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Economy of china well they feel it does have were already agreed upon the both china and the u. S. Simultaneously rollback you know the parents over the course of this year under phase one china is however doing this a lot sooner than expected in part is because they are trying to reduce the cost to employers and make export of goods a lot cheaper in the domestic economy and this is really important as the government is trying to continuously stimulate production in the economy right now and were also seeing in this is you know theyre rolling these back to kind of help the economy to help these businesses work in china now i dont know i mean obviously im not saying this is going to happen but say you know at the end of the flu season its like sars it kind of just eradicate itself on its own and the krona virus is no longer an issue so maybe lets say by mid may almost when were done with quarantines and everything how much is going to take for the chinese economy to actually recover after this is going to take a significant effort because that will mean about one and a half quarters a product of the almost lost and as we said in. A study of yesterday that will basically equip the equivalent to the mer entire American Workforce taking 2 month vacation thats the amount of productivity lost across all of china and thats tremendous and what that represents by year end global g. D. P. Will not be the same it will not be nowhere near estimates and the cause for concern is because we have expected this continuous pace of production and if we dont get that pace of china does not continuously become the developing economy we expect them to be to be the Global Growth driver then we can expect to see a little slump a little downturn and perhaps even the 1st hint of a recession and will definitely keep an eye on this and cover this in depth here to bust for sure. And the coronavirus is taking a toll on the Auto Industry in china sales fell by 92 percent in the 1st half of february now according to the China Passenger Car Association many Car Dealerships in the nation have been closed while much of the population stays home as christy just mentioned to prevent the spread of the virus now china is the worlds biggest car Market Selling more than 2xww vehicles in 21000 illo dealerships have restarted opening their doors this month and the trade organization hopes for increased sales throughout the rest of february as car sales have struggled so too has the production of vehicles in china due to the virus. And for more on that were going to bring in lauren fix the car coach and shes going to break this down and other news how auto related headlines today thank you so much for joining us lauren now china has already witnessed a decline in vehicle sales due to a slight economic slowdown in the country as well as the trade war with the u. S. So how concerned should we be about this 92 percent slump in what is essentially 2 weeks of february. Well thats huge because theyre actually down 54 percent in sales so far for the whole year so the impact is going to affect the economy of not just auto manufacturers but the economy of china and theyre already down in sales it was predicted to be 2 percent but having this happen the timing was not good and its going to definitely impact automotive suppliers as well as automotive manufacturers now the chinese automaker dealy has launched a service to allow customers to buy vehicles online in a time to boost sales and had them delivered to their homes so as buyers continue to refuse to go to showrooms due to the quota virus weve also seen b. M. W. And mercedes heavily promoting vehicles online as well during this Health Crisis so do you see online sales boosting the Chinese Market and frankly do you see this becoming more and more of the norm of the Auto Industry. Well i think this might be the cause of the trigger that makes automotive on line buying more popular i mean obviously those people that are home who are quarantined are not going to be able to go on test drive cars theyre not going to be able to purchase cars and theyre not making money in order to buy those cars so thats part of the problem but having a mind buying is really smart i know Mercedes Benz and b. M. W. And tussles been doing it for a long time but now theyve gillies doing that with volvo all this is a great way to get people to do something why theyre sitting at home what are they doing there on line and this would give them a chance to think about when i get back to work i can purchase this car theyll bring the car to me i can drive it and it takes you away from that Dealer Experience but were starting to see that here in the u. S. As well not to get too much of this is going to get back to the dividers impact on the Auto Industry but would you say that were seeing a little bit more of this in the u. S. I mean you know i think it took people a long time to understand that when you purchase anything you dont have to see it you dont have to feel it were going to move that way and vehicles as well. Well in the big thing i always recommend people you must test drive a vehicle before you buy it i mean youre going to live with it more than its going to be a month its not like a pair of shoes where if you dont like it you can return them this is going to be some year to keep for 3 years or longer and in china their culture is to keep it for the long term so i always tell people you should test drive a vehicle i know that for room and car gurus and theres a whole bunch of other ones that are out there are bringing cars to consumers and consumers are getting this experience and taking it away from the dealer however if you need a repair you have to start creating a relationship with your local dealer i always recommend to go in the dealer or at least meet the people at some point during the process all right sorry for that aside there lets go lets lets go back ok we got a no knowledge is power germanys dialers also shared concerns over the Coronavirus Impact that could not only hurt sales but also production in the overall supply chain now how concerned are these automakers overall about this affecting their business i mean were seeing it for basically all that automated factories right now because china is so important in the supply chain. Well theres not much of an impact on honda and toyota but most manufacturers are seeing some sort of impact whether it be at a screen or an interface or a wiring harness or something thats made in china no ones not getting impacted by this in any way shape or form sometimes you can find a back up supplier i know that in for b. M. W. Theyre putting 2000000000 dollars into a battery factory because they dont want to be reliant on china and youre starting to see them pull away so this could impact china down the road especially when theyre looking at their overall economy when people are saying were going to look at other suppliers whether come from india or thailand or where that might be so i think youre going to start seeing more of that looking for that backup supplier in case the sever happens again you have to protect your brand because you cant build a car with 99 percent of the parts now japans ministry of economy trade and industry announced thursday that it has a stab at a new task force to address the viruss impact on the Auto Industry so how bad are japanese automakers be hit by all of this and what can we expect from the task force. Well the name of the group is the new Coronavirus Countermeasures Automobile Council which is a tongue twister but what theyre trying to do is make sure that all the manufacturers that are producing products in japan are at least aware of coming other suppliers that might be able to fulfill that need i know that right now toyota and honda are not being impacted but we may not impact them today it may start impacting these people down the road because if they have been working for a long time and youve got a 6 or 8 week lead time you will see that 6 or 8 weeks down the road once they get back to work so they have to come start looking for other suppliers with the be from mexico or other countries. And i had one more for you today i gave you a bevy of stories but this one is the red meat lauren fix story well go back to china for just a moment it is reported that beijing is looking to possibly extend subsidiary subsidies for purchases of eveys beyond 2020 after china had its 1st annual decline in new Energy Vehicles last year what do you see going on here. Well right now theyre saying 54 percent decline in sales which is quite dramatic and that was certainly not the goal when they wanted to go all electric and part of their being green they thought this was a wise idea but people are not buying it without the incentive which is equivalent to about 8700. 00 and it was supposed to go for 4 years well the big decline says to them were going to have to go and go back to that incentive now with the virus in place and people not working time gets back to work and start it starts making money they may or may not consider an electric vehicle i know that tesla does rely on that help but we may not see exactly what their goal is i know that china tends to be very aggressive when they make decisions but theyre not realizing theyre have the power for the grid theyre Building Nuclear power plants as quickly as they can so sometimes they put the cart before the horse the always and so below and fix the car coached thank you. Thank you. Virus continues to spread fears across the Global Markets lets see how we ended up starting off in moscow the moet says as russia has proposed new terms for future oil supplies to belarus to partially compensate for the cost of taxes introduced last year now over in shanghai the composite jumped to a one month high on p. B. S. The stimulus after the central bank unveiled yet another move to support the economy and mitigate the fallout from the corona outbreak the market has now entirely recover from the corona sell off rally to the highest level since january 22nd a day before the will hand lock down now over in hong kong the hang seng fell 1. 8 percent this week as a real estate and casino operators dragged the market lower hong kong who has more lie on tourism than china warned that the Economic Impact of the current outbreak could be more severe than 2 in 2003 when the city was hit hard by sars retail sales recorded their greatest ever drop of 24 percent year over year in the last quarter and unemployment will likely surpass 3. 3 and finally in japan the nikkei is down 1. 3 percent for the week as the current outbreak seem to be spreading faster within other Asian Countries outside of china this now turns the japanese yen formerly viewed as a safe haven currency from an asset now into a liability the yen has slumped about 2 percent against the dollar even as gold and treasuries pushed higher now over in india the sensex was closed on friday in observance of. But ended down for the week the trade drama now shifts to india and the us who are working on a major trade deal but there is uncertainty on whether or not certain deal points will be hammered out before the u. S. President ial election begins now down in australia the a. S. X. Is barely but it launched its own tech index that is efficiently the australian version of the nasdaq tech has been the. Over the last 5 years and this new and next will initially consist of a basket of 46. 00 stocks unemployment will still however remain a problem as a jobless rate continues to climb analysts are now looking for the r. B. A. To slash Interest Rates again later this year and finally in south africa the all shares are down as the eskom crisis continues stage too low shouting will continue into the weekend as a cast has warned of an increased likelihood of power cuts over the next 18 months now over the brow of the rest of america. So you so much kristie starting in Europe Markets are down across the board and were going to start with the cac in paris that we started looking positive before dropping off at the end of the coronaviruses impact was still the main catalyst here one of the biggest losers was auto manufacturer know who lost 3 percent on friday alone which can be attributed to a supply chain issues due to the virus as well as a french probe into base use of funds now the dax in germany is also following a similar trend here looked like it was going to be even all week and then took a bit of a dive on friday losing nearly one percent the biggest losers in germany where they found in adidas who are hurting because of travel and supply chain issues respectively due to the virus the footsie in london it is in the same boat here so so just know that it almost rebounded to even on friday but luxury brand Burberry Group had a terrible week falling more than 2 and a half percent on friday alone and that was due to their reliance on sales in china and theyve seen that throughout the markets now moving stew south america in brazil the best but also down on the weak falling by a percent and a half on friday miner barely missed quarterly profits and fell nearly 4 percent at the end of the week hurting that market as well you know heading north the b. M. V. In mexico is also down on the week some analysts said the countrys economy would not be hit hard by the coronavirus but the strength of the u. S. Dollar due to the virus pushed down the peso to its lowest level since to. Moving up to the u. S. The s. And p. The New York Stock Exchange and nasdaq all down on the week after hitting record highs in recent weeks the nasdaq dow and s. And p. Fell by at least 1. 3 percent on the week the nasdaq alone was pushed down by fang stocks thats facebook amazon netflix and google they had a rough week over there now and moving up to canada the toronto Stock Exchange is up but just slightly the small gains were mostly in the oil and Minerals Sector as oil prices actually pushed up for the week thats it for this weeks Global Market walk. I care because when we retire and we break down the new us front for biotech and we break down the concerns that swirl around the sector youre not going to want to miss that so as we go to break here are the numbers at the close. This whole business about blaming russians buy american is getting really the static because heres a guy whos effectively trying to dehumanised whole group of people slavic people in this case this is remarkably ironic coming from a boy like. This nobody you cold call them would not move through but it certainly is mostly luck and you dont do that when you much for the blues a little with mitt romney tonight when you. Look. At. The white english voting for you youre already in the same spirit you have you know made it seems the train. Did he. Look. Is youll be a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being so. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or inmate in the shallows. I cant show you my face but im going to teach you must store in 9093 this man was sentenced to death. They could charged with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody imagine living in your vast for the week with the scent of a 23. 00. I doubt that had to be but. They have. Confined within for green walls. Using. To help him to leave defense room. Welcome back biohacking has become increasingly popular and is constantly evolving since the start in Silicon Valley over a decade ago it can relate to a various number of upgrades made to the body and brain whether its through fasting intermittently which has become a fad lately or like those i was in or a former nasa employee who injects himself with d. N. A. Using technology crisper or just people who have chips implanted into their hands well these are all forms of biohacking theres a range of bio hackers around the world from actual scientists with ph. Days others whove gone to medical school and some of those who are simply amateurs even tattoo artists although its been quickly growing globally it appears russia is catching on to the Global Movement with a growing number of russians interested in upgrading their bodies using the technology and we want to have a conversation about this so for more on this were going to bring in just for fun at the ceremony because they ok cohost investigative journalist ben swan thank you everybody for being here now of course i want to start with you today because you are the one who actually has been doing the research on this story so what is going on in russia and how is it picking up there well russia has been the most recent country to pick up with the looking it looks like over 1000 russians have been chipped as of late now it goes back to chips are being used around the world right so its for to start cars to turn on Smartphones Computers and printers moderating body temperatures and store medical information or business cards like were seeing in sweden where you have the chip inserted into your hand and youre able to scan cash with kind of moving toward a Cashless Society and even some professional magicians who are now using them to enhance some of their tricks but russia is now catching on kind of with trying to really concentrate on how to stop the process of aging theyre looking at how to interfere with the genetic aging process with these chips by monitoring a lot doing its heavy exercises and a lot of them even taking a lot of vitamins and putting things into their body where theyre trying to prevent it now so far there is no actual effect to this and they dont have a system for it but thats exactly kind of what theyre looking for where they want longevity now this is a great piece of technology but when i was discussing this with my friends in Silicon Valley in the baltic region everything i was actually concerned about the security and privacy aspect of it and so i was like are just scared about this is a huge invasion of privacy down today their response to me was what can they collect that isnt collected already in your phone that you carry everywhere your location where your lifes dislikes proffer. Says your Shopping Habits everything has already collected basically on your mobile phone so ben what can you tell us about this in from a privacy and security aspect. Well i think it what it really comes down to is who controls the actual chip right so this is part of the debate thats going on right now in terms of biohacking and thats a very broad umbrella of discussion here but in terms of of people using it the way sarah was describing right now you know you have a chip in your hand you use it to swipe access to your apartment you use it for your gym membership you might use it as Payment Method you can put your not there if thats ultimately what the idea is then you know the way that theyre using it in sweden kristie you and i had actually talked to the guy out there whos created a lot of this the reason the way theyre using it there is that the user is actually the root of this and has complete control over what information is there and how its shared the problem is that when we talk about governments and surveillance governments dont want you to be the root of anything they want to have control and access employers want to have control and access and they want to use biohacking as a way of tracking and monitoring so it comes down to kind of a fundamental debate about who is going to be the one in control of those chips when theyre implanted in somebodys hand or in somebodys body and thats what i think the debate is right now and governments are always going to once again control and big tech is going to want to do that and thats the other important point here you know when we talk about governments as you guys know russia china theres all kinds of talk about kind of these overlords in government that want to control privacy and security in the United States its less the government and its more big attack on behalf of the government and in cooperation with the government so thats where i think the kind of the fight is right now it is by in the in the article of the rip the russian who actually did he is a subway metro tech to begin with and then he hacked it to actually it required his Bank Information to you can act as a bank. As you previously mentioned and it sounded great and on he was able to do that until the Bank Actually shut the access down so it looks like as he said the government actually werent too happy when he tried to take control form self respect and these chips really range from i think a number of things from terms of money and cost like you have some that cost thousands of dollars like these new ones in russia that are the theyre monitoring these peoples bodies here about 2000 a month i think if you want more more like maybe a weekly its about 5 grand or something to that extent but then there are the other chip makers who are amateurs who are getting buying these tips from taiwan for 5 bucks 5 dollars so i think it comes from a range of things and some people who then have the expertise versus those who have no idea what theyre doing and writing is ben was actually talking about we had joe one. From bio hacks out of i believe denmark is where he was from and he kind of talked about this exact situation and he kind of made those same points but his were were more or less hackable in that situation because what they actually were was mostly like the way you would use the key card nothing could be changed and it just had a number and then that number correlated to Something Else so when you swiped it say to get in the door there wasnt a thing you could change like your personal banking it or information like that and i wanted to get on to another point and we could bring ben back into this as well is that you know were talking about wife long jeopardy as part of the bio hacks discussion number one i think that hack is sometimes a little bit mis appropriately used because what were really talking about is dieting but then what do you make of that that type of access where theyre trying to extend their life with with all sorts of things that are actually outside of the technological room. Thats the other part we see theres a big umbrella here so very quickly thats the other part of this discussion is this transhumanist discussion where you ultimately want to use Chips Technology to ultimately extend somebody is like to give them greater abilities in terms of eyesight in terms of brain power in terms of their ability to run and jump all those things could be essentially affected by the way that we act as humans. As we go through this process of being hacked over time but that is the present in some ways and its also the future i think of the whole idea of treating your body like a computer almost like engineering it to these things Like Software is its pretty interesting absolutely and theres a lot to discuss here correspondence or much as do ok investigative generalist and cohost of boom bust and so on thank you so much for your time thank you. And finally christie imagine it for yourself if you come home from work after a long day maybe a long week like this week simply looking to relax maybe you light a candle what scent puts you at ease the most is it lavender citrus maybe vanilla what if i offered you cents like sesame seed bun 100 percent ground beef onions ketchup cheese and pickles thats right the Worlds Largest fast food chain mcdonalds is making a 6 pack of candles that smell like your favorite quarter pounder ingredients the candles were created to celebrate the sandwiches 50th Year Anniversary and will be available on mcdonalds fanclub website very soon now oddly Scented Candles are nothing new a Company Called the Stinky Candle Company sells things like chlorine clean puppy and even straight up garlic and the yankee Candle Company which sells many candles has things like whiskers on kittens and a man town Scented Candle which smells like a man cave independent creators christie theyre even doing things like pizza and beer get him on etsy maybe what both of those and you can smell like a bar of some sort and of course we all remember when a founder and creator of who valued at over a 1000000000. 00 company didnt you create a candle recently that smelled like her favorite parts yeah as she did and thats thats thats an oddly Scented Candle thats for sure i was making your entire poem smell like a fast food drive thats for sure thats it for this time in the must on the man on the brand new portable t. V. App available on smartphones the. Play and the. T. V. Or stream us to your t. V. By downline apart whats with the app on apple t. V. And online t. V. T. V. Will be available on my devices very soon or as always you can check it out at youtube dot com. That used to. Been a troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through an island that was coordinated loyalists attacks population. Were forced to flee their homes and what was striking to put these attacks was a p. R. You see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of presenting they were active participants in the burning of the streets in belfast at the plague more than a 100 innocent civilians women that if you can see in yours and we found out more i was surprised about the extent to which the solution was involved in some of those cases that killers would lead to be named. To the very very top i think it was. The water where politicians you. Give the go ahead. I 1st heard about wiki leaks. From the helicopter footage in iraq. I think it down to people or do you mean i mean us military who have never forgiven him for it this guys a traitor a treasonous and and he has broken every law the United States illegally shoots out of the us really historic to have. Independent journalist with his computer to seeing to see who is the tribes and to a global audience. The idea of developing an anonymous box and applying it to a Media Organization is what he makes that was the 1st. I didnt the toy anticipate that he would be for a short while world found in room one of the worlds most powerful News Organization standard founder Julian Assange in the sun over the sun and there was a great deal of jealous in the mainstream towards him particularly why wont he be more like off seem. Mean feces on the walls. We have julia. In solitary confinement in the if theres some foreign terrorist away team that has a live in person the person. I dont see in the dining room. And i think thats what hes facing. Today peace day storage. Is here. Waiting to be reached. Supporters of wiki leaks founder Julian Assange should solidarity with the imprisoned whistleblower ahead of his u. S. Extradition hearing on monday a number of celebrities are among those who trust protest is itself new in london. Julian assange. Sera sera. Theyre breaking the law to try and get him that america is not a democracy it is. Also a u. S. Media claiming russia is backing both republicans and democrats in the 2020 president ial election as Anonymous Sources warned of another alleged meddling campaign states

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