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Surveillance including on the leaders we ask people in new york and london whether they think china is the biggest spy threat in the us. Probably to us both of us anybody having. Access to our data. Hello good evening 9 oclock here in moscow youre watching r. T. International turkeys president says it is arnie a matter of time until he launches a military operation in the syrian province of a blip and claims hes been dissatisfied by talks with russia on the situation. This human soul going to go. To sleep has made all kinds of preparations to implement its Operational Plan and as in every operation we see we can come suddenly one night to put it more clearly operation is now a matter of time we will not leave to the regime that still does not understand our countrys determination in this matter and to those who encourage it we never intend to shoulder the burden that the developments of this Region Police on our country. Is currently on an offensive in trying to drive by armed militants and islamists from the province moscow says that turkey has failed to separate the moderate opposition from terrorists there as the last rebel bastion standing in syria and home to a number of militants put it shows a Turkish Military convoy crossing the Syrian Border a large line of tanks Armored Vehicles and supply trucks are reportedly moving towards the outskirts of. Joy neil harvey to explain this sudden escalation occurred. The situation on the ground remains very dramatic terrorist activity there is very high and you have to remember its a bar street and in syrias north home to up to 3000000 people including civilians and theyre very often used by terrorist as a human shield its clear for everybody that actions are needed urgently to protect these people from the other hand the attacks by turkey backed armed forces based in egypt against the syrian army continue and these also should be stopped and countering that is something what damascus military operation on the ground in basically a ad and its not that mr out of the gun is not happy with how things develop on the ground no one is in fact happy if no one. Is to blame for the situation thats a really good question but it depends on who you ask both sides are blaming each other we hear from russia and its position is quite clear remains the. Same the Turkish Military operation on the syrian soil thats another state you have to remember that would be the worst Case Scenario and we heard that from president spokesperson earlier on wednesday Dmitry Peskov and russias foreign minister Sergey Lavrov also commented on mr gun statement in the similar way. To separate militants from terrorists in the timeframe on the 2018 agreement at the same time provocations from the. Shilling of the Syrian Armed Forces civilian targets and the russians have continued not really the Syrian Armed Forces reaffirming their commitment to the original liberal greens including cease fire agreements respond to such an acceptable provocations and we support them in this what mr lover of is talking about is last year so to agreements that turkey and russia came to this is when both sides were equally happy and satisfied and according to these agreements its turkish responsibility too i repeated again to separate socalled like hardline terrorists and islam is based in and socalled moderate opposition and talk to that and force them believe of these area and it hasnt been done properly it hasnt been achieved never so its in turkey its turkish responsibility so turkey is failing 1st the russian standpoint how does turkey see the situation while turkey is very clear turkey is accusing most and damascus of escalating the situation of. Agreements and this is the turkish president just recently. The Syrian Regime as well as the Russian Forces in iran backed militants acting within an ad lib continuously attacking civilians committing massacres and causing bloodshed. And we hear that despite numerous talks that turkish and russian sides have been having in the last days in clue. Didnt between foreign and defense minister is so its really interesting why the gun changed so dramatically hes a brass or a good twit can remember that somehow ironically klein sided with a dramatic shift in ankara washington relations with sanctions lifted with mr paul as the police say that america is ready to stand by its nato ally and mr trump openly and directly backing at the guns actions in syria had a very good job or say shit with president carter was i respect him we have a very Good Relationship yes i agree hes a tough guy but we have a very Good Relationship i see you do better with the people but the fact is that hes fighting audit led he doesnt want people to be killed by the thousands and hundreds of thousands let it go be about that and other reasons but we spoke about it live and were working together watching walking with what we hear is something new for mr trump for mr theyre gone both america and turkey changed their raft the rick and its not helping things on the ground well the director of the case Crisis Research Institute Mark almond does believe it will be the Syrian Refugees who pay the price for any confrontation. Could have drawn russia and turkey into a war because the Russian Force is on the side of the syrians in combating the local rebels and turkey if you can intervene would clearly be taking the side of the rebels and in order to do that it would have to provide protection for its forces from the air it would have to use its own air force its own antiaircraft missiles which would put at risk russian airplanes we would be back if you like to the crisis situation of 2015 when the turks shot down a russian aircraft. So its potentially very dangerous situation even if we dont go that far thats the worst case even if we just get to a case where the Turkish Forces increase our true bombardment of the syrians the situation on the ground which is often discussed as a humanitarian crisis will get worse for the refugees because ill be trapped between 2 lines of fire rather than just one so it very very messy situation and i think president of the worms rather capricious personality is really the unknown factor is he just barking or would he bite and if hes going to bite then the risk of things spiralling out of control is really the. Now the new some a strain m. P. s have called on the u. K. Government to stop genus and use extradition to the u. S. That is after they visited the cofounder isnt a stray national in the prison but hes being held the head of an extradition hearing. Police are beyond belief that someone who is a right not isolation so greatly. Should be rewarded by facing extradition and sitting down so to speak in one county and could act. Very closely at the height of. Arrogance and at the behavior of destroying government one of the lawmakers George Christiansen says there are signs his health is a serious concern. Spike in this wake with professor nils mels of the u. N. Special repertory on torture. Come to the opinion the along with a number of medical experts that Julian Assange was exhibiting the symptoms of psychological torture visited Julian Assange. And are going to cite is nothing that are sore that actually. Discredited what those doctors and what mills melzer said he is exhibiting saw ends of disorientation. He did tell us about being kept in severe or solution and ongoing a solution a good aside technically within belmarsh prison the conditions of the subject to apparently. But when you kept by yourself 20 to 22 it was a guy with that minimal human contact youre effectively ocelot it so all of that has led to a guess at the plated state of health for julian a songe and i dont think its fair or told to extradite an australian citizen. At of one foreign country into another foreign country to face charges for what for reporting on the facts doctors around the world have both are condemned the u. K. s handling of the case one for the songes being subjected to psychological torture in jail more than 100. 00 medics signed the joint letter urging authorities to take action they also called on the struggling government to intervene to protect its citizens is the 4th such letter from. Meanwhile inmates at belmarsh prison have also shown us a poor petition for signs to be transferred from the hospital wing to one dedicated to the fiftys thats according to wiki leaks editor in chief he will denies with the dont extradite is songe Campaign John reese who visited the journalist says if extradited a songe wont be able to face any jury. Were subway away from julian reaching the goal where we will or will not be extra to the United States but he certainly shouldnt be extradited to the United States are worthy to be extradited he would fight him so of. A court of a very special car in a. Year its the socalled s. With court where the u. S. State has never lost an espionage case where the jurors are chosen for a population pool 80 percent of whom work for the pentagon the National Security council or the cia so hes going to go probably a court in this country where theres no jury to a court in the United States where theres a better europe so i think the only chance you house of justice is to be set free before you actually go to. The us president ial candidate Michael Bloomberg will sell his media empire if he becomes president yet announcement came ahead of the latest round of the democratic debate being held on wednesday night in Las Vegas Bloomberg will for the 1st time face his rivals whove been crying foul over the billionaire spending on campaign a 3rd isthmus it is estimated that bloomberg a splash that more than 400000000. 00 on Television Radio and Online Advertising and that is 10 times more than Current Party front runner Bernie Sanders done from spent around 325000000. 00 on his whole 2016 campaign earlier i discussed the issue with the legal analyst jennifer dim astern the potential president ial candidate our border and also political analyst dakota larry. If i could start with you. Says that bloomberg is buying is that a fair comment i do think its a fair comment even if you look at the rules that the d. N. C. Has instituted this is a complete change of what theyve done so far this complete you know this late runners coming into their Campaign Spending 400000000. 00 with perhaps hes spending so much money and so that he can make up for the fact that he doesnt have any real grassroots support but i think it definitely amounts to vote buying its not so problematic that bloomberg of spending money on his own campaign the bigger problem is the d. N. C. What rules is the Democratic National committee Democratic National committee making with superdelegates and with Everything Else because the way the d. N. C. Seems to be operating is that youre allowed to run for president play if you have the money or if we at least approve of you its not against bloomberg its not its not his fault that hes need to spend this kind of money because thats the way campaigns are the Bloomberg Campaigns views would be massively unpopular with a lot of the Democratic Base and a lot of the American People and by fixating on this sort of minor non issue i mean in politics you ought to spend as much of your own money as you want to by trying to get people to fixate on this non issue the Bloomberg Campaign is effectively distracting america from the positions that bloomberg holds that are at odds with the majority of both the Democratic Base and the American People this is a very unpopular person with very unpopular opinions according to the Democratic Party base and also the general population hes polling you know i havent seen one poll where hes polling above 5 percent this is really showing the corruption of the d. N. C. What there is nothing illegal about what hes doing but i think really thats part of the larger indictment of the american political system more than anything else as well as the rules of the d. N. C. As has been stated that this is an indictment that was a perfect description of the american political system of course you can look at the Republican Party a lot of republican candidates had a. A lot of money back in 2016 and yes donald trump spent his own he was not favored to when he was not going to when Hillary Clinton had tons of funding between hollywood between lots and lots of billionaire billionaires so the American People could still vote but that also raises the question when there are lots of different candidates within one party like were seeing with the d. N. C. And i think the American People deserve to see who the candidates are and what their actual viewpoints are and how they stand on things democrats and republicans they control the president ial debates they change the the commission on president ial big debates has changed the debate the rush old the do everything they can to keep 3rd parties and independents out of the debates and you can see this in the way that they mistreat any candidate that opposes a massive military overage so theyve shut out sanders gabbert all the 3rd Party Candidates who oppose it the United States is definitely an oligarchy and i think that most of the people of the United States know this a lot of these people who voted for obama and that are voting for trump but both of these people received plenty of money from fossil fuel companies from Banking Institutions from Financial Institutions from all these different entities but in a true oligarchy not much has been done about it still ahead for the u. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi meanwhile travels to brussels to raise the stakes against china well have a look at what she said. The nobility. Of the kind of good intentions of architecture it were increasing and maybe even 40 years ago there was simply evaporated to suit the pleasure of the 5. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. High salacious community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true what is great. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Aura made in the shallows. Welcome back now while on a trip to brussels the us house representative speaker has warned the allies against while way nancy pelosi does insist the chinese tech giant is a major threat to security and should be barred from developing 5 g. Networks in europe but she did fail to mention the far more prevalent and proven u. S. Global surveillance network. As more. Now that the impeachment debacle is all wrapped up guess whos going to europe in order to promote one of the trumpet ministrations key policies its the speech where for herself nancy pelosi the speaker of the u. S. House of representatives is urging European Countries to drop plans to use while away as their 5 g. Carrier for the benefit of a few corporations you cannot sell the privacy of the people of your country down the river as i said before its like having the state police write the Chinese State police right in your pocket you see nancy pelosi just cares about your privacy odd that shes one of what Edward Snowden called the gang of 8 key figures that are overseeing surveillance in the United States is far and snowden he did as you know on the inmate in disagreement with you he did violate the law in terms. Of for leasing those documents we dont know i understand. I understand odd timing as well its just been revealed that the cia was the secret owner of a Swiss Company that was offering people encrypt peoples privacy was compromised because the cia had a backdoor what the u. S. Government speculates that china might be doing they have been caught doing themselves while the e. U. Might be more apt to listen to a top democrat then to the donald it seems they still arent buying nancys song and dance her euro 2 were is a flop. While he will be able to. Be screwed like she believes thats so in the district of texas or c. So we decided to ask people what they think of this supposed danger of china spying on them are they more afraid of china spying on them or the american probably us and im not so much worried about. China im worried about anybody having access to a data to be more. Ready to spy on you didnt the chinese it could come from anywhere in the world over us. Again you would guess just the us given say the alignment of interests from over the us probably you know well the us this far as im concerned. Can go to hell i dont know trump along with its a common pattern of Human Behavior Sigmund Freud called it rejection nothing drives us crazy or thinking that someone else might be doing that nobody thing that we know we are doing ourselves. Are to see new york meanwhile the u. S. State department has once again cooled countries to shun the chinese tech giant in favor of fighting equipment by ericsson and some such sums hes been busted get reaction from hallway usa you can watch the interview in full. Is a taste. Was interesting the u. S. Government says that the declassified the information so we welcome the opportunity to see what the evidence is but we really have to look at this in the broader context of the ongoing geo political dynamic between the u. S. And china the u. S. Has some major issues with china and right now the u. S. Wants to hurt china so badly that theyre going to hurt america in trying to her way and thats really a shame you look back some years ago when i brought snowden revealed information about the u. S. Program prism and about the 5 Year Campaign of the u. S. Government to spy on operation shop giant where they monitored all why not work for 5 years and could not find any Improper Communications and in the Prism Program they found that the u. S. Government used for example cisco equipment to spy around the world most recently the Washington Post crypto 8 g. A Swiss Company that turned out is controlled by the cia so theyve been monitoring encrypted communications of all the countries in the world except for china. Rush so the fact is it is important to recognize the role of the equipment vendors and the telecom of mobile operators there is a lawful back door by the telecom of mobile operators that is triggered by lawful action by governments such as the Us Government of china government we dont have that access we dont control that data. The british Environmental Activist Group Extinction Rebellion has stuck up the law in one of the worlds most prestigious universities in cambridge claiming the uni invests in fossil fuels a number of arrests were made by police who had been criticised in the past for being too lenient. Trinity college has invested no 1100000000 pounds in oil and Gas Companies most of any of the 45 oxbridge colleges they are complicit in the climate ecological crisis. The college respects the rights of free speech and nonviolent protest but draws the line of criminal damage and theres liaison with the. French you can. See what they want to do very different they should recover growth. Thats over. With somewhat so are they doing as a nation or theyre not getting anybody on their side of this they just going. Listen. Youre watching i think National Just come up to hop os 9 and meet me here in moscow thats how things are looking now from us in about 35. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalists attacks particularly catholic population in belfast tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes a mob was striking to put these attacks was a p. R. You see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of full streets in belfast at the take more than a 100 innocent civilians were unloaded as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and of the currents which the pollution was involved in some of those cases that killers would later be named into the now im guessing i think it went to the very very top i think it the frosts the water where politicians you thought was going on and give the go ahead. And were going to fulfill the repeated promises possible to the people and promise to be you know weve all pots. Pretty rough. Please. If you want to work. No. All. I can show you my faith but im going to teach you must. In 9093 this man was sentenced to death. They get charged with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for the week with the son of a 23. 00. I doubt that i deserve to be. Confined within 4 green walls the front its using. Believed in this room. And. This is the one business so you cant afford to mess im christie i am fairmont esdaile thank you and washington was very special show for you today in the fight for 5 to 10 years china while way technologys continues to be so bright in the middle of facing accusations of stealing trade secrets and allowing back doors to give the government access to user information and eternities achieve Security Officer for the usa joined us in studio for the full shell to break down the security concerns if the. On trade and what it has done to the business theres a lot to get today so lets dive right in. U. S. Pressure against Chinese Telecom giant huawei continues to grow the Trump Administration is considering blocking all chip supplies now to huawei the u. S. Department of commerce is dropping changes to its socalled foreign direct product role which restricts Foreign Companies use of u. S. Technology for military or National Security products although no decision has yet been made a Commerce Department spokesman said quote recent u. S. Charges against huawei including conspiring to steal trace secrets we have from the need for caution in considering license applications the u. S. Continues to have Major Concerns about our way this comes as america heightens its Global Campaign for its allies to ban wall was equipment into their next generation of 5 g. Networks but just weeks ago in a blow to the United States u. K. Dismissed terms claims and they said that it what allow always 5 g. Into the country at least into its nonsensitive parts we clearly have the. People in this country the consumer. They will. Try to do whatever. Critical infrastructure. In the. World if you. Was right. Now despite the u. K. s decision the Trump Administration is now moving on to warning germany u. S. Ambassador to germany Richard Grinnell said President Trump personally called him to make clear that any nations who chooses to use an untrustworthy 5 g. Bender will jeopardize u. S. Intel sharing at the highest level of the move also comes just one week after u. S. Officials accuse wall way of spying for the Chinese Government using backdoor is designed for use by Law Enforcement although no evidence was provided on the access of the alleged backdoor u. S. Officials said they have been aware of it for over a decade u. S. Leadership is still issuing warnings saying choosing wall way is choosing a talker see over democracy. This is very dangerous this is about choosing to see over the sea well you mention the way its. Putting the state police and every consumer in these countries because of the chinese way. While we has repeatedly denied the allegations that it serves as a spy for the Chinese Government well to clear this all up and more were now joined by always chief Security Officer and the purdy thank you so much for your time were very excited to dig right in but i want to start with these latest allegations that while we install these back doors

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