats our number one export in a different way than what mexico might have where they have a day of the dead and they speak to their ancestors where a kind of more of a you know that early protestant sort of vengeance full you know if if you can afford it then you deserve to die sort of thing but you know i have mentioned hard money that we went off hard money in 1071 and all of these crazy viruses and all this like the fact that we were able to bring decades and decades of future growth forward to today and weve spent it all and i think that thats these are the signs that were seeing around in the environment and that is that weve actually lived the next 50 years for 10000000000 people you know weve already live their lives and now were in this weird stace this. You know i want to compare it to the story that Mike Novogratz tweeted about and that is that the average woman in the usa is 5 foot 4 inches and weighs 167. 00 pounds the average man is 5 foot 9 inches and weighs 195 pounds we need a new National Diet i cant believe the female numbers but ive double checked time for country fast what im saying is that here weve had. Like on the mainstream Financial Press theyll tell you well this is great food prices all the spot processed food it helps the poor just like our feet money we could continue to give people money we can we know we could airdrop the money so easily because we f. E out because were no longer on a Gold Standard we can just drop them and as i just pointed out not only do most americans have less than 4 100. 00 in savings and in fact about the bottom 2030 percent of the population has negative net worth but were always sold on the idea that we cant let Interest Rates rise because it will hurt the poor we cant have hard money because it will hurt the pork we cant have real food because it will hurt the poor but here youre seeing that this this is starvation this is an absence of nutrients that youre receiving from the food youre being fed whether its in the Monetary System or the actual nutrients food system yeah i love the way safety and imus talks about this in his book the bitcoin standard and highly recommend it talks about this idea of keynesianism and the fake money syndromes kind of carrying over to the fake food syndrome and they just look at the calories and say well the poor eats 2. 00 or 3000. 00 calories a day they dont care that the calories are actually dangerous excess carbohydrates fake sugar death molecules essentially its just calories right and the results are National Health crisis and then when you go to the hospital for treatment then thats part of a death cult so its just a loop of death unlike mexico where its theyve incorporated death into their aesthetic and artistic expression here its part of the every day the capitalist model that you need to die for Michael Bloomberg the greatest thing you can do for Michael Bloomberg is die i mean thats essentially his message and bus live from the obvious racism and its pretty pathetic with. The cheap food that were told is good for the poor it obviously adds a huge health. Care burden to them but also you know lost work wages things like that in terms of dealing with their health the same with cheap money they have a massive accumulation of debt that they can never escape and thus never build capital unless never invests in a future theyre always running in the same spot since you know i know hes staying still so thats why im saying we need hard money we need hard food we need it coined we need gold you know just because the government might say you can now sell a kidney for money doesnt mean its a good idea even though youre desperate for some sugary breakfast cereal to impair your health and end up in the hospital and not be able to pay and then go into debt servitude so Michael Bloomberg can feel good about himself by an election because Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 and were only in the 3rd or 4th stage of the 7 stages of grief oh my god hilary what are going to put us through what do we have to suffer because youre such an ego maniacal idiot well we got to take a break and when we come back much more coming your way. And were going to pull your purposes oh politics to the people and come on you know weve all bots the truth. Really. You want to work. No. All. The point is should we actually be charging for it because this is when we charge for things is because its a benefit to the person who is buying it and thats the audiology that took over education about 30 or 40 years ago but the perspective of education was originally that education is a benefit for society in general i wouldnt want to live in a Society Without doctors or engineers what happened without economists. Saying it of being a profit benefit ignoring the public means that were ignoring that the skill bias we need for a Sophisticated Society and putting the burden of that school on the individuals and what weve turned it into is just now the churn institution of Higher Education become a form a version of a real estate scam that is not the basis for a functional. Welcome back to the kaiser report on. Austin texas. Peter mccormick extraordinary podcast or host of what. Defiance welcome back thanks i mean back. South america was. Oh yeah everywhere you went oh actually its going to be left around as well. Respected respected lets talk about that as well oh yes tweeting from venezuela and youre a guy who actually goes places and talks to people in real time and does the job a journalist you know that youre actually gathering information and reporting on it and so lets talk about this you 1st of all just to the question was it tough to get into venezuela there was a lot of logistics planning so my producer keep saying stop calling yourself a journalist because it comes with too many responsibilities here yeah thats why a lot of people say you know yourself funny because identifies a satirist because satirists get more slack in terms of free speech yeah yeah thats true what he said the problem with journalism is that you need multiple sources Fact Checking and said you dont have the infrastructure for that so youre just the man on the street telling people what you see but you know a lot of planning just. Only that if 2 days off in june 2018 i 1st looked into venezuelan ive been following whats been going there are really going to be a guy i used to write for. So we went to colombia we met up with him and a group of people for venezuelans its actually his birthday but the thing he said you need to be very quick with your equipment and being considered a journalist so we didnt take any of our quip when we left it all in. The hotel. We tried to arrange it to get shipped to where we would go it was a. So we left it there we took an i phone h. H none of our mikes apart from positon i phone and then we went we went in separately and you know he said he was a photographer and i said i was mocking go out of here as a tourist a little bit of grief on the way in but not too much. The real grief happened off that we visited one of the slums. And we left the slums when we got to the highway we the police were following us and pulled us over and you know pretty clear with us of the journalists with him were tourists they said whats on the cameras if theres any Anti Government messages youre going to be arrested and put in jail and all fixed it was very good convincing them not even to check the cameras so that was lucky ok so what was the purpose of this because you wanted to find out what were you did to confirm what your thoughts were already and you learned some new stuff and new stuff i mean. For 2 reasons now ill go for bitcoin and then i get to define it so i want to know whats actually going on somewhere like human rights what did you learn about. That. There is a limited use of bitcoin. So we went to the border in colombia. There was twofold n. G. O. S receive donations but they just its just a way of receiving money is just another currency they can receive and convert to what they need it doesnt offer anything special in terms of the donation is just another source of money but it is used but again in a very limited amount for people to. Send money back into the country. Again its very limited very small most people on the border are trying to and dollars a ball a vase and taken all taken back into the country to spend so theres very limited use case there most people all theyre really very extra. Levels of poverty i didnt know wolf we met some go actually when i went to interview one of the n. G. O. S that this spanish guy grabbed me and i didnt speak spanish but these translated he was crying and also to be interviewed he said people need to know what its like from life in there and hed come to talk to have money and he was the. Living on the street but his wife and his baby. Lay him on the street sleeping worried about being attacked. Had nothing so we gave him 60 bucks in the end and he was crying his eyes on the guy explained i didnt have an understanding of how poor these people he said well his family cannot eat for 3 months. And thats what the meal when we go out right right so the level of poverty is extremely 60 some of the idea of these people who are struggling to get by the next 2 or 3 hours you know in the wallet and your brother hes getting your private keys i mean thats not the goal you know because they are struggling to survive just because you ours now we know that part of the reason that theyre in the state that they are it has to do with the money with the dollar because thats the currency of occupation the currency of colonialism and this is seen all over latin america but typically in a revolution and you see this in countries now different peasant uprisings whether its in france or in latin america or even in america in the present uprising with the ascent of Bernie Sanders its usually the middle class that is actually engaged in the revolution in the answer action theyve had it you know up to the neck and theyre willing to stage the insurrection is there did you have contact with more middle class yes in venezuela whats going on there so we did both we went into the east of the west and the east of caracas and the polar opposite so you go to the east and it feels like any cosmopolis in the city youve got. The genes we call garridge we can push for. It still has problems with security it still has problems. With violence and crime but generally speaking its pretty stable and thats where all the best jobs thats where i soon these people have managed to maintain some level income outside of this water but its one of the you know has died we then went into the slums in the west and it entirely changes and one of my 1st experience of this is being in a propaganda zone you know huge maturer murals huge chavez murals of like graffiti on the wall but very much of the same style everywhere and then we stumbled upon a madeira rally and that was very weird experience because. At any support but at the same time it felt highly staged you know this happened on the same day that i had come back to venezuela and. You know i just felt very stage one of the most interesting things though is that. I asked when we got out of place where i could offer people privately questions where there was no camera on and you know nobody looking in on the conversation i would offer people what they think. And it felt like need to have strong support everyone everyone i spoke to wants freedom and i think it speaks to a function of this stuff that Everyone Wants to get rid of material but they still dont think the go i write the date the rise of hugo chavez of course you know in response to the coup and the america even under his watch tried another coup and to establish some kind of economic model in the face of what is kind of kleptocracy mostly us fred is to talk a populist game because youre trying to gain power trying to get into Office Simple messages you know this money thats being taken out of the country were going to try to keep it in the country and then you have a lot of folks in the u. S. And elsewhere would say well this is socialism which and socialism is evil but kind of not putting it into cars. Context the occupation that was there stealing all the wealth to begin with is this phrase socialism misused in this way or what do you how do you put it into context yeah i mean i dont want to get into the person again of the whole american kind of history of coup or whether this is a coup now because i dont know enough about it on the stand off about it and to be honest right now looking at how desperate the situation is. Actually think a coup right now would be a good thing if it if it opened up the markets if it free the people to continue to have jobs and money of all in the nation example lets say from the United States lets say its the fiftys and sixtys the jim crow laws are in effect blacks are being persecuted unmercifully in america so it would be a good idea for france or germany to stage a coup in america i say the black population i mean another. Problem doesnt need homegrown solution i guess ideally you would have a homegrown solution but you are talking about very violent. Trafficking state that has a very violent control over not only narcotics. And the gold mines you know these these are people who are ruthless and the situation is so desperate that if there was a coup and it led to the downfall of what i would want to know is what is the net gain net loss my of my sumption would be a net gain. For the war overall state but its not going to change the poverty you know. Venezuelas had poverty for years that you know you know desperate poverty but the the the impact right now were desperate the thing the story has told all the things ive heard all the videos ive seen is. Believable right well essentially to see one in the gallery the trump speech looks like another lot america pump it to me but lets move on lets talk about randy brady a local mash you know hes got a venezuela big going community he got a little wireless nodes. And they can do hard Money Transfer outside of government outside corporations peer to peer thats seems like the real revolution that should be supported and its being picked up in the kind of middle class type environment did you see any of that so the thing is that the people using right now all the wealthy or those who are educated are the mining or the trading and the some remittance most a lot of people dont have funds to some people sharing them and those who do have them dont have Data Services so having actual access to to use Something Like big coin the infrastructure isnt even that the education. These people are too poor to buy the coin i mean even if the big coin transaction fee is 0. 20 and they dont have a dollar and then they spend 20 percent on a transaction so it serves no purpose to the poorest people when youre in caracas its fine everyones got power everyones going access to data its in the provinces that they dont and thats where you have in the blockhouse again those are the people who too poor so you know i put out. My controversially called it. Because i dont think the solution is big one right now its certainly not people who are just hungry and they need money and they survive on the ball of all the dollar everyone has and uses the ball of all they want the dollar if they can get it because its a bit more stable because it is limited to those who a mining those who are sure they understand that that dollars harder currency than the ball on its under under the greshams law you know. The good money pushes out the bad and so the dollar versus the ball of our is hard but coin versus the dollar is even harder still and in other countries receive oh you have to have the option of taking either gold or versus the u. S. Dollar or u. S. In uruguay a. T. M. Just set up for the dollar and a local currency and people save the dollars as a store of value and then they use the local currency for transactions so they understand what a hard money isnt easy. You know once the joshi is 1100th of a penny some people can afford 1100th of a penny and they can stay and they can achieve individual sovereignty so its not a massive worth telling people absolutely but the name of the game right now for a lot of people to survival it isnt it isnt a month ahead or a weekend its today tomorrow how were going to. Now there are practical problems with like gold is all the money of all the people using that because its part of gold this part of problems with the coin that it doesnt solve the india for example the distressed economy you have 20000 tons held by women as a way to preserve well but anyway they dont save for this is that. They dont have a culture of saving in venezuela its get money spend money get money spend money theyve been brainwashed into money but anyway. The current thinking on the cars are there i can see. Now were going to do left and yet i cant. Get down with their business when the kids im ready for a while and i was going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me i dont think you have and i think because Peter Mccormack of what did podcast super if you want to catch us on twitter. Its seemed wrong. To me. To shake out just because the ticket and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalists attacks particularly catholic population in belfast tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes a mob was striking to put these attacks was that the or you see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of full streets in belfast at the take more than a 100 innocent civilians were unloaded as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and its occurrence which the solution was involved in some of those cases they killers would later be named. In the gang i think it went to the very very top i think it is the focus. The water where all the tastes and you thought was going on and give the go ahead. Today we stand storage of. Worms. Is here waiting to be reached. Turkish airlines. 4 pm right now choose the afternoon here in moscow in the headlines this hour Hosni Mubarak the former egyptian president who was toppled in the 2011 arab spring uprising has died aged 91 after a long period of illness coming up we look at the legacy of his life and times in his 30 year old. Also the headlines to a surgeon coronavirus cases in europe in asia stokes fears of a pandemic may be no worry of it after a wave of confirmed patients in italy now neighboring countries too are questioning the open borders and whether its going to work or not. Traffic in london its the 2nd day of july the sounds u. S. Extradition hearing as a grieving british following their weighs in on the case pleading with the u. K. To release that wiki leaks

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