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That you say morning at 10 here in moscow money welcome to world news from international 1st for you then the World Health Organization is warning of a potential pandemic as cases of the deadly coronavirus spike cross europe and asia italy iran and south korea have now emerged as infection hotspots. This is a time for all the countries communities i mean lease and individuals to focus on preparing. We do not believe in a binary black and white world and its not i that all we must focus on containment why do we everything we can to prepare for the potential of pundit week. And hes quarantined a dozen towns in the north of the country after more than 200 cases and 7 confirmed deaths neighboring nations have called emergency meetings to discuss preventing the spread of the virus with concerns that freedom of Movement Across the in you should be suspended heres our europe correspondent peter oliver. Tens of thousands of people a lockdown in quarantine in northern italy because of the virus with one of the fundamental freedoms the freedom of movement taking a hit. On a. Train services between italy and austria were temporarily suspended and in from the right wing of politics there is saying that that countrys border with its elite should be closed and given the model of i would prefer to do too much and rather than not enough they have to close in the borders nasa. Theory if the epidemic is out of control in italy each year on 4 we can harbor a very serious concerns about there are people in france it might have a virus which struck me so i regressed to cautionary measure in my letter to the Prime Minister as i mentioned all measures of reinforcing whole duke rumania which has a significant proportion of its citizens living and working in italy for that i will stick to we quarantine period for anyone returning from that country romania might be more exposed to coronavirus cases on the National Territory these measures are similar to the ones taken by the italian authorities government officials insist that closing the borders remains a measure of last resort not only because of the impact it would have on public morale but also it would be very bad for business a present there are absolutely no grounds for pursuing a suspension of the schengen treaty it would be a draconian measure to take to contain the infection there are no circumstances under which this would not have a devastating impact on our economy and then what we want to do it italy turn it into a quarantine facility. But closing the borders would make no sense as the circulation of the virus is not just limited to administers of borders we asked people what they thought about borders and whether they should remain open. See i maybe thats the only way to stop that i dont. Carry to be contained for sure but im not sure completely closing youre seeing is the right answer if there was a closed borders then were looking at you think that were starting to look at a pandemic you trust in the government study you know its not necessary to close the borders and her entire crisis everyone is afraid and live in paranoia i think that we need to continue to live as we leave before so for me its closing the borders is quite problematic especially when thinking about trade another thing we should wait for more serious cases it is better to introduce border controls even within the e. U. If the virus gets in we will have problems i think it was necessary need to take measures in advance but its a real unsurety about what to do about the coronavirus among people on the streets here europe with most hoping that National Governments have. Peter all of a. Thing called a trial for journalism around the world has Julian Assange has us extradition hearing and has day 2 in london in a few hours the wiki leaks cofounder is currently being held in a top security prison and is wanted in america on espionage and hacking charges the australian whistleblower could face 175 years behind bars if found guilty in the u. S. After publishing classified Intelligence Data a day one of the hearing lasted for 6 hours here some sketches from the court because filming is banned while outside protesters gather to support inside defense lawyers argue that the case was politically motivated by the prosecution claim the whistleblowers actions endangered lives youre going to stand his father insists his sons actions harmed no one. Admitted. Chose the many straws. The release or so why arent we discussing the harm that was released there was revealed by the release of. 2011 why arent we here talking in court about the war crimes yes as a nation of innocent civilians by the military the slaughtering of reuters journalists that is why we should be talking about you know a courtroom in this country and in america. Meanwhile the family of a british teenager who was killed in a Road Accident last august a calling for us on his extradition to be blocks parents say the u. S. 1st needs to hand over the woman suspected of killing their son shes the wife of an american diplomat and has admitted driving on the wrong side of the road she fled the u. K. Shortly afterwards claiming diplomatic immunity and despite requests from the British Government washington says it will not agree to her extradition that one familys lawyer accuses the u. S. Of rank hypocrisy. Whilst america is. Protecting her the person whos accused of killing her son they have no business calling pretty extradition anybody from the United Kingdom it is it is it is it was going fine it were this just disgusting cover your cases are completely different but the over the principle of reciprocity routes all extradition cases if the United States is going to revoke the extradition treaty between the u. S. As its done here then you know the United Kingdom needs to stand up to by both countries need to abide by the extradition treaty so you know we are very clear working you know doing our best work u. K. Government to make sure that the decision that the United States has made its not actually this is not that but we are in the middle of the diplomatic standoff its one of the darkest moments. In the u. S. U. K. The relationship. Thats democrats are urging the white house to impose additional sanctions on russia including president putin it follows meddling claims ahead of novembers president ial election with moscow accused of helping candidates from both main parties. A letter from Congressional Democrats was presented a centrally calling for more sanctions to be imposed on russia in response to allegations of russia trying to interfere in the 2020 president ial election which will take place in november we urge you to identify and target for sanctions all those determined to be responsible for ongoing elections interference including president putin the government of the Russian Federation any russian actors now as you heard the letter even called for directly sanctioning the russian head of state russian president Vladimir Putin now we know that these new allegations about the upcoming election. Or can be traced back to Shelby Pearson now Shelby Pearson is a an Intelligence Community figure in the United States who is basically at this point the top Election Security official and she testified before the u. S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee about allegations that russia is somehow planning to meddle in the 2020 vote for the purpose of making sure that donald trump is reelected did you see that i see these ponies these that do nothing democrats they said today that he wants to be sure that trump gets elected here we go these people are crazy now much of shelby his claim has been disputed and debunked by other figures in the u. S. Intelligence community furthermore in the aftermath of this claim from Shelby Pearson that russia is meddling for the purpose of reelecting trump we now have allegations that russia is meddling for the purpose of electing a u. S. Senator Bernie Sanders from vermont so russia is at this point being accused of taking 2 different sides in the upcoming vote however russia has been very adamant that this is simply not true the russian government officials have been very adamant that they are not trying to interfere in the u. S. Voting process the Russian Federation does not interfere in other countrys internal political processes we appeal to politicians to stop playing blame game it is especially striking how Political Forces in washington are exploiting this myth for their opportunities to gain making totally ungrounded and fictitious russia link tell the game against each other is becoming a better american political tradition now in 2016 there were widespread allegations of a russian meddling russian collusion in the us election process those allegations continued after the election there was a long investigation and much of what had initially been said was debunked the facts simply didnt add up it wasnt true but regardless. Of everything the United States has been through and all the allegations that have been hurled and debunked in the last 4 years it seems like now as the 2020 vote approaches and in november once again the United States will be going to the polls to determine who will be president it seems that allegations about russia will once again be surfacing and that this will be once again part of the election process in determining who will be the president of the United States for the following 4 years. German police are looking into a 2nd potential terror attack and a week after a vehicle slammed into a conical parade in a small western town injuring around 30 including children a 29 year old man has been detained. Because. That is the only hand our care new costume is on the wall street was taking part of the parade and for whatever reason this car managed to drive into the group of people who were in the trajectory of the current but there were many injured saying god there were no doubt people. Through and through the whole thing is unbelievable for the pain is a very strong dimension to doing. Police in open out and apologized after leaflets linking Alcohol Consumption to rape were wrongly circulated in belfast the incident triggered an angry backlash in the city with many accusing the force of participating in a culture of victim blaming the flies claimed that many sexual abuse cases happen when people are drunk and out like ways individuals can protect themselves the Police Service says the leaflets have been discontinued and its investigating why they were distributed in the 1st place it also stressed that rape victims are never a fold but that wasnt good enough for many. This left that is a horrible example of victim blaming from those who are meant to protect the victim this is an issue that has come up again and again and we thought that the lesson had been Learned Police need to step away from the blaming these leaflets rebirths that do you the police can you please get some dont be a message and stop attacking women leaflets to distribute please how can you prevent a crime you routinely fail to understand with this victim blaming nonsense earlier we discussed the controversial flyer with a former British Police officer Peter Kirkwood and women rights advocate reporter diana. Always the same and the same thing happening again and again we are in 2020 and still with the there is the blaming the victim of rape but please dont blame enright for anything else what they do do and they have an absolute duty to do is provide people with Crime Prevention and personal safety advice it would be utterly ridiculous if they didnt shouldnt get drunk come on everyone knows that but why you should put that in the is you know in this leaflet why you should connect this to rape sure thats the bad thing people need to avoid making themselves vulnerable to all sorts of things by drinking so much that they dont understand where they are and what theyre doing and we see every friday and saturday night in every town center but this is and how sick a is you know so this is a common sense thing for everyone as i said that you dont shouldnt connect this to rape in order to prevent rape you should go in target to men who are violent or lets say these loud and clear you keep asking for things that are effectively the moon on the street how can the police go and find a rapist before they been a rapist and persuade them not to be right past it simply isnt the pastor know of violence there is a part of violence you knew know that and whether or not you hes aware that. Since a very in their efforts are not helped by exaggerated and inaccurate claims by campaigners and im sorry i dont agree with him when he says that its exaggerated i know every time we men speak but its never exaggerated its finally our voices are heard you know what we have enough we have enough of this culture of this culture so we need to be united if you agree with me that if this is a social emergency and im talking about sexual abuse and Domestic Violence we need to find are always working together isnt helped by one party exaggerating claiming that the other party is lying there is no grounds for expect for climbing and i will service in all of Northern Ireland are lying when they say these were old leaflets but some are through some mistake which will undoubtedly to a jury of administrative error. On the way a new Amazon Online drama series is being branded dangerous over its depiction of the holocaust resulting report after this. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race in. Spearing Dramatic Development only mostly im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. The world is driven by shaped by one person. Who dares thinks. We fear him to ask. The us president is currently on a 2 day visit to india with washington the new delhi looking to end the trade standoff donald trump hoping to land some big deal since the countrys push to offset chinas growing military and economic influence as dont quote a report. Cheering crowds extravagant. Decorations and even a camel convoy it was all for donald trump on his visit to india or now must a trump as the onlookers chanted he was given a royal welcome. Of course behind all the pretty facades poverty stricken slums dont just go away People Living near open sewers with no indoor plumbing of their own garbage everywhere but indias Prime Minister is trying to make a good impression on the leader of the worlds richest country and a good impression he has made america loves india america respects india and america will be free. I do the indian people. But relations between washington and new delhi havent been so good on the trade front back in 2018 the us announced new tariffs on steel and aluminum a year later india was removed from the generalized system of preferences a special trade agreement that exempts u. S. Allies from certain economic restrictions the country was even threatened with secondary sanctions for buying a russian made as 400. 00 Missile System hopes were high for a new trade deal that would have eased some of that friction too bad it seems to have been shelved for now but we could have a trade deal with the dia but im really saving the big deal for later and were doing a very big trade deal with the idea well have it i dont know if itll be done before the election but well have a very big deal within the us who arent you. Know what adam should also do open up. Markets in a big way to the u. S. Thats not possible for those who. Gains an emerging market its a country that dates. And logs number of people. A lot of employed in the group i just checked i us finds in d. S. Was his shouldnt a bit dodgy and all but it gas recent and all of those measures because primary instinct for a good politician is to protect the indian market while trump and modi couldnt see eye to eye on trade they had more than enough to agree on concerning war specifically regarding their common enemy china both washington and india have been fighting to curb beijings regional influence especially its naval presence in the South China Sea so trumps ready to seal a 3000000000. 00 defense deal that would equip india with a number of new state of the art helicopters made in the us of a as we continue to build our defense cooperation the United States looks forward to providing india with some of the best and most feared military equipment on the planet we make the greatest weapons ever made airplanes missiles rockets ships we make the best and were dealing now with india a lot of people believe that john now you really mean number one because of its. Military power and for the u. S. This is agreed to be to check china as a growing precedent it leaves good notion and believes a jump on these helicopters and therefore would be a use for lydon. And gaming the sort of direct that might i. Indian ocean where china has more than a decade green. Going to see. Making faustian. Online join amazon is under fire from jewish groups over a new series on its video streaming powerful the shows called hunters. Which the Auschwitz Memorial museum describes as dangerously foolish over its depictions of the holocaust in particular over a scene of a human chessboard of nazis killing inmates at a death camp which the museum says is a caricature of people suffering the drama stars and centers on the vigilante nazi hunters of the 1970 s. Who tracked down hundreds of escaped war criminals and fled to the us. You know. People like those being. The stone and they. Are shows creator david vile is the grandson of a holocaust survivor hes defended the chess scene saying it was deliberately done to counteract the whitewashing of some of the worst atrocities committed by man i wasnt being called out before over selling ethically dubious items into the holocaust on its site including t. Shirts with a picture of a nazi executing a jewish person and even Christmas Decorations depicting the auschwitz death camp both those products were removed but other questionable items are Still Available history central editor of newsweek columnist Mark Schulman believes amazon has to take more social responsibility. I think that amazons series may have gone a little bit beyond where i would have been comfortable going as an historian we always have to be careful we have to be careful because the line between documentary history and the line between what a movie maker can make up is a difficult clients but a company this big it has to take a social responsibility and i think it has to be careful if youre a 1000000 seller is now an amazon now can you can they pull lease all 1000000 sellers yes they could but it requires tremendous effort and they dont do enough of that amazon worries mostly about its profits like any Big Corporation and they have to be responsible for making sure that they dont allow things on their platform that are problematic visa via the holocaust naziism other areas as well obviously other hateful areas. This year marks 75 years since the allied victory over fascism in the 2nd world war and in a special project to us telling the stories of veterans from all over the world decorated french soldier told us about his experience on the frontline and he wants to hear your family stories too. Im going to. Force a book on you plus each other. Ready to belittle your really job me. Go here move broader me not on the wanted to be and to do the man. Woman by him walk the money doesnt go your way only hell sure younger point out that. Good. Good they dont. Do the whole new all more. You look at books the girls want to go and visit to get dressed so do you get all the bar is a good one we could also book. No more division you stupid you will be up for the most of you. And you and your good day might deduce throughout the morsi 4 or so world go to your most urgent the duchamp mostly on a sword only just for prison or. And when to be sharing all stories like iran ace in the weeks leading up to mate and i think on r. T. Thats how it looks so far from moscow this tuesday your next global update for us follows watching the hawks. Banks geysers financial survive until they say money to the relatives close to it is it this is a central plank support via dummys i dont call them right now so stop them. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. To direct. What is truth what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or inmate in the shallows. Readings and sell you take a shit. This week has definitely started off in the world of law and order hawk watchers with the completion of one media frenzy trial of the celebrity at the center and the beginning of another im speaking of course about the conclusion of Harvey Weinsteins rape trial in new york at the start of giuliana songe extradition hearings in london both occurring this monday the 24th of 2020 page but tragically real life isnt a dick wolf series and there isnt a jack mccoy or Lennie Briscoe in sight when it comes to these 2 rather unusual and crazy trials yes monday was not a good day for the house of weinstein of a new york jury convicted the famed hollywood producer and mogul on charges of 3rd degree rape and a count of committing a criminal sexual act in the 1st degree while the jury didnt convict weinstein of the stronger charges against him which included 1st degree rape and 2 counts of predatory Sexual Assault for many this was still an Important Court victory for the hashtag need to movement meanwhile ladies and gentlemen across the atlantic pond the extradition hearings began for wakey leaks founder and publisher julian a son of a son just facing 18 charges here in the United States of america violating the espionage act and hacking if convicted the sons could face up to 175 years in prison but 1st the british courts will have to extradite him to the United States and this is worse than just lawyers are trying to draw the proverbial line in the sand assads attorney edwardss jerald argued that essentially the u. S. Is persecuting julian a songe not prosecuting him telling the packed courtroom today that julian a son just being made an example of President Trump and his administration decided to make an example of julian a son. So with Harvey Weinstein now legally a rapist yes harvey it was indeed rape no matter how much you claimed it was not and now the legal future of the freedom of the press hanging in the balance i think its time to do a little watching the hawks. Was going on in a city the streets. Clear so

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