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Word of condemnation from ankara finally patzer i would submit this to you turkey has been left on its own in syria by American Society russia on its own similar to how the americans left the british and the french in egypts to face the soviet union during the suit so this canal crisis you know the you know theres been some noise being made pompei was backing the turkeys claims and on goals all that but they havent really done anything yet and i doubt Donald Donald trump will pursue that as he so close to the his reelection bid here but Marcus Papadopoulos of that is really right ever since russia was invited in to end the conflict in syria and this is essentially a conflict against terrorism to end terrorists and countries around the world that support terrorism turkey is one of them theres a lot at stake here is this again one of arab. Ones bluffing games because if it is maybe it works at home it hasnt worked with the russians at all and i would even say the russian side is show enormous restraint in patients oh well i would say that this is just one more oregons mistakes it was a mistake in the 1st police 2 goal against syria he had a Good Relationship with with president our by until 2011 they went sailing together and let me remind you that this was one of the reasons why the walled kind of increase to stay in power longer than any previous turkish Prime Minister he sportive see in the early 2000 was good relations with all the neighbors you know even with armenia unfortunately he detour from the border later on and syria was the main disaster i think but i would add of on detail toward marcus has just said so the sequence of events in september 2015 Russian Air Force starts operate in in syria let me remind you that before that for 11 months the socalled coalition had been born being the socalled Islamic State isis and i just continue to expend some how well they didnt deal what they did is they bombed the infrastructure of syria to create a failed state in the literal exactly that they didnt fight isis it was a very strange bomb being which somehow was a company and by strengthening all of the Islamic State after russia more d. N. A. In september 2015 of these states started to shrink and now its almost nonexistent thank god but so in the end of 2050 in the darwinian of the russian plane saladino relations in summer 2016 the failed coup attempt against air drag on which is very mysterious i will not make any claims. After that somehow a mystery began. He is very distrustful of the United States and. Russia even though but what we know really started before that thats what makes this let me go back to marcus thats the this is what makes it really such a murky situation here because everyone has got himself again in a situation hes boxed himself in because he doesnt want to lose face here and the russians. Lost in this last december negotiated a a dignified withdrawal to actually clean up the remnants of this of these terrorist cells in and he has broken his word again how do we get out of this quagmire without a major conflict marcus. Well let me just add to the previous comments by saying it wasnt in the interests of france to invade russia in 1000 trouble it was in the interests of napoleon if we take the Current Situation in syria it wasnt in the interests of turkey to invoke itself in syria but it was the interests of earth to get to vote so indeed in syria but where do we go from here well its very very clear that the syrian army is advancing rapidly in italy and battered by the Russian Military and also about spite the youre a new military it is almost over against dreams of extending turkish influence into the middle east fight he can hold off parts of syria its especially because the americans have told him in no Uncertain Terms that they are not going to come to his rescue so the turkish army is not go into engages in a military confrontation with Russian Military because it would be sort of it would be military suicide for it to do so so i think that serbs publicly are say that they will resist the socalled aggression of the Syrian Government and the syrian army but in cryovac they will be saying very different words to the russians and now it needs a dignified literally its ok for a moment that mark is there but as weve already been there weve already been in that situation in the medina weve already been in that situation i mean what now is because like i said the new russia certainly doesnt want to get into into a major conflict with turkey since relations between the 2 countries have been pretty mentally over the last 3 or 4 years in russia will not get into the conflict for a very simple reason out of a guy what in a much better position to attack and basically occupy syria in 2012 or the western world. Against syria mr sarkozy convened the so called friends of syria you know summit in which all the western countries took part you know those of countries so if he didnt attack than or rather hes tried and they failed he knows hes going to fail now because egypt is just a small part all the syrian territory of the government controls 90 percent of syria he is in the works but with a situation right now his real dilemma is this 2 things number one as the syrian army moves to regain control of all of insolvency including the illegal occupation of the the americans there youre going to have these terrorist cells they only have one place to go north to turkey so he cultivated them protected them armed them money. But now when the game is over were they go theyre not going to surrender to assad and his forces theyre going to have one escape route where they came from. There is also im sorry and the civilians and ability dont forget about you know the libyan people already very unfortunate after theyre. The western countries and establish democracy is that they need in this country theyre going to be you know their next misfortune is going to be their various comment to them you know basically are gone said that hes going to transport some of them to libya i think that will be a solution for him because these people are dangerous. But. Made a mistake on every step of the way but hes made a mistake was he was not resolute and often he is a position to the United States he took that decision why as 400. 00 missiles from russia will stay with it but you know and then we have south stream turks dream we have that very important always wants to. Eat it you know he always wants to paly russia against the United States and the west. Against russia and he always fails because the more the west is darion it doesnt unfaithfulness he was unfaithful to them with hundreds theyre not going to forgive it you know they want to go after him i feel that thats thats why the west is to 30 terry and no it doesnt so russia understands it very well so if you look at the. Speeches or the situation in. Syria if you look at the statements from that foreign minister ok the Defense Ministry is pretty you know like different. People they say that that there is a get. The truth why is the Foreign Ministry you know more soft spoken we know that the west is not going to support him and he is going to blow off time and then thats what hes good at here Marcus Papadopoulos thank you for joining in this part of the program were going to go to a short break now and after that short break well continue our discussion and some real news staying. In a picture. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalists attacks on the population tens of are forced to flee their homes. These attacks was a p. R. You see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing them they were active participants in the burning of schools streets in belfast. More than 100 innocent civilians were. Seniors and we found out more. About the extent. To which the pollution was involved in some of those cases the killer. Would later be named. I think it went to the very very top i think it is a voters cross the water where politicians knew. And gave the go ahead. Seemed wrong. But all were all just all. Going to get to shape out these days to come to the ticket and engagement because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Nuclear become a battleground in the u. S. In vermont people love demanding the shutdown of a local plant from my yankee is right now my focus because its a very dangerous oh no claire power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limits this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on wheres the power in this country where is it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional participatory democracy as are power lie with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in the very real ways. A struggle. The point is should we actually be charging for it because this is when we charge for things its because its been a benefit to the person who is borrowing it and thats the audiology took over education about 30 or 40 years ago but the perspective of education was originally that education is a benefit for saudi in general i wouldnt want to live in a Society Without doctors or engineers all saw what happened without economists. Saying it of being a profit benefit ignoring the public means that were ignoring that the skill bias we need for a Sophisticated Society and putting the burden of that school biases on the individuals and what weve turned it into is just now the trying institution of Higher Education become a form a version of a real estate scam that is not the bisons for a functional saudi. Welcome back to crossfire were all things you consider Peter Lavelle remind you were discussing some real lose. And now were joined by our dinner we curious in london he is a writer on Legal Affairs as well as editor in chief of the duran dot com alex welcome to the program here well we have the sequel of the russia gate lives on i thought it was in traction but no it has new life in its the same figure is in the swamp in the Intel Community that tells us its alive and kicking and in the sequel as youve well notice Bernie Sanders is playing a very important if not leading role so in one way donald trump and Bernie Sanders have to share the stage in equal terms i have to say that i am of aghast by this i thought weve been through it enough times but it seems to be the only thing that keeps the political establishment in the media together on their war against donald trump well its what 250 odd days out for a general election president ial election go ahead alex were absolutely i mean it went what did they say you know history repeats itself the 1st time is tragedy the 2nd time as fast now its repeating itself as fast followed by further fast because this is completely 1st sickle we now have both donald trump the leader of the right in the United States and bernies on the leader of the left in the United States and russia supposedly is helping and manipulating both its its so crazy that you know one wonders have people in the United States taken completely leave of their senses i mean hes in hes on that level of total absurdity and consider we have the New York Times promoting the myth the russian help for trump we have the Washington Post promoting a myth. Of russian help from Bernie Sanders its the 2 newspapers and raechel big traditional news papers that have been drawn out to pull this game now you know the other thing i have to say is you know never never give up apparently on a failed strategy it didnt work with dont drug so what do you do you try again and you actually expand it and im hearing that Bernie Saunders is doing very well in nevada yeah so its obvious you know youre ok with that you carry on thats exactly where i want to go i just want it also stressed even to our viewers again based on Anonymous Sources of course ok but this is all happening for a reason and ill give you my scenario here you had the conviction and sentencing of roger stone for for the pushers of people that support him back this Conspiracy Theory this ridiculous hoax they needed that conviction and sentencing to to make to legitimize at least one of their one of them now and then we have the this week coming up we have the extradition trial of Julian Assange being tied to being tied to russia and now we have this and against Bernie Sanders and the reason why theyre doing against Bernie Sanders because hes winning hes we need yes you got more than 50 percent in nevada that is in a standing outcome this is all connected together thats why the resurrecting it well. Or live long thing that is war destructive down there kristie or the Mainstream Media in the United States that is their law. They poured so much on job i had done that now with joe biden is losing despite his huge Financial Support and the Media Support why they loved him so much they kept talking that he had nothing to do with the bully smart and finally tens of millions of americans want to ignore the name of that Ukrainian Company very well and i think it basically destroyed destroyed by this campaign you know but again coming back to what you just said well i think that. You know these complain about what he is involvement with russia is so absurd or only he can destroy his chances you know when he said my message to russia stay out of American Election well my message to kim lees dont be a fool you know dong the same theory as that story your chance to to be nominated in 2016 you know alex you know one of the things i find very interesting in looking at the coverage of this. Gay sions from these Anonymous Sources it seems to me theyre like living in a time capsule you know Bernie Sanders visited moscow on his honeymoon actually i think it was he came during the soviet knew there was a sister city thing i think it was moscow on a city in for in vermont i mean there was a reason for him to be here he happened to be having his honeymoon here at the same time but theyre trying to stretch this out is that russia is if russia is still a communist country that theyre making this really weird connections and thats something that is you know 30 years ago but for the media its still the same narrative in it for in their minds because nothing is ever changed in the country ive lived in for 30 years it must be the same and the same bernie the same commie is now getting support from from from the kremlin yeah i mean i mean it shows. A really lot of depth any lack of depth of knowledge go ahead well theres absolutely no knowledge i mean this is one of the things that came across from a very clearly throughout russia gate and right at the very center of the u. S. Intelligence Community World there is a basic failure of knowledge about russia now cannot you say russia is in some ways the victim in all of this because it is being constantly blames bonney the us political establishment the militant center as i think somebody called it of the United States for whatever goes against you start bridgeman so if the left does well thats russias fault if the right does well thats russias fall and russia is constantly used in this way in american parties and struggles and the result is that russia gets sanctioned russia gets criticized its political leaders get demonized and the whole process prospect of improved relations between the United States and russia 2 extremely important countries russia the worlds other Great Nuclear superpower that that prospect gets indefinitely postponed and russian people ordinary russian people are constantly caught in the crossfire and we saw that with Maria Bettina and we seen this again in italy where the russian athletes were frist just before they were due to involve themselves in an important race no question at all in my opinion all these things are connected in again these Anonymous Sources coming out of the Intel Community and all term to drain the swamp hes being overwhelmed by the swamp to this day i mean this is again a continuation of the same strategy they had before the elect. Action and its just being badly badly being reinvented well i mean if only russia had been just a victim of all of these are it completely agree with that xander the basically its its absurd i mean let me just call to republican senator. Chris stewart do you think trump against their creations that he is a russian agent i challenge you want to give me a real world argument where abortion would rather have why it wouldnt would rather have President Trump and north burn you send us mr stewart said in an interview citing you know antitank weapons for ukraine and expended Russian Diplomats including arms control agreement and it arms control so these is making the world less and less safe you know if you want to be the president of the United States you have to show to russia the 2nd next Nuclear Superpower so it just destroys security on our plane and the american political life it is just is destroying security and not only american political life i completely agree with that example that its not just american nationalists or hawks its the militant center you know you just mentioned you know the European Press you know kind of feels obliged to pay at least a leap service to support and julian are such d. S. P. Get the liberal german magazine what is the headline. Trial trumps and mary is against the weekly leaks founder Julian Assange and im just wrong the american. Was a tromp who made a sound stay in their court or an embassy in london wasnt trump who imprisoned Bradley Manning and basically tortured him no it was their daughter believe. Mr obama it was in the times when he. Clinton was the secretary of state but these people the socalled liberals in europe any of the United States they want us have blacks put sports in our sport in our memory they want to destroy all of the things all the positive things connected to russia and they want to stressed all the negative things and they forget you know these grown men and french and british liberals they forget that russia was the only country there to give political asylum to Edward Snowden none of them had the courage to press them liberals about me she here let me go back to oh xander you know one of the things i find really kind of comical never been able to understand is why would the kremlin have a preference either way i mean because its just going to be more hostility it doesnt make any difference a i find it is really comical that you know that theyre scheming about supporting the side against maybe you support both of them against each other i mean this is an assumption that is there every given any kind of serious part go ahead alexander or the other tribe because it was interesting to have a preference it understands perfectly well that is actually disastrous for russia to interfere in american politics and thats why one important reason by the way why have always been extremely skeptical about the whole russia get Conspiracy Theory which point which after multiple investigations has proved to be well you know lou the evidence for it has been spread bare and usually congested so why what the russians trying and manipulate the american electoral process when the only result has been that relations between the United States get worse and just get worse so why would they do it im sure theyre not doing it and im sure that all of this is purely a product of american parties and politics. Which unfortunately have now resulted in a situation where if the establishment candidate loses be it jet boeing to be. The hit Mike Bloomberg its always the fault of the russians is never the American People exercising their own time well the the the problem is that the political elites in the United States abhorred democracy and they have contempt for the voter its all the time we have many thanks and i guess here in moscow and in london and thanks to our viewers for watching us here r. T. See you next time remember. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalists attacks protect the only population in belfast tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes and what was striking to put these attacks was that the or you see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of the streets in belfast i think take more than a 100 innocent civilians with that as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and the take rates which the collusion was involved in some of those cases the killers would lead to be named. Getting i think it went to the very very top i think it is. The water where all the patients you thought was going on and give the go ahead. But the whole existence to do something. They put themselves on the line they did accept it or reject it. So when you want to be president. Or somehow want to. Have to go on to be press this is like the full story in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters in the. City. Joining me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics thats less im show business ill see that. The point is should we actually be charging for it because this is when we charge for things its because its a benefit to the person who is buying it and thats the audiology to education about 30 or 40 years ago but the perspective of education was originally that education is a benefit for society in general i wouldnt want to live in a Society Without doctors or engine is what happened without economists. Saying it of being a profit benefit ignoring the public means that were ignoring that the skill basis we need for a Sophisticated Society and putting the burden of that skilled bices on the individuals and what we turned it into is just now the China Institution of Higher Education become a form of a version of a real estate scam that is not the bisons for a functional saudi. The world is driven by shaped by those. Thinks. We dare to ask. A. Little over 8. Months will. Be. It whats being described as a far reaching and historic trial for journalism wiki leaks founder Julian Assange is set to begin his u. S. Extradition hearing in london within the hour were across it throughout the day. As coronavirus cases spike outside china moscow denies accusations of edition from ation campaign thats allegedly undermining the Global Response to the pandemic. Israel exchanges fire with a militant group in the syrian capital and in gaza after the i. D. F. Shot dead one of its members of the border fence center moved his body with a bulldozer. Luck to ya

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