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Talking some real news im joined by my guest here in moscow glenn these and he is a professor at the Higher School of economics as well as author of that ok of western civilization and resurgence of brusha we also have Dmitri Bobbitt she is a political analyst and editor at interest me internet media project and in athens were joined by alex reporter hes the director and writer for the duran dot com or across the uk rules in effect that means you can jump in there when you want and i always appreciate it lets talk about munich the the end you will security conference there every year something very interesting comes out western media doesnt really cover it very much and if they do they dont do it very well. A term i came across would never come across as west ness what does that mean being a european. Referring to the minister all of the west so it comes from 2 reasons one is within the west its fragmenting. And becoming more divided and of course then you have the external challenge just by a new powers rising taking away the primacy of the west so again this is. This is what i mean is it is we looking at a binary of values in power i think its i think its both because when the west acts of the cold war it will all segments and powerful the main reason is not just material wealth but also how their moral purpose it had a mission that was you know liberalism had won they were going to spread this around the world essentially. Thing is to remake the world around the west so that again this is also what us define the west which is why its now you know running into some problems because if this is not the mission of the west or what is the west coast we see now the material wealth is going but also decide. You know taking liberalism to the extreme is now proving to have a very bad effects both internally within the west but also creating very bad relations with external powers and they dont seem to connect that these 2 are very much related. And where that where the causes are limited our. One of the things i find quite fascinating in running up to the security conference in munich is that in this term west listeners its should be a criticism of neo liberalism thats words destroying the west and thats why it is threatening the world i mean the lack of reflection on the part of these people its just a step out of me they are the problem and once theyre fixed then they in europe can actually find its own footing its own identity instead of having it forced down its throat this her rethink ideology that people are protesting left and right and Center Briggs that is the best example go ahead. You know there the problem is russia is in a peter rabbit. Restless and this is yeah in china now as well but west listeners what the west is doing to itself youre exactly right i mean west listeners its this neo liberal policy that weve all been living under its the Mass Immigration its the destruction of religion that structure of family the censorship the woken the identity politics this is all coming from the neo liberal west west listening is the neo liberal west destroying itself but like you said peter its russias fault its chinas fault everyone elses fault thats whats this this is what theyre doing to themselves theyre theyre destroying their own society that they have built and theyre doing it in an incredible unbelievable fashion you know and what i find really in standing you know alice cooper used the word woke and woke me is here but you know theres no real reflection on the part of these elites and say much of the world would like to have traditional western values in their own lives and mostly ok they strive for it and the west is actually committing. A form of political and cultural suicide i think its the rest of the world envied what would be traditional European Values going it 7 doing it all the personal level i mean who is concerned the war without the west german president you know. Well let me remind you of that day it was mr started mild who was supposed to guarantee they greenman to between the ukrainian opposition and president general on that point if february 2014 and that position just one that had an old kid in policeman burning their. Body. In ukraine and we started my didnt say why. Worked people from their position basically breaching this agreement and then in 2 years mr porter goss said we just lost these documents that mr bush started going to become find it anyway in my in my office so and this man is now a bad enough so that you asked china and russia make it was more dangerous and hes saying that we just called it germany is prepared to become more involved including militarily when they read it my 1st reaction wasnt jonah 9 domke it north militarily please you know you already bought in of all military to yugoslavia for the 1st time since 945 german soldiers were on the foreign oil in yugoslavia in 1999 your gold in a vault in afghanistan militarily stalled doing it you know what we need is the last of you would not war over you if i had a question you really want to jump in so were going to go i dont. Want to go just walk us because thats an important aspect because the problem now under this new law liberal policy is the reason its destroying the west its also alecs of the mcwhirter others because neither the political left or the right can do what they want their actual political objectives are on the left they want to redistribute wealth on the right they want to preserve traditional values and reproduce community however what people now notice after 30 years theyre starting to realise well why do we have this growing economic inequality also why all this Mass Immigration we cant reproduce traditional communities why do we have to have multiculturalism why come to unite under Common National culture but now theyre noticing if you wont like how did this political system coming place who authorized it and now that theyre trying to complain theyre actually told well how dare you youre challenging our core liberal values on who are you to complain your why you are a man but you are but here whose values are these are values the leats that never suffered the consequences of their policies you know that thats what it noised me so when you go back to alex here alex you know one of the things that i really you know they did. Of the populace in all this you know these people are dissenting and that is a right to dissent ok that is a western ideal value and i dissent all of the time but if you dissent in europe then somehow youre a deviation ist youre youre youre creating problems youre youre breaking within our norms ok no the norms were decided by somebody else not by the people go ahead alex yeah i mean the real title of this conference peter should be an attack on the nation state an attack on sovereignty its an attack on nationalism we saw it took greggs it took the u. K. And brags it 3 years to finally get out were seeing now that theyre about to put salvini in prison in italy to stop him from gaining power and winning in a democratic fashion this is what this caucus is all about they dont know what people to feel like theyre a part of their country of their nation and so were going to do is begin to poll lula on him right you know lock him up and there is and the funny part about all of this we all saw the Scandinavian Airlines commercial did we not that is a perfect example of how they feel about themselves that commercial that hit you tube and hit the airwaves and was criticised by everybody in scandinavia because they felt absolutely disgusted at the fact that the National Carrier the National Carrier was not proud of their own people their own culture their own heritage that is what is going on here thats what this concept is about is about destroying europe its about destroying what the west was all these decades you know glenn you know any great civilization collapse when it loses faith in itself and in this is essentially whats happening here its as if you know you know theyre there ideology is failing that means the people must be wrong and the people must be educated in reeducated until they accept these values until theyre grafted on and thats not going to happen thats why we have dissent in europe. And thats why this liberal. Internationalist movement very much they are democratic liberals that is they push to liberalism but doesnt have the liberal liberals. The liberals the people are opposing them the populists there are rather democratic. Liberal democrats so there are looking to challenges but its but its also interesting that this destruction of the state which is the nation as well which is why you dont see russia buying this either because theyre already been through this to have the marxist the marxist do the same to save the nation state is nonsense your National Culture is nonsense your religion is nonsense lets just you know transitional this and create this wonderful communist man or western man who is elevate the beyond just possibly on Community Based on anything else but the credit values and human rights to some and you know it turned out even more care was a horrible thing another trying to recreate the community. The c. S. A. Doing the same things you after theyve fractured it so much ok they want to see if they can put it back together again no i dont give these people a 2nd chance fema go ahead you know i agree with the glare on that these are your g. s basically that it terry and there are many things that make it. Also true there that if there are a nationalist i did argue it would just let me remind you of some of the wars that these people you know that they quote pariah state failed state you know. Normal state and what do we here at this conference from the french president to be you to europe or to moral all we can all be controlled by the United States all of our structure infrastructure our ports can all be all by the chinese and all Computer Networks can all be under russian pressure and of course what is it if nor do you know for just bew were. Very good to do you cant how big you cant be xena vocal but then pursued globalist policy. Make up your mind or go do one with these people you can because what they do is but is notice they shout at socalled populists at socalled nationalists you know when these people say you know we want basically our culture preserved but these people are very pretentious for russia china any big country that can rival they are globalist project you know potentially can rival it and the gist of this conference was how bad these populists are and theyre just ready to come out and say were sort of. Look at the article on our website the existential angst over westerners by hadnt been used here but she says that focused parties have rising up in the aftermarket over the mess made by the liberal international or that good thats exactly ok were going to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion and some real new state with r. T. Com its perfect. For. The. I cant show you my face but im going to tweet you must during the 9093 this was sentenced to death. They could charge to the capital murder even though he did. You have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody magic living in your back for the week with the center for 23. I doubt that had to be. Confined within 4 gray walls he finds using. To help him to leave dents room. Welcome back across town where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle 2 months were discussing some real news. Ok lets go back to alex and things well lets talk about the dual dual Justice System in America Roger stone could die in jail im pretty sure hes going to get pardoned but andy mccabe will continue with his high paying job at c. N. N. And they have something in common alex theyre both were charged or it was proven that both of them lied but one lives the good life ones going to rot in prison do it justice. Yeah this was you know this was no coincidence that the mccabe news was announced right after the roger stone thing went down i think that its all out war in the Justice Department peter theres no doubt about it and i think actually now going after bar we were talking about the democrats saying that they now want bar impeached getting rid of barr once again stops the russia gate investigation stops his durban best occasion into investigating the investigators we know that durham is widening the net and hes closing in hes brand in hes komi its really ramping up the durham investigation and i think there is real panic in d. C. These real panic on the democrat side real panic from the state and so i think this whole mccabe thing this whole stone think is a way to get at barton try to get him out of it thats all you know its really interesting is that you know they want there it looks like they want to impeach barr i mean these the left isnt very nuanced anymore you know what you see when youre really worried when you panic impeach ok. This is got going this is gone down i mean you can find fewer probably the one of the best issues that shows the difference in the media culture in the United States about roger stone i know a lot about roger stone and i think alex would agree with me hes a political prankster hes an operator hes a braggart i mean he thinks a lot of roger stone all of us that have watched politics over the years from the can the conservatives like you know all about roger stone all right and hes not a danger to society nor to himself all right but hes been turned into a poster child but they need they need to put him in jail because that will vindicate the russia gate hoax thats why they wanted to go ahead and i think this is a one of the big dangerous United States polarising which is in the ones interest now that its the left or right. Drifted so far apart you see this spilling over into the Judicial Branch as well so as we see in many cases of this before if we come back to the cabin our hearings for example that was. Disgraceful in terms of how politics is now and this coming from both sides. But probably more in the hall from the left because they also see it was a sentence for lying but if you look on the if you look at people of john brennan and you had. All of this were caught lying under testimony and what happened what they know they now have high paying jobs you know sitting on different leftwing t. V. Channels and not just from c. N. N. To mess mysie so it is it seems slightly selective that they would only go after roger stone and and of course this trial was also a bit absurd i mean thats a bar point out there the head of the jury foreman your 4 sort of foreman there she was fiercely. Hated roger stone who was even tweedy could be very open about of. You know usually that would lead to a mistrial or something but its the best point you brought up really like this. Here is that. When you have the Justice Department so overtly politicized youre in and youre in a bad place youre live very place here in whats more so is that you have half the country enraged by this and when you have the liberal news outlets praising the mccabes in villainize thing the roger stones of the world that youre playing with dynamite well its not the only example i mean look at these socalled whistle wars this is not a good mother good point absolutely there is this alexander. Did anyone expect him to have a new trouble you know when he came out with this statement that you know papers were a lie. In the eyes in prison he was a hero and his family will split on the protection over military ways. Compare it to what happened to Julian Assange and compare it to what happened to Edward Snowden and its not only internationally see man 8 is. Still absolutely its still its still its not only the United States. Peter problems you know this is a guy who knew what his. Red square was lionized by the western media when he acted in russia no 1st he was put in jail when he was set on fire the bank fronts you can set on fire there for us in moscow but dont do it to the bengal frogs no he was put in jail for the 2nd time because he exposed skin did it for that matter paris and how did they do it suddenly all the french newspapers remembered that he was challenged by putin for doing something bad to an actress in russia 2 years ago they said it was a whole you know it was slanderous you know which was just trying to put poverty in ski in jail now theyre remembering it because of the need to put a human shield in you that pretext basically they followed on pretext that there was a brawl a bold more than a month ago will suddenly they remember that and they this was used as an excuse for arresting him but they will get arrested him off the Prime Minister of france and after the minister of interior said that the socalled artist was bat. Pardon is in the cards i think for sure ok i dont know about man for i think that for roger stone and its quite appropriate in his going is already pointed out that the trial was less than pristine here its time to wrap this up to people say rumpel pay a political cost hes already paying that cost every single day i see 0 downside for him to do it go ahead. And i think youll actually wait till after the elections when. When he does it where i think hes position now to win in a landslide peter i think bringing up manifold is actually really good because outside of the cape stone issue it was the same judge that was there in the matter for it case and lets not forget who matter ford worked with and i mean literally worked away the pedestrian rather going around free exactly exactly such another example of the dual Justice System i mean these guys literally Work Together in ukraine one guys in prison one guys running around europe visiting museums buying expensive are drinking wine all kinds of things so thats a do it Justice System there trump is going to win in a landslide the dems are panicking the swap is panicking bernie is attacking them from the left theyre trying to deal with bernie as well and trying to knock him out as well and smearing am and who are they now propping up Peter Bloomberg whos going to be bloomberg running mate Hillary Hillary clinton. And both it is a hero by the way brad pitt is making speeches at the oscars about how both inside hero we get clowned world. Probably so it will be Michael Bloomberg and jeff bezos a good beat you know thats thats the logical and you know i mean i think the you know i think the heartland the red states theyre going to draw the obvious conclusion that. The d. N. C. Radiant in favor through technical means and strategies but this time around theyre just going to buy it ok theyre going to tempted just to buy the election here and were going to do it quite openly with you know with a straight face because its for the greater good ok how is it good how is you know its always the left you know that we hear is that theyre the ones that are great protectors of democracy you know theyre the ones that are shredding it if you cant win by the election theyre telling people and people on the left think thats a right you should do that this is really hurting institutions and the ethos of democracy about this is. This are the on the mic. Radical liberals fighting against democratic. Electoral its. Popular so this is also the problem if you want to come up with a recipe how for the democrats to lose you know that this would pretty much be a dog bring Hillary Clinton with a bill in there and then talk to demolish your own leading frontrunner which is bernie sanders. And its just and you know weaponized the Judicial Branch just got off to. Just what else could you possibly do in order to ensure the trumps going to win and again i dont think its a very good precedent in the many many ways so i think i would like to see some months of a much better caliber of their vote. But i dont know if this was a cartoon character idea but you know i mean its these people are liberal liberals they like to talk about impunity you know you dont want to put sanctions on russia its going to be beauty well they did it. Again she did it take you know the d. And c. Is doing it again to this the 2nd time when theyre all the same outlets are used and no one is punished this is impudent you know were talking of all the lies you know were talking about roger stole. People call a lot of weapons of mass destruction in iraq did anyone over them get by and it is because of these people that forth was going to marry going to sort of similar until the financial crisis of 2008 who got punished for that separate the middle class and for the same in a general information. Basically there was a lot of wrong information it worked let me go back to alex here going to rapidly running out of time here i mean it just a number of issues weve talked in this part of the program it really shows how everything is a tinderbox right now because its patently obvious that people are using power in i will this ill say it in a moral way is for their own betterment here i mean the mccain. Comparison is so galling and its so obvious to so many people go ahead alex. Yeah i mean its also obvious to bar isnt it peter main bar had to go outside of the d. O. J. To figure out what happened with Michael Flynn thats how much faith the bar has in his own Justice Department which i think everyone now is starting to realize its falling apart its infested infested with partisanship with swamp creatures as trump would call them and were looking at all out war bar doesnt even trust his own Justice Department to deal with flynn and now hes trying to deal with stone meanwhile we have mccabe Walking Around free we have lisa page tweeting out pics drinking wine saying congrats and whatever she said i mean its right in front of our debates here but no alex. Just a last few seconds here i think we have to say in all fairness trump isnt helping bar out by his random tweets there and you know and there should be more of a united front there let bar do his job bar said 20 seconds go ive already said it and are said it ok real quick well i think that basically a bar its very interesting what the quote all we have here you know the democrats are taking him for basically openly pointing out whats in his ideas on religion which were conservative and for doing his job will he what is he doing thanks them already spending is not unwarranted youre being used as a sarah get to go after trump its really quite obvious argument thats all the time we have here many thanks to my guests here in moscow and in athens and thanks to our viewers for watching us here or if you see you next time remember cross nationals. What politicians do you should. Put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. Some want to be left. To the right. To be close to survival before 3 in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters of how. Precious it. Is youll media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Tyson nation whole community. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. Direct. What is truly wants is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. I 1st heard about wiki leaks you know saw. From the helicopter folks in iraq. I seem to down actually people who knew clinton u. S. Military who have never forgiven for this guys a traitor a treasonous and and he has broken every law United States illegally shoot some of us really historic to have. Independent journalist a guy with his cuter exposing you is a lot of crimes and to a global audience. The idea of developing an anonymous digital top box and applying it to a Media Organization is but he thinks that was a 1st. And didnt go to all interest i think that he would be for a short while old friend and wrong. One of the worlds most powerful news organizations curious im just going to separate founder julian a song you must know your heart and there was a great deal of jealousy in the lame stream towards song from the why wont you be more like off that you seem all mean feces on the walls. Is much. Cleaner. We have julia in solitary confinement in the prison for terrorists a way to perhaps a live person but. I dont want to see him die in the us prison. And i think thats what hes facing. French politicians he granted political asylum to russian artists not demanding he sent back home after his arrest over an instant that brought down a key ally the president. Also this hour russias foreign minister accused the u. S. Of openly creating the conditions to deploy short Medium Range Missiles in europe and asia he does welcome the french president s proposal to discuss arms control with moscow and an advisor to the u. K. Government resigns after a backlash over his extreme themes on rights and eugenics to come people in the african nation of ghana dying of cancer and other to rethink diseases as the west uses it as a dumping ground for electronic whats

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