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a distance that still existed between the parties that distance existed at camp david at every subsequent negotiation road to return famously wasn't in the core the right of return wasn't there and there were going to in a 2 state outcome you probably have to finesse that but what gerrard has done his has taken this and don't like that he's tried to pull it in a totally different direction and that is intentional because and they're explicit about this they want to reset the terms of reference and in so doing i think they may have put the final nail in the coffin of 2 states because those terms of reference have now become. bantustans. well i mean there's lots of play about the oslo accords. when it comes to this deal what do you make of the personal or particular over that netanyahu stated jared krishna's house i mean basically was it written by netanyahu the deal of the century i think when eventually the stories come out about who this was written by. this is an israeli hand on the pen and not just any israeli hand this is the hands of the more hard line elements inside israel unbelievably ambassador david friedman who is the american. former bankruptcy lawyer for president trump ambassador to israel now ambassador in jerusalem. he was a donor not as a private individual prior to taking up an official role he was a donor to the settlements. i think he is the driving force behind that and in his backroom do not sit seasoned american diplomats professionals well versed in this in his back room writing all his plans of the settler movement and he actually tweeted. thank you dr dori gold for your imput dori gold is a former policy adviser a former official working on the nuts and yahoo iran's hard line institute in jerusalem i once wiped the floor with him in an intelligence squared debate and these are the kind of people who are running the show writing these texts and you can see it when we invade them and of course the current israeli ambassador to britain do today no doubt refute exactly what you're saying but how dangerous is it now for israel's existence because the deal is definitely united the arab world the international community and this comes after a mass unity against trumps ariel killing as as a nation have got some silly money iran's top general the end of it j c p o a is there now a gathering unity against israel no i wouldn't put my emphasis on that afshin. yes we've had the rhetorical condemnation from the arab league and from many other quarters in the world i think yes at a communal popular level this is deeply offensive to many people around the world but let's also be practical i'm not expecting. whether it's arab governments or other governments in europe or elsewhere to take practical measures to hold israel accountable to actively push back against this plan to end the in punitive which israel has enjoyed and which is led to the very situation we're in today ok because a writer money was reputedly carrying a peace plan between saudi arabia and iran the big unity that could presumably really threaten israel reserve we actually just abiding by un resolutions i think that could pose a threat but where i think this is most problematic for israel and where i think the largest threat to israel lies is the following there are just over 6000000 israeli jews and about the same number perhaps a little more palestinian arabs in the areas controlled by israel inside israel itself in the occupied territories in gaza which is still you mentioned the situation in gaza which is basically controlled by israel the airspace that the territorial waters they go in and out israel could make peace with the united arab emirates tomorrow and it wouldn't change the fact that they're on the land and what this dogs by essentially withdrawing the option of a 2 state outcome is it means israel is left with the following choices rolling the dice that the palestinians will forever accept an apartheid reality or you have to expel the palestinians if you want to land which i think is not inconceivable but incredibly risky and ugly. and likely to generate a backlash and against international law but i suppose the only or you go through what is now being teed up which is an anti-apartheid struggle where the palestinians say we can't now have a state you've taken the option of a state which was a huge concession for us you've taken that off the table give us equal rights in the one political space that you have created which i think is now the general may not be the opinion amongst policymakers and think tanks and so on that a one state solution is the only way forward but. amidst all of this. do you think that arab governments are also in danger little in israel as they try and contain their own populations anger against israel or do you think that they the governments continue to think and there has been reports more between israel and saudi arabia they they believe they could tag on to the u.s. and british backed israeli government i think that is the bet that is being placed in many arab capitals the bet that is being placed is. that there is a generational divide the comes into play with this contact with this conflict as well and the bet that's being placed is that those young people do not care about this issue forgotten. and doesn't have the iconoclast extatic that it used to i think that's a misplaced bet over time is this one of the things of that eventually leads us to hitting a tipping point very possibly well if it threatens israel or threatens the arab governments from future arab spring to that might not such a great idea arguably you've also suggested that trump is applying a marxist approach that patton's the contradictions that have been lasting for so long in the region just explain the well i think one of the things the peace process offered was not probably a path to peace but a process that has been over a quarter of century chugging along it offered people a comfortable landing place not comfortable obviously for the not proud as the indians know the palestinians ends of $38.00 more fragile it offered the international community an easy escape route to say we have a peace process of course we're dealing with this issue you strip that away it's the emperor has no clothes this is what trump has done either your with. colonial apartheid project or your with actual freedom for the palestinians the question that israel is dodged all these years of. is this apartheid you're creating are you ready to have a palestinian state and then your key patient or is this permanent inequality that has been answered and now the way to reverse that may not lie in 2 states and now they will have to confront the question do we stick with the trump apartheid plan or do we do something that actually creates a different incentive structure for israel so that's why i think to sharpen the contradictions thank you. after the break 24 hours from the new hampshire democratic primary trump 2020 advisory board member lieutenant steven rogers says no matter who wins new hampshire the democrats have 0 chance of getting that claws into the white house and a perspective from outside the 2 body system in the united states for the green party vice presidential candidates. speak to us from arguable u.s. client state colombia all the more coming on but you have going on the ground. the world is driven by a dream shaped by. the day or thinks. we dare to ask. the holder doctrine eric holder former attorney general under obama this is the. the idea that banks are systemically important they can't be prosecuted because this would be a danger to the society as a whole but what's remarkable is that this idea has bled over into other industries so now boeing has a major scandal on its hand it is claiming that a systemic play important in the law doesn't apply to us other agricultural companies are saying now we're systemically important we're above the law that is leading to bionic laptop or see this becoming a i think it's a stock or c. is the right word it's ruled by the least qualified are now in charge of running the economy and results are obviously catastrophic such as to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. so. and very well now continue watching us and to. welcome back u.s. democrats will be hoping to mars new hampshire primaries don't go it's got a straw for be wrong as last week's i would call kisses but what about the g.o.p. in new hampshire could it make all the difference and all trump trying to stay in the white house joining me via skype from new jersey's lieutenant steven rogers from the advisory board for jump 2020 thank you so much the 10 a for coming all in the how much of a threat is price but he saw it as if he wins new hampshire tomorrow. well bernie sanders is actually more of a threat to the democratic party than for the president of the united states and the g.o.p. look there's no one no one at all in the democrat party was going to defeat donald trump the problem that bernie sanders is facing is a resurgence of extreme left people in his party that consider him too old establishment that such a so ok threat to the g.o.p. a big threat to the democrat party itself yeah i mean son his policy foreign policy adviser matt does he's claiming trump has strengthened my door in venezuela trump is strengthened russia in what he cools and the american hemisphere isn't is actually is a hard left as you make out who is in fact more whole can trump is and trump is a dove well look. i would say that president trump is more of a very balanced leader between a hawk and a dove and i could prove it keep in mind that president trump had many opportunities to use military action against syria raney and he did not we had the incident where the iranians blew up a boat they launch missiles at a u.s. base of the president was very very restrained so that argument that is brought from the left is completely inaccurate we have a president with relation to russia i could tell you that the president at least in my view sees russia as an emerging power and at this time him and lattimer putin have been able to sit down and do a lot of discussion rather than a return to the cold war joe biden is even in the c.n.n. town hall continues to say trump is a russian asset more or less. well of course that's a lot of nonsense and that's politics as usual they have nothing they can pin on the president of the united states look they said that russia was deeply involved in some sort of idea to interfere in our elections it ended up being a hoax russia has been a long time target of people who just seem like they want to always make russia our enemy now we have a president who at the very least is able to sit with the russian leader rather than be an antagonist is that the n.c. basically doing your job for you in what happened as regards his acquittal in the senate as regards the miller inquiry is the d.n.c. the real drum 2020 advisory board. the d.n.c. cannot stop giving us gifts i mean this has been absolutely marvelous what they're doing to help president trump get reelected they have failed every single step of the way now we're trying to figure out what's next whatever is next it will cause a huge surge in the president's popularity look his popularity is now very very high as a result of their ridiculous actions against him in by the way against the american people of course you tool it israel and to stand what do you make of scientists claim that u.s. aid should be leveraged u.s. aid to israel and of course the iran deal should be reinstated well israel has always been a very strong compromising l.-i to the united states israel i don't believe we'll ever see a cut there glued to us they're glued to the united states and we're going to continue to support them and with regard to any disruptions in the mideast israel has been a big partner in helping us stabilize that region ok but hang on israel is a self declared jewish state sond is would be the 1st of a jewish president well doesn't seem like it makes much sense with bernie sanders taking the ucas issues that he's taken but it boils down to politics a politician's will sell their souls. they will do whatever it takes even compromise on very strong principles that this nation has standing upon to get reelected that the magic of donald trump he can't be bought he can't be sold he owes no one nothing the only people he owes is god in the american people you see trump last time around in the early eloquent woods of steve bannon of the state of the union was talking about those people who have suffered under globalization and the death of manufacturing industry i mean they did statistics are the usa has never been more unequal trump for the 1st time the rich is $400.00 families paid an average of 23 percent tax when the bottom hof paid 24.2 percent tax on how the the . and you get to wisconsin and the midwest states if you know democrats can point to the fact there's an exceptional inheritance tax so single people can leave $11000000.00 couples $22000000.00 to their children a lot of these situations that are set up like that have nothing to do with the federal government these are state laws the states each state assembly each of these wonderfully tax cut. well the trump tax cut i can tell you i don't know where they get their information from but i've been around this country and the minorities for example in this state have never never seen boost in their salaries they've never seen tax cuts like they have they've never seen an employment let rate like they have and i myself i've got to tell you i looked up my 41 k. a 2 weeks ago i was stunned over the amount of money that was put into that for one k. and i'm not rich i'm a middle class american so this idea that ok but hang on hang on with that 36000000 americans tonight will not be able to eat a meal they will be able to eat enough to live without federal assistance and what he did was he's making sure that the fraud and the abuse and a lot of people who are actually not qualified for that aid is going to be filtered out their people yes that are unable to eat well you know there are a lot of jobs available i could tell you myself i've seen people who are i'm ready able and body to go to work they want their they have jobs those 36000000 have jobs and 80 percent of us workers live paycheck to paycheck i know let me i think no one can blame trump directly for all of this because it was the remarkably similar under the obama administration of course well keep in mind this is you're right these are years and years and years of policies that haven't worked it's not that look rome wasn't built in a day right so the president is trying to advance policies that will address those issues this guy's compassionate he gets it he understands there are a lot of problems in this country but yes what the united states congress has a lot of power they have not addressed this way way before president trump has been elected so hopefully we'll be able to address those issues moving forward why do you think trump tweets more about but he sont is than than any other candidate arguably. well you know it's i been asked that question many many times you know a lot of it's your worst i could tell you is a fine guy but look the president will take anyone on and he's going to win whether be bernie joe biden or whoever and just back to foreign policy the other candidates apart from sondra known to have supported previous wars but as i was saying when he signed his supported the war in yugoslavia war in afghanistan funding for the war in iraq trump he campaigned against wars before he became president and yet it's gone trump who assassinated in the rain in general catalyzing an attack on u.s. soldiers it's all a trump who dropped the biggest conventional bomb in history on afghanistan it's stone trump of seeking regime change in venezuela bolivia and other countries. and it's donald trump who has prevented a major major regional war in the mideast by being very very restrained worth regard to a lodging any military action against iran and were very guard to the general it wasn't a military general real generals don't kill their own people this guy was a terrorist the president absolutely without any doubt kept his word he would go after any terrorist anywhere on the face of the earth and he did so he has a president who i believe is a peace president not a war president obviously hearing in government denies that the tennesseean rogers thank you well for a different perspective i'm joined now via skype from cali in columbia by former green party vice presidential candidate a job over aka john a welcome back to going underground new hampshire tomorrow is the d.n.c. basically now at all out war against bernie sanders to try and destroy him after iowa where you know it seems like it many people are very suspicious about what unfolded in our or be connected to the efforts to undermine him senators coming from various elements of the of the corporate press. and favorable. articles coming out related to a senator's ability to do street drama and so many people believe that there is a concerted effort to do whatever is necessary to do not extend to the nomination and i was seems to should write into that playbook the thing is that some polls show only songes can beat trump what is the democratic establishment got so against him pelosi was clapping for one quite over the self-styled the leader of venezuela but even some of his own foreign policy man matt dust has been saying regime change is needed in venezuela and it's on his record as for supporting war in yugoslavia or afghanistan backing funding. for the war in iraq why the democrats against bernie sanders because the democratic establishment they understand one concept in our concept is power in the knap appeared to surrender the party to the center send his forces even if it means. losing to donald trump they're not really that concerned about who sits in the white house and more concerned though about maintaining control of their party and as you said returns a real policy. differences aren't that. that much i mean you look at the policies with little while for example when both parties seem to be committed to a regime change you saw the response in the at the state of the union when the fake president was was introduced so it boils down to the whole issue of who controls the major parties and the major parties are still controlled by those elements of the transnational bush was think i should just say the baby why though isn't self-styled the you recognize him as the president of venezuela boris johnson met him in london just recently but income inequality has it it worst on record in the united states right now and yet liberal candidates like beat as shad and that alone tainted candidates are going to be like joe biden this still running what does it say about the democrats that any of those people can still get votes in these primaries let alone maybe some of them win in the florida primary is that the narrative of the democratic party and the reality is that people are are living our net have not converged and that's why a candidate like bernie sanders the so so much of a threat to those neo liberal forces because he is he is personifying and articulating a message. that does says that all is not fine in the end the us republic is interesting that biden and booted jets they have a message very similar to what was delivered by donald trump the other night and that is that everything is fine in the republic that the working class is doing just great but bernie sanders and his message is is to contradict that and that's why he is seen as such a major out of logical threat to the democrats and really to the political and economic order week a they told us in 2016 that kind of things that are being done to sondra this campaign what do you expect this time around they're already sound as people saying that the app in iowa was somehow suspicious what do you think they're going to do just as this time and i should also say their letters now on twitter showing how close sanders was to the soviet union apparently well i've been warning people for quite some time that even the concerted effort to undermine the ability of donald trump to to govern is going to pale in comparison to what will be directed abroad of senators so i expect for him to get it for it to be much more orderly expect for there to be a coalescence of the ruling class elements of that has as a major and primary objective to denying bernie sanders the nomination so we're going to see all kinds of dirty tricks all kinds of of reports emerging that will paint bernie sanders as a a commune is an enemy of the people and you name it so it's all out to undermine bernie sanders including cutting deals with people like elizabeth warren . thank you pleasure that's it for the show will be back on wednesday 21 years since former us president clinton was acquitted on 2 articles of impeachment buggering obstruction of justice until then don't forget to continue to go on social media and subscribe to going underground on you tube. it's kind of financial survival job today with the money laundering 1st to posit this cash in the 3 different. oh good this is a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up here maybe something in your something in america something overseas in the cayman islands or do we do all these banks are complicit in the tough talk or say we just after didn't call and say hey i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did well we've got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry how about. bill again for max hey you know what money laundering is highly illegal don't be a close watch guys record. we're being told there is a war being waged in america about the destiny of the country and the world indeed the washington political establishment and their donor minions as well as the media want to destroy trump but don't be fooled by partisanship is alive and well. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok. it's really hard there are no jobs and you see the kids that ask and as a parent. i can come up with arguments and there's a lot of conflict within the game between the teams most of the complex i would say overall is around money and most of them money is made. close one on each other's. children is good business the state of california alone makes $6000000000.00 a year of the prison complex just to get some 20 alive where. you don't care. anything. angela merkel's designated successor announces she won't now run for the chancellor ship the middle growing scandal over her party's pact with the right wing alternative in germany. with the death toll from the coronavirus epidemic climbing to more than $900.00 worldwide we look at how russia is taking precautions to stop the spread. of disturbing images the shared with us by a palestinian family a 14 year old boys left in a coma after being shot in the head with a rubber bullet by israeli defense forces. is one of many tragedies in our town every time a child becomes a victim people are terrified. and while this year's oscar winner celebrate their success concerns.

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