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This one was anything but peaceful. Night. Mr yanukovych which im an american im an outsider to the situation and its very complicated but i would like as a as a filmmaker just to jump into the action and go to those moments in november 2013 youre president of the ukraine youve been president for 3 years at this point the country is in bad economic shape very bad you have a trade agreement with russia and now you are seeking to make a better agreement with the e. U. With the European Union and you are negotiating can you bring me to that moment and what youre thinking just sitting at the. Video for the media. Would be pleased to treat that in knots them but them will not. Drop out of the euro because theres a shoot the early numbers not on the loot before. New form. But it does renew. Villepin hoarder. Numb but it knew pretty human we had then the 1st variant that is showing the snatch it in there by the. Very full glare on the silly in your lives you see one night in there on the sea chilly in the house 2 is or was the treat in we are also hold of this in it but it also the whole bit but he isnt here when they are the only partially. Really drew here body on here. But also. I think a customer is not old nor will you know for the one they are but here deities to try to not some of us thought well less at this year. But i see it now because a storm will help deal with it but if you want to use it which you are to National Interests it. Begun when it will rain erase you. So theres no risk of you doing the economy closely so little you can only afford when you can get machine. Bullish throughout committed no since you dont about it im not going to separate them which is almost just going to. Take your will because im. A bazooka user seems to me that what i mean the national t. V. To do is just take it to go where. It got them when that tradition died belongs. Door. Opened up on and you would open a local. Economy but i scored 0. But year your little park and didnt start seeing you put a group close to you. Pretty at them blow. Struck a shelter in a particular well because you can usually is there going to charlotte that has to be good to you will but move to the. North when you dont need to but up let you. Know stripping her water so you would open a new even shellys to spear home. But there are more. Violent clashes erupted in the ukrainian capital kiev fast malls and 100000 people protested against a government decision to delay an Association Deal with the e. U. The tele you are a minister of interior affairs for the ukraine during this period when you were chief of police essentially of the country can you tell me your version of what happened from november protests through february protests. Will do this for sure but lets them go the. Fuck them. But decide. To be as consumers are 70 azza new leader of the Opposition Party fatherland block leader of the opposition nationalist far right Political Parties Vitali Klitschko leader of the Opposition Party. Both e. U. And ukrainian officials said on thursday the suspension of talks on closer ties could be revived after the 2 day meeting but officials said the deal was off the table for. 40. Pro e. U. Protests on the streets of kiev and to their 2nd day the crowd of around a 1000 protesters were joined by the leader of the opposition or any well boxing champion Vitaly Klitschko he called on the demonstrators to maintain pressure on the government after it decided not to sign a major trade deal with the e. U. You go back to kiev the next day after the meeting with merkel. And protests are up at my right can you take me through that period. By the minute the worst with the mutineer ox see. More snow. Yet at the mobil have. To go to. If you want me a. Closer we took appropriate for the little move. A group linked. Up just in the company is also. What you see is little bizarre little micro interest who will release the world will to shift my ground. Robert perry is a longtime investigative journalist based in washington d. C. Best known for his major disclosures about the iran contra scandal in the 1980 s. He is the founder of Consortium News where he has reported extensively on the crisis in ukraine and the forces behind the unrest and in geo is a Nongovernmental Organization how many n. G. O. S are quite legitimate they represent good causes that maybe they help people in a country feed or deal with water problems or deal with various kinds of social problems but there are some n. G. O. S that have become funded by Government Entities and serve more the purpose of that government rather than trying to serve the people that they are sensibly working for one thing we saw in the 1980 s. At that point the Central Intelligence agency had been largely discredited because of the scandals that had been exposed in the 1970 s. But that being years the cia has secretly financed overseas activities of the National Student association but then there came to light a fantastic web of cia penetration so when the Reagan Administration came in there was this concept that instead of having the cia which traditionally would go into these different target countries funding. Theyre Media Funding n. G. O. S funding different political operations that was essentially farmed out to a new Organization Called the National Endowment for democracy which was created in 1903 and it would do pretty much what the agency used to do it would go into one of these countries and it would support various political groups train activists deal with journalists business groups and try to advance u. S. Foreign policy interests sometimes against the interests of the host government the target government and beyond that they received financial and other logistical help from the National Endowment for democracy and other u. S. Agencies that help them training activists working with journalists to get their side presented more favorably they work on things like how do you get traction how do you get things to go viral how do you then use that to generate support for your cause and support was generated with the thought that you know stuff and i had a founder of one of ukraines new media outlets. You throw much good t. V. Knew very well how to make something go viral. It was his notorious Facebook Post on november 21st 2013 that brought the 1st crowds to my dog. Gets in the south of the chickenshits into the book the political world with this. If you dont read the newspaper you are uninformed if you read the newspaper you are misinformed. To deliver your message efficiently enough in the modern world with so many different technologies and means of communications you must embrace them all as the disturbing events of your own my don started on november 21st 20133 new t. V. Channels went on the air and suddenly became stunningly popular in ukraine spill no t. V. November 21st. T. V. 22nd. And a special t. V. For 24 directly from opposition protest these channels went viral supporting the protests and encouraging more and more people to come to my down. To play in your muscle intellectually spittle which slug lets go on the other. Side you let me have them superfluid you. Believe. Me young school 6 not only is the euro. Just weak. In you could. Put you through what. When you feel for you months like a miller was. Just all the ships. Need to be history know what. The conclusion is a mission and i mean. Really. Agree see what i. Mean you still believe in your muscle to go for a walk or need to look at the. Other one up on the. List including the prism of whats about the its just one lithium you business. Not that its out though its just luck. Im going to fulfill the repeated promises of politics to the people i promise to be you know weve all pots. You. Pretty. Pretty good. Now you want to 1st crack that. No. Longer. Call me cut. The link out my you are. Welcome to max keiser financial survival guide. Looking forward to your pension account. Yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain dont let this happen you watch kaiser report. This now for your own problem with not a lawyer. But in your circles want to see. Mean you know. The much for clues a little it made it clear to me when theyre. Fighting good for you here in the sims you have the. Same situation. To be a. Little. Join me every day simon chill and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sport im sure ill see you then. Please. November 30th of 2013 became the 1st turning point of your mind down and one of its most reported and mysterious events the other than you must go. To some with you. When you want. Means thoughts from the world like you are on google though it was you wouldnt them which were to liberals always each are battling a little know what would you know push yeah you more beast no but you do know what some of your names. Are on your chest a motion to the muscle that would give a shit what you thought was not so much the good will but you will know so could you tell us a little bit of us to carry us personal you will teach visiting their quarters with you so but you wont because all. The full slobo was a conscious shame for months so youll talk to schools or country but almost full foci just gets the lot spittle which slow me i will continue to post those who come. Up with some. Dollars spike okola through yup to them as a rule just trust that its wrong. To make use of some of those from. Only a blustering and about the kind of people to come no demonstrable. Motion. After riot Police Attacked Peaceful Protesters with clubs happening in the early paying our eyewitnesses that were there said that the police did hes trying since just going to. What the d. C. Police see it when they be in the. Door theyll put it costs me to who is sure but i mean that can him seal your bill puts you in your committee who is simply mean youre less seal or not will surely put on while you did. The queue of course almost certainly putting in my post and. You will somewhere with focus going to the pub or will some go and get him but the glow of me is thoughts just sit here with him out of it all which can. Coincidentally sergei love again is a close associate to many us politicians. The Security Service of ukraine had evidence that on that night in was in contact with Opposition Leader yatsenyuk where they discussed the clearing of mind on the pretext of installing the annual Christmas Tree news media reported that the riot police cruelly attacked the students peacefully sleeping in their tents but scenes from the event seem to tell a different story it appears that the protesters were waiting for the police additionally there were dozens of journalists and cameramen from all the new public t. V. News outlets prepared to cover the events and most ominously a group of well trained young men arrived to mind on almost simultaneously with the riot police. They infiltrated the crowd and began provocations with insults stones and torches. The right sector in ukraine represents a part of the ukrainian population that has often a favored Fairly Extreme right wing position they had militias that came especially during the may den protests. There were groups that were being shipped into kiev where they would provide the muscle in effect for the demonstrations so the demonstrations went from being relatively peaceful political protests to be increasingly violent the 1st step in a new detective work is to establish a motive. It is now said that sergei lovat skin is held in high esteem by his powerful u. S. Friends. Outraged by what was reported in the news the ukrainian people came out in force on the next day to vent their anger with the police actions. The violence started to take off when. Naturalised was. It is to treat the not so old. T. V. Which were going to do when you put in your new will not. Be. Serious with me. Dont just lease was almost in the premier. Read that i mean your day that i mean now you. Know. I need to. Be just in is the study of the structure because it. Really is a deal more decoy. I mean yeah. I mean the. Spoiling you know. As a failed unmasked as the color revolutions can be an attentive viewer can see subtle patterns and similarities revealing their true nature. To make crowds act as one group they have to be united at the unconscious level the masterminds of color revolutions know this well and have perfected the art. Symbolism is one of the most powerful tools to achieve this and revolutionary political organizations with surprisingly similar names and even more similar logos have appeared time and again almost as omens marking the countries that would be hit by the colored plague next. Theyre often described as being aware and active. When theyre actually trained and radical they are the ones who take the 1st shot literal and metaphorical to transform the peaceful protests into full blown. Their fingerprints can be found everywhere on the map of the color revolutions. Using all the experience of past generations simple but effective tools like catchy sing along and chanting our lord. Well known for exciting the crowd and creating a Group Identity they depersonalize individuals and make them easier to manipulate. Oh were over the lowest look in years. Incidentally one such organization t. V. Received generous donations from the dutch and u. S. Embassies as well as from the Renaissance Foundation and g. A. O. Found it by george soros. I set up a foundation in ukraine before ukraine became independent of russia. And the foundation this me im functioning ever since and through the and the important parts and events now. I like criticism but it must be my way. Did you see any evidence of u. S. Involvement did you feel the presence of the u. S. Just to me i stammered really put a statement in there said you know english thought of me and live. But is well out which in chelsea will not. Just. Be on the slum way done but deals roll up its the issue given you know but ill find it in india or honey but i mean you know as sure as we have a list you know some of it you see im listed we did it in the way that we. Use where. We. Are members of congress were visiting ukraine during that period most famously congressman john mccain so some of the people who were challenging their government their elected government at that point were were being told by a senior u. S. Official a person who ran for president in a top official in the u. S. Congress that the u. S. Was with them or senator john mccain and its always a pleasure to be back in ukraine senator mccain was in a sense giving the people in the maidana feeling that they had the backing of the most powerful country on earth. This is about the future you once or your country this isnt a future you just. Did you had said no hopers allah you know what. We need and what each period you probably do need is someone. Who is sure its that which. Says that. You will be conflict god i mean who is she is the what though it but if you just in is the idea which it is the. Who is that and the end up to be a little bit plus tool in the British Royal commission who issue few to sonia. But here in the british but its the it in your list of the limited yes should tell you. When you what do you want a piece is that in the. Political with the who is your highest level contact with the Us Government in this group yeah. Close within them by them because the president. Just this them to fill in the video would a new deal of doom store this but then by then i would love moore. A new deal a little who is in the us ambassador. Will continue on the putting him well but if they had to name a donna it was to belfast so as to be at the which he was not without some leaders really he says that while us the queer part should lead us to do new english that the social switched up. At that time but its. Just the pay you called will come with not a moon but in your circles one of. The much for the group was a little trip made in one. You. Look. At. The white in good sort of produce youre already in the eastern seaboard you know it seems the trees and cities. That stand. The liberal Corporate Media are fickle they fall in and out of love quickly and often not long ago they were infatuated with bedroom roark now they are smitten by mere feet the media love to drone on about their preferences in the mean time the voters keep their candidates. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids that ask and as a parent. I can come up with a logical argument theres a lot of conflict in the game between the 2 most of the conflict i would say overall is around money and most of them money is made. Close one on the childrens cosimo each other is Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of prison complexes you get some 20 alive where. You dont care anymore nobody cares about you so you dont care about anything. I dont trust medical authority at all ever and the reason for that is i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely alleviated with very drastic dietary measures and i went to a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically laughed at like diet has nothing to do with autoimmune disorders so my suggestion to people who have Health Issues they cant figure out if theyre going to see a medical professional and theyve been going for 10 years and theyre still in the same place they should probably take it upon themselves to Start Testing things out testing out diet testing out exercise and try and figure out things on their own. 7. A whistle blower costs father tom the chemical weapons watchdogs investigation into the alleged. In syria claiming he faced intimidation. Only because it was very easy. Job and his foreign minister talks about a new plan that will and says america is don knotts the global policeman his comments call on the foster the new next security conference. And the man you all know. Was. French president drops out of the paris mail will race following the neat office sex tape. Those are your headlines this column has many want details on

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